DS IT App-Form PDF

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Annex A


Ocpa rhncnt of Transportation
Land Tra nsportation Offi ce
Pursuant to MC No. 2021-2286


ADDRESS: - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -
OWNER:_ _ _ _ _ _ _CONTACT NO.: _ __ _ _ EMAIL ADDRESS: - - - - -


A. General Acoeditation Requireme.nts

oLetter of Intent
oDuly accomplished application form (Annex A)
o Payment of application fee of PS,000.00 which is non-refundable
o The OTDC Provider may be a duly registered corporaUOn or single propriet.oo;flip
existing at least one (1) year from date of filing of application as OTDC Provider;
o SEC Certificate for companies; DTI certificate for single proprietorship
o Mayor's Permit (latest)
0 BIR Registration
o Omnibus Sworn Statement containing the followlng:
a. That the applicant OTDC Provider is not an accredited driving Institution;
b. That the appllcant OTDC Provider does not own wholly or In part any accredited
driving Institution;
c. That the OTDC Provider shall not apply for accreditation as a driving institlJtion in
the future
d. That the appllcant OTDC Provider is not owned wholly or In part by any officer or
employee of DOTr/LTO up to the 4th civil degiee of consanguinity or affinity
e. That the applicant OTDC Provider" shall provide a 2~/7 chat support to stl.x1ent-
leamer as well as to partner driving institutions
f. That the OTDC Provider" shall comply with the requirements of the Data Privacy
Law in hand6ng of data from student driver'S and will not use any data collected
from student drivers for any other purpose other than that for which It Is lnrended.

B. Interconnectivity and Technical Requirements

o Server Requirement - Option to be either on premise or In the doud. Scalable on

demand, up to 196 vCPU/740GB RAM or better.
o Security Requirement - Bot Management/ DDoS Attack Arewall;
o Database - At least 20TB of Database space
o Digital Rlghts Management - Protection from unwanted Piracy and Copyright
o Accesslbillty - can be accessed on Desktop, Laptop Computers, and any Mobile
Devices, that IS, It must have an IOS and Android Apps;
o Online Payment Faclllty - Able to send and receive payment thru existing known online
payment brands;
o School Dashboard - Able to see student information, Score, Status, downloadable
Student list, Student Verification portal;
o Online Certification - can be GICCeSSed thru Student Profile Account and School
o 24/7 customer chat support
o The delivery of the course should be asynchronous or self-paced, meaning student
driver should be able to view the instructional mat:erials in his or her own time and
o Tests and quizzes after the learning module shall be automated and in multiple choice
aOOJor true or false format;
o Student-drivers must be able to review the modules and retake quizzes as many times
as needed;
o Software must be able to randomize tests and quizzes;
o A certificate of completion shall be generated after the student driver finished all the
learning modules;
o A web-based application for data transmission and authentication.
o The OTDC shall operate on a business-to-business platform. Only LTO accredited
driving institutions that are on board with the accredited OTDC Provider shall be able
to acx:ess and enrol student drivers in the OTDC platform.
o The OTDC Provider shall keep and maintain student-drivers' OTDC record for a pe.riod
of one (1) year.

I hereby certify that the foregoing statements and information are true and correct, and
aa:omplished in my own handwriting. I understand that I will be liable for perjury for any false strtement
or entries and the OTDC Provider will be permanently disqualified as a result thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand this._ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ at



subscribed and sworn to me this_ _ _day of_ _ _ _ _ _.affiant exhibit to me his/her Residence
Certificate No. issued on at~---------·

Doc. No._ _ __,

Page No.._ _ _ _,
Book No. _ _ __ ;
Series of_ __ _

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