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1st text:

- "." absence of doubt

- 1st person --> puts the audience into her shoe

- "supposed" --> confidence, convincing

- capital letter --> big impact/anger?

- colour --> blue --> political party

- smirk --> mocking?

- women's clothes is different --> discrimination

- some men pose with bent elbows and women do the same --> hidden meaning that
female tries to contribute to change but is not possible?

- inequality

2nd text:

- gender separated

- photo has buildings --> economic and political factors

- men (especially the last man) seem surprised that women join

- I've asked --> unconventional

- "feminist" --> stereotype

- inequality

- men making fun?

- insulting --> "feminist" it could be "a lady"

- "viewpoint" is specified as "feminist" instead of just general viewpoint --> shows

how each gender is separated

- the man on the right seems to sit a little bit far from the woman

- one female

- it is as if the world is separated: male world inside with "politics" and female on the
other side --> when female steps in between the line they are insulted etc.

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