Irregular Verbs Test (For French Students)

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Irregular verbs test

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I. Use one of the following verbs in the correct tense (past simple (also named preterit), present
perfect, past perfect). ( /20)

Sentences 1-10 verbs: bear - keep - strike - be - read - let - catch - rise - undergo - speak

1. Yesterday, he finally ________________ his apartment to a young couple.

2. Lucy and Thomas ________________ about it before but they haven’t yet decided to get
3. Russia ________________ Ukraine with missiles.
4. Due to the current situation in Ukraine, fuel prices ________________ drastically.
5. Following his accident, he ________________ many operations but is now recovering.
6. During all those years she ________________ the responsibility of raising her children alone.
7. Last week, the students ________________ worried about the upcoming exams.
8. We ran and almost ________________ the train but in the end, we missed it.
9. I recently ________________ in the news that face masks would be recycled into diapers
10. I’m impressed you ________________ our secret to yourself during all this time.

Sentences 11 to 19 verbs: go - set - fight - bring - burn - feel - have - show - tear - ring

11. Years of war ________________ poverty to the country.

12. During this ordeal (épreuve), you ________________ us your positive mindset and bravery.
13. I _______________ so helpless.
14. At the Olympics, the champion ________________ a new world record.
15. Until recently and because of my captivating job I ________________ no time to take a break.
16. For many centuries minorities ________________ for their rights. Have things really changed?
I’m not sure.
17. Furious and inconsolable, she ________________ the letter and ________________ it to ashes.
18. At eight in the evening, churches all over Europe ________________ their bells in support to
19. I hate cold weather. Thankfully it’s springtime and winter ________________.
Irregular verbs test

II. Fill out the chart. ( /20)

Base verbale Prétérit (past simple) Participe Passé (past participle) Traduction
guider, mener
passer (le temps)

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