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Globalization is increase interaction between people from different countries and the increase
movements of Goods and services .

Globalization Interdependence of nation around the globe through free trade ,Speedup movement of
goods and services , Promotes increase interaction between different regions ,Covid-19 affected the
movement of nations

Today or During pandemic government declaring a lockdown so the movements of good are slow so
there are goods that do not arrive immediately.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vast differences in approaches to the control and
containment of coronavirus across the world and has demonstrated the varied success of such
approaches in minimizing the transmission of coronavirus. While previous studies have demonstrated
high predictive power of incorporating air travel data and governmental policy responses in global
disease transmission modelling, factors influencing the decision to implement travel and border
restriction policies have attracted relatively less attention.

Metaphors of Globalization inquires into the power and politics of metaphors in the making of our
globalizing era.

3 types of metaphors of globalization

Solidity is Barriers that restrict the movement of goods , It can be natural or man-made

One of Example is Great Wall of China

Solidity also refers to the persistence of barriers that. prevented free movement of people, information,
and objects in that era. Although solidity persists, it is “fluidity” that is more characteristic of the “global

Liquidity is increasing movement of people, things and information.

Liquidity means how quickly you can get your hands on your cash. In simpler terms, liquidity is to get
your money whenever you need it.

Flow is Movement of people, things, and information

due to the increasing “porosity” of global limitations (Ritzer, 2015)

One of the Example is Migrants, food flow

People flows refers to the movement of people across international borders in the form of immigration,
international student flows, business travel, and tourism.

Origin and History of Globalization

Hardwired human seek for better life

This is the start of globalization the first people in the world they go to travel in different countries to
found place, foods, nature and discover to study there culture .

Cycles long term cynical process

New globalization to old globalization

Epoch waves of globalization

Changing globalization through changing the weather .

Events specific events can be seen as the origin of globalization

This is the specific event for example the cold war see the origin of globalization.

Broader changes as the origin ofglobalization

When having changes in our country so globalization having changes too .

Factors that facilitate

Economic Globalization

International Governmental Organization to create a mechanism for the world's inhabitants to work
more successfully together in the areas of peace and security

International Non-Governmental Organizationnot-for-profit voluntary associations operating at the

international, transnational, or global level,

Multinational Corporation is a business organization .

International Migration is the movement of people across international borders for the purpose of

•A group of people whohave a strong sense of unity and bound by common consciousness.

•Has four elements: population, territory, government, and sovereignty

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