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PN ee Pyle) (Revision of ASME B31.12-2014) Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Tu Pat ASME B31.12-2019 (Cesc eee te Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD he American Society of Mechanical Engineers ate of anc: Decent 28, 2038 The nest edo of hs Code scheduled fr puation n 2072 This Code wll become efectve 6 months after the Date of ASME sues weten replies to inquies concerning interpretations of tcl aspects of this Code. Interpretations ate ublsed onthe Commitee webpage and under titp/igo asm og/nterpretation, Pedal certain actors ofthe ASME B31 Commitee maybe published as ists. Cases ae plshed on the ASME webs under the B31 Committee Page 3 tpn sme or/BSIcommnitie a hey are sed Erato codes and standards maybe posted on the ASME website Under te Cries Pages ofthe asaclaed codes ard sandr provide corrections neat published ites ertcorrecttypograpnicalor anata errs incodesard ‘andr. Such erat shal be aed on the dat posted. ‘The 82 Commitee Page ca be found a hp /}Lcommitce. The ssid 63} Commitee Pages for each le and sara can be acased toms main ge. Tete an eplon avalible lo automata receve oer netilaten when eat ae pested toa pti cade rand. This optin can be found onthe appropiate Comes Page ater seeing "naan the Pubcon information” section. acters tenn pci sted he tia herr ests Siri rcpt essen. trove meee ave nme ee dean TY [Sit ge notte sm pston thereto tarably ony pxenrgts sree n conection wh ay temementoesin the ‘Simeon abty West acedeor soca wen sea hat ternational four ond He ke moar fh terror own responsi tray rss) oon ats betes goa BS cep scotty roi testa of hs dour din chee th he ete SME proces sed otc oth pees he hanes o erpeteons inate capane © 2019 ‘poesia Foreword Committe Roster CONTENTS Correspondence With the BSL Committe «2+. sesssssesenseseeseeseeeeseeeneee Chapter GRA Grea cra. Grass Gras. oraz oraz Chapter GR aaa ora creas, orae Greano Chapter GR oraz Gras, cra General Requirements Scope and Definitions diet didatedst dot Saupe Responses Intent ofthe Cade 2s ciated Packaged Haulpment Requtemens “Terms and Defnons Ea tattle atta Nomenclature «2 se+ vs filets ots stot fo General Requirements Joining ad Auriry Matera 7 Welding Brazing, Heat Treating Forming, and Testing General ese eecceeeveees ia St Wilding and Brasng Matera (iris & 2a ae Construction of Wekments Prebeating for Webients est Treximent vovrevresevvneeeveverore Specific and Altematve Heat Treat Requirements Construction of Braements «ees sesee sense Mardness Testing «+. Seonceia tk aeEIEaaaas war Inspection «= le ecderdt ebtetaetavtoteie al Personnel Qualfcaton and Gertkaton +s +seeeeserseeseesere ent of Reared Fxaminaton and Testing Acceptance crite tamination to Resolve Uncertainty Detective Components and Workmanship «+ ..e+ssseeveeeeeeeeesensese RRnaKeseesaeasess Greene Chapter ons rsa crs ores. crs? ors Gesat rsa Gras Grsao orszn aes23 Chapter ORG crea oraz Par Chapter et waa Chapter 1-2 ina Chapter Testing se eeseseeeeseeee detaeeahataratoae 7 Records NDE Deion (Operation and Maintenance ...s.scscesesesesessesiseisinsseneneene General... faldetcthstdetddslindatdasetuda ia ‘Operation and Malntenance Pah vss ses veseseesvesseseseasseeieeesteeiee Maintenance Reguiremens easter zag Surveys oss feces tote ate sates Repair Procedures Injurtous Dens and Mechanical Danse Pormanone Repair of Wels With Defests sae sessesessusesersesecnieee Permanent Feld Repair of Leaks and Nonleaking Coroded APES +++ ++ ‘ Fermanent Fld Repair of Hydrogen Strest Cracking in Hand Spots and Stress Coron (Cracking eos Valve Maintenances... esse iahaetat deeb Abandoning of Transmission Facies Decommissioning of Transmission Paces ves sseeseeeeese ae Recommisaning of Transmission Facies epostoning a Pipeline ln Serve 2... ,.s esses cesses eeserteseeseenseseee “esting for intorty Assessment of ln Service Pipelines Dsttbuon Pipeline Mautenanee«... ee esses eee ett Laake Sarvs Lazakage Investigation and Aton Repair Testing and Examination of Mains Operatingat Hoop sressLevelsator Above 30% of AD tte atric tec eect Reguicement for Absndoing, Disonnecting and Reinaatng Dstibution Face Maintenance of Specie FACS... 2seeeeeeseeseceeeee etait ‘Quality Sytem Program for Hydrogen Piping and Pipeline Systeme (Quality System Program oss ssesee cesses ali Maal ‘ual Syste: Functions dustrial Piping eee eeeeenneenneeest Scope and Responsibilities ScOpe vs eesee cece seseeseeseisentessessentisseeeesenseeesnesees Responsiiiser Intent ici tases ta Baise fae at Determining Cae Requirements Design Conditions and Criteria Design Condtions «+++ Pressure Design of Piping Components s+... s+cresesceseeseesceeseseee BIMAL Pipes cvcensvascscevereseve Pel iataitait abe seeauarerennn RRRRALRE SDRER ER See pas. paz eae Chapter Pt reat Chapter Ps is isa isa IPs. ps7 Chapter P65 iron Chapter 1-7 72 Chapter ira wa Chapter 1-9 92 toa 9s, wo 99 toa Inox tone lwoae Chouno Pressure Design of Flanges and Blanks Reels soe esesesesees Pressure Design of ther Components «+++ s0s+ laid oe Service Requirements for Piping Components wn Valves and Specialy Components +.s+se+e+seeveeeee c Hotong and Tapped Holes for Components «---..---ces.e++ 7 Service Requirements for Piping Joints seope Wiolded Jon ee vseseeveees = sale da Henbed [AM wees rs eros seks sa vetie cos Heth Expanded Jolnis ves evs eesee cesses eesensesserenseneisesentee ‘Threaded Joints 7 : outed Joins eet ca Brave and Soldered Jon vs. e+s esses cesses a Spec jos Flexibility and Support dela Pesiity of Piping PPping Supports «cssescesseseiseiseseessisestisteseetcens Speci Piping Systems «sees eseveseseee Pressure Reliving Systems abet debated taedaed Dimensions and Ratings of Components Dimensional Requirements 7 7 Ratings of Components Reference Docent... scsssssossseseuenseesenee ne Fabrication, Erection, and Assembly Responsibly ...sssessvesessrseeseseieee itslef Packaged Equlpment Ping 7 tusons Fabrication and Breton ves vvsvevcvereece 7 Construction of Weliments ssc. cececsssessesssenensereesenene Prebeating for Weients 7 Hest Treatment so csscsvvereeees = Eindeldelsb dhe Construction of Braements «oe. fated tatalct at Beng and Forming of Pipe and Tabe Assembly and Breton Threaded Jos s.eesesessessessesresesesseesetistensene “Tubing Jon Bxpanded Joints and Special Js «see eeseeseeeereeseeecesseieee 110 10 10 ae Gesning of Piping... esses eee ees eee ae RELI ue Chapter 1-10 Inspection, Examination, and Testing ldska § 12 wae scope 12 a0 Responsibly 22.2005 enteoeoe ten reo Inspections by Owners Inspector» etetsenoraeeee UR ‘eos Examination Regulremenss« DONIIIIIII ua ‘aos: Testing ecveserseeeeee idoy te veces enters sige | AE wao6 Hyerostatie Leak Test ssc see detsetvishacitetendstaease | BB \ea07 Pama Las Test ue 108 HydrostatePreumatie Leak Test 9 ‘109 Sone LAO Tatt ve csesesesveciesesevsneeees stanaaoaesen Bi 'r-10.0 [ternative ak Test vse sevseseesessesecsersersenanea fee U8) teagan Mechanical and Metallurgial Testing = Falla 19 rea0.2 Recon of Testing edtiartay pe eemereris : 119 art PL Pipelines <2... cesses eeseeseseisee ser eesteeeeees EID ao Chapter PL-1 Scope and Exclasions sss sesssessess ‘ 120 peat seope 120 p12 Concent and Coverage cs cee vse 7 7 : eenanT) Pas xtusons : = - 120 Chapter PL-2 Pipeline Systems Components and Fabrication Detalls 2... cccccceceeeevees 12D Peat Purpose «++. es Hamers aah paz ping Sytem Components sc ssecssessesissesensseiseeceseisensnees 21 pia Relnforement of Fabricated Branch Connections dete a pad utipe Openings and cruded Oules 35, Plas Expansion and Flsblty 7 bel P-ze Design for Langa Sires = wz ear Supports and Anchorage for Exposed Pping eet | 120 Pz Anchorage for Buried Piping + .s+sesessesesereiseseeereesenses 1 Chapter PLS Desig, Installation, and Testing «== fletaletaledate bole bt Peat Provisions fr Design «+. ..2essesseseesesersreeisteeeseiseeeseesenees IL Pieaa ‘Considerations Necessary fr Concentrations of People n Location Cass tor Class 2-132 Psa Intent clr pas Fak Assusment eiatiel dtd tehdobd _ oa Piao Location Glass and Changes in Number of Bungs Intended for Harman Ocupaney + 133, par Ste Pipeline sith dese 4 ns Pla Hot Taps seeseeeeeeeseecesrees Sed ceeded tol doks oa P29 Precautions to Prevent Combustion of Hydrogen Ai Mitures During Construction ‘Operations wm Piano ‘Testing After Construction 7 . 7 anes Pat Commissioning of Facies i : 13 pan Ppesype and Batle'Type Holders» at ae dvetet lt endet het aaa PLan Conerol and Liming of Hydrogen Gas Pressure vssessesessereesessecensessee 8 PLease ‘aul Provsions for Desig, Construction, and installation of Ppline Components... - PLaa7 action for Customers’ Meter and Regulator Istaltions PL-aas Hydrogen Gas Sere Lines pay Inspection and amination se sssecseseseuteeseeceeeesenceeeeneneersees PLsz0 Reqaror Removal o Defective Welds in Piping Intend to Operate at Hoop Stress eves of 20S or More of he Specie Minimum Viel Stren PLeaat Stel Pipeline Service Gonversions «+ .sesessesesserisecssseiceseeeseeeine Mandatory Appendices rt Design of Aboveground Hycogen Gas Pine Felis " Reference Standards Ww Safeguarding tuoi tastcha oe ectamers ceeehaeta mera v (im preparation) <.-sesssssesessececerssecseciseesenseeensesensenees vm (as Lesage and Contol Cetera <2. ee eeeeeeeeeeseeeeesessseneeeeeneine vn (in preparation) % ‘Allowable Steses andl Quality Factors for Metal Piping Pipeline, and Boling Material Nonmandatory Appendices Graazt Graize Grasae Grass rasa crease rasa Precautionary Considerations «+ e.esees++ Recommended Practices for Prot Testing of Pypeline In Place. Estimating Strain in Dents ‘Sample Calculations for Branch Reinforcement In Piping ‘Wide Branch Connections and Extruded Headers In Pipeline Syste 2s se Guideline foe Higher PractuteTouphnes Stein Gaseous Hydrogen Servicer Pipelines ni Minimum Temperatures Without inpact Testing or Caybon Sted Mates... +--+ Redon in Minimum Design Metal Temperature Without past Testing» - ‘Geometry of Well Joint Deal Single Vee Groove But With Extended Lac ‘Geometry of Wel Joint Deal Square Butt Welds. Geometry of We Joint Detail Single Ve Groove Hut, pen Rat ‘Unequal Pipe Component Thickness, Thicker Components Bored fo AiEnE «+ ‘Geometry of Webi Joint Deal Single Vee Groove But, Gontinuous Flat Becking ing. - ‘comet of Wet Joint Deal Single Vee Groove But, Continuous Tapered Backing Ring ‘Geometry of Wei Joint Deal Single Vee Groove But, ansumabl Insert Preparation and Algntent of Pipe ranch to Pipe Header Connection vor wv roses ‘Geometry of Welt Depos ingle Vee Groove But, Open Root ‘Geonetr of Weld Depo, Rat Single Vee Grove Butt With Extended Land (Without Fler Met cacseesseacssceseisessesteseaseatsssicesenersesseseeseine Geometry of Wet Deposit Square Dat End (Without Filer Metal) Ww 150 1s 183 15 14 17 178 209 29 1» 2 Py m * 3 1% Gkes4o1 Geometry of Weld Depost Single Vee Groove Hut, Open Hot With CONCAVE 2 39 GREAT lle Weld Si see evens ta ec 2 Gka47-2 ——_Typleal Detlls or Double‘Welded Slip-On Flanges 0 GR247-9 Minimum WeldingDiensiostor Socket WeldingComporentstPpelnchdlnghUpDetal 40 GRa49-1 Typical Welded Branch ComeCHOnS «.-+.see-se-sesiteerstesseeseeniseeres AD Gk349.2 Acceptable Deals or Pipe Branch Attachment Wells. scsceseeeeceeee 2 GRa49:3 ——Accntale Desa for rach Connection af ine Fine See Gie349-4 Acceptable Dez or Branch Attachment Suitable for 100% Radiography. ---+- creas Joints for Tebuar Components 46 [P3311 Nomenclature for Pipe Bends «eso ta daelelaladablel shdsldetsud tem 1.33341 Nomendatue for Miter Bends «cs esesessereceseesessessisseseneesenees OD 13424 Branch Connection Nomendatite vs vvuvcuvscsereucsvcvereece el IP.342-1 fred Olt Header Nomencatre siniat is parriaias ol T3621 AUMKE seveeseveeseeveseense REIIIINIIIIINIID 90 (P6154 Moments in ends vss cose ‘ i * (P0141 Typical Threaded Joins Using Straight Threads Sl an Aas ‘Wiel Quality Mastratons for Autgenous Welded Pipe of Tube. 24 bat Mashed for Estiating Seain 9 DEMS... esesceesseeeveeeeseceesiseesenses 218 ea Mstrations for Beamples in Noumandatory ADEN Ese seseeseeeeeeeeenees 246 eu flstablsedat 7 dell edatlebaldahdalaadahdatalstal tage et 7 7 7 7 382 Tables GR211-4 Material Speciation Indes for Piping and Pipe Components 15 GR211-2 Material Speciation Index far Pipelines - 7 : oo GR212-1 —_Regulements for Low Temperature Toughness Test for Betas tla ett ee GR212-2 —TabularVoluesforMininum Temperatures Without impact TestngforCarbonstelMatrals 20 GR2151 ——Impace Testing Requirements for Metals sees sesserereseetissessestseeees 2 GR213-2 Charpy impact Tet Temperature Reduction. ne a GR213-3 Minimum Required Charpy VoNotch Impact Vabes ss eseeeeeeseeeseeeesees 2 crasa Preheat Temperatres «sess seseesesseeseseeceeeeseeee id GRAGI-1 Requirement for Posteld Heat Treatment of Weldments + + fo 48 GRAI0-1 Hardness Testing Acceptance iter # [228-1 Increased Casting Quay FACT, Bees esersesesesees Peet tai 12262 Acceptance Level for Castings -- sf es ceiah oe weer kor n 1.2291 Longitudinal Weld Joint Qualty Fatr fj .seseseesesesceseseeseeseneeesnees 78 pants tz0aa te104a2 P2324 PLass.t prazct prazee peared Prazs Piast visa vsaa vns3a nae nga nae 5A ise Values of Concent for ¢« D/6 ASME BPVG, Section VI, Dwson 1 Referenes for Closures Component Stndarde so oseseseevssseeeeesees Requled Nondestructive Examinations ‘Acceptance rer for Welments and Methods for Evalatng Weld Impertestons-» ardness Testing Acceptance Citeri for Weldments Crerion Yale Notes for Table [P1042 «ee Reinforcement of Fabricated Branch Connections Special Requirements “Thermal Expatson of Carbon and Law Alloy Ste... Movs of Blsticty for Carbon and Low Alloy Steal Basic Design Factor (Used With Option 4) Basic Desin Factor, F(Used With Option BY «+--+ ‘Temperature Detting Factor To Steel Pipes + = Nominal Chemical Compeston Within a Specfestion/ Grae Material Constants for Faigue Crack Growth Rate, da/d Design Factors for Stel Pipe Construction (Used With Option A) Design Factors for Stel Fpe Construction (Used With Option 8) Maximum Degre of Bening 7 7 Leal Glasieton and Action ster Grade I= -s» Lek Clesietion and Action Caters Grade 2 veces Leal lsscaton and Action Criteria Grade 3-00 sccc + asc Allowable Steves in Tension for Metal Piping Materials Speci Minimum Wed Strength fr Stel Pipe Commonly Used in Ppetine Systems ase Casting Quay Factors, Bsc Qualy Facts for Langit nat Weld Jonts In Pipes Tubes and Pings = = Langtdinal Joints Factors oF Pipeline Mates. Design Sess Vales fr Boling Matera... Carbon Se! Pipeline Materials Peformance Facor, Hy Low ané intermediate Aly Sees Performance Fatt My - Materials Compatible Wit Hydrogen Service 106 ry us, us, ns 126 135, 136 137 19 176 176 7 a an 216 a 27 FOREWORD Responding tan evident new and atthe request of The America Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Standards Asotin sted Projet Bn March 1925 with ASME assole administrative sponsor The breadth the Fal wld required tht membership ofthe Sectional Commitee be dren frm some #0 engineering odes, Indust, government bureaus, iste, and Wade associations “Te Inia puleation in 1935 wos the American Tentative Standard Code for Prescure ping Revisions rom 1942 ‘trough 195Swerepublshedosthe American Standard Cade for Pressure Piping ASAWH.L Then twas decidetatthe ‘arlous Insty section, beginning wth ASK BBL8195S, Gas Traniission and Dstbton Piping Systems, be Pulilshed ae separate documents. The frst Petroleum Refinery Piping Cae Section was designated ASA B31.3 1858, ASA HS1.3 revisions were pulsed in 1962 and 1966 In 19671569, the Ameviean Standards Assocation became fit the United Stes of Ameies andands Insite then the American National Standards Ise. The Nitional Standard Cae or Pesure Piping The nxt B31. revision wis deignted ANSI BBL 1973. Addenda were published tough 1975. The Standards Commitee was reorganized 1978 asa Commie operating under ASME Pocedues with ANSI accredeation Itt nthe ASME Code for Presure Piping 84 Commitee The Seton commitee ‘Rruture remains essenally unchanged ‘Asa result of preliminary ste was concluded that aps exst between ext plping and pple codes and standards, and hydrogen ivastrurtare applications. Proje Team was formed under te Ws Standares Commitee © Aevelop anew BSI 12 Cade for drogen piping and pipelines. The Projet Team was subsequently restructred under "The fit elton ofthe 31-12 Code apples to design, constriction, operation, acl maintenance requirements or piping, pipelines, ar dseribution systems n hyaropen service. Typical appliations are power generation, process Dans, rfining transportation, dlstibution and automotive filing statins. This Code Is compoced of Part GR General Requirements, including common requirements referenced by al ther pars Por IP Indust Piping dnd Pat ly Pipelines, neudingestibution systems. These Parts inorporateInfermation spec to hydrogen Service and either reference o incorporate applicable parts of ASME 831.3, Process Piping, ASME ESL.1, Power Piping: ASME 831.8 Gas Transmssion and Dstrbuton Piping Systems: ASME B3188, Managing System Testy Df Gas Pplines and Seton VI, Division of the ASME Bolor and PressiteVessl Cade, where appropri Matera prformancefactarshave been ncide y acuunt forthe adverse effects of hyrogen gas onthe mechanical prorertesoeabon andlow laste operating within the hyrojenembrtlement range Many materiel a [2313 haveteen ome rom B31. 12 tae cat their netabity for hydrogen servi: Res have been ade for onvesion retro rng pipeline and distribution pte rom natral gr or perleur to hyrogen sevice arts evering commercial residentl ad nonmaali systems willbe added in future elon Materia performance ‘acta wl be reevaluated as materials esearch data are develope and understanding of hydrogen embeilement of carton and Tow alley steels increases. {ASME 831-12.2008 was approved by the American National Standards Int on Deter 3, 2008. ASME 834.12-2011 was approved by the Ameriean Natlenal Standards Inte on June 7, 204 ASME 83412-2014 was approved by the American National Standards Instiite on October 2, 2044, [ASME H31.12-2019 was approved bythe American Rational Standards Instat on March 19,2019. ASME B31 COMMITTEE Code for Pressure Pi (he ating toe of he Cmte at hein of spa of Cte) [STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS ‘STANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNEL ICE oddnunte he Ps tot 2 he ein te bisaruaen ee Et sci oe Thueoring Acocat t ‘Sopa, one Pe Mf Rasen, eter /4pplis — 81D {8 Spent, Spr nicer Sr, Hatem: iio oti aap out as ne 131.12 HYDROGEN PIPING AND PIPELINES SECTION COMMITTEE. ia te Or Ft Sorry eA Sct of MnP Samp cmt tS one 0 Roberto FI abr 0 A Stniy St ne 181 Spent, prt nen Sr Die Sane ss Mears Stes ne {2c npn, Hace Tegy Ter Tam Cnc Mont Swaps Co 131 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE a Pine Neal Dibiat tong rs Ee tae at Etna Qs ay ‘sina Ac Eis Powe Petatpe Sr Sth ilu 'B31 FABRICATION AND EXAMINATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE. EO ewe Digi, Ls dance Hada tabs Ferguson, Mesalurgist ieee eran ue cer LEE ee a sv, Pres Engrs Esc I Piney: our twee ie 'B31 MATERIALS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Sh ef eg taint Ses Fb Pe Hendra rs A uty, atin ta Ets ab eager 1831 MECHANICAL DESIGN TECHNICAL COMMITTEE i engeemter ear i nei An eof Mi Bg 8 Mayers hw Senet ogy EQ Meh Tt rit Fe Fi, anntng Meer Hoe ata nc B31 QUALIFICATION OF PIPELINE PERSONNEL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE [Wty Theat Sy tid gos 1 Seeger: Mont On aa sr on {ici ies, Cred ft €or el Pens NA Gruen Sts Ca Sea Rl tant tn aso sn 1 tevin ae Ek Ure Uh rng Eaton Fa Se Js Cotnburing Mentor, Sots eC [earand crrng Moor Idurtalraig Sven nc 1 ammork Cnrtung Men Sn Dias od lee. Se ani Ment othe Gs a {Weta Courting ener xen {Neat Conn eer Specter 1 ite onmtny Meni Ins Sstos Srp Pama nny hem ne alton ra CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B31 COMMITTEE General. ASH Standards are develope and maintained wit he intent to represent the cansensus of concerned interest sich, ders thi Standar may interact wth the Commitee hy requesting interpretations proponng Secretary, B51 Standards Commitee ‘The American Soret of Mechel Engineers New York NY 10016-5990, Inepy anasmeora/inguey Proposing Revisions. Revsions aremade pelodcaly o teStandard to Inneporate changes hat appear necessary or deseable es damonstrted by the experience pind frm the application of te Standard Approved reson wl be ublshed periodical "The Commitee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Sanda. Such proposals shold be as spec 8 posse, siting the paragraph nomber(s the proposed wording, and detailed description of the reasons for the proposal Propesing a Case. Cases may be suo provide alternative rules whens, to pert eslyimplemestaton of smapprovedevson when the ees urgent o to pave rules nt covered by ein rasiens Canes areelectve Immediately upon ASME approval and shal be posted onthe ASME Commitee sb Page. Requests fr Case shall provide Statement of Need atd Background Information. The request should ident the Standard andthe paragraph, gure, or tblenumber(), abd be wrt a a Question and Reply nthe same frm >| ‘stng Cases, Requests for Cases shoud also indeatethe applicable eons) othe Standard to which the proposed Case applies Interpretations. jon eequest the B31 Standards Comite will ender aninterpretstion any reqrementofthe standard Interpretacenscanonly be renderedinresponsetoawrtenrequest sents the Secretary afte B31 Standards Commitee Requests for interpretation shou preferably be submited through the online Interpretation Sabmital Form, The formiracceesthtp//goasmesry/InerpretaonRngust Upon tabi othe form, the nga wl ree an Tae Inguler unable to we the online orm, he/she may mal he request othe Secretary o the 851 Standards Committe at the above address. The request or an interpretation shold be dea ad uramiiquus Wis further ee bmmended thatthe Irgulersuboitha/her reuest the along format Sujees (Cte the applicable paragraph numbers) and he topic ofthe nui une or eo words alton (Cle the applicable edition of th Stada for whlch the fterpretation Is elng requested Question Phrase the questions requestor an interpretation ofa specie requirement suitable for ‘ener understanding nd se notasareques foran approval ofa proprietary esi ot ‘tuston Pens provide condensed ad precze question, composed nsuch aya “ye or “a reply is eceptable Proposed Replies: Provide a proposed replys) inthe form of "Yes" or “No with explanation as needed. If ‘ntring replies to mars than ane qurton, passe number the questions and replies ockground Information: Provide the Commitee wih any background information that wl assis the Commitee a understanding the ing Te gute may aso incudeany pans or drawings thatare necestarytoctplaa thequestion: however, they should ot com proprietary names oF information, gestthatarenot inthe format described above maybe ewritninthe appropiate format the Commie por Moreover, ASME doesnot act as a consultant for specie engineering problems oF foe the general appeaton or understanding ofthe Stndard requtrrents, I based on the ingulty nfrmaton submited. tts the opinion of the Commitee that the Inger should Seek asistance the Inge wil be returned withthe recommendation that such essatince be obtained ‘ASME procedures provide or reconsideration ofany interpretation whenorifadtonl informatio tha mighatfect tan interpretation savaloble Further persons agareved by an interpretation may appeal othe copnzast ASME {Committe oF Subconmiten. ASME dows not "approve "erty rae” o wads’ an em contrcton popstar force or sty. ‘Attending Commitee Meetings. The 131 Standards Commitee realy hoes meetings and/or telephone confer ences that ate open othe public Personswishngto attend any meetingan/r telephone conference should contact the Scerstary ofthe Standards Commits ulureCorvmitteemecting dates andloctinscanbeloundsthe Commitee Page at hp /gnasmecrg/2\commites, INTRODUCTION “The ASME BSL Gade for Pressure Piping consists of & rnurber a ndvidaly plished Sections sacha Amer {eon National Standard, under the direction of ASME Commitee £31, Cae for Presute Piping Riles fr each Section reflect the tins ping asta lations considered curing ts development, 2s flows BBL1_ Power Piping piping typically found in lecrie power-generating station, 12 Industrial aniston! plans, seotermal eating syste and contra Sl lst heating and coling ystems Process Pipne piping piel ound Petrol refineries shore ard ‘shore petroleum and ataralgas production tttes hema, harmacetia txt, paper, ore processing semicondactoanderyopenie Plants, food and beverage processing feces; an related processing plats fd terminals ais BSL4 Pipeline Transportation System for Ligids 'sndSluries ipigtvansporang products that are predominately Hould between plants andterminalsandwthinterminal, Damping eign ring BBLS Relegeaton Piping piping for rtigarans and secundary coon as Transmission and Dstebuton Piping sures and terminals ieuding ‘onpresor regulating andl tering tions; and gathering pipelines Building Services Piping: ining typical eur the range of sis, pressures, and emperates covered is BLT Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines: piping in asco and gu yarn sevice and Pistine in gasenus hydrogen sence pais pais waa This Code Section B5112, Hydrogen Piping and Pipe lines Hereafter i this laden and inthe tet fs Cade Seton #3112 hor the word Cdets sed without ‘speci ienicaton, it meats this Coe Secon. Hsthe owner's responsi tsletheCade Seton ‘hat most nary apples to a proposed ping instalation. Factors tobe consdereby the owner nehideliitatons ofthe Gade Section Jrstctonal requlemens ad the ppc of other codes and standards Allappieable quirements of the seleced Ce Seton shal he met ppl to ferent prt o the scallion. The wane ako response or Imposing requirements supolemen- {ary to thsea the selected Code Section if necesary, 10 ‘sure ste ping forthe proposed ietalltion ‘eran piping wn a actty may be subject w other codes and standards, ncuding but no ited 9 “ANSI 72231/NFPA 54 National Fel Grs Cae: pining “NEPA Five Protection Standards: ie protection systems using water carbon dod halon, foam, dey ‘hemi, and wet chemi NFPA 98 Hest Cae aces: medal and labore tory gas systems building and plombing cofes as applicable, for potable atand cold water, sn for sewer and dain The Code specifis engineering requirements deemed necessary for safe design, construction operation. and ‘idingconsioeatio, hs aor alone wilt cesar faver the final spectations for any piping istalaion Se opuraton The Code sna design handbook, Mary ‘ecetne that must be made to produce safe piping rslaton ato mainaln stem mtg are natspec! Fedindtall hints Gade TheCade dors aot servensa tte or snd engineering adamant by the owner "To the greatest possible exten, Code reyuements for sgn are stated in terms of base design prinlpes and formilas These are supplemented as necessary with spe ‘le requirements o ensure uniform apleton of pi ‘ples and eo gue selection and applation of piping elements. The Code prohiois designs and practices Ienown to be neafe ind contains warnings where (a) reference to acceptable material specifications Mens and pressure-temperatute rtings (2) requrements fr desig of enmpotentsand assem bes neiding pipe supports (6) requirements end deta orevelaationandlintation or stress, reaction, and movements asoeate with pressure, temperature changes, an oter forces i) guidance and imitation nthe selection and appl el requirements forthe fabrication, astemby, ad rection of bing 1 requirements for examination, Inepecion, and testing of ping ‘ASME Commitee #51 organized ané operates under procedures of The Amercan Society of Meshal Eng eo that hs havn acrid the Arercan Nth Sondards Intute. The Commie is eoninsing one tna Keeps Cae Sections curren with new develop tents in materi, onsreton and instil pacts TWisintened thatthe of ine Section B24. na be retroactive. Unless agreements specially made between contracting pales to use another Issue, oF the regulatory body having jvsdetion imposes the Use af anther sue, he ltst ein sued atleast 6 ‘months prior tothe origtal contac: cate Yor the st Dhase of activity covering a piping system or systems pig ul the compietion ofthe work and lll opera Users of his Code are cautioned against making use of Cderevisnswidutassurnce that they ar acxtble to the proper aston inthe jradicton where the Piping sto be installed. bf code requirements. To receive consideration, such equest must be in wrang and mus ie fl parle Inaecordance with Mandatory Appendb.V- The approved reply tan inguey wl beset rect to the fer. atone question and reply wil be published as part fan interpretation supplement {he reply modifies esting equemens ofthe Code oF fran permission to use new materials or alteraative mstrtions Cases republished onthe ASME HSI Stan ‘hed Committee's web page a they ore issue. Cases eimainavllle for use nl annulled bythe ASME BH Stndards Commitee ‘request for rvstn ofthe Coe wil be placed onthe Ccommitec's agenda. Further information or atv part ‘pation onthe part of the proponent may We requested tring consideration of proposed reson, ‘Matera ordinarily rete in the stress tables only wen sulicen wegen ping within the scope of the Code nas been shows. Request ors stall include evidence of satisfactory usage and specific data to permit establishment of allowable stresses, maximum {hd minimum empeatae mits and other resections. ‘Alta enters ca be found nthe uel fo the dition fnew mates inne ASME Bier an Presire VeseeCade Socal [Todewelp sage and inept pare cR2LAC Requests forinterpretation ndsugustonsforrevson should be addressed to the Secretary, ASME B31 ‘Committe, Two Parken, Hes York NY 10016-5990 ASME B31.12-2019 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Followingapprovalby the ASME Comritteeand ASME, and afer publicrevew, ASMEBS112-2019wasapprovely ‘he American Natonal Sandads Istute om March 1, 2019. [ASME 834.12.2019 incudes the following changes domed bya margin note, (19) Page Laeation Change ‘—Inoducton ‘ide 1 cag. Sulparagraph (6) revised 2 cas Dennton of pipeline sytem added 12 cra Sulparagraph 6) aed 15 Table GR2aLa Spee No, AUG? deleted 27 cRa2s Sulparagraph (04) revised Sl RBS Subparagraph (2) aed, and remaining subparaaraphs redesipated 4s TableoRa6r4 erised ins entirety 1e craso Revised ins entirety 48 TableGRaa0a ded me 1-963 (0) Revised (2) Tele 1P-9.63+1 deleted 12 e043 Subpararaph revised 115 Table P0432 First column head and Not (1) revised us wanza Revised in te entirety so mesma (2) subparagraph (0)(2)¢0)-4) revised nts enarry (2) subparagraph (62) -<) revised 17 Table PLazas ‘Added andorignal Tables PL-3.71-SandPLAT.1-redesigatedas Tables PLB7-+6 and PLATA? 13 PLsu98 Revised ins entirery 160 Mandatory Appenate tt Revised ins eatirety 172 Nandatory Appenlx V1 Information moved to Correspondence With the B31 Commitee 179 ‘Added, and remaining paragraph redesignated 179 Table BIA, Revised in ts entiety 2 Table IB (2) Fat ctu aed (2) Final row of ASTM A339 entry detec 213 Table aA Second and peniimate exlumns revised 217 Tablet (2) Fest secon, sth and Bal columns revised (2) Notes (1 an (2) revised (6) Original Nove (3) deleted, and remaining Notes redesignated (4) subparagraph (9 added to Note (3) 255 Nonmandatory Appendix Added PART GR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Chapter GR-1 Scope and Definitions R-1 SCOPE This Code is applicable to piping in gaseous and gd hydrogen sare ad to pipalinsingosous hydrogen ‘esses and eatipment bu at othe vessels ad ea tentthemselen ts applicabletotheloeatonend ype! Suppor elements but not to the structure to which the Sppor elements ae attache, The desig for pressire ‘nd temperature sal ben acordance with the reule ‘ments of at Por nds pipingand Pat Lope ies This Coe fs presented inthe Following pars and appentiws Tal Por GR —~ Genera oaviroments Park cotsin Tecoma defiidons and requement for materia ‘welding brazing, heat eating, Farag testing Insp ton, examination, opertion, and malntenane. Ilsa onan quay system topes eommor to heather arts (0) Port iP inser Pig. Part P dudes equ iments for components design, fabriaton, assembly, ‘rection, inspection examination, ana testing of png [e) Por PL Plies Pe ces orheegueements jdrogenppetnes {a Manistory Appendices | hraugh 1X (6) Nonmandatory Appendices A through F Each part defines requlrements fr piping pipelines, as applicable, within its scope. The requirements are Aitferent for aiferent aspects of components, design fabrication, Installation, aesembly, arecon inspection ‘examination, and testing Is reulrew tht exch part be used in conjunton with the General Requirements ‘ection bit independent ofthe ther part The a necting piping governed by two diferent part shall be Subject exclusively to the reqtrements of one ofthe two pars eis not Intended that this edtton ofthis Code be applied retroactively to existing hydrogen GR-1.2 RESPONSIBILITIES (6R-1.21 Owner ‘The unr shall have overall responsibility for emp ance with this Code ad or extablshingthe requrements fordesig, construction, examination, Inspection, esting, ‘operation, and maintenance af he byron ping oF Pian system, R122 Designer ‘The designers responsible to the owner for assurance thatthe engineering design of piping or the pipeline Sd with any aditional requirements established by (GR-1.23 Construction Organization ‘The construction organization of pping and pipeline stuns Is responsible fr proving materials, compo nen’ and workmanship in compliance with the requir ‘ents ofthis Code and the eglnering des. GR-12.6 Owner's inspector ‘The owe’ Inspector i responsible to the owner to weil that ll required examinstion,nspetions, ad ampleted: Aso the owner's Inspector is responsible far verification of the construction organiation's sual systems progam implementation GR-L3 INTENT OF THE CODE (a) este nen of hs Code ta se forth engineering egulrements deemed necessary for safedesign conse ton, and Insallation of pping and pipeline systems In hyarogen service 0) This Code ener specifiesasimplifed approach Uonrequtemen When thedeskner deciles o ake ns sppmach, the designer shall provide ta the owner deta ‘amination, an testing ae consistent withthe design frites of ths Code These details shall be adequate forthe owner to veri the validity and shall approved bythe ove, The deal shallbe documented nthe eng neering des, {c) Piping elements shoul, insofar as pracicable, omform to th specications and standards iste in this Code. iping elements neither spetcly approved or specially prohibited by this Code maybe Une, Provided thy are qalified for ne a8 set forth nap (a) The engineering design shall peify any unusual regutrements for 9 parla service Where serce re urements necesate measures beyond thse required bythiscade sch measres shal bespecied bythe en neering design Where sospecfes the Code equtes that they be secomplishes. Te) Cove requirements incude specif provisions ap. pliable to hydrogen serves. Thee ontremente shall "on mates, components, and jis Service require ‘ment Include pohbiins, mitatlons, and eonalians, Suchastemperatureand pressrelinis ora requirement for safeguarding Code reglrements oa piping pipe hie system are estabished bythe most restive re ‘urements that epply to any element of the syste. GR-1.4 PACKAGED EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Interconnects pets o stages within packaged up ‘ment assembly fr png of pipeline systems This Code ‘clades the follow {o) theexlsions special mite by Pat, Indus teal Pipng or Part Pipelines (0) piping thats required conform to anther Code fe} faher tbe Reader erosovers and mails of {a power bier, pressure vessel, Ret exchangers, bunpe compteors and ether ad handling or prose EIngeaulpmentncadinginterral ppingand connection: forextrnal piping GR-LS TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Some of she terms eating to ping components and thofsbricatonanderectonofpipingand pipeline systems ‘se foun inthis paragraph Foradittonalterms resting o) welding and brazing see ASME fer & Presse Vessel Cade (PVC), Section I or AWS Standard 23.0, (}) nondestructive examination, see ASME BPYC, seston V {c) materi see ASME BPUC Seton. Part .B.and > (4 wai mature soe ASME BPVE Scion ask lyse tel to which one a more alloying elements ‘her than carbon have heen dellberataly added og fhomlum nickel malyenm) to eebeve a peril piysel property. ‘medians, aoually une to Fete to the temperature of thenlrinwhicha srucuretesiisted oradevice operates. nnea hot resent heatingto andhlding at asuitable temperate and then colin ata stable fate for sch Drposes reducing harness, improving machiabiity felitatng ols working prodcsng a dented micostrac tore oF obtaining desired mechani phys or oer properties, node electrode ofanclectochemical ella eich oi tion aceur leone ow aay fom the ance in the external eeu Corcosian undally ecu, apd metal are cuting: group of cutting processes wherein the Severing or removing of metal Is affected by meting ‘nth the heat af an are buteven an lactrode ad the base metal (Isludes carboneare cating, metal are Dlasma-are cutting, and air carban-are cutng). (See ko ongerare eating) ‘arc wong: roup of welding processes wherein cxcles nc is produend ty heating whan sete aro as, ‘sith or watt the aplication of presure and with sem ong togethar of 00 oF more ppg compe ‘ents by oluing welding screwing brazing O use of picking devices os spcted bythe engineering design sucagenous welding: asian welding netod sing heat yatwoplscesofmetal wituttheadton offer meta automating welding vith equipment that performs {he welding operation without aejustment of thecontas bo an operator. acpi: mater paced in a hole to flee space around the anodes, vent pipe, and buried components of a ‘thot prtetion system, backing ringer the lor ofs ing usedto suppor. tnoten weld meta base materia: material ote piping component pate, oF other metic proces asc allowable tres, stress value for any materia determined by the appropriate stress basis fund la this Code, bt design sre: eres used to determin the requeed ‘osssettinal ares uf bls i a Bolted joa, brazemane assembly whose component pats ae joined by brazing Peting point above 427° (800°) but lower than that bh base metals bela ned Theiler metals ist ted between the closely ted surfaces ofthe Joint by apiay ateacton, brazing procedare speciation (85: document that ists ‘itl fracture: fracare wih ite oF no plastic deforma ton mately in the sae pane button jin: combination of bat nd lap that has 3 Insertion of desinated lp dtance between the vo members, designed for bring ‘aron sel considered by commoncsom to becarbon Stel when no minimm conten specie or required for aluminum, boron. chromium cob molybdenum, nee obi, tania tants, ana srcoim, tec when the specie minum Tor copper dos nt xoeedD ADS: orhenthe maximum conten specie $y af the following elements docs not exceed the folowing percentages: (a) copper: Uo (0) manganese: 16504 (c) alan: 060% Inallearbon sel sal quantities fern residual elements unavoidably retained from raw materials are fometimes found bit are not specified or required, fick ar copper nickel, molybdenum, and chromium, These elements are considered os incidental and are not normally determined ur reported. aha protection (technique by which underground eae pipe protected gaint deterioration (FUstng ane itn tel (electrochemical cell system consisting of an anode ‘ndacathadeimmersedinanelectrlyeesoastocrestean ‘heiareai The anode and athode may be erent tea or isis ares on the sme metal surface ‘ertifcaton: writen textmony of quaietion. ‘chackveive-valve designed topermitiowinone direction fat close automataly to prevent flow inthe reverse lasslocaion:geographlcareaalongthe pipeline cased according to the number and proxi of bulldings Intended for human ocupancy and other eharateristis that are considered when prescribing design factors for Construction, operating pressures, and methodsof testing Pipelines and mae locted inthe ares snd spying rote, deseatve, oF func aderea i, coarng system: complete number and ypes of coats applied to a substrate In 2 predetermined order (When sed in 3 broader sense, surface preparation, pretreatmens dy fim thickness. and manner of applica Som are lado) coldexponded pp: seamless or welded pip that formed ‘nd then cold expanded ein the pipe mil so that the ‘euference permanent inceasedbyatleat 050%, coll spring: intestiona deformation of cing ving ‘sembly to produce a desired inital displacement and cold spring actor: rato ofthe amount of cod spring Provided #9 ie toll computed temperatare expansion col springing: fbvcation af piping to an actual length Shorter than tsnomiallength ad reign postion fothatitisetrescedintheeretedconto, his compen. Sating paral forthe eects produced by the expansion cmplete wel oar penetraton(CWPPncludesthe depth ‘bevel and root penetration, plus the reguted 1D. and ‘OD. relnorcement concave (suetct):nersl condition of the oot bead, having on abrupe concave condton with sbarp elge= concer: internal oot bead thats propery sed eo and ompetely poetrates the pie wal bu whose eaters Tet the ise surface of he pipe wal construction orgontoton: abet, contractor, asset blero installer responsible fr al netins told the design, abricaton, and erection ofthe hyarogen pha system Iytused int the root othe int and becomes part ofthe weld conte piping: pipng valves and fitings used to inter omnes ar bo hall persed conto pp corrsion: etertoraonof tell usually metal that esute from a teaton seth its environment. crack very narrow elongated defect cause by metallur fel or mechaneal conditions crevice corosin: localized corrosion of metasurtace 2, ‘rmmeditely adjgent aan aea thats shied From fall exposure fo the enromment because of ase pro! tity of he metal to the surace of anether tera. cryegenc corlitone low temperature contions usally tor Below 123 K-23) foc imperection of 2 ype and magitude exceeding sents indentations ofthe pipe or distortion ofthe pps tlrelar eros secton thot change the curvature ofa portion ofthe pipe wal, resulting Ina change ofthe lamoters without necessary ceducing its thine. the engineering desig design if: period of time used in design cautions elected to veritthat replacesbeo permanent compo rent i suitable forthe anteipated period of service Design life does nat pertain tothe life of» pipeline system, because «properly maintained and protected Pipeline sjstem can provide liguld transportation ferric edefiny. {design minimum temperature: lowest component temperature expected Inservice, esl pressure: pressure ust in design calculations in Pare IP and PL of his Cage, determined by the design procedures applicable t the materials and locations sein cemperotarsina pipeline stem, he maximum oe Iminimum temperature at the coincident pressure Cintalmum or masimum) expected during service Reter to para IP 2.1 for design temperate for eect to sense oF obtain a masurable one lnpection Indiation fom an anomaly ina pipeline. placement stress range corresponding sees een tat produce by the dference between strains inthe xtreme dsplarement condition sn the orginal (3 Installed) condition (or any aniipated condition with 2 greater diferent efet) that remains subsanlly fonstan duringany one cel of operation. The dspace ent ses ranges used asthe cterion In the desu of Piping for Mex. similar metal: differen metas that could form an Srode/eatuode relationship in an electrolyte when nmeted by an decay cmdctire poh ‘taibuon main (or gos ol: sagen of ppt In 3 ‘eebaton system installed to coey gv 0 indi documenta condition of blag in wrten frm, grape fon, or both Joubesabmergaar wade pip: pipe having long whch sonthe side the pipe Coslescenceis produced by heating with an elec a or ars between the bate teal electrode or lcroder rl the work The welding Shielded bya blanket of rola sible material un he ‘work, Presse not sea filer metal for the nse uci: measure ofthe capability of a material tobe ‘eformed plasty before ractring ate alstortion: changes of dimensions of a material Spon the application of 2 atres within the elastic ange Foon the release fact tens the mate "al ecuns bs orginal dimension without any per ent deformation, ast property ofa material thataowsittorecwer is ‘ginal dimensions folowing deformation hy a stress tectrical interference any electrical disturbance ona ‘oetae sructre n contact with an electrolyte caused by stay caren} teri fson-weded (EFW) pipe: pipe having ont ‘inl but Joie whorls eoaescenoe Is prodded in the preformed tube by manual or automatle submerged re welding (SAW), etricrestancewelded (ERW) pipe: pipe produced ia Indu legis ari cbasauous lengths Mom ced Seip and subsequently cat inte Individual lengths, having a onaitudia! be int wherein coalescence Is pred bythe heat obtained fom resistance ofthe Die the fo of electric caren ina rat of hich {he ibe i apart. and by the appition of pressure (a) component ofa welding electrical eeu that terminates a the ae molten conductive slg, oF Base ‘etal (0) conductor used establish eontactwthan ec troyte and through which current i transferred to or fom theses ecrotyte: chemical substance containing fons that Ingen In an electric ld feted temperature ud servie aa service in whieh the piping etl temperature es design or stained temperatre 25° (50°) below the temperate Ment Sang the sar of ne-dependen properts sted under "Hotes —Time Dependent Properties attheendof Table 14 ofthe ASME BPVC, Section IL PotD for the welded nse metals, Fr materials not sted In Section Il Par the temperature sal be where the creep rte or sess Fore criteria ar P-227 govern he base all for ae ant engineering des: Stale design governing ping or pipetne system develope rom process and mecha Fequrements, conforming to Coce requirements and mironment surroundings or condi phyial chem: {cs mochanicl) a wach a nteril exit rection: complete instalation of piping system nthe locations and onthe supports designated by the eng neering desig Incling any fle assembly fabicston ‘amination, spection, and testing of the system 35 Feauired by this Coe reso: progressive loss of materia from a said surface Sue to mechani interaction between that sutice ane Mid or sold paras erred th the Mk evaluation: analysis and determination ofa facility's Favecsfar servis ter hecrvet operating eontions ‘amination: direct physic Inspection of he piping and Pipetnes by a person: may also include the se of non llerutveexaminasiontechnigues (NDE). Examination Isrequiredy this Code to verify thetntgey analy or iroen isin o pipeline systems ‘xu person who performs ally contro none Jabrication: preparation of piping components far tesembly, including eting machining, thread ‘rooving, forming, bending. welding, brazing, heat treating examintin/Inspecton and testing: reqlred forlningor pipe components ny subassenlies Far cain may be performed Inthe shop oF I he ed face of els exposed srtoce of 3 weld onthe ide om whe he welding was done ase: nor ter wed to imply tata part n serice has become completly inoperable stl aper2le Dts ineapabeofstfctriy performing its itened tune tion orhos deteriorated eros tothe pint tht it ae temo erent or una for cosine ure Jatigue: phenomenon leading to fracture of a material Under repeated or flvctuating stresses having # Ioximum valueless thanthe ens strength mate feroce materia materia hat contlns by weight mote Tron than any single element, having a carbon content feneally less than 2% and containing other slements ‘Nimiged number of chromium stele may contain tore than 2% of carbon, but 234i he sual Seng line betteen steel and es on ‘filer materi atrial tobe edn making mei or nonmetallic joints le woe wed of appreciate ttanguar cone seton ioiming tro surfaces approximately a right engl tocach bier inal jst.tee jt or earner jane (Seals slzeof Weld and threat of ler weld “oonmbiiathat under ambentor expected operating tonitions isa vapor or produces vapors that ean Be fl amie compound applied tothe jan surfaces 10 promote wet and proven onde frmacion during the branng operation laccord ae welding (FCAW} ar welding proces that te eae beeen» coatiniens filer ctl octrde and the weld pool. The process Is used with sheling fs fom a Mux contained within the tubular electrode, With or without ational shiing fom an externally oppliod was and without the applestion of presse racers resicanee of material flare rom the emenlon fe cack usin: meking together of ler material and base mate- gufnkc anode: metal hat provides sari protetion {another metal that ls more noble when electra ‘oupedin anelecrlyeThistypeofanodeletheeectron Sure in one ype of eathode protectin. ‘neta or nonmetal conductor acortotv electro. geseous cage (t)sstre assembly of components {o which hyerogen is delivered stored, and used in the toteou frm The system may inelacestorage verses, System, expansion joints, and gage. gos mstelorwiding(OMAWy arcaweltng process hat Droduces costscene of metals By heating hem wth an Bre between a eontnuooy ier metal (cosimable) eee {roan the wor Sheldng baie entirely fom an fsteraly supplied ga or ga mixture as servicer: piping install between aman pipeline, Sr eter source of supply and the meter set assembly. ges tungston-are welding (GTAW): re-weaing process that products coslescence of metals by heating them Wit en ar betwen a single tungsten (tonconsumable) ‘ecrode andthe work sheng obeaned rom aso 35 mixture, Pressure may or may nt be use, an ler girth weld: complete ecumfernsal butt weld olen Bie o components gouge: mechanically induced metal os, which asso fazed elongated grooves or cavities ring’ redaction al thes by removal of mate Fal by and fing or power dsk grinding groove weld: weld made i the groove between two embers to be ited. ground eomperatar: temperature ofthe cath at pipeline ‘epi eines bility os material to resist permanent pene ‘ration bya mach harder body. harness ating: cn be vied Into to groups, maer- hardnes testing and rrohardese texting Macroard nestestng refers testing with loads equal too overt kg crohorenes testing refersto 10000" hg Brine, Reclvel and Vickers are example of macrohardness aa ofectad zoe (42) tha portion ofthe ase materiel thathasnot been melted bt whose mechanical properties br microstructure have been altered by the Mest of ‘welcng brazing, Forming or extn hea eaten: heating and eoliga sold metal or ay Insucha way astoabain desired properties, esting for the sole purpose of hot working snot considered eat treatment I eeKiment is heated and cooled, then the term poseld hea ereatnent 5 we high pesure dlstrbuion tem: gs distebuton piping system that operates at a pressure higher than the stam ard servic pressure delveredtothe custome. Insuch 2 System asericeretarsrequledoneach ere ine {0 contol the pressure delivered tothe cisoner. hoop ses Se stress na pipe of wal thickness, acting Clreumferently na plane perpendicular to the ont ‘nal atu the pp, produced by the pressure, ofthe Tuiginapipe ofrecer, 0, and determined by Barlow's Formula y= PO/2t oe taps ane piping connections mae t operating Pipelines main or eter facies whl they ar hopes tion The batch piping isconnetedto the operating ine, tnd the opeatinglines tapped while tis under gprs Iycdrogen embritoment (ME oe of dastity of met Idragen ses erocking’e1acing thet results fom the presence of hydrogen In a metal In combination with tenstestes.toccrstost eguentyWitRigh-strength alloys hyarostacte rest: pressure test n whlch the vessel or stem Is lled completely with water or another liquid, Pressure is then applied tothe liguld forthe Feaulrodtine, andthe otsdeotthe components sally amined tnpoc testing tt designed to iv inforrestion oa bow a ‘ec of known msertal wil respond to asuddnly plied stress eg, shock Thetestascertalas whether he material le tough or brite. A notched test pce fe normaly employed, and the swo methods In general Use ae ether lod or Charpy test The rests wstaly Feported 2s the energy in foot pounds or kilojules ‘mporfecton contin reeplory hate dteted Apress current lectrte current supplied by a dere ‘mpeyinga power sourcethatis externa the decode System. (fn examples crc current for cathode protee ton) Incident unintentional release gs det the are of piing or» pipeline. tncason: nonmetallic phase, such as an ose suf oF slcte partic, i a meta Andee: Ainding of anondestructvetsting technique I. may or may not bea detect ‘lenoting a discontinuity requiring evaluation whose lenges dimension atleast 3 tines the with othe na indication rounddin magnetic pate liquid penetrare. longest dimension i ess than 3 Ges the wth of he Indes, nln nspecton (1 ppetne inspection echigue tat ‘ses deviees knoe nthe industry asineligent or smart in-process eminaton: includes the veicatan of dc rmonttion fo the required ual, personne usin. tions, and material and specil process procedures, along with inspection ofthe tabeeation steps required for inne o pipe component. Inspection: denotes verifying the perfomance of exam ration and tests by an Inspector. Inspector Comers: responsible for verifying that al required quality examinations NDE, inspections, and testing ate complete and that all certifications and records have been completed ts the extent necessary testy compliance tothe regurements ofthis Code, the engineering design, andthe construction organiza tion's quality systems program. tnstrunen ppg: al ppg, valves, and tings sed to annect instruments to min piping. pipelines, other Trsruments and apporstis or messing equipment integrity capabilty ofthe pipeline to withstand hoop safe requved by thin Ce Inzagrty assessment: process that incudes inspection of Pipeline felis, evaluating the indlestone resting from the inspections, examining the pipe ssing 3 ‘ariet f techniques evating the resto the ex Instone characterising the evaluation y delet ype ad severity, and determining the eesling nts of the Invergranular corrosion: referent corrosion tor slong the gralnboundores ofa metal ala known as Inerry talline corrosion} Intra sgn premarital prearrc tml nei Jone desig ont geometry together withthe required ‘mensions ofthe welded ot liquid hydrogen (24, tom: assembly of component to ‘which hydrogen delivered stored and usec ule form. The sjstem may Inde storage vessels, piping, valves, rele devices pumps. vacuum system, expansion guid penecrant examination (PT): examination method Uwhoteby the metal (ferrous oF nonferrous) sutace to be examined f ciated wth a reddyed penetrating ol This penetrant ses nt the surface dfet by epi lary action, Aer a saint ime the excess penetra Femoved fm the nrfacet be sean 3 white which has penetrated any surface defects, s drawn fo the surface by the develope, and the eatin, geome, td sie ofthe defect cn be dtertined, The test onsiered to be nondestructive because i doesnot lestroy te usetuness of te pat being Inspected Imechve welding: welding with equipment hat performs ‘heweldingoperation under thecanstontobservation and onto wen operator The equprent ay oF may ot ood and uno! he wore. magnet partie xamieation (MT) nondestrcive west method using magnetc eakage Helis and sulabl {ating materials to disclose surface and near-surface scot inatons. manuel welding: welding operation performed and ‘onto completely by hand, maximum allowable hoop tres: maximum hoop sess [ered by this Cade forthe design of piping pipe line sytem depends onthe material ase octon of Imposed by the designer in conformance with this Code. maximum allowable operating pressure (MAQP): ‘maximum pressure at which gas system maybe operated In acordance with the provisions of hs Code maximum aiowabe et pressure: maxnum tere le pressure permite by hs Coe fora pressure test. based {pon the material and location invuled, ‘maximum perating prescore (MOP) sometines refereed {oar maim actual operating prearore ithe highest Dressure at whieh a ping system operated ering a ormal operating cre ‘may term that indetes a provision sneer regi foe prohibited, mecca damage-typeol ental danage ina pipece pipe ating cause bythe application of an external force Mechanical damage can include denting, coating emavsl, metal removal, metal movement, cold rorking ofthe underlying metal and resdual stresses, ny on of whieh ean be deimenta ‘mechanical jou font fr the purpose of mechanical Strength lak resstance or both, in which the mechan lel strength s developed by theade, grooved, rolled, fared or Mange pipe etd; or by oles pin, topes, for rings: and the leak resistance Is developed by {hreaesand compounds gskets rledends or machined and mated ssraces mechoniaed melding: welding with equipment that Fequfes manual ajstment of the eulpmentcontos Inresponse o vial observation of the welding with the er, un, o electrode holder held by» mechanic ‘ver. mello any ofa mumberoftypes ofanomlies in pipe nich metal hasbeen removed from the ppe surface, {aul ue to corroson or gouging Which are strong carbide and ateide formers, to Seclev improvements i tenth, toughness and weld sblity hrough specie thermomechanical processing srs! Fone om ane bisecting the angle of function so 5 10 Produces clnge in dtecion oftware than 3 deg modulsof lsc measareaftestinessor rity of mater tisactally the ato of stress to strain the "ase region fs materia I etermined 3 enon oF ‘ompresion test iiralo ciled Youngs mua o the ‘etdent of dusty. ‘monitoring regulator: pressure regulator installed In erie with anaher pressre resto ha, nan emer tency automaticaly assumes control o the pressure Alowinstream of the station, im ease that pressure nominal: numerical ident eatin of cimenson, capac, ‘hting orothercharacteristitise designation, not = nominal ove dlameer for dlomete):a-produced oF teapeciedoutsle damter ofthe pipe seminal pipe se (NPS). NPS i followed een 2ppe0- inch symbol nondestructive examination (NDB): nspction technique thats not damage te item bengexamine, This tech: nie neues visual, radiograph ultrasonic, eleceo- Imaprei and dye penetrant methods nondestructive testing (NDT): cua pplation of anon Sestructive testing method ora nondestructive testing ‘echnigue nonferrous: metal that doesnot contain ron 38a main normalizing: processin whicha ferrous metals heated to 2 Stable temperature shove the transformation range Indissubsequenty coledinsileisatrom temperature hopmal operating pressure predied pressure (sum of Stati heed pressure, pressure rogled to oereome fe "Hn ostes and any backpressure atany point na piping system hen the system fs operting ner & et of predicted steady-state conditions perating company (or operator dial partners, orporation, pull agency, ower agent father entity ‘Uren responsible fr the desig, constriction spe ton, testing, operation, and maintenance ofthe Ping 'ndjor pipeline acts ane ving cary respons Diy fF such fies cle header: length of pipe a whic une ue more utes for branch connection have been formed by exruslon, sng leo ces to contol the radi ofthe extrusion overpressure protection: provide by a device oF equy ‘ent insted na ppg system that prevents the pres tirein th set or pital esyatern fers oceedings predetermined vale ‘dation loss of lctons fom an atom, compound © yperare cutting (OAC): oxygen-cutting process that Usesamare between the worpeceanda constmableelee trode, through which oxygen s directed tthe workpiece For exdation resistant metal a chemical Mux or metal orf sad to alta the testo, xpgen eating (0) group of thermal cating processes that severs or removes metal By means of the chemical reaction between ony and the base metal at levated temperature The necessary empersturelsmaitalnedby ‘hebec rom anare an oxyuel gas lame or ther source poralletenoacment portion ofthe routeof pipeline ‘man tates atin runs na general parallel aection "o,and doesnot necessarily rss the right-of-way ofa road street highway, or aload eening: mechanical working of metals using impact, Digging se of any independent se¥-contzned device, footor vehiclechatmaves though helnterorof epie line Yor inspecting cmensioning, or cleaning, ig tap (orsropertrep:sncilary tem of pipeline equip ent suc a alauncher or receiver with anno pipe ‘ronan valves, or inveduclng pig into a pipeline oF emmoving 2 pls fom a pipeline. bbe: pressve-tghteyinder ued 1 convey atu or Ciansmit sf pressire. ordinal designated “pipe” {napplintematerilpeiSeaons Materia designated “tule oe hing" inthespetiations ae ened es pipe wen Intended for pressure sevice. Types of Pipe, ecording to the methd of manufacture, indude ele: Uricsrasistance-welded pipe, electri-usion-welied Pipe, double submerged-srewebled pipe end seamless pe Dipl ll parts of physical fies through which broduct moves in cansportation, including pipe, "alte, fetings Ranges (leudng bulting and gaskets), Fegulators, pressure vessels, pulsation dampenets, Fell valves, and other appurtenances attached (0 Piper compressor units; metering stations; regulator Stations; and fabricated assemblies. Included within {hi dfntion ae gar tase ner eed for tae porting gos om production fociities to onshore loc. tons, and gas storage equipment ofthe closed pipe ‘ype thie beater forged fom plpe rast ftom plpe and figs Dipetne sto either the operators ete pipeline ina ructare or ge portions that nasirurtre that hate pesupportng elements: {a) fear olomentethatrantortheload om the Pipe or stracral tachment tthe spporting acre bregtipment They nce kanging-type tures. sch 35 hanger rods, spring hangers, sway braees, counter. swetghts, tarubuekles, struts chains, guides, smd bass, rules, rackets and shag supports (o) structural attachments: elements that are weed, bolted, oF lamp tothe pipe such a lips, Tags rings lamps cewss, taps and skirts. ing or pipeline assembly of piping components sed onal oF snub fuld fows Piping aso includes pp ‘Supporting elements bi doesnot Ince support struc tures such as bulding Frames, bent, Foundations oF ewuipment, Dipig eampanents for ping or pplines): meshanisl ‘ements sultable for fotning ar acceably ino pres Surg. d-continng piping syste. Componens Include pipe. tubing fisings, flanges, ashes, bolting, ent and separators Piping eleentsany material ot workrequred to plan and Insal a piping or pipeline system, Elements of ping include design specifications, wateras, components Supports, fabrieation, examination, inepecti, and Piping nstalcions Gesignepping or pipeline systemsto ‘ech a selected Code eon apples iting loelzed corrosion of 3 metal surface that is nfined ta small ares snd taker the form of coir fale pts losma ore cutting (PAC) arc eatng process that uses 8 iy of ona gos ig trom he aning asa are wen (A): arcweldingprocessthatusesa fonstriced ae between a noneonsumable electrode sd ‘he weld pool (ranserred atc). or between the eectre tnd the constricting noeale (nontransferrd ate) the torch, which may be supplemented by an avxlary source of shikling gts. The proces Used without ihe apletan of prestre. Dlostc deformation: permanent dlormation caused by pneumatic st: test performed ona pressure vessel or System nwhichalrorgnssinrodicedand presueaedto aesgnatod level posted heat rete (PWHT) heat treatment subse ‘uot to welding, preheating aplication ofheat to thebase material imme ‘lately bore ring forming, welding. oF cating reste Btn sto: conse of equine that under normal conditions lla educe restrictor smut ‘he supp of as fowingintoa system to preventthe gas Drssure fom exceeding » predetermined ale, While hormal pressure eonatans preva the pressure nting ation may exer some degre of onto of he fe of the gvormay remain nthe wide open postion Incaced Inthe station are ping an sir devies, sich 38 Vales, contol instrament, conel lines the enlste, snd entting equipment pressure regulating station: consists of equipment Installed for automaticaly ring and regulating the Pressure in the downstream pipeline or mai t hich [Ris connected Inclded are piping and auxiliary Aevice suchas valves. control instrument, control lines the ensure and vention equipment resi rae sti: conse of euipment installed to Pressure fom exceding 3 predetermined mit. Theos ‘aye vented into the atmosphere or int Tower pres Sore system eapable of safely absorbing the gos being ‘lacharged cluded nthestatonarepipngandeualary tdewees,suchas valves control instruments cantons, the enclosure and vetlaing equipment pressure test: measure of the strengh of pple thats fed wih ld, seated and subjected to pressure. IS tse to valdat Integy and detec constriction dec tnd defective materia procedure qualification record (POR): document isting all Pertinent ting the aretal variables employed Sn the est el, ed in ualiying heel proce sre spettcaton or brazing proceditespetieaton, protective cotng contig appli to surface to protest the soba from corton prying ges (hacking gas) gu such os argon heir. fioges, or reactive gas, that employed to exclude trygen from the rot side (opposite rom the welding Se) of wed Jats ‘vaiction: demonstrated skill and knowedge long ‘hth documented taining and experience, retired fo personel to propery perorm the dates of pecejoh. ‘quai control examination examination that apps to ‘aly control fancons performed hy the manufatarer (orcemponents on) areata or eestor Reference {his Code oan examiner to 2 person who performs ‘ual contol examinations under the construction org ‘zations qual sjstems program. ‘rudagrophicexomination nopecion RT: ase of X-rays or ‘elforcemant, branch regaled to sustaln he pressure as etermined by design, and Includes weld relnorcement andcomponentthicknessane reinforcing ngsorsadées. Feinforcement, weld ot: weld material in excess of the ‘pected ilet weld sie depth of groove, GOD... surfaces residual tres stress presentinanohectinthebence oF Soy external loading. results Irom the fabricating proces, heat treatment oF mechan working te fa resistive measure ofthe ability of an electro (eg foi) t resist he fw af let change (eg athode protection current) Resistivity data are ued to design 3 groundbed fora cathadie protection system. righcof may (ROW) of and on which pipelines ral ads, poe nes, and other similar faces ae eon structe.[e secures the right to pass over property nna others ROW agreements ony allow he right of the fie width ofthe ROW can vary ands sally secermined sed on negation wih the lected land boner oF by legal action rikemeasureofpotentialossinterms of atthe incident probity hkeoad) of accurence a the maanitie root spacing: separation between the members to be Joined by welding, tthe root of he jin somotnes noted 2 rot opening oF open ra) raplare: carpe ihe of sy portion of piping or Pipeline caused bythe appiationofa lo age than he Dbl or plpeine can ress ‘su hydratediremonides, (Ths termproperlvappis nly torn and fers alloys) Safeguarding: provision of protective measures to in imzethe ris faccidemtaldamagetothepipingor pipeline De to minimize the harmful eonsequences of postive sal weld: weld intended primal to provide Joa tight nes galt leakage In metal piping seams pip: wrought tabular prodet made without 2 ‘eelaed seam ei manulactaredby hot wring Wecessry, by subsequently cold-nahing the hot worked tubule product co produce the dese shape, Slmensions and properties. ‘eam weld: ongltinal welds made i ple manuf turing or inthe fabrication process. seioutmatic ore welling are welding with yuipment thaceontols ony the ler metal ed Te advance ofthe welcng Is manually convold sha fan hal oe use wy iene hat» provision Imandacory Code requirement shed metaore welding (SMW. arcawelding process that prodces coalescence of meaisby heating tem th snare etween a covered tal electra and the work overing Pressure snot sedan ler metal obtained fromthe electrode. Should term tac ineatsthat provision eeommend teed practice bt ot maatory Cade regi sto of welts ()fleewelseg lengths (teens or equaeg weld) ofthe ses, adjoining the members weld, of he Tangestrange that can bensrbed whine wel cross ‘lefnisons in Figure 2171 app ortega hen fe tt ee aa eof iat wt (©) groove wel oint penetration (depth of bevel pias the rt penetration hon specied). The sie of 5 groove weld and it efectve thrust rete sre. sag Inchon: nonmetal old material entapped in ‘wold metal or between weld metal ond base net Specified minimum tensile strength: minimom tensile ‘tpressed in pounds per sauare inc. Specie minim yl serengeh (84: nium led Strength preseribed by the speciation under whieh a taterial fe purchased from the manufacturer I st: motel that contains by welght mar un than any Single element having a carbon content generally less than 25 and contaning other elements. A limited ‘umber of chromium steels may contatn more than 236 of carbon, but 2% isthe usual dividing line ttn el ted eat iro, stop ave: valve installed for soppingthe ew of product “spun inerease in engthofa material expresetona.unt length bass (eg. inches per inch millers pr mill ot. sores: resultant interal force per uni area that ress "hang inthe sz othe fa dy acta om by extern forces In thi Code "stron ion ered synonymous sores conanration discontinuity nastrcture or ehonge In contour that cases a al increase in stress. res coroson crocing (SCC: form of environmental stack ofa meal involving a interaction of lacal arr Sve environment and tensile stresses Inthe metal, esuling ln formation and growth of eracke stress level level af tangential or hoop stress, usually ceapresed as 2 percentage of specified minimum Yield resth seressrelvng- heating metal twasuitable temperate, hong at that temperature lang enought reduce res: Aaalsresesandthen cling slowly enough to mininiae ‘he development of new ress tess structures potenti: potent ference between the surface ofa buried or submerged metal structure andthe electro thats measured with reference to an ‘etre in contact with the electra submerged are welding (SAW) areweldng races that protuces coalescence of metals by esting ther with ‘ad the wore The ar shielded by 3 lanket of granular, Fate teil on the work, Pretare isnot Used, ad flere s obtained fom the lecrode and sometimes from a supplemental source (welding od x, o tl anal) Intended to discover and identity events or conditions that indiate a departure fm normal aperaton of he pipeline ‘emperor: measure ofthe thermal energy contained in rte irnormaly expressed i apres (C) Dr degrees Fatvenbet (7) tense strngdhhghes ni tonsle stress (referred tothe Drignl cross section area) atateri con Sustaln before fase. ‘erate strens sees tht elongates the material roof ier wed a) theoretic! eros: perpendicler distance fom the hypotenuse ofthe orgs it tangle hat cam be Inserted inthe weld eross secon to the root ofthe nt (actual trot shorts atance fromthe roto Piet weld to ts ce 19 effects treat minimum distance minusany re Inforcement (convey), betveen he weld root and face ba fillet weld ‘oe of we unetion Between the face of weld and base mater tranyormacion range temperature rangeinvshicha phase Change nted and completed. ‘ransnisio ne: sepen of pipeline installed in a ans mission system or between storage els. tube: pe ‘ungiten electrode: nonfilet-metal electrode used i are Welding o euting, made prncaly of tungsten ros: hgh frequency sor ultrasonic examiation/inspection (UT): examination sing hgh-requency sound to detertine wal thickness tnd to detect he presence of defes vole undergroundstractrethat may beenter and that Isdesigned contain pipingand pipingcomponent such se valves or pressure regulator), ventilated ocarion: location where leaking hydrogen annot reach a concentration of 436 by volume ina forall credible senaror. See Nonmandatary Appendix Nepara ot visual examination inspection (VP): observation ofthe portion of components, ants and ctor piping elements thatare or ean be exposed to view before during ater ‘of Codes engneeting design requirements for mate tials components dimensons, lat preparation, aign- tment, welding. brazing bolting, treading. oF other Foing method, supports, esembly, and erection eid locale conescence of metal wherein coalescence ESproduced by heating to stabs temperate wh ‘he use o flr neta elder: one who Is capable of performing 2 manual or Semiautomatic welding operation (This term is se: times eronenusly ase to denote 2 welding machine) eideg operator one who operates machine, mechan tae or automatic or semaumatie welding eaupanent. eidng procedure spesfcton (WPS}-docaent hats ‘heparameterstobe ved inconsrcton of weldments in cordance with requirements the Ce weldment assembly whosecomponent partsare joined by vein _peldstrenge:stength at which 9 material exhibis a ‘erffedlinitng permanent stor produces «speed {ual elongrtin unde lad. The spaced iiing se or ‘ongation i usually expressed a a perentage of 5286 length, ts values ate specified inthe various material specications acceptable under this Code GR-1.6 ASME 831.12 APPENDICES. GR-1.6.1 Mandatory Appendices Vo Gaps Vit dpresratien) GR-1.6.2 Nonmandatory Appendices opentn Tae © mi actor esting Pri © Sapa rane elacenen ng pate ems fwoengx__rie __ra7 NOMENCLATURE © State ecto Apa Pg yscns” Dimensional and mathematical symbols used in ths Code ae listed In Mandatory AppendieW, with dei ‘ions: Uppercase and lowercase English Teters are GR-1.6.3 Status of Appendices listed alphabetally. followed by Creek eters For status of Appendices ste the frst page of each ‘Appenais ordeals that wil nceate whether contains Code rqulemen’ precautionary considerations, gud ‘ne, or supplemenra Information Chapter GR-2 Materials GR-2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This Chapter states limatons and required qualia: ‘ins for materials base om tr inherent properties or ‘sein hydrogen ystems sre Nonmandtnry Appi forguidane). Their useinpipingisalosubjesto require Fequlrements ae a fallow (a) Selection of materials to resist deterioration servie Is not addressed completely n this Code. The Fotlwing shuld be consiere [1 temperature and pressure effects of process reactions. properties of reaction or decomposition products and hazard rominsabityofeontatned ue (2) use of cladding thing o ther protective mate ralstoredace theless of erosion, erosion, and aa (3) snformation om mater performance in err sive environments found in publeatons suchas NACE 37519, Coroson Data Survey, published by NACE Inter naional ~The Corson Solty (orerythe National ‘Assolton of Corrosion Enginser), (3) hydrogen permeation rates through metas Information on this topic sincuded in Department of Transporation Report DOT-T-0501, Characterization Dt Leaks from Compressed Hydrogen Systeme and Related Components, (5) the possibly of exposure ofthe plping 9 re tna he melting point degrdatan empeanre oss f Strength at eleveted temperature. and combustblly of the piping material ude such expose () thesusceptbiy to brit fare orfalurefrom thermal shock athe pipingmateril when exposed tore (7) the ality thermal iesuation to pote ping, gist lure under fire expose eat stabil. re "esstance and aby to rerain im place ding a fie). (6) theposibiy ofadverseckcvolycetesife meals subjet to contact with = ssa meta (9) the compat af packing seas and Oings wi hprogen. (10) the compasbily of materia, schas cements solvents, solders and brazing materi with Byaagen (11 the poss o pipe suppor fare resin from exposure toiow temperature (which may embetle the suport) or high temperatures (which may weaken then) (0) Hydrogen may affect materials diferendy than other Mis. The effects may be o «general nature or be temperature and/or pressure specific Issues the (i) hydrogen embritemene (2) property changes al temperature (@) property changes at lr low temperatures (4) hydrogen permeation rates (6) electrostatic hargetuldp /lschargein ects cally noneonduetve materials 21.1 Materials and Specifications (a) Listed Materials. Materials listed in ‘qulrenients of att Merl stein Table GR-2L-2 ttestitableforpipeliesmectingthe requirements of Part m (8) Unltd Matera Unltd materia maybe sed, provided they conform roa published specication overing chemistry physical and mechanical properies, Saity cont and otherwise moc the requirements of ‘hance withthe apie allowable stress basso 5 Cade ora more conservative basic 16). Unto Matra Materia of unkown speci cation sal not be used for pressurecontaining ping component, (i). Reclaimed Moteriols. Reclaimed pips and other the requirements of 2) or (9) above and ptherise tee the recuirements of this Code Sulficen cleaning Bnd inspection shall be performed to determine ‘nin wal icknest and freedom um defects, (2) Autipeorsing of Matetesor Components Mate tals or components mated asmeetngthe equrements fortwo ormorespecieaton (or grades, doses oF pes) are acceptable, provided the following {H) One or mre ofthe multe markings inckate 8 smateral speciation grade lasso ype of material that permite by thisCade an the selected mater men (2) The sppropriate allowable stot or the selaced material specication, grade clans or type stall be se Mandatory append allowable stesses shal De used fore selected Iisted material. (3) Bach the muliple marks shall be in seo ance withthe requirements of the eppicable materiel speciation, (4) Allothe equremens of this Code are satsfed forthe mata slectd (5) For material manafactuers and soplir, he regulrements of ASME BPVG Seton I Part Dr Append 7 shall be me or material that multple marked 6R-2.1.2 Temperature Limitations ‘The engineering desig shall verify that mater that meet ater requitements of Ue Cale ate suilable or Service throughout the operating temperature range Cautionary and restrictive temperature limits for Piping systems ars noted in the tables in Mandatory Appendix IX. tts sastmed thet pipelines wil be operated near ambient tempesture: therefore, autions and restrictions due to elevated temperature sre ot provide in Mandatory Append DCI a pipelie Isto be operated significantly above or bel ambient temperate, refer tothe cautions and restos for Piping systems {a} Upper Femportur Limits Usted Materials Ase material may be sed ats temperature above the ‘maxim for which strest value or rating is sho, oni it (1) here ema prohibition n Mandatory Append (2) theenpneerng desig verties he servcebitty ofehe material in accordance with (2) {8}. Lawer Terperoture Lint, Usted Motels (1) Alstedmatromay beused at any temperature not lower than the minimimn shown inthe tles in Mandatory Appendix IX, provide thatthe base metal teal deposits, and WAZ are qualified ae required By ‘he applesle entry im Cok A of Table R212, {2} Forcatbon sels with ter designation nthe ‘minima temperature caluma of Mandatory Appes, Table DLA the insu temperature defied by the sppliablecrveand Notes in PiureGR-21.21.Uradeign ‘mmum metal temperatureiciness combination son Dr above the curve, impact testing Is no reaured {3} Ase material may be wed 38 tmperstre Mandatory Appendix IX, Table [1A or Figure GR-2 1.21 finelucing Notes), unless prohibited in Table GR212-1; Mandatory Append IK Table LA Dr ehewhere inthe Code, and provided thatthe hase teal weld depose, and HAZ ae qaited as required bythe apleable ene In Clune B of Table R212-1 (Tabular values for Figure GR2.12-1 age provided In Table GR2122). (4) Where the stress ratio defined in Drovides a further basis for the Use of carbon steels over by (1) and (2 above without impact esting (G2) For design sui troperstres of 48°C (55°) and atove the minima design metal temper ture wthout impact testing determined in (0)2) above, forthe given material and tices, maybe recuced by Fgure GR 21.22 for the appable stress ratio Ifthe Felting temperature i lower than the minim ‘ssgn metal temperate, impact esting the material Isat reir Where this apple. the piping syem shall aba comply wi he following requirements ‘C1 Pe piping shall be subjected to 2 bydro stati test at oles than 1% tines the design pressure (C2) Except forpipingith nominal wallthick ness of 3 mm (en) ots the piping stem sal be Safeguaded (see Mandatory Append I) fom extermal Toads, sich as aimenance lads, impact loads, and ‘ermal shoe (Ci) For design sinimum termpertareslter an -40°C (55°F) impoctestinge required forallmate- Hols, except as provided by Note (5) af Table GR212-1 (5) Theallowable stressor componentrating sary temperature belo he minimum shown nthe ables of Mandatory Appenatx Io Figure GR-21.21 shall not exceed thestss valu or ating theminiou temper (o) lspact testing is not regulred or the lowing combinations of weld metas and design minimum femperatre: (Ca) austenite stainless steel base materials having carbon content not exceeding 0.10% welded without ler meta, at design minimum temperatures DF -IDI'C (-1S0"F an Rgher (Cb) austenite weld metal ‘Ci] Raving a eatbon content not exceeding 010% and proiced with Hier metas conforming to AWS AS, AS, ASAI, S14, oF A522 at design feininwum temperatures of “AD1°C (-150°F) and higher or (2) having a carbon content exceeding 0.105, and produced with ler metal onformingto ANS AS, [AS9, ASA, AE 14, oF AE2 at design minimum tempor: tures of ~40°C (55°) and higher (6). Temperatare Limits Usted Materia: An wise sterianeceptable under pars GH 211(0), shall be ange rom design minimum temperature to design (natinun) temperature in acordance with (2) bei (Verification of Soriceoiy (2) When en used ater sto be use or when sted materials obese above the highest temper. ture for which stress values appear inthe tables of ‘Table GR-2.111 Material Speifieatlon Index for Ping and Pipe Components me Tie Get Saal Se [i () Pipe Sw an Ha ppd. Cnt Wee an Semi ate 2 Gro Se Free fr Pi nos oe ‘Salton Sn Pe homer Srce (te) ip So crue (} Hel (Sue HS 6 a Ort) te 0) cites eed St Pe se ‘BeicFso (ee eel Se Pp NPS se Oe 2 ‘ln Cl Den Liat Sel Het aang sl ana Tate 2 Cert Se Fagg fr enrages ergot ley Stiles ie ges Fre iting Yh aati Temperate Sie) Price Vl Ps Alp St Mase 2 ‘Stile Foi a te aS Ble, Soest at Ean Tae ‘Sal stings at Sale fr Pason Welding fr Hemera Seve png ig a Woop aon Se! and Ay Sel or Mert am Hi empties Wt (2 roms a Crom ete tel Pat Shean Spores Velo fa Geeta pesos te Low and intermedi Tene Stent aos el ates te (0) rere Vr! Pes Caton tet angen te 2 ‘rnare Yona Pes Aly Se Sangre brn sl Mangan Maem Neb te (2 ‘Stl Well an ay Cl Wark ate Sans St Ps (8 2) ‘Stamler an Wedel Sn Pipe La Tempra eee tes 2a (0) ‘tml Weedon oo Alte Tabs fo Low-Temperature Service te (2) a (9) ‘Seis Feri Alay Ph or Hier See Ee 2 {ona oA Sd Fars Roig th Tepes ein ping Components (2) Geto and Feri Aly Sel Forged ad Bed pee igh Temper Sere ‘mln nit Sal po Highest Cnr Staton Sor cat Arete St ip or Ue Wh prone Traum Spe ate 2) Pree Vee Mate, Alby Se, Crem Maden ot (5) Wrong Ae Salen Sd pig Fae elle are Dimer Ase Ste Poe Coste Hepa See Phin Fits of Woh Cron Sr an Ay Se a omer Serve Nt (2) iat at ast Sea Pp fr ih prt Soe ‘Sih tel rsa Sperone ler ee Pree Ves oe) rere Ve! ates aon Stl fr Moers a wer ompetre Serie eS ‘SlCr Sn Fp ae Ateprc nd e Terporate ate (3 ‘Pranre Ve! Pes Ha rats aoe Manes Sean Se er esse Welded Lown Se Pp ar the Chal ny Nts (2 GericFe eid Sl Pp Atop a ave empemtes te (2 ‘Bere Psoe Met SlPpeHiPssareSec a Noe Tanpaaies [2 rt and Ay Sul Pps Buin Mad far Hire Se a gh Tmt te 3) ‘Seam Ve Boe tig et) mpction Brame Cane ee rigs ote Sais Cpe Tobe An 1s ‘Table GR-2.1.11 Material Specifiation Index for Piping and Pipe Components (Cont'd) fg SHH (Ga Nek Cope log UNS NOAH Ps Seton ep ‘Ste caper Aly (ONS NO Same Pp one ope ar Be Bar Band Shapes oper an oppress at reed) ‘ian Any ems ore To on rani dn Pig 1251 ctr Nad Wrought Ain Aino Ay Weng Fits 1701 Anim nl Atm Aly Ere Rnd Tbe fe Gert pose Apion [8 Shedegpresresat ened 8008 peter alimtrc unearned prone mata say demons {est noe sh yr ASME HP Sct Vie 3, Ase KO. ty Setar sppnah fr trac dtr penne [1 Forme pps 13 Red nc s puate aelystynita ASE (a) Somer per on [Gar onaing Hts tore 50 sal tbe 15 Tegan pute mat ayes tein he HERP (6 Beant tae ig a eign a bn Table 6R-211-7 Matera Spelfeatlon Index for Pletines Seca Gade Decripion ‘8G ed 20 ot St Smelt ane wd 3,00 pe AUS 10 Semon ete reste Wen 15.00 a ‘hs 35 de sober weed 38.00 ps at (a 2 dentate ld 4200 pa ast (har 46 de began el 400 pot ast ‘har de began ed 400 po at ‘Sm 50 dae begat wed 5800 po oat ‘Shas 152 dae obra wld S200 pe ost (har de obra wed S400 pet ont ‘in 40 dae ober eel 6.20 pa = Bcc essa oil er le 00 pt es 15 Beec esr ele, seamen ole thera ised 3500 pe SP een rentnce ele sami, owe mortar We 2,00 Pt a 155 een reste welled sami, ele mortar we 00 Pt rs 15 Bee reste ele sams, lester we 00: a 17> erin woul, vl sherpa wd 7900p te (5) Thoms peri prese(O shaltee 00 pra mtr ethernet meal tai “nese yt ppm ic afr ASAE ME, Stn, On Ae 8 (py aks emg Maar sav 9 sa te [e)Seininr Sonn or rane tater of pec. ” “Table GR-21.741 Requrements for Low Temperature Toughness Tests fr Metals Deen imam eget or Abe uae. _Mandaory Ament Tablet or Figure 6R2.12-1_"ly Tempera i ee Tied 1 cer carbon ses) No tna trials" nd nemeine regan r oe (ho One rat ‘hy tet al Fire hie mS erage AST ‘eet le temper 26 20 eon ha in rn ‘ale on ‘cop oni STN! emcee lec 2) nd a ecpe Sr rea we ot at ie rmanate Tab oe urethane wad t ety ‘espn lla pert te ‘Ghemotlericguibtat ——seaeedcuvess porated Wy icing Koei Spe int nce wine Warsteiner ‘tists cet, Kot hse aes 82 (6 420) Wade 2 a mt an el ta = yee natty "tie Sep chris | tah Berea Sooner impat cae aN oke fctpernan tester roid ‘Sg min ampertre fo S12) and SBCChen elton 2) am) goon 2 Amini cope, 4390) Nolin! 0) No aldo 1 Enjing sisal be ‘ced ste tenses Tanners went "assr by sa et ‘ae nated smite Sf than eo ‘realcompontsnrtien” ibe epee ‘Si ah ua nent aps aan shane [GENERAL NOTE These tgs et regione ae an totes eed hy th atl pein (ep tenga oe htm at le a why «2 peti gi gina ni 27 CLD eat OFCL- ISSN (5) mc st rest ie hen he sna sto Cay pce a wos eels han 25m (0.03818. thee crn dt imc inhale athena (Input oreo nth nao ay cn awh aan ecole 25 (8) {5} Nene mynd tne ng harp ener be compare wih nosente eng a oer ‘Not a eo es cope Se arp G2) 18 Figure GR-2.1.2- Minimum Temperatures Without Impact Testing for Carbon Stee Mates Noma Tene in. ot) Tr T T T qe e” a4 ‘ a ee ey i of é, of ' j i ok 7 w & i ned tz ono > (a) Se My Aopendis Tae 118 ar degra cavers ed mtr fe Se Te 212? fr be aoe UO) Rare 3 (6) Stn avs pun ana at pes ns Ae pe (5) Rng proce orc manftart pe or coeonrts sl ca at rigs HA ny eg mia temperate ow “2-27. ext ed eT GRE ASL (0 imc tg nscrsnes i os 2) ed fr am dn mn temper Rw AC SSP ee a fmt ya “Table GR-2.1.2-2 Tabular Values for Minimum Temperatures Without impact Testing fr Carbon Steel Mates ee a in Tepe Bete sate vere carve 2 ‘Table GR-2..2-2 Tabular Values fo Minimum Temperatures Without Impact Testing fr Carbon Steel Materials “cont ie Deg Msi Temperate thet how sar, tune D Mandatory Append IX he designers responsible for Slemorstrating the validity of the allowable stresses Produtform _ ASTM spec m ub ather limits used indesign an ofthe approach Pow 1583 {ahem in sing the material including the derivation of Tobe at Stress data and the establishment of temperature mics Fangs sa20 (2) Daaforthedevelopmentofdeignlinssshallbe —Ferae 50 ane from a sound slentfe progam caried out Cans 82 teordancewth recogaedtechlogy for bath the mate. ung sno Tal and the Intended serice conditions. Factors 0 5¢ pune = onside inca (a) apps and relly of the dat, pe tilly Sr cates o he temperate oe (C2) resistance ofthe material to deleterious effects of the fluid service and of the environment "woughout the cmperature range (C) determination ofallowabe stresses n cco ance with para. 2.26 GR-2.13 Impact Testing Methods and Acceptance Criteria (2) General When impact testing is required by Table Gi21.2-1, provisions elsewhere in this Code of the engineering Gasig, It sall be done In accordance with Table GR2.1 51 using the testing methods and tecoptans ertern deserted fn (0) through () below: (0). Procaur mpat testing each product orm of material fr any speciation (inhaing welds inthe omponent) sll be done xing prvedres and pp {atu in crordance with ATM AZ70 anda conformance ‘we input esting egurements ofthe speateatios Ia ‘he folowing table, except that speci requirements of {hs Code tha confit wth requltement of hase spec Fetions shall ake precedence Sections der fr Mancatny Append: area lows (6) Test Specimens ach se of npact tes specens shall consist of thee specimen bars Al mpoct est shal be made sing staan 10 min (0394 in) sare cross Secon Charpy Vnotch spedmen bars except when the Iateril shape or thicnese doesnot permit. Charpy Irpact teste may be pertrmedon species fll mate al hcnes which may emachined to remave sarace Irregularities ternative such material may he reduced lize specimen ace Table L232), The tet spe fens salle inthe direction IL specmens cannot be obialned, then LT spedmens may be used (Test Temperotres For all Charpy pact tess; the test temperatreciterta in (1) and (2) below shall be Observed, Te test specimens, 25 wll asthe handing tongs, shal be cooled fora sfciet length of time 10 (i). For Materials of Thikres Equal to Greater ‘Than 10 mm (0594 in). Where the largest attainable (Charpy Ventch specimen has a wlth along the notch Figure GR-2.12-2 Reduction in Minium Desige Metal Temperature Without Impact Testing g (oth ee ta a a th mana fh ng: 12 amiloride deen minima esi {2 teptimecomenes there rans err rte tnt en ideo eae gti des cain) deed tthe dn rr rer nena ne ree mm he i te hl ie {Lats nc wth th ata teat de someton al he inet rest at aid fat est 8mm (0.315 in} the Charpy test using such 2 shall be conducted ata temperature not higher than pacer shall be conducted a tempertire not higher the design minimum temperate, Where the largest ‘hath design minimum temperature Where the largest posible tet specimen hapa wid along the notch of possible test specimen has awa along the noch ss fess tha B09 ofthe material thickness, the test shall than 8 mm (0315 ln} the test shall be conducted eta be conducted at a temperature wer than the design temperatireloverthanthedesignmiaimumtemperature minimum temperature byan amount equal othe difer- bythe amount shown Im Table GR-2.13-2 for that ence (refrringtoTablaGK-215-2)betweenthe temper specimen wth ture reduction corresponding tothe actual material (2) For Materials With Thickness Lass Than 10 mm thickness an the temperate reduction corresponding (0384 1). Whore the largest staiable Charpy V-notch tothe Charpy sposimen wh actully tested pecimenhara widthalongtheotchofatleaaQiboFthe fe). Accptonce Cates ‘Materia ducks, dhe Charpy testo such a speinen 2 Table GR-213-1 Impact Testing Requirements for Metals alana A Mater Net Tested the aerate Teed the Manutactarer | Naauncarer or Tse Teed at re Nate arte noes | “yt fete bingo Aer haratertr Regering pass Oyo Wel ene Faron [Naar Te te ster oe unt ue visors [ee (Ghee cl gcc or {B) ie Spa pence ed a att fe gna ee yr ae an RT Tess 3 Tama [SS Theta or ec Feazan [fe pce psaratoa | Or rund fr 8 wag pros ech ewer tl, ER Wee |" Eat pcmere |" dani) andor oa fro Te ps al be mb een ato ‘ese atten eign np errs oh inate) 7 th rtd pig ere Keay [Rosier ota pinws AS es we one phim Fn twat ha iain Ci feo rmert ste nas 0) ales req engine deg, | haere ye sear snd ot etme om st mer rercor arsine a2 m (Rematonalorcchn rvs | wach teh egments tee breed aera by stan | SP (Geethorne union saeeip er st ebe Bo se thos “pees {oy Wed meat hw th tc ihe wel a ah al be ol © tefl ure witha fpcine 2 em in} om he mtr ace (ech naa ach ht sal be pry aca omer Tee hs ior rec (0 gente attr ergo tna 2: eae {aft ar cede tines epee oan ated edd cro eae (8) cc werconron pine renonan pec arlene ee ane ‘hema och mest yh ans) se be pms ee! (2) thing se once, hon, a von, st a he HAT ua he et Che ae mt 1) Red alt agh npr et a mon er a ge Faure eons We mean any maa deh dr hmm pvc he spn ‘epost el he ne 230) a Table GR-215-2 Charpy Impact Test Temperature Reduction [Seepore Ghani] or Gany impact | Rr Bei. ‘pecinen Wath Aegina | "haa haw 10 (ataar wana wee 25% derma) am a 17 (seb we 6 5 raae oy aye 31 (haba ap a3 25stoem com nas INERAL NOTE: Tesetemperatire rani ri op NOTE: (1 Saige nrg for temo vate (2) Minimum Energy Requirements Except for bolting materials the applicable minim enerdy re ‘urements for carbon andlow alloy sts wth specifed ‘inimum tne strengths an than 656 MPs (95s) Thal be these shown in Table GR-2L2-3, (2) Lateral Expansion Requremens.oxner carbon snd low ally steels having spectied minimum tensile Strengths equal to or greater than 656 MPa (95 bl) AN bolting materi and ll gh alloy stees (Pos. 6 4 and} shall have 3 lteral expansion opposite the notch frocless than 038mm (0.015 in) foralspecinen Specimen measures gn the compresion se, parallel {Othe lneconsiuring the baton ofthe V-nateh see STH A290). (3). Wel impoc et Requirements Where wo base imetalshavingiferent required impact energy values te Toe by wen the impact test energy requirements having » specified minimem tense srength most losely ating the speed minimum ene tenga the we! metal (3), Rete (6a). For Absorbed Energy Criteria, When the average value af the three specimens equals or faceeds the minimum value permitted fora single Toronespecen s below teria vile permite fora single specimen a retest of three addtional spec toons shall be made, The vale foreach of there retest Specimens shall equal oF exceed the reqlted average valve (2) Forlatera! Bpansion Caron thevalve of lateral expansion rane specimen ina gros oF tres teow 039 rm (0.025 in) bt not bon 0.25 mm (0.07 Inari theaveragevalue or tree specimens equals neve 0.39 mm (015 in) retest of three adds fneeed the specified minimum value of 038 mm (0015 in) the case of heat-treated materia, the Fequlfed values are not obtained in the retest oF ifthe ‘alues in the Initia test are below the minimum ‘lowed for reves, the materlal may be rehent tested nd retested Aer reheat treatment, sto thee spe ‘hens shallbe made For acceptance the lateral expnsion fed misiusnvae of 30 sn (0083 in), (Ce) ForbiraiTest sus. When anertatleresut \seausedbyadfectvespecimen otereisuncerainy the et procedure, a ets il be alowed GR-2.1.4 FluidService Requirements for Materials (4). Genera Regiments in pace R214 apply to presure containing pares They donc eppyto materials {sed for supports gaskes, packing. a bang (0) Specie Moteril Considerations — Meta. The folowing are some specie considerations tht should be evauste when selecting era metals in piping (1) trons — Cast Ductile, Maleble ond High Sieon (14300). Dut th lak of tig anda sent prone (2). Carbon Stee atl Low and Intermediate Aly sce Go) the possible conversion of carbides to graphite during long-time exposure ta temperstares hove 427°C (800°F} of carbon steels, plan nickel ‘ool, carton-manganess sl, manganore-venadiom Steel and arbon-ilcon see (C2) the possible conversion of carbides to tranhite during long-time exposare t temperstares Shove 460°C (67S°F) of earson-molydenum stel, ‘olun-vanaum ste! “Table GR-215-3 Minimum Requled Charpy V-Noteh Impact Values Tay beri speed tna, mbar pce soa “este Seng nae in i ee {ayant ty Stes aes oe pongetrsipemns wD rt st 97) heneertpeme BB et aig 6 Mt) feoptrtamemes > =e (sessing 7nd arn 3 pees aim 5) [Se ira 0221160) permite tere (2) Eye ears repens Fri pine thee eh be iy hr ft ata ‘pate id ott pecince, ome 394) (5) Foeingo taster eel er 6 32] ondunetelgreqoemes AST AS ma beep ring (6) the advantages of son -led carbon ste a) shouldbe avoided de to HE concerns (0.1% siteon minum) for cemperatures above 982°C (() should beaotdednserices wheretemate (p00) Fil can be susceptible to grin boundary aac {4 the possibilty of damage du to hydrogen (Et) nikal ndncbl belle contsning ‘aponire at eroted temperatures (sce APT RP) chromium when exposed small anes of sur {e) the possibly osultdation nthe presences temperatures above 316°C (600°) Iyrogen slide at elevated temperatures (2) nike base alloys containing ebromium at (3), High allay (Stiles) Stee. temperatures above 595°C (1.100%) under eduing, {} the posblity of atest corrosion cocking a condions sustentestanlesssteeeexposedtomediasichaschor- (3) minum and Aluminum Alleys des and other Rakes ether internally or externally the ‘Ea welding or ehermal cuts performed on Intercanresltfrom improper selacion orappicitonof alvininum castings, the stress ealues in thermal Insulation, or from ese of marking mks, panes, Mandatory Appendhs 1X and component ratings Usted label, tapes, adhesives, and other aecessory materials InTadel0-8 1 arenot aplesle tithe engineering fontaning chlorides o ther Ralides design’ responsiblity to establish such stresses and (cb) the sucepiliy to inferrantar corrosion rating consent with the requirements of Cade, sf mutica soos seated by cerare to (Cb) the compat th lumina of tread Temperatures between 427°C and 671-€ (B0OrF and compounds used tn sluminuin threaded joints to {L600"F:an example lsstrsseorroionrckingofsensl prevent seizing and galing ‘ideal ateoomtemperatre by paithonc ed (ee (Ee) the possibly af corrosion from concrete, ton of oxidirable sulfur compound, water, and ot); mortar lime, pester, or other allie materials used Stabiized or low carbon grades may provide improved In bldings or structures. Fesstanee (st NACE RPOI7OY. Ed) the suscepti of Alloy Nos. 5083, 5085, (e) the britlenes of ferric tiners sees at S154, and S456 to evflaton or intergranular aac room temperature air service a temperatures above and the upper temperature limit of 66° (50°F) srr (7007) Stowe in Monasory Appendix Xo aod su deterora- (A). eke! and Nike Base Alloys tion (0) Copper ond Copper Neys Eraaelaaisldetlaboe (Ca) the possibilty of dezinifieation of brass AnteSe Suaorpapmsceeeatd amped —BNOYS ‘rare neem htm and ere Ha £2) thesusceptilty to stress corrosion cracking TALE ROTM, aceon of hare Socios Sted her ofcopper taped alloys exposed co ads sch as ammonia hav nfo vane Sree ren cing C/coPetawed lays ep as

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