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Unit 7


1. 1. c 4. a

2. d 5. b

3. e

2. 1. greener 5. reliable

2. pollution 6. convenient

3. crowded 7. fare

4. fuel

3. 1. traffic jams 5. fare

2. main roads 6. reliable

3. public transport 7. crowded

4. convenient 8. greener

4. 1. ‘ll be 4. ‘ll park

2. ‘ll pass 5. ‘ll rain

3. ‘ll have 6. ‘ll win

6. 1. ‘ll 5. might

2. might 6. ‘ll

3. might not 7. won’t

4. won’t 8. might not

7. 1. will leave 6. will not meet

2. will not see 7. will feel

3. will be 8. will join

4. might not arrive 9. will watch

5. will spend 10. will be


1. 1. flight 5. guidebook

2. accommodation 6. research

3. souvenir 7. culture

4. insurance 8. reviews

2. 1. buy 5. read

2. lie 6. go

3. get 7. experience

4. try 8. explore

3. 1. book your flight 4. choose your accommodation

2. buy travel insurance 5. read online reviews

3. hire a car 6. apply for a visa

5. 1. somewhere 5. nothing

2. something 6. anything

3. everywhere 7. anybody

4. everyone 8. nobody

6. 1. somewhere 5. everything

2. nowhere 6. Everybody

3. anything 7. anywhere

4. something 8. No one

1. 1. ✅ 5. ✅

2. ❎ embarrassing 6. ❎ surprising

3. ❎ disappointing 7. ✅

4. ❎ excited 8. ❎ relaxed

2. 1. relaxing 5. embarrassed

2. annoyed 6. amazed

3. tired 7. boring

4. fascinating 8. confused

3. 1. road 4. advance

2. jams 5. transport

3. pass

4. 1. b 5. g

2. f 6. c

3. d 7. e

4. a

5. 1. amazed/ing 7. worried/ing

2. bored/ing 8. annoyed/ing

3. disappointed/ing 9. confused/ing

4. excited/ing 10. embarrassed/ing

5. frightened/ing 11. fascinated/ing

6. surprised/ing 12. relaxed/ing


2. 1. Could we check in, please?

2. What was the name again, please?

3. Is Wi-Fi available in the room?

4. Is there a charge for it?

5. I’ll get someone to help you with your luggage.

3. 1. Thanks for your text. Am feeling much better.

2. Just left work. Want me to get some pizzas for dinner?

3. Stuck in a traffic jam. Will be late for meeting.

4. Lift out of order. Use stairs.

5. See you at airport on Fri. Plane lands at 6.30.

6. Am with client. Will call back in 15 mins.

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