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1 Menerapkan Greeting Disajikan sebuah teks C3 2 1 PG SOAL

fungsi sosial, Card berbentuk greeting
struktur teks, card, siswa dapat
You are an achiever.
dan unsur menentukan informasi You have made us all proud.
kebahasaan teks tersirat.
interaksi Keep up the good work.
Congratulations on your graduation!
lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan
1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To announce the date of the graduation.
harapan, doa,
B. To inform today is the graduation day.
dan ucapan
C. To commend someone who just graduated.
selamat atas
D. To invite someone to a graduation party.
Jawaban: A
dan prestasi,
sesuai dengan

2 Menerapkan Greeting Disajikan sebuah teks 2 PG SOAL

fungsi sosial, Card berbentuk greeting
struktur teks, card, siswa dapat You are an achiever.
dan unsur menentukan informasi
kebahasaan teks tersirat.
You have made us all proud.
interaksi Keep up the good work.
lisan dan tulis Congratulations on your graduation!
yang melibatkan
menyatakan 2. Which word is the opposite of proud?
harapan, doa, A. Pleased
dan ucapan B. Ashamed
selamat atas C. Surprised
suatu D. Amusing
dan prestasi, Jawaban: B
sesuai dengan
3 Memahami makna Letter Disajikan sebuah teks 2 3 PG SOAL
dalam wacana berbentuk letter, siswa
Ubud, 1st March 2021
tertulis pendek dapat menentukan
Dear Alfira,
baik teks rujukan kata yang
Hi there. How are things with you? It’s good to know
fungsional tepat .
that you are doing fine in business. Have you received
maupun esai
my postcard?
deskriptif I’m now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you

(descriptive, about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the most

procedure, wonderful holiday I have ever had. There are a lot of

maupun report) tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty

dan naratif traditional food, and much more. It’s Thursday today. I

(narrative dan can’t believe this my last day I wish I could spend more

recount) dalam time here. I am certain I will stay longer on my next

konteks kehidupan visit.

sehari- hari.
I’ll be home about 3 pm, tomorrow if the flight is on
time. On Monday I must go back to work. I can’t wait to
show my video to my class. Okay, that’s all for now.
Send my love to your children.

Best wishes,

3. What does the letter tell us about?

A. Alexa’s favourite place
B. Alfira’s plan for Bali
C. Alexa’s holiday in Bali
D. Alfira’s business

Jawaban: C

4 Memahami makna Letter Disajikan sebuah teks 4 PG SOAL

dalam wacana berbentuk letter, siswa
Ubud, 1st March 2021
tertulis pendek dapat menentukan
Dear Alfira,
baik teks rujukan kata yang
Hi there. How are things with you? It’s good to know
fungsional tepat .
that you are doing fine in business. Have you received
maupun esai
my postcard?
deskriptif I’m now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you

(descriptive, about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the most

procedure, wonderful holiday I have ever had. There are a lot of

maupun report) tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty

dan naratif traditional food, and much more. It’s Thursday today. I

(narrative dan can’t believe this my last day I wish I could spend more

recount) dalam time here. I am certain I will stay longer on my next

konteks kehidupan visit.

sehari- hari.
I’ll be home about 3 pm, tomorrow if the flight is on
time. On Monday I must go back to work. I can’t wait to
show my video to my class. Okay, that’s all for now.
Send my love to your children.
Best wishes,

4. “… the most wonderful holiday …” The

underlined word has the same meaning with …
A. Usual
B. Poor
C. Hateful
D. Awesome
Jawaban: D

5 Memahami makna Narrative Disajikan satu teks 3 5 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Narrative, siswa dapat A man had to go on a long travel. He hid his
tertulis pendek menentukan topik di money in a pot and put butter over it. So nobody could
baik teks teks tersebut. see what was there under the butter in the pot.
fungsional Then he took the pot to his neighbor and said,”
maupun esai please keep this pot of butter for me till I come back.”
sederhana He did not say anything about the money in the pot.
berbentuk A month passed. Two months passed, but the
deskriptif traveler did not come back. His neighbor thought, “I am
(descriptive, afraid the butter in the pot is bad.” And he took all the
procedure, butter out of the pot and saw money there.
maupun report) He took the money for himself and put many
dan naratif small stones into the pot in the place of money. When
(narrative dan the traveler came back, he asked his neighbor for the
recount) dalam pot. He carried at home and took out all the butter. He
konteks kehidupan wanted to take the money. But he found only many
sehari- hari. small stones under the butter. He was very angry. Then
one of his friends came to see him. “You look angry, my
friend! Why are you angry?” asked his friend.
“Oh, I’m a silly man!” And he told his friend the
story about the pot of butter, the money, and the small
stones. “Well I can show you how to get your money
back. Let us go to the forest.” And the two friends went
to the forest, caught a monkey there and brought it
home. “Now you go to your neighbor and say, ‘Please let
your son come with me to the market. He can help me to
carry food from the market.’”
The man did so. The neighbor sent his son to the
man. But they did not go to the market. The man went
home with the neighbor’s son and locked the boy in his
The friend said, “Now go to your neighbor with
the monkey and say: “Here is your son.” The man did
so, the neighbor was very angry. “Take the monkey
away and bring back my son!” he said. “Why, this is your
son! If money can turn into a small stone then a boy can
turn into a monkey.”
The neighbor understood everything. He brought the
money and the man let the boy go back to his father.

5. What does the text tell us about?

A. A patient man and his neighbor.
B. A traveler and a wicked neighbor.
C. An arrogant traveler and his friend.
D. A wise traveler and his neighbor.

Jawaban: D

6 Memahami makna Narrative Disajikan satu teks 6 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Narrative, siswa dapat A man had to go on a long travel. He hid his
tertulis pendek menentukan topik di money in a pot and put butter over it. So nobody could
baik teks teks tersebut. see what was there under the butter in the pot.
fungsional Then he took the pot to his neighbor and said,”
maupun esai please keep this pot of butter for me till I come back.”
sederhana He did not say anything about the money in the pot.
berbentuk A month passed. Two months passed, but the
deskriptif traveler did not come back. His neighbor thought, “I am
(descriptive, afraid the butter in the pot is bad.” And he took all the
procedure, butter out of the pot and saw money there.
maupun report) He took the money for himself and put many
dan naratif small stones into the pot in the place of money. When
(narrative dan the traveler came back, he asked his neighbor for the
recount) dalam pot. He carried at home and took out all the butter. He
konteks kehidupan wanted to take the money. But he found only many
sehari- hari. small stones under the butter. He was very angry. Then
one of his friends came to see him. “You look angry, my
friend! Why are you angry?” asked his friend.
“Oh, I’m a silly man!” And he told his friend the
story about the pot of butter, the money, and the small
stones. “Well I can show you how to get your money
back. Let us go to the forest.” And the two friends went
to the forest, caught a monkey there and brought it
home. “Now you go to your neighbor and say, ‘Please let
your son come with me to the market. He can help me to
carry food from the market.’”
The man did so. The neighbor sent his son to the
man. But they did not go to the market. The man went
home with the neighbor’s son and locked the boy in his
The friend said, “Now go to your neighbor with
the monkey and say: “Here is your son.” The man did
so, the neighbor was very angry. “Take the monkey
away and bring back my son!” he said. “Why, this is your
son! If money can turn into a small stone then a boy can
turn into a monkey.”
The neighbor understood everything. He brought the
money and the man let the boy go back to his father.

6. What made the neighbor of the traveler open the pot?

He wanted to clean the pot with the new one
He was afraid that the butter in the pot was bad
He was asked by his neighbor to see the butter
He knew that in the pot he would get much money

Jawaban: B

7 Memahami makna Narrative Disajikan satu teks 7 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Narrative, siswa dapat A man had to go on a long travel. He hid his
tertulis pendek menentukan topik di money in a pot and put butter over it. So nobody could
baik teks teks tersebut. see what was there under the butter in the pot.
fungsional Then he took the pot to his neighbor and said,”
maupun esai please keep this pot of butter for me till I come back.”
sederhana He did not say anything about the money in the pot.
berbentuk A month passed. Two months passed, but the
deskriptif traveler did not come back. His neighbor thought, “I am
(descriptive, afraid the butter in the pot is bad.” And he took all the
procedure, butter out of the pot and saw money there.
maupun report) He took the money for himself and put many
dan naratif small stones into the pot in the place of money. When
(narrative dan the traveler came back, he asked his neighbor for the
recount) dalam pot. He carried at home and took out all the butter. He
konteks kehidupan wanted to take the money. But he found only many
sehari- hari. small stones under the butter. He was very angry. Then
one of his friends came to see him. “You look angry, my
friend! Why are you angry?” asked his friend.
“Oh, I’m a silly man!” And he told his friend the
story about the pot of butter, the money, and the small
stones. “Well I can show you how to get your money
back. Let us go to the forest.” And the two friends went
to the forest, caught a monkey there and brought it
home. “Now you go to your neighbor and say, ‘Please let
your son come with me to the market. He can help me to
carry food from the market.’”
The man did so. The neighbor sent his son to the
man. But they did not go to the market. The man went
home with the neighbor’s son and locked the boy in his
The friend said, “Now go to your neighbor with
the monkey and say: “Here is your son.” The man did
so, the neighbor was very angry. “Take the monkey
away and bring back my son!” he said. “Why, this is your
son! If money can turn into a small stone then a boy can
turn into a monkey.”
The neighbor understood everything. He brought the
money and the man let the boy go back to his father.

7. What do we learn from the passage above?

A. Admit your neighbor

B. Save your butter well
C. Keep someone trust
D. Always believe to other

Jawaban: C

8 Memahami makna Short Disajikan sebuah teks 2 8 PG SOAL

dalam wacana fungsuional pendek
tertulis pendek berbentuk shot Please accept my notice to terminate my
employment. I am grateful for the opportunity
baik teks message, siswa given to me. However, I cannot continue working
fungsional menemukan tujuan here at such a low wage.

maupun esai penulisan sebuah teks

8. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?
A. To inform his resignation proposal.
(descriptive, B. To request for being an employee.
procedure, C. To send his proposal for having higher salary.
D. To show his gratitude for having a job opportunity.
maupun report)
dan naratif Jawaban: A
(narrative dan
recount) dalam
konteks kehidupan
sehari- hari.

9. Memahami makna Short Disajikan sebuah teks 9 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Message
fungsuional pendek
tertulis pendek Please accept my notice to terminate my
baik teks berbentuk shot employment. I am grateful for the opportunity given
fungsional to me. However, I cannot continue working here at
message, siswa
maupun esai such a low wage.
sederhana menemukan informasi
rinci tersurat Brian
maupun report) 9. Why does the writer want to quit from his job?
dan naratif A. He has better job opportunity.
(narrative dan
recount) dalam B. He becomes a new employer.
konteks kehidupan C. He looks for a better future.
sehari- hari.
D. He gets small payment.

Jawaban: D

10. Memahami makna Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks 2 10 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text fungsuional pendek
Leonardo da Vinci
tertulis pendek berbentuk Descriptive Leonardo da Vinci was born a son of a
baik teks Teks, siswa Florentine noble and peasant woman; he grew up in
fungsional menemukan informasi Vinci, Italy. He began to display his remarkable
maupun esai tersirat academic and artistic talents in his early age.
sederhana In 1466, he moved to Florence where he
berbentuk entered the workshop of Verrocchio. His first work
deskriptif of significance was the “Adoration of the Magi”
(descriptive, commissioned by monks of San Donato a Scopeto.
procedure, Although unfinished, the work was a masterpiece
maupun report) and introduced several new ideas. He also
dan naratif pioneered the use of Chiaroscuro, the technique of
(narrative dan defining forms through the contrast of light and
recount) dalam shadow. This would be later used to great effect in
konteks kehidupan the Mona Lisa.
sehari- hari. In 1482, he painted the famous artworks
“Madonna on the Rocks” and also “The Last
Supper”, which has been described as one of his
greatest religious paintings. With Christ at the
centre of the picture, it embodies great feeling and
emotion as Christ is about to announce his
imminent betrayal by Judas. The painting is held at
the Convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie, Milan, but
unfortunately over time the quality of the original
painting has deteriorated, despite frequent
restoration attempts.

10. What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. Leonardo’s original paintings restoration.
B. The deteriorated quality of Leonardo’s original
C. The description of the greatest religious paintings
D. Leonardo’s great feeling of Judas‟ betrayal.

Jawaban: C

11 Memahami makna Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks 11 PG SOAL

Leonardo da Vinci
dalam wacana Text fungsuional pendek
Leonardo da Vinci was born a son of a
tertulis pendek berbentuk Descriptive
Florentine noble and peasant woman; he grew up in
baik teks Teks, siswa Vinci, Italy. He began to display his remarkable
fungsional menemukan rujukan academic and artistic talents in his early age.
maupun esai kata. In 1466, he moved to Florence where he
sederhana entered the workshop of Verrocchio. His first work
berbentuk of significance was the “Adoration of the Magi”
deskriptif commissioned by monks of San Donato a Scopeto.
(descriptive, Although unfinished, the work was a masterpiece
procedure, and introduced several new ideas. He also
maupun report) pioneered the use of Chiaroscuro, the technique of
dan naratif defining forms through the contrast of light and
(narrative dan shadow. This would be later used to great effect in
recount) dalam the Mona Lisa.
konteks kehidupan In 1482, he painted the famous artworks
sehari- hari. “Madonna on the Rocks” and also “The Last
Supper”, which has been described as one of his
greatest religious paintings. With Christ at the
centre of the picture, it embodies great feeling and
emotion as Christ is about to announce his
imminent betrayal by Judas. The painting is held at
the Convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie, Milan, but
unfortunately over time the quality of the original
painting has deteriorated, despite frequent
restoration attempts.

11. “His first work of significance was…”

(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Impact
B. Value
C. Worth
D. Esteem

Jawaban: A

12 Memahami makna Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks 4 12 PG SOAL

dalam wacana
procedure tentang How to Operate an Electronic Rice Cooker
tertulis pendek
baik teks How to Operate an Steps :
1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner
fungsional Electronic Rice Cooker, side is clean.
maupun esai 2. Measure the rice by using the measurement
siswa menentukan cup and put the rice into the cooking pot.
Make sure to give space for the rice, water
berbentuk jawaban pertanyaan and the expansion.
deskriptif 3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the
tentang gambaran pesticides that may be present.
(descriptive, 4. Add some water into the cooking pot,
umum dari teks. usually we need to see the water is 1cm
above the rice surface.
maupun report) 5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in
dan naratif order to make the cooked rice sticker.
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and
(narrative dan
water into the Rice Cooker.
recount) dalam 7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then
konteks kehidupan plug the cable into the electricity
sehari- hari. 8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the
Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

12. The text is written to . . . .

A. Guide us to set a Rice Cooker
B. Tell us the way to use a Rice Cooker
C. Inform us how to make a Rice Cooker
D. Know how to cook rice using Rice Cooker
Jawaban: B

13 Memahami makna Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks 13 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text
procedure tentang How to Operate an Electronic Rice Cooker
tertulis pendek
baik teks How to Operate an Steps :
fungsional 1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner
Electronic Rice Cooker, side is clean.
maupun esai
siswa menentukan 2. Measure the rice by using the measurement
sederhana cup and put the rice into the cooking pot.
berbentuk jawaban pertanyaan Make sure to give space for the rice, water
and the expansion.
deskriptif tentang gambaran 3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the
(descriptive, pesticides that may be present.
umum dari teks. 4. Add some water into the cooking pot,
usually we need to see the water is 1cm
maupun report) above the rice surface.
dan naratif 5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in
order to make the cooked rice sticker.
(narrative dan
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and
recount) dalam water into the Rice Cooker.
konteks kehidupan 7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then
plug the cable into the electricity
sehari- hari.
8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the
Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

13.How do we know that the Rice Cooker has started to


A. After pressing the Cooking or Timer Button.

B. By closing the Rice Cooker lid.
C. After waiting until the cooking is over.
D. By plugging out the cable from the electricity
Jawaban: A

14 Memahami makna Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks 14 PG SOAL

dalam wacana procedure tentang How
How to Operate an Electronic Rice Cooker
tertulis pendek to Operate an Electronic
baik teks Rice Cooker, siswa Steps :
fungsional menentukan jawaban 1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner
side is clean.
maupun esai pertanyaan tentang
2. Measure the rice by using the measurement
sederhana gambaran umum dari cup and put the rice into the cooking pot.
Make sure to give space for the rice, water
berbentuk teks.
and the expansion.
deskriptif 3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the
(descriptive, pesticides that may be present.

4. Add some water into the cooking pot,
usually we need to see the water is 1cm
maupun report) above the rice surface.
dan naratif 5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in
order to make the cooked rice sticker.
(narrative dan
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and
recount) dalam water into the Rice Cooker.
konteks kehidupan 7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then
plug the cable into the electricity
sehari- hari.
8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the
Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.
14. Why should we wash the rice? Because ....

A. The rice will be cooked easily

B. The rice will be ready to be served
C. It does not need long time to cook the rice
D. It can clean the pesticides that may be present

Jawaban: D

15 Memahami makna Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks 15 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text
procedure tentang How to Operate an Electronic Rice Cooker
tertulis pendek
baik teks How to Operate an Steps :
fungsional 1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner
Electronic Rice Cooker, side is clean.
maupun esai
siswa menentukan 2. Measure the rice by using the measurement
sederhana cup and put the rice into the cooking pot.
berbentuk jawaban pertanyaan Make sure to give space for the rice, water
and the expansion.
deskriptif tentang gambaran 3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the
(descriptive, pesticides that may be present.
umum dari teks. 4. Add some water into the cooking pot,
usually we need to see the water is 1cm
maupun report) above the rice surface.
dan naratif 5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in
order to make the cooked rice sticker.
(narrative dan
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and
recount) dalam water into the Rice Cooker.
konteks kehidupan 7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then
plug the cable into the electricity
sehari- hari.
8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the
Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

15. “Close the Rice Cooker lid and

”(step 7)
The word „lid‟ is closest in meaning to ....
A. Cap
B. Cover
C. Door
D. Handle

Jawaban: B

16 Memahami makna Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks 3 16 PG SOAL

Text Mr. Fitzgerald is my history teacher, and he is by
dalam wacana berbentuk deskriptif
far the best teacher that I have ever had. He has the
tertulis pendek siswa dapat
ability to make a subject that many students find
baik teks menentukan tujuan
incredibly boring coming to life through his enthusiasm
fungsional penulisan teks
and passion for history, and his love of being a teacher.
maupun esai
Going to his lessons is something we look forward to not
dread, like we do with most other lessons.
It’s ever so funny to watch him get excited about
something, which happens in every lesson. It’s easy to
know that he’s getting excited because he begins
bouncing up and down slightly in a way that no other
maupun report)
sixty-something year old would ever managed without
dan naratif looking completely ridiculous. He has this dark (with
(narrative dan more and more grey streaks these days), springy hair
recount) dalam that lines the edge of his growing bald patch, and the
konteks kehidupan hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of
sehari- hari. tiny little springs. Then, he takes on his whole new
persona, often going into role and becoming the
character or figure he is talking about, doing the voices,
the actions, and parading up and down the room
gesticulating wildly, but all the while there’s a gentle
bounce, bounce, bounce”, as though the springs are not
just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.
It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for
my love of history. In his lessons, history does not mean
copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of
notes. History is alive; history is something tangible, that
you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through
dressing up and acting out scenes or taking trips to
important places of historical interest.
16. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
A. To show his disrespect for his teacher
B. To tell the history to all teachers
C. To make the readers impressed by their teacher
D. To make readers know the character of his teacher

Jawaban: C

17 Memahami makna Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks 17 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text berbentuk deskriptif Mr. Fitzgerald is my history teacher, and he is by
tertulis pendek siswa dapat far the best teacher that I have ever had. He has the
baik teks menemukan isi teks. ability to make a subject that many students find
fungsional incredibly boring coming to life through his enthusiasm
maupun esai and passion for history, and his love of being a teacher.
sederhana Going to his lessons is something we look forward to not
berbentuk dread, like we do with most other lessons.
deskriptif It’s ever so funny to watch him get excited about
(descriptive, something, which happens in every lesson. It’s easy to
procedure, know that he’s getting excited because he begins
maupun report) bouncing up and down slightly in a way that no other
dan naratif sixty-something year old would ever managed without
(narrative dan looking completely ridiculous. He has this dark (with
recount) dalam more and more grey streaks these days), springy hair
konteks kehidupan that lines the edge of his growing bald patch, and the
sehari- hari. hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of
tiny little springs. Then, he takes on his whole new
persona, often going into role and becoming the
character or figure he is talking about, doing the voices,
the actions, and parading up and down the room
gesticulating wildly, but all the while there’s a gentle
bounce, bounce, bounce”, as though the springs are not
just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.
It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for
my love of history. In his lessons, history does not mean
copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of
notes. History is alive; history is something tangible, that
you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through
dressing up and acting out scenes or taking trips to
important places of historical interest.

17. The writer describes Mr. Fitzgerald as a … man.

A. Clumsy
B. Foolish
C. Humorous
D. Ridiculous
Jawaban: D

18 Memahami makna Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks 18 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text berbentuk deskriptif
Mr. Fitzgerald is my history teacher, and he is by
tertulis pendek siswa dapat
far the best teacher that I have ever had. He has the
baik teks menemukan pikiran
ability to make a subject that many students find
fungsional utama pada teks
incredibly boring coming to life through his enthusiasm
maupun esai
and passion for history, and his love of being a teacher.
Going to his lessons is something we look forward to not
dread, like we do with most other lessons.
It’s ever so funny to watch him get excited about
something, which happens in every lesson. It’s easy to
know that he’s getting excited because he begins
maupun report)
bouncing up and down slightly in a way that no other
dan naratif
sixty-something year old would ever managed without
(narrative dan
looking completely ridiculous. He has this dark (with
recount) dalam
more and more grey streaks these days), springy hair
konteks kehidupan
that lines the edge of his growing bald patch, and the
sehari- hari.
hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of
tiny little springs. Then, he takes on his whole new
persona, often going into role and becoming the
character or figure he is talking about, doing the voices,
the actions, and parading up and down the room
gesticulating wildly, but all the while there’s a gentle
bounce, bounce, bounce”, as though the springs are not
just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.
It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for
my love of history. In his lessons, history does not mean
copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of
notes. History is alive; history is something tangible, that
you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through
dressing up and acting out scenes or taking trips to
important places of historical interest.

18. Why does the writer regard Mr. Fitzgerald as the best
teacher? He regards him as the best teacher
because he ….
A. is able to deliver history as a lively subject
B. frequently tells many funny old stories
C. never asks him to write many pages of notes
D. often brings the students to important places
of historical interest
Jawaban: A

19 Memahami makna Recount Disajikan satu teks 3 19 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text recount, siswa dapat
Last month, I went to the lake for fishing. There
tertulis pendek menentukan tujuan
was perfect weather and I didn’t have any plans that
baik teks penulisan teks.
day. I woke up early in the morning and I prepared to go
fungsional to the lake. After that, I drove my car to the lake.
maupun esai When I reached the lake, I found the best spot for
sederhana fishing. I put all my stuff down and started fishing. I cast
berbentuk my line as I could and waited for the fish beating to take
deskriptif my bait. I spent more than an hour waiting, but no fish
(descriptive, were biting. At that time, I saw an old man fishing near
procedure, me. But, he got 10 big fish in less than an hour. I came
maupun report) closer to him and observed what he did. I followed his
dan naratif methods and I got a big fish as he did.
(narrative dan He told me that if I wanted to catch a big fish, I
recount) dalam should give big. Finally, I did what he said and I got
konteks kehidupan many big fish. I was very satisfied and thanked the old
sehari- hari. man for giving me some tips about fishing.

19. What is the writer’s purpose?

A. To inform the readers to catch some fish.
B. To direct the readers on how to get some fish.
C. To share his great experience in fishing
D. To persuade the readers to follow certain
methods to get fish.
Jawaban: C

20 Memahami makna Recount Disajikan satu teks 20 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text recount, siswa dapat Last month, I went to the lake for fishing. There
tertulis pendek menentukan informasi was perfect weather and I didn’t have any plans that
baik teks rinci di teks tersebut. day. I woke up early in the morning and I prepared to go
fungsional to the lake. After that, I drove my car to the lake.
maupun esai When I reached the lake, I found the best spot for
sederhana fishing. I put all my stuff down and started fishing. I cast
berbentuk my line as I could and waited for the fish beating to take
deskriptif my bait. I spent more than an hour waiting, but no fish
(descriptive, were biting. At that time, I saw an old man fishing near
procedure, me. But, he got 10 big fish in less than an hour. I came
maupun report) closer to him and observed what he did. I followed his
dan naratif methods and I got a big fish as he did.
(narrative dan He told me that if I wanted to catch a big fish, I
recount) dalam should give big. Finally, I did what he said and I got
konteks kehidupan many big fish. I was very satisfied and thanked the old
sehari- hari. man for giving me some tips about fishing.

20. How did the writer catch some big fish?

A. He threw his hook far.
B. He followed the old man’s methods.
C. He gave a little bait to the fish.
D. He found the best spot.

Jawaban: B

21 Memahami makna Recount Disajikan satu teks 21 PG SOAL

dalam wacana Text recount, siswa dapat Last month, I went to the lake for fishing. There
tertulis pendek menemukan padanan was perfect weather and I didn’t have any plans that
baik teks kata di teks tersebut. day. I woke up early in the morning and I prepared to go
fungsional to the lake. After that, I drove my car to the lake.
maupun esai When I reached the lake, I found the best spot for
sederhana fishing. I put all my stuff down and started fishing. I cast
berbentuk my line as I could and waited for the fish beating to take
deskriptif my bait. I spent more than an hour waiting, but no fish
(descriptive, were biting. At that time, I saw an old man fishing near
procedure, me. But, he got 10 big fish in less than an hour. I came
maupun report) closer to him and observed what he did. I followed his
dan naratif methods and I got a big fish as he did.
(narrative dan He told me that if I wanted to catch a big fish, I
recount) dalam should give big. Finally, I did what he said and I got
konteks kehidupan many big fish. I was very satisfied and thanked the old
sehari- hari. man for giving me some tips about fishing.

21. “I woke up early in the morning …” (paragraph 1)

The antonym of the underlined word is …
A. A. First
B. B. Advance
C. C. Late
D. D. Untimely


Jawaban: C

22 Memahami makna Letter Disajikan sebuah teks SOAL

dalam wacana berbentuk letter, siswa
tertulis pendek dapat menganalisa
baik teks tujuan penulisan teks.
maupun esai
procedure, 22. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
maupun report) Dear James,
dan naratif Knowing the close bond you shared with her, I
(narrative dan am sure you are going through the most
recount) dalam difficult and trying time. I am deeply grieved to
konteks kehidupan hear your loss of Mom and know that my
sehari- hari.
prayers are always with you. Be tough.


A. To show her sadness of losing her Mom.

B. To motivate James coping with his hard time.
C. To express gratitude to James for his

D. To express sympathy to James’ Mom’s death.

Jawaban: D

23 Memahami makna Letter Disajikan sebuah teks SOAL

dalam wacana berbentuk letter, siswa
tertulis pendek dapat menganalisa
baik teks kesimpulan dari teks.
maupun esai
Dear James,
maupun report) Knowing the close bond you shared with her, I

dan naratif am sure you are going through the most

(narrative dan difficult and trying time. I am deeply grieved to
recount) dalam hear your loss of Mom and know that my
konteks kehidupan prayers are always with you. Be tough.
sehari- hari.


23. “Knowing the close bond you shared with, I am

sure you are going through the
most difficult and trying time.”
We can infer from this statement that James ....
A. Loves her Mom very much
B. Neglects her Mom for long time
C. Stayed away from her Mom
D. Never shared living with her Mom

Jawaban: A

24 Memahami makna Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks SOAL

dalam wacana procedure tentang
tertulis pendek Recycling Paper, siswa
baik teks menentukan jawaban
fungsional pertanyaan tentang
maupun esai gambaran umum dari  Old paper, magazines, or newspapers
sederhana teks.  Blender/food processor
berbentuk  Bucket
 Insect screens/strainers
 Wire
maupun report)  Bleach
dan naratif  White glue
(narrative dan
 Iron
recount) dalam
 Water
konteks kehidupan
sehari- hari.
1. Shape wires into a rectangular shape.
Cover the wire frame with insect screens
and sew it.

2. Rip the paper into small pieces. Put the torn

paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.

3. Add one table spoon of bleach.

4. Soak the paper for a half an hour.

5. Put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some

bleached water and blend it.

6. Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular

container. e.g. sink or tray.
7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are

8. Add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the

blended paper.

9. Dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and
rinse the water for a minute.

10. Dry the paper (with the screen frame still

on) in the sun. And then, peel the paper out
of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally,
iron the paper.

24. The writer writes the text in order to ....

A. Tell the usefulness of old paper or magazines
B. Show the way to recycle old paper or magazine
C. Ask the readers to use recycled paper
D. Explain how to blend torn paper

Jawaban: B

25 Memahami makna Disajikan sebuah teks SOAL

dalam wacana procedure tentang
tertulis pendek Recycling Paper, Equipment:
baik teks siswa menentukan
 Old paper, magazines, or newspapers
fungsional jawaban pertanyaan
tentang informasi  Blender/food processor
maupun esai
rinci tersurat.  Bucket
berbentuk  Insect screens/strainers
deskriptif  Wire
(descriptive,  Bleach
 White glue
maupun report)
 Iron
dan naratif
(narrative dan  Water
recount) dalam Directions:
1. Shape wires into a rectangular shape. Cover
konteks kehidupan
the wire frame with insect screens and sew
sehari- hari.
2. Rip the paper into small pieces. Put the torn
paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.
3. Add one table spoon of bleach.
4. Soak the paper for a half an hour.
5. Put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some
bleached water and blend it.
6. Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular
container. e.g. sink or tray.
7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are
8. Add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the
blended paper.
9. Dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and
rinse the water for a minute.
10. Dry the paper (with the screen frame still
on) in the sun. And then, peel the paper out
of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally,
iron the paper.

25. What should we do to make all soaked paper

A. Put a cup of soaked paper in a blender.
B. Repeat the step 5 and 6 as many as we need.
C. Soak the torn paper with the warm water.
D. Add some bleached water before we blend them.

Jawaban: B

26 Memahami makna SOAL

dalam wacana
tertulis pendek Equipment:
baik teks  Old paper, magazines, or newspapers
 Blender/food processor
maupun esai
sederhana  Bucket
berbentuk  Insect screens/strainers
deskriptif  Wire
 Bleach
maupun report)
 White glue
dan naratif  Iron
(narrative dan  Water
recount) dalam
konteks kehidupan
sehari- hari. 1. Shape wires into a rectangular shape. Cover
the wire frame with insect screens and sew
2. Rip the paper into small pieces. Put the torn
paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.
3. Add one table spoon of bleach.
4. Soak the paper for a half an hour.
5. Put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some
bleached water and blend it.
6. Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular
container. e.g. sink or tray.
7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are
8. Add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the
blended paper.
9. Dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and
rinse the water for a minute.
10. Dry the paper (with the screen frame still
on) in the sun. And then, peel the paper out
of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally,
iron the paper.

26. What will probably happen if we soak the paper less

than a half an hour?
A. The blended paper can’t rip into small pieces.
B. The papers will be easily dry.
C. The blended paper is difficult to shape.
D. The soaked paper can’t be blended easily.
Jawaban: D

27. Memahami makna SOAL

dalam wacana RECYCLING PAPER
tertulis pendek
baik teks
 Old paper, magazines, or newspapers
maupun esai  Blender/food processor
sederhana  Bucket
 Insect screens/strainers
 Wire
procedure,  Bleach
maupun report)  White glue
dan naratif  Iron
(narrative dan
 Water
recount) dalam
konteks kehidupan
sehari- hari. Directions:
1. Shape wires into a rectangular shape. Cover
the wire frame with insect screens and sew
2. Rip the paper into small pieces. Put the torn
paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.
3. Add one table spoon of bleach.
4. Soak the paper for a half an hour.
5. Put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some
bleached water and blend it.
6. Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular
container. e.g. sink or tray.
7. Repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are
8. Add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the
blended paper.
9. Dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and
rinse the water for a minute.
10. Dry the paper (with the screen frame still
on) in the sun. And then, peel the paper out
of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally,
iron the paper.

27. “put the torn paper in a bucket and fill it with warm
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The wire frame.
B. A bucket.
C. The torn paper.
D. Warm water.

Jawaban: B

28. SOAL
The Ant And The Grasshopper
In a field one summer’s day a grasshopper was
hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s
content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil
an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the
grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said
the ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the grasshopper;
we have got plenty of food at present.”
The Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the
winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger
while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and
grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

28. Who was starving and dying in the winter?

A. All animal which lived in that place
B. Both of the Ant and Grasshopper
C. The Ant
D. The grasshopper
Jawaban: D

29. SOAL
The Ant And The Grasshopper
In a field one summer’s day a grasshopper was
hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s
content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil
an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the
grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said
the ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the grasshopper;
we have got plenty of food at present.”
The Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the
winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger
while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and
grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

29. Which statement is true based on the text above?

A. The Ant was a hard worker
B. The Ant was starving in that winter
C. The Grasshopper was diligent
D. The Ant took the grain to Grasshopper’s nest
Jawaban: A

The Ant And The Grasshopper
In a field one summer’s day a grasshopper was
hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s
content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil
an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the
grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said
the ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the grasshopper;
we have got plenty of food at present.”
The Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the
winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger
while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and
grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

30. A swimming pool … in this area next year.

A. will build
B. is building
C. will be built
D. will be building
Jawaban: C


Bananas belong to the genus Musa (family of Musaceae).

The primary purpose of banana
cultivation is for the fruit, while
some other purposes include
fiber production in textile
industries and ornamental use.
Bananas have a wide range of
colors such as green, red, and brown, with some seeds
in the flesh. Nowadays, people mostly consume sterile
yellow bananas because they do not have any seeds.
They are cross-bred between green and red bananas. As
proven in studies, bananas are good for health since
they contain lots of nutritional benefits such as
potassium, fiber, and vitamins. Interestingly, bananas
can also be cooked before eating. They can also be made
into banana flour. Bananas have become an African
staple food.
31. People grow bananas mostly for their ....
A. Leaves
B. Fruit
C. Fiber production
D. Banana flour

Jawaban: B
Bananas belong to the genus Musa (family of Musaceae).
The primary purpose of banana cultivation is for the
fruit, while some other
purposes include fiber
production in textile industries
and ornamental use.
Bananas have a wide range of
colors such as green, red, and
brown, with some seeds in the flesh. Nowadays, people
mostly consume sterile yellow bananas because they do
not have any seeds. They are cross-bred between green
and red bananas. As proven in studies, bananas are
good for health since they contain lots of nutritional
benefits such as potassium, fiber, and vitamins.
Interestingly, bananas can also be cooked before eating.
They can also be made into banana flour. Bananas have
become an African staple food.

32. The yellow bananas are sterile because ….

A. They do not have any seeds
B. They are good for health
C. They are free from germs
D. They contain a lot of vitamins
Jawaban: A


Chepalopacus Bancanus Saltatore is a scientific name for

Horsfield’s Tarsiers, which live in Belitung. The locals call
these animals Pelile’an.
Tarsiers are small
animals. It is said that
tarsiers are the tiniest
primate in the world, due
to their less than 150
grams’ weight. Tarsiers
have many distinctive appearances with long tails which
are longer than the entire body and big eyes that seem
disproportionate to the little heads. Like every animal
which has a tail, tarsiers’ tails also function to maintain
balance. Tarsiers’ hair has a unique shade which is
between grayish-brown to reddish-brown. They also
have long hind legs that help them move from one tree
to another. Their long legs are probably due to the
elongation of bones in an area called tarsus, located
around the foot. This is how they get their name.
Tarsiers are carnivores, and their favorite food is
insects. Their big eyes help them scout for their prey, by
rotating a complete 180 degrees.
Tarsiers are nocturnal animals, and like dogs, they
mark their territory with their urine. Not only that, they
are also just like bats. They communicate using
ultrasonic waves. Tarsiers do not move in a pack,
because they are solitary animals, but interestingly, just
like wolves, tarsiers mate for life.
Sadly, right now there are not many tarsiers left in
Belitung. Their population is declining because they are
losing their habitat. There are many reasons for the
habitat loss, but the main reason is because of humans
who cut down the forest for palm oil plantations. Besides
that, humans also destroy tarsiers’ homes for mining.

33. Which one is TRUE about the Horsfield’s Tarsiers

based on the text?
A. Tarsiers’ population is decreasing
B. Tarsiers like to eat some fruits.
C. Tarsiers live in a group.
D. Tarsiers always move in a pack.

Jawaban: C


Chepalopacus Bancanus
Saltatore is a scientific
name for Horsfield’s
Tarsiers, which live in
Belitung. The locals call
these animals Pelile’an.
Tarsiers are small animals. It is said that tarsiers
are the tiniest primate in the world, due to their less
than 150 grams’ weight. Tarsiers have many distinctive
appearances with long tails which are longer than the
entire body and big eyes that seem disproportionate to
the little heads. Like every animal which has a tail,
tarsiers’ tails also function to maintain balance. Tarsiers’
hair has a unique shade which is between grayish-brown
to reddish-brown. They also have long hind legs that
help them move from one tree to another. Their long
legs are probably due to the elongation of bones in an
area called tarsus, located around the foot. This is how
they get their name.
Tarsiers are carnivores, and their favorite food is
insects. Their big eyes help them scout for their prey, by
rotating a complete 180 degrees.
Tarsiers are nocturnal animals, and like dogs, they
mark their territory with their urine. Not only that, they
are also just like bats. They communicate using
ultrasonic waves. Tarsiers do not move in a pack,
because they are solitary animals, but interestingly, just
like wolves, tarsiers mate for life.
Sadly, right now there are not many tarsiers left in
Belitung. Their population is declining because they are
losing their habitat. There are many reasons for the
habitat loss, but the main reason is because of humans
who cut down the forest for palm oil plantations. Besides
that, humans also destroy tarsiers’ homes for mining.

34. Why are Tarsiers becoming rare? They are becoming

rare because ….
A. They do not eat insect
B. They only hunt their prey at night
C. They are small nocturnal animals
D. Their habitat is declining because of
Jawaban: D

35. SOAL

To celebrate our school’s anniversary,

Our OSIS will hold a party to assemble all of the
students, teachers, and staffs.
The party will be at our school’s indoor gym
Start from 3 pm until 7 pm
Please wear white clothing as the dress code

For more information, please contact

Andrea Putri at the OSIS headquarter

Head of OSIS of SMP Garuda Jaya

Salim Rizky

35. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To announce a party to tribute the senior teachers
B. To announce a party to welcome the new students
C. To announce a party to commemorate the school’s
D. To announce a party to honor the school’s victory
in a tournament
Jawaban: C


To celebrate our school’s anniversary,

Our OSIS will hold a party to assemble all of the
students, teachers, and staffs.
The party will be at our school’s indoor gym
Start from 3 pm until 7 pm
Please wear white clothing as the dress code

For more information, please contact

Andrea Putri at the OSIS headquarter

Head of OSIS of SMP Garuda Jaya

Salim Rizky

36. What should the students do to look for information

about the event?
A. Asking Andrea Putri
B. Asking Salim Rizky
C. Going to school’s gym
D. Calling the school’s principal
Jawaban: A

The orangutan
comes from the
family of apes and
lives in Southeast
Asia. In the local
language, the
name “orangutan” means ‘the man of the jungle’.
Orangutans usually live in the northern corner of
Sumatra and in Borneo.
An orangutan has long arms, with hook-shaped
hands to help them swing from tree to another by
grabbing vines and branches. They rarely explore the
ground, but when they do, they walk on all fours.
Orangutans have a distinctive appearance. Their
bodies are covered with long, rough, reddish-brown fur.
Male orangutans are usually 95 cm in height and 77 kg
in weight, while female orangutans are only 78 cm in
height and 37 kg in weight. To differentiate between
male orangutans and female orangutans, the males have
puffy cheeks and a dangling throat-pouch which
functions as air sack. The air sack helps produce a
bubbling call and groaning, that can be heard from
around 1 km away.
Orangutans usually eat fruits, but sometimes
they also eat eggs, termites, the soft part of inner barks,
and young leaves. Orangutans accumulate fat in order to
survive the monsoon season, which lasts from April to
October, when food is scarce.
Orangutans are solitary animals. They usually
travel and find food independently. However, the
females will seek the males when they are ready to
mate. They will stay together for a few days until the
female orangutan is pregnant. After that, they will go on
their way again independently. The pregnancy time of
orangutans is similar to humans, which is nine months. A
female orangutan gives birth to one baby every four or
eight years.
The orangutan is one of the animals that humans
like to hunt. Even though it is illegal to own, kill, and
export orangutans, people keep poaching them. Not only
that, humans also destroy orangutans’ home, the forest,
for logging or palm oil plantation. In 1997 and 1998,
there was a massive forest fire. Because of that forest
fire, thousands of orangutans died. Not only orangutans,
but other animals that lived in that forest also suffered
and lost their homes.

37. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To get information the orangutans and friends
B. To inform orangutans physical appearance
C. To tell orangutans diet
D. To describe orangutans in general

Jawaban: D

The orangutan
comes from the
family of apes and
lives in Southeast
Asia. In the local
language, the
name “orangutan” means ‘the man of the jungle’.
Orangutans usually live in the northern corner of
Sumatra and in Borneo.
An orangutan has long arms, with hook-shaped
hands to help them swing from tree to another by
grabbing vines and branches. They rarely explore the
ground, but when they do, they walk on all fours.
Orangutans have a distinctive appearance. Their
bodies are covered with long, rough, reddish-brown fur.
Male orangutans are usually 95 cm in height and 77 kg
in weight, while female orangutans are only 78 cm in
height and 37 kg in weight. To differentiate between
male orangutans and female orangutans, the males have
puffy cheeks and a dangling throat-pouch which
functions as air sack. The air sack helps produce a
bubbling call and groaning, that can be heard from
around 1 km away.
Orangutans usually eat fruits, but sometimes
they also eat eggs, termites, the soft part of inner barks,
and young leaves. Orangutans accumulate fat in order to
survive the monsoon season, which lasts from April to
October, when food is scarce.
Orangutans are solitary animals. They usually
travel and find food independently. However, the
females will seek the males when they are ready to
mate. They will stay together for a few days until the
female orangutan is pregnant. After that, they will go on
their way again independently. The pregnancy time of
orangutans is similar to humans, which is nine months. A
female orangutan gives birth to one baby every four or
eight years.
The orangutan is one of the animals that humans
like to hunt. Even though it is illegal to own, kill, and
export orangutans, people keep poaching them. Not only
that, humans also destroy orangutans’ home, the forest,
for logging or palm oil plantation. In 1997 and 1998,
there was a massive forest fire. Because of that forest
fire, thousands of orangutans died. Not only orangutans,
but other animals that lived in that forest also suffered
and lost their homes.

38. “Orangutans are solitary animals.” (par. 5).

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Group
B. Nocturnal
C. Individual
D. Communal

Jawaban: C
The orangutan comes
from the family of
apes and lives in
Southeast Asia. In
the local language,
the name
“orangutan” means
‘the man of the
jungle’. Orangutans
usually live in the northern corner of Sumatra and in
An orangutan has long arms, with hook-shaped
hands to help them swing from tree to another by
grabbing vines and branches. They rarely explore the
ground, but when they do, they walk on all fours.
Orangutans have a distinctive appearance. Their
bodies are covered with long, rough, reddish-brown fur.
Male orangutans are usually 95 cm in height and 77 kg
in weight, while female orangutans are only 78 cm in
height and 37 kg in weight. To differentiate between
male orangutans and female orangutans, the males have
puffy cheeks and a dangling throat-pouch which
functions as air sack. The air sack helps produce a
bubbling call and groaning, that can be heard from
around 1 km away.
Orangutans usually eat fruits, but sometimes
they also eat eggs, termites, the soft part of inner barks,
and young leaves. Orangutans accumulate fat in order to
survive the monsoon season, which lasts from April to
October, when food is scarce.
Orangutans are solitary animals. They usually
travel and find food independently. However, the
females will seek the males when they are ready to
mate. They will stay together for a few days until the
female orangutan is pregnant. After that, they will go on
their way again independently. The pregnancy time of
orangutans is similar to humans, which is nine months. A
female orangutan gives birth to one baby every four or
eight years.
The orangutan is one of the animals that humans
like to hunt. Even though it is illegal to own, kill, and
export orangutans, people keep poaching them. Not only
that, humans also destroy orangutans’ home, the forest,
for logging or palm oil plantation. In 1997 and 1998,
there was a massive forest fire. Because of that forest
fire, thousands of orangutans died. Not only orangutans,
but other animals that lived in that forest also suffered
and lost their homes.

39. What does the fourth paragraph tell us about?

A. The habitat of orangutans
B. The diet of orangutans
C. The behavior of orangutans
D. The physical appearance of orangutans
Jawaban: B
40. SOAL
The orangutan
comes from the
family of apes and
lives in Southeast
Asia. In the local
language, the name
“orangutan” means
‘the man of the
jungle’. Orangutans
usually live in the
northern corner of Sumatra and in Borneo.
An orangutan has long arms, with hook-shaped
hands to help them swing from tree to another by
grabbing vines and branches. They rarely explore the
ground, but when they do, they walk on all fours.
Orangutans have a distinctive appearance. Their
bodies are covered with long, rough, reddish-brown fur.
Male orangutans are usually 95 cm in height and 77 kg
in weight, while female orangutans are only 78 cm in
height and 37 kg in weight. To differentiate between
male orangutans and female orangutans, the males have
puffy cheeks and a dangling throat-pouch which
functions as air sack. The air sack helps produce a
bubbling call and groaning, that can be heard from
around 1 km away.
Orangutans usually eat fruits, but sometimes
they also eat eggs, termites, the soft part of inner barks,
and young leaves. Orangutans accumulate fat in order to
survive the monsoon season, which lasts from April to
October, when food is scarce.
Orangutans are solitary animals. They usually
travel and find food independently. However, the
females will seek the males when they are ready to
mate. They will stay together for a few days until the
female orangutan is pregnant. After that, they will go on
their way again independently. The pregnancy time of
orangutans is similar to humans, which is nine months. A
female orangutan gives birth to one baby every four or
eight years.
The orangutan is one of the animals that humans
like to hunt. Even though it is illegal to own, kill, and
export orangutans, people keep poaching them. Not only
that, humans also destroy orangutans’ home, the forest,
for logging or palm oil plantation. In 1997 and 1998,
there was a massive forest fire. Because of that forest
fire, thousands of orangutans died. Not only orangutans,
but other animals that lived in that forest also suffered
and lost their homes.

40. What caused the orangutans’ population decrease

after 1998?
A. A massive forest fire
B. Deforestation of orangutan habitat
C. The massive killings by humans
D. The monsoon season and forest fire
Jawaban: A


Menyetujui, Tangerang Selatan, 1 Maret 2021

Kepala SMP Stella Maris BSD Guru Mata pelajaran

Dra. Uning Widyastuti Anastasia Arnold Lamadua

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