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L. A.


Time 45 Minute Max. Marks: 20
A-Answer the following questions. (Any 3) 2×3=6
1. What is the question that scientist and researchers are repeatedly asked?
2. What use do theorems taught by the ancient Greeks have?
3. How was Edison proved wrong in this matter?
4. Was the principle demonstrated by Faraday found to have any use? If yes,
what was it ?

B-Answer the following questions :- (Any 2) 3×2=6

1. Give three instances of how mechanization has changed life at home in
2. How is advertising in this age different from what we have today.
3. The story has details of certain things which people in 2889 are still trying
to achieve. For instance, they are still trying to find out about life on other
planets. Give two more examples of this kind from the story.

Section - B (WRITING)
1. You are Rahul /Rashmi .As President of the Literary Club of your school
you have organised an Inter School Debate Competition on the occasion of
the Silver Jubilee Celebration on your school. Write a notice informing the
students of your school. 4
You are Sumit/ Supriya Sharma of class VIII. You have lost your library
book which was issued to you, in the playground . Draft a notice for the
school notice board informing the students about it.

Section -C (GRAMMAR)
Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliaries :- (Any 4). 1×4=4
1. Manjeet ___________ paint very well .(ability)
2. Leela _____________ dance when she was only four years old. ( past ability)
3. We _____________ go to the beach tomorrow.(possibility)
4. You____________ see the Dr. ( Suggestion)
5. The forcast says that it ________ rain tomorrow.( certainty)
6. You _______________ respect our national anthem .(moral duty)


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