Landesk Management Suite For Thinkvantage Technologies: Product Features, Benefits, Functionality and Installation Steps

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LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies

Product features, benefits, functionality and installation steps

White Paper


Table of Contents
overview ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Products ............................................................................................................................................. 3 LANDesk Management Suite ...................................................................................................... 3 Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies ........................................................................................... 3 central IT functions ............................................................................................................................ 4 Inventory Management ..................................................................................................................... 4 Software Distribution ........................................................................................................................ 4 Software License Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 4 oS Deployment and Profile Migration ............................................................................................... 5 Remote control ................................................................................................................................ 5 Handheld Management .................................................................................................................... 5 Heterogeneous IT Support ............................................................................................................... 5 Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies ................................................................................................. 6 Integration with Advanced Hardware Diagnostics from Pc-Doctor ................................................ 7 Integration with Leasing from IBM global financing ...................................................................... 7 Integration with Safeguard Easy from utimaco ............................................................................. 7 Integration with Display Management from Entech Taiwan softoSM Software ............................... 8 Integration with computrace from Absolute Software.................................................................... 8 client Solutions ................................................................................................................................... 8 ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery ........................................................................................... 8 ThinkVantage Antidote Delivery Manager ...................................................................................... 8 ThinkVantage Secure Data Disposal............................................................................................ 8 ThinkVantage client Security Solution ........................................................................................... 8 ThinkVantage Imageultra Builder ................................................................................................ 9 ThinkVantage Active Protection System ........................................................................................ 9 ThinkVantage Access connections ............................................................................................... 9 ThinkVantage Productivity center.................................................................................................. 9 ThinkVantage System update ....................................................................................................... 9 ThinkVantage System Migration Assistant ..................................................................................... 9 Integrated Product Details ................................................................................................................. 10 System Management from a Single console ............................................................................... 10 Benefits of the Integrated Solution ..................................................................................................... 11 Decrease costs .......................................................................................................................... 1 Protect Productivity ..................................................................................................................... 1 Extend the Power of LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies............... 1 LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies Installation Steps and Hardware and Software Requirements .............................................................................................. 13 Hardware requirements ............................................................................................................... 13 Software requirements ................................................................................................................ 13 core server .............................................................................................................................. 13 core server or additional console ............................................................................................. 13 core server installation ............................................................................................................. 14 System Requirements and Platform Support ..................................................................................... 14
This document contains confidential and proprietary information of LANDesk Software, Inc., and its affiliates (collectively LANDesk) and is provided in connection with the identified LANDesk product(s). No part of this document may be disclosed or copied without the prior written consent of LANDesk. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in LANDesks terms and conditions for the license of such products, LANDesk assumes no liability whatsoever. LANDesk products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. LANDesk does not warrant that this material is error-free, and LANDesk reserves the right to update, correct, or modify this material, including any specifications and product descriptions, at any time, without notice. Copyright 2007, LANDesk Software Ltd. All rights reserved. LANDesk, Targeted Multicast and Management Gateway are trademarks or registered trademarks of LANDesk Software, Ltd. and its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. Lenovo, Access Connections, Active Protection System, Embedded Security Subsystem, ImageUltra Builder, Rescue and Recovery, Secure Data Disposal, ThinkVantage Technologies, and System Migration Assistant are trademarks of Lenovo Group Limited in the USA and other countries and are used by LANDesk Software Ltd. under license. LSI-0575 0207 JBB/NH


LANDesk and Lenovo have teamed up to create an integrated performance hardware and software management solution to manage your systems from a single console. By combining the industry-leading LANDesk Management Suite software with Lenovos award-winning ThinkVantage Technologies management software and ThinkPad and Thinkcentre hardware, customers can now have the most powerful hardware and software management tools available in the industry supporting Lenovo and heterogeneous environments.

LANDesk Management Suite
LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies is a comprehensive, integrated solution that enables IT professionals to automate and tune critical systems management tasks and proactively control, update and protect desktops, servers and mobile devicesall from a single console. With this management suite, you can gather detailed asset data, deploy applications and operating systems, maintain configuration standards, configure and manage ThinkVantage Technologies, monitor software usage, solve user problems, and develop and deploy system-wide security policies. Extended security, patch management and asset tracking features enable a truly comprehensive solution whether systems are inside the corporate firewall or not.

Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies

ThinkVantage Technologies are client-centric tools that include help with Pc pre-deployment planning through end-of-life disposition. These hardware and software technologies were developed to reduce IT management costs through each phase of the Pc life cycle. Products include tools such as Rescue and Recovery, Antidote Delivery Manager, Secure Data Disposal, client Security Solution, Imageultra Builder, Active Protection System, Access connections, Productivity center and System update.


Central IT Functions
Inventory Management, Including Reporting
n Built-in inventory and reporting capabilities help you quickly determine what hardware and software you need to update or replace as a part of Vista migration, saving you grief and lots of fire drills. n Executive Dashboard lets your executives and business managers access all the key data they need, when they need itwithout having to phone you first. This function also allows you to configure the dashboards with an overview of functions you need to keep a close eye on, allowing you to always be on top of critical issues. n Built-in reporting capabilities include immediate access to inventory and status information, as well as the ability to publish reports to a file share in HTML, PDf, Doc, RTf or XLS formats. n Includes unmanaged Device Discovery (uDD), a function that quickly and intelligently checks your network and provides a report of whats out there, without having to stress the network infrastructure. Also checks devices discovered with auto discovery, custom data collection, agentless inventory discovery and delta inventory scans/compressionall through an easy-to-use query uI. n Detailed hardware, software and ThinkVantage information gathered provides users with extensive hardware and software inventories and enables users to gather and track custom data fields, monitor software usage to reduce licensing costs and maintain compliance, plan upgrades and maintenance, and respond to audits more quickly. n Detailed asset tag and serial number information as well as embedded pointing device, fixed drive and cD-RoM data give a complete inventory view. n Intel vPro support can discover all Intel vPro-based hardware and software assets whether a systems oS is installed or not, giving you superior out-of-band management. n Built-in, easy-to-use report generator helps non-SQL users get up and running quickly.

Software Distribution
n A single, unified process allows you to create packages, choose targets, define options and schedule package deployment. n A task-based distribution model separates package building from the delivery method to improve overall process efficiency and enable component re-use. n LANDesk Targeted Multicast technology minimizes bandwidth used when distributing large packages to multiple usersreducing need for dedicated hardware or router reconfigurations. n LANDesk Peer Download technology leverages local bandwidth efficiency to access packages that have been delivered to a subnet. n ownership of delivery methods and distribution packages provides a choice of any combination of devices, device groups, database or LDAP queries or objects. n Policy-based distribution helps automate software availability and keep applications in a preferred state. n Prerequisite checking and package chaining make it easy to install multiple packages in a single operation as well as automatically install prerequisite packages. n Task scheduler integrates with directory service and asset inventory databases to make target selection easy; real-time status reporting provides information of deployment task completion status. n Package-agnostic distribution enables deployment of any package type, including MSI, RPM, setup.exe and other installers; multi-file MSI support enables rapid multicast distribution of large application packages.

Software License Monitoring

n Extensive application usage and license compliance reporting, as well as license reporting features (number of times each licensed application is launched, last date used, days since last used, total duration of usage, date purchased, Po and reseller information) give a comprehensive look at software license use. n Easy configuration of license parameters, including number purchased, license type, quantity and serial number, as well as tracking by group, department and organizational unit to make software license monitoring easier. n Installation tracking and reconciliationincluding the license holder, physical location of the computer, discontinued licenses and morehelp administrators stay on top of software licenses. n Application launch denial keeps unauthorized software from runningeven on computers not connected to the network. n capabilities include scanning for both known and unknown applications and a disposition tool to define and track previously unknown applications.


OS Deployment and Profile Migration

n Supports Vista deployment and migration using Microsoft standards or cloning tools n LANDesk Targeted Multicast technology speeds deployments to multiple targets while minimizing bandwidth used in order to reduce total network traffic without dedicated hardware or router reconfiguration. n LANDesk oS Deployment Wizard guides users through the entire oS deployment and migration process. n Remote image capture makes it easy to create oS images. n Includes state-of-the-art imaging (cloning) tools while simultaneously supporting Image agnostic distribution that lets you deploy disk images created using your standardized imaging tool. n Automated profile migration captures user and application settings, desktop settings and user data so the user environment can be quickly restored after image deployment. n PXE proxy technology enables rapid provisioning of bare-metal machines without dedicated servers on each subnet, boot floppies or network reconfiguration. n Automated SYSPREP management completes post-image configuration automatically. n Applications can be automatically deployed to get users up and running immediately.

Remote Control
n user-based rights administration limits technician access while integration with directory services/NoS security ensures controlled access. n Software agents hide when not in use, improving performance and preventing application conflicts. n Secure, on-demand option enables strong security. n optimization for slow bandwidth conditions and good performance even over a dial-up connection increases efficiency. n full integration with detailed asset database for extended data gathering, troubleshooting, security management and device management support. n Remote wake, remote reboot and remote application execution allow users to perform both maintenance and repairs at any timefrom a helpdeskeven when the end computer is shut down. n Integrated chat, bidirectional file transfer and automatic session logging enable rapid problem resolution and reporting along with a full audit trail. n Browser-based capability means an IT staff can support anyone on the network from any computer on the network. n Intel vPro support allows users to heal Intel vPro-based systems remotely regardless of the oS or system state.

Handheld Management
n complete inventory management and asset discovery, monitoring and change control alerting for handheld and wireless devices. n Efficient software distribution with checkpoint restart for improved efficiency and integrated task scheduling to easily define, schedule and automate software deployments. n Bandwidth throttling for more efficient, less bandwidth-intensive handheld and wireless management. n Push-and-pull file transfer capabilities with LANDesk Handheld file Exchange technology.

Heterogeneous IT Support
n A single console simplifies the tasks of managing desktops, laptops and mobile devices running Windows, Mac oS, Linux, uNIX, Java and more. n Integration with multiple databases (MS SQL, oracle, MSDE); is directory-independent for LDAP, eDirectory, ADS and NDS. n Is also enabled for deployment of Mac, Linux and uNIX operating systems and applications.


Lenovo ThinkVantage Technologies

These management functions enable the IT organization to manage Lenovos acclaimed ThinkVantage Technologies. (A separate client license is required.) The integration provides the following functions: n Allows usage and inventory collection of ThinkVantage Technologies, helping IT quickly perform remote corrections or deploy a new policy. n Software distribution can be used to simplify deployment of ThinkVantage Technologies company-wide. n A multitude of predefined ThinkVantage reports n central management and distribution of policies to Rescue and Recovery, client Security Solution, Access connections, Antidote, etc. n Specific integration points n Access connections (Ac) n collects unique inventory information concerning which Ac profiles a client uses and enables the helpdesk to activate a specific Access connections profile on the client from the LDMS 4 TVT console n centrally configures and manages Access connections policy n Antidote Delivery Manager (ADM) n collects inventory information about the clients ADM configuration n Builds ADM infrastructure and manages ADM repositories, including view and remove contents on repositories created from the LANDesk Management Suite console n can be used to create Antidote Distribution packages n client Security Software (cSS) n collects inventory about cSS software and cSS settings as well as detects TPM chip type, state, version (even if the driver or software is not installed) and finger Print reader (even if software is not installed) n centrally configures and deploys cSS policy n Helps create distribution packages that simplify installation of cSS clients and configuration of their initial security policies n Imageultra Builder (IuB) n Deploys IuB images as a part of a standard image deployment n Supports policy-based software deployment from LANDesk Management Suite after IuB lays down base image n System Migration Assistant (SMA) n uses SMA as a part of the standard migration process n Secure Data Disposal (SDD) n Provides the ability to centrally manage retirement of clients n Tracks disposal activity on server for later access n Active Protection System (APS) n collects inventory information about the APS configuration and presence of the APS chip on the client n centrally configures and deploys APS policy settings n Rescue and Recovery (RnR) n collects inventory information about RnR and its usage n centrally configures and deploys RnR policy settings n LANDesk Management Suite console task to move local backups to network n check antidote mailbox nowMachine right click menu option on a single machine or group of machines n Supports RnR restore options from LANDesk Management Suite console (full, oS and Applications or Rejuvenate) n ThinkVantage System update n centrally configures and deploys ThinkVantage system update policy settings n can be used to deploy ThinkVantage system update packages to local repositories


n Productivity center n collect Productivity center settings and configurations n customize Productivity center look and feel, and menu items from the LDMS 4 TVT console n central configuration and prioritization of tasks running in AWAY mode n Send targeted LANDesk Management Suite messages through Message center

Integration with Advanced Hardware Diagnostics from PC-Doctor

Advanced Pc hardware diagnostics from Pc-Doctor ( comes preloaded with each Lenovo system. PcDoctor provides diagnostic and system information solutions that reduce support calls and ensure that new and replacement systems have fully functional hardware and correct configurations prior to deployment. Pc-Doctor enhancements added to the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console include: n Access to specific client diagnostics directly from the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console n client-server application that is executed silently on end-users client n central reporting on critical issues by capturing the status of the remote diagnostics performed n Advanced Remote Diagnostics available in the following offerings n LANDesk Inventory Manager for ThinkVantage Technologies n LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies Support for preloaded Pc-Doctor diagnostics for Lenovo systems is available through ThinkVantage System update. The remote Pc-Doctor console is available through the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies toolkit and needs to be installed on each console.

Integration with Leasing from IBM Global Financing

IBM global financing hardware leasing information can now be made available from the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console. If you are leasing your Lenovo hardware, leasing from IBM global financing ( hardware/) provides a flexible way to finance the hardware as well as access to the Lenovo systems you need right now. The IBM global financing enhancements added to the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console include: n capability to easily import leasing information from the IBM global financing customer center n Special leasing group added to client inventory information. The information includes: n contract number, purchase order number, amount financed, cost center, payment frequency, periodic payment, currency, terms, end lease date, start date, installed location (city, state, country) and product type n Lease return function n Predefined reports designed to help manage leased asset returns n The reports included are: Lease End Report, Lease Machines Returned, Lease Machines unmanaged (not yet installed)

Integration with SafeGuard Easy from Utimaco

Safeguard Easy is a full hardware-encryption software solution from utimaco ( The joint solution of full hardware encryption in combination with ThinkVantage data recovery capability (Rescue and Recovery), and ThinkVantage Embedded Security Subsystem creates a unique client security solution. The Safeguard Easy enhancements added to the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console include: n central policy configuration and management of Safeguard Easy client; (an utimaco Safeguard Easy license is required on the client) n Recovery of corrupted utimaco Safeguard Easy boot kernel n Safeguard Easy boot kernel for each client is backed up safely and automatically The information required to set up and configure integration of utimaco Safeguard Easy with LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies is available from the utimaco Web site. A standard support agreement from LANDesk and utimaco is required for support.


Integration with Display Management from Entech Taiwan softOSM Software

Entech Taiwan softoSM software ( is an efficient, host-based oSD replacement application that enables displays to be self-configured, auto-rotated and tuned quickly and precisely. Display chipset vendor genesis Microchip Inc. has selected EnTechs softoSM to bundle with its next-generation Phoenix LcD monitor controllers. The Entech Taiwan softoSM software enhancements added to the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console include: n common monitor control functions added to clients left-click menu n Additional monitor information added to client inventory scan, such as manufacturer, manufacturing week and year, model, serial number, size, vendor ID and power-on hours

Integration with Computrace from Absolute Software

computrace from Absolute Software ( is a laptop security and tracking technology that deters laptop theft and recovers stolen computers. IT administrators can efficiently monitor who is using the organizations computers, what hardware and software changes are made to them, and where laptops are located. (Separate computrace subscription and activation is required.) computrace enhancements to the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console include: n Ability to detect if a LANDesk agent is installed on the same machine as the computrace client and report key LANDesk agent data back to the computrace server n update the Inventory scanner to detect presence of a computrace agent and gather selected information n Produce computrace agent status reports

Client Solutions
The ThinkVantage tools described in the following sections are licensed products and are available separately from LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies. They work standalone or in conjunction with the management solutions to provide centrally managed capabilities in a distributed environment and allow the clients to perform client-critical functions. The licenses to use these products are shipped with Lenovo systems and most of them are available for purchase for non-Lenovo systems.

ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery

This one-button recover and restore solution offers emergency diagnostic and recovery tools. using an alternate environment called Pre-Desktop based on WinPE, Rescue and Recovery creates a mirror image of the hard disk drive and restores it quickly and easily should the main software image become corrupted. This solution can be located on a local hard drive, second hard drive, uSB device, cD, DVD, or on a mapped network drive. Expanded functionality includes key system information and log viewer, browser access and the ability to rescue files that havent been backed upall in an easy-to-use Pre-Desktop graphical interface. Rescue media allows you to restore the system even when your Master Boot Record (MBR) is corrupted. Incremental backup and restore ensures you have the latest files and folders in your backup image allowing you to recover quickly to your entire system, including your latest data changes. Backups can be automatically scheduled, executed on demand, and even launched from a remote console.

ThinkVantage Antidote Delivery Manager

As a new feature of Rescue and Recovery, ThinkVantage Antidote Delivery Manager allows IT staff to deliver fixes and updates to users wherever they are, even if their systems are down due to a worm or virus. This function is a critical add-on to LANDesk standard patch management and virus protection technology, providing IT a complete solution with remote capabilities to recover a system, even if the system cant boot to Windows.

ThinkVantage Secure Data Disposal

Like a paper shredder for your hard drive data, this downloadable tool enables secure deletion of data stored on a systems hard disk drive. The Secure Data Disposal tool employs faster and more thorough techniques than typical methods, resulting in more secure disposal of hard drives as well as reduced IT labor costs. This tool can log all activity and provide an audit trail of disposed hard drives.

ThinkVantage Client Security Solution

This combination of hardware and downloadable software protects data from unauthorized viewing and/or access. flexible authentication techniqueslike pass phrases, fingerprints and smart cardshelp secure logon procedures according to your specific security policy requirements. Password Manager lets users replace multiple passwords with authentication through a single pass phrase, or when used with optional biometrics or readers, through a fingerprint or smart card. With Password Reset, logon passwords can be reset by users who answer three simple questions. Just click I forgot my password, answer the questions and the system securely resets the password, prompting the user to set a new password at first use. The reset feature works for BIoS PoP (Power on Password), hard disk drive and Microsoft Windows passwordsall without a call to the help desk.


client Security works in conjunction with an embedded security chip to manage encryption keys and processes. The TPM (Trusted Platform Module) itself is isolated from the operating system using patented tamper-resistant technology. Wireless solutions on the ThinkPad such as cisco Light Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) and SecurID RAS keys are built into the ThinkVantage client Security Solution, allowing mobile users to employ cost-efficient software tokens and carry one less piece of equipment on the road. Encryption and decryption of files and folders happens automatically in the most secure way possible in the industry. With the optional utimaco Safe guard Easy integration, users can benefit from full hard drive encryption and decryption as well.

ThinkVantage ImageUltra Builder

consolidate multiple languages, hardware platforms, workgroup applications and operating systems into a single master image with Imageultra Builder. This unique module approach to imaging allows for maximum flexibility in image maintenance and deployment. Support for portable, semi-portable (sysprep) and cloned images as well as notebook and desktop hardware configurations in a single image helps reduce the number of images that IT organizations must manage. Based on the Microsoft WinPE environment, Imageultra Builder allows for even more efficiencies and ease of use features for the administrator. or, choose Imageultra Services provided by Lenovo for expert help creating your master image.

ThinkVantage Active Protection System

The Active Protection System (APS), available on many ThinkPad notebooks, employs airbag-like technology to protect the hard drive. The system has an integrated motion sensor that continuously monitors the movement of the notebook, and, if a sudden change in motion is detected, the APS temporarily stops the hard drive to protect it from a potential crash. This ThinkVantage Technology provides up to four times greater impact protection than systems without it and helps reduce downtime and support costs. When a fall is detected, the drive head is parked within 500 milliseconds until the system is stabilized. When repetitive vibration is detected, which may be the case when traveling on an airplane or train, the APS automatically adjusts sensitivity so you can work uninterrupted.

ThinkVantage Access Connections

create location profiles with nearly all the settings you need to connect virtually anywhere network connectivity is available. once profiles are set, Access connections lets you easily switch between them. Profiles can be set for automatic switching between wireless and wired connections based on the highest available compatible connection speed. They can be set to change your default printer, turn on a VPN or launch applications by location. Plus, Access connections helps manage wireless security, including Wi-fi Protected Access, WEP, 80.1x and cisco LEAP. Profiles can also be centrally managed to simplify deployment.

ThinkVantage Productivity Center

With Productivity center, users can get the information they need, including detailed information about features and capabilities, plus important tools like Rescue and Recovery, System Migration Assistant, Access connections and more. They can even link to software updates, online support and automated help.

ThinkVantage System Update

Staying up to the minute has never been easier, or taken less time. System update allows you to automate the download of hardware-specific drivers, BIoS and software updates directly for an individual system or for every single system in your company. Download and install enterprise updates from a locally managed repository, set specific update times, and schedule recurring automatic updates for the Pc. Large files can be downloaded faster thanks to download grid technology used by System update.

ThinkVantage System Migration Assistant

System Migration Assistant (SMA) makes migrating your old computers data and settings to a new computer or operating system a simple task with a rich set of migration options, including Peer to Peer (over Ethernet cable); command-line batch process (runonce); and network-based or external storage such as uSB drive, cD, and/or DVD. getting users back to work quickly and efficiently, without losing their data, applications settings, and look and feel of their old environment is made easy with ThinkVantage SMA. Whats more, SMA can be used as a part of the LANDesk migration process, as well as help perform mass migration of user files, folders, personal preferences, user profiles, Microsoft and non-Microsoft application settings, printer drivers and oDBc database sources during an automated corporate rollout of new Pcs.


Integrated Product Details

LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies Main Console View
Dedicated disposal group

Dedicated tool bar

Integrated, console-specific ThinkVantage functions

Predefined ThinkVantage queries

ThinkVantage related reports

System Management from a Single Console

LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies uses a Windows 3-bit console to allow IT administrators to manage their complete network environment. The suites guI has been extended to include the management tools for Lenovos ThinkVantage Technologies (TVT) product line. This integration appears seamlessly in the management suite guI and includes the TVT to be grouped in their own category and listed under the suites toolbox. TVT can be launched from the toolbox, from the pull-down menu on the toolbar, or from a right mouse click on the systems that have been added into the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies database and that are managed by the suite. The TVT tools are grouped and shown in the LANDesk toolbox under ThinkVantage. These include Access connection Profile Manager, Active Protection System Manager, Antidote Delivery Package Manager, client Security Solution Manager, Imageultra Builder, Productivity center Manager, Rescue and Recovery Policy Manager, Secure Data Disposal, and System Migration Assistant. Three default queries are added to the Queries category of the Network View on the LANDesk management console. These queries include Repository Hosts, Thinkcentre and ThinkPad. These queries show all systems that are found on the network and fall into these categories. This enables group operations to be done to the ThinkVantage systems simplifying the management process. customized TVT reports are added to the reports menu. These reports include: n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Active Protection System Software Summary All Machines Deployed with Imageultra Builder All Machines Disposed with Secure Data Disposal All Machines with Access connections All Machines with Active Protection System Hardware without Software installed All Machines with Imageultra Builder console All Machines with Rescue and Recovery All Machines with System Migration Assistant Antidote Repositories Installed ThinkVantage Technology Applications Lenovo client Security Solution Status Report Lenovo Security Hardware Status Report Rescue and Recovery Status computrace Enabled Machines

Help files include ThinkVantage Technologies, along with links to ThinkVantage Home Page and support site information.


In addition, vulnerability scans provided in the Security and Patch Management tool include looking for those Lenovo systems that do not have Antidote or Rescue and Recovery tools installed, and reporting those systems as being vulnerable. In the inventory database, the ThinkVantage systems and tools show up as their own category and can be searched and queried just like any other field in the management database. All other LANDesk Management Suite functionality can be performed on the ThinkVantage systems, including remote control, software license monitoring, security and patch management, software distribution, and inventory when the suites agents are installed on the Lenovo systems. Through LANDesk Management Suites Software Distribution technology, TVT can easily be deployed and installed to those systems that do not have TVT installed. The TVT tools come pre-packaged and ready to be deployed to the Lenovo systems through software distribution deployment. The ThinkVantage Technologies are added into LANDesk Management Suite via an installation that is run automatically after the standard LANDesk Management Suite is installed. This installation re-brands the suites console, adds all the tools and functionality of the TVT, and fully integrates the two products from LANDesk and Lenovo.

Benefits of the Integrated Solution

using LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies enables you to: n Increase efficiency and save time with a complete hardware and software management solution for all users in a complex network environment. n Reduce costs and demands on helpdesk resources with tools that allow helpdesk personnel to securely and easily support users in any networked environment, including users outside the corporate firewall that were previously out of reach, without needing a VPN. n Protect user productivity and reduce resource needs by easily keeping up with patches and updates in order to maintain system-level security. n Save time and network bandwidth with patented, ultra-efficient software distribution technologies. n Decrease software licensing costs and quickly respond to audits with comprehensive software license monitoring capabilities. n Increase efficiency and save time by migrating users and their profiles to new operating systems. n Reduce infrastructure costs and configuration headaches. n Back up and restore system software and data. n Deploy, manage and provide access connection to clients for wired or wireless networks. n Securely dispose of data on hard drives to prevent security issues. The product leverages the existing investments in database, application and directory service technologies. It works across heterogeneous IT environments for minimal impact on network, server and personnel resources. n Management across the Internet allows systems to be managed in any networked environment as though the systems existed inside the corporate firewall, increasing the satisfaction of users who are normally unreachable. n Patent-pending technology provides a secure transport from the laptop to a corporate environmentwithout a dedicated leased line or VPN solution. With LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies, users can discover automatically what computer assets they have, how theyre configured and where they are on a networkeven previously unreachable computers, such as those outside a corporate firewall and at geographically distributed sites. All that is needed is an Internet connection. LANDesk Management gateway, Intel vPro support, easy target selection, software distribution, policy-based configuration management and extensive business intelligence reports provide the tools needed to take control of each systems configuration, standardize it and maintain it automatically. The suites fully customizable console allows users to easily create task-optimized views and limit access to console features based on each users role. for example, you could enable accounting staff to access only inventory tracking and analysis features, helpdesk staff to access only remote control features, and remote IT staff to access to all features, but only for the computers in their office. The product integrates with Active Directory to assign roles based upon administrative tasks. When users can get right to what they need, they save time and improve efficiency. Exclusive technologies, such as LANDesk Targeted Multicast technology and LANDesk Peer Download technology, empower you to deploy software and operating systems quickly and efficiently. These technologies support policy-based maintenance with minimal network impact to create efficiencies while eliminating much of the need for dedicated hardware or specialized configurations. And package dependency chaining automatically installs prerequisite packages to simplify software deployment.



Decrease Costs
Increasing efficiency and reducing costs is easier when routine tasks can be automated and performed with minimal impact on both human and IT resources. More can be accomplished in less time and with less effort and infrastructureand therefore, less cost. LANDesk Management gateway allows users to manage and secure systems outside the firewall as though they were managing systems inside and with only an Internet connection. This avoids the cost of a dedicated leased line or VPN infrastructure.

Protect Productivity
LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies easily identifies system vulnerabilities and quickly deploys applications or utilities to protect each computerand the productivity of its user. users can be migrated to new operating systems with automated oS deployment and profile migration tools, create policies to automatically install or remove software, and quickly perpetuate those policies throughout the environment to maintain configuration standards. Efficient, automated control over an IT environment helps companies more easily adapt to new technologies and applications and respond more quickly to problems and threats. Knowing what IT assets they have and controlling how they are configured removes uncertainty and eases the pain of systems management. And task-optimized wizards simplify IT processes and speed workflow. Informed decisions can be made on software purchases and upgrade and hardware replacement needs with powerful query tools that allow quick analysis and understanding of an IT environment. Extensive business reports and a report designer make it easy to show progress toward corporate objectives, demonstrate compliance with IT standards, and plan for future enhancements. Asset and directory service information is leveraged to simplify IT planning, reporting, configuration management and security maintenance tasks. Without question, the integrated LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies solution combines to protect users productivity, increase efficiency, save time and reduce costs by providing anytime, anywhere control over the computers in any networked environment.

Extend the Power of LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies by Adding the Following Solutions
n LANDesk Security Suite extends security management at the endpoint with quarantine capabilities, active threat analysis, spyware detection and removal, access control, configuration security tools and more. n LANDesk Antivirus delivers enterprise-ready virus protection and rootkit detection using the single console simplicity found only with LANDesk solutions. You extend world-class virus protection to your enterprise. n LANDesk Patch Manager subscription service automates vulnerability assessment, remediation and ongoing security patch management across your enterprise. n LANDesk Asset Manager lets you see and track non-computer resources through the same single console you use for systems, security and inventory management. n LANDesk Server Manager gives your enterprise a comprehensive server management solution that helps you better ensure uptime. n LANDesk System Manager adds real-time, component-level performance monitoring and health maintenance for your individual systems. n LANDesk Process Manager lets your enterprise quickly design, model, document, automate and optimize your business processes. use it to support change and configuration management and bridge the gap between IT and business services. n LANDesk Service Desk is a next-generation consolidated service desk (cSD) solution. It empowers your enterprise to easily and effectively deliver outstanding support services to both employees and customers.



LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies Installation Steps and Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware requirements
In order to manage TVT using the LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies console, the required TVT applications must be installed on those clients that have a valid software license.

Software requirements
The LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies installation has a prerequisite checker that determines if the computer meets the hardware and software requirements. The prerequisite checker also checks for TVT applications, and is available for the core and additional console installations. ThinkVantage Technologies requires Microsoft Windows 000, Windows XP or later version.

Core server
LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies requires an Integration Toolkit to set up the unique TVT integration. The installation cannot proceed if the toolkit is not present on the core server at time of installation.

Core server or additional console

n Access connections version 3.71 or later, (v4.1 recommended) n Rescue and Recovery 3.0 or later n Rescue and Recovery and client Security Solution Toolkit (to create Antidote packages) n Secure Data Disposal version 1. or later (included in the Integration Toolkit) n Imageultra Builder version .01 or later n Access connections Enabler for Admin Profile Deployment (only if Access connections 3.x is used on the clients) After IBM Access connections Enabler for Admin Profile Deployment install, run AdmEnblr.exe from c:\Program files\ ThinkPad\connectutilities and select the Enable Admin feature button. TVT applications can be downloaded for Lenovo Systems at They are available for purchase for non-Lenovo systems. LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies (TVTS) Supported Versions Access connections Message center Active Protection System (APS) Antidote Away Manager client Security Solution (cSS) fingerprint Reader (fPR) ImageultraBuilder (IuB) Productivity center for Thinkcenter Desktops Productivity center for Thinkpad Laptops Rescue and Recovery (RnR) Secure Data Disposal (SDD)

LDMS 8.6 for TVTS v3.71, v3.8 Not supported Not supported RR3Admin1.0.exe for Rescue and Recovery v3.0 Not supported Not supported Not supported v.01, v3.0 full Version Not supported Not supported v3.0 v1.

LDMS 8.7 for TVTS v3.71, v3.8, v4.11, v4.1, (v4.0 is not supported, must upgrade) v.10b v1.40 tvtadmin0.exe for Rescue and Recovery v3.1 v.0.6.0 v7.0 v5.5 or higher v3.0 full Version, v3.1 uprgrade v1.03 v1.11 v3.0, v3.1 v1., v1.3 (automatically installs with LDMS 8.7 for TVTS on the core) v5.1 (automatically installs with LDMS 8.7 for TVTS on the core) v.0

LDMS 8.7 SP2 for TVTS 4.1 Same Same Same Same 7.00.0030 Same Same Same 1.11 3.10.0030 Same

System Migration Assistant (SMA) ThinkVantage System update (TVSu)


v4., v5.0 Not supported

5.1.043 .00.0084


Core Server Installation

The LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies installation is available at The differences between LANDesk Management Suite and LANDesk Management Suite for ThinkVantage Technologies installations encompass: 1) the product branding, ) the inclusion of the ThinkVantage plug-ins and integration, and 3) the prerequisite checker that looks to determine if ThinkVantage tools are installed. After the installation is complete, activate the core within the 45-day evaluation license.

System Requirements and Platform Support

for a complete list of core server and console requirements, as well as operating systems, supported databases, directories, Web servers and reporting engines, and for the most current language and client platform support, visit the LANDesk Web site at


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