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The banana petiole is a material from the banana tree which farmers rarely use. The leading
cause of the occasional use of the petiole is the lack of processing methods for the petiole. We
tried to process the petiole into paper; although the results are not as good as paper in general,
this paper has uniqueness. The presence of the cellulose fiber is 63-64%, 20% hemicellulose,
and 5% lignin. This is what causes the banana petiole to be able to be used as paper material.
We experimented with turning the bapper into litmus so that it can be used to determine the
acidity or alkalinity of a substance. If the litmus is dipped into acid or base, it will produce a
color-changing reaction. The results we made can also be used as a detector for the presence of
borax in food. The conclusion is this paper can be something useful in the health field.

Keywords: banana petiole, cellulose

\ rarely use the banana petiole. But the low lignin

content of the petiole is another advantage because the
CHAPTER I paper-making process requires relatively little cooking
material and a relatively short time, so it provides
economic benefits. The banana petiole is expected to be
used as a raw material for paper with 5-10% lignin
content, 63-65% cellulose, and 6-20% hemicellulose. At
the same time, the fiber is about 4.29 mm long, and the
rest is an extractive substance that can be used as a raw
The banana petiole is a material that people rarely
material for paper making.
use. The lack of processing methods makes
banana petioles being thrown away, it’s not rare 2.1 METHOD
for you to see the massive disposal of banana
petioles into pollution—a pungent smell, insect TOOLS AND MATERIALS
den, etc. However, we can minimize this by • 1,4 kg of chopped banana petiole
processing banana petioles into paper. Indonesia
is one of the top 10 countries with the largest • 500 ml of water
banana producers in the world. Indonesia can • Blender
produce up to 7,280,659 tons. The tropical • Paper print
climate, fertile soil, and stable weather make • Base
banana trees grow productive & fast in Indonesia. • Gauze
This causes a lot of banana petiole waste to be • Pot
disposed of carelessly by irresponsible parties and • Knife
pollutes the environment by the rotting banana
petiole. That's why we use this banana leaf to be
recycled to become a better item.

formulation of the problem

1. What is bapper?
2. What are the innovations from bapper?
3. Why can bapper be used as a science innovation? (Calculation of the weight )

Banana petiole has higher fiber content, and the life
cycle of bananas is relatively short. Because of this,
and 500 ml of water, can produce an organic petiole paper
with a fibrous and flexible texture.

That's from our paper entitled "THE USE OF BAPPER

(Banana petiole boiling) INNOVATION". We apologize for any errors in terms of
material, language, or words in the writing of this paper.
BAPPER making process Thank you for reading this paper until the end.

Prepare 1,4 kilograms of the chopped Banana petiole, boil

the chopped petiole for 40 minutes, crush the petiole with
a blender, and don’t forget to add water each time you
overcome it. Prepare the mold and arrange the petiole
mixture into the mold. Then, put the molded mixture on
the gauze and let it dry under the sunlight for 4-5 hours (if
it’s hot out).

Proses pengeringan


From 1.4 kilograms of the banana petiole, we can produce

up to 8 papers, and because of the easy way to make it, it
allows us to make it at home. This paper's final result is
unique because it has its own characteristics. Fibrous with
many lines makes this paper suitable for art paper, diaries,
etc. The banana petiole can be turned into a paper cause of
the presence of 5% lignin and 63-64% cellulose, making
banana petiole paper stronger than ordinary paper. But
because of the 5% lignin content, the paper will turn
slightly yellow due to the oxidation process of paper


The banana petiole is a material people often forget and

throw away without processing it first. The number of
banana trees in Indonesia makes this banana petiole waste
very very piled up and often creates inconvenience because
the organic waste will become a breeding ground for larvae
and make an area slum. That's why we, as researchers,
made a banana leaf paper breakthrough to minimize and
create this waste to become material with a high economic
value. Plus, many unique and aesthetic goods are on trend,
which makes the banana petiole merchandise business very
tempting because the uniqueness and characteristics of
banana petiole paper that are different from other paper
make this banana petiole paper an art in itself.

From the research results described previously, a
conclusion is drawn that BAPPER is an alternative paper
that can be made without using hazardous chemicals. This
paper is made by crushing banana petioles in a blender
with water and then placing them in a mold. The correct
measurement, which is 1,4 kilograms of banana petiole

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