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Europe-Vietnamese Business Council officially came into operation since

22/10/2020, based on the initiative of European Business Association in
Vietnam and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
2. On 12/6, in the Gorvermaent Office , Deputy Prime Minister- Chairman of
National Council on Sustainable Development and Competitiveness Vu Duc
Dam hosted the meeting of the Council after consolidating Decision
419/QD-TTg on 18/4/2018 of the Prime Minister
3. The alliance of Vietnamese Business Forum is a close and continuous
dialouge mechaism between Vietnam Gorverment and business community
in order to improve the essential business condition to foster the
development of private sector, facilitate investment environment and
contribute to the sustainable economic development of Vietnam
4. On 3/12/2020, the Seminar on the execution of National action plan to
implement the 20230 Agenda for Sustainable Development was held by the
Ministry of Investment and Planning in cordination with Hanns Seidel
Institue of The Federal Republic of Germany.
5. On the Morning of 20/4, Bo Ao Asian Forum was kicked-off in both offline
and online form in Bo Ao city, Hainan Province, China. Prime Minister
Nguyen Xuan Phuc had attended the forum and had a speech at the
opening ceremony.

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