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Maritime abbreviations


compiled by CLC Cristian Ruș - Master mariner

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Maritime abbreviations
2H second half
A first class,aft,antwerp, albania
A-PERK automatic powered emergency release coupling
A.& C.P. anchors and chains provided.
A.F. africa (n) , advanced freights
A.H. after hatch , aft hatch
A.H. anno hegirae.(epoch of mohammedan calendar)
A.M.C. armed merchant cruiser
A.O.LOC. any one location
A.R. all risks
A.T. american terms (grain)
A.T.S. all time saved
A.V. ad valorem
A/C account / account current,altered course
A/D after date
A/F air freight
A/G arabian gulf
A/H antwerp - hamburg range ports
A/O and/or, account of
A/P additional premium
A/R against all risks
A/S after sight,account sales,alongside (chartering)
A/T american terms , all told
A/V average,ad valorem (according to value)
A1 first class (charterers or owners)
AA always afloat/after arrival
AAAA always afloat and accessible, always accesible always afloat
AAD annual agregate deductible
AAIC accounting authority identification code
AAOSA always afloat or safely aground
AAR against all risks
AARA amsterdam-antwerp-rotterdam area
AASA always afloat or safe aground
AB able bodied seaman,above bridges
ABAFT in the stern half of a ship
ABC american broadcasting company
ABDNT abandonment
ABG abridge (d) (ment)
ABI association of british insurers
ABOC american bulk oil clauses
ABREV abbreviate, abbreviation
ABS absent subscriber / american bureau of shipping
ABT about
ABV above
AC account current,air changes.alternating current
ACAJ acajutia (sw mexico)
ACAS advisory,conciliation and arbitration service
ACC accepted , acceptance.american chemistry council
ACCD accommodation
ACCS advanced communications control system (usa)
ACCT account.
ACCU notation of abs authorizing unmanned operation in engine room
ACGA american corn growers association
ACGFO any commercial grade fuel oil
ACGIH american conference of governmental industrial hygienists
ACII associate of chartered insurance institute
ACK acknowledge (-ging)
ACP american cargo policy
ACPT accept.
ACPTA acceptable.
ACTBNMT as close to but not more than
ACV air cushion vehicle (hovercraft)
AD anno domini (years after christ's birth)
AD.VAL. "ad valorem" (according to value)
ADAM amsterdam
ADCOM address comission
ADD. addressed,join
ADD/COM address commission.
ADDL additional
ADDR address
ADE above deck equipment
ADJ adjust
ADMIN administration
ADNOC abu dhabi national oil company
ADNOK advise if not ok
ADV advise , advice.
AE adverse effect,auxiliary engine
AF autofocus
AFAA as far as applicable
AFC automatic frequency control
AFIA american foreign insurance association
AFL american federation of labour
AFP american free press, agence france press
AFPC advanced financial planing certificate (cii)
AFSPS arrival first sea pilot (norway)
AFT at or toward the stern or tail
AG arabian gulf

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AGA american gas association
AGB a good brand
AGC annual gross capacity, automatic gain control
AGCY agency
AGL above ground level
AGN again
AGO atmospheric gas oil, automotive gas oil
AGR agree
AGS annual general survey
AGT. agent,against,agreement.
AGW all going well
AGWI atlantic,golf,west indies limits
AHF american hull form (insurance policy)
AHL australian hold ladders
AHT anchor handling tug
AHTS anchor-handling tug and supply
AIAA american institute of aeronautics and astronautics
AICC american institute cargo clauses
AIHC american institute hull clause
AIMU american institute of marine underwriters
AIPS advanced integrated propulsion system
AIRMIC association of insurance and risk managers in industry and commerce
AIRSTA united states coast guard air station
AIS automatic indentification system
AISC american institute of steel construction
AISI american iron and steel institute
ALA alabama (usa)
ALARP as low as reasonably possible
ALG algerian
ALLW allow , allowance
ALRS admirality list of radio signals
ALT alternatively
ALW always
AM american , ante-meridian
AM GENCON amended gencon charter party
AMA american medical association
AMAC association of maritime arbitrators of canada
AMC american maritime cases
AMD amend
AMDMT amendment
AMERC association of marine electronic and radio college
AMEX american stock exchange
AML absolute maximum loss
AMPD average most probable discharge
AMR america
AMS automated manifest system
AMSA australian maritime safety authority
AMT amount
AMVER automated mutual-assistance vessel rescue system
AMWELSH/AWS americanized welsh coal charter party
AN arrival notification (EU AMS term)
ANF arrival notification form
ANOA advanced notice of arrival
ANS alaska north slope,answer
ANSI american national standards institute
ANT antwerp
ANTHAM antwerp-hamburg
AOB account on board , as on board , any other business
AOC assimilable organic carbon
AOCS american oil chemists society
AOE any one event
AOH after office hours
AOI arab organization for industrialization
AOL any one loss, america on line
AOO any one occurrence
AOR area of responsibility, any one risk
AORE atlantic ocean region east
AORW atlantic ocean region west
AOTF acusto-optic tunable filter
AOV any one vessel
AOVOY any one voyage
AP associated press , april , additional premium , all purposes, additional premium
APC armored personnel carrier, advanced polymer coating
APD actual payment date
APHIS animal and plant health inspection service
API american petroleum institute,atmospheric pressure ionization, active pharmaceutical ingredients
APIS advanced passenger information system
APL as per list
APM advanced power management
APPAR apparently
APPD approved
APPL apply , application
APROX approximate , approximately
APS arriving/arrival pilot station
APT appartment , after peak tank
AR all risks,antwerp - rotterdam range,american rate
ARA amsterdam,rotterdam,antwerp range

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ARAG amsterdam-rotterdam-antwerp-gent range
ARB arbitration
ARCS admirality raster charts service
ARND around
ARPA automatic radar plotting aids,advanced research projects agency
ARQ automatic repetition request
ARR arrived
ARR TL arranged total loss
ARRANG arrange (ment)
ARRV arrive
ARRVD arrived
ARRVL arrival
ARS acute radiation syndrome
ASAP as soon as possible
ASB accounting standards board (uk)
ASBA american ship brokers association
ASCP anchors and chain proved
ASEAN association of south east asian nations
ASF additional secondary factor, asian shipowners forum, as follows
ASGD alarm signal generating device
ASI annual safety inspection
ASM at sea maintenance
ASPW any safe port in the world
ASSN association
AST atlantic standard time, atlantic strike team
ASVTS automated secure vessel tracking system
AT WT atomic weight
AT WT atomic weight
AT&T american telephone and telegraph company
ATA automatic tracking aid
ATDNSHINC any time day night sundays holidays included
ATF aviation turbine fuel
ATL atlantic,actual total loss
ATLC atlantic
ATML allowable transportable moisture limit
ATMOS atmospheric
ATND attend , attendance
ATO authority to operate
ATSBE all time saved both ends (despatch)
ATSDR agency for toxic substances and disease registry
ATT attention , attached
ATUTC actual time used to count
AUG august
AUSREP australian reporting system for shipping
AUST australia
AUST ROUND australian roundvoyage
AUSTWHT australian wheat (ch/p)
AUTH authority , authorize
AUX auxiliary (vessel)
AV average,available,ad valorem
AV.DISBTS. average disbursements
AVAILS meaning of supplies
AVGAS aviation gasoline
AW YR NEWS awaiting your news
AWACS airborne warning and control system (usa)
AWO american waterways operator
AWT applied weather technology
AWTNG awaiting
AWTS all working time saved, advanced wastewater treatment system
AWTS advanced wastewater treatment system
AXAF advanced x-ray astrophysics facility
B blue sky
B bale,bag,bay,bridge
B TO B both to blame collision clause
B.A. buenos aires
B.D.S.T. british double summer time
B.O. buyer's option,branch office
B.P.B. bank post bill
B.S. british survey,balance sheet
B.T. berth terms
B.T.U. board of trade unit / british thermal unit
B/B bag/bale,bare boat
B/C bulk carrier
B/CH bristol channel
B/D bank draft,bar draft (grain trade)
B/E bill of exchange,bill of entry
B/G bank guarantee,bonded goods
B/H bill of health,bordeaux to hamburg inclusive
B/L bill of lading,bale
B/O brought over, best offer
B/O/B bunkers on board
B/P bills payable, balance of payments
B/R bills receivable,bordeaux or rouen (grain trade)
B/S bills of sale,bills of store,bags,bales,bunker surcharge,balance sheet
B/S bags,bales
B/ST bill of sight
B&B bed and breakfast

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B&B bed and breakfast
B&D.I. birth and death form i.
B&T CL blocking & trapping clause
B&W burgmeister and wain
B2B business to business
BA breathing apparatus
BA COMPL BB buenos aires with completition bahia blanca
BAF bunker adjustment factor
BAL balance
BALECL bale claims for pulp
BANDW burgmeister and wain
BAR barometer,barometric, bar (pressure measurement unit)
BAR DRAFT vessel's maximum draft to cross bar
BAS basis
BAS business application support
BASF badische anilin und soda fabric chemical co.
BATF bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms (usa)
BB bellow bridge,break bulk,bahia blanca,bill book,base bleed,beveled base(bullet), broad band
BBAY biscay bay
BBB before breaking bulk
BBC british broadcasting corporation, brombenzyl cyanide(tear gas)
BBCL both to blame collision clause
BBD boards battens deals
BBHP bare boat high purchase
BBLS barrel (s)
BBS bulletin board service,biological behavioral and social sciences
british corporation,bulk-car carrier,british columbia,canada bristol ,channel,bulk cargo,bulk carrier,before
christ,baltimore form charter party
BCF billion cubic feet
BCH code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemical in bulk
BCM bow to center manifold
BCP (hanse) buyer contract party
BD board,bound,bar draft,bank draft,band,,bond
BDE below deck equipment
BDFT board foot/feet
BDI both dates inclusive,both days included
BDLS bundles
BDR bunker delivery receipt
BDS boards (timber),broker's daily statement
BE both ends,bill of exchange
BENDS both ends (on loading and discharging)
BER bit error rate
BFC baltimore form c (ch/p)
BFF best friend forever
BFI baltic freight index
BFO beat frequency oscillator
BG bag
BGD bagged
BH bordeaux-hamburg range
BH RGE bordeaux-hamburg range
BHF bauxite kind hf
BHP brake horse-power
BI both inclusive, bye bye
BIC bureau international des containers
BID a proposal to buy a commodity/derivative at a specific price
BIH bureau international de l'heure
BIIBA british insurance&investment brokers' association
BIMCO the baltic international maritime conference
BIOS basic input-output system
BIZ business
BK i cut off (txl language),bank
BK back,backwardation,book
BKD booked
BKGE breakage,brokerage
BKRS bunkers
BL bill of lading, bale, bulgarian lloyd
BLADINGS bills of lading
BLEVE boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion
BLG subcommittee on bulk liquids and gases (IMO)
BLK bulk,black
BLS bales,barrels,bills of lading
BLT built
BLVE believe
BLY barley
BM beam,board measure (timber), beam
BMF board measure feet
BMP best management practices
BN booking note,base number,beacon
BNA british north america
BNK bank
BO bulk-oil carrier,bulk-ore carrier,bad order,buyer's option,branch office
BO-RO bulk oil/roll on-roll of
BOB bunkers on board
BOD bunkers on delivery
BODAOB bunker on delivery as on board
BOE barrels of oil
BOFFER best offer

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BOFRS best offers
BOHICA bend over here it comes again
vessel using pontoons between herself and berth due to her draft
BOP_ berth operating platform, balance of payments
BOPD barrels of oil per day
BOPM barrels of oil per month
BOR bunkers on redelivery
BORAOB bunker on redelivery as on board
BOSUN boatswain
BOT board of trade
BOWTHR bowthruster
BP bill(s) of payable, british pharmacopoeia,british petroleum
BPB bank post bill
BPCD barrels per calendaristic day
BPD barrels per day
BPG bridge procedures guide
BQ Barque, reply to a rq
BR bank release,bills receivable
BR builders' risk insurance
BRAZ brazil
BRC broker regulatory committee (lloyd's),brokers registration council
BRL barrel
BRMA brokers' & reinsurers' market association (usa)
BROB bunkers remaining on board
BS bills of sale,balance sheet,bunker surcharge,boiler survey,black sea,british standard
BS/L bills of lading
BS&W basic sediments water and other impurities
BSA business services administration
BSC british steel corporation
BSE bovine spongioform encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
BSI british standard institute
BSM bureau signing message
BSN boston
BSP british pharmacopeia
BSR basic service rate, british standard specification
BSS basis
BSS 1/1 bassis 1 port to 1 port
BST british summer time
BT berth terms, bow thruster
BTEC business and technician education council
BTMS bottoms
BTRY battery
BTTM bottom
BTU bow thrust unit(s),british thermal unit
BTX benzene toluene xylene
BU bushel(s),bureau veritas
BULK bulk carrier
BUS business
BV bureau veritas
BW brackish water
BWAD brackish water arrival draft
BWC bilogical weapons convention
BWT bleeding wing tank
BX box,symbol for flexible armored electrical cable
C chemical tanker,celsius,centrigade,container,case,carton,cubic,collected,currency, coupon,coast
C detached clouds
C&G city and guilds
C &/OR J china and/or japan
C AND F cost and freight
C ORE 7 ore charted party for use in mediterranean
C ORE 8 ore charter party for use in the bay of biscay
C.A. current account
C.B&H continent,bordeaux to hamburg
C.C. civil commotions,continuation clause
C.F. carried forward,cubic feet
C.F. cooper fastened
C.F.I. cost,freight and insurance
C.F.O. coast for orders,channel for orders
C.G.A cargo's proportion of general average
C.H&H continent between havre and hamburg
C.I. consular invoice
C.I.E. captain's imperfect entry
C.I.F &E cost,insurance and freight and exchange
C.I.F. cost,insurance and freight
C.I.F.C.I. cost,insurance and freight commision and interest
C.I.F.L.T. cost,insurance and freight,london terms
C.O.D. cash on delivery
C.P.D. charterers pay dues
C.R. current rate,carriers' risk
C.S. cotton seed,colliery screened (coal)
C.T. calofornian terms (grain trade)
C.T.C. corn trade clauses
C.T.L.O. constructive total loss only
C.T.M. cash to master
C.W. commercial weight
C/- case
C/D commercial dock,consular declaration

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C/F charter free
C/I certificate of insurance
C/L craft loss
C/N consignement note,cover note,credit note
C/O case oil,certificate of origin,cash order
C/P charter party,compare,custom of port
C/S cases/ cleaning inspection satisfaction
C/SNEE consignee
C/T conference terms
C&/OR DPP crude and/or dirty petroleum products
C&D collected and delivered,cancelled and delivered
C&F cost and freight,clearing and forwarding
C&I cost and insurance
C+I cost and insurance
C3 plastic explosive based on rdx
C4 improvement form of c3
CA central america,circa/about
CA controlled atmosphere (refrigerated goods)
CAA clean air act (usa)
CABAF currency and bunker adjustment factor
CABE charterers' agents both ends
CACTLVO compromised &/or arranged &/or constructive total loss of vessel
CAD cash against documents,computer assisted design,coronary artery disease
CAE computer assisted engineering
CAF cost and freight, currency adjustment factor
CAJEA council of all japanese exporters association
CAL/CALIF california
CALM catenary anchor leg mooring buoy
CAMEO computer aided management of emergency operations
CAMP chambre arbitrale maritime de paris
CAN canada,canadian
CANC cancelled
CANC/CCLG cancel (led)
CANCIG cancelling date
CANCL/CLG cancelling
CAP captain,capital,capacity
CAPA corrective and preventive action
CAPEX capital ependiture
CAPT captain,capital
CARB california air resource board
CARICOM carribean community
CAS casablanca
CASE computer assisted software engineering
CASS claims agreement support
CAT computer axial tomography
CAV computerised and automated vessel
CB car bulk-carrier
CB&H continent between bordeaux and hamburg
CBA collective bargaining agreement
CBC complete blood count
CBE change being effected
CBFT cubic feet
CBFT/CFT cubic foot/feet
CBH continent/bordeaux/hamburg/range
CBI confederation of british industry
CBIN cubic inch
CBL cable
CBM cubic meters
CBOT chicago board of trading
CBP customs and border protection
CBP customs and border protection
CBR comodity box rate
CBS columbia broadcasting system (network)
CBT computer based training,clean ballast tank
cubic centimeter,current cost,civil commodation,carbon,copy,charge collect,continuation clause,civil
commotions,cancellation clause
CCAI calculated carbonated aromatics index
CCC command control and communication (military)
CCIR international radio consultative committee
CCISG convention contracts of intenational sale of goods
CCR common core record,cargo control room
CCS catalytically cracked spirit
CCSA collective conpany signing agreement
CCT cargo custody transfer
CCTV closed circuit tv
CCW counterclockwise
CCY convertible currency
CD country damage, compact disk,certificate of deposit, customary despatch, chart datum
CDB cellular double bottom
CDC certain dangerous cargo
CDC center for disease control, certain dangerous cargo
CDI chemical distribution institute
CDN canadian
CDV current domestic value of the goods in their country of origin
CE cement carrier,consumption entry
CEE compound-expansion engine
CEFIC european chemical industry council

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CENELEC european commision for electrotechnical standardization
CEO chief(company) executive officer
CEPSA compania espanola de petroleos sa
CEPT conference of european postal and telecomunications administrations
CERCLA comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act of 1980
CERT certify,certificate
CES coast earth station
CF complement fixation
CFC chlorofluorocarbon
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons
CFD contract for differences
CFDL confidential
CFM confirm,cubic feet per minute
CFMD confirmed
CFO coast for orders,channel for orders,calling for orders
CFPP cold filter plugging point (lubricating oil spec)
CFPS cash flow per share
CFR code of federal regulations (usa),cost and freight
CFREE charter free
CFS container freight station,chronic fatigue syndrome
CFT cubic foot/feet
CFY clarify
CG coast guard
CGA cargo's proportion of general average,compressed gas association
CGLI city and guilds of london institute
CGO cargo
CGSA carriage of goods by sea act
CGSB canadian general standards board
CGT compensated gross tonnage
CH chapter , chanel , chief
CH&H continent between havre and hamburg
CHABE charterers agents both ends
CHAG chaguaranas (trinidad)
CHAP chapter
CHEM chemicals
CHEMTREC chemical energy transportation center
CHENG chief engineer
CHF congestive heart failure
CHG charge
CHGD charged
CHGS charges
CHK check
CHLOREP chlorine emergency plan
CHNG change
CHOFF chief officer
CHOPT charterers option
CHQ cheque
CHRIS chemical hazard response information system
CHRIS chemical hazards response information center
CHRS charterers
CHRTRS/CHTRS charterers
CI consular invoice,cast iron,cetane index
CIA central intelligence agency,chemical industries association(uk)
CIC concentrated inspection campaign
CIE captain's imperfect entry (customs)
CIF cost,insurance and freight
CIF &E cost,insurance and freight and exchange
CIFANE cost,insurance and freight and slight difference of exchange
CIFCE cost,insurance and freight,commision and axchange
CIFCI cost,insurance and freight,commision and interest
CIFLT cost,insurance and freight london terms
CII charterers insurance institute
CILA chartered institute of loss adjuster
CIO congress of industrial organization
CIP cariage and insurance paid to, calling in point
CIR circumference
CIRRS commecrial interest reference rates
CIS commonwealth of independent states
CIT chartered institute of transport,critical ignition temperature (not same as flash point)
CIV civil,civilian
CK check,cask
CKD/CKN completed knocked down (cars)
CL container load, clause, cable layer, cargo lifts, continuous liner
CLAMS claims management system (ilu)
CLASF classification
CLC civil liability convention
CLD cleared
CLEO chief law-enforcement officer,conference on lasers and electro-optics
CLM claim
CLNT client
CLRD cleared
CLS close loading system, clause
CLT contracted and loaded tip ( type of propeller)
CM centimeter
CMA chemical manufacturers association
CMDG commanding
CMI comite maritime international

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CML commercial
CMLA canadian maritime law association
CMO chief medical officer
CMPL completed
CMS continuous machiery survey
CN credit note
CNAA council for national academic awards
CNC computerized numerical control
CNG compressed natural gas
CNN cable news network
CNSEE consignee
CNVS consecutive voyages
CO company,country (administration district),carried over,care of collation,collate,por favor compare,carbon monoxide, cargo oil
COA contract of affreightment
COACP contract of affreightment charter party
COB cargo on board, closing of business, chip on board (printed circuit production method)
COBLDN closing of business london
COC certificate of compliance, certificate of competency, cleveland open cup (flash point test)
COD collect on delivery,cash on delivery,change of destination
COFC container on flat car
COFG ACT carriage of goods by sea act 1924
COFR certificate of financial responsibility
COGS cost of goods sold
COGSA carriage of goods by sea act (usa)
COI certificate of inspectionc
COL colombia,colorado,collected,collection,colony,color(ed),
COLL collect,collection,college
COLREGS collision regulations (IMO)
COM commander,commision (er)
COMBI combination
COMDG commanding
COMDR commander
COMDT commandant
COMM commission,commander,committee,commencing (ement)
COMMS comunications
COMP compare,comparative,compound
COMP TL compromised total loss
COMPL complete
CON conclusion,consolidate,concert (acordo), conceptual
CONCS concentrates
CONDS conditions
CONF conference
CONG congress (ional)
CONN connecticut
CONS consolidated,consol,consignement, consumption
CONSECS consecutive voyages
CONSEXS consecutive voyages
CONSGT consignment
CONSOL consolidation
CONSTR construction
CONT contents,continent (of europe), container carrier, continued
CONT B/H continent range of ports between bordeaux and hamburg
CONT H/H continent havre/hamburg range
CONT.(A.H.) continent of europe,antwerp hamburg range
CONT.(B.H.) continent of europe,bordeaux-hamburg range
CONT.(G.H.) continent of europe,gibraltar-hamburg range
CONT.(H.H.) continent of europe,havre-hamburg range
CONTD continued
CONTR contract,contrary
CONUS continental united states
CONV conveyance
COO certificate of origin
COOP cooperative
COP custom of port, certificate of proficiency, cargo oil pump
COR correction, certificate of registry
CORR correction,correct (ed),corespondingly,correspondence
COS companies,counties (districts),cash of shipment
COSP commancement of sea passage
COSS claims office support system
COT cargo oil tank, cargo tank
COTP captain of the port
COTP captain of the port
COW crude oil washing
CP charter party,compare,chemically pure,command post(military)
CP-3 core prob 3"
CP-4 core prob 4"
CPA claims payable abroad, closest point of approach,certified public accountant
CPD charterers pay dues, continuing professional development, charter party dated
CPDD charter party dated
CPE continuing professional education
CPI consumer price index
CPL claims payable london
CPP clean petroleum products,controllable pitch propeller
CPR cardio pulmonary resuscitaion
CPRACK core prob rack
CPT cape town, carriage paid to
CPU central processing unit

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CPY cargo preference year
CQ "casus quo"
CQD customary quick dispatch
CR credit (or), carrier's risk, current rate,company's risk, carrier's risk, carriage return
CRA charter restructure agreement, confirmation receipt of application
CRD craned
CRISTAL contract regarding an interim supplement to tanker liability for oil pollution
CRN crane
CRO cancelling returns only
CRS coast radio station
CRT cargo retention clause
CRV do you receive well? ,i receive well (telex language)
CRYST crystallized,crystalline
CS case (s),capital stock,continuous survey
CSA Confederate states of america, canadian standard association, caribbean shipping association
CSB claims supervisory board,chemical safety and hazard investigation board (usa)
CSD/CLSD closed shelter deck, closed
CSDR column stabilised drill rig
CSG claims services group
CSI certificate standardised invoice
CSO continuous service output / company security officer
CSR continuous synopsis record
CSS coordinator surface search
CST central standard time,centistokes (viscosity measurement of oil)
CSU central services unit (lloyd's)
CT count, connecticut, cent, conference terms, container terminal, cargo tank, computerized tomography
CTC corn trade clauses , contract
CTL constructive total loss
CTLO constructive total loss only
CTN carton
CTNR container
CTR center, container fitted
CTRS charterers
CTS crates
CU cubic,see you
CU/CM cubic centimeters
CUB cubic
CUD could
CUE claims & underwrititing exchange
CUFT cubic feet
CUM with,cumulative, cubic meter
CUR currency,current
CUSTOMS u.s. customs service
CV chief value
CVIQ compiled vessel inspection questionnaire
CVTS cooperative vessel traffic service
CW commercial weight , continuous wave,clockwise,chemical warfare
CWA clean water act
CWA clean water act
CWC chemical weapons convention
CWT hundredweight
CX cancel
CXD cancelled
CYC cyclopedic,cyclopedia
CYL cylinder,cylindrical
CZ canal zone
D delivery, delivered, delete, diesel
D. drizzling rain
D.B. double bottom/s/ed,deals and battens,donkey boiler
D.B.B. deals,battens and boards
D.B.S. distress british seaman
D.B.S.T. double british summer time
D.D. damage done
D.F. dead freight
D.L.O. dispatch loading only
D.O.E. date of expiry
D.O.I. date of issue
D.O.T. department of overseas trade
D.T. deep tank
D.TP. department of transpot
D.W. deadweight,dock warrant
deposit account,days after acceptance,documents against , disbursement account,digital to analog,documents
against acceptance,deposit account,when prefixed to word "clause"vessel must discharge afloat
D/B double bottom
D/C deviation clause , direct continuation
D/D days after date,demand draft,delivered at docks,demand draft,delivered at docks,damage done
D/D days after date,days' date,
D/D demand draft,delivery,delivered at docks,date draft,days after date
D/DETS despatch details
D/N debit note
D/O delivery order,diesel oil
D/OIL diesel oil
D/P documents against payment
D/R deposit receipt
D/S days after sight
D/V dual valuation
D/W dock warrant

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D1/2D dispatch half demmurage
DA disbursement account, documents for acceptance, double action
DAA documents against acceptance
DAF deliver(ed) at frontier
DAK dakota (usa)
DAL decaliter
DAM damage
DAMFORDET damages for detention
DAN danish
DAP days all purposses,diammonium phosphate
DAPS days all purposes (total days for loading & discharging)
DAT dative,deadweight told,digital audio tape,dementia of alzheimer type
DB day book,deals and battens (timber trade), decibel
DB&B deals,boards and battens (timber)
DBB deals,boards and battens (timber)
DBD downbound
DBK drawback
DBL double
DBLB double room with bath
DBR double room without bath
DBT double bottom tank
DC district of columbia,deviation cause,dry cargo,direct current,dow corning
DCC deadweight cargo capacity,digital compact casette
DCF discounted cash flow
DCP direct current plasma,dry chemical powder
DD demand draft,drydock(ing),delivered,dated, double deck,damage done,double density
DD/S delivered sound (grain trade)
DDC damage done in collision
DDE direct data entry,dynamic data exchange
DDO dispatch discharging only,dispatch delivery only
DDP delivered duty paid
DDS delivered sound
DDU delivered duty unpaid
DEB debenture
DEC december,decimeter,declension
DECL declare,declaration
DED deductible
DEF deferred,defense,definition,definitive
DEF A/C deferred account
DEL delaware,delete,delegate,delay,delivery
DELY delivery
DEM demmurage, democratic, demolished
DEMDES demmurage/despatch money
DEMO demonstration, demolition
DEN denmark
DEP deposit,department,departs,departure,departing
DEPT department,departure
DEQ delivered ex-quay
DER derivation,derived,deravative,out of order (telex)
DERR dericks
DERV derivative,derivation,derived
DES delivered ex-ship
DES despatch
DESC descendant
DESP despatch
DEST destination
DET detained, detention
DETS details
DEV deviation
DF deadfreight,you are in communication with called subscriber(telex),direction finder
DFRT deadfreight. Space booked by shipper or charterer on a vessel but not used
DFT draft
DG decigrams
DGPS differential global positioning system
DGR dangerous goods regulations
DH department of health
DHDATSBE despatch half demurrage on all time saved bothe ends
DHDBE despatch half demmurage both ends
DHDWTS demmurage half despatch working time saved
DHDWTSBE demmurage half despatch working time saved both ends
DHHS department of health and human services
DHR double hinged ramps
DHS department of homeland security
DHSD duplex high speed data
DI diameter
DIA diameter
DIAM diameter
DICT dictator,dictionary
DIES diesel
DIF different,difference,differ
DIFF difference,different
DIFT defference,different,differ
DIM diminutive,dimensioin
DIMIN diminutive
DIR director,direction,direct
DIS twice, double, discharge, draft international standard (ISO), danish international ship register
DISB disburse

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DISBS disbursements
DISBSTS disbursements
DISC discount,discovery
DISCH discharge
DISEMB disembark
DISH data interchange in shipping
DISP displacement,disposal
DIST distance,distinguish,district
DIV divid (ed) ,division
DJIA dow jones industrial average
DK dock,deck,dark
DKG decagrams
DKL decaliter
DKM dekameter
DKS decks
DL deciliter,delivery
DL100 dose letale 100%
DLL dynamic link library
DLO dispatch loading only
DLOP disembark last outbound pilot, dropping last outward pilot
DLOSP disembark last outbound sea pilot
DLR dominion law report
DLRS dollars
DLVR deliver,delivered
DLVRY delivery
DLY delivery,daily
DM decimeter,decameter
DMA defense mapping agency (usa), dynamic management area
DMF droit maritime francais
DMG distress message generator
DMM digital multimeter
DNIC data network identification code
DNID data network identification
DNL do not load (EU AMS term)
DNRCAOSLONL discountless and non-returnable cargo and/or ship lost or not lost
DNS domain name service
DO diesel oil
DOA draft on arrival
DOC department of commerce
DOC document , document of compliance (under the ism code)
DOCS documents
DOD department of defense (usa),depth of (battery) discharge
DOD department of defense
DOE date of expiry
DOE department of energy
DOI department of interior
DOJ department of justice
DOJ department of justice
DOL department of labour
DOL deck operations logbook
DOLSP dropping outward last sea pilot
DOM domestic,dominion
DOP dropping outward pilot,delivery out pilot
DOS declaration of security, department of state
DOS department of state
DOSC deputy on-scene coordinator
DOT deep(water) offshore technology, department of transport
DOT department of transportation
DOX documents
DOZ dozen
DP direct port,documents against payment,degree of polymerization,dynamic positioning
DPE dye penetrants
DPH depth
DPI dots per inch,dry powder inhaler
DPK dual purpose kerosene
DPR daily pro rata
DPS dividend per share,dynamic positioning system
DPT department,deponent
DR debtor,debit,doctor,dead reckoning, drawer
DRAM dynamic random-access memory
DRC damage received in collision
DRI direct reduced iron
DRK derrick
DS daylight saving,days,deviation standard
DSB double side band
DSC digital selective call , dangerous goods solid cargoes and containers (IMO), differential scanning calorimetry
DSP despatch
DST daylight saving time
DSUP duluth superior
DSV diving support vehicle
DT double time,deep tank
DT/DEEPS deep tanks
DTBA days to be agreed,date to be advised
DTI department of trade and industry (uk)
DTLS details
DUP duplicate
DUR duration

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DUTI difference universal astronomical time
DVD digital versatile disk
DW deadweight,deep water route
DWAT deadweight all told
DWC deadweight capacity
DWCC deadweight cargo(or carrying) capacity
DWCT deadweight cargo tons
DWT deadweight
DX distance
DY delivery
DYS bad-ill-difficult
DZ dozen
E east (ern),earl,england
E + OE errors plus omissions excepted
E AND OE errors and omissions excepted
E.&O.E. errors and omissions excepted
E.C.C.P. east coast (great britain) coal port
E.C.G.B. east coast of great britain
E.C.I. east coast of ireland
E.C.U.K. east coast of united kingdom
E.D. existence doubtful (chart)
E.E. errors excepted
E.G. ejusdem generis (of the same kind)
E.O.H.P. except otherwise herein provided
E.P. estimated position
E.T. estimated time
E/R engine room
E&EA each and every accident
E&EL each and every loss
E&EO each and every occurrence
EA each
EAON excepted as otherwise noted
EAST eastern
EB east bound
EBB a receeding current
EBL electronic bearing line
EC east coast
ECA economic commission for africa,east coast of africa,electronic closing and accounting,economic corporation administration
ECAS electronic closing and accounting system
ECC east coast canada
ECCA east coast of central america,east coast canada
ECCP east coast (uk) coal port
ECDIS electronic chart display and information system
ECE economic commission for europe
ECGB east coast of great britain
ECGD export credit guarantee department
ECI east coast of ireland
ECLA economic commission for latin america
ECME economic commission for middle east
ECON economic,economy
ECS electronic chart system
ECSA european community shipowners association, east coast south america
ECUK east coast united kingdom
ECV each cargo voyage
ED edition,edited,editor,existence doubtful
EDELL enclosed double entry lifeboat launch
EDI electronic data interchange
EDIFACT electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport
EDIT edition,edited,editor
EDO extended data out (type of ram)
EDP electronic data processing
EDR equipment damage report
EE errors excepted
EEC european economic community
EEE error, european economic ecological (tanker design)
EEZ exclusive economic zone
EFF effective (date of validity or closing)
EFT afterwards,again
EFTA european free trade association
EGB exhaust gas boiler
EGC enhanced group call
EIR equipment intercharge receipt
EIU even if used, even in use
EKG electrocardiogram, electrocardipgraph
EL employer's liability,electrically,explosive limits
ELASS electronic loss advice and settlement system
ELECT electronic letter/s of credit
ELEM element (ary)
ELF extra low frequency
ELT emergency locator transmitters (used with cospas sarsat system)
ELVENT electric ventilated/ventilation
ELY early,easterly
EM electronic mail,enlisted man
EMBGO embargo
EMEA east mediterranian
EMERG emergency
EMF electromotive force

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EMI electromagnetic interference
EML estimated maximum loss
EMP empress
EMPL estimated maximum probable loss,employment
EMS european monetary system
EMSIS emergency shipping information system
ENC enclosure , electronis navigational chart
ENCL enclose,enclosure
ENE east-northeast
ENG england,engine,english
ENGIN engineer (ing)
ENGR engineer,engraved
ENQ enquiry
ENS ensign, entry summary declaration (EU AMS term)
ENV envelope
EO engine zero (notation of dnv authorizing 24 hours unmaned operarion of engine room
EOD every other day
EOHP except as otherwise herein provided
EOSP end of sea passage
EP estimated position, environmental protection, european patent, european pharmacopoeia, extraction procedure
EPA electronic plotting aid / u.s. enviromental protection agency
EPA environmental protection agency
EPC engineering procurement and construction
EPI earned premium income
EPIRB emergency position indicator radio beacon
EPP environmental protection policy
EPS electronic placing support,expanded (expandable) polystyrene
EPSRC economic and physical research council
EQ equal,equivalent,equation
EQ.T. equation of time
EQUIV equivalent
ERC emergency response coordinator , u.s. public health service
ERR to be wrong or mistaken
ERRON erroneous
ERT environmental response team
ERTV emergency response towing vessel
ERV each round voyage
ESCAP economic and social comission for asia and the pacific,bangkok,thailand
ESD echo sounding device,emergency shut down
ESE east-southeast
ESP especially,end of sea passage,environmental solutions program
ESPC especially
ESPH evaluation of safety and pollution hazards of chemicals
ESQ esquire
ESS essencial
EST estimate (d),eastern standard time
EST WT estimated weight
ESTAB establish (ed)
ESTD estimated
ET AL and others(et alia)
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETB estimated time berthing
ETBE ethyl tertiary butyl ether
ETC estimated time of completion
ETCD estimated time of completion discharge
ETD estimated time of departure
ETL european transport law
ETR estimated time of readiness
ETS estimated time of sailing
ETSI european technical standards institute
EU european union
EUR europe (an), euro
EURATOM european atomic energy community
EUROS european community ship register
EVT eventualy
EX without or exclusive(economy and finance), exchange, example,examined,except(ion),excluding,executed,export,out of,excluded
EX QUAY purchaser is responsabile for charges after deliver on quay
EX SHIP seller pays freight to port destination
EXAM examination
EXCH exchange
EXCL exclusive,excluding,excluded
EXD examined
EXEC executive,executor
EXMBT excluding motorblocks and turnings (scrap)
EXNM ex name
EXO without or exclusive
EXP export,expenses,express,expected
EXPD expedite
EXPL explain
EXPLIFT expect to lift
EXPLOAD expect to load
EXS exit summary declaration (EU AMS term)
EXT extra,extract,extention
EXW ex-works
F fathom,fahrenheit,february,french,friday,ferry,forecastle,farad
F & AP fire and associated perils
F&D freight and demurrage

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F BAY french bay
F DES free despatch
F. fog
F.A. free alongside
F.A.A. free of all average
free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport where goods are transferred at a
nominated forwarders premises, depot or terminal but not actually on board vessel.
F.A.Q. fair average quantity
F.A.S. free alongside ship,firsts and seconds (american lumber tradea)
F.B.I. federation of british industries
F.C. & S. free of capture and seizure
F.C.S.R.C.C. free of capture,seizure,riots and civil commotions
F.D. forced draught
F.D. free discharge,free delivery,free dispatch,free docks
F.F.A. free from alongside,free foreign agency
F.H. fore hatch
F.I.A. full interest admitted
F.I.A.T.A. international federation of freight forwarders associations
F.I.B. free into barge,free into bunkers
F.I.O. free in and out
F.I.T. free of income tax
F.I.W. free into wagon
F.O. for orders,full out terms (grain),firm offer
F.O.B. free on board
F.O.C. free on charge,free on car
F.O.D. free of damage
F.O.Q. free on quay
F.O.R. free on rail
F.O.R.T. full out rye terms
F.O.S. free on steamer
F.O.T. free on truck
F.O.W. first open water,free on wagon
F.P. floating policy
F.P.A. free of particular average
F.P.T. fore peak tank
F.R. & C.C. free of riots and civil commotions
F.R.O. fire risk on freight
F.T. full terms
F.T.W. free trade wharf
F.W.D. fresh water damage
F.X. forecastle
F'CLE forecastle
F/A free astray
F/O fuel oil
F/R freight release
F&CC full and complete cargo
FA free alongside
FA free of all average, fluolescent antibody
FAA free of all average
FAC fast as you can
FAC facultative
FAC fast as can,forwarding agent's commission
FAC/OBLIG facultative/obligatory
FACCOP fast as can custom of port
FAF fuel adjustment factor
FAK freight all kinds
FAO food and agriculture organisation (u.n.)
FAQ fair average quality
FAQ fair average quality
FAS free alongside ship,firsts and seconds (american lumber)
FAS free alongside ship
FASA federation of asian shipowners association, federal aquisition streamlinig act of 1994
FASC fast as ship can
FAX facsimile transmission
FBD free board
FBI federal bureau of investigation
FBP final boiling point
FC full cargo
FC & S free of capture and seizure
FCA free to carrier (modern equivalent of FAS)
FCAP foolscap
FCAR free of claim for accident report
FCC first class charterers,fluid catalitic cracks(cracker)
FCII fellow of the chartered insurance institute
FCJC first class japanese charterers
FCL full container load
FCM fuel conditioning module
FCOWS first class owners
FCR forwarders certificate of receipt
FCS francs
FCSRCC free of capture,seizure,riots and civil commotions
FCV full contract value,full completed value
FD free discharge,free delivery,free dispatch,free docks
FD&D freight , demurage and defence
FDA food and drug administration
FDD freight demurrage deadfreight
feright deemed earned, discountless and non-returnable (refundable) ship and or cargo lost or not lost

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FDESP free despatch
FDF fort de france
FDIS free discharge
FDO for declaration purposes only
FDWT formula deadweight tonnage
FEAST far east
FEB february
FEC forward error correction
FED federal,federation
FEMA federal emergency management agency
FERTICON voyage charter party for fertilizers
FERTS fertilizers
FEU standard 40' container
FF folios,following, fixed and flat
FFA free on average,free from alongside,free foreign agency, freight forward agreement,free fatty acids
FFCC fully cellular containership
FFL fixed and flashing
FFO fixing and floating objects
FGA foreign general average
FGA free of general average
FH fore hatch
FH first half
FHEX fridays and holidays excepted (moslem countries)
FHINC friday and holidays included
FI free in
FIA full interest admited,free interest admited
FIATA federation of frieght forwarders association
FIB free into bunkers,free into barge
FICS fellow of the institute of chartered shipbrokers
FIGS figures
FIL foreign insurance legislation
FILO free in - liner out
FILTD free in liner terms discharge
FIMBRA financial intermediaries,managers and brokers regulatory association
FIN finance,financial,finnish
FINDICS firm indications (tax which can not be replaced neither deneid
FINN finnish
FIO free in and out
FIO free in and out
FIOS free in and out stowed
FIOS free in and out and stowed
FIOSL free in and out stowed and lashed
FIOSLS free in and out stowed,lashed and secured
FIOSPT free in out and spout-trimmed
FIOST free in and out stowed and/or trimmed
FIOST free in and out stowed and trimmed
FIOT free in and out trimmed
FIOT free in and out with trimming
FIS free in and stevedores
FIST AV first available vessel
FIT free in trimmed, free of income tax
FIW free in wagon
FIXD fixed
FL flanders,fronin,fluid,florin,flag,flat
FLA florida (usa)
FLE fire,lightning and explosion
FLEM flemish
FLLWS followings
FLN follow landing numbers
FLO/FLO float on/float off
FLT full liner terms, flight
FLTWNS flushtweendeckers
FLWG following
FM fine measurement,from, frequency modulation
FMC federal maritime comission/certificate
FME force majeure excepted
FMS fathoms
FMT formating errors
FNI fellow of the nautical institute
FO for orders, firm offer, full out terms (grain trade), free out, fuel oil
FOB free on board (loading and discharging on shippers account)
FOC flag of convenience,free of commission,free of charge,free of claims
FOD free of damage
FOFFER firm offer
FOG for our guidance
FOLL following
FOM flag,ownership and management
FONASBA federation of national associations of shipbrokers and agents
FOQ free on quay
FOR free on rail
FORM A american charter party for the cotton trade
FORM O cotton charter party (freight paid on steamer's net register tonnage
FOS fuel oil surcharge
FOSFA federation of oils,seeds & fats association
FOT free on truck
FOW free on wagon,free on wharf, first open water
FP fully paid, fairplay (publication), foot/pound,floating policy,flash point, free pratique

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FPA free of particular average,free partial average
FPB firm purchase bid
FPIL full premium if lost
FPSO floating production storage and offloading
FPT forepeak tank
FQ first quarter
FQS fuel quality system
FR franc,french, for
FRC free on reported casualty
FREE EXINS free of any extra insurance (owners)
FREQ frequent,frequentative
FRISCO san francisco (usa)
FRM from
FRO fire risk only
FROF fire risk on freight
FRS francs
FRT freight
FSA financial services act
FSL full signed line (insurance)
FSO floating storage and offloading
FSR & CC free of strikes,riots and civil commotions
FSRU flowting storage and re-gassification unit
FT free return,full terms,freight ton,foot,feet
FTA freight transport association and agents
FTC federal trade comission , fast time constant
FTH fathom
FTHM(S) fathom (s)
FTRR & I for their respective rights and interests
FTZ free trade zone
FUBAR fucked up beyond any recongnition
FUT future
FV fishing vessel
FW fresh water
FWAD fresh water arrival draft
FWC fully loaded weight and capacity
FWD forward,fresh water damage
FWDD fresh water departure draft
FWL full written line (insurance)
FWPCA federal water pollution control act (usa)
FWPCA federal water pollution control act
FWR foreward
FWS fish and wildlife service
FWT & GD fair wear,tear and gradual deterioration
FXD fixed
FY former yugoslavia
FYG for your guidance
FYI for your information
G gramme,germany,gold,gass carrier,grain
G.A.ACT general average account
G.C.T. greenwich civil time
G.F. government form (charter)
G.F.A. good fair average
G.I. galvanised iron
G.M.A.T. greenwich mean astronomical time
G.M.B. good merchantable brand
G.M.Q. good merchantable quality
G.O.B. good ordinary brand
G.S.M. good sound and merchantable
G.V. grand vitesse (express train)
G/A general average
G/A CON. general average contribution
G/A DEP. general average deposit
G/B grain bale
G/DEP general average deposit
GA go ahead,georgia(usa),general average,general arrangement
GA PLAN general arrangement plan
GAAAA good always afloat and accessible
GAAP generally accepted accounting principles (or practices)
GAC gross annual capacity
GADV gross arrived damage value
GAFTA grain & feed trade association
GAL gallons
GALV galveston
GARO go anywhere roll-on/roll-off
GASAAAABBE good and safe always afloat and accessible berth both ends
GASAAAAPBE good and safe always afloat and accessible port both ends
GASV gross arrived sound value
GATT general agreement on tariffs and trade
GATU good afternoon to you
GAV general average
GB great britain
GC vessel fitted with gyro compass
GCE general certificate of education
GCSE general certificate of secondary education
GD good,geared vessel,good day
GDNCE guidance
GDTU good day to you

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GE gaea,general examination
GEAR CAPA gear capacity
GEN general, generator
GENT gentleman
GER germany
GG gdansk or gdynia
GGG go ahead
GGS gdansk gdynia or szczecin
GHG green house gas
GHQ general headquarters
GIB gibraltar
GIB-HAM-RGE gibraltar-hamburg range
GIF gulf island fabricators
GIS geographic information system
GISIS global integrated shipping information system
GL germanischer lloyd
GL gill(s),cooling vessel
GLESS gearless
GLL gallons
GLONASS/GNSS global navigation satelitte system
GLS gearless
GM gramme
GMC germanic
GMDSS global maritime distress and safety system
GMT greenwich mean time (now utc)
GMTU good morning to you
GN grain
GNCN gencon (general conditions)
GNE gas network expansion
GNEPI gross net earned premium income
GNS german north sea
GO gas oil
GoA gulf of aden
GOA murmagao (india)
GOC general operetor's certificate
GOP gross original premium
GOV governor,government,gross observed volume
GOVT government
GP general prctitioner, grain capacity, cubic capacity in 'grain'
GPA grade point average
GPIB general purpose interface bus
GPL general population limit,graphic programming language
GPO government printing office (usa)
GPS global positioning system
GR geographical rotation, greece, grecian, greek, grain, gross(tonnage), gramme
GR WT gross weight
GR. grain,gross
GRAD graduate
GRAM grammar,grammatical
GRAS generally recognized as safe
GRAV gravity
GRCU grain cubic
GRD geared
GRD geared
GRD BC geared bulk carrier
GRDS grades
GRI general rate increase
GRI group repetition interval
GROSS DISCH gross discharge (discharging by ship facilities)
GROSS TERMS cost of loading and unloading is borned by shipowner
GRP glass reinforced plastic
GRT gross registered tonnage
GRTED granted
GRU united states coast guard group
GS good safety
GSB good safe berth
GSK general ship knpwledge
GSP good safe port
GST gulf strike team – mobile , alabama
GSV gross standard volume
GT great,gross ton,gas transport, group transit
GTAW gas tungsten arc welding
GTBR great britain
GTC good till cancelled (or counter manded), general terms and conditions
GTEE guarantee, guaranteed
GTT gas transport/technigaz
GUAR guaranteed
GUI graphical user interface
GVI general visual inspection
GY.C. gyro compass
H harbour,height,hours,hopper dredger
H&M hull and machinery
H&O hook and oil damage
H.A.OR D. havre,antwerp or dunkirk
H.C. held covered
H.H. havre to hamburg range
H.L.,H.L. hawser-laid

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H.M.S. her majesty's ship
H.P. horse power,high pressure,horizontal parallax
H.P.N. horse power nominal
H.T. home trade,half-time survey
H.W. high water
H.W.F. & C. high water at full and change of moon
H.W.M. high water mark
H.W.O.S.T. high water ordinary spring tides
H/C held covered (insurance)
H/H havre to hamburg range
H/H holds/hatches
H/L heavy list,heavy lift
H/P house to pier (door to quay)
HA hatches,hectares, (le) havre - antwerp range
HACS hazard assessment computer system
HAM humid air motor
HAWB house airway bill
HAZCHEM hazardous chemical
HAZMAT hazardous material
HAZMAT hazardous materials
HBCA Hanse Basic Consultancy Agreement
HBF harmless bulk fertilizer
HBG hamburg
HBR harbour
HCFCs hydro chlorofluorocarbons
HD head,hatch per day,day service only,high density,high demand
HDA hydrodealkilation
HDATS half dispatch all time saved
HDD hard disk drive,horizontal directional drilling
HDL high density lipoprotein
HDLG handling
HDLTSBE half dispatch laytime saved both ends
HDLTSBENDS half despatch lay time saved both ends
HDPE high density polyethylene
HDQRS headquarters
HDS hydrodesulphurisation
HDWTS half despatch working (or weather) time saved
HDWTSBE half demmurage(dispatch) working time saved both ends
HDLTSBENDS half despatch lay time saved both ends
HE high erucic
HEADCL headclamps
HEAR high erucic acid rapeseed
HF half,high frequency
HFAP hours for all purposes
HFO heavy fuel oil
HG heavy grain
HGT height
HHD hogshead (a measure of capacity containing 54 gal)
HHD. hogshead
HHDW heavy handy deadweight (scrap)
HHG house hold goods
HIND hindu,hindustan(ic)
HK hook damage
HK hong kong
HLA helicopter landing area
HLZ helicopter landing zone
HM her majesty
HMS heavy metal scrap, her/his majesty ship
HMT hybrid membrane technology
HN night service only
HNC higher national certificate
HND higher national diploma
HNS hazardous and noxious substances
HO hold,head office
HO/HA holds/hatches
HOA horn of africa
HOGGED when the two ends of the ship drop lower than part amidship
HOLL holland
HOMO homogenous
HOSP hospital, hanse oil standard procedures of settlement for energy contracts
HOURS PURP. the time allowed by charter for the dual operation of loading and discharging the cargo
HP horse power
HPPU hydraulic power pack unit
HR hampton roads,harbour
HRMR harbour master
HSD high speed data
HSE health and safety executive
HSFO high sulphur fuel oil
HSS heavy grain soya and sorghum (heavy grain)
HSSC heating,sweating and spontaneous combustion
HSWR high sulphur waxy residues
HT height
HTL hotel
HUD department of housing and urban development
HUNG hungary,hungarian
HUR D hurricane deck
HV high voltage,have,heavy

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Maritime abbreviations
HVF high viscosity fuel
HVPQ harmonised vessel particular questionnaire
HVY heavy
HW high water
HWD heavy weather damage
HWONT high water ordinary neap tides
HWOST high water ordinary spring tides
HX no specific hours or fixed intermitent hours
HYDR hydraulic
I island (s),isle (s)
I.AND/OR O. in and/or overdeck
I.B. in bond.invoice book
I.C. & C. invoice,cost and charges
I.H.P. indicated horse power
I.O.G. isle of grain (uk)
I.R. inland revenue
I.V. invoice value.increased value
I/C including
I/D issued date
I/O in and/or overdeck
I/P important permit
I/V increased value insurance
IA iowa (usa)
IACS international association of classification societies
IAEA international atomic energy agency
IAETL international association of environmental testing laboratories
IALA international association of lighthouse authorities
IAMSAR international aeronautical and maritime search and rescue manual
IAPH international association of ports and harbors
IAS institute of aeronautical science (later aiaa),international accounting standard
IATA international air transport association
IB invoice book,in bond
IB in bound (in a customs bounded warehouse)
IBC institute builders' clauses / international code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk
IBNR incurred but not reported
IBP initial boiling point
IBRC insurance brokers' registration council
IBRD international bank for reconstruction and development
IC integrated circuit
IC & C invoice cost & charges
ICAO international civil aviation organization
ICB international carrier bond
ICC international chamber of commerce,institute cargo clauses,interstate commerce commission,international code council
ICCL international council of cruise lines
ICD inland clearance depot, inland container depot
ICE iceland (ic)
ICES international council for the exploration of the sea
ICFTU international confederation of free trade union
ICHCA international cargo handling coordinate association
ICMP internet control message protocol
ICS institute of chartered shipbrokers,international chamber of shipping
ICS incident command system
ICSU international council of scientific unions
ICW intercoastal waterways
ID idaho (usa) , identity, inside diameter, inner diameter,identification
IDA international development association
IDD international direct dialing
IDENT identification signal
IE information exchange service
IE indo-european,"id est" (that is)
IF in full
IF intermediate frequency
IFC institute freight clauses,international finance corporation
IFF institute of freight forwarders
IFO intermediate fuel oil
IFRS international financial reporting standard
IFVC institute fishing vessel clauses
IG inert gas
IGS inert gas system
IHI ihikawajima harima heavy industries,inner hull inspection
IHO international hydrographic organization
IHP indicated horse power
IIL insurance institute of london
IIP international ice patrol
ILA international longshoremen's association
ILL illinois (usa),illustrated,illustration
ILO international labor organization
ILU institute of london underwriters
IM intra-muscular
IM-BALM to embalm
IM-BARK to embark
IMAO international maritime arbitration organization
IMARE institute of marine engineers
IMB international maritime bureau
IMBSTC international marine bunker supply terms and conditions
IMDG international maritime dangerous goods(code)
IME institute of makers of explosives

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IMF international monetary fund
IMIF international maritime industry forum
IMIT imitation,imitative
IMMED immediate (ly)
IMMY immediate (ly)
IMN inmarsat mobile number
IMO international maritime organization
IMP imperative,imperfect,import
IMRO investment management regulatory organization
IMTA international meat trade association
IMU international monetary unit
IN inch (s)
INC including,include,inclusive,increase
INCE. insurance
INCL including,include,inclusive
INCLOT including overtime
INCOT including overtime
INCR increased,increasing
IND indiana (usa),india (n),index,independent,industrial,indication
INDIC indicate
INDIV individual
INF subscriver temporarly unobtainable-call information service (telex lang,)
INFIN infinitive
INFO information
INHERENT VICE damage to cargo through its own defect
INMARSAT international maritime satellite organization
INO Hanse initial offer and term sheet
INOP inoperative
INRE in the master,concerning
INS inches,insulated,insurance,insert
INS immigration and naturalization service
INSP inspection
INSR WTIES insurance warranties
INST instant
INSTR instructions
INSTT institute of transport
INT interest
INT international,interested,intended
INT REV internal revenue
INTD intend
INTENS intensified,intensifier,intensive
INTER ARR internal arrangements
INTERCARGO International association of dry cargo shipowners
INTERCONSEC document published by intertanko with clauses used under tanker charter party
INTERTANKO International association of independent tanker owners
INV invoice, invited
INVEST investigate,investigation
INVTY inventory
IOP intraocular pressure
IOR indian ocean region
IOU i owe you (a signed note bearing these letters,acknowledging a debt)
IP internet protocol,intraperitoneal,institute of petroleum
IPE The international petroleum exchange (London)
IPER institute portuaire d'enseignement et de recherche
IPF intaken piled fathom
IPL including pilotage lighters
IPRC institute port risks clauses
IPT insurance premium tax
IQ intelligence quotient
IQA institute of quality assurance
IR inland revenue,ireland,irish,infrared
IRCA international register of certified auditors
IRE ireland
IRO in respect of
IRREG irregular (ly)
IRS international register of shipping ; indian register of shipping ; information receiving station, internal revenue system
IRTC international recommended transit corridor
IS island,isle,irish sea
ISDN integrated switched digital network
ISF international shipping federation
ISGOTT international safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
ISL island,isle
ISM international safety management
ISO international standardization organization
ISP internet service provider
ISPS isps code= the international ship and port facility security code
ISS information sending station, international space station
ISU international salvage union
IT information technology
IT italy,italien,italic
ITA institute of traffic administration
ITAL italy,italian,italic
ITB invitation to bid
ITC institute time clauses (hulls)
ITF international transport workers federation,international traffic form
ITL intention to transmit later
ITN intention

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ITNRY itinerary
ITOPF international tanker owners' pollution federation
ITS Intelligent transportation system
ITT in-tank transfer
ITU international telecommunications union
ITWF international transport workers federation
IU if used
IUHTAUC if used, half time actually to count
IV invoice value,increased value,initial velocity,intra venous
IVC institute voyage clauses (hulls)
IWL institute warranty limits (trading area)
IYC institute yacht clauses
J judge,justice
J.&W.O. jettison and washing overboard
J/A joint account
JA january
JAN january
JAP japan,japanesse
JAV javanese
JCC joint cargo committee
JCRA joint common risks agreement
JCT junction
JCT P junction point
JE june
JELC joint excess loss committee
JET jettison,jetsan
JETT jettison
JFE office closed because holiday (telex language)
JHC joint hull committee
JHF joint hull formula
JHIU japanese hull insurers' union
JHU joint hull understandings
JIB the projecting arm of a crane,boom of a derrick
JL july
JMI joint market initiative
JOA joint operating agreement
JRC joint response center
JSA job safety analysis
JU june
JUDG judges
JUL july
JUN june,junior
JY july
K kilogram,knot, thousand,potasium
K.D. knocked down
K.I.D. key industry duty
KAN kans,kansas (usa)
KC kilocycle
KDC knocked down condition
KG kilogram,keg (s)
KHZ kilohertz
KILDERKIN a liquid measure of 18 gallons
KK confirmed
KL kiloliters
KM kilometer,kingdom
KMT thousand metric tons
KO knock out
KPI key performance indicators
KT carat,knight,kiloton(thousand tons)
KTM keel to top of mast
KTS knots
KVA kilovolt ampere
KWH kilowatt / hour
KY kentuky (usa)
L lightning
L line,latitude,lake,low,left,lenght,liter,latin
L&D loss and damage
L&R lake and rail
L DEF latent defect
L.A.T. linseed association terms
L.C. london clause,label clause
L.C.T.A. london corn trade association
L.GER low german
L.H.A.R. london,hull,rotterdam or antwerp
L.L.T. london landed terms
L.M.C. lloyd's machinery certificate
L.M.C. low midding clause (cotton)
L.Q.T. liverpool quay terms
L.R.M.C. lloyd's refrigerating machinery certificate
L.S. lump sum,locus sigilli (place of the seal)
L.U.T. local user terminal
L.V. light vessel
L.W. low water
L.W.O.S.T. low water ordinay spring tides
L/A lloyd's agent,landing account,letter of authority
L/C letter of credit,laydays cancelled
L/D laydays

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L/L long lenght
L/T long tons
L/U leading underwriter
L/U laid up,letter of undertaking
LA louisiana (usa),los angeles (usa),letter of authority
LAB labrador,laborite
LAN local area network
LANBY large automatic navigation buoy
LANG language
LASH lighter aboard ship
LASTPEN INCAR cargo pennies
LAT linseed association terms
LAT latitude,latin
LAT.,LAT. latitude
LATF lloyd's american trust fund
LAUA lloyd's aviation underwriters' associaton
LAUTRO life assurance and unit trust regulatory organisation
LAX los angele airport
LAYCAN laydays cancelling
LB pound,long beach
LBA lloyd's business applications
LBP lenght between perpendiculars
LBS pounds
LC london clause (chartering),label clause
LCAC lloyd's central accounting calendar
LCCF london claim collection form
LCD liquid crystal display
LCIA london court of international arbitration
LCIM london company insurance market
LCL less than full container load
LCL less than container load,less cargo load,less than a car load,local
LCM least common multiple
LCO lloyd's claims office
LCP lloyd's community programme
LCP lloyd's (non-marine) combined policy
LCP local contingency plan
LCR lowest current rate
LCTA london corn trade association
LD low dutch,light displacement,loading port,load,low demand
LD100 lethal dose 100% (kills 100% of those exposed)
LDCDG load discharge centrom grain charter
LDCGC louis dreyfus grain charter party
LDD loss during discharge,leaded
LDF Light distillate feedstock
LDG loading,leading
LDG & DELY landing and delivery
LDL loss during loading,low density lipoprotein
LDPE low density polyethylene
LDR linear dynamic range
LDS. loads
LDYS laydays
LEAR low erucic acid rapeseed
LED light emitting diode
LEG legal,legislative,legislature,liquified ethylene gas carrier
LEGAL CHGS legal charges
LEL lower explosive limit
LES land earth station
LF load factor, line feed
LFL lower flammable limit
LG liquified gas carrier,low german
LGT lenght
LH left hand,last half
LHR london heathrow
LI long island
LIAB liability
LIB librarian,library,liberian
LIBC lloyd's insurance brokers' committee
LIBOR London interbank offered rate
LIC lloyd's information centre
LIEN penalty for retain, retention of property until outstanding debt is paid
LIFO last in-first out(inventory accounting)
LIM london insurance market
LIMCLM lloyd's insurance market standard claims services
LIMCS london insurance market claims services
LIMDSM london insurance market data standards manual
LIMTCG london insurance market technical co-ordinating group
LIP life insurance policy
LIPS london irrevocable payment scheme
LIRMA london insurance and reinsurance market association
LISB lisboa
LITH lithuania (n),lithograph (y)
LKG. & BKG. leakage and breakage
LKS lakes
LKSFTD/LKSF lakesfitted (vsl able to enter the lakes)
LL latin language, international convention on load lines 1966 , lloyd's list
LL. & COS. lloyd's and companies
LLT london landed terms

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LM lorenco marques (maputo), local media, lane meters
LMAA london maritime arbitrators' association
LMB lloyd's market board
LMCC lloyd's machinery certificate continuous survey
LMMC lloyd's market management committee
LMO lloyd's members' ombudsman
LMOR london market outward reinsurance
LMSCM london market standard claims message
LN london
LNDG landing
LNG liquefied natural gas
LNYD liability not yet determined
LO/LO lift on / lift off
LOA lenght over all
LOC letter of credit,laydays cancelled,loss of containment
LOCO cost of goods at place of purchase
LOF lloyd's open form (for towing/salvage)
LOG logarithm
LOI letter of indemnity, letter of invocation,loss of ignition
LOLO lift on / lift off
LON longitude
LONG longitude, longitudinal
LOOP louisiana offshore oil port
LOP line of position , letter of protest
LORS lloyd's outward reinsurance scheme
LOSA los angeles
LOTO lock out / tag out
LOU letter of undertaking
LOW last open water
LOX liquid oxygene
LP lenght packed (timber easy stowage),lumbar puncture
LPAN london premium advice note
LPC london processing centre ltd.
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
LPSO lloyd's policy signing office
LR lloyd's register of shipping,linear range, long rifle
LRB lloyd's regulatory board
LRC long range certificate
LRIT long range identification & tracking
LROS lloyd's register of shipping
LS lump sum
LS letter shift
LS CLS livestock clauses
LSA life saving appliance(s)
LSB lower side band
LSD lashed secured dunnaged, "librae,soldi,denari" - pounds,shillings,pence
LSDO low sulphur diesel oil
LSFO low sulphur fuel oil
LSHW LIAB longshoremen's and harbour workers' liability
LSM lloyd's single market
LST local standard time
LSUM lump sum
LSWR low sulfur waxy residues
LT liner terms, long ton, letter telegram, laytime, local time
LT-V light vessel
LTA long term agreement
LTD limited
LTDWATSFB Long ton deadweight all told summer free board
LTGE lighterage
LTHH liner terms hook/hook
LTHO light house
LTM long ton/mile
LTR lighter
LTSBE laytime saved both ends
LTV light vessel
LU laid-up
LUA lloyd's underwriters' association
LUAA lloyd's underwriting agents' association
LUAMC leading underwriter agreement for marine cargo
LUAMG leading underwriter agreement for marine general
LUAMH leading underwriter agreement for marine hull
LUB lubricant,lubrificant
LUBS lubrificants
LUC london underwriting centre
LUCRO lloyd's underwriters' claims and recoveries office
LUF load unity freight
LUT local user terminal
LUTIRO life and unit trust intermediaries regulatory organisation
LUTS lloyd's underwriters' technical services ltd.
LVL level
LVN light virgin naphtha
LW low water
LWL low water line
LWM low water mark
LWT light weight tons
LYCN laycan
M manitoba (usa),monday,meridian,milion

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M & DP minimum and deposit premium
M&W marine and war risks
M PACK missing package
M.B. motor boat
M.C. machinery certificate,metalling clause
M.C.I. malleable cast iron
M.D. memorandum of deposit ,months after date
M.D.H.B. mersey docks & harbour board
M.H.,M.H. main hatch
M.H.H.W. mean higher high water
M.H.W.I. mean high water interval
M.H.W.N. mean high water neaps
M.H.W.S. mean high water spring
M.L. mean level,motor launch
M.L.L.W. mean lower low water
M.L.W.I. mean low water interval
M.M. mercantile marine
M.M. made merchantable
M.M.A. merchandise marks acts
M.N. merchant navy
M.N.R. mean neap rise
M.O.T. ministry of transport
M.R. mate's receipt
M.S. motor ship,machinery survey,merchant shipping,months after sight
M.S.A. merchant ship act
M.S.L. mean sea level
M.S.R. mean spring rise (tide)
M.SCAND middle scandinavia
M.SCOT middle scotland
M.T. mean time,empty
M.T.B. motor torpedo boat
M.T.L. mean tide level
M.V. motor vessel
M/C metalling clause (marine insurance),machinery certificate
M/D months after date
M/D memorandum of deposit
M/D malicious damage
M/M minimum / maximum
M/T metric tons
M/W measurement and/or weight
M&P military and police
MACHY machinery
MAG magnitude,magnetic
MAJ major
MAL malachi,malay(an)
MAL D malicious damage
MAN manitoba (usa)
MAOT maximum allowable operating temperature
MAP manual assistance point (used at portishead radio),modified atmospheric packaging
MAPEP maximum allowable pump feed pressure
MAR march
MAR FORM the standard form of marine insurance policy used in the london market by both lloyd's and companies
MARAD maritime administration (US)
MARAD maritime administration
MAREN POLICY london market renewal policy form
MARLO maritime liaison officer
MARPOL international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships , 1973
MARVS maximum allowable relief valve settings
MAT marine,aviation and transport
MAVIS marine audio-visual instruction system
MAWB master airway bill
MAWP maximum allowable working pressure
MAX maximum
MB merchant broker
MBA master of business administration
MBBLS milion barrels
MBD machinery breakdown
MBF 1000 (mille) board feet = 83,5 cuft
MBH thousands of british temal units
MBL minimum breaking load
MBO management by objectives
MBPD million barrels per day
MBS machinery classification (according to british corporation rules)
MC machinery certificate
MCA maritime and coastguard agency
MCC mission control centre
MCF thousand cubic feet
MCGR macgregor
MCO maximum
MCR maximum continuous revolutions/rating
MCT marine custody transfer
MCTM marine custody transfer measurement
MD maryland (usa)
MDA maritime domain awareness
MDO metric tons diesel oil
MDP maximum delivery pressure
MDR minimum daily requirement

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Maritime abbreviations
MDSE merchandise
ME middle english,maine (usa),main engine
MEAS measurements
MECH mechanical
MED mediterranean
MEDIT mediterranean
MEM member,memorandum
MEMAC marine emergency mutual aid centre
MEMO memorandum
MEPC marine environment protection committee
MERCOSUR south american common market
MERK manual release coupling
MES mobile earth station
METAL metallurgy,metallurgical
MEX mexico.mexican
MF middle france,medium frequency
MFD manufactured,manufacturing
MFG manufacturing
MFR middle france,manufacture(d)
MG milligram(s)
MGE motor generator
MGO marine gas oil
MGR manager
MH main hatch
MHG middle high german
MHLS marine homeland security
MHZ megahertz
MI mile(s),mill(s)
MI ACT marine insurance act 1906
MI EX corporate member of the institute of export
MIA marine insurance act
MIAFTR motor insurers' anti-fraud/theft bureau
MIC man in charge
MICH michigan (usa)
MID middle , maritime identification digits
MIG metal inert gas
MIL military
MILES multiple integrated laser engagement system
MIME multipurpose internet mail extension (codes 8-bit to 7-bit)
MIN minimum,minute,minig
MIN B/L minimum bill of lading
MIN/DEP minimum and deposit premium
MINN minnesota (usa)
MIO marine inspection ofice
MIP marine insurance policy
MIR middle irish
MIRA motor industries research association
MISC miscellaneous
MIT massachusetts institute of technology
MKT market
MLA manila
MLC maritime labour convention 2006
MLD moulded
MLM maritime liens and mortgages (convention 1993), multi level management
MM mercantile marine,made merchantable,millimeter,measurement min/max
MMBTU million british thermal units
MMSCF million cubic feet of gas
MMSI maritime mobile service identity
MMTPA million metric tons per year(annum)
MN managese, main
MNLO merchant navy liaison officer
MNS minutes
MNSC managed network steering committee
MNTB merchant navy training board
MO missoury,monday,month,modus operandi
MOA memorandum of agreement
MOB man overboard
MOBLO moblocks,motorblocks
MOD ministry of defence
MOD moderate,modern
MODEC mitsui ocean development & engineering
MODU mobile offshore drilling unit
MOGAS motor gasoline
MOH medical officer of health
MOL more or less
MOLCHOP more or less charterer's option (to load more or less cargo)
MOLCHOPT more or less in charterers' option (cargo quantity)
MOLOO more or less at owners' option
MOM wait a moment
MON modern
MON monday
MONT montana (usa)
MOR morroco
MORT mortality
MOS months
MOST ministry of science and technology
MOT monthly overtime

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Maritime abbreviations
MOU memorandum of understanding
MOWCA maritime organization of west and central africa
MP melting point,military police
MPAS maritime and port authority of singapore
MPFSO methanol production floating storage and offloading
MPG miles per gallon
MPH miles per hour
MPL maximum probable loss
MPP multipurpose, maritime pollution prevention
MR mister,mate's receipt,middle range
MRCC marine rescue control center
MRGC marine radiocommunication general certificate
MRL minimum response levels
MRSC maritime rescue sub-center
MS motor ship,master of science
MSA maritime safety agency
MSC maritime safety committee
MSCHOA maritime security center horn of africa
MSDS material safety data sheet, manufacturer's safety data sheet
MSG message
MSI maritime safety information
MSIS marine safety information system
MSL mean sea level
MSO united states cost guard marine safety office
MSPA maritime security patrol area
MST mountain standard time,measurement
MT mountain, measurement, metric ton, malta
MTAG market training advisory group (lloyd's)
MTB motorblocks and turnings,methylthymol blue
MTBE methyl tertiary butyl ether
MTBF mean time between failures
MTDW metric ton deadweight
MTDWATSFB metric ton deadweight all told summer free board
MTHLY monthly
MTHS months
MTIME mean time
MTL mean tide level
MTN mountains
MTO maritime trade operations
MTPA million tons per year(annum)
MTR meter, montreal
MTS/MTO metric tons
MTSA maritime transport security act (USA)
MUN municipal
MUSTER ROLL crew list for emergency
MUT mutual,mutilated
MVP most valuable player
MW market wording
MWD market wording database,molecular weight distribution
MWP maximum working pressure
MWS market wording scheme
N and,navy,noon,north,november,northern,newton
N.A.A. not always afloat
N.C.V. no commercial value
N.E. not excluding
N.E.P./S. not elsewhere provided/stated
N.ENG new england
N.H.P. nominal horse power
N.MEX new mexico
N.O.P. not otherwise provided
N.P.L. national physical laboratory
N.R. no risk,nett register (tonnage)
N.R.A.D. no risk after discharge
N.S.P.F. not specially provided for
N/A no advice,no account,not applicable
N/C new charter
N/C new charter,new crop
N/F no funds
N/M no marks
N/N not north of
N/N not north if...
N/O no orders (banking)
N/S not sufficient
N/T new terms
N/T new terms
NA not applicable,not available,north america,not admited,net absolutel,numerical aperture
NAABSA not always afloat but safe aground
NAC national administration centre
NAFTA north american free trade agreement
NAM national association of manufacturers
NAS national academy of sciences
NASA national aeronautic and space administration
NASDAQ national association of securities dealers automated quotations
NASDIM national association of securities dealers and investment managers
NASF COMPL BAloading not above santa fe with completion buenos aires
NASL not above san lorenco
NAT national,native,natural

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Maritime abbreviations
NATO north atlantic treaty organisation
NAUT nautical
NAV naval,navigation
NAVAREA navigational area in the world wide nav.warning service
NAVSUPSALV united states navy supervisor of salvage
NAVTEX navigational telex
NB new brunswick (usa),"nota bene",new building,new boiler,north bound,no ballast
NBA national basketball association (usa)
NBD neutralised bleached deodorised
NBDP narrow band direct printing (also known as radiotelex)
NBFM narrow band frequency modulation
NBR number
NC no circuits,north carolina (usa),new caledonia,new charter,new crop
NC national certificate
NCAR no claim for accident reported
NCB national cargo/charter bureau
NCH subscriber's number has been changed (telex language)
NCP national contingency plan (40 cfr 300)
NCR normal continuous revolutions
NCS network coordination station (allocates channel in inmarsat syst)
NCSA north coast south america
NCV no commercial value
ND no date,north dakota,not delivery
NDB new donkey boiler (and date of fitting)
NDE non-destructive examination
NDFCAPMQS no deadfreight charter account provided minimum quantity supplied
NDT non destructive test
NDW net deadweight
NE not exceeding,northeast(ern),new england,north of europe
NECC necessary
NEDC national economic development council
NEG negociable,negative (ly)
NEOBIG not east of but included greece
NEP not elsewhere provided
NES not elsewhere specified
NET TERMS free of charterers' commision
NETH netherlands
NEUT neuter
New northwest europe
NEWCI not east of west coast italy
NEWF,NF,NFD newfoundland
NG new guinea,national guard,no good,nitrogycerin
NGA national geospatial-intelligence agency
NH new hampshire
NHC not heating cargo
NHN not heating necessary
NI northern ireland
NIL nothing
NIMBY not in my back yard
NIOP national institute of oilseed product
NIOSH national institute for occupational safety and health
NIST national institute of standards and technology (usa)
NJ new jersey
NJ new jason clause
NKK nippon kaiji kyokai
NKORL not known or reported loss
NLRB national labour relations board
NLS noxious liquid substance
NLT no less than
NM nautical mile
NM new mexico
NM notices to mariners
NMA (lloyd's) underwriters' non-marine association
NMD norwegian maritime directorate
NMFS national marine fisheries service
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NMRI nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
NMT no more than
NNE north-northeast
NNOGWB not north of george washington bridge
NNPC nigerian national petroleum corporation
NNSS navy navigation satelite system
NNTP network news transfer protocol (internet)
NNW north-northwest
NO northern,number,north
NOAA national oceanic and atmospheric administration ( united states producer of electronic raster charts)
NOAA national oceanic and atmospheric administration
NOC notice of cancellation, nature of concern
NOE not otherwise enumerated
NOHP not otherwise herein provided
NOI notice of intent
NOI notice of intent
NOIBN not otherwise indicated by number,not otherwise indexed by name
NOLA new orleans
NOM nominative,nominate
NOM.STD. nominal standard
NON D non delivery

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Maritime abbreviations
NOP normal output,not otherwise provided
NOR notice of readiness,north,norway,norwegian,
NORTH RANGE us atlantic ports(norfolk,new port,baltimore,philadelphia,new york,boston)
NORW norway,norwegian
NOS not otherwise specified,numbers
NOV november,nett observed volume
Nox nitrogen oxides
NP notary public,net proceeds
NPDES national pollutant discharge ellimination system
NPDES national pollutant discharge elimination system
NPH naphtha
NR number,indicative,no risk,net register
NRAD no risk after discharge
NRAL no risk after landing
NRAS no risk after shipment
NRC national response center
NRC united states coast guard national response center
NRDX north of dax (france)
NRT net registered tonnage
NRT national response team
NRU nitrogen rejection unit
NRV net realizable value
NS new style,nova scotia
NSA non-separation agreement (general average)
NSF united states coast guard national striking force
NSPF not specifically provided for
NSR north sea route
NSV nett standard volume
NSW new south wales
NT WT net weight
NTS nuclear transit slip (cargo & liability)
NUM number,numeral (s)
NUVOY general purpose charter party published by british chamber of foreign trade
NV norske veritas
NVOC non vessel owning carrier
NVOCC non vessel operating common carrier
NVQ national vocational qualification
NW northwest,net weight, new worldscale
NWBS net wet breaking strength
NY new york city
NYMEX New york mercantile exchange
NYNNOGWB (if)new york not north of georgw washington bridge
NYPC/NY new york produce charter party
NYPE new york product exchange
NYSE new york stock exchange
NYU new york university
NZ new zeland
NZEAL new zeland
O ocean,ohio,old,ore carrier,october
O&R ocean and rail
O.A. over all
O.P. open policy
O.R. owner's risk
O/A on account of,open account
O/B on or before
O/B on board
O/C open charter,old charter,open cover,old crop,overcharge
O/D on demand,overdeck
O/O ore-oil carrier,order of
O/R overriding commission, outright
O/S on sample,out of stock,on sale or return
O/T overtime,old terms,on truck
O/U over/under
OA overall,overaged (older than 15 years),owner's account
OABE owner's agent both ends
OAL overall length
OAR old arabic
OAS organisation of american states
OB "be obil" (he or she died)
OBJ object(ive)
OBO on behalf of
OBO oil/bulk/ore carrier
OBQ on board quantity
OBS obsolete , prefix for meteorological telegrams
OC ocean,oil-chemical tanker
OCB/L ocean bill of lading
OCC occurrence,subscriber is engaged (telex language,occupied , operations control centre
OCCAS occasion (al) (ally)
OCD obsesive compulsive disorder
OCIMF oil companies international marine forum
OCT october
OD officer of the day,old dutch,olivedrab,outside diam,overdose
ODMCS oil discharge monitoring and control system
ODME oil discharging monitoring equipment
OECD organisaton for economic cooperation and development
OFRS offers
OG propeller shaft is sectional and junctions are fitted with oil glands

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Maritime abbreviations
OGPI original gross premium income (reinsurance)
OHSA ocupational hazard safety assessment
OHSMS ocupational health and safety management system(s)
OK all right,correct,agreed
OKAY all right,correct,agreed
OM oil molasses (carrier)
OMBO one man bridge operations
OMCAS outstanding marine claims advisory settlements
ON order notify
ONI office of naval intelligence
ONITE overnight
ONPI original net premium income (reinsurance)
ONR original net rate
ONT ontario,ontarian
ONW onwards
OO out of,owner's option, ore/oil carrier
OP opposite,opera, observed person
OP.CIT "opera citato" (in the work cited)
OPA oil pollution act ,1990 (usa)
OPA 1990 oil pollution act of 1990
OPEC organisation of petroleum exporting countries
OPITB offshore petroleum industries training board
OPITO offshore petroleum industries training organisation
OPL off port limits, out port limits shipping services
OPN open
OPP opposed,opposite
OPRA occupational pensions regulatory authority
OPT optative,optional(no make a choice),option
OPTN option
OR owner's risk,original rate
OR DET owner's risk of deterioration
ORB owner's risk of breakage
ORC owner's risk of chafting
ORD owner's risk of damage
ORF owner's risk of fire/freezing,other refinery feedstock
ORIG original (aly)
ORL owner's risk of leakage
ORS owner's risk of shiffting
ORW owner's risk of becoming wet
OS overside,ordinary seaman
OS & D over,short and damage
OSAC overseas security advisory council
OSB one safe berth
OSC on scene commander
OSC on-scene coordinator
OSC/RPM osc/remedial project manager , position held by assigned emergency response coordinator when operating under
subsection 300.180 (a) of the ncp (40 cfr 300)
OSD open shelter deck,oil spill dispersant
OSH open shelter deck
OSHA occupational safety and healthy administration
OSHA occupational safety and health administration
OSP one safe port, official selling price
OSR oilseed rape
OSRO oil spill responsible organization
OT oil tight
OTF optimum transmitting frequency
OU open university
OWISE otherwise
OWS owners, oily water separator
OZ ounce
P package , precision(code),stop your transmission (telex language),notation of a deck erection on a vessel
P&I protection and indemnity
P&L profit and loss
P&O penninsular and oriental steam
P.A. particular average,power of attorney
P/A power of attorney,private account,personal accident
P/C petty cash,price current,per cent,particular charges,profit commission
P/E personal effects, purchase enquire
P/L partial loss
P/N permissory note
P/P prepaid, per pro – on behalf of
P/S public sale,price sales
P/V VLV pressure/vacuum valve
P+C private and confidential
PA pennsylavania (usa),public addres,particular average
PA position approximate
PAC pacific,pacific coast ports
PAD packet assembly/disassembly , predicted area of danger
PAGE notation of deck erection on a vessel
PAID "per diem" daily:by the day
PAN premium advice note
PANAMAX maximum size vessel which is able to enter panama channel
PANS pre-arrival notification of security
PAO polyalpha olefin
PAP point a pitre
PAR paragraph,paralell,parenthesis
PART partial,participle

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PART CARGO ship not fully loaded and not paid for the space not used
PASS passenger,passive,passing
PASSIM throughout,in various parts
PAST US s/contractor
PAT patent(ed),pattern,patience,profit after tax
PAWN notation of a deck erection on a vessel
PAX passenger,peace(latin)
PAYMT payment
PAYT payment
PB permanent bunkers
PBL parallel body length
PBSY prime bleached summer yellow
PBT profit before tax
PC period of charter, prices, piece, per cent, part cargo
PCB printed circuit board
PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls
PCC pure car carrier
PCD pitch circle diameter
PCGO part cargo
PCLS parcels
PCT per cent
PD per day, port dues, passed, "per diem"(daily-by the day), period
PDF portable document format
PDO property damage only
PDPR per day pro rata
PDQ pretty damn quick
PE professional engineer, price/earnings ratio,polyethylene, port elizabeth
PEAGE DUES dues in some french and north american ports
PEC pilotage exemption cetificate
PEEK poly ether-ether ketone
PEF personal experience factor
PEG poly ethylene glycol
PEL permissible exposure limit
PEN peninsula
PENN/PENNA pennsylvania (usa)
PER notation of a deck erection on a vessel,period,person,persia(n)
PERF perfect,perforated
PERK powered emergency release coupling
PERS personal,persia(n)
PERS ACC personal accident
PEV port everglades (florida)
PF perfect,preferred
PFC private first class
PFD position fixing device, personal flotation device, preferred
PFO portfolio
PFSO port facility security officer
PFSP port facility security plan
PG portugal,portuguese,persian gulf
PGO processed(or pyrolysis) gasoil
PH indicator of acidity
PHD per hatch per day
PHIL philippine,philippians
PHILA philadelphia (usa)
PHOTOG photograph (y)
PHPD per hatch per day
PHS public health service
PHS public health service
PI personal injury,polyisoprene
PI philippine islands
PI parallel indicators technique
PIA peril insured against
PIF performance influencing factor
PIL premium income limit
PILF pilferage
PIN personal identification number
PING packet internet groper
PIQ pre-inspection questionnaire
PK pack,park,peak,peck
PKG package
PKGE package
PL passenger lifts, public liability, public law, place, plate, plural, protective location
PLA port of london authority
PLATE river plate (la plata)
PLB personal locator beacon (used with cospas sarsat system)
PLC printed logic circuit
PLEM pipeline end manifold
PLET pipeline end termination
PLS please
PLT per long ton
PLYSHE plywood sheets
PM post meridian,post mortem,paymaster,post master,premium,preventive maintenance,power management,polymyositis
PMK post mark
PML probable maximum loss
PMO passing muscat outbound (on delivery/redelivery)
PMS planned maintenance system,premenstrual syndrome
PMSA pacific merchant shipping association
PMT per metric ton

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PMU portable measurement unit
PMX panamax
PN,P/N promissory note
PNR passenger name record
PO post office,petty officer
POB pilot on board
POC port of call
POD pay on delivery, place of delivery, proof of delivery, paid on delivery
POL poland,polish
POLIZ/PE port elisabeth
POLREP united states coast guard pollution report message
PONA paraffins, olefinis, naphthenes and aromatic content
POOP notation of deck erection on a vessel
POP population,popular(y)
POR port of refuge , pacific ocean region
PORT portugal,portuguese
POS pounds,position
POSS possession,possessive,possibly,possible & possibility
POW prisoner of war
PP parcel post,post paid,picked ports,piching pilot,picked ports,per procurationem (on behalf of),passage plan,passport
PP AHRGE picking pilot in one port out of antwerp,hamburg range
PPB parts per billion
PPC pure car carrier
PPD prepaid
PPE personal protective equipment
PPI policy proof of interest
PPL prompt loading
PPM parts per million
PPOSE purpose
PPP point to point protocol (internet), purchasing power parity
PPR paper
PPS pumps, post post-scriptum (time for loading/discharging operations),purposes
PPT prompt loading, passport, promptly
PR public relations,polski rejestr,port risks,pro rata,products carrier,per,puerto rico,provencal,pair,present,price
PRAM perambulator
PRAN paperwork reduction act notice
PREC preceeding
PRED predicate
PREF preface,preferred,prefix
PRELIM preliminary
PREM RED premium reducing
PREM RES premium reserve (reinsurance)
PREP preparatory,preposition
PRES present,presidency
PRET preterit
PREV previous(ly)
PRIM primary,primitive
PRIN principal,principle
PRO/TEM for time being
PROB probable,probably,problem
PROD produce (new york produced charter party)
PROF professor
PROF COM profit commission (reinsurance)
PROG prognosys
PROMD promenade deck
PRON pronominal,pronoun,pronounced,pronunciation
PROP property(sense),proper,proposition,proposed,proposal
PROST prospect(s),prospective
PROV provencal,proverb(s),province,provost
PROX "proximo"
PRP proper return port
PRT port bunkers consumptions,consumption per hour in port
PS "post scriptum",paddle steamer,pieces,privy seal
PSA psalm(s),port security assessment
PSC port state control
PSD planned settlement date
PSDN public switched data network
PSE please
PSG passing
PSI pound per square inch
PSIA pound per square inch absolute
PSIX port state information exchange
PSM placing support message
PSN position
PSPT passport
PSSA particularly sensitive sea areas
PSSG passing
PST pacific standard time
PST pacific strike team - novato , california
PSTN public switched telephone network
PSU portable sampling unit
PSV platform supply vessel
PT premium transfer,private terms,part,pint,point
PT BOAT patrol torpedo boat
PT20 OR PT40 per 20' or 40' trailer or container
PTA prepaid ticket advice
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

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PTG STD petrograd standard (timber)
PTO please turn over,porto,puerto
PTS proceed to select
PTSD post traumatic stress disorder
PUB public,published,publisher
PURPS purposes
PUS/PSTUS past us, plus us
PV petite vitesse (slow train)
PV pilot vessel
PVT private
PWT pennyweight
PWWD per weather working day
PYGAS pyrolysis gasoline
PYMT payment
Q question,queen,quart,quarter,quintal,quartet
QA quality assurance,qualitative analysis
QC quality control,quantity at captain's option
QCS quality connector system
QEE quadruple expansion engine
QEQ which was to be proved
QI qualified individual
QL quintal
QLTY quality
QM quatermaster
QNTY quantity
QP qualified person
QRC quick release coupling
QS quota share
QT quantity,on the q.t. (keep secret)
QUAD quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000)
QUINT quintuplet
QUOT quotation
QV "quod vide" (which see)
R river,rule,run,radial,republica(n),railroad,railway,"regina"(queen)
R & CC riots and civil commotions
R&L rail and lake
R&O rail and ocean
R/A refer to acceptor
R/D refer to drawer
R/N rail note
R/O routing order
R/P return of post for orders
R/V round voyage
R&D Center united states coast guard research and development center
RA reconized authority , radiocommunications agency
RAA reinsurance association of america
RAD radical,radius
RAF royal air force
RAM random access memory
RAN royal australian navy
RAP i shall call you back (telex language)
RAT rapeseed association terms
RBC red blood cells (or count)
RBD refined bleached deodorised
RBDW refined bleached deodorised winterised
RC non-direction radio beacon
RC & L rail,canal and lake
RCC & S riots,civil commotions and strikes
RCDS raster chart display system
RCP regional contingency plan
RCPT receipt
RCRA resource conservation and recovery act
RCV(D) receive(d)
RCVR receiver
RD road(s),round,rural delivery,running days
RDC running down clause
RDF refuse-derived gasoline,radio direction finder
RDS (hampton) roads
RDSEA red sea
RDY redelivery
RE regarding
REB rebate
REC SEC recording secretary
RECAP recapitulation
RECD received
RECVD received
RED rate,extras,demurage (worldscale)
REDELY redelivery
REF referee,reference,reformed,refrigerated space,refrigerating machinery,refrigeration,refrigerating
REFG refrigerating,refrigeration
REFL reflect(ion),reflex,reflexive
REG regiment,region,register(ed),regular,regulation
REINST reinstatement
REL recommended exposure liimit (us niosh)
term for a ship already on period commitment which is made available for voyages or periode trading in the market
to a further charterer
RENC regional electronic navigational chart co-ordinating centre

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REP representative,republican
REPAT repatriated (crew)
REPD/RPTD reported
REPT repetition
REQ request,requirement
REQD required
RES reserve,residence,resides
RES residue,reserve
RESP respective(ly)
RET/RETD retired,returned,retained
REV revolutions(of engine),revelation,revision,reverting
REV VER revised version
RF radio frequency
RFB room, food and beverages
RFC request for comments (internet)
RFD rural free delivery
RFD reference dose
RFG reformated gasoline
RFI radio frequency interference
RFO residual fuel oil
RFP request for proposal
RFQ request for quote (or quotation)
RG radio direction finding station
RGB return gas blower
RGDS regards,rio grande do sul
RGE range
RGM research gas mixture
RGN region
RH relative humidity,”rhesus” blood factor,
RI rhode island
RI re-insurance
RI registro italiano
RINA royal institute of naval architects ; italian register of shipping
RINET reinsurance & insurance network (brussels)
RIOT mess
RIP "requiescat in pace" (rest in peace)
RIT refining in transit
RMKS remarks
RMS root mean square
RMT remit
RMTCE remittance
RN registered nurse, rouen
RNC raster navigational chart
RND round trip
RNLI royal national life-boat institution
RO/RO roll on/roll off
ROA reinsurnce offices association
ROADS ports of hampton roads
ROB remaining on board
ROC restricted operator's certificate
ROD rust,oxidation and discolouration
ROI return of investment
ROK republic of korea (south korea)
ROM roman,romance,read only memory,range of motion,romanian
RON Research octane number
ROS reduced operational status
ROTN NO rotation number
ROV remotely operated vehicle
ROVIQ re-organized vessel inspection questionnaire
RP repair ship,return premium,responsible person, reverse phase
RPG rocket propelled grenade
RPLY reply
RPM revolutions per minute,radio pratique message
RPT repeat
RQ request or indication of a request
RQMENTS requirements
RR railroad
RR & I respective rights and interests
RRC regional response center
RRT regional response team
RS rupees,reis,revised statues us,rolled steel, recommended standard, reference standard
RSFO regular sulphur fuel oil
RSH royal society of health
RSO recognised security organisation
RSVP "respondez s'il vous plais" (please reply)
RT right,radio telephony,rye terms,room temperature,reverse transcription, responsible person
RTA rubber trade association
RTB return to base
RTITB road transport industry training board
RTL radiotelex letter, resistor-transistor logic
RTT radio tele-type
RTW road tank wagon
RTY radio tele-type
RUM rumania(n)
RUSS russia(n)
RV(S)/RDS round voyage(s)
RVP reid vapour pressure

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RVTG reverting
RWP rated working pressure
RWY railway
RY railway,reference your....
RYA royal yacht association
RYC6 reference your cable of 6th
RYM regarding your message
RYT reference your telex (telegram)
RYTX reference your telex
S south,saturday,sunday,september,steamer,snow , second
S&A signing and accounting (procedure)
S & FA shipping and forwarding agents
S & H EXCT sundays and holidays excepted
S&L sue and labour (charges)
S&P sale and purchase
S+W sediments and water
S TO S station to station
S,AMER south america
S/A safe arrival,subject to approval,safe arrival,ship's agenc,subject to acceptance (insurance)
S/C precisely reproduced
S/D sea damage,single decker,sight draft
S/FEE survey fee
S/I sum insured
S/L sue and labour,short landed
S/LC sue and labour clause
S/LCH sue and labour charges
S/N shipping note
S/N serial number,shipping note
S/O shipping order
S/S sister
S/SHPD short shipped
SA salvage association,safe anchorage,south africa,south america,south australia,subject to approval
SAC support agency coordinator, position held by assigned emergency response coordinator when operating under
subsection 300.180(a) of the ncp (40 cfr 300)
SAD single administrative document
SAFR south africa
SAFRICA south africa
SALD sailed
SALM single anchor leg mooring
SAM south america,surface to air missile
SANR subject to approval no risk
SAP seafarers' assistance program (Kenya)
SAPMS annual survey of planned maintenance system
SAR search and rescue
SAR search and rescue
SAR STA united states coast guard search and rescue small boat station
SART search and rescue satelitte aided tracking
SASB south akcakoca sub-basin
SAT saturday,saturn
SATAFEX saturday afternoon excluded
SATCOM satellite communications
SATPM saturday p.m.
SB safe berth, short bill, south bound
SBAA one safe berth always afloat
SBF security bidding fee
SBK seaman book
SBM single buoy mooring / shore based management/soya beans meal
SBS survey before shipment
SBS surveyed before shipment
SBT segregated ballast tank(er)
SC salvaged charges,scots,scottish,scene,science,small capital,salvage charges,sub cutaneous
SC & S strapped,corded and sealed
SCA settlement of claims abroad
SCAC standard carrier alpha code
SCALE loading scale
SCAN scandinavia(n)
SCAN/AG Scandinavia to arabian gulf
SCAND scandinavia(n)
SCFM Standard cubic feet per minute
SCH schooner
SCHED schedule(d)
SCI science,scientific
SCID NBR suez canal i.d. number
SCM syndicate claims message
SCOR scientific commission on oceanic research
SCOT scotch,scots,scottish
SCOTVEC scottish vocational educational council
SCR selective catalitic reduction
SCSA stroke cycle single acting
SCSSV surface-controlled subsurface safety valves
SCU special claims unit
SD summer draft,ea damaged,standard deviation,sailed,sea damage,short delivery,single deck(er)
SDA security deposit amount,specially denaturated alcohol,
SDD store door delivery
SDG sending,siding
SDHF standard dutch hull form
SDK singledecker

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SDR special drawing rights (limitation of liability)
SDWT summer deadweight
SE southeast(ern),standard error
SEC securities and exchange comission,secant,second(ary),secretary
SECA sulphur oxides emission control area
SECY secretary
SED severe emotionally disturbed
SEF ship experience factor
SEL selected,selection(s)
SELCALL selective calling
SELFD self discharging
SELFEC selective forward error correction
SELFTR self trimming
SEM seminary,semitic
SEN senior,senate(or)
SEP subject to endorsement on the policy
SEP safety and environmental protection
SEP separation procedure (signing and accounting),separate(ly)
SEPT september,septuaging
SEQ the following
SERC science and engineering research council
SES ship earth station
SEV IS seven islands
SF stowage factor, san francisco
SF BAY san francisco bay
SFB summer free board
SFU store and forward unit
SG solutis gratia = given for safety (lloyd's policy),specific gravity
SGD signed
SGL single,single room without bath
SH shilling(s)
SHD shelter decker
SHEX sundays,holidays excluded (excepted)
SHEX E.I.U. sundays and holidays excluded even if used
SHEX U.U. sundays and holidays excluded unless used
SHINC sundays and holidays included
SHP shaft horse power
SHPT shipment
SHUD should
SI short interest,sum insured,international system of units,yes,staten island,shipping instructions,statutory instrument,silicone
SIB security and investment board
SID single decker, seafarers' identity document
SIG signature
SIGTTO society of international gas tankers and terminal operations ltd
SIM simillar
SING singular
SIT situation,stopping in transit
SITPRO simplification of industrial trade procedures board
SITREP situation report message
SK sack
SKD semi knocked down
are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under the cargo to enable forklift handling at port, and for ease of rigging
and lashing on board ship.
SL salvage loss,saint lawrence
SL & C shipper's load and count
SL & T shipper's load and tally
SLAV slavic,slavonian,slavonic
SLD sailed
SLE safety life equipment
SLF stability loadlines and fishing vessels committee
SLR safety life radio
SLRS sellers
SLS stern loading system
SLT ship letter telegram
SM samarium
SMA society of maritime arbitrators(NY)
SMC search and rescue mission coordinator
SMCP standard maritime communication phrases
SMNV standard maritime navigational vocabulary
SMS safety management system
SMT ship's management team
SMTP serial mail transfer protocol
SN tin (in chemistry),serial number,separation number,seroneutralization
SNAFU situation normal, all f...ed up
SO southern,ship's option,shipping order,seller's option
SOC shipper owned container, subject of concern
SOCAR azerbaidjan state oil co.
SOF statement of facts
SOFA society of financial advisers
SOL shipowner's liability
SOLAS safety of life at sea (convention)
SOP standing (standard) operating procedure
SOP standard operating procedure or practices
SOPEP shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
SOS save our souls,safety oceans services,service of suit
SOSC state on-scene coordinator
Sox sulphur oxides

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Maritime abbreviations
SP spain,spaniard,spanish,special,specific,specimen,spelling,safe port,soft point(bullet)
SP GR specific gravity
SP/CONS speed/consumption
SPAN spanish
SPD steamer pays dues
SPD steamer (ship) pays dues,spar deck
SPEC special(s),specification(s)
SPECIF specifically
SPECS eyeglasses
SPM single point mooring
SPMSHEX saturday pm sunday holidays excluded
SPOC search and rescue point of contact
SPORE singapore
SPOT ready to load,place,available for charter in the immediate vicinity
SPT sea port
SQ square
SQFT square foot/feet
SQIN square inch
SR senior
SR & CC strikes,riots and civil commotions
SRBL signing and releasing bill of lading
SRC short range certificate
SRD standing room only
SRG state response group
SRL ship repairer's liability
SRR search and rescue region
SS steamship,seconds,shipside,stainless steel
SS & C same sea and country (coast)
SSA ship security assessment
SSAS ship security alarm system
SSB single side band
SSC simultaneous settlements clause
SSC scientific support coordinator
SSE south-southeast
SSF saybolt seconds furol
SSFC sequential single frequency code
SSHEX Saturdays sundays and holidays excepted
SSHINC saturdays sundays holidays included
SSN standard shipping notice
SSO ship security officer
SSP start sea passage / ship security plan
SST supersonic transport,sea surface temperature
SSU saybolt seconds universal
SSW south-southwest,summer salt water
ST strait,street,saint,straught time,short ton
STA station
STBL ship to be lightered
STCW standard training and watchkeeping certificates
STD standard (timber),sexually transmitted disease
STDS standards
STE sainte (female)
STEL short term exposure limit
STEL shorth term exposure limit
STEM subject to availability of cargo
STEV LIAB stevedores' liability
STG sterling
STGE storage
STI society of technicians in insurance
STK stock
STOPIA small tanker oil pollution indemnification agreement
STP stop
STR steamer
STRD standard
STS ship-to-ship operations
STW standard training work
STWAG stowage
SU set up
SUB substitute,suburb(an),subject
SUB DETS subject details (of charter party)
SUB OPEN subject open
SUB P CARGO substitute part cargo
SUB STEM subject to the cargo being available in the correct quantity on the right dates
SUBJ subject
SUBSTEM subject stem
SUCL set up car load
SUDBE should be
SUIT suitable
SULCL set up in less than car load
SUN sunday
SUND H EXCEP sundays and holidays excepted
SUPP supplementary
SUPPL supplementary
SUPT superintendent
SURCH surcharge
SURG surgeon,surgery,surgical
SURV survey
SURVR surveyor

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SUS saybolt universal seconds
SV sailing vessel,"sub verbo" (under the word)
SVO straight vegetable oil
SW southwest(ern),sweden,swedish,salt water,shipper's weights
SWAD salt water arrival draft,salt water all day
SWB single with bath
SWD salt water draft,seawater damage
SWDD salt water departure draft
SWED sweden,swedish
SWEK salt water even keel
SWG standard wire gauge
SWL safe working load
SYM simphony
SYN sinonym(ous),syndicate (lloyd's)
SYR syria(n)
T ton,time,tuesday,tenor,town,territory,troy,tanker,triplet
T & CC technical and clauses sommittee
T&G tongued and grooved (timber trade)
T&S touch and stay
T/A turn around
T/C until countermanded
T/C time charter
T/CHQ traveller cheque
T/D tween deck
T/F "transit international ferroviaire"
T/H tariff heading
T/I tarif item
T/L total loss
T/O transfer order
T/S transhipment,tons
TAI teaching assistant
TAI international atomic time
TAN tangent,total acid number
TAR a sailor
TARP tarpaulin
TARV turn around voyage,transatlantic round voyage
TAT technical assistance team
TAUTC time always used to count
TAX charge
TB trial balance,tuberculosis
TBA to be advised,to be agreed
TBCKL turnbuckle
TBD to be done
TBN to be nominated,to be named,to be narrowed,total basic/base number
TBNARR to be narrowed
TBOOK to the best of owner's knowledge
TBR to be renamed
TBS tablespoon
TBSA total body surface area
TBT technology-based training
TCF trillion cubic feet
TCI time charterer's interest
TCP time charter party
TCPA time to closest point of approach,
TCT time charter trip
TCV total calculated volume
TDG trading
TDKS tween decks
TDM time division multiplex
TDV total delivered volume
TDW tonnage deadweight
TDY today
TE trade expenses,turbo electric
TEAP transportation emergency action plan
TECH technical,technology
TEE trans-europe express,triple expansion engine,payment per dwt per month excluded voyage cost
TEL telegram,telegraph,telephone,tetraethyl lead
TELCON telephone conversation
TEMP temporary,temporaly,temperature
TER territory,terrage
TEST testament
TEST MSG test mesage
TEU twenty feet equivalent units (20' containers)
TEUT teutonic,teuton
TF tropical freshwater
TGB tongued,grooved and beaded
TH thursday,territory of hawaii
THKS thanks
THKSNREG thanks and regards
THREAT threatening
THRU through (telex language)
THT that
THX thanks
TIB trimmed in bunkers
TIG tungsten inert gas
TIP taking inward pilot
TIR "transit international routier"

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Maritime abbreviations
TIV total insured value
TK truck
TKO technical knockout
TKS thanks
TKT ticket
TL total loss
TL trade last
TLO total loss only
TLV threshold limit values
TLVO total loss of vessel only
TLX telex
TMAS telemedical assistance service
TMC tramsmitting magnetic compass
TML tetramethyl lead, transportable moisture limit
TMRW tomorrow
TMSA tanker management self assessment
TN ton
TNR tonner
TNT trinitrotoluen
TOFC trailer on flat car
TOM tomorrow
TOMO tomorrow
TOP OFF completing
TOPIA tanker oil pollution indemnification agreement
TOR time on risk
TOR telex over radio
TOT terms of trade
TOV total observed volume
TOVALOP tanker owners' voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollution
TP township,transpacific round voyage,truck packed (timber)
TP LIAB third party liability
TPC tons per centimeter (immersion)
TPH total per hour
TPI trim per inch,tons per inch
TPL tons per inch (immersion)
TPND theft,pilferage and non-delivery
TPP truck packages
TPR teleprinter
TQ tale quale = having such a quantity
TQ "tale quale" (as found)
TQM total quality management
TR tons registered, truste, translation, translator, translated, transitive, transponse, treasure, trade route
TRA task risk assessment
TRANSP transport
TREAS treasurer,treasury
TREASURY department of treasury
TRF transfer, hanse oil trading reference code
TRI "transit routier interieure"
TRIG trigonometria
TRIGON trigonometria
TRLR trawler
TRP teleprinter
TRV total received volume
TSI total sum insured
TSS traffic separation scheme,total separation solutions
TST top side tanks
TT telegraphic transfer
TTA transport tutorial association
TTF timber trade federatiion
TTL total
TTL/HR(S) total here/hour(s)
TTY treaty (reinsurance)
TU turbine
TUB tubarao
TURK turkey,turkish
TV television
TVE tanker vessel examination (us coast guard)
TVEL tanker vessel examination letter (us coast guard)
TVL travel
TVP true vapour pressure
TW twin decker, tradewind (publication)
TWA time-weighted average
TWB twin with bath
TWD twindecker
TWEEN between
TWMC transport,wages,maintenance and care
TX transmitter,transmition,thanks
TYC/12TH thanks your cable of 12th
U ugly and threatening weather
U upper,union,university,you
U/A underwriting account
U/C under construction
U/CHG undercharge
U/D under deck
U/O use and occupancy
U/R under repair
U/W underwriter

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UAN ureia natural
UC upper case
UCB unless caused by
UCC uniform commercial code (usa state laws)
UCE unforseen circumstances excluded
UCLA university of california at los angeles
UCP uniform customs and practice (for documentary credits)
UCS unified claims system
UD upper deck, undyed
UE european union (union europeene)
UEL upper explosive limit
UFL upper flammable limit
UFL upper flammable limit
UHF ultra high frequency
UK united kingdom
UK FO united kingdom for orders
UK/CONT united kingdom or continent
UK/CONT(BH) united kingdom or continent ordeaux-hamburg range
UK/CONT(GH) united kingdom or continentgibraltar-hamburg range
UK/CONT(HH) united kingdom or continent havre-hamburg range
UKCM united kingdom continent/mediterranea
UKFO united kingdom for orders
UKHAD united kingdom,havre,antwerp,or dunkirk
UKMTO uk maritime trade organisation
UKOOA united kingdom offshore operators association
ULCC ultra large crude carrier
ULDD unleaded
ULL ullage
ULT "ultimo",ultimate(ly)
UMS unmanned machinery space, unleaded motor spirit
UMT universal military training
UMW united mine works
UN united nations
UNABL unable
UNBAGG unaccompanied baggage
UNCLOS united nations conference on the law of the sea
UNCTAD u.n.conference of trade and development
UND undarked
UNDP u.n.development programme
UNECE u.n.economic commission for europe
UNEP u.n.environment programme
UNESCO u.n.educational,scientific and cultural organisation
UNI having or consisting of one,only
UNIV universal,university
UNL ultimate net loss,unleaded
UNLD unleaded
UNQUOTE end of message
UP under proof
UPI united press international
UPL upper pressure limit
UR your
US united states,useless
USA united states of america,union of south africa
USA united states army
USAC/USATL united states atlantic coast
USACOE united states army corps of engineers
USAF united states air force
USANH usa north cape hatteras
USB upper side band,universal serial bus
USC unless sooner commenced
USCG united states coast guard
USD us dollars,ultrasonic detector
USDA united states department of agriculture
USDA united states department of agriculture
USDLRS us dollars
USEPA u.s.environmental protection agency
USFS united states forest service
USFWS united states fish and wildlife service
USG united states gulf
USM underwriters'signing message
USMC united states marine corps
USN united states navy
USN united states navy
USNG united states national guard
USNH united states north of hatteras (cape)
USPAC united pacific coast
USPHS united states public health service
USSA united states salvage association
USWC united states west coast
UT unlimited transshipment
UTC universal time coordinated (former GMT)
UU unless used
UUIWCTAUTC unless used in which case time actually used to count
UUR unless un-dully reversed
UV ultraviolet
V velocity,volts,vector,version,voltage,volume

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V/C victoria, voyage charter
VA virginia (usa)
VACS vacuvators
VAL value
VAR variant,variety,various
VAT value added tax
VB verbal
VC valuation clause
VCF volume correction factor
VCP voyage charter party
VCS vapor control system
VCV vapour control valve
VCVR vancouver
VD valued,venereal disease
VDRL venereal disease research laboratory (usa)
VDT video display terminal
VDU visual display unit
VECS vapour emission control system
VEF vessel experience factor
VEGOIL vegetable oil
VENT ventilated
VES vessel
VET veteran,veterinary
VGO vacuum gasoil
VGP vessel general permit
VHF very high frequency
VI virginia islands,virus isolation
VIN wine (from french)
VIP very important person
VIT variable injection time
VIZ "videlicet" (namely)
VLCC very large crude carrier
VLGC very large gas carrier
VLR vessel's loading ratio
VM very much
VMAA vancouver maritime arbitrators association
VNS vessel natural segregation
VO voyage orders
VOC volatile organic compound(chemical)
VOCAB vocabulary
VOL volume
VOLK a folk (people,nation)
VOOP vessel of opportunity observing program
VOP value as in original policy
VOX voice operated (transmission;swithc)
VOY COSTS vessel costs comprises bunkers,port charges and channel charges
VOY(S) voyage(s)
VP vice-president,vapor pressure
VPD vessel pays dues
VQ vocational qualification
VRML virtual reality modelling language
VRS vapour recovery system
VS versus,"vide supra" (see above)
VSL vessel
VSP vietsov-petro joint venture
VST visit
VT vermont,virgin teflon
VTM vessel traffic management,virus transport media
VTS vessel traffic system (services)
VTS vessel traffic service
VV vice-versa
VW volkswagen
W west(ern),wales,wednesdady,watt,weight,words
W& way bill
W & EI wages and effects form i
W&F water and feed
W&I weighting and inspection
W&R water and rail
W.A. with average
W.GER west germany
W.GMC west germanic
W/B waybill
W/D warranted
W/M weight and or/measurement
W/W warehouse warrant,world wide
WABLE workable
WAF west africa
WASH washington (usa)
WB water ballast,warehouse book,way bill,west bound
WB/EI west britain/east ireland
WBC white blood cells (or count)
WBS without benefit of salvage
WC west coast
WC ENGLAND west coast england
WCCA west coast central africa
WCCHON whether cleared at custom house or not
WCCON whether customs cleared or not

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WCF weight correction factor
WCL world confederation of labour
WCNA west coast of north america
WCSA west coast of south america,west coast of south africa
WD well deck
WDF wireless direction finder
WDG wording
WDV written down value
WEAR AND TEARloss and damage caused by use
WEB webslings
WECM warranted existing class maintained
WEF with effect from
WEND world electronic navigational chart database
WEST western
WET waste extraction test
WETREP west european tanker reporting system
WEU western european union
WF wharf
WFA with following alteration
WFTU world federation of trade union
WG weight guaranteed
WGS84 world geodetic system 1984 datum
WGT weight
WHO world health organisation
WHT wheat
WI west indies,west indian
WIBON whether in berth or not
WIFPON whether in free pratique or not
WIP work in progress
WIPON whether in port or not
WIWL within institute warranties limits
WK week,work
WKING working
WL wave lenght
WLTOHC water line to hatch coaming
WMED west mediterranean
WMO world meteorological organisation
WMU world maritime university
WNA winter north atlantic
WNW west-northwest
WO warrant officer
WOB washed overboard
WOG without guarantee
WOL wharf owners' liability
WP without prejudice,weather permitting
WPA with particular average
WPAGW weather permitting all going well
WPD weather permitting day
WR warehouse receipts
WRIC wire rods in coils
WRO war risk only
WRS wording registration scheme (lloyd's)
WRTD without reference to date
WRU who is there (telex language), who are you?
WS world scale
WSHTC world scale hours,terms and conditions
WSIM water separation index modified
WSMC washington state maritime cooperative
WSNP weather and safe navigation permited
WSW west-southwest
WT weight,radio telegraphy(wireless telegraphy)
WTBA wording to be agreed
WTD warranted
WTIES warranties
WTO world trade organization
WTS working time saved
WTSBE working time saved both ends
WTSBENDS working time saved both ends (dispatch)
WTY warranty
WUD would
WVA west virginia
WVO waste vegetable oil
WVSN within vessel's natural segregation
WW where,when
WWD weather working days
WWF waterside workers federation (australia)
WWNWS world wide navigational warning service
WWP waterproof paper packing
WWR where and when ready
WWRNS world wide range radio navigation system
WWSHEX weather working days sundays holidays excluded
WWWW wibon, wccon, wifpon, wipon
WX weather
WYM whichever yelds more
X stop
X RAY radiography
X/L excess loss

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XC ex coupon
XD ex dividend
XE xenon
XIN ex interest
XMAS christmas
XPM cross phase modulation
XS LOSS excess loss reinsurance
XS PT excess point
XTE cross track error
XXXX error
Y year,yard
Y.A.R. york-antwerp rules 1924 (general average)
Y/A york-antwerp rules
YAR york-antwerp rules 1924 (general average)
YB ytterbium
YD yard (s)
YDS yards
YEP affirmative reply
YES affirmative reply
YR year,younger,your
YR CBL your cable
YR LTR your letter
YR TLX your telex
YRS years,yours
YT yttrium,yukon territory,yacht
YUK yukon territory
YULE yuletide
Z zone/an unknown quantity/zenith distance/utc
ZEV zero emission vehicle
ZN zinc
ZRG zero rated goods
ZT zone time

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