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ARBASA, Cyril B.
DIEZ, Alexa



In the year, 1992 ROTC was first implemented and subject to the UP and the year, 1935
made it mandatory for all colleges and universities. Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War,
the ROTC was a long – standing government program to prepare youth for military service force.
This implementation of ROTC force/group is expected to fill the demand of the army in case of war
disaster. Patriotism provides numerous important practical benefits. The implementation of ROTC
is essential to a state's functioning, reduces the likelihood of conflict, reduces corruption, and is
extremely inclusive as an identity. The feeling must be instilled in the country's youth in order for
them to act as responsible citizens. Youth are the nation's future, and it is critical for them to
protect and preserve the nation, as well as act in its best interests, in order for it to shine and
develop. Patriotism signifies a special attachment to a specific political community, though it is not
required to support its current form of government. Nationalism, which is frequently confused with
patriotism, refers to a very different phenomenon: the actual or aspirational fusion of shared
ethnicity and state sovereignty (Viroli, 2003).

Filipinos have long been preoccupied with the concepts of heroism, nationalism, and
patriotism. "Kabataan ang pag-asa ng Bayan," a statement made by Dr. Jose Rizal, is still heard
and spoken of today, almost as if it has been immortalized—for all the right reasons. The current
generation of Filipino youth is stereotyped as being more concerned with the latest video games,
K-Pop idols, and crushes than with the country; however, this is not the case. By raising concerns
about social issues on social media sites, Filipino youth have long demonstrated that they have a
significant contribution to today's society. The Filipino youth have more power than one might
think. Patriotism can mean so much more and be practiced in so many different ways by anyone. If
patriotism is taught and practiced, students will develop a love for their country. Patriotism is
defined as a strong attachment to one's homeland. Students would gradually develop a sense of
pride in their country if patriotism was taught in schools. Students will also understand why it is
critical to respect the fundamental structures of the country. Important institutions such as the
government and the constitution could also be taught to students. Some students may not fully
comprehend what it means to be patriotic. If these students are not taught to be patriotic in school,
it may be difficult for them to be as they grow older. What students learn as children sticks with
them as they grow older. They put what they've learned about patriotism into practice. They make
the decision to be patriotic in the proper way. Patriotism entails much more than just admiring your
country. There are also many other ways to be patriotic besides joining or serving in the military.

Simply by being a good member of society, you have already become patriotic. Patriotism should
be taught in schools for this reason. At a young age, students learn about patriotism and how it
can help them develop their character. Given the status of today’s society, having the capabilities
of knowing what is happening around inside our nation is important as people are what makes the
country. Having the education, information, trained skills, and moral knowledge is a weapon that
can’t be stolen from a person. Most of the related literature found, only talked about the
possibilities of the implementation of mandatory ROTC in the Senior High School level. This study
might be the first comprehensive report on the detailed evaluation on College students; how
informed and what are their thoughts about the implementation. The study aims to identify the rate
of emotional and physical stand of the student in CSU College students, on the implementation of


The purpose of this study is to identify the rate of emotional and physical stand

Of the students in CSU College students ,on the implementation of ROTC.

1. What are the reasons why students are pressured on the implementation of ROTC;

2. Does the students think that ROTC is beneficial for them or not;

3. How much information they know about ROTC;

4. Their expectations about ROTC

Conceptual Framework:

The impact of proper information on the ROTC

implementation among the College Students .

Dependent Variable

The survey questionnaire consist Independent Variable

of four and three questions in every
category about how aware the students The respondents will be surveyed through
are, about the implementation of ROTC using printed survey questioners; this settings may
and the reasons behind it .Their answers affect how hey answer the survey questions.
implicated on their knowledge about the

Scope and limitations
This research focuses on findig out the primary factors about the perception of the College
students upon the senate’s proposed decision to implement ROTC to the College curriculum.
Recent studies, researchers, and articles will be used as reference in finding revelance and
conditions of the proposed ROTC implementation and it’s possible effects and how well informed
the College students about this situation. This study will focus on the CSU College students and
given information towards their perception on the proposed implementation of ROTC in College.

This research will not cover other problems especially on medical terms as it is solely based
on them personal perspectives/opinions of the students. This study do not have any connection
about political stand and factors that are outside the scope of the study. The respondents should
be enrolled this school year 2022-2023 of College students in Caraga State University (CSU),
Ampayon, Butuan City Agusan Del Norte.

Locale of the Study

FIGURE 1. Located at Caraga State University , Ampayon,Butuan City

Defination of Terms
The following terms were defined according to how they were used in the study.
ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps is a military organization that trains people
to become officers in the armed forces ,so that they are ready to join a

operation if they are needed .

CSU Caraga state university where the respondents located .

PERCEPTION understanding or interpreting something a mental impression.


ROTC is defined as Reserve Officers' Training Corps. ROTC was once a required course
for tertiary-level students until former President Macapagal Arroyo signed legislation that included
it in the National Service Training Program. ROTC is no longer a required course for tertiary
students, but it is one of three courses available through the National Service Training Program
(NSTP), which was established by the Republic Act (RA) 9163, also known as the NSTP Act of
2001 (Argosino, F., 2022).
Military training is mandatory for two (2) years in neighboring ASEAN countries, whereas in
the Philippines, ROTC was in college under the umbrella of the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) as a prerequisite requirement in finishing their degree program, which is typically a
requirement of all college students, particularly military-related students. Courses are available in
both private and public institutions of higher learning (HEIs). Under the NSTP subject, the ROTC
program is designed for one (1) year and prepares young men and women to enter the military or
police service as officers or enlisted personnel. This goal is thought to be best served by teaching
students in various ways. Military training is divided into two parts: classroom and field training
(Tullao, M., 2019).
President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. stated in his first State of the Nation Address
(SONA) on July 25 that the ROTC program for Students is one of his administration's priority bills.
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Philippine National Police (PNP), the
Department of National Defense, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines are among the national
government agencies that support Marcos' proposed legislation (AFP) (Bacelonia, W., 2022).
Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 established the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps (ROTC) to provide military training to tertiary-level students to motivate, train, organize, and
mobilize them for national defense readiness. The ROTC program is designed to provide military
training to students to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national defense readiness.
This also promotes patriotism, nationalism, national defense, and disaster preparedness, which is
why government officials are currently pushing to reinstate mandatory Reserve Officers' Training
Corps (ROTC) for College students (Republic Act No. 7077 - Official Gazette). According to the
Pulse Asia survey, which was commissioned by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, 69 percent of
Filipinos support the proposed implementation of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
Program in senior high school. Around 71% of respondents in the National Capital Region and
78% in the Visayas support mandatory ROTC in senior high school, while 67% in Balance Luzon
and 64% in Mindanao also support the proposal. Exemptions may be granted to students who
have been certified psychologically and physically unfit by the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Surgeon General, who have undergone or are undergoing similar military training, and who have
been selected as varsity players in sports competitions.Senate Bill 387 includes safeguards and
ensures compliance with the Department of Education's Child Protection Policy and laws such as
the Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Act (Republic Act [RA] 11188),
the Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 (RA 8049), and the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act (RA 7610) (Barcelona, W., 2022).
When the students came and engaged with the community participants, Quendangan and
Laquesta (2014) demonstrated some awareness of what was relevant to them. The service
recipients expressed "strongly agree" feelings about the importance of the community
environmental and waste disposal programs. This response demonstrates their awareness of the
growing problem of pollution and all forms of waste materials that have harmed the residents
'health.During the study period, how provincial state universities and colleges delivered NSTP
community activities reinforced the relevance of specific programs at a specific state university in
an urban setting.
The students, in turn, had a favourable opinion of the impact of their involvement in the
community in their personal lives and social relationships. This makes the implementation a
potential platform for service-learning, which could enhance cognitive, affective, and social
learning. Active learning components Students in the module of activities will seriously consider
the meaning of service as a purpose, beginning with the principles of service-learning and
introducing reflection sessions. Learning becomes explicit and appreciated through the sharing of
experiences documented in the form of journals and orally shared with classmates. Students could
discuss and derive more meaning from their community experiences rather than simply writing
about them, which could be classified as technical, cultural, political, or anti-foundational learning
(Oracion, E., 2017).

Research Design
The researchers used the Survey design specifically the quantitative method, which
concerns gathering data from a huge number of respondents. A Survey design of research
concerns data gathering from a specific population. The researchers selected it because the study
comprises of a huge number of populations, and only requires data from the sample respondents
who can answer the questionnaire about College student perception upon the mandatory
implementation of ROTC in College. This method consists a questionnaire as who, what, when,
where and how of the topic is being answered which have undergone a series of test for validation
and verification from several experts.

Sampling Techique
The sampling technique used in this survey is the Purposive Sampling. Purposive sampling
means the researcher selects participants according to the criteria he has set .This is only used
when you are confident enough about the representative’s of the participants regarding the whole
target population. This sampling method requires the listing of population and then used the
“=rand()” command in excel. The numbers of students to be surveyed are 50percent and are
considered as the actual respondents of this study as well as the total of Three ROTC college
Research Instrument / Data-Gathering Method Procedures
In this research study, a printed survey questioner will be used in gathering data and to
achieve the main objective of the study. The questionnaire is structured in such a way that
respondents will be able to answer it easily. The questionnaire consists of the respondents’ profile
and four questions for the students. The questionnaire consisted of items that determined the level
of awareness and knowledge of the students about the mandatory implementation of ROTC in
The researchers will approach the students in the school premises to confrere and discuss
the significance of the study and accomplished the distribution of the instruments properly. The
respondents will be given free time to answer the questionnaire. After the survey will be
accomplished, the results will be tallied and tabulated. These data then become the bases of
analysis and interpretation.
The 50percent (50 percent of college students) respondents were given a survey
questionnaire which composed of sex, age and the four questions needed to be answered.
Data Analysis
The data collected from the conducted survey will be tabulated and will be analyzed using
the Survey Forms - Statistical & Quantitative Data Analysis . According to Moore and McCabe
(2005), this is the type of research whereby data gathered are categorized in themes and sub-
themes, so as to be able to be comparable. A main advantage of content analysis is that it helps in
data collected being reduced and simplified, while at the same time producing results that may
then be measured using quantitative techniques. Moreover, content analysis gives the ability to
researchers to structure the quantitative data collected in a way that satisfies the accomplishment
of research objectives. However, human error is highly involved in content analysis, since there is
the risk for researchers to misinterpret the data gathered, thereby generating false and unreliable
conclusions (Krippendorff & Bock, 2008).

Statistical Treatment
Responses to the survey questionnaire will be statistically analyzed with the data
requirements of the study.Statistics such as count, mean, percent and total are considered.
Statistics are specific methods basically used to calculate, describe, and summarize collected
research data in a logical, meaningful, and efficient way. And will be reported numerically in the
manuscript text and/or in its tables, or graphically in its figures.


Argosino, F. (2022). What is ROTC today? Manila Bulletin. Retrieved from: Bacelonia, W. (2022). 6 out of 10 Filipinos want
mandatory ROTC in senior high school. The Philippine News Agency. Retrieved from: Krippendorff & Bock, (2008). The Content Analysis
Reader. eader
Moore and McCabe (2005). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (5th ed.). New York, NY: W.H.
Freeman & Company. ers.aspx?
City, Agusan del Sur, Philippines. Retrieved from: Quendangan, M. M.,
& Laquesta, J. S. (2014). National Service Training Program Community Services. Researchers
World, 5(3), 98. Republic Act No. 7077 - Official Gazette. Retrieved from: Tullao, M. (2019). Perception
of Criminology Students Towards ROTC Program of Bulacan State University. Available at SSRN
3447813. Viroli, M. (2003). For Love of Country: An Essay On Patriotism and Nationalism (Oxford,
1997; online edn, Oxford Academic.

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