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But the glory of Chichen Itza was limited and it went into demographic decline from around JAOOAD with marked population decreases and importance. Indeed, this demographic decline was only a forerunner to the political decline which followed and which resulted in the total ‘overthrowing of the governing council in 1221AD. Following this large scale demographic and political decline, Chichen Itza was relegated to the status of a small peripheral state and never again rose to prominence in post classic Maya life. Other centres and Mayan groups now emerged during the post classic period, Of importance among these new emergent groups was the large city centre of Mayapan which was founded by the Itza Maya. However, Classic Mayan civilisation was now over and cities like Mayapan depended on a new class relationship, in which forced tribute from peripheral centers became the norm for production rather than production by free peasants. Indeed, by basing their economies on forced labor, an irregular and inferior system of tribute was created that was doomed to failure. Such a weak economic foundation soon crumbled and by about 1450AD, with no surprise, we note that Mayapan had fallen. The fall of this last stronghold of Maya Power signaled the end of the Mayan experiment in powerful, centralized cultural and political leadership in the region. From this point onwards and until the arrival and conquest by the Spanish in 1697, Maya civilisation consisted in large part of small, widely scattered peripheral centres. While the Spaniards unceremoniously destroyed much of the Mayan cultural and intellectual artifacts, enough have remained to show, without a doubt, that these people during their heyday had developed a sophisticated world view represented by their calendar systems , mathematics and writing. CATEGORY 2 The neo-Indians: The Kalinago and Tai The neo-Indian peoples occupied a wide area generally referred to in the literature as the West Indies or, more properly, the Caribbean, The neo-Indians are believed to have migrated from the South American continent around the Amazon basin in Guyana and journeyed into the islands. These islands are subdivided into two main sections: the Greater and the Lesser Antilles, The Greater Antilles consists of Cuba, Halti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. The Lesser Antilles forms two parallel chains and includes, in its outermost chain, Anguilla, and Antigua and Barbuda while its inner chain includes those islands running through to Grenada. The islands of Trinidad and Tobago lie just south of this chain, completing the crescent of Caribbean islands, and Barbados lie to the east. The islands of the Lesser Antilles are further categorised into the Leeward islands, which refers to the northernmost extent of the chain of islands and comprise the islands from the Virgin Islands to Guadeloupe; while the Windward group consists of Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, the Grenadines and Grenada. ‘The peopling of this region began around 5,000BC when the first inhabitants came to the region from across the sea from areas in South and Central America. These earliest people (who had no real knowledge of pottery), established small seaside communities. In these villages, basic Use of tools was known which involved the use of implements or tools made from stones and shells. They also practised subsistence agriculture in which a varied diet of wild berries

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