QUICK REVISION UNIT 7s 2022-23-1-4

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Physiology is the science of how living things work. Physiology is the study of the functioning of
Sports physiology is the study of the long-and short-term effects of training and conditions on
7.1 Physiological Factors Determining Components Of Physical Fitness
1. Physiological Factors Determining Endurance
The various Physiological factors which determine the endurance of a person are mentioned
i. Lactate Threshold: ii. Muscle Composition factor: iii. Gender: iv.Age
v. Cardiac hypertrophy:vi. Resting heart rate:
viii. Maximal Oxygen Uptake or Aerobic Capacity/VO2Max.Capacity:
It can be defined as the maximum volume of oxygen that can be consumed by the working muscles per
minute. Maximal Oxygen Uptake is an important determinant of their endurance capacity during
prolonged exercise.
2. Physiological Factors Determining Strength
(i) Size of the muscle: ii. Body weight: iii. Muscle composition factor: iv.Gender: v.Age :
(iv ) Limb Length:
3. Physioloical Factors Determining Speed
i. Muscle composition factor: ii) Body Fat : iii). Flexibility or ROM (Range of movement of joints).
iv.Age (v) Neuromuscular Responses: (vi).Gender: vii) Anaerobic Capacity :
4. Physiological Factors Determining Flexibility
i. Joint Structure : (ii) Age : (iii) Gender :(iv)Connective Tissue : v.MuscleBulk :
. . Effect of exercise on Muscular system
1Change in size and shape of Muscle : 2. Increase in the Strength of Muscles :
3.Increase in Co-ordination : 4. Improved blood supply 5. Increase in muscle glycogen stores:
6. Delays fatigue :
Effect Of Exercise On Cardio Vascular System
Increase in heart size : 2Decrease in resting heart rate:
3.Stroke volume increases at rest
4. Increase in capillaries - 5. Reduced risk of Heart diseases :6.Increase in blood volume :
7.Faster recovery rate :
1 .Increases tidal volume: 2. increases vital capacity:
3. More Alveoli For Gaseous Exchange:
4.Improved Efficiency Of The Lungs:.
5.VO2 max (Aerobic Capacity) Is Increased:
6.Avoids second wind
7.4 Sports injuries: Classification, Causes & Prevention:
Sports injury is defined as any damage to tissues as a direct result of participating in sport and exercise.
Classification of Sports Injuries :Sports or performance injuries can be classified according to
either the type of body tissue damaged or the cause of the injury .
Classification (A) If injuries are classified according to the type of body tissue damaged, the categories are:
1Soft-tissue injury 2. Hard-tissue injury.
1. Soft-tissue injury : A Soft tissue injury (STI) is the damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons
throughout the body. These are the most common injuries resulting from participation in sport.
They include the following: (a) Contusion (b) Abrasion (c) Laceration(d)incision(e)Sprain (f)
2. Hard-tissue injury: Hard-tissue injuries are those involving damage to the bones of the
skeleton. They range from severe fractures and joint dislocations to bruising of the bone. They
can be classified into: 1. Bone injury 2. Joint Injury
Causes of Sports Injuries:
1. Improper Proper Playing Surface:
2. Incorrect techniques:.
3. Improper Equipment:
4.. Nutrition :
5. Fitness levels :6.. Improper Warm-up and cool down :.
Prevention of Sports Injuries :
1. Proper Playing Surface:
2. Proper Warm-up : 3. Protective Equipment : 4. Obeying the rules:
5. Regular fitness testing:
7. Balanced diet: 8.
1.Abrasion :It is the injury of skin in which skin is scrapped or rubbed by friction.
Signs and symptoms of Abrasion:
1. Scrapping of skin with some burning pain.
2. Some bleeding or oozing at the abrasion spot.
Prevention of Abrasion:
1.Wear protective gear.
2.Avoiding poorly maintained fields.
2.Contusion : A blow anywhere on the surface of the body causing bleeding from ruptured small
capillaries below the skin without any breaking of skin is called contusion.
Signs and symptoms of Contusion :
1.Discoloration under the skin, this starts from redness to turning blue or black gradually.
2.Swelling and pain on contused part.
Preventions of Contusion :
1.Use protective gear like skin guard, batting gloves, elbow guard etc. as per requirement.
2.Abiding rules and regulations of sports activity.
3.Laceration (Wounds) :It is the cut over the skin caused by sharp object. In such cases bleeding is caused.
Signs and symptoms of Laceration:
1.Bleeding occurs from affected part.
2.Severe pain occurs at the affected part.
Preventions of Laceration:
1.Wear protective gear.
2.Avoiding poorly maintained fields.
3.Use sharp edged object carefully.
4. Incision : Incisions are caused by a sharp, cutting object, such as broken glass; they are also
caused when the impact causes the skin to be split over an underlying bone. The wound has sharp,
even cuts with smooth edges that tend to bleed freely.
Signs and symptoms of Incision :
1. Cuts may be deep or shallow, long or short, and wide or narrow.
2. Bleeding depending on the depth and extent of a cut.
Preventions of Incision : :
1.Wear protective gear.
2.Avoiding poorly maintained fields.
3.Use sharp edged object carefully.
5. Sprain : This is an injury of the ligaments. It occurs due to the overstretching of
ligaments .During exercise, ligaments sometimes become tense and get injured near
the joints with a bone or from a weak spot in the ligaments
Signs and symptoms of Sprain :
1.Swelling and softness at the affected area.
2.Acute pain on touching the affected area.
Preventions of Sprain :
1.Warming up before participation.
2.Wearing protective gear such as knee caps , elbow guards, bandages etc.
Management /Treatment Steps of Sprain :
R ’stands for Rest :Then complete rest of injured part and restrict the movement.
I’stands for Ice application : Application of ice wrapped in a towel or plastic bag to stop
internal bleeding. Repeat it several times.
C’stands for Compression : Compression bandage reduces blood supply and stops bleeding.
E ’stands for Elevation :he injured part is elevated above heart level . It reduces the pressure of blood.
6. Strain : It is the result of stress or force applied on tissues .Application of force result in some
deformity in tissues. This deformation is termed as strain. Strain may also be termed as an injury
to muscles or tendons connected to the bones.
Hard Tissue Injuries:
Bone & Joint Injuries:(Dislocation, Fractures: Stress Fracture, Green Stick, Comminuted,
Transverse ,Oblique & Impacted)
Joint Injuries:
Dislocation :It is an injury of joint in which adjoining bones are displaced from their original
position. A common way to refer to dislocation of joint is described the joint as being “pulled out
of its socket”
Signs and symptoms of Dislocation :
1.Sudden pain in the affected area.
2.Loss of power and movement.
3.Swelling at the affected part.
4.May have some temporary paralysis of the injured limb.
Prevention of Dislocation :
1.Always obey the rules and regulations of the game.
2.Avoid practicing during the fatigue.
3.Always use protective gears while playing.
4.Proper warming up and conditioning should be done.
Management /Treatment Steps of Dislocation : USE RICE PRINCIPLE
Fracture:- A break OR Crack in bone is known as fracture. This can simply be a crack in the
structure of the bone or a complete break producing two or more fragments.
Types of fracture:-
1.Green stick fracture:- This type of fracture is very common in small kids. The bone may
crack and bend without breaking into pieces or parts.
2.Comminuted fracture:- When a bone is broken into more than 2 pieces it is called Comminuted fracture.
3. Transverse Fracture :This type of fracture is caused due to breaking of bone at the right angle
with the axis of the bone.
4.oplique The oblique fracture is broken at an angle across the bone and is usually the result of a
sharp angled blow to the bone.
5.Impacted fracture:- When the end of the broken bone enters into other bone it is called as Impacted fractu
Symptoms of Fracture:-
1. Pain, especially on movement and tenderness or discomfort on touch.
2. Swelling and bruising at the site of fracture.
3.The fractured bone may have an abnormal bent, the limb may assume an unnatural position .
4.It may be impossible to move a fractured part of the body .
5. If the fracture is near the skin the irregularity of the bone may be felt.
Prevention of Fracture:
1. Warm-up properly before participation..
2.Sports equipment should be of good quality.
3.Use appropriate sports gear.
4.Avoid poorly maintained fields.
Management /Treatment Steps of Fracture: Following steps may be taken to handle the fracture of a bone:-
1.Do not try to set the bone yourself.
2.Use principal of RICE.
3.Take the patient to doctor.
6.In case of compound fracture neither use any antiseptic nor wash the wound.
7.It should be plastered by the doctor for realignment.

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