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“Business Name: Studio28 Creatives Premium Wedding Photo and Video

1. Business Type: Wedding Photo and video supplier, what makes our photo and video company
unique from any other studios, is that we offer customized service to couples, and our team is
very versatile when it comes to creativity, even the couples can share their ideas to make them
turn in to reality. “And as an advantage, Me and Michelle are very hands on in the business –

2. Key Persons & Roles:

1. Richardson Velasco - Founder, CEO

2. Michelle Lopez – Co Founder, Operations Manager

3. Humble Beginnings

The business started when Richardson found out his passion and interest in photography ever
since he was 7years old, when his parents and grandfather gave him an entry level DSLR camera.

From having nothing to start with and with Zero capital, and did not came from a wealthy
family, he just make use on the things he had, he started as a freelance editor with the laptop
given to him by his parents, from there Richardson enjoyed the journey of being a part of the
wedding industry, he saved up his initial earnings to get himself his own pro-grade camera and
other gears.

Throughout the years, he met Michelle, the Co-founder of the company, with two business
minded people, they pursue and continue the studio, it was named after their birthdays, October
20th from Michelle’s and 28th From Richardson’s.

The business started to prosper around 2017, by having their very first wedding client, they made
sure to make the couple satisfied and exceeded their expectations. And it was definitely a thumbs
up for them!. After a while, they got a few clients from referrals, gaining a bit of popularity on
social media, and having more and more clients.

The challenge that we faced is that we are only working that time with just a very limited budget.
Actually we don’t have a fixed amount for our capital, and just make use of the resources we
4. Business Current Status

Our initial capital was P0, since we just started the business with the things we already
acquire, from being at the bottom, and having 0 clients, now very busy attending to
clients every day. – from Zero to Hero!

As our achievement, Studio28 is one of the country’s fastest growing and leading brands
in the wedding photo and video industry. And from a team of two, we are constantly
expanding and opening up more opportunities to other people.

5. Motivation to success and future plans.

Our motivation to success is “we love what we do, that’s why we do it” and by making
your passion a business, surely you will succeed.

6. Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs

Our advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, is you should start early! Yes start early. So that
you have a lot of time to find out the one that’s perfect for you, don’t be afraid to fail,
since failure will be your stepping store in success.

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