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Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

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Enhanced catalytic performance of Zr modified CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for T

methanol and DME synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation
Shoujie Rena, Xiao Fana, Zeyu Shanga, Weston R. Shoemakera, Lu Mab, Tianpin Wub,
Shiguang Lic, Naomi B. Klinghofferc, Miao Yud, Xinhua Lianga,*
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, United States
X-Ray Science Division, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, IL, 60439, United States
Gas Technology Institute, 1700 South Mount Prospect Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, United States


Keywords: Zirconium (Zr) modified CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 (CZA) catalysts with different aluminum (Al) and Zr contents were
CO2hydrogenation synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The synthesized CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 (CZZA) catalysts were
Methanol comprehensively characterized and studied for methanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation. The CZZA catalyst
Dimethyl ether showed the highest methanol yield of 12.4 % at 220 °C and 2.76 MPa with an optimized catalyst composition of
CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 (CZZA)
Cu/Zn/Zr/Al (atomic ratio) at 4:2:1:0.5. The CZZA catalyst showed better activity than that of the CZA catalyst
and a superior stability for methanol synthesis. There was no decrease in the BET surface area and very little
coke formation for the spent CZZA catalyst, after 300 h of methanol synthesis. Bifunctional catalysts, composed
of CZZA and HZSM-5, were investigated for dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis directly from CO2 hydrogenation,
and a maximum DME yield of 18.3 % was obtained at a reaction temperature of 240 °C and a pressure of
2.76 MPa. The stability of the bifunctional CZZA and HZSM-5 catalyst during the DME synthesis also sig-
nificantly improved, as compared to that of the CZA and HZSM-5. A significant decrease in the BET surface area
and an increase in coking on the spent CZZA catalyst were observed after 100 h of DME synthesis, indicating a
detrimental effect on CZZA stability when a HZSM-5 catalyst was present. The changes in structural properties
(e.g., BET surface area and crystallinity) and coking for HZSM-5 could be responsible for the deactivation of the
bifunctional catalyst.

1. Introduction CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 (CZA), which has high activity [14–16]. This catalyst
is also the primary choice for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and has
Dimethyl ether (DME) has been considered to be a promising al- been investigated during the last several years [11,14,17,18]. Although
ternative fuel and an important intermediate chemical used for the good activity has been achieved, the stability of CZA for CO2 hydro-
production of other chemicals, such as methyl acetate [1,2]. The cata- genation has not been sufficient [19–22]. Due to the hydrophilic
lytic conversion of syngas (CO and H2) to DME has been widely in- property of Al in the CZA catalyst, water generated in CO2 hydro-
vestigated during the last decade and a good yield has been achieved genation to methanol and reverse water gas shift reactions can be ad-
[1,3,4]. Due to its extensive availability and a motivation to reduce sorbed onto the catalyst, which will reduce the activity. Large amounts
green-house gas emissions, CO2 has been selected as a building block in of produced water could accelerate catalyst deactivation. To improve
producing useful chemicals and fuels [5–10]. CO2 hydrogenation with the stability of the hydrogenation catalyst, particularly with respect to
H2 to produce DME is becoming of increasing interest to researchers water resistance, some promoters, such as Fe, Pd, and Zr have been
[11–13]. Compared to DME production from syngas, production with investigated [23–26]. Zr, as a structural promoter, can prevent the
CO2 involves a reverse water gas shift reaction, as a side reaction, as aggregation of CuO and ZnO, and favor the dispersion of CuO, thereby
well as CO2 hydrogenation to methanol and methanol dehydration to improving the structural properties of catalysts [27,28]. Li et al. [29]
DME. synthesized Zr doped catalysts and investigated the stability of the
A conventional catalyst used for methanol synthesis from syngas is catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2. The Zr doped catalysts

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Liang).
Received 31 May 2019; Received in revised form 24 October 2019; Accepted 8 November 2019
2212-9820/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

showed an excellent tolerance against water vapor. It was also pointed solutions (total metal concentration of mixed aqueous at 0.1, 0.4, 0.7,
out that Zr could prevent the crystal growth of CuOx and reduce the and 1.0 M) and aqueous sodium carbonate solution (0.1, 0.4, 0.7, and
irreversible deactivation of catalysts. 1.0 M) were used for catalyst synthesis and denoted as CZZA-x, in which
Solid acid catalysts are generally used for methanol dehydration. In x stands for the concentration of solutions (the same concentrations of
direct CO2 hydrogenation to DME, bifunctional catalysts composed of nitrates and sodium carbonates) used for catalyst synthesis.
hydrogenation catalysts (e.g., CZA) and solid acid catalysts (e.g., HZSM- Bifunctional catalysts were prepared by physically mixing CZZA
5 or γ-Al2O3), which are similar to those used for syngas conversion to powder and HZSM-5 powder. CZZA-0.1 was used for all experiments,
DME, have been investigated [20,22,30–32]. However, detrimental except when testing the effects of precursor concentration. For a cata-
interactions, such as an ion exchange between hydrogenation and de- lytic activity test, 0.5 g of CZZA powder and 0.5 g of HZSM-5 were used
hydration catalysts, have been reported and the presence of water could for bifunctional catalyst preparation. For a HZSM-5 loading test, bi-
enhance this undesirable effect. Catalyst deactivation and low product functional catalysts were prepared by fixing CZZA powder at 0.5 g and
yields have been significant challenges in the industrial application of varying HZSM-5 from 0.1 g to 0.5 g. In order to determine the deacti-
bifunctional catalysts [20,21,32]. vation mechanism of CZZA and HZSM-5 in DME synthesis, the bi-
Zr promoted catalysts have shown an improvement in CO2 con- functional catalyst used for the stability test was prepared by physically
version to methanol. However, in direct DME synthesis from CO2 by mixing pelletized CZZA (40–60 mesh) and HZSM-5 (40–60 mesh).
bifunctional catalysts, the methanol dehydration reaction produces a
significant amount of water, in addition to the water produced by CO2
hydrogenation to methanol and the reverse water gas shift reactions. 2.3. Catalyst characterization
There have only been a few reports about the effects of Zr modified CZA
catalysts on the activity and stability of bifunctional catalysts in DME Nitrogen adsorption and desorption of catalysts was determined by
synthesis from CO2, and the deactivation mechanism of bifunctional a Quantachrome Autosorb-1. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)
catalysts composed of Zr-modified CZA and HZSM-5 was not fully un- method was used to calculate the specific area of samples in a relative
derstood. In this study, we modified a CZA catalyst by Zr and tested the pressure range of 0.05–0.25 of nitrogen adsorption and desorption
activity and stability for CO2 conversion to methanol and DME. The Zr isotherms.
loading and Al loading in the catalyst were optimized. A long-term The reducibility of a CZZA catalyst was determined by hydrogen
stability test for methanol and DME synthesis was conducted to de- temperature-programmed-reduction (H2-TPR) analysis, which was
termine the effect of Zr on catalyst stability. The spent catalysts were performed using a Micromeritics Autochem II 2920 (Micrometritics
also characterized to reveal the deactivation mechanism of the cata- Instrument Corporation) under the following conditions: 25 mg sample,
lysts. 10 % H2-Ar, with a flowrate of 20 mL/min, and heating rate of 10 °C/
2. Materials and methods NH3 temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) was per-
formed with a Micromeritics Autochem II 2920 using the following
2.1. Materials procedures. A 100 mg sample was pretreated at 350 °C, with a He flow
of 30 mL/min for 1 h, and then cooled to 50 °C. Ammonia (5 % NH3/
A Zr-modified CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 (CZZA) catalyst was synthesized by He) was introduced into the catalyst for 60 min at 50 °C. After that, the
the co-precipitation method. The precursors, including copper nitrate sample was flushed with helium for 60 min to remove weakly adsorbed
(Cu(NO3)2 ·3H2O, 99 %), zirconium dinitrate oxide hydrate (ZrO NH3 and, then, the temperature was programmed to increase to 700 °C
(NO3)2·xH2O), 99.9 %), zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2·6H2O, 98 %), aluminum at a rate of 10 C/min. The amount of ammonia in the effluent was
nitrate (Al(NO3)3·9H2O, 98 %), and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3, 99 %), measured by TCD and quantitatively calibrated by NH3 pulses.
were purchased from Alfa Aesar (USA) and used to synthesize the CZZA The metallic copper surface area, copper dispersion, and particle
catalyst. Ammonia-ZSM-5 (molar ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 = 23:1, with a size were determined by performing N2O-chemisorption using a
surface area of 425 m2/g) was purchased from Alfa Aesar and used as a Micromeritics Autochem II 2920. The catalyst was first degassed at
precursor for the dehydration catalyst. Before being used, the ammonia- 250 °C for 2 h in pure He, then reduced at the same temperature for 2 h
ZSM-5 was calcined at 500 °C for 5 h to obtain HZSM-5. Admixed gas of in 10 % H2 in He. After the reduction, pure He was used to cool down
CO2 and H2, with a volume ratio of 1:3, was purchased from Airgas Inc. the catalyst to 50 °C. Then, gas was changed to a mixture of 1 % N2O in
(USA), and was used as feed gas for reactions. He to start N2O-chemisorption. The stoichiometry of Cu:N2O was as-
sumed to be 2:1.
2.2. CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 synthesis and bifunctional catalyst preparation The textural structure and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns
of fresh and spent catalysts were determined by a Philips X'Pert PRO
The co-precipitation method was used to synthesize a CZZA catalyst PW3050 X-ray diffractometer, equipped with a Cu Kα radiation and a
[22]. A certain amount of metal nitrates (copper nitrate, zinc nitrate, graphite generator. The tube voltage and the current were at 45 kV and
zirconium nitrate, and aluminum nitrate) were mixed and diluted with 40 mA, respectively. The scan range was 20–90°, with a scan rate at
deionized (DI) water to a final volume of 500 mL. The aqueous solution 0.5°min-1. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was performed by using
of mixed metal nitrates and an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate the 9-BM beamline of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National
were simultaneously added dropwise into 400 mL of preheated DI water Lab, USA.
(65−70 °C), under vigorously stirring at 400 rpm. The temperature was Images of reduced catalysts and spent catalysts were taken by a FEI
kept at 65−70 °C and the pH value was kept at 6.5–7.0 during the co- Tecnai F30 TEM, operated at 300 kV, to determine the microstructure.
precipitation process. The pH value was immediately adjusted to 7.0 by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was used for element
an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate at the end of co-precipitation. mapping.
Precipitates were then aged at 70 °C, for 30 min under vigorous stirring Coking content of spent catalysts was determined by a TA
at 400 rpm. After aging, the precipitates were filtered under reduced Instruments Q50 thermogravimetric analyzer. In order to remove
pressure and rinsed several times with warm DI water. Next, the cata- moisture and absorbed CO2, catalysts were first heated to 100 °C, at a
lyst (solid residues from filtration) was dried in an oven, at 110 °C heating rate of 10 °C/min, and kept at 100 °C for 60 min, with a N2 flow
overnight, then calcined in air at 400 °C for 4 h, at a heating rate of rate of 100 mL/min. Then, the catalyst was heated to 1000 °C at the
2 °C/min. To investigate the effects of precursor concentration on cat- same heating rate with air (100 mL/min) to determine the coking
alytic performance, different concentrations of mixed aqueous nitrate amount.

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

2.4. Catalytic testing of methanol and DME synthesis Cu/Zn/Zr/Al atomic ratio of 4:2:1:0.5 has the highest Cu surface area
and Cu dispersion, but the smallest Cu particle size. Increasing Al
The activity of the synthesized catalysts was tested using a fixed-bed loading slightly decreased Cu surface area and Cu dispersion, while
reactor system as described in our previous reports [22,31]. To evaluate increased the Cu particle size. Decreasing Zr loading to 0.5 or increasing
the catalytic activity for methanol production, the CZZA powder cata- Zr loading to 1.5 from 1.0 also resulted in a decrease in Cu surface area
lyst (0.5 g) was diluted by quartz sand (0.5 g, particle size of 60–120 and Cu dispersion, and an increase in Cu particle size. These results
mesh), with a mass ratio of 1:1. CZZA-0.1 was used for all experiments indicate that Cu/Zn/Zr/Al atomic ratio of 4:2:1:0.5 is the optimal for
except testing the effects of precursor concentration. The catalysts were CZZA catalyst.
reduced at 250 °C for 10 h, with 20 mL/min of pure H2. The reactions The BET surface area and N2O chemisorption results of catalysts
were performed at 200−260 °C, with pressure of 2.76 MPa, 6 mL/min prepared by different concentrations are shown in Table 1. Similar to
CO2, 18 mL/min H2, and space velocity of 823 h-1. The long-term sta- the results of specific surface areas, the largest Cu surface area and Cu
bility tests for methanol synthesis were conducted at 220 °C, 2.76 MPa, dispersion, and the smallest Cu particle size were 44.3 m2/g, 18.9 %,
6 mL/min CO2, 18 mL/min H2, and 823 h-1 space velocity. and 4.6 nm, respectively, for the catalyst synthesized with the lowest
A bifunctional catalyst, composed of CZZA and HZSM-5, was used precursor concentration of 0.1 M. This suggested that the low precursor
for DME synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation. The bifunctional catalysts concentration could provide increased Cu surface area and dispersion,
were reduced at the same conditions as those used for methanol and a reduced Cu particle size. Increasing the precursor concentration
synthesis. To optimize the reaction conditions for DME synthesis, re- from 0.1 M to 0.4 M resulted in a significant decrease in Cu surface area
action temperatures of 220−280 °C and pressure of 2.76 MPa were and dispersion and an increase in Cu particle size. With the further
investigated. All reactions were tested with 6 mL/min CO2, 18 mL/min increase of precursor concentration, a slight decrease in the Cu surface
H2, and 472−917 h-1 space velocity, depending on the HZSM-5 area and dispersion and an increase in Cu particle size were observed.
loading. Long-term stability tests for DME synthesis were conducted at Compared to a CZA catalyst, synthesized using the same method [22],
240 °C, 2.76 MPa, 6 mL/min CO2, 18 mL/min H2, and 472 h-1 space the addition of Zr reduced the Cu surface area and Cu particle size,
velocity. The reaction products were analyzed by an on-line gas chro- while it increased Cu dispersion, especially with a low precursor con-
matography (SRI 8610C), as described previously [22]. CO2 conversion centration. This can be explained by the fact that the addition of Zr in a
( XCO2 ), product selectivity (SCO , SMeOH , and SDME) and yield (YCO , YMeOH , CZZA catalyst reduced the Cu content, as compared to that of CZA and,
and YDME ) were calculated using equations described in a previous re- therefore, improved the dispersion of Cu in the catalyst, which led to a
port [22]. decrease of particle size. Meanwhile, due to the lower Cu content in the
CZZA catalyst, compared to that of the CZA, the Cu surface area, per
3. Results and discussion gram of catalyst, was reduced. For a catalyst prepared with a precursor
concentration of 0.1 M, the Cu surface area, Cu dispersion, and Cu
3.1. Catalyst characterization particle size were 59.3 m2/g, 16.3 %, and 5.8 nm for CZA, and 44.3 m2/
g, 18.9 %, and 4.6 nm for CZZA.
Specific surface areas of synthesized catalysts from different pre- Compared to other published results [33–35], our synthesized cat-
cursor concentrations were measured, based on the BET method, and alysts, especially those using the lowest precursor concentrations, had
the results are presented in Table 1. The largest surface area of 109 m2/ good properties, such as high specific surface area, high Cu surface area
g was obtained for a CZZA catalyst that was prepared with a precursor and Cu dispersion, and small Cu particle size. This could be attributed
concentration of 0.1 M. Increasing the precursor concentration, from to the large amount of initial water and low precursor concentration
0.1 M to 0.4 M, resulted in a decrease in specific surface area. When the during the co-precipitation process, which could improve particle dis-
precursor concentration was increased further, the specific surface area persion and reduce precipitate aggregation during co-precipitation
did not decrease any more. Compared to the specific surface area of [22].
CZA (i.e., 128 m2/g for a CZA catalyst prepared with a precursor con- The results of acidity characterization of bifunctional catalysts are
centration of 0.1 M) [22], the specific surface area of CZZA decreased shown in Table S2. The peaks observed for bifunctional catalysts at
with Zr modification. 175−190 °C, 320−330 °C, and 500−520 °C corresponded to weak,
The reducibility of CZA catalysts and CZZA catalysts, prepared by medium, and strong acidic sites. These acidic sites of bifunctional cat-
0.1 M concentration of precursor solutions, is shown in Fig. S1 in alysts were attributed to the presence of HZSM-5. CZZA-0.1 had more
Supplementary Material. The catalysts CZA-0.1 and CZZA-0.1 showed medium acidic sites, as compared to other catalysts, that were prepared
similar H2-TPR profiles, with one single and clear reduction peak. The by high precursor concentrations. However, the weak and medium
reduction peak of CZA was at around 220 °C, while the peak of CZZA acidic sites of these catalysts contributed to over 92 % of total acidity,
was at around 245 °C, which were lower than that of pure CuO [29]. which could be helpful in improving DME selectivity in methanol de-
Compared to the CZA catalyst, Zr loading decreased the reducibility of hydration.
CuO. TEM and HRTEM images were taken and EDS mapping was done to
Cu surface area, Cu dispersion, and Cu particle size of catalysts reveal the morphological properties and atomic distribution of reduced
prepared by different atomic ratios were calculated according to N2O- CZZA-0.1 (Fig. 1a, b, and c). Previous reports identified that Zr im-
chemisorption and the results are shown in Table S1. The catalyst with proved Cu dispersion and reduced the aggregation of Cu clusters [36].
In this study, a TEM image of reduced CZZA-0.1 shows nanoscale
Table 1
particles (ca. 15 nm) with uniform distributions. Crystal fringes, cor-
BET surface area and N2O chemisorption results of CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 responding to Cu (111), were observed and Cu nanoparticles were
catalysts prepared with different concentrations of precursors. dispersed homogeneously in the reduced catalysts. In addition, as seen
from EDS mapping, the elements of Zn, Zr, Al, and O in reduced CZZA-
Catalyst BET surface Cu surface area Cu dispersion Cu particle
area (m2/g) (N2O) (m2/g) (%) size (nm)
0.1 were very well distributed, indicating that these elements were
homogeneously dispersed in the reduced catalyst. These results agree
CZA-0.1 128 59.3 16.3 5.8 well with previous findings [36,37].
CZZA-0.1 109 44.3 18.9 4.6 XRD patterns of a reduced catalyst are shown in Fig. 2a. Diffraction
CZZA-0.4 99 33.7 12.2 7.2
peaks at 43.3°, 50.5°, and 74.1°, corresponding to (111), (200), and
CZZA-0.7 99 33.5 12.1 7.2
CZZA-1.0 101 31.1 11.2 7.7 (220) planes of copper were observed. In addition, diffraction peaks at
31.8°, 34.4°, 36.3°, and 56.6°, corresponding to (100), (002), (101), and

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 1. TEM, HRTEM, and EDS mapping images of reduced fresh CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 catalyst: (a) TEM, (b) HRTEM, and (c) EDS mapping.

(110) planes of zincite were observed. There were no peaks corre- 3.2.1. Effects of Al content in CZZA on methanol synthesis
sponding to zirconium oxides and aluminum oxides, indicating that According to our previous report [22], the optimized atomic ratio of
zirconium oxides and aluminum oxides were either too highly dispersed Cu and Zn for a CuO/ZnO based catalyst was 2:1. In this study, in order
to form very small particles or existed as an amorphous phase in the to investigate the effects of Al and Zr loadings, we fixed the composition
reduced CZZA catalysts. Previous studies pointed out that alloying of Zn of Cu/Zn at a 4:2 molar ratio for catalyst synthesis. Al, as a structural
with Cu could improve CO2 hydrogenation [38,39]. Therefore, we promoter present in a catalyst, can improve the dispersion of Cu and
performed a XAS analysis of both reduced CZA and CZZA catalysts to enhance the synergistic effects between Cu and Zn [42]. The atomic
determine the interaction between Cu and Zn. However, we did not ratio of Cu/Zn/Zr was fixed at 4:2:1 and Al loading varied from 0.5 to
observe any alloyed CuZn. As shown in Fig. 2b and c, there was no 1.5. The catalytic performance of the catalysts is shown in Fig. 3.
significant shift in k space, indicating that Cu was not alloyed with any CO2 conversion increased with the increase in reaction temperature,
other metals in either CZA or CZZA. This could have been due to the while the methanol selectivity decreased. Although increasing the re-
low reduction temperature (250 °C), which could not result in bulk action temperature enhanced the CO2 conversion, the highest methanol
alloy formation [40,41]. yield was achieved at a relatively low reaction temperature (220 °C),
due to the relatively high CO2 conversion and high methanol selectivity
3.2. Catalytic activity for methanol synthesis at that temperature. At reaction temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C, CO2
conversion decreased when the Al loading increased from 0.5 to 1 and,
Fig. S2 shows the effect of space velocity on CO2 conversion, me- then, increased when the Al loading increased from 1 to 1.5. When the
thanol selectivity and yield. CO2 conversion, methanol selectivity, and reaction temperature increased to 240 °C and 260 °C, the amount of Al
yield decreased with the increase of space velocity from 823 to 1235 h- had little effect on CO2 conversion. The methanol selectivity decreased
. This was attributed to the decrease in contact time between reactants with the increase in Al loading. The highest selectivity for methanol was
and catalysts, which resulted in insufficient hydrogenation of CO2. In 64.9 % with an Al loading of 0.5 at 200 °C. Methanol yield also de-
this study, a fixed flow rate of 24 sccm (mixture of H2 and CO2 at a creased with an increase of Al loading. The highest methanol yield was
molar ratio of 3:1) was used for all catalytic activity tests. 12.4 %, with Al loading of 0.5 at 220 °C. In contrast to methanol, the CO

Fig. 2. XRD analysis (a, d) of CZZA and HZSM-

5, and extended x-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS) analysis (b, c) of reduced CZA and
CZZA catalysts in (b) k space and (c) R together
with EXAFS reference spectra of Cu foil. Spent
CZZA_100 h and spent HZSM-5_100 h were
spent catalysts after 100 h of reaction in DME
synthesis; spent CZZA_300 h was the spent
catalyst after 300 h of reaction in methanol

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 3. Effects of Al content in CZZA catalysts on methanol synthesis and equilibrium data at the same reaction conditions: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) MeOH selectivity,
(c) MeOH yield, (d) CO selectivity, and (e) CO yield. Atomic ratios are presented as Cu/Zn/Zr/Al in charts. Equilibrium data were evaluated based on references

selectivity and yield increased with the increase in reaction tempera- reaction temperature, a similar trend of CO2 conversion for different Zr
ture. Increasing Al loading resulted in an increasing trend in CO se- loadings was observed, indicating that Zr loading did not significantly
lectivity and yield. The best Al loading was found to be 0.5 based on impact CO2 conversion. A similar or slight increase in methanol se-
these results. lectivity and yield were observed when Zr loadings increased. At the
lowest Zr loading, the highest CO selectivity and yield were observed.
3.2.2. Effects of Zr content in CZZA on methanol synthesis Increasing the Zr loading to 1, the CO selectivity and yield decreased.
Fig. 4 shows that CO2 conversion increased with an increase in re- Further increasing the Zr loading did not decrease the CO selectivity
action temperature, from 200 °C to 220 °C, and then remained constant and yield. Considering the effects of different Al loadings and Zr load-
when the reaction temperature increased further. The methanol se- ings, the optimized composition of CZZA was Cu/Zn/Zr/Al = 4:2:1:0.5
lectivity was similar when reaction temperatures were at 200 °C and at atomic ratio, which is consistent to the results of N2O chemisorption
220 °C; however, it significantly decreased with the further increase in for CZZA catalysts.
the reaction temperature. Due to the low CO2 conversion, the methanol
yield at 200 °C was lower than that at 220 °C. Methanol yield sig- 3.2.3. Effects of precursor concentration during CZZA synthesis on
nificantly decreased when the reaction temperature increased to 240 °C methanol synthesis
and 260 °C, as compared to that at 220 °C. Similar CO selectivity was The effects of precursor concentration on CZZA catalysts for me-
observed at 200 °C and 220 °C. However, it significantly increased with thanol synthesis were also studied. As shown in Fig. 5a, precursor
the increase in reaction temperature. The CO yield also increased with concentration had no obvious effects on CO2 conversion. However,
the reaction temperature. These results indicated that the optimum precursor concentration influenced the methanol and CO selectivity.
reaction temperature for methanol synthesis was 220 °C. At each The methanol selectivity decreased with increasing precursor

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 4. Effects of Zr content in CZZA catalysts on methanol synthesis: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) MeOH selectivity, (c) MeOH yield, (d) CO selectivity, and (e) CO yield.
Atomic ratios are presented as Cu/Zn/Zr/Al in charts.

concentration, while the CO selectivity increased. There were only obtained in this study.
minor effects on product yield; the CO yield increased slightly by an
absolute value of 1 % (from 7.5 to 8.5 %), with an increase of precursor
concentration from 0.1 M to 1.0 M, while methanol yield decreased 3.3. Catalytic activity for DME synthesis
slightly by an absolute value of 1.3 % (from 12.4 to 11.1 %). These
changes could be attributed to the decrease in Cu surface area, when 3.3.1. Effects of Al content in CZZA on DME synthesis
the precursor concentration increased. As discussed in Section 3.2, the optimized atomic ratio of Cu/Zn/Zr/
To understand the effects of catalyst chemo-physical properties on Al for a methanol synthesis catalyst was 4:2:1:0.5. In order to under-
catalytic performance, we did further regression analysis and plotted stand the effects of Al loadings on catalyst performance, we investigated
graphics to show the relationship between catalytic activity and cata- DME synthesis further. The CZZA catalyst composition had a fixed
lyst chemo-physical properties (i.e., BET surface area, Cu surface area, atomic ratio of Cu/Zn/Al at 4:2:1 and Al loading varied from 0.5 to 1.5.
Cu dispersion, and Cu particle size) in both methanol synthesis and CZZA (0.5 g) and HZSM-5 (0.5 g), at a mass ratio of 1:1, was mixed to
DME synthesis. As shown in Fig. 5b-e, there was no linear relationship form a bifunctional catalyst for DME synthesis.
between catalyst chemo-physical properties and catalytic activity (CO2 As shown in Fig. 6, for all catalysts with different Al loadings, CO2
conversion, methanol selectivity, and yield) at the confidence level of conversion and DME yield first increased with an increase in reaction
90 %. However, Cu surface area, Cu dispersion, and Cu particle size temperature from 220 °C to 240 °C, and then decreased with the in-
weighed more on methanol selectivity (p < 0.2) than those on CO2 crease in reaction temperature from 240 °C to 280 °C. A relatively high
conversion and methanol yield. DME selectivity was observed at 220 °C and 240 °C, indicating that low
We have summarized the literature results of methanol synthesis reaction temperature favored DME selectivity. When the reaction
from CO2 in Table S3 and made a comparison with the best results we temperature increased further, CO2 conversion, DME selectivity, and
yield greatly decreased, which was similar to our observation of DME

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 5. Effects of precursor concentration on (a) methanol synthesis and (b, c, d, e) regression analysis between chemo-physical properties (i.e., (b) BET surface area,
(c) Cu surface area, (d) Cu dispersion, and (e) Cu particle size) and catalyst activity (i.e., CO2 conversion, methanol selectivity, and yield) in methanol synthesis.

synthesis from CO2 using CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 [22]. On the contrary, CO yield than that of 0.5 and 1.
selectivity and yield increased significantly with the increase in reac-
tion temperature. Similar methanol selectivity and yield were observed 3.3.2. Effects of Zr content in CZZA on DME synthesis
at each reaction temperature, indicating that the reaction temperature As discussed in Section 3.2.1, the optimized Al loading was 0.5. We
had no significant effects on methanol production. further investigated the effects of Zr loadings on catalyst performance
Al loading had a significant effect on the CO2 conversion, product for DME synthesis. The CZZA catalyst composition had a fixed atomic
selectivity, and yield. As shown in Fig. 6, CO2 conversion, DME se- ratio of Cu/Zn/Al at 4:2:0.5, and we varied Zr loading from 0.5 to 1.5.
lectivity, and yield decreased with the increase in Al loading, from 0.5 CZZA (0.5 g) and HZSM-5 (0.5 g), at a mass ratio of 1:1, was mixed to
to 1.5, for all synthesized catalysts at reaction temperatures of form a bifunctional catalyst for DME synthesis.
220 °C–260 °C. At 280 °C, CO2 conversion remained similar, with Al As shown in Fig. 7, the amount of Zr affected catalytic performance
loading at 0.5 and 1.0, but greatly decreased when Al loading increased and volcano trends for CO2 conversion, DME selectivity and yield were
to 1.5. DME selectivity and yield greatly decreased, first with the in- observed with an increase in Zr loading at each reaction temperature,
crease in Al loading to 1.0 and, then, remained similar with a further except at 220 °C. The highest CO2 conversion, DME selectivity, and
increase in Al loading to 1.5. The highest DME yield was 18.3 %, with a yield were obtained when Zr loading was 1.0. On the contrary, CO and
CO2 conversion of 26.5 % and DME selectivity at 69.2 %, when the Al methanol selectivity and yield showed reversed volcano trends with the
loading was at 0.5 and the reaction temperature was 240 °C. CO se- increase of Zr loading at each reaction temperature. Low CO selectivity
lectivity and yield increased with the increase in Al loading from 0.5 to and yield were observed with Zr loading of 1.
1 and, then, remained similar, when the Al loading increased further Reaction temperature also had significant effects on CO2 conver-
from 1 to 1.5. Methanol selectivity and yield remained similar, with Al sion, product selectivity, and yield. Our previous study of CZA catalyst
loading at 0.5 and 1, and then increased with an Al loading of 1.5 at performance indicated that the optimum reaction temperature for DME
reaction temperatures of 220 °C–260 °C. At reaction temperature of was 240 °C [22]. Similarly, the optimum reaction temperature for CZZA
280 °C, the Al loading of 1 showed a higher methanol selectivity and was also 240 °C, and the highest DME yield achieved was 18.3 % when

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 6. Effects of Al content in a CZZA catalyst on DME synthesis with equilibrium data at the same reaction conditions: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) DME selectivity, (c)
DME yield, (d) CO selectivity, (e) CO yield, (f) MeOH selectivity, and (g) MeOH yield. Atomic ratios are presented as Cu/Zn/Zr/Al in charts. Equilibrium data were
evaluated based on references [43,44].

the catalyst was composed of Cu/Zn/Zr/Al at 4:2:1:0.5 (atomic ratio). reaction temperature.
The DME yield obtained was higher than those reported in previous
papers [12,22,25]. At reaction temperatures of 220 °C and 240 °C, re-
latively low CO selectivity and yield were obtained, indicating that the 3.3.3. Effects of precursor concentration during CZZA synthesis on DME
low reaction temperature was unfavorable for CO production. Methanol production
selectivity and yield showed a slight decrease trend with the increase in Similar to those of methanol synthesis (discussed in Section 3.2), the
CO2 conversion, DME selectivity, and DME yield slightly decreased with

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 7. Effects of Zr content in CZZA catalyst on DME synthesis: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) DME selectivity, (c) DME yield, (d) CO selectivity, (e) CO yield, (f) MeOH
selectivity, and (g) MeOH yield. Atomic ratios are presented as Cu/Zn/Zr/Al in charts.

the increase in precursor concentration, while the CO selectivity in- We also did a regression analysis and plotted graphics to show the
creased (Fig. 8 a). This could be due to the decreases in the BET surface relationship between catalytic activity and catalyst chemo-physical
area, Cu surface area, and Cu dispersion with increasing precursor properties in DME synthesis. As shown in Fig. 8b–f, the catalytic activity
concentration for CZZA synthesis. Since HZSM-5 in bifunctional cata- in DME synthesis had no significant correlation with the BET surface
lysts can efficiently convert methanol to DME, only a very small amount areas of the catalysts. However, there was a strong linear relationship
of methanol was detected. Methanol selectivity and yield remained si- between catalyst chemo-physical properties (Cu surface area, Cu dis-
milar for catalyst synthesis by different precursor concentrations. persion, Cu particle size, and total acid) and CO2 conversion/DME

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 8. Effects of precursor concentration on (a) DME synthesis and (b, c, d, e, f) regression analysis between chemo-physical properties (i.e., (b) BET surface area, (c)
Cu surface area, (d) Cu dispersion, (e) Cu particle size, and (f) total acid) and catalyst activity (i.e., CO2 conversion, DME selectivity, and yield) in DME synthesis.

yield. At a confidence level of 90 %, the Cu surface area and Cu particle

size had significant effects on both CO2 conversion and DME yield. Cu
dispersion and total acid also had a significant effect on CO2 conver-
sion. These results suggested that the Cu properties (Cu surface area, Cu
dispersion, and Cu particle size) on the catalyst surface and the acidity
of the bifunctional catalyst were critical in determining CO2 conversion
to DME.
The literature results of DME synthesis from CO2, using bifunctional
catalysts, are summarized in Table S4. Compared to these literature
data, our synthesized bifunctional catalyst, composed of CZZA and
HZSM-5, showed a better performance than others. Again, the very
good chemo-physical properties of our synthesized CZZA could be a
major factor contributing to the excellent performance.

3.3.4. Effects of HZSM-5 loading on DME synthesis

The effects of HZSM-5 loadings on catalytic performance were also
Fig. 9. Effects of HZSM-5 loading (i.e., 0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g, and 0.5 g) on DME investigated. Previous studies showed that HZSM-5 loading sig-
synthesis. nificantly affected DME production; the DME production showed a
volcano pattern with HZSM-5 loading, when an optimum HZSM-5
loading was at 50 wt.% of a bifunctional catalyst [45]. However, in this

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

study, HZSM-5 loading did not affect CO2 conversion, as shown in 3.4.2. Catalyst stability for DME synthesis
Fig. 9. HZSM-5 loading had a very small impact on CO and DME se- To further understand the stability of a Zr-modified CZA catalyst for
lectivity. As a result, no significant changes in CO yield, methanol yield, DME synthesis, CZZA was mixed with HZSM-5 to form a bifunctional
and DME yield were observed, even when the HZSM-5 loading was catalyst and tested for 100 h. As shown in Fig. 11, the bifunctional
reduced to less than 20 wt.% of the bifunctional catalyst. This indicated catalyst, prepared by Zr modified CZA (CZZA-0.1) and HZSM-5, was
that the effects of HZSM-5 loading on DME synthesis were not sig- more stable than CZA and HZSM-5, which was similar to the perfor-
nificant when HZSM-5 loadings were between 0.1 to 0.5 g for a short mance for methanol synthesis. After 100 h of reaction, CO2 conversion
reaction time. The HZSM-5 loading could impact the long term stability reduced from 27.1 to 24.1 % for the CZZA plus the HZSM-5 catalyst,
of the catalyst. These results were similar to our observations on DME while CO2 conversion for the CZA plus HZSM-5 catalyst reduced from
synthesis, using a bifunctional catalyst of CZA and HZSM-5 [31]. 26.2 to 22.0 %. After 100 h of reaction, the DME yield reduced from
18.5 to 14.1 % for CZZA plus the HZSM-5 catalyst, and the DME se-
lectivity was still over 58.7 %. These results suggested that Zr mod-
3.4. Catalyst stability for methanol and DME synthesis ification of the CZA catalyst could improve stability, which was con-
sistent with a previous report [49].
3.4.1. Catalyst stability for methanol synthesis
Catalyst deactivation is a major issue in the commercialization of a
catalyst. In previous studies, the CZA catalyst has showed good activity, 3.4.3. Characterization of spent catalysts
but the stability of CZA was still undesirable [14,15,46,47]. The pre- Coking and Cu sintering have been considered as major reasons for
sence of Al in the catalyst made the catalyst hydrophilic, which resulted catalyst deactivation. Previous studies pointed out the presence of
in a decrease in catalytic activity due to water adsorption [48]. In this detrimental interactions, such as migration of metal ions between hy-
study, a Zr-modified CZA catalyst (CZZA-0.1) showed improved stabi- drogenation and dehydration catalysts, which could block acidic sites
lity. After 300 h of reaction, CO2 conversion, methanol selectivity and [20,21,31,32]. To understand the deactivation mechanism of Zr mod-
yield decreased from 20.8 to 20.0 %, from 62.1 to 58.5 %, and from ified CZA catalysts and HZSM-5 during CO2 conversion to DME, the
13.0 to 11.7 %, respectively. In contrast, the CZA catalyst (using 0.1 M spent catalysts used in methanol synthesis (300 h) and DME synthesis
precursor concentration with Cu/Zn/Al atomic ratio of 6/3/1), pre- (100 h) were characterized. Before characterization, the bifunctional
pared in our lab, showed a considerable decrease in CO2 conversion, catalyst used in DME synthesis was separated as spent CZZA and spent
methanol selectivity, and yield (Fig. 10); after 100 h of reaction, the HZSM-5 in order to clearly understand the deactivation of each catalyst.
CO2 conversion, methanol selectivity, and methanol yield decreased As shown in Table 2, after 300 h of methanol synthesis, the specific
from 21.3 to 18.9 %, from 64.9 to 56.8 %, and from 12.8 to 10.8 %, surface area of the spent CZZA was still similar to that of the fresh
respectively. These results indicated that the CZZA catalyst was much catalyst; however, the Cu surface area and dispersion had significantly
more stable than the CZA catalyst. That could be attributed to the hy- decreased, while the Cu particle size had increased. For the spent CZZA
drophobic property of Zr, which can repel produced water away from catalyst used in DME synthesis, the specific surface area had decreased
the active sites of a catalyst and, thus, reduce the opportunity for Cu significantly after 100 h on stream; the Cu surface area and dispersion
oxidation by water [29]. had also significantly decreased and the Cu particle size had increased
for the CZZA catalyst used in DME synthesis. Compared to the spent
CZZA used in methanol synthesis, the spent CZZA catalyst used in DME

Fig. 10. Comparison of catalyst stability between CZZA and CZA for methanol synthesis: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) MeOH selectivity, and (c) MeOH yield.

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 11. Comparison of the catalyst stability of CZZA and CZA for DME synthesis: (a) CO2 conversion, (b) DME selectivity, and (c) DME yield.

synthesis showed a much lower Cu surface area and Cu dispersion, and study, after 287 °C, the curves of the spent CZZA were almost parallel to
larger Cu particle size. These results indicated that the CZZA catalyst those of the fresh catalyst. The weight loss of spent CZZA (after 300 h of
tended to be less stable in DME synthesis, when mixed with HZSM-5. As methanol synthesis) between 287 °C and 900 °C in TGA analysis was
more water was generated in DME synthesis, this could have resulted in only about 0.05 %. For spent CZZA, after 100 h of reaction in DME
hydrothermal sintering of Cu, thereby reducing the Cu surface area and synthesis, the weight loss was about 0.15 % in the same temperature
increasing Cu particle size, leading to the deactivation of CZZA. The range of TGA analysis, which was three times that for the spent CZZA
surface area of spent HZSM-5 also showed a significant decrease, as used in methanol synthesis. This result indicated that more coking
compared to the fresh as-prepared powder catalyst (392 m2/g), which could be formed for the CZZA catalyst during DME synthesis. The
could be one of major reasons for the deactivation of bifunctional cat- methoxy ions were intermediates in the formation of methanol and
alysts. could also be intermediates in the formation of coke precursors [52].
TGA analysis for these spent catalysts was also performed and the More methoxy ions were formed in DME synthesis than methanol
results are shown in Fig. 12a. Due to Cu oxidation in the reduced fresh synthesis from CO2, which could result in more coke formation. How-
CZZA, the TGA curve for fresh CZZA first increased until it reached ever, the amounts of coking for both spent CZZA catalysts were very
287 °C; after that, a slight decrease was observed, which could have small and, therefore, were unlikely to significantly impact performance,
been due to the presence of a residual precursor during calcination as compared to the over 2 % coking on spent CZA catalysts reported in
(360 °C). Compared to fresh CZZA, the spent CZZA (used in methanol the literature [50]. The amount of coking for spent HZSM-5 was about
synthesis and DME synthesis) decreased with increasing temperature, 1.87 % (Fig. 12b), which was much higher than that of the spent CZZA
when the temperature was lower than 287 °C. One reason was that catalyst. These results indicated that the coking on the HZSM-5 could be
some of the Cu in the spent catalyst had already been oxidized during responsible for the deactivation of the bifunctional catalyst.
the reaction. Previous studies also found that the type of coke formed After 300 h of methanol synthesis and 100 h of DME synthesis, the
depended on the oxidation temperature. Some small carbon molecules active Cu sites in both spent CZZA catalysts were changed (Fig. 2a).
formed unstable coke, which could be burned at a relatively low tem- Peaks were observed 35.5° and 38.7° that corresponded to (002) and
perature (less than 300 °C) [50,51]. Therefore, in this study the weight (111) planes of tenorite, indicating that the copper active sites were
loss before 287 °C could be attributed to these small carbon molecules. oxidized during long-term reaction. The comparison of XRD patterns
Some more stable coke could be burned off at temperatures over 300 °C, between fresh and spent HZSM-5 catalysts are shown on Fig. 2d. The
which was the primary reason for the catalyst deactivation. This coke intensity of spent HZSM-5 reduced after 100 h of reaction for DME
was hard to remove at relatively low regeneration temperatures. In this synthesis, indicating that the crystallinity of HZSM-5 had decreased.

Table 2
BET surface area and N2O chemisorption of spent CZZA and spent HZSM-5 catalysts.
Catalyst Reaction BET surface area (m2/g) Cu surface area (N2O) (m2/g) Cu dispersion (%) Cu particle size (nm)

CZZA Fresh 109 44.3 18.9 4.6

CZZA Methanol synthesis, 300 h 106 17.9 6.5 13.5
CZZA DME synthesis, 100 h 76 14.1 5.1 17.1
HZSM-5 Fresh 392 – – –
HZSM-5 DME synthesis, 100 h 261 – – –

S. Ren, et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 36 (2020) 82–95

Fig. 12. TGA analysis of spent catalysts: (a) CZZA and (b) HZSM-5. Spent CZZA_100 h and spent HZSM-5 were catalysts after 100 h of reaction in DME synthesis at
240 °C and 2.76 MPa; spent CZZA_300 h was the catalyst after 300 h of reaction in methanol synthesis at 220 °C and 2.76 MPa.

Fig. 13. TEM, HRTEM, and EDS mapping images of spent CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/Al2O3 catalyst: (a) TEM, (b) HRTEM, and (c) EDS mapping.

The peaks of spent HZSM-5 also shifted, to a high degree, as compared Declaration of Competing Interest
to those of fresh HZSM-5. This could be due to the unit cell dimension
change for the crystal induced by coking and the operating conditions The authors declare no competing financial interest.
of high reaction temperature and pressure.
TEM and HRTEM images for spent catalysts showed an aggregation Acknowledgements
of particles (Fig. 13a, 13b, and 13c). EDS elemental mapping also
showed that Cu on the surface had partially aggregated. These results This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through
indicated that the Cu sintering occurred after a long-term reaction, contract DE-AR0000806. We thank DOE ARPA-E Program Director, Dr.
which led to the reduction of the Cu surface area and dispersion. This Grigorii Soloveichik, for his assistance and support. Use of the
observation was consistent with the results of N2O chemisorption for Advanced Photon Source (9-BM) by the Argonne National Laboratory,
Cu. was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. We also thank Dr.
Xiaoqing He at the Electron Microscopy Core Facility, University of
4. Conclusion Missouri-Columbia for TEM and EDS analysis.

In this study, Zr modified CZA catalysts were synthesized by the co- Appendix A. Supplementary data
precipitation method. The effects of Al and Zr loading were investigated
in both methanol and DME synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation. The Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
optimized catalyst composition for methanol and DME synthesis was online version, at doi:
4:2:1:0.5 for an atomic ratio of Cu/Zn/Zr/Al. The catalyst showed a
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