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COM Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 20../20.. No. Absen :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 5 (Lima) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Berikan tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar !

1. This is a …...…Material

a. Conductor b. Tires
c. Insulator d. Cloth

2. This is a ……... Material

a. Conductor b. Tires
c. Insulator d. Cloth

3. “Effect” in Indonesian language mean…

a. Diambil b. Pengaruh
c. Diserap d. Penyebab

4. I am very …, So I buy a juice in the canteen.

a. Angry b. Hungry
c. thirsty d. lazy

5. Why size of the window frame is wider than usual?

a. To provide expansion space for the b. To making glass cracking.

glass when it's hot.
c. For decoration. d. The glass will look biger.
6. Why glass filled with hot water suddenly breaks?

a. Because the glass melt. b. Because of the uneven

expansion of the glass.
c. Because glass is getting hotter. d. Cracking class.

7. How many days are there in a week?

a. Four b. Six
c. Five d. Seven

8. “Sunlight that reaches the earth and warms the air and living things” are the example of ...

a. Conduction b. Radiation
c. Convection d. Mill

9. What is the heat tranfer In the picture below?

a. Conduction b. Radiation
c. Convection d. Mill

10. What is the heat tranfer In the picture below?

a. Conduction b. Radiation
c. Convection d. Mill

11. My Mother………a chicken wing.

a. Fry b. Ball
c. Fries d. Boill

12. It is small, it can fly, it sucks human blood. It is….

a. Elephant b. Chicken
c. Ant d. Mosquito

13. What is the heat tranfer In the picture below?

a. Conduction b. Radiation
c. Convection d. Mill

14. What is the name of the hero below?

a. Pattimura b. Prince Antasari

c. Sultan Hasanuddin d. Prince Diponogoro

15. What is the name of the hero below?

a. Pattimura b. Prince Antasari
c. Sultan Hasanuddin d. Prince Diponogoro

16. Where is Mr. Silas Papare comes from?

a. Makasar b. Papua
c. Maluku d. Yogyakarta

17. Where is Sultan Hasanudin comes from?

a. Makasar b. Papua
c. Bandung d. Yogyakarta

18. Drs. Mohammad Hatta was the First Indonesian Vice President in …...
a. 1945-1957 b. 1945-1959
c. 1945-1958 d. 1945-1960

19. Arta :”Sena, do you know who is Indonesia's first president?”

Sena :”Of course i know, ………. is the first president.”

a. Soeharto b. Ir. Soekarno

c. B.J Habibie d. Sultan Hasanuddin

20. Where was Soekarno born?

a. Bandung b. Sulawesi
c. Surabaya d. Yogyakarta

21. Who is the proclaimer of Indonesian independence?

a. Ir. Soekarno b. B.J Habibie

c. Soeharto d. Sultan Hasanuddin

22. “The unity of INDONESIA” is Pancasila number ….

a. One b. Three
c. Two d. Four

23. When was Pancasila born?

a. June 1, 1945 b. June 1, 1954

c. June 1, 1946 d. June 1, 2019

24. What is the meaning of panca?

a. Two b. Four
c. Three d. Five

25. This is a ……

a. Clofe b. Ginger
c. Clove d. Gingger

I. Answer the following question correctly!

1. Sun – sources – energy – is – the biggest – of heat
2. Pan,Fork, and iron are example of............... objects
3. Chair,table, and plastic are example of ............. objects!
4. “ Sunlight “ in Indonesian language is ... .
5. We need canvas, brush, and oil paint to ………. (menggambar).
6. Today is Sunday tomorrow will be ………
7. “ Temperature” in Indonesian language is ... .
8. “ People's Justice “ in Indonesian language is ... .
9. D – L – I – E – T – I - B – E – A – R – O – N (pertimbangan)
The correct word is ……
N-Y-I-T-U (kesatuan)
The correct word is ……

1. C 16 B

2. A 17 A

3. B 18 A

4. C 19 B

5. A 20 B

6. C 21 A
7. D 22 C

8. B 23 A

9. A 24 D

10. B 25 B

11. C

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. A

1. Sun is the biggest of heat energy sources.

2. Conductor
3. Insulator
4. Sinar matahari
5. Drawing
6. Monday
7. Suhu
8. Keadilan rakyat
9. Deliberation
10. Unity

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