Definisi Conditional Sentences

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Definisi Conditional Sentences

Arti conditional sentences (kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang di gunakan

untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti
yang di harapkan. Conditional sentences terdiri dari 2 clause yaitu main
clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause.

Jenis Conditional Sentences

Ada beberapa tipe didalam conditional sentences yakni sebagai berikut :
Type 1 = Future Conditional
Type 2 = Present Conditional
Type 3 = Past Conditional

Future Conditional (type 1)

Future Conditional adalah kalimat yang mengungkapkan kegiatan yang di
harapkan akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk
terjadi. Dan dibawah ini adalah rumus future conditional lengkap beserta
contohnya, simak dengan baik.

Formula Future Conditional

Example :
1. I will visit him if I have enough time.
(mean : I may have enough time, I may visit him).
2. I will go to the beach if may father gives me permission.
(Perhaps, I go to the beach, may father permit me).
3. We will wait if you want to join us.
(Perhaps, we wait you probably want to join us).

Present Conditional (type 2)

Present Conditional adalah kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa yang di harapkan
terjadi sekarang tetapi tidak terjadi. Dan dibawah ini adalah rumus present
conditional lengkap beserta contohnya, simak dengan baik.

Formula Present Conditional

Example :
1. If she visited me, I would give him money.
(mean : she does not visit me, so I do not give her money).
2. If I had enough time, I would go swimming.
(mean : I do not have enough time, so I do not go swimming).
3. If you wear a flower, I would be a bee .
(mean : You are not a flower, I am not a bee).

Past Conditional (type 3)

Past conditional adalah kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa yang di harapkan
terjadi di waktu lampau, tetapi tidak terjadi. Dan dibawah ini adalah rumus past
conditional lengkap beserta contohnya, simak dengan baik.

Formula Past Conditional
Example :
1. If she had studied hard, she would have passed the final exam.
(mean : she did not study hard, so she did not pass the final exam).
2. If the team had played well, it would have won the competition.
(mean : The did not play well, so the team did not win the competition).
3. If Britney spears had been here, I would have been very happy.
(mean : Britney spears was not here, so I was not very happy).

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