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Spur Gear

ENTC 463 Mechanical Design Applications II

• HW#4 • Chapter 8 – 4, 22, 35, 39 • Chapter 9 – 2, 38, 44
Spur Gear Drive

Figure 14.1 Spur gear drive.

Text Reference: Figure 14.1, page 616
Gear Geometry
Spur Gear in Meshing
Force Acting on Gear Tooth
• Tangential force, Wt
– Can be obtained from power transfer equations

• Normal force, Wn • Radial force, Wr

Force on Spur Gear Tooth

Wt =

T D2
Wt = 63000hp n 126000hp = (lb) D2 nD

T ×n Power transmitted : hp = 63000 T : lb ⋅ in n : rpm

Wr = Wt tan φ Wn = Wt cos φ
Stress in Gear Tooth
• Bending Stress
– Gear tooth geometry

• Contact Stress
– Surface contact

• Gear material selection based on stress calculation

Bending Stress

Cantilevered Beam Loading

Bending Stress
Lewis Equation:
L t F

M = f (Wt , L) c = f (t ) I = f (t , F ) 6Wt L Wt pd ⇒ σt = = 2 Ft FY
Y: Lewis form factor

Critical Location?

MC σ= I





0.176 0.245 0.283

for φ = 20o
Bending Stress
• Lewis equation only consider static loading and does not consider stress
concentration • Modified Lewis Equation
Wt pd Wt pd Kt = σt = FY FJ Y where J = Kt
Geometry Factor, J
4. Read J value

3. # of teeth of mating gear/pinion

1. pressure angle, φ 2. # of teeth (gear/pinion of interest)

Geometry Factor, J
NP=20, NG = 50 Larger J, lower stress (σt)

Wt pd σt = FJ

J p < J G ⇒ σ tP > σ tG
Other Modification Factors
• Bending stress number
– – – – – Overload factor Size factor Load distribution factor Rim thickness factor
Dynamic factor

Wt pd σt = FJ Wt pd st = Ko K s Km K B Kv FJ
Overload Factor, Ko
• Input – output

st =

Wt pd Ko K s Km K B Kv FJ

Larger Ko, higher stress number

Size Factor, Ks
• Related to pd

Wt pd Ko K s Km K B Kv st = FJ

Larger pd (finer teeth), lower stress number

Load-Distribution Factor, Km
K m = 1.0 + C pf + Cma
• Cpf: pinion propotion factor • Cma: mesh alignment factor • Due to
– Inaccurate gear teeth – Misalignment of the axes of shafts – Elastic deformation
of the gears, shafts, bearings, housing, and structures – Clearances between
machine elements – Thermal distoration during operation – Crowning or end relief of
gear teeth
Load-Distribution Factor, Km
K m = 1.0 + C pf + Cma
Larger face width F, larger Km BUT

st =

Wt pd Ko K s Km K B Kv FJ
Reduce stress
Rim Thickness Factor, KB

Wt pd st = Ko K s Km K B Kv FJ

Thicker rim or solid gear, lower KB Lower stress number

Dynamic Factor, Kv
Larger Qv, better gear quality

Larger Qv and lower speed, lower Kv , lower stress number

• Related to
– gear quality – pitch line velocity
Modification Factors
• Concept: stress number will build up due to the contribution of these factors •
Example: compute the bending stress number
Input : electric motor, output : industrial saw, power = 25 hp nP = 1750 rpm N P =
20, N G = 70, pd = 8, F = 1.50" , Qv = 6
Stress in Gear Tooth
• Bending Stress
– Gear tooth geometry

• Contact Stress
– Surface contact

• Gear material selection based on stress calculation

Contact Stress
Hertz contact stress

Rolling, high stress on contact surface, repeated contact, Fatigue, Pitting

Contact Stress
• Buckingham Equation
σ c = Cp
Wt FD p I

C p : elastic coefficient D p : pinion diameter I : geometric factor for pitting

Elastic Coefficient, Cp
σc = Cp
Wt FD p I
Cp = 1 ⎛1−υP2 1−υG2 ⎞ ⎟ π⎜ ⎜ E + E ⎟ G ⎠ ⎝ P
Contact Geometry Factor, I
Other Modification Factors
• Contact stress number
– Overload factor – Size factor – Load distribution factor – Dynamic factor – No
rim thickness factor
σ c = Cp
sc = C p Wt FDP I Wt K o K s K m K v FDP I

The value for the factors can be taken to be the same as the values for bending
stress analysis
Gear Material Selection
• Bending stress number vs. allowable bending stress (strength)
st < sat sat : allowable bending stress (indication of strength)

• Contact stress number vs. allowable contact stress (strength) • Where can we find
the allowable stress
Allowable Bending Stress Number
Fig 9-10
Allowable Bending Stress Number
Gear Material Selection
• Adjusted allowable bending stress number


YN = sat SF ⋅ K R

st < sat

YN ⇒ st < sat SF ⋅ K R

SF: safety factor

Bending Stress Cycle Factor, YN
• YN > 1.0 when number of cycles < 107 • Larger YN, higher allowable stress
Reliability Factor, KR

• Higher reliability (>99%), KR > 1.0, lower adjusted allowable bending stress
sat ′ YN = sat SF ⋅ K R
Gear Material Selection
• Bending consideration
Wt pd YN st = K o K s K m K B K v < sat FJ SF ⋅ K R

• Calculate Sat, select material • Again, where can we find materials’ sat?
– Gear materials (Textbook 9-6, 9-7) – From Charts (Figures 9-10, 11, 14, 15) –
From Tables (Table 9-3, 4)
Gear Material Selection
• Bending stress number vs. allowable bending stress (strength) • Contact stress
number vs. allowable contact stress (strength)
sc < sac sac : allowable contact stress (indication of strength/hardness)
Gear Material Selection
• Adjusted allowable contact stress number


Z N CH = sac SF ⋅ K R

sc < sac

Z N CH ⇒ sc < sac SF ⋅ K R

SF: safety factor

Contact Stress Cycle Factor, ZN
Hardness Ratio Factor, CH

For gear calculation only

Gear Material Selection
• Contact stress consideration
sc = C p Cp Wt K o K s K m K v ′ < sac FDP I

Wt K o K s K m K v Z C < sac N H FDP I SF ⋅ K R

• Where can we find Sac??

Allowable Contact Stress Number
Allowable Contact Stress Number
Bending Stress Consideration

Wt pd σt = FJ

Bending stress number:

Wt pd st = FJ

Modified bending stress number:

Wt pd st = Ko K s Km K B Kv FJ

Compare Allowable bending stress (strength):

sat ′ YN = sat SF ⋅ K R

Adjusted allowable bending stress (strength):

Contact Stress Consideration
Contact stress number:

σc = Cp

Wt FDP I Wt K o K s K m K v FDP I

Modified contact stress number:

sc = C p

Allowable contact stress (strength):

sac ′ Z N CH = sac SF ⋅ K R

Adjusted allowable contact stress (strength):

Power Transmitting Capacity
Modified bending stress number < Adjusted allowable bending stress number

Wt pd YN st = K o K s K m K B K v < sat FJ SF ⋅ K R
Modified contact stress number < Adjusted allowable contact stress number


Wt K o K s K m K v Z N CH < sac FDP I SF ⋅ K R

Power Transmitting Capacity
Due to Bending:
Wt < sat YN SF ⋅ K R ⎛ ⎞ FJ ⎜ ⎜p K K K K K ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ d o s m B v⎠
hp = Wt Dn T ×n = 63000 2 × 63000

YN ⎛ Dn ⎞ hp < ⎜ ⋅ sat ⋅ ⎟ SF ⋅ K R ⎝ 126000 ⎠

⎛ ⎞ FJ ⎜ ⎜p K K K K K ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ d o s m B v⎠

Due to Contact:
⎛ sac Z N C H ⎞ FD p I ⎟ Wt < ⎜ × ⎜ C SF ⋅ K ⎟ K K K K R ⎠ o s m v ⎝ p
2 2

hp =

Wt Dn T ×n = 63000 2 × 63000

FD p I Dn ⎛ sac Z N C H ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ × hp < ⎜ C SF ⋅ K ⎟ K K K K 126000 ⎝ p R ⎠ o s m v

Design Example
• Design spur gear and pinion to be used as a part of the drive for a chipper to
prepare pulp wood for use in a paper mill. Intermittent use is expected. An
electric motor transmits 3.0 horsepower to the pinion at 1750 rpm and the gear must
rotate between 460 and 465 rpm. A compact design is desired.
Important Information
• Spur gear • Drive: Uniform (3hp), Driven: heavy shock
– Overload factor, Ko=1.75 – Design power, p = Kox3=5.25

• Gear ratio 1750/460 = 3.8 • Compact design

– Determine pd and Np
Selecting pd

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