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MYP e-Assessment revision pack

Motion revision

Copy and complete the following paragraph using the words in the box.

1. When an object is moving, its speed describes how ………… it is travelling. Its movement can be (5)
plotted on a ………-time graph. Where the graph is straight, the object is moving at a ………
speed. Where the graph is horizontal, the object is ……… . The ……… the slope on the graph, the
greater the speed.

Sketch the four graphs and match the correct sentence to each graph.

2. (4)

i) An object is moving at a steady speed to start with and then stops.

ii) An object which is moving at a steady speed faster than all the others.
iii) An object that is moving at a steady speed slower than all the others.
iv) An object which is stationary to begin with, then moves away at a steady speed.

Calculate the speed of the following, show your working and give the correct unit.
a. A sprinter who runs 100m in 10s.
b. A ball which moves 18m in 6s.
3. c. An aeroplane which flies 10,000m in 50s. (10)
d. A snail which travels 1m in 500s.
e. A car which travels 5.4km in 30 minutes.

The graph shows the movement of a mouse away from its nest.

4. (2)

a. Calculate the speed of the mouse between points B and C.

b. Calculate the speed of the mouse between points C and D.

Copy and complete the following paragraph using the words in the box.
5. (4)
MYP e-Assessment revision pack
If an object moves in a straight line, how far it is from a certain point is describes as the ……… it
has travelled.
The ……… of an object travelling in straight line measures how fast it is travelling.
The ……… of an object is its speed in a given direction.
The ……… of an object is the rate at which its velocity changes.
Sketch the four graphs and match the correct sentence to each graph.

6. (4)

i) An object which moves at a steady speed to start with and then slows to a stop.
ii) An object which is moving at a steady speed faster than all the others.
iii) An object which is moving at a steady speed slower than all the others.
iv) An object which is stationary to begin with, and then moves away at a steady speed.

Calculate the following accelerations, show your working and give the correct unit.
a) A cat which increases its speed from 0 to 2 m/s in 1s.
b) A gymnast who increases her speed from 1 m/s to 4m/sin 0.5s.
7. c) A car slowing down from 15 m/s to rest in 5s. (10)
d) A cyclist slowing down from 4 m/s to 2.5 m/s in 3s.
e) A bird of prey hovering and then reaching a diving speed of 12 m/s in 1.5s.

The following graph shows Hamish’s journey to the local shop on foot.

8. (18)

You need to:

a. Describe in words Hamish’s journey for each part of the graph.
b. Calculate his acceleration for each part of the graph.

Use the correct formula to answer this question.

A car has a mass of 750kg and accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s2. What is the size of the force acting on
9. (2)

Copy the following sentences, choosing the correct phrase in bold.

10. Frictional forces always act when an object is moving/ an object is not moving. These frictional (5)
forces are caused by solid surfaces getting hot/ solid surfaces in contact with one another and by
MYP e-Assessment revision pack
the resistance of air or water pushing backwards on the object. The direction of the frictional force
is opposite to the direction in which the object is moving/ does not depend on the direction in
which the object is moving. The friction between solid surfaces is used in car engines to produce
heat/ in car brakes to slow down and stop moving cars. Friction causes objects to heat up and
wear away/ stop working properly.

Copy and complete these sentences (you will need to add more than one word in each case).
a) Thinking distance is the distance travelled…
b) Barking distance is the distance travelled…
11. (5)
c) If you add together the thinking distance and braking distance, you get the…
d) List two factors that can increase thinking distance.
e) List two factors that can increase braking distance.

Heat transfer and efficiency

Appliances transfer energy but not all the energy is transferred in useful ways. The choice of appliance is
influenced by their efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Forms of energy

You should be able to recognise the main types of energy.

Kinetic - the energy in moving objects
Heat - thermal energy
Light – radiant energy from light bulbs and the sun
Gravitational potential – stored energy in raised objects, with the potential to fall
Chemical – stored energy in fuels – such a food, petrol or batteries.
Sound – energy released by vibrating objects
Electrical – Energy in moving charges (electron flow)
Elastic potential – energy stored in anything stretched or squashed
Nuclear – energy stored in the nucleus of an atom (eg nuclear bombs, nuclear power)

Energy transfer diagrams

Different types of energy can be transferred from one type to another. Energy transfer diagrams show each type of
energy, whether it is stored or not, and the processes taking place as energy is transferred.
Sankey diagrams
Sankey diagrams summarise all the energy transfers taking place in
a process. The thicker the line or arrow, the greater the amount of
energy involved. If the arror points straight ahead then it
represents the useful energy, and if it points down then it
represents the wasted energy.
Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated. It
cannot be created or destroyed.
Most energy transfers waste heat; it is eventually transferred to
the surroundings, making the air around us warmer. This ‘wasted’
energy eventually becomes so spread out that it becomes less useful.
MYP e-Assessment revision pack
The efficiency of a device is the proportion of the energy supplied that is transferred in useful ways. You should be
able to calculate the efficiency of a device as a decimal or as a percentage.
The efficiency of a device such as a lamp can be calculated:
Efficiency = useful energy out ÷ total energy in (for a decimal efficiency)
Efficiency = (useful energy out ÷ total energy in) × 100 (for a percentage efficiency)
Note that the efficiency of a device will always be less than 100 percent. You might be given the power in W instead
of the energy in J. The equations are the same – just substitute power for energy.

1. The diagrams in List A show three electrical appliances. Each appliance is designed to transfer
electrical energy.

Draw one straight line from each appliance in List A to the useful energy output produced by that
appliance in List B. Draw only three lines.

(Total 3 marks)

2. The diagram shows the energy transformations

produced by a TV.

         (a) Use words from the diagram to complete the

following sentence.

    The TV is designed to transform

................... energy into light and .................. energy.

(b)     Which one of the following statements is false?
          Put a tick ( ) in the box next to the false statement.

          The energy transformed by the TV makes the surroundings warmer.    

         The energy transformed by the TV becomes spread out.                       

MYP e-Assessment revision pack
          The energy transformed by the TV will be destroyed.                           

(c)     Two different makes of television, A and B, transform energy at the same rate. Television A wastes
less energy than television B.

      Complete the following sentence by drawing a ring around the correct line in the box.
  a higher efficiency than  
Television A has the same efficiency as television B.
a lower efficiency than

1. The diagram shows a fridge-freezer.                  

(a) By which method is heat transferred through the walls of the



............................................ (1)

(b)     The inside of the fridge is at 4 °C. The inside of the freezer is at
–18 °C.
       Into which part of the fridge-freezer will the rate of heat transfer
be greater? Draw a ring around your answer.

                                        the fridge                               the freezer

       Give a reason for your answer.



(c)     The outside surface of the fridge-freezer is white and shiny.

          Give two reasons why this type of surface is suitable for a fridge-freezer.

1 .................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................ (2)
(Total 4 marks)

2. The diagram shows potatoes being baked in a gas oven. Each potato has a metal
skewer pushed through it.
(a)     Explain how heat is transferred by the process of convection from the gas
flame at the bottom of the oven to the potatoes at the top of the oven.

MYP e-Assessment revision pack




................................................................................................................ (3)

(b)     The metal skewers help the potatoes to cook by transferring heat to the inside of the potatoes. By what
method is heat transferred through a metal skewer?

................................................................................................................. (1)

(c)     When the potatoes are taken from the oven, they start to cool down.
Suggest one factor that will affect how fast a potato cools down.

............................................................................................................... (1)

(d)     If the potatoes need to be kept hot, they may be wrapped in shiny aluminium foil. Why does this help to
keep the potatoes hot?

.............................................................................................................. (1)


1. What is the law of reflection?

2. What is meant by the term laterally inverted? Draw a diagram to aid your explanation

3. A person is standing 50cm for a mirror, how far away is her reflection?

4. Draw a diagrams showing how virtual images can be formed in plane mirrors.

5. A person shouts out across a mountain range and hears an echo 1.6 seconds later. How far away is the next
MYP e-Assessment revision pack

6. The wait a further 2.4 seconds and hear another extremely distance echo. How far, in total, has that sound
wave travelled in order to reach him?

7. A bat produces of 120kHz. They can detect object extremely close to them by echo location. If an object is
20cm in front of a bat, how long will it take him to receive a returned signal?

Current is a measure of how much _________ ________ flows through a circuit. The more charge that flows, the
___________ the current.
Current is measured in units called ________. The symbol for amps is A.

Measuring current:

A device called an _____________ is used to measure current. To measure the current flowing through a component
in a circuit, you must connect the ammeter in ___________ with it.
The current is the __________ everywhere in a series circuit. It does not matter where you put the ammeter, it will
give you the same reading.

A potential difference, also called voltage, across an electrical component is needed to make a 

flow through it. Cells or batteries often provide the potential difference needed.

Voltage is measured in _________. The symbol for volts is V

Measuring voltage:

Voltage is measured using a ___________. To measure the voltage across a component in a circuit, you must connect
the voltmeter in ______________ with it.

Measured in __________, tells us how hard it is for a ________ to flow through a circuit component. The size of the
current flowing depends on the _____________ (voltage) driving it and the amount of resistance it has to flow

_____________ are added into a circuit to __________ the amount of current flowing. The bigger the value of
resistance, the ___________ the current.
MYP e-Assessment revision pack
Components such as __________ have resistance. When more bulbs are added to a series circuit,
resistance increases. This causes the current to ___________.

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