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by Wolfgang Peterson

Air Force One is a movie that was released in the U.S. way back on July 25,
1997, and it was written by Andrew W. Marlowe and directed by Wolfgang

It is about how a president was able to save himself, his family, and his
allies from the hijackers of his plane. In the realm of terrorism, the president of the
United States, James Marshall, played by Harrison Ford, takes a stand against
evil, and as a result, his plane is kidnapped by a squad of terrorists led by Ivan
Korshunov, played by Gary Oldman. They want to negotiate the release of their
leader, General Ivan Radek. The film begins with several symptoms of terrorism
and attacks on the president, and ends with the president on his trip back to
America with his family, secretaries, and members. A gang of terrorists posing as
journalists boarded the plane, along with a spy who works with them. They began
executing the president's escorts and security personnel, then called them
hostages. The president was promptly taken to a secure escape pod by his team,
but it was later found that he did not depart the plane. He stayed to save his
neighbors and family. He then devised a strategy for saving them. He began by
methodically executing each terrorist who died in the plane's basement while
attempting to communicate with the White House in order to plot on what to do and
acquire help from the outside. He was successful, and his team listened to him
when he told them what to do. There were numerous fight scenes as he attempted
to defeat the bad people, and in spite of numerous setbacks, he maintained his
composure, constantly planning his next move and never losing hope.

Personally, I think that the main themes of the film are courage and
leadership. The president demonstrated exceptional leadership in how he handled
the situation, as can be seen in the film. He showed selflessness by staying in the
aircraft and by realizing that the more lives he could rescue, the more chances
there were of doing so. He displayed intelligence as he considered how to exit the
aircraft, as seen in one scenario where he understood that he must land the
aircraft regardless of the circumstances and that doing so requires draining the
fuel. The plane dipped to a specific level and he was able to release the captives
with parachutes after that failed to rescue them when they were being refueled
mid-air. In the White House, his staff workers and the Vice President were doing a
great job carrying out his instructions. Glenn Close's portrayal of Kathryn Bennett,
the Vice President, showed that she was devoted to the President and a strong
leader who adhered to the principle that one should never negotiate with terrorists.
She also showed that she had faith in the President's ability to carry out the plan.
The president was able to set direction, bring people together to comprehend
tactics and accept their legitimacy, inspire and encourage, and ultimately, he was
able to bring about change for the nation's betterment. Moreover, the film also
shows admirable qualities like devotion, family love, selflessness, and patriotism. I
personally admired the courage and respect for human life the good folks
exhibited, and I detested the disrespect for human life the villains exhibited, but
there is no mistaking who is the good guy and who is the bad guy throughout the
entire film.

In conclusion, at the end of the movie, I got to realized that leadership

comes with a responsibility and being a leader itself means that in both peace and
conflict, he or she should born out of a sense of duty to the cause. To increase the
impact of their actions, leaders must draw upon the experiences of conflict.
Leadership has a critical role in a conflict. Nothing can be done to halt the
violence's escalation during times of quiet. In addition to making sure the troops
are well protected, leaders can do this when they are focused on their duties. It is
critical to keep in mind that in a conflict, the people nearby are ultimately in power
of their fate.

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