Reported Speech

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1. ĐỔI ĐẠI TỪ - ( Tôi, chúng tôi đổi theo S, bạn đổi theo O, còn lại không đổi)

S + V + O, “ I, WE…………………… YOU” , CÙNG CỘT

Ngôi Chủ Túc Tính từ sở Đại từ sở Đại từ

hữu+ N hữu phản thân
1 I me my mine myself
We us our ours ourselves
2 You you your yours yourself
They them their theirs themselves
He him his his himself
3 She her her hers herself
It it it its itself

Ex: He said,” I am a student”

- He said he was a student.
Ex: He said,” My sister is a student”
- He said his sister was a student.
Ex: She said to me, “ I went out with your sister last night.”
→ She told me that she had gone out with my sister the night before

-V1/s -V2
-V2/ed -HAD V3
-Is/ am /are -WAS/WERE
-Was/ were -HAD BEEN
-Don’t/ doesn’t -DIDN’T V0
-Have/ has -HAD
-Can V0 -COULD V0
-Will V0 -WOULD V0
-Shall V0 -SHOULD V0
-May V0 -MIGHT V0
-Must V0 -HAD TO V0

Notes: Các trường hợp không lùi thì khi tường thuật.

1. Động từ tường thuật ở các thì HT hoặc tương lai.

The farmer says: " I hope it will rain"

-> The farmer says that he hopes it will rain.
2. If loại 2, 3:
He said," If I were you, I would marry her."
-> He said …………………………………………….
3. Sự thật hiển nhiên.
My teacher said, " The sun rises in the East"
-> My teacher said ………………………………….


Reported Direct speech Reported speech

Direct speech speech
1. here 1. there 7. ago 7. before
2. this 2. that 8. yesterday 8. the previous day/ the day before
3. these 3. those 9. last week 9. the previous week/ the week before
4. now 4. then 10. tomorrow 10. the following/ next day, the day after
5. today 5. that day 11. next (week….) 11. the following/ next week, the week after
6. tonight 6. that night 12.the day after tomorrow 12. in 2 days’ time


1. Statements: ( S + V ...): Câu lời nói

SAID (To O) Eg1: They said to us, “These are snakes.”

S + TOLD + O (THAT) + S(đổi) +V(lui) + TT(đ)....  They told us that those were -----.
Eg2: “I came at 8 o’clock,” said he.
 He said that

2. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh “ (Please) V0 ……” (hãy)

“Don’t / Never + V0 ….. (please) “ (đừng)

TOLD Eg1: He said to us, “ Keep silent here, please.”
S+ ASKED O To + V0 /Not to + V0  He told us TO KEEP SILENT THERE.
ORDERED Eg2: “Don’t laugh at me” said Mary.
(bỏ please)  Mary TOLD ME NOT TO LAUGH AT
3. Questions
a/ WH_ Questions: “ Wh + V + S ?”
b/ YES _ NO Questions: “ V + S ?”
asked + (O) + WH
S + wanted to know + IF / WHETHER S (đ) + V(l)…
Ex1: The stranger said, “ Where is the nearest post office?”
Ex2: “ Did you see him?” she said to me.
 She asked me IF I HAD SEEN HIM.
4. Some special kinds:

1. Offers: ngỏ ý làm gì cho ai - Shall I/ Can I/ Could I do 2. He said,"Could I carry this
sth for you? heavy box for you?"
Offered to V0 -> He

2. Mời - “Would you like + to V0?” 3. " Do you want to go home with
- “Do you feel like Ving..?.” me?"
Invited + O + to V0 - “Are you free to V0...?” -> She
- “ Do you want to V0?”

3. Đề nghị - Let's do 4. They said, “ Let’s go

- Shall we….. swimming.”
Suggested Ving - Why don't we... ? -> They
5. He told me, “ Why don’t you
Suggested that S should V0 - Why don't you……? go there tonight?”
that S V0 - What/ How about... ? -> He

4. Khuyên - S+ should (not)+ V 6. The man told me,” you’d better

- S+ had better(not) + V not swim too far from the shore”
Advised O to V0/ not to V0 - If I were you, I would.... -> The
7. She told me,” If I were you, I
Advised + V-ing wouldn’t help him.”
-> She
5. Nhờ -” Will you V0 ?” 8. “ Could you open the
-” Can you V0?” windows, please?”, said he to me.
-” Could you V0?” -> He
Asked + O+ to V0/ not to V0 9. The lady told her,” Would you
-“Would you mind V-ing?” mind giving me the seat?”
- “Would you please V0?” -> The
6. Hứa 10. The boy said,” Daddy, I
-“ Ok, I will/won’t……”
won’t do it again.”
Promised to V0 -“I promise I’ll/ won’t… “ -> The
- How adj/ adv + S + V 11. " How beautiful your hat is"
7. Lời khen, Chúc mừng
- What a/ an + noun + S+V  He
Complimented O on Ving/N
12.He said, “ You passed the
Congratulated O on Ving/N
GCSE exam. Congratulations,
-> He
8. Cảm ơn -“ I am grateful for…” 13. She said to him,” Thank you
Thanked (O) for V-ing/not Ving/ N -“Thank you for…” very much. You helped me a lot.”
- “It is nice of you to V0…” -> She
9. Xin lỗi -“ I am sorry for…” 14. He said. “ I’m sorry. I didn’t
Apologized+(to O) +for Ving/not come on time, Daisy.”
Ving -> He
10. Nhắc nhở -“Don’t forget + to V0 “ 15.My teacher told us,” Don’t
Reminded O to V0/ not to V0 -“Remember + to V0” forget to do your homework.”
-> My
16. “Don’t drink too much.
->My mum

*Reported with TO V
-asked O to V
-told O to V
-reminded O to V
-begged O to V
-encouraged O to V
-invited O to V
-advised O to V
-warned O to V/ not to V
-allowed/permitted O to V
-threatened to V
-agreed to V
-offered to V
-promised to V
-wanted (O) to V

*Reported with –ING

-allowed/permitted Ving
-advised Ving
-accused O of
-blamed O for
-thanked (O) for
-apologised (to O) for
-congratulated O on
-complimented O on
-dreamed of
-insisted on
-admitted Ving
-suggested Ving
*-denied Ving
*- warned O against Ving= warned O not to V
*- prevented O from
*- stopped O from

1. Julia said that she ___________ there at noon.
A. is going to be B. was going to be C. will be D. can be
2. He _______ that he was leaving way that afternoon.
A. told me B. told to me C. said me D. says to me
3. She said to me that she __________ to me the Sunday before.
A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. had written
4. I _________ him to sell that old motorbike.
A. said to B. suggested C. advised D. recommended
5. My parents reminded me ________ the flowers.
A. remember to plant B. not to plant C. to plant D. planting
6. I asked Martha ______ to enter law school.
A. are you planning B. is she planning C. was she planning D. if she was
7. Nam wanted to know what time ________.

5 A. does the movie begin B. did the movie begin C. the movie begins D. the movie
8. I wondered_______ the right thing.
A. whether I was doing B. if I am doing C. was I doing D. am I doing
9. The scientist said the earth ________ the sun.
A. goes around B. is going around C. went around D. was going
10. Peter said that if he ________rich, he _________ a lot.
A. is – will travel B. were – would travel
C. had been – would have travelled D. was – will travel
11. They said that they had been driving through the desert__________.
A. the previous day B. yesterday C. the last day D.Sunday
12. He asked the children _________too much noise.
A. not to make B. not making C. don’t make D. if they don’t
13. The man said that the days _________longer in summer.
A. will be B. are C. were D. can be
15. The woman asked __________get lunch at school.
A. can the children B. whether the children could C. if the children can D. could the
17. He asked, “Why didn’t she take the final exam?” - He asked why __________ the final exam.
A. she took B. did she take C. she hadn’t taken D. she had taken
18. Ba said he__________ some good marks the previous semester.
A. gets B.had got C. getting D. have got
19. She_________ me whether I liked classical music or not.
A. ask B. asks C. asked D. asking
20. He asked me who the editor of that book _______.
A. was B. were C. is D. has been
21. He wants to know whether I ___________ back tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come
22. They asked me how many children___________.
A. I had B. had I C. I have D. have I
23. Thu said she had been___________ the day before.
A. here B. there C. in this place D. where
24. The student said that the English test_______ the most difficult.
A. is B. was C. will be D. have been
25. He wanted to know _______ shopping during the previous morning.
A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going C. we were going D. that we were
26. He asked me _______ Robert and I said I did not know _______.
A. that did I know / who were Robert B. that I knew / who Robert were
C. if I knew / who Robert was D. whether I knew / who was Robert
27. The mother asked her son _______.
A. where he has been B. where he had been C. where has he been D. where had he
28. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.
A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred C. did he prefer D. if he prefers
29. She asked me _______ my holidays _______.

6 A. where I spent / the previous year B. where I had spent / the previous year
C. where I spent / last year D. where did I spend / last year
30. He advised _______ too far.
A. her did not go B. her do not go C. her not to go D. she did not go
31. John often says he _______ boxing because it _______ a cruel sport.
A. does not like / is B. did not like / were C. not liked / had been D. had not liked /
32. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer _______.
A. before B. ago C. last D. previous
33. He asked _______ him some money.
A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends
34. Andrew told me that they _______ fish two _______ days.
A. have not eaten / ago B. had not eaten / previous C. did not eat / before D. would not eat /
35. Jason told me that he _______ his best in the exam the _______ day.
A. had done / following B. will do / previous C. would do / following D. was going / previous
36. John asked me _______ in English.
A. what does this word mean B. what that word means
C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant
37. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
38. She said she _______collect it for me after work.
A. would B. did C. must D. had
39. She said I _______ an angel.
A. am B. was C. were D. have been
40. I have ever told you he _______ unreliable.
A. is B. were C. had been D. would Be
41. I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the early hours.
A. passing / will try B. he will pass / tried C. to pass / would be trying D. he passed / have tried
42. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.
A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day
43. John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports.
A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was
44. The guest told the host that _______.
A. I must go now B. he must go now C. he had to go now D. he had to go
1. "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
a. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
b. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
c. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
d. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
2. "Hello, Mary!" Peter said. " _______________"
a. Peter said hello Mary. b. Peter said Mary hello.
c. Peter told Mary hello d. Peter greeted Mary.
3. "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me.
a. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
b. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. ,
c. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.

7 d. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.
4. He asked me _______ Robert and I said I did not know _______.
a. that did I know / who were Robert b. that I knew / who Robert were
c. if I knew / who Robert was d. whether I knew / who was Robert
5. The mother asked her son _______.
a. where he has been b. where he had been
c. where has he been d. where had he been
6. Martin asked me _______.
a. how is my father b. how my father is
c. how was my father d. how my father was
7. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.
a. whether he preferred b. that he preferred
c. did he prefer d. if he prefers
8. "You damaged my bicycle, Tom!" said John.
a. John accused to Tom for damaging his bicycle.
b. John accused with Tom to have damaged his bicycle.
c. John accused Tom of damaging his bicycle.
d. John accused Tom to damage his bicycle.
9. "Never borrow money from friends," my father said.
a. My father said to me never borrow money from friends
b. My father told me never to borrow money from friends
c. My father advised me not borrow money from friends
d. My father suggested me never borrowing money from friends.
10. They asked Tom to repeat what he had said.
a. "Please repeat what you said, Tom" they said.
b. "Tom, repeat what you have said" they said.
c. "To repeat what you have said" they asked Tom.
d. "What you said, you should repeat," they asked Tom
11. "Why don't you complain to the company, John? Said Peter.
a. Peter asked John why he doesn't complain to the company.
b. Peter advised John complaining to the company.
c. Peter suggested John to complain to the company.
d. Peter suggested that John should complain to the company.
12. "Don't walk on the grass" the gardener said to us.
a. The gardener said to us don't walk on the grass.
b. The gardener told us not to walk on the grass.
c. The gardener suggested us not to walk on the grass.
d. The gardener advised us not to walk on the grass.
13. She asked me _______ my holidays _______.
a. where I spent / the previous year b. where I had spent / the previous year
c. where I spent / last year d. where did I spend / last year
14. He advised _______ too far.
a. her did not go b. her do not go c. her not to go d. she did not go
15. John often says he _______ boxing because it _______ a cruel sport.
a. does not like / is b. did not like / were
c. not liked / had been d. had not liked / was
16. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer _______.
a. before b. ago c. last d. previous
17. He asked _______ him some money.

8 a. her to lend b. she to lend c. she has lent d. she lends
18. Andrew told me that they _______ fish two _______ days.
a. have not eaten / ago b. had not eaten / previous
c. did not eat / before d. would not eat / last
19. Jason told me that he _______ his best in the exam the _______ day.
a. had done / following b. will do / previous
c. would do / following d. was going / previous
20. The teacher told his students whether they knew how to behave and remarked that there must be no
talking in lessons. A B C D
21. He said me he loved me a lot.
22. They wanted to know where I went the day before.
23. She asked me that what I liked best.
24. He tells me he was a millionaire.
25. The boys said that they will go the day after.
26. They said that they had a lift but very often it doesn’t work.
27. He said that he will be there again the day after.
28. The teacher told the students to not discuss the test with each other.
29. Tom said that he was going away for a few day and will phone
me when he got back.
30. He told me to that he had sent the gift.

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