InfographicOutline CellPhonesareSerialKillers

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Infographic Outline - Cell Phones are Serial Killers

NOTES TO DESIGNER: I would like a running theme throughout of a mobile phone with a
hannibal lecter style mask as seen here -
As well as having the stats turned into graphics it would be cool to have the phone murdering
the various gadgets in different ways dotted around in the background or beside the stats

TITLE: Cell Phones Are Serial Killers

SUB-TITLE: What gadgets have they maimed, mangled and murdered?

Cells phones may seem lovable but don’t be deceived.

They tell you the time, play you music and give you directions when you’re lost but that’s just
their public face.

Like any other psychopath, they have you fooled.

Deep down they are really sadistic killers - smothering alarm clocks in their sleep and making
sure GPS Systems are never found again.

TITLE: The Victim List

SUB-TITLE: What bodies are buried where and when?

Alarm Clock - 61% of smartphone users say their phone has replaced their alarm clock

Watch - Smartwatches shipments eclipsed Swiss watch shipments for the first time in Q4 2015 -
8.1 million smartwatches vs 7.9 million Swiss watches

Fitness Trackers -
Smartphones have been proven to be just as accurate for counting steps as dedicated trackers.
58% of smartphone users have downloaded at least one fitness app such as Runkeeper or
MP3 Players - From 2011 to 2012 MP3 sales fell by 22%. Over the past few years, Spotify and
cheap data plans have acted as accomplices

Point and Shoot Camera - Fixed-lens camera production fell from a high of 109 million in 2010
to 79 million in 2012
People used their smartphones for on-the-go photos more than 50% of the time as far back as

Camcorder - Sales fell from £354 million in 2006 to £279 million in 2011

GPS and Paper Maps - In 2007 Sat. Nav. Company TomTom had revenues of €634m, this fell
to €213m in 2009.
Google Maps has 1 billion monthly users -

Pay Phones/ Landline Phones - From 2,000 pay phones 15 years ago, there are only 100 left in
Hong Kong
41% of homes no longer have a landline phone

Newspapers - Smartphones have replaced newspapers as choice of reading material for men in
the toilet

Gameboys - killed by mobile gaming - In 2013, mobile gaming revenues were more than 3 times
that of dedicated handheld consoles.

Flashlights - killed by the camera’s flash being used as a torch

Address Book - Killed by the contact book
Personal Video Players/ Portable TV - No more fiddling with the ariel when you can just stream
Voice Recorders/ Dictaphone - Play pretend Sherlock Holmes with the built-in voice recorder
Calculator - Add things up on your phone
Notepad - Scribble down your thoughts in the built-in notebook
Photo Album - Keep your mementos in the cloud
Thermostat - Your phone call tell you if it is the weather sending that shiver down your spine
Dumb Phones - Smart phones also cannibalized phones such as the Nokia 3210

TITLE: The Forgotten Victims

SUBTITLE: What Poor Innocent Souls has the Smartphone Butchered?
Bees - Cell phones placed near a beehive stop worker bees from returning home meaning that
all whole hive suffers
Birds - Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by cell phone masts has the same effect as
microwaving eggs

Sperm - EMR from mobile phones negatively affected semen quality affecting a man’s ability to
conceive with a partner.

TITLE: Villain or Vigilante?

SUB-TITLE: Is the cellphone evil or conducting a necessary purge?
The cellphone may have done some terrible things but can we forgive it?

It truly is remarkable that one device that fits in your pocket has replaced all of these items.
Saving thousands of dollars and hours of time on each of these products.

Maybe the smartphone is the hero we really need.


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