A Book of Coincidence - John Martineau PDF

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John Martineau

First published 1995
© John Martineau 1995
Retypeset 2021

Originally published by Wooden Books

The Walkmill, Cascob, Presteigne,
Powys, Wales LD8 2NT.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Martineau, John, 1967-
A Book of Coincidence
A CIP catalogue record for this book is
available from the British Library

ISBN 0 9525862 0 7

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A Book of

new perspectives on
an old chestnut


John Martineau

Man hath weav’d out a net
And this net throwne
Upon the Heavens
And now they are his owne.

Loth to goe up the hill

Or labour thus
To goe to heaven
We make heaven come to us.

from An Anatomie of the World

The First Anniversary, John Donne, 1611


Preface vii Earth and Saturn 33

Tropical Wonders 34
Foreword ix To Be or not to Be 35
Like a Football 36
Introduction xi
Earth Bubbles 37
The Planets: Earth Cubed 38
Views from Earth 39
The Twelve plus One 1 The Kiss of Venus 40
The Orbits 2 Points of View 41
The Sizes 3 The Hermetic Tradition 42
The Outer Realms 4 Saturn’s Stony Embrace 43
The Middle Realms 5 The Terrestrial Mirror 44
The Inner Realms 6 The Medieval World View 45
The View from Here 7 The Farming Year 46
Sowing and Reaping 47
Mercury: Heaven on Earth 48
Mercury’s Two Bodies 11
Mercury’s Three Halos 12 Mars:
An Hermetic Cross 13 Mars’ Fiery Aura 51
A Mercurial Fluke 14 Mars’ Iron Grip 52
A Dodecahedral Aura 15 The Crusade 53
Views from Mercury 16 The Chastity Belt 54
Mercury sees Seven Sisters 17 Fever and Healing 55
Messages of War 18 Views from Mars 56
Empires Rise and Fall 57
Venus: The Limits of War 58
Venus’ Eight Halos 21
Love on Earth 22 Ceres:
Marital Bliss 23 Lammas 61
War and Peace 24 Views from Ceres 62
The Love and the Corn 25 The Grim Reaper 63
Views from Venus 26 An Octave from Ceres 64
A Beautiful Harvest 27
A Coincidence 28

Earth: A Giant Squaredance 67

Jupiter and Saturn Reel 68
Earth and Her Moon 31 Stonehenge Proves the Point 69
Earth and Mercury 32 Big and Strange 70

The Large and Dreamy Nine 71 Views from Neptune 94
Jupiter and Pluto Breathe 72 The Realm of Pluto 95
Views from Jupiter 73 Views from Pluto 96
Beltane 74 Summary 97
Dualism 75
The Ocean 76 Appendices:
Crop Formation Silhouettes 101
Crop Circle Geometry 104
Easing of Restrictions 79 Stone Circle Geometry 106
A Perfect Octave 80 Astrology 108
Tetrahedral Space 81 Coincidence in Geometry 109
The UFO 82 Geometry of Regular Solids 110
Views from Saturn 83 Spherepoints & Coin Circles 112
The Three Heavies 84 Graphical database 113
Tables 118
Chiron, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto: Master Diagrams 124
The Harmony of the Spheres 126
Five tiny Fives 87
Views from Chiron 88 Bibliography 128
Phi in the Outer Planets 89
Views from Uranus 90 Index 129
The Communist’s Dream 91
Technological Revolution 92 Table of page numbers 132
Deep Change 93


To the Right Honourable

JOHN, 13th Earl of Haddington, &c. &c.

Right Honourable,

In a family that has been in all ages remarkably the friend of the muses, this book and the
patterns described herein could not have found a happier dedication. From my introduction
to Michael Glickman and the helpful visit from his friend, Haywood Hill, came my
application to continue this research at the Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture. Few
people ever have the chance to study under so excellent a teach as the Prince has chosen in
Professor Keith Critchlow and it is his perceptive overview which flavours every page of
this work. From two years of studying in London, this selection of my wanderings is the
result of the journey which your interest encouraged me into making.

After my early pentagonal discoveries concerning Mercury’s orbit, which so interested

both your Lordship and Professor Archie Roy, it soon transpired that all four inner planets
could be accurately positioned by five-fold geometry. Amongst other planetary research I
have also included findings which demonstrate that our distant ancestors employed most
important proportions in their mysterious circles of standing stone, a matter which I know
will be of great interest to you.

In our age, when motorways are built through holy hills and where the sacred science of
geometry is all but lost, it is to be hoped that the diagrams in this book encourage those
who study them to remember something of that aspiration which in former centuries seems
to have been more commonplace, and which is today a countenance most rare. For this
reason I have sought at all times to keep my words to a minimum and let the geometrical
speculations speak for themselves, so that they may spark some idea in the heart of the
reader which might otherwise be smothered by idle chatter.

May I additionally commend to your Lordship the following people for their help in this
work; my grandparents Tony and Kitty Ashton, my wife Rachel, and my friends Anthony
Brandt, Mike Hannis, Moff Betts, Chris Mansell and Ashely Manning.

Permit me the honour to profess myself

Your Lordship’s most humble servant,

John Martineau

“Although I was then still quite young and this publication
my first work on astronomy, nevertheless its success in the
following years proclaims with a loud voice that never before
has anyone published a more significant, happier, and in
view of its subject, worthier, first book. It would be mistaken
to regard it as a pure invention of my mind ... for as if a
heavenly oracle had dictated it to me, the published booklet
was in all its parts immediately recognised as excellent and
true throughout (as is the rule with obvious acts of God).”

Johannes Kepler


The most remarkable of books often come in unexpected form at unexpected times—yet
serve to exercise an immediate effect on the few and a lasting effect on the many. This small
volume with its compact evidence of an individual soul’s journey into the mysteries of the
cosmos—the traditional word used to describe our solar system—I believe to be just such
an example.

Heracleitus, the ancient Greek sage, once said that "Nature loves to hide" which on scrutiny
can mean that nature loves to hide the secrets of its governing principles and thereby presents
itself as both an awe-inspiring mystery of immense beauty and the primary stimulant to an
enquiring mind to penetrate this mystery.

John Martineau has been driven by the same sense of awe and conviction that we do indeed
live in a universe of beauty, order, harmony and significance as was Pythagoras, Plato,
Kepler and all the great philosophers. At a time of overriding cynicism, scepticism and
empty mechanical materialism this book has its own primary protector, the Queen of the
Arts—mathematics, to protect it from the accusation of personal fantasy or whim. The
standards of accuracy adopted for this study are nothing short of remarkable—I hope it
gets the open-minded response that it deserves.

Keith Critchlow

Solar systems, from Thomas Wright’s Original Theory of the Universe, 1711.


The remarkable fact proved in this book is that the bodies of the solar system and their
orbits are related to each other more or less precisely by a series of basic geometrical figures.
To perceive this fact one does not have to be a mathematician; it is clearly illustrated in
John Martineau’s diagrams. Anyone can understand these, and the harmonies which they
demonstrate among the planets are undeniably real. That is the data. What are we to make
of it.

That question has been constantly on my mind ever since 1972, when I was confronted
with the fact, illustrated here on page 31, that the mean diameter of the earth (7920 miles)
and that of the moon (2160 miles) relate to each other as 11 to 3; that the sum of their two
radii (3960 + 1080) is equal to 5040; that a circle of radius 5040 has a circumference (if π
is taken as 22/7) of 31680, and that 31680 is also the measure of the four sides of a square
containing the circle of the earth (4 x 7920 = 31680). This means that the earth and the
moon together demonstrate the ‘squared circle’ in the form of a square and a circle of equal

This is an interesting curiosity, and it becomes a great deal more interesting when its
numerical constitution is examined. The number 5040 is familiar to readers of Plato as the
chief symbol of the ideal city, modelled on the ‘pattern in the heavens’, which he describes
in the Laws. It is equal to the first seven numbers multiplied together (1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 ×
6 × 7 = 5040), and with 5040 as the radius of a circle, the quadrant of that circle is 7920,
or 8 × 9 × 10 × 11. Thus the first eleven numbers, representing the basic powers of creation,
are encoded in a diagram of the moon tangent to the earth.

From reference to it by Plato and other ancient authors, it appears that this diagram was
the central core of a formal cosmological plan which depicted the planetary orbits in
conformity with an overall geometric scheme. This demonstrated a rational Heavenly
Order, the product of a rationally-minded Creator.

The traditional image of a geometer-Creator who, in the words of the Apocrypha, “made all
things in measure, number and weight” does not go with the modern, scientific way of seeing
things. This does not mean that it is extinct. John Martineau’s discoveries will no doubt be
taken by religious creationists and fundamentalists as evidence for literal beliefs. They or
anyone else can make what they like of this data, for the discoverer gives no indication of
how he himself interprets it, and he does not even discuss implications. That is for the very
good, honest reason that he really does not know what to think. By admitting that, rather
than clinging on to some opinion, he has opened himself to revelations.

By calling this ‘A Book of Coincidence’ it avoids the question of meaning. Any one of
the planetary proportions illustrated in these diagrams could have occurred by random
chance, but as the examples accumulate, and the same series of common geometric ratios
are discovered within the planetary system, the influence of some organising principle

becomes apparent. It is glimpsed again on page 119, where Geddes’ Wonderful Symmetry
shows the almost perfect system of balance between the planetary orbits.

To call it an ‘organising principle’ is about as far as one can safely go. It is impossible to
be more specific without adopting some controversial form of belief or myth. One can
think of God the Creator, of a geometrical law in nature, on chance and necessity, but no
particular First Cause is clearly identifiable. The traditional view, expressed by Plato and
famously revived by Kepler, is of a universal geometry, based on the five regular solid figures,
which underlies every form and force field in nature, from the atomic to the astronomical
scale. This type of perception occurs in Rupert Sheldrake’s postulation of pre-existing
morphogenetic fields which impart their characteristic shapes to all the various products of
nature. It is indeed a mystical view, but for want of any more precise or scientific explanation,
it seems the only appropriate and available way of regarding the findings in this book.

My own views are somewhat prophetic. Old-established cultures and societies are giving
way all over the world, with nothing satisfactory to replace them. Human culture itself
can be seen as in decline, and there is a vacancy in many lives which modern mass-culture,
based on nothing more solid than moods and fashions, does not adequately fill. A vacancy
creates a desire, and it is the way of the world that a desire tends to attract its object. The
modern desire is for a stable, well-founded world-view as the basis for cultural renewal.
One of the signs that it is being answered is the work of John Martineau.

His illustrations of the principle of Order in the solar system imply that the same principle is
active in the mind that perceives it. This is a therapeutic work, and it is transformational. It
is a part of a current revelatory process in which minds and ways of thought are undergoing
radical change - spontaneously and in response to necessity. This book is a kind of portent.
It is useless to try and explain these discoveries, or even to look for ways of accommodating
them within the scientific world-view. The facts which are shown here illuminate a different,
older, more traditional view of things, in which the existence of a harmonious world-order
is accepted as a fact of nature, explicable only in terms of myth. In Plato’s Timaeus myth
the perfectly proportioned universe reflects the mind of its Creator. It provides the model
for the well-balanced human mind, and that is the main reason for studying it. It is that
‘pattern in the heavens’ which, said Plato, one can establish within oneself.

No wonder John Martineau is so excited by these discoveries. It is as if he has reopened

a window, long blocked up, to reveal a forgotten world of great beauty, appealing to the
mind and senses and more essentially real than the elaborately ugly abstract pictures of the
world as invented by modern cosmologists.

John Michell
26 April 1995

Mike Hannis, 1995.

The spirits which pull the strings
of invisible things
causing meetings and greetings
and synchronised bleatings
are not to be found
on the ground anywhere,
rather where there is an air
and a care for such things
do invisible wings
play our loves and our hates
place our reason at odds
with the sands of each day
and then urge us to say
that our fates lie in hands
of Gods.

The Moon’s Tropics on Earth, seen from either pole.

The Moon's Tropics on Earth, seen from either Pole


If you look for holes

Then it’s holes you’ll find
Look for gold O. C. Haynes

Most of the research in this book was completed at the Visual Islamic and Traditional
Arts Department of the Prince of Wales’ Institute of Architecture in London from 1993
to 1995. Each discovery is shown in the form of a standardised diagram. Generally, each
diagram is divided into two parts: at the top the orbits of the relevant planets are shown
in perspective as though the solar system is being viewed nearly side on; dimension lines
are then taken down from the relevant radii to produce the circles whose proportions are
solved geometrically in the lower part of the diagram. On some pages, where only mean
orbits are being compared, only mean orbits are shown. At other times maximum, mean
and minimum orbits are shown for each planet, the convention being that the maximum
and minimum orbits are shown in thinner line than the mean orbits.

The orbits of planets do change, as does the angle of the Earth’s tilt and even the diameter of
the moon - in the physical world change is the constant. The solutions shown in this work
are therefore not eternal and fixed; the geometric principles used to fix them, however, are.
In addition, the solar system is not flat, but the elliptical orbits of the planets are inclined to
the ecliptic. For the purposes of this work the orbits have been conceived of as being physical
over a great time so that they best approximate to a fat slice through a thick spherical shell.

The findings in this work have been selected by two criteria alone: simplicity and accuracy.
This book is not an attempt to systemise or theorise, it is not a work of modern astronomy,
astrology, mathematics or physics, it is simply, in the words of my tutor, a book of beautiful

There are in all likelihood many squillions of solar systems other than our own in our
universe, but the only one I happen to know anything about is our own. According to
current wisdom our solar system consists in some nine or ten planets and many thousands
of asteroids all circling our Sun; there are also a few moons orbiting some planets. Most of
these objects travel in the same direction in roughly the same plane around the Sun with
the innermost planets going round much faster than the outermost. The general profile
of the solar system, and indeed that of the galaxy in which our solar system is just small
part, is of a saucer.

Our solar system can be divided into two parts - the inner region and the outer region.
The inner region consists of the four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars; these
planets are all very small compared with the four massive outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune. Separating the two regions is the asteroid belt, which is a rough
band consisting of thousands of tiny orbiting rocks. One asteroid is considerably larger

than the others and is called Ceres. There is also a tiny planet, Pluto, beyond Neptune and
an ususual asteroid, called Chiron, between Saturn and Uranus. These are the primary
bodies of modern astrology.

The history of astronomy is divided, like the solar system, into two parts. Until the
seventeenth century it was generally taught that the Earth was at the centre of the revolving
spheres; from 1600 onwards it has been generally taught that the Sun is at the centre. From
our experience on Earth the first system places the centre "here" and speaks of seven visible
heavenly bodies moving around the Earth; the modern system places the centre "there"
and has six visible (and three invisible) planets orbiting the Sun. The Moon becomes a
mere satellite of the Earth in this system, no great player in the New Big Picture. We now
discuss heavenly bodies that no-one has actually ever seen except through glass and we talk
of "that" central position instead of "this" central position.

It could easily be argued that there has never before been a time on Earth when it has not
been the case that the eminent astronomers, philosophers, mathematicians, musicians,
artisans and rulers of the day have not worked together, even if only occasionally, to
construct a society in harmony with the cosmos. The ancient study of number, music,
geometry and the heavens (the quadrivium, or big four of the seven liberal arts) used to
form the backbone of a good education. We still have in place the seven days of the week,
named after the seven visible heavenly bodies and the seven notes of the scale. Geometry
refers the measuring of, or by, the Earth. The mile was set by the ancients so that the
moon has a radius 1,080 miles and the Earth 3,960 miles. The circle was divided into 360o
making 108o the internal angle of a pentagon (where 108 = 3 × 36). These numbers are
not arbitrary but function as crossroads or nodal points in numerical and canonical space.
1,080, for example has 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 27, 30, 36, 40, 45, 54, 60, 72 and
many other numbers as factors and 3,960 does much the same. What wisdom then must
lie on the brows of our new rulers who have dismissed the ancient canon of number and
measure and declared it illegal!

This work is one small part of what must be a larger and ongoing pursuit, namely an attempt
to place the modern cosmos, from its quasars to its quarks, under the microscope of the
traditional scientific disciplines. Pattern derives from pater, father, and, as anyone who has
gazed at an oak leaf, a snowflake, a flower or an eclipse can affirm, there is a single unified
pattern of number, space and form which is the same everywhere and, of course, this is
a coincidence. Whenever the hand of the Ordering Principle becomes apparent in the
discoveries of modern science, modern scientists declare it a coincidence. So, if coincidence
is the key to the door of the prison then an examination of coincidence cannot but prove
valuable. A good example of a coincidence occurs between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.
It is simply the fact that when we talk about Venus, or Mars, or Jupiter, we refer to them
as entities with names and yet when we talk about the Sun, the Moon or the Earth we use
the definite article "the". So, linguistically, we separate these three from the others and what
is then remarkable (a coincidence) is that from our point of view on the Earth the size of
the Sun appears the same as the size of the Moon, and, what is more, the Moon can move

to exactly cover the Sun during an eclipse. This is such a blindingly obvious coincidence
that it is often invisible - there is no physical reason for it, only metaphysical ones.

Coincidence is indeed a much undervalued phenomenon; in a mechanistic cosmos it is

actually without scientific value - and so the findings contained within these pages, which
may all be rightly termed coincidences, exist outside the experience of a science which has
abandoned its metaphysics. It is curious that the word "coincidence" means "happening
together" and yet today one generally hears a coincidence referred to as "only a coincidence"
- suggesting that things happening together are now merely side issues compared to things
which are isolated. In the ancient Greek pantheon coincidences were related to the figure
of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, and also to the three Fates; coincidences were taken
as an indication of the future, of the structures of the fates of the parties concerned.

Astrology was foremost amongst the ancient sciences which were supposed to concern
themselves with the structure of Fate; indeed the word astrology refers to "The Logic of the
Stars", whereas astronomy by contrast refers to "The Naming of the Stars". It is fundamental to
the understanding of astrology that, far from being a causal system, it is generally described
as a synchronistic, or coincidental model.

The Harmony of the Spheres is simply one expression of the idea that the created cosmos
itself may embody the same truths which become inwardly apparent through the study of
Geometry and Harmony. "Cosmos" means "adornment" - so the task in hand becomes the
comparison between the adornment and the adorned.

Thanks need to be said: To Emma Clark and Anthony Brandt for respectively checking my
prose and mathematics; to Wolfgang Schindler for his crop circle drawings on pages 101-
105; to Mike Hannis for his astrological notes, partially reproduced on page xiii. To Nick
Kollerstrom and Daniel Night-Wolf for their original work and constructive critcism; to
Steve Judd and Doris Gerbig for help with the symbols for Chiron, Uranus and Pluto; to
Ashley Manning for teaching me about astrolabes; to Toby Baldwin for his mathematical
help; to John Michell for his encouragement; to Jake Tilson, Richard Adams and John
McConnell for their individual advice on the production and look of the original book;
to Paul Marchant for innumerable geometrical diagrams; to my Grandparents Tony and
Kitty Ashton for not letting me stop at Mercury; to Michael Glickman for his confidence
in my method; to Nick Riley for his lunar inspiration; to Mark Mills for his calligraphic
renditions of the planetary symbols and for the Wooden Books logo, to my wife Rachel for
her loving support; and finally, to Professor Keith Critchlow for teaching me order in space.

J. S. M.
Primrose Hill, March 1995
and Presteigne, Powys 1998

The Planets

The Twelve plus One
The heavenly bodies and the signs used to represent them in this research

Sun Moon Earth

Mercury Venus Mars

Ceres Jupiter Saturn

Chiron Uranus Neptune Pluto

The signs for the traditional seven planets were constructed from the signs for Sun, Moon and Earth.
This precedent has been followed in the development of the signs for the additional five. The sign
for Ceres is standard, invented in the late nineteenth century, as is the sign for Neptune. The signs
for Uranus and Pluto have been reworked. Critics should remember that in most alchemical works
writers developed their own symbols for the elements, planets or chemical ingredients of their studies
- the fixation upon standardisation is a new development. The planets could be drawn as twelve
around the Earth, which is how they appear to us, or eleven around the Sun (without the Moon).

The Orbits
showing the mean orbits of the main heavenly bodies which orbit the Sun

Pluto 3674 mmiles Ceres 257.5 mmiles

Neptune 2794 mmiles Mars 141.6 mmiles
Uranus 1784 mmiles Earth 92.96 mmiles
Chiron 1273 mmiles Venus 67.24 mmiles
Saturn 886.7 mmiles Mercury 35.98 mmiles
Jupiter 483.6 mmiles Sun 0.433 mmiles

The mean orbits of the planets are shown to scale above. The mean orbit of a planet is the distance at
which it would orbit the Sun if it had a perfectly circular orbit. In fact all the planets move in ellipses.
It was Kepler who discovered that the square of a planet’s period of revolution around the Sun was in
direct proportion to the cube of the radius of its ideal orbit; he thus managed to determine the sun-
centred orbital radii of the planets for the first time. It was Kepler, too, who, having obtained the data
on the orbits, first looked for actual evidence of the ancient Pythagorean notion of the Harmony of
the Spheres. To embark on this quest all you actually need is the diagram above.

The Sizes
the physical sizes of the heavenly bodies are here shown

Sun 864950 miles

Mercury 3031 miles
Venus 7521 miles
Earth 7926 miles
Moon 2160 miles
Mars 4222 miles
Ceres 584 miles
Jupiter 89400 miles
Saturn 74900 miles
Chiron 136 miles
Uranus 31760 miles
Neptune 31400 miles
Pluto 1444 miles

The figures given above are for equatorial diameters. Most planets are nearly spherical but bulge
slightly at their equators. Ceres is substantially the largest of the thousands of asteroids in the
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Chiron is a newly discovered cometal/asteroid body much
hailed by astrologers and has been enlarged to make it visible (an alternative sign has also been used).
The Sun is naturally very large indeed. The Moon is not shown here or on the page facing because
it suffers particularly badly in the heliocentric system, becoming merely a large satellite of the third
planet. The Moon is, however, larger than Pluto, and over two thirds the size of Mercury.

The Outer Realms
showing the eccentricities of the orbits of all the planets

This diagram shows the orbits of eleven bodies around our Sun with the realm between each of their
maximum and minimum orbits shaded. The areas of empty space between planets are occasionally
visited by small asteroids and comets - these are not covered in this work. Pluto, the outermost
known planet, has a particularly eccentric orbit (the outermost shaded band), and actually enters
Neptune’s orbit. Chiron is very tiny and also has an extremely eccentric orbit, entering Uranus’ realm
as well as moving to a position inside Saturn’s innermost orbit.

The Middle Realms
showing the areas occupied by seven planets

The minimum, mean and maximum orbits of the planets up to Saturn, the outermost planet in the
ancient system, are shown above. Without Ceres, which was not discovered until 1801, there is an
uncomfortable gap between Mars and Jupiter both aesthetically and mathematically (see Bode’s Law
- Appendix 3.2, page 119). Jupiter and Saturn have very similar eccentricities but Mars’ and Mercury’s
orbits are the most eccentric of the medieval planets. This diagram shows seven bodies orbiting the
Sun - medieval cosmological schemes show seven bodies orbiting the Earth.

The View from the Sun
the view from the the Sun - the heliocentric orbits of the four inner planets

Aphelia (nearest to Sun) Perihelia (furthest from Sun)

Mercury 28.58 mmiles Mercury 43.38 mmiles
Venus 66.78 mmiles Venus 67.78 mmiles
Earth 91.40 mmiles Earth 94.51 mmiles
Mars 128.4 mmiles Mars 154.9 mmiles
Ceres 237.0 mmiles Ceres 277.3 mmiles
Jupiter 460.2 mmiles Jupiter 507.0 mmiles
Saturn 837.3 mmiles Saturn 936.1 mmiles
Chiron 794.1 mmiles Chiron 1757 mmiles
Uranus 1700 mmiles Uranus 1868 mmiles
Neptune 2770 mmiles Neptune 2818 mmiles
Pluto 2763 mmiles Pluto 4586 mmiles

"Heliocentric" mean "Sun-centred" and the orbits of the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, the
Earth and Mars, around the Sun are shown above. Because their orbits are not circular, but elliptical,
each planet defines a "realm" in which it lives and moves; these are shaded grey. Mercury, the smallest
inner planet, has the most eccentric orbit; Mars, the next smallest, has the next most eccentric orbit.
Venus and the Earth are of comparable physical size with the orbit of Venus being the most nearly
perfectly circular in the solar system.

The View from Here
the nearest and furthest approaches of the inner planets to and from Earth

Distance to Earth:
nearest furthest
Realm of: million miles

Mercury 48.02 137.9

Mars Venus 23.62 162.3
Mars 33.89 249.4
Venus Ceres 142.5 371.8
Jupiter 365.7 601.5
Mercury Saturn 742.8 1031

In the medieval period the Earth was thought of as being fixed in space with the heavenly bodies
dancing around it. The orbits of Mercury, Venus and Mars are quite complicated when seen from
here. Sometimes, when they are on the same side of the Sun as us, they come very close to the Earth,
and at other times, when they are behind the Sun, they are a relatively long way away from us. Venus
comes the closest to the Earth and its area of activity is shown as the darkest shade. The diagram may
need to be studied for a few minutes before it is understood; it is a series of circles which represent
Earth’s experience of her nearest neighbours. The circular path of the Sun is shown in dashed line.


Mercury’s Two Bodies
which shows how Mercury’s body and aura share the same proportions

0.308 oo 0.467 oo 0.252 oo

The Realm of Mercury is that region defined by Mercury’s elliptical orbit which lies between
Mercury’s outermost and innermost orbits. Two nested pentagons are here shown proportioning the
Realm of Mercury with 99.3% accuracy. Two additional nested pentagons define with 99.3% accuracy
the area of empty space outside Mercury’s physical realm which is terminated by the beginning of
the Realm of Venus. All four pentagons space the two planets’ relative innermost orbits with 99.9%
accuracy. Thus it can be shown that Mercury’s realm (its body) is proportioned in the same way as
the space surrounding it (its aura); which is interesting.

Mercury’s Three Halos
in which Venus’ orbit is determined from Mercury’s by just three circles

0.387 oo

0.723 oo

In this simple construction, a circle is drawn which represents Mercury’s mean solar orbit. Three
equal circles are drawn from this first circle with radii such that they just touch each other like three
coins. The circumcircle (containing circle) around these three touching circles then represents Venus’
mean heliocentric (sun-centred) orbit with an astonishing 99.9% accuracy. This is an easy solution
to remember and can be practised in restaurants or at home; it can also be discovered drawn up in
the tracery of many church windows. It is important to remember that Venus and Mercury swapped
positions in the order of things as a result of the shift to the heliocentric cosmos.

An Hermetic Cross
an accurate and simple construction for Earth and Mercury’s relative orbits

0.387 oo
(1) oo

A square is drawn around Mercury’s mean orbit, a circle is drawn around that square, and then a
second square is drawn to enclose this second circle. Finally, circles drawn from the points of the
outer square back to the points of the first square define an outer radius from the centre which can
be taken to represent Earth’s mean orbit with 99.9% accuracy. This construction, which will take a
six-year old around five minutes to complete with square and compass, is at once the most simple and
accurate way of geometrically proportioning Earth and Mercury.

A Mercurial Fluke
Mercury’s separation from Earth is seen to be related to its eccentricity

0.615 oo 0.613 oo

If an imaginary circle is drawn, between Earth and Mercury’s mean orbits, then this circle is,
wonderfully, 99.7% similar to Mercury’s innermost orbit. This permits students to construct Mercury’s
innermost (and then outermost) orbits with a good degree of accuracy and ease once Earth’s and
Mercury’s relative mean orbits have been determined. Some might interpret this as a good example
of scalar resonance, whereas others might see it as a typical kind of coincidence. Yet others might say
that the two were in fact the same thing. Mercury, or Hermes, traditionally ruled coincidence and was
widely held to be both male and female, triple-phallused and hermaphroditric (like snails).

A Dodecahedral Aura
which shows the nature of the space between Earth and Mercury

0.467 oo

0.983 oo

A spherepoint dodecahedron is shown above: twenty small touching spheres are arranged in a
dodecahedral configuration, with one at each vertex of a wireframe dodecahedron (shown in dashed
line). Two great spheres are of interest - the one which can fill the space inside the molecule, and the
larger sphere which contains the molecule. The ratio between the (former) insphere and the (latter)
circumsphere solves the realm of empty space between Earth and Mercury (where Venus is found) with
over 99.9% accuracy. The dodecahedron traditionally ruled the mysterious fifth element of ether and is
normally thought of as a solid made of twelve pentagonal faces (see Appendices 2.2 & 2.3, page 110-112).

Views from Mercury
showing how various planets appear to move when viewed from Mercury

Mercury : Venus Mercury : Earth

3∞ 5:2 3∞ 4:1

Mercury : Mars Mercury : Ceres

7∞ 8:1 18 ∞ 19 : 1

From Mercury both Venus and Earth divide the zodiac into a rough three by their retrograde
motions, whilst those of Mars create a division into seven. Imagine yourself (on Earth) looking
at the Sun, and imagine for a second that the Earth has stopped spinning (i.e. there is no day and
night) so you can see the stars behind the Sun. The Sun appears to move against the background of
stars while Mercury and Venus are whirling around the Sun as it moves slowly through the circle of
constellations of the zodiac. The number of petals ∞ and the harmony a : b are then shown.

Mercury sees Seven Sisters
which is Hermes experience of the comings and goings of Aphrodite

0.336 oo 0.774 oo

This diagram is to be understood from Mercury’s standpoint and allows Mercury’s and Venus’ relative
mean heliocentric orbits to be found. The diagram bears some contemplation and is 99.9% accurate.
In particular it was shown on page 12 that Mercury’s and Venus’ mean orbits are also solved by three
touching circles, suggesting a simple geometric relationship between threeness and sevenness. This is
further strengthened by the fact that all three companions of Mercury (Venus, Earth and Mars) divide
the zodiac into either three or seven parts when watched from Mercury - as shown on the facing page.

Messages of War
Mars at his nearest at farthest distances to and from Mercury

0.915 oo 2.133 oo

Two planets’ absolute theoretical maximum and minimum distances from each other are determined
by their elliptical orbits and are rarely actually achieved in practice. The diagram above shows Mars’
and Mercury’s extreme relative distances solved by four nested pentagons with 99.8% accuracy, or
by the fraction three sevenths with 99.9% accuracy. Points of view are interchangeable so Mars’
experience of Mercury’s extreme distances is identical to Mercury’s experience of Mars’.


Venus’ Eight Halos
eight touching circles define Earth’s Orbit from Venus’

0.723 oo

(1) oo

In the same way that three touching circles emanating from Mercury’s mean orbit produce Venus’
mean orbit, if eight touching circles are drawn from Venus’ mean orbit then the circumcircle
enclosing these eight circles defines Earth’s mean orbit with over 99.9% accuracy. Try building the
shapes out of coins using three modern ten pence pieces to show the Mercury-Venus proportion, and
eight one penny pieces for the Venus-Earth proportion; the centres of the circle of eight coins should
lie on a circle around the three ten penny coins. The Royal Mint sadly does not quite produce two
coins in the 6120:5040 ratio required but these are near enough for the human eye.

Love on Earth
another way of spacing Venus and Earth

0.723 oo
(1) oo

A circle is drawn which represents Venus’ mean orbit. A pentagram is constructed inside it and a
small circle placed through the arm-crossing points. The radius of this small circle divides the radius
of the larger into the golden section and can be used to space Venus’ orbit to Earth’s orbit, again with
99.9% accuracy. Although this is a little more complicated than the previous diagram it is included
here to show the ever present agreement between eight-fold and five-fold geometries (see Appendix
2.1 for more illumination on this deep matter).

Marital Bliss
the realm of Earth & Venus is taken as a single space with a simple geometry

0.718 oo
1.017 oo

Earth and Venus are so content together that it is their whole combined space which exhibits the
most simple harmony. Between Earth’s greatest distance from the Sun and Venus’ closest approach
lies the "realm" of the two planets, or their home. A single square proportions this region with 99.9%
accuracy. The square is a fitting shape to depict such an important proportion - it is anyway generally
associated with Earth, the City or the Home. Here it depicts the earthy nature of the relationship
between the only two female planets amongst the medieval seven.

War and Peace
which shows the relationship between our two neighbours, Venus and Mars

0.728 oo 0.718 oo
1.666 oo
1.382 oo

The belt of space between Venus and Mars into which neither of them venture is shown in the left-
hand diagram and can be proportioned by three nested pentagons with 99.6% accuracy. Venus’ orbit
is the most perfectly circular in the solar system and it is interesting to discover that when the home
of the two planets is considered as a whole, shown in the right-hand diagram, then this realm can be
proportioned with a familiar four pentagon arrangement with 99.3% accuracy. These accuracies are
not breathtaking, but the two diagrams taken together do illustrate how, in the case of the relationship
between Love and War, at least the space between them is of the same nature as their affair.

Views from Venus
Showing the motions of the planets from a Venusian standpoint

Mercury : Venus Venus : Earth

3∞ 4:1 5∞ 13 : 8

Venus : Mars Venus : Ceres

2∞ 3:1 13 ∞ 15 : 2

From Venus, Mercury spins around the slowly moving Sun to divide the zodiac into a three; this has
been seen before as Mercury’s view of Venus. Earth’s apparent motion defines a perfect and almost
stationary division of the ecliptic into five, which is to say that Earth appears to go retrograde in
almost exactly the same place in the zodiac every five retrogrades. Mars’ motion creates a beautiful
slowly rotating violin-shaped division into two, and Ceres retrograde cycles describe a near-perfect
thirteen. The beautiful five-fold view of Earth from Venus, which is the same as the view of Venus
from Earth, is easily remembered as the cross-section of an apple, and is shown enlarged on page iv.

A Beautiful Harvest
Venus and Ceres in Harmony

2.047 oo 3.493 oo

Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and Ceres, the Goddess of Fertility and Harvest, are here
shown at their mean orbits. The geometry unfolds from Venus’ point of view - she compares Ceres
in her near position against Ceres at her further position. Four touching circles are placed around
the circle of near Ceres to give a circumcircle which defines the distance of far Ceres with over 99.9%
accuracy. This is a pleasant solution to the orbits of these two planets - most living things in the natural
world are at their most beautiful when they are at their most fertile, and most planets orbiting a Sun
experience a fertility cycle of four seasons (resulting from their axis tilt with respect to their orbit).

A Lesson in Proportion
which is another way of looking at it

2.047 oo 1.447 oo

As an example of a bridge between the heliocentric and planet-centred schools of thought, this diagram
solves the proportion between Venus and Ceres in almost exactly the same way as the previous picture,
again with over 99.9% accuracy. Venus compares the distance between her own phoenix self, on the
other side of the Sun, with Ceres, opposing the Sun. These two distances are geometrically related by
a square. However, when the heliocentric orbits are also added (in dashed line), the Venus-centred
torus containing the square can be thought of as a hoola-hoop, spining around the body of Venus’
heliocentric orbit, and so marking out Ceres’ heliocentric orbit.

A Coincidence
Which shows Mars near and Mars far from moonstruck Venus

0.653 oo 2.394 oo

It just so happens that the extremes of Mars’ relationship with Venus, when Mars is at his nearest
possible approach to her and then his farthest possible distance from her, define two radii from
Venus’ point of view which are in the same 3:11 proportion as the size of the Moon is to the size of
the Earth (see page 31). This is 99.9% accurate. The same holds true for Venus’ comings and goings
as seen from Mars. It is worth bearing in mind that we, on Earth, are sandwiched between these two
- Love and Will. That the extremes of their relationship as they see it should be reflected in the very
proportions of the elements of our own domain is a coincidence which helps concentrate the mind.


Earth and Her Moon
John Michell’s famous construction

3 5 3 11
3 5 3
4 4 3

Earth has a mean diameter of 7,920 miles, the Moon 2,160 miles (radius 1,080 miles). Start by drawing
a horizontal line length 4. With compasses and ruler divide the line in half and then half the halves;
now a vertical length of 3 can be swung up and so a 3-4-5 triangle made. From here, progress as shown in
the top part of the diagram. Circles representing the Earth and the Moon can now be drawn with over
99.9% accuracy. The circle represents Heaven, the square represents Earth. With π as 22/7 a heavenly
circle passing through the centre of the Moon has a circumference of 44 - the same length as the
perimeter of the earthly square around Earth. Thus the Earth squares the circle of Moon.

Earth and Mercury
The Golden Section solves their relative orbits and their relative sizes

3963 miles
1516 miles

0.3870 oo
1.618 1
1 oo

A single pentagram, embodying the proportion known as the Golden Section, both spaces Earth and
Mercury’s mean solar orbits and sizes their relative physical bodies with 99% accuracy. Coincidences
between the proportions of two planets’ physical sizes and their mean orbits occur only twice in
the solar system, and, coincidentally, both involve Earth; they are between Earth and Mercury, and
between Earth and Saturn. Mercury and Saturn are, respectively, the innermost and outermost of the
medieval planets (which were all visible from Earth with the naked eye). For more information on
The Golden Section see Appendix 2.1 - the Golden Star.

Earth and Saturn
A thirty-pointed star defines both their relative orbits and their relative sizes

3963 miles

37449 miles
1 oo
9.539 oo

Generally, multi-pointed stars are not included in this research. However, in the case of Saturn and
Earth a thirty-pointed star defines both their relative mean orbits with 99.7% accuracy and their
relative equatorial diameters with 99% accuracy; thirty itself is the first number that can be divided
by 2, 3 and 5 and is therefore one of the more important produced numbers, while 12 (1x2x3x4) is
the most obvious and 60 (1x2x3x4x5) is another good example. Stonehenge’s outer trilithon circle is
divided into thirty precise divisions.

Tropical Wonders
The tilt of the Earth, which determines the tropics, is here deciphered.

Tropic of Capricorn
Tropic of Cancer

7926 miles

Tropic of Cancer
7900 miles


Tropic of Capricorn

The Earth’s axis, through the poles around which it spins to effect night and day, is tilted at 23.4o
from the plane of its own orbit around the Sun (or the "ecliptic"). The set of three rings shown above
(top diagram) was used as the base scale for medieval astrolabes and is generated by imagining oneself
to be standing at the South Pole and then seeing the tropics and the equator as they appear projected
on to the flat sheet of the equator. These three rings (centre diagram) are the basis of the traditional
flat projection of the Earth and, remarkably, they can be proportioned with 99.8% accuracy using the
familiar technique of nested pentagons (see also facing page). This diagram rewards study.

To Be or Not to Be
Which shows our own orbit in relation to that of Mars

(1) oo 0.524 oo

Our relationship with our red neighbour Mars is traditionally a stormy one, with wars and deeds of
aggression, fires and assertions of Will characterising the Martian archetype. Here, though, it can
be seen that a familiar geometric proportion spaces our relative orbits with 99.8% accuracy. It may
be recalled that this same proportion defined the realm of Mercury, the space between Mercury and
Venus and the very tilt of the Earth’s own axis which gives us the seasons. It would appear, therefore,
that principles of harmony also align themselves with Mars, an idea which is supported in the ancient
discipline and philosophy of the Martial Arts.

Like a Football
which would have pleased Plato

0.7233 oo
1.5237 oo

A dodecahedron made of touching spheres leaves an internal space which can be filled by another
sphere. A further sphere encloses the whole molecule. If the radius of the inner sphere is taken to
represent Venus’ orbit then that of the circumsphere matches Mars’ orbit with over 99.9% accuracy.
Plato hinted that the Earth in some way had a dodecahedral structure, and the dodecahedron was
associated with the fifth element of Ether. If Venus and Mars are thought of as being separated by an
etheric body (the sphere dodecahedron) then the only planet to whom that etheric body can belong
is Earth, whose physical orbit lies wholly in, and near the centre of, that etheric body.

Earth Bubbles
which would have thrilled Kepler

(1) oo 0.5237 oo

The dual of the dodecahedron is the icosahedron, and vice versa; this means that if you take lines
from the adjacent centres of the faces of one of these solids, then you get the other. Whereas in the
previous diagram the sphere dodecahedron only suggested that it was emanating from Earth’s orbit,
here a sphere icosahedron is actually built with the sphere-centres on the sphere of Earth’s mean
orbit. Remarkably, the radius of the sphere around the whole molecule then represents Mars’ mean
orbit with 99.9% accuracy. The icosahedron traditionally ruled the element of water, which in its
nature and quantity uniquely characterises and facilitates the existence of biological life on Earth.

Earth Cubed
a three-step system for spacing Earth and Jupiter

(1) oo
5.203 oo

The diagram above solves Earth’s and Jupiter’s relative mean orbits with 99.9% accuracy. The cube
and the octahedron are each others’ duals, which is to say that each defines the other from the centres
of its own faces. The proportion defined by the insphere:circumsphere ratio of either solid is identical
to the arm-crossing radius of a hexagram so an easier way of actually drawing the relative orbits is
to nest three hexagrams (shown reduced bottom right). Equally the solution could have been three
nested cubes, or three octahedra. The cube represents earth, the octahedron air and the hexagram the
geometric fusion of the two - sometimes called the Heart.

Views from Earth
showing the motions of six planets from our point of view on Earth

Mercury : Earth Venus : Earth

3∞ 4:1 5∞ 13 : 8

Earth : Mars Earth : Ceres

~7 ∞ ~15 : 8 18 ∞ 23 : 5

Earth : Jupiter Earth : Saturn

11 ∞ 12 : 1 57 ∞ 59 : 2

Although we imagine planets to be circling the Sun, they move in a complicated fashion around us on
Earth. A planet’s passage across the stars appears to occasionally go backwards or "retrograde" (when the
planet is at its closest to us) and then forwards extra-fast (when it is at its furthest from us). The passages
of six planets as viewed from Earth are shown above, their changing position in the zodiac plotted
against their distance from Earth. Mercury’s retrograde cycles divide the sky into a dynamic three, those
of Venus describe a perfect five (see page vi), Mars’ create a disharmonic seven or eight, those of Ceres a
perfect eighteen, Jupiter’s a dynamic eleven and Saturn’s motions make fifty-seven divisions.

The Kiss of Venus
Earth and Venus at their remotest and closest

0.255 oo 1.745 oo

Venus makes a complete orbit of the Sun every 225 days, as opposed to our 365. As we watch her from
Earth, she never strays farther than 46o from the Sun as it moves through the zodiac over a year. Both
planets have near circular orbits and Venus can close the space between her and us from a maximum
of 162.2 million miles to a minimum of 23.7 million miles and, remarkably, this proportion can be
solved by nesting two pentagrams with well over 99.9% accuracy. The proportion thus defined by
each planet’s experience of the other’s coming and going is equal to four compounded golden section
divisions. This is an important discovery.

The Fivefold Dance
of Venus and Earth

0.723 oo

0.255 oo 0.255 oo 1.745 oo (1) oo

1.745 oo

The diagram on this page shows what happens if you draw a line every day between the position of
Venus and the position of the Earth, as they orbit the Sun. This is a heliocentric version of the fivefold
rosette shown on page 39. It takes eight years for this picture to complete, in the same way it takes eight
years for the rosette on page 39 to be drawn. Over these eight years Earth, Venus and the Sun will have
lined up ten times, five times with Venus between Earth and the Sun, and five times with Sun between
Venus and the Earth. Also over these Eight Earth years, or thirteen Venus years, Venus spins on her own
axis exactly twelve times, timed so she always shows her same face at every kiss.

The Hermetic Tradition
a cosmological coincidence between a stone circle and two heavenly bodies

(1) oo

1.387 oo

The Sun goes around the Earth and Mercury goes around the Sun - that is how it seems to us on Earth.
Construct a circle to represent the path of the Sun (the inner dashed circle above), and, centred on it, draw
a smaller circle scaled to represent Mercury’s orbit (not shown above). A circle drawn from the centre
(Earth) which encloses Mercury’s circle is shown as the outer dashed circle above and can best be related
to the Sun circle by the geometry of the common type-B flattened stone circle - with over 99.9% accuracy.
Next time you visit such a circle stand in the geometric centre and imagine the stone nearest you to
represent the circle of the Sun. The farthest stones are then swept out by Hermes whirling around Helios.

Saturn’s Stony Embrace
which shows the other extreme of the ancient planets built into the same scheme

11.087 oo 7.991 oo

The type-B flattened stone circle here demonstrates Saturn’s relative nearest and farthest distances
from us. Possibly the finest stone circle of this shape is Long Meg Druids Circle in Cumbria; it is
around 4,000 years old, and if you ever get there try standing in the geometric centre and imagine
the nearest stones to you as Saturn’s nearest approach to Earth. The farthest stone in the circle then
represents Saturn’s farthest distance from Earth with over 99.9% accuracy. Saturn and Mercury are the
outermost and innermost of the traditional seven planets with Saturn ruling stone and Mercury ruling
coincidence. See Appendix 1.3 - Stone Circle Geometry for more of this kind of thing.

The Terrestrial Mirror
which is horribly complicated but thrilling once grasped

1.77 oo 0.613 oo
0.524 oo 0.277 oo

4.20 oo 0.613 oo

Top left, The Space between Three, shows Mars, Earth and Venus all lined up on one side of the Sun.
Three nested pentagons solve our two neighbours’ relative mean close approaches to us with 99.8%
accuracy. Moving away one planet in each direction we get to Ceres and Mercury; their relative close
distances are solved with 99.9% accuracy by nesting an appropriate five pentagons, shown in the top
right diagram, The Space between Five. There is no planet inside Mercury’s orbit, but if we move out
to Jupiter, in the bottom diagram, The Space between Six, then, familiarly, two nested pentagrams
solve Jupiter’s and Mercury’s relative positions with over 99.9% accuracy.

The Medieval World View
the space between seven

0.613 oo 8.539 oo

Saturn is the slowest and outermost planet of the traditional seven planets, Mercury is the quickest
and innermost. The centre of the medieval cosmos was, of course, Earth (the centre is "here"), later
swapping places with the Sun (the centre is "there"). In the diagram above, Mercury, Saturn and
Earth are all aligned on the same side of the Sun, continuing and ending the series of four diagrams
which began with The Space between Three (facing page). The solution is over 99.9% accurate and is
worth comparing with the diagram Mercury’s three Halos (page 12) where three touching circles also
emanated from Mercury’s mean orbit - albeit in a different way.

The Farming Year
an earthy solution for Ceres and Earth’s relative mean orbits

2 oo
3.77 oo

Earth here contemplates her own phoenix-self, reborn on the far side of the Sun, in relation to a
distant Ceres. Three nested pentagons define an incircle:circumcircle ratio which solves the orbits
with 99.8% accuracy. The fact that nested pentagons so often solve the required proportions with
such high degrees of accuracy can lend them more weight than they might at first appear to merit.
However, the fact that they sometimes work in odd numbers does render their closest competitors
useless - for instance the square inside the octagon matches two nested pentagons, and therefore is a
substitute for two or four pentagons, but cannot tackle three or five (see Appendix 2.1).

Sowing and Reaping
which shows Ceres at her closest and farthest positions from us

1.533 oo 4.000 oo

Ceres, Goddess of fertility and harvest, moves so that she is always between 1.533 and almost exactly 4 of
our own mean orbits away from us on Earth. This creates a proportion which can be solved with 99.8%
accuracy by an octagram - representing the seasonal division of the year into eight, or by a pentagram
(99.6%) - representing fertile life. Fivefold and eightfold geometries have much in common - see
Appendix 2.1: Near misses between five and eight. It is interesting that Venus, the only other Goddess of
the solar system (apart from Earth herself ), moves in such a way that her closest and farthest approaches
to and from Earth are related by two such pentagrams (see page 40 - The Kiss of Venus).

Heaven on Earth
some megalithic coincidences

Today, every year more people visit Stonehenge than were present on the face of the Earth at the
time it was constructed. The upper diagram shows John Michell’s geometric solution for the stone
circles (see also page 31 - Earth and Her Moon). Mars is included because, with the equilateral
triangle, it defines the thickness of the inner bluestone horseshoe. The lower diagram shows all four
inner planets superimposed on to Stonehenge and scaled so that the Earth fits to the outside of the
main trilithon circle. Venus then fits to the polished inner surface of the trilithon circle, Mars fits the
trilithon horseshoe and Mercury the inner bluestone horseshoe.


Mars’ Fiery Aura
which is a highly accurate way of spacing Mars and Ceres

1.524 oo

2.770 oo

If four spheres are placed together to form a spherepoint tetrahedron then a wireframe tetrahedron
can be drawn with one vertex at the centre of each sphere (shown in dotted line above). If the sphere
around the wireframe tetrahedron, through the centres of the four spherepoints, is taken to represent
Mars’ mean orbit, then the circumsphere around the whole molecule represents Ceres’ mean orbit
with 99.9% accuracy. The tetrahedron is the most simple regular polyhedron (three-dimensional
solid with faces) and is traditionally associated with the element of Fire, as is Mars. Thus Ceres may
be thought of as orbiting at the very edge of Mars’ flames.

Mars’ Iron Grip
from Earth to Mars

(1) oo 0.524 oo

The diagram above should really have found its home earlier (see page 35 - To Be or not to Be) but has
been placed here to accompany its neighbour. It is simultaneously the easiest to draw and the most
accurate solution for the relative orbits of Earth and Mars. The diameter of the small circle in the centre
of four touching coins is used as a spacer within the arrangement to find a new radius, one spacer less
than the original circumcircle. The accuracy is 99.9%. The geometry shown on this page is actually a
more developed version of the solution for Mars’ and Jupiter’s mean orbits, shown on the facing page.

The Crusade
from Mars to Jupiter

1.524 oo

5.203 oo

A circle is drawn to represent Jupiter’s orbit. Four touching circles drawn with centres on this circle
leave a space in the middle which can be taken to represent Mars’ mean orbit with over 99.9% accuracy.
An alternative and much neater way of drawing the two orbits is shown reduced above right. An
octagonal solution is also included reduced above left. Jupiter traditionally rules expansion and Mars
is characterised by acts of will. A combination of squares and circles generally indicates a combining of
Heaven and Earth. This diagram would therefore make an excellent emblem for a holy war.

The Chastity Belt
The area of space between and never touched by Mars and Ceres

1.666 oo
2.550 oo

The realms of keen Mars and fertile Ceres are shown here so that the empty space between them
can be observed. In fact this space is not really empty at all but partially filled, nearer Ceres than
Mars, with some 40,000 tiny chunks of rock - the asteroid belt. Nevertheless, Ceres is taken as
the representative of the asteroids and the geometry shown here solves the gap between Mars and
Ceres with 99.8% accuracy. The space between Mercury and Venus is solved in an identical manner
(Mercury’s Two Bodies - page 11).

The Limit of the Will
An eightfold solution for the relative orbits of Mars and Saturn

1.524 oo
1.666 1.666
oo oo 1.666 oo
9.539 oo
2.550 2.550
oo oo 2.550 oo

The diagram above shows three nested octagrams spacing Mars and Saturn’s mean orbits to 99.7%
accuracy. This may seem a fanciful solution, but has been included here due to the strong presence of
the octagram in the spacing of Jupiter and Saturn’s orbits (see Jupiter and Saturn Reel, page 68). We also
saw three nested hexagrams spacing Earth and Jupiter’s mean orbits (see Earth Cubed, page 38), so the
principle is already established. In traditional astrology Mars represents the Will of the pantheon, and
Saturn represents the limiting rules. Mars is also exalted in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn and Saturn.

Fever and Healing
Mars’ flames reach even to Chiron

1.524 oo
13.70 oo

Chiron, the healer, was discovered in 1977. Its orbit lies mainly between Saturn and Uranus, and its
strange brightening in 1988 hinted that it might be cometal, rather than an asteroid. Chiron’s median
orbit is almost exactly nine times Mars’ mean orbit, the accuracy is 99.9%. This solution is easily
depicted by a system of two nested tetrahedra. Plato, in the Timaeus, equates the tetrahedron with
the element of Fire and Mars is also traditionally ruled by this element. Tetrahedral emanations from
Mars have already been shown to proportion Mars and Ceres (see Mars’ fiery Aura - pg 51). Here they
illuminate the complicated and special relationship between the wounder and the healer.

Views from Mars
which gives a relatively good idea of what it might be like to be a Martian

Mercury : Mars Venus : Mars

7∞ 8:1 2∞ 3:1

Earth : Mars Mars : Ceres

~7 ∞ ~15 : 8 13 ∞ 22 : 9

Mars : Jupiter Mars : Saturn

16 ∞ 19 : 3 44 ∞ 47 : 3

From Mars, Mercury’s retrograde cycles divide the sky into seven; those of Venus make a beautiful
division into two; Earth’s apparent motion is disharmonic and creates a rough division into seven
or eight; Ceres’ retrograde cycles create a distinct division of the sky into thirteen; those of Jupiter
create a rotating five which tighten up into a more accurate division of sixteen and Saturn’s apparent
whirlings divide the zodiac into a perfect fourty-four.

Empires Rise and Fall
Mars sees his own wobble and Jupiter’s comings and goings as the same thing

3.679 oo 6.727 oo

1.666 oo
3.047 oo

A circle is placed inside a square and small circles are taken from the corners of the square to touch
the circle. A final circle encloses the whole figure. Above right, Mars, at his maximum distance from
the Sun, gazes past Helios to the position where he will be at his nearest approach to the Sun. The
suggested geometry ennables the relatively broad Realm of Mars to be constructed with over 99.9%
accuracy. In the diagram shown above left, which is a variation on The Crusade (page 53), Mars is seen
comparing Jupiter’s relative near and far mean positions. The solution is again over 99.9% accurate.


A memorable and accurate solution for the jump from Ceres to Jupiter

2.770 oo

5.203 oo

The diagram is easier to draw than it seems and solves the relative mean orbits of Ceres and
Jupiter with 99.8% accuracy. Octagons, unlike triangles, squares and hexagons, do not tessellate by
themselves and the standard method of placing octagons together is to construct squares on every
other side, as shown above. Lammas is of course the harvest equivalent of May Day; characterised by
corn dollies it lies halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. The traditional division
of the annual fertility cycle (ruled by the Corn Goddess, Ceres) into eight is preserved at Stonehenge
(see page 107) and is here amplified in another way.

Views from Ceres
or views of Ceres from a selection of planets

Mercury : Ceres Venus : Ceres

18 ∞ 19 : 1 13 ∞ 15 : 2

Earth : Ceres Mars : Ceres

18 ∞ 23 : 5 13 ∞ 22 : 9

Ceres : Jupiter Ceres : Saturn

30 ∞ 49 : 19 27 ∞ 32 : 5

Ceres is easily the largest asteroid out of some 40,000 in the asteroid belt; all of the others put
together make up only 1.5 times the mass of Ceres. Even so, she is still fairly small, about the size of
a circle around the British Isles centred on the Isle of Man. When seen from Ceres, Mercury goes
retrograde eighteen times throughout Ceres’ year, Venus’ retrograde cycles divide the heavens into
thirteen, those of Earth divide the zodiac into a perfect eighteen, and those of Mars, like those of
Venus, create thirteen distinct retrograde points; Jupiter’s cycles divide the ecliptic into thirty parts
and Saturn’s divide it into an accurate twenty-seven.

The Grim Reaper
an elementary relationship between the planets of life and death

6.769 oo 12.31 oo

If four balls are placed together to create a tetrahedron, then the imaginary sphere through their
centres (shown joined by dotted lines) relates to the sphere around the whole molecule by a ratio
which, with 99.9% accuracy, defines Saturn’s near and far positions from Ceres (using mean orbital
radii). The tetrahedron was traditionally associated with the element of fire and it may be said that
Saturn moves around between the crystalline body of Ceres and the tips of the flames which emanate
from her. The fire emanating from Ceres comes from Mars (see page 51 - Mars’ fiery Aura), who in
turn draws it from the Sun.

An Octave from Ceres
Uranus and Neptune display perfect harmony in opposition from Ceres

14.41 oo 32.83 oo

When Uranus and Ceres oppose Neptune then Ceres will see Neptune twice as far away as Uranus.
The viewpoint here is Ceres and the solution over 99.9% accurate for mean orbits. In Greek mythology
Uranus personified the sky and ruled the universe, as well fathering the Titans and Cyclopes with his
wife and mother Gaea. Urania, the Muse of astronomy, was often associated with Aphrodite, or Venus,
and is not to be confused with Uranus, unless of course the planet was wrongly sexed at its naming
by Bode in 1781. There is a distinct lack of feminity in the outer planets and it has been suggested by
astrologer Liz Greene that Pluto is actually better thought of as a feminine Moira/Kali archetype.


A Giant Squaredance
the two largest planets are beautifully spaced

5.203 oo

9.539 oo

The mean orbits of the two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, can be defined in relation to each
other with 99.7% accuracy by the delightful geometry shown above. The method of drawing this is
extremely simple. First draw a square by any method, then, having found the centre of the square,
draw a circle to fit inside it ( Jupiter’s orbit); next place the compasses on any corner of the square
and draw a circle back to touch the contained circle; lastly, draw a circle (Saturn’s orbit), centred in
the middle of the square, to enclose the last-drawn small circle.The diagram is closely related to the
solution for the relative orbits of Mercury and Earth (see An Hermetic Cross - page 13).

Jupiter and Saturn Reel
which shows the two biggest planets doing an eightsome

5.203 oo
9.539 oo

The proportion defined by the primary arm-crossing of an octagram is used thrice above. It defines
Jupiter and Saturn’s relative outer orbits with 99.9% accuracy, their relative mean orbits with 99.2%
accuracy and their relative minimum orbits with 98.5% accuracy. A more accurate solution for their
relative mean orbits is shown later. Jupiter and Saturn are the two biggest planets in the solar system
and since they are the two most distant planets which are visible with the naked eye they were the
outermost planetary spheres in the medieval cosmological system.

Stonehenge Proves the Point
which demonstrates a convincing precedent

Heel Stone



Station Stone


Aubrey Circle

An octagram star is drawn from the Heel (Sun) Stone, at the top of the diagram. This defines the
size of the Aubrey hole circle and the positions of two stones on two small mounds which lie on it.
Two more small stones (the Station Stones) also lie on the Aubrey circle, and the rectangle between
all four encloses Stonehenge proper. The solution for the two outermost defined radii at Stonehenge
(the Heel Stone and the Aubrey Circle) are thus related in the same way as the orbits of the two
outermost visible planets. A seven-pointed heptagram then defines the size of the Stonehenge sarsen
circle from the Heel Stone. And of course 7 × 8 = 56, the number of stones in the Aubrey circle.

Big and Strange
Jupter, Chiron and Uranus combined

The inner, mean and outer orbits of Jupiter are here shown proportioned from the inner, mean
and outer orbits of Uranus by placing a pentagram inside a square. This is the easiest way of solving
the given proportion and it does so with 99.7%, 99.6% and 99.4% accuracies respectively. Quite
by coincidence Chiron’s mean orbit (13.7 oo) sits almost exactly at the geometric transition point
- Jupiter’s mean orbit is defined from Chiron’s by a pentagram with 99.5% accuracy. None of these
accuracies are as good as many of those shown earlier, but the diagram easily proves its worth. The
difference is between one sixth and one ninth.

The Large and Dreamy Nine
which spaces the mean orbits of Jupiter and Neptune

5.203 oo
30.06 oo

For the sake of the record the easiest way of proportioning the mean orbits of Jupiter and Neptune
involves drawing a prickly nonagram and taking the circumcircle and incircle to represent the
two planets’ mean orbits. This is 99.7% accurate and is the only time that Nine features in this
research. Nine is predominantly three threes, and is thus a square number even though its character
is triangular. The importance of Nine is stressed in many tribal religions which often speak of
nine worlds. The division of a circle into two or four ninths also dominates the geometry of
Celtic jewellery. The Christian Trinity and the Welsh Triads are other examples of traditions of

Jupiter and Pluto Breathe
which is both exoteric and esoteric in its implications

4.951 oo
29.58 oo

5.455 oo
49.30 oo

When both Jupiter and Pluto are at their innermost orbits, then Jupiter’s distance from the Sun is
one sixth that of Pluto’s (shown by compounding a triangle and a tetrahedron top left); this is 99.6%
accurate and would be unimportant were it not for the coincidence that when both are at their
outermost orbits then Jupiter’s distance from the Sun is one ninth that of Pluto’s (shown by nesting two
tetrahedra bottom right) - this is 99.6% accurate. All that is happening between the two diagrams is that
a triangle is expanding into a tetrahedron and is then contracting back into a triangle.

Views from Jupiter
showing the apparent paths of planets from Jupiter’s perspective

Earth : Jupiter Mars : Jupiter

11 ∞ 12 : 1 16 ∞ 19 : 3

Ceres : Jupiter Jupiter : Saturn

30 ∞ 49 : 19 3∞ 5:2

Jupiter : Uranus Jupiter: Neptune

6∞ 7:1 13 ∞ 14 : 1

From Jupiter, Earth’s retrograde motions divide the Zodiac into eleven; Mars’ create a rotating five
which reharmonises at a division into sixteen; Ceres’ divide the ecliptic into a close thirty; Saturn
moves most elegantly, dividing the sky by its whirlings into three parts, so going retrograde in each of,
say, the fire signs, or the earth signs; Uranus’ retrograde cycles create a division into six and it therefore
appears to go retrograde in each of the male signs, or female signs, in turn (see Appendix 1.4 - page 108),
Neptune’s motions divide the zodiac into thirteen and Pluto’s divide the sky into twenty (see page 96).

tiny Ceres is held in place by gigantic Jupiter

7.973 oo
10.41 oo

Jupiter, the largest planet, here sees that his "phoenix" position, where he is born again on the other
side of the solar furnace, and the similar position of Ceres, the Corn Goddess, harmonise with
simple and great ease. This is a very simple proportion to construct, being the intersection of two
squares, one rotated 45o, and can be to used to draw Jupiter’s and Ceres’ mean orbits around the Sun
with 99.9% accuracy. This is really another version of the Lammas diagram on page 61 and yet again
emphasises the eightfold nature of the Abundant Harvest.

in which Jupiter notices how he is constrained by Saturn

10.41 oo
14.74 oo

This is probably the most elegant and simple way of proportioning the relative mean orbits of the
two largest planets. Jupiter is again contemplating his phoenix, looking across the Sun and this
time examining Saturn’s similar position. The proportion can be defined with 99.8% accuracy by
the square root of two - and is graphically shown above as a square. Jupiter rules expansion, Saturn
contraction. Between them they govern breath. Jupiter’s experience of Ceres (opposite), Saturn
(this page), Uranus (Big and Strange - page 70) and Neptune (overleaf ) are all, remarkably and
coincidentally, characterised by a square. Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek Zeus.

The Ocean
Jupiter watches Neptune’s high tide and low tide

24.86 oo 35.26 oo

A square defines the relative mean orbits of Jupiter and Neptune from Jupiter’s point of view with
99.7% accuracy - a delightful and memorable solution for the two planets’ orbits. If three touching
circles were placed inside the Neptune circle, instead of a square, then the circle through their centres
pinpoints Chiron’s mean orbit, on the far side of the Sun from Jupiter, with over 99.9% accuracy;
this is not shown but the keen reader can draw it up without much difficulty. Chiron’s function as a
mediator between geometries was also shown in Big and Strange on page 70.


Easing of Restrictions
Showing a simple way to proportion the mean orbits of Saturn and Chiron

9.539 oo
13.70 oo

Seven touching circles emanate from a circle and then a further circle is drawn enclosing them. If the
circle on which the seven circles sit represents Saturn’s mean heliocentric orbit then the circumcircle
enclosing the whole design represents Chiron’s mean orbit with 99.9% accuracy. Thus Chiron, the
healer, may be thought of as embodying Saturn’s sevenfold aura - which might be of interest to
astrologers. This proportion was also used to relate Venus’ orbit to Mercury’s in Mercury sees Seven
Sisters on page 17. See the index entry Touching circles (page 129) for a full list of these findings.

A Perfect Octave
In which Saturn and Uranus are shown in perfect harmony

If equilateral triangles are drawn from the circles of Uranus’ outer, mean and inner orbits, then their
incircles define Saturn’s outer, mean and inner orbits with 99.7%, 99.5% and only 99% accuracies
respectively. Thus there is a general correlation which is acceptable to the eye and amusing to the
mind. It is interesting to consider that, with the discovery of Uranus, the ancient symbolism of
the seven planets became detached from man’s intellectual understanding of the solar system - this
qualitative difference is seen expressed here as Uranus’ whole octave spacing from the furthest limit
of the medieval planetary system.

Tetrahedral Space
Showing a fiery void between Saturn and Uranus

69.7 mkm
206.6 million km

Four spheres are placed together to form a tetrahedron. The proportion between the sphere containing
the whole molecule (the circumsphere) and the sphere through the centres of the four spheres represents
the space between Saturn’s outermost orbit and Uranus’ innermost orbit with over 99.9% accuracy. The
same proportion can be used to relate the mean orbits of Mars and Ceres (See Mars’ fiery Aura - page 51)
and is also useful in understanding the relative mean orbits of Ceres and Saturn (See The Grim Reaper
- page 63). The tetrahedron is the most simple three-dimensional solid apart from a sphere, and the
triangle (facing page) is the most simple two dimensional object after the circle.

in which Saturn occupies a cell of Neptune’s beehive

9.539 oo
30.06 oo

Saturn, who is generally associated with things concrete, is here spaced from Neptune, whose domain
is largely the watery realms of the unconscious, by a novel method. Three coins are placed together
in a triangular configuration, the size of a coin being taken as Saturn’s mean orbit. If a line triangle
is then drawn so that it contains the triangle of coins then the circumcircle of the line triangle
represents, with 99.9% accuracy, the size of Neptune’s mean orbit. Thus the mercurial interface
between the physical and the unconscious is neatly and accurately solved. An alternative, equally
accurate solution is shown on page 127.

Views from Saturn
which shows the movement of planets as seen from Saturn

Ceres: Saturn Jupiter: Saturn

27 ∞ 32 : 5 3∞ 5:2

Saturn : Uranus Saturn : Neptune

13 ∞ 20 : 7 23 ∞ 28 : 5

From Saturn, Ceres goes retrograde roughly five times per cycle, resolving into a better division into
twenty-seven. Jupiter describes a beautiful pattern which divides the sky into three parts. Uranus is
less harmonic, creating a rougher division of thirteen by its retrograde motions. Neptune’s passage
through the zodiac accurately divides the circle into twenty-three parts and Pluto, not shown, moves
to create thirty-seven divisions.

The Three Heavies
Mars, Saturn and Pluto in a line

29.9 oo 8.01 oo

There are three planets who are believed to bring trouble, Pluto, Saturn and Mars. The middle of
these, and traditionally the most difficult, is Saturn. When all three planets are lined up on the
same side of the Sun, then the relative distances of Mars and Pluto from Saturn can be solved by the
method shown above with over 99.9% accuracy. This solution would be fairly esoteric were it not
for the fact that the arrangement of three equal circles, each passing through the others’ centres, is a
primary diagram which anyone who has a pair of compasses will have probably drawn. It is second
only to the vesica, where two equal circles are drawn so that each passes through the other’s centre.

Chiron, Uranus,
Neptune & Pluto

Five tiny Fives
showing the proportion between Chiron and Pluto

13.70 oo
39.44 oo

The four outer bodies are especially interesting because, unlike all the other heavenly bodies, mankind
has never, at any time in known history, imagined them orbiting the Earth (they were all discovered
after the Copernican revolution, which suddenly placed the Sun at the centre of the cosmos). Pluto
and Chiron are two of the smallest objects considered in this research and both were only discovered
quite recently. Both have highly eccentric orbits. Both are highly harmonic with their neighbours. Their
relative mean orbits can be proportioned by nesting five pentagons with 99.8% accuracy.

Views from Chiron
which shows the movement of planets as seen from Chiron

Mars : Chiron Ceres : Chiron

26 ∞ 27 : 1 10 ∞ 9:1

Saturn : Chiron Chiron : Uranus

18 ∞ 42 : 25 2∞ 5:3

Chiron : Neptune Chiron: Uranus

9∞ 13 : 4 4∞ 5:1

From Chiron, whose innermost orbit is inside Saturn’s and whose outermost orbit is within the
realm of Uranus, Mars appears to go retrograde twenty-six times each Chironian year; Ceres’ passage
through the zodiac accurately divides the zodiac into ten parts; the path of Saturn describes a
beautiful web of eighteen-fold symmetry; Uranus’ retrograde cycles and fluctuating distance create
the squid-like shape shown above; Neptune’s cycles divide the sky into nine parts and Pluto’s describe
a rotating four-fold geometry.

Phi in the Outer Planets
in which the golden section is extended from Pluto’s extreme orbits

The shaded rectangles above are golden section rectangles. The golden section divides a line in such a
way that the ratio of the length of the lesser part to the length of the greater part is the same as the ratio
of the length of the greater part to the whole length. It is way of creating a division and yet preserving
the relationship of the parts to the whole. Here Pluto’s and Neptune’s outer orbits form a golden section
ratio with 99.5% accuracy, and Pluto’s and Uranus’ inner orbits form the golden section with over 99.9%
accuracy. In addition, Pluto’s and Chiron’s outer orbits are in a proportion which is 99.7% similar to the
golden section nested twice - given by the arm-crossing of a pentagram (this is not shown).

Views from Uranus
which shows how the planets appear to move from the Uranian viewpoint

Jupiter : Uranus Saturn : Uranus

6∞ 7:1 13 ∞ 20 : 7

Uranus : Neptune Uranus : Pluto

1∞ 2:1 2∞ 3:1

From Uranus, Jupiter describes a beautiful pattern which divides the sky into six parts. Saturn is
disharmonic, creating only a rough division into thirteen parts. Neptune plays an near octave with
Uranus, 2:1, moving exquisitely through the Zodiac and going retrograde only once in each cycle in
nearly the same place. Pluto plays an octave and a fifth against Uranus, 3:1, creating two loops which
divide the zodiacal circle in half.

The Communist’s Dream
a simple and accurate solution for the mean orbits of Uranus and Neptune

19.18 oo

30.06 oo

A tetrahedron is placed inside the sphere of Neptune’s mean orbit. Next the corners are cut off the
tetrahedron in such a way that the faces become regular hexagons and the points become equilateral
triangles. The new solid, the Truncated Tetrahedron, is one of the thirteen Archimedian Solids
(see Appendix 2.2 - page 110) and the sphere containing it here represents Uranus’ mean orbit with
over 99.9% accuracy. Uranus is characterised by eccentricity, in the English sense of the word, and
community. Neptune is the planet which rules the Sea, the unconscious, and dreams.

Technological Revolution
Uranus takes a good look at Pluto

20.25 oo 38.36 oo

The diagram above shows Uranus’ nearest and farthest mean positions to and from Pluto, as
observed from Uranus. The technique of placing ten touching circles in a circle creates an incircle and
a circumcircle whose relative radii solve the shown planetary orbits with over 99.9% accuracy. Ten
circles in a circle not only enable Uranus’ and Pluto’s relative mean orbits to be determined but also,
coincidentally, proportion Neptune and Pluto’s mean orbits, which is shown opposite.

Deep Change
which shows an accurate way of spacing the two outermost planets

30.06 oo
39.44 oo

Ten coins are placed on a table in a circular configuration, with each coin touching its neighbour.
If a circle drawn through the centres of the coins represents Neptune’s mean orbit, then the circle
containing all ten coins can be said to represent Pluto’s mean orbit, with 99.8% accuracy. In the
system used in this research Neptune is the tenth planet. Ten is also the number of the polygon which
first generates the golden section as a concentric radius (see Appendix 2.1 - Coincidence in Geometry,
The Golden Star). An easier way of actually drawing the two orbits is given on page 127.

Views from Neptune
which shows the beautiful patterns described by Neptune’s neighbours

Jupiter : Uranus Saturn : Uranus

6∞ 7:1 13 ∞ 20 : 7

Uranus : Neptune Uranus : Pluto

1∞ 2:1 2∞ 3:1

From Neptune, Jupiter goes retrograde thirteen times in a circle and Saturn, by a more complicated
path divides the circle into twenty-three parts. Uranus describes a beautiful, slowly rotating heart-
shape around Neptune, and Pluto, who actually comes closer to the Sun than Neptune ever does,
describes the apparent shape shown bottom right.

The Realm of Pluto
which shows a simple harmonic at the edge of the solar system

29.58 oo 49.30 oo

Pluto’s innermost and outermost orbits form a ratio of 3:5, musically the major sixth. This is over
99.9% accurate and one way of presenting this diagrammatically is shown above. Other musical
ratios derived from mean orbits include: Mercury and Venus make the musical seventh 8:15 (99.7%);
Venus & Earth make the diminished sixth 18:25 (99.5%); Mars and Ceres make the augmented sixth
5:9 (99%). Mars and Chiron make 1:9 (99.8%); Ceres and Jupiter make the musical seventh (99.8%);
Saturn and Uranus make the octave 1:2 (99.5%). There are many more.

Views from Pluto
showing the paths descibed by a few planets from the Plutonian point of view

Jupiter : Pluto Saturn : Pluto

20 ∞ 21 : 1 37 ∞ 42 : 5

Uranus : Pluto Neptune : Pluto

2∞ 3:1 1∞ 3:2

From Pluto, Jupiter goes retrograde twenty times before returning to the same place in the zodiac
and Saturn, by a more complicated path, divides the circle into thirty-seven parts. Uranus describes a
violin shape, and thus divides the zodiac into an unequal two. The wonderful path of Neptune, which
penetrates Pluto’s orbit (Neptune and Pluto could theoretically collide), is shown bottom right.

The life of a good story is killed, more often than not, by its dissection. Therefore, since it is
often said that the harmonies above us are reflected by harmonies below, and most of this
book is concerned with the realms above, here is a short story from the realms below:

nce upon a time a shepherd-boy had gone up a mountain. That day, like many a
day before and after, was exceedingly misty. Now, though he was well-acquainted
with the place, he lost his way, and walked backwards and forwards for many a
long hour. At last he got into a low rushy spot, where he saw before him many circular rings.
He at once recalled the place, and began to fear the worst. He had heard, many hundreds
of times, of the bitter experiences in those rings of many a shepherd who had happened to
chance on the dancing place or the circles of the Fair Family. He hastened away as fast as ever
he could, lest he should be ruined like the rest; but, though he exerted himself to the point
of perspiring and losing his breath, there he was, and there he continued to be, a long time.
At last he was met by a little fat old man, with merry blue eyes, who asked him what
he was doing. He answered that he was trying to find his way homewards.
“Oh”, said he, “come after me, and do not utter a word until I bid thee.”
This the shepherd-boy did, following him on and on until they came to an oval
stone; and the little old fat man lifted it, after tapping the middle of it three times with his
walking-stick. There was a narrow path with stairs to be seen here and there; and a sort of
whitish light, inclining grey to blue, was to be seen radiating from the stones.
“Follow me fearlessly,” said the fat man; “no harm will be done thee.”
So on the poor youth went, as reluctantly as a dog to be hanged. But presently a fine,
wooded, fertile country spread itself out before them, with well-arranged mansions dotting
it over, while every kind of apparent magnificence met the eye and seemed to smile in its
landscape; the bright waters of its rivers meandered in twisted streams, and its hills were
covered with the luxuriant verdure of their grassy growth, and the mountains with a glossy
fleece of smooth pasture.
By the time they had reached the stout gentleman’s mansion, the young man’s senses
had been bewildered by the sweet cadence of the music which the birds poured forth from
the groves; then there was gold there to dazzle his eyes, and silver flashing on his sight. He
saw there all kinds of musical instruments and all sorts of things for playing; but he could
discern no inhabitant in the whole place; and, when he sat down to eat, the dishes on the
table came to their places of themselves, and disappeared when one had done with them.
This puzzled him beyond measure; moreover, he heard people talking together around him,
but for the life of him could see no one but his old friend.
At length the fat man said to him: “Thou canst now talk as much as it may please
thee;” but, when he attempted to move his tongue it would no more stir than if it had been
a lump of ice, which greatly frightened him. At this point, a fine old lady, with health and
benevolence beaming in her face, came to them and slightly smiled at the shepherd; the
mother was followed by her three daughters, who were remarkably beautiful. They gazed with
somewhat playful looks at him, and at length began to talk to him; but his tongue would
not wag. Then one of the girls came to him, and, playing with his yellow and curly locks,

gave him a smart kiss on his ruddy lips. This loosened the string that bound his tongue, and
he began to talk freely and eloquently.
There he was, under the charm of that kiss, in the bliss of happiness; and there he
remained a year and a day without knowing that he had passed more than a day among them;
for he had got into a country where there was no reckoning of time.
But by and by he began to feel somewhat of a longing to visit his old home, and
asked the stout old man if he might go.
“Stay a little yet,” said he, “and thou shalt go for a while.”
That passed: he stayed on; but Olwen, for that was the name of the damsel that had
kissed him, was very unwilling that he should depart. She looked sad every time he talked
of going away; nor was he himself without feeling a sort of cold thrill passing through him
at the thought of leaving her. On condition, however, of returning, he obtained leave to go,
provided with plenty of gold and silver, of trinkets and gems.
When he reached home, nobody knew who he was; it had been the belief that he
had been killed by another shepherd, who found it necessary to betake himself hastily far
away to America, lest he should be hanged without delay.
But here is Einion the shepherd-boy at home, and everybody wonders to see that he
has got to look like a wealthy man: his manners, his dress, his language, and the treasure he
had with him, all conspired to give him the air of a gentleman. He went back one Thursday
night, the first of the moon that month, as suddenly as he had left the first time, and nobody
knew whither.
There was great joy in the country below when Einion returned thither, and nobody
was more rejoiced at it than Olwen, his beloved. The two were right impatient to get married;
but it was necessary to do that quietly, for the Family below hated nothing more than fuss
and noise; so, in a sort of half secret fashion, they were wedded. Einion was very desirous
to go once more among his own people, accompanied, to be sure, by his wife. After he had
been long entreating the old man for leave, they set out on two white ponies, that were, in
fact, more like snow than anything else in point of colour.
So, he arrived with his consort in his old home, and it was the opinion of all that
Einion’s wife was the handsomest person they had anywhere seen. Whilst at home, a son
was born to them, to whom they gave the name of Taliesin.
Einion was now in the enjoyment of high repute, and his wife received proper respect.
Their wealth was immense, and soon they acquired a large estate; but it was not long till
people began to inquire after the pedigree of Einion’s wife - the country was of the opinion
that it was not the right thing to be without a pedigree. Einion was questioned about it,
without his giving any satisfactory answer, and it was concluded that she was one of the Fair
“Certainly,” replied Einion, “there can be no doubt that she comes from a very fair
family; for she has two sisters who are as fair as she, and, if you saw them together, you would
admit that name to be a capital one.”
This, then, is the reason why the remarkable family in the land of Charm and
Phantasy are called the Fair Family.
from Y Cymmrodor Vol. 5, Part 1. 1882.
From a story told by Glasynys in Cymru Fu
translated into English by Prof. John Rhys.


1.1 Silhouettes of Crop Circles

1.2 Crop Circle Geometry
There are sporadic reports of crop circles from
the 1920’s and a few which date back to the 17th
century. Their numbers, complexity and size
increased through the 1980’s and peaked in 1990
with around 1,000 formations - some over 300
feet in length - reported in the British Isles alone
and reports of similar designs appearing in fields
all over the world. Crop formations generally
appear at night in cereal fields near neolithic sites,
and there is often an associated sighting of one or
more strange lights. The crop is usually laid flat to
the ground and tightly swirled.

The phenomenon must constitute one of the finest bodies of landscape art in the history of the
genre. The three previous pages of silhouette drawings were compiled for this book by Wolfgang
Schindler. It should be remembered that many of the crop formations shown were enormous in the
field and the experience of walking around one or seeing it in its landscape cannot be substituted.
The work in hand grew out of research into the geometry of crop circles and stone circles.

Edge Alignments
An edge alignment is a straight line drawn so that it just touches
three or more circles. Many cerealogical edge alignments run
N North-South or East-West (in which case only two circles are
needed for their discovery). The 1990 Exton crop circle (shown
left, shaded black) was accurately surveyed by Andrews & Delgado.
The dotted lines, running NE-SW and NW-SE are the edge
alignments. The grey circles are shown as an aid to construction and
exist as imaginary circles placed
in a northerly-aligned square grid.
Crop formations are often found
pointing so the extension of their
axis tangents a physical feature;
Silbury Hill has often been
picked out in this way. The idea of
straight lines in tangent to defined
objects was first noticed by Alfred
Watkins in his theory of Ley Lines.

Harmonic and Geometric Spacing

The distances between circles and rings in a crop formation are often whole number multiples
of circle radii. In the case of rings or arcs the centre line is the radius which tends to work best.
Geometry also play a part. In the 1991 Alton Barnes crop formation below, both systems are
beautifully intergrated.

Sample Case Studies

This formation was over 300 feet in length and appeared near Marlborough in the summer of 1991.
The diagram on the left shows two northerly edge alignments sizing the ‘body’ from the small ending
circles. The next diagram shows centre-edge alignments, which are as common as edge alignments
but rarely NS or EW - here the body is eclipsing the rings from the small circles. The third diagram
shows radius spacing using the radius to the centreline of the ring and the last diagram explains the
thickness of the rings at each end using a polygon harmonic.

Polygon harmonics are the basis of the solar system

research in this book and a good education in their
essence can be obtained from the crop formation
shown four times to the right. It appeared at Upton
Scudamore, near Warminster in 1987 and was accurately
surveyed. One of the ‘satellite’ circles was swirled in the
opposite direction to all the other circles. The design
is one of the neatest possible ways of teaching the
relationship between threeness, fourness, fiveness and
eightness. The farmer on whose land it appeared said
he remembered similar designs appearing in the same
field in his father’s day. The idea of five similar elements
with one slightly different is intrinsic to the common
experience of humanity (four fingers and a thumb, four
limbs and a head).

Shown below is the 1991 Alton Priors crop formation, displaying the way the design uses harmonics and
tangents. This and other formations appeared in 1991 at different locations beside the ancient Ridgeway
track as it crosses Wiltshire. This trackway forms part of the "Michael Line" - a ley line aligned to the
May-Day sunrise which passes through St. Michaels’ Mount in Cornwall, Glastonbury Tor, Avebury
Stone Circles, Royston Cave and Bury St. Edmunds Abbey.

1.3 Stone Circle Geometry
There are some 2,500 stone circles in the British Isles, built between 4,000bc and 500bc. In the 1960s
Professor Alexander Thom, having accurately surveyed hundreds of stone circles, announced that,
far from being circular,many of these constructions of our distant ancestors were instead geometric
flattened circles, egg-shaped rings and ellipses. Furthermore, he suggested, an abundance of clear
astronomical alignments at these ancient places indicated that their function, amongst other things,
must have been one of attunement to the rhythms of the ever-changing rising and setting points of the
Sun, Moon and stars. The type-A and type-B flattened stone circle geometries are shown below.

Type A flattened Stone Circle Candlemass

rising Sun
Castle Rigg, Keswick, Cumbria N

setting Sun

Castle Rigg stone circle is arguably one of the finest in the country; set on a natural rise surrounded by
mountains, the geometry inside the circle extends to the arrangement of the peaks of the hills around.
The type-A geometry is harmonised with the arrangement of the heavenly standstill points from that
place on Earth. If you stand in the centre of a type-A flattened stone circle, then the distance of the
stone nearest to you (at the centre of the flattened section) compares to the distance of the stones
farthest from you (more than half of the circle), by a proportion which, with 99.5% accuracy, is equal to
the planet Uranus’ nearest and farthest relative distances from Earth.

Type B flattened Stone Circle

Long Meg and her Daughters, Cumbria

(Method for
of pentagon) (Midwinter Sunset)

Long Meg Druid’s circle is the largest type-B stone circle in Great Britain. The nearest and farthest
stones from the vesica centre perform a Mercurial function (see The Hermetic Tradition), also describe
Saturn’s nearest:farthest distances from Earth (see And Saturn’s stony Embrace), and define Venus’ and
Earth’s relative mean heliocentric orbits with 99.7% accuracy; so if the Sun is imagined in the centre of
the circle and the nearest stone is Venus’ orbit, then the further semicircle is Earth’s orbit.

Stanton Drew Stone Circles
Just south of Bristol

The stone circles of Stanton Drew have, unusually, four distinct elements in close proximity.
Elementary principles of landscape geometry (outlined in the section on crop circles) are here found
to apply to stone circles. In the diagram on the left a northerly edge alignment and a triangular
perimeter-centre spacing method are shown. In the diagram to the right an octagram determines
the size of the ‘Moon’ circle from the ‘Sun’ circle while unifying the major edge alignment and the
centres alignment (both dotted).

Just south of Bristol
Stonehenge is the most visited
tourist attraction in Europe. Equinoxe
Its age, position, aesthetic
quality and possible function
all conspire to make it one
of the greatest symbols Summer
of the day. Northernmost

Shown right a diagram
similar to Stonehenge
Proves the Point, but Equinoxe South
here the obvious eightfold geometry
has been related to the astronomical Midwinter
siting of the site. As at Castle Rigg and so many other
temple sites, the pattern of the movements of the heavenly
bodies from that place on Earth defines its sanctity. Finding a site at which an eightfold division of the
heavens occurred, there to build a temple, would have been easily as hard as building the temple itself.

1.6 Astrology
The astrological zodiac is a division of the year into twelve parts and has little to do with the actual
stars; it is as though the terrestrial year was divided into twelve and then projected on to the heavens.
The division of the year into four occurs naturally as a result of the seasons: the longest day and
the shortest day (the two solstices) form one axis and the two equinoxes (when night and day are
equal) form another. In most cultures the halfway points between these four are also considered
to be of great importance - they are Beltane (May Day), Lammas (roughly August 8th), Samhain
(around Halloween or Guy Fawkes night) and Imbolc (Candlemas). These four points, known as the
"crossquarter points", lie in the middle of the four fixed signs of the zodiac which are also known as
the four evangelists of Christianity: Taurus (fixed Earth - Luke), Leo (fixed Fire - Mark), Scorpio
(fixed Water - John the Eagle) and Aquarius (fixed Air - Matthew).

The Fire
Astrological Earth
rn Sagit
Wheel Caprico arius Air



s Sc


r or
ua pi
Aq o


Spring Equinoxe Autumn Equinoxe








Cardinal er




Mutable Female

The circle is not, however, divided into eight, but into twelve. The first division of Unity is into two
polarities, Male and Female - a distinction between an active extravert form and a passive introvert
form. The next step is a division into three qualities, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The Cardinal
form is assertive and initiatory, the Fixed form is stable and self-contained and the Mutable form
is unstable and open to influence. Various trinities mirror this threefoldness of things, the most
obvious being Sun, Earth, Moon. The next division is into the four elements, Fire, Earth, Air and
Water, two of which are "male" and two "female". The element of Fire is energetic and intuitive, Earth
is practical and sensible, Air is communicative and thoughtful and Water is emotional and sensitive.
In the Islamic astrological tradition four humours are proposed which aid science - these are Hot,
Cold, Wet and Dry: In this system Fire opposes Water; Air opposes Earth; Heat (expansion) sits
uppermost between Fire and Air (both Male); Cold (contraction) sits at the bottom between Earth
and Water (both Female); Dryness (crystalisation) is balanced between Fire and Earth and Moisture
(solution) is balanced between Air and Water. Sadly space does not permit a full investigation.

2.2 Coincidence in Geometry

Ad triangulum et quadratum
The proportion defined by an equilateral triangle
incircle:circumcircle ratio is one half and can also
be defined by nesting two squares.

Three quarters
Three ways of defining a quarter are shown. The
first two are double repeats of the diagram above
but the third, which shows a pentagon nesting
inside a pentagram is very interesting indeed.

Ad tetratum
The insphere:circumsphere ratio of a tetrahedron
is one third. The same proportion can be obtained
by nesting two cubes, or two octahedra, or a cube
inside an octahedron, or an octahedron inside a
cube (as shown). A third, two dimensional solution
for one third is to nest two stars of David.

Near misses between five and eight

The proportion defined by the arm-crossing of the pentagram cuts
the radius of the circumcircle into two parts in the ratio known as
the golden section. Strangely, the octagram defines an incircle whose
radius is 99.8% similar to the arm-crossing pentagram circle; this is
not exact but is quite near enough for most practical design purposes.
Throughout this work the main proportions which reoccur are
those derived from nesting pure pentagons. It could be argued that
the research has been biased in favour of pentagonal solution over
the octagonal but this would be to miss the point that in the case
of nested pentagons only even numbers of them can be translated
across into octagon-square nests as shown right with 99.8% accuracy.

The golden star

The golden section has an intimate relationship with fiveness. It can be
defined as a half of one less than the square root of five, which works
out at about 0.618034. It can be described as the ratio into which a
line may be divided so that the lesser part is to the greater part as the
1 0.618
greater part is to the whole. In terms of simple star polygons only a
decagon (order 2) gives the Golden Section as a radius.
Two nested golden stars define a proportion which is equal to the
golden section squared and which is defined by the arm-crossing of
a pentagram. The golden section is such that one over it is equal to
one plus it, and one minus it is equal to its square. In addition the
square of one plus it is equal to two plus it.

2.3 Platonic, Archimedean & Stellated Solids
The first column shows the five Platonic solids. The thirteen Archimedean solids follow, then four complex
polyhedra. Each solid is taken as having an edge length of 2. The proportions given beneath each picture are for
the radii of: the circumsphere (which encloses the whole solid), the intersphere (the sphere which just touches the
centre of each edge) and the insphere (which is enclosed within, and just touches the centres of, the faces of the
solid). Archimedian solids have greater and lesser inspheres which touch respectfully the smaller (insphere given
in brackets) and larger regular polygon faces.

Tetrahedron Truncated Tetrahedron

4 vertices. 6 edges. 4 faces.
12 vertices. 18 edges. 8 faces.

1.2247 : 0.7071 : 0.4082 2.3457 : 2.1218 : (2.0418) : 1.2256

Octahedron Cuboctahedron
6 vertices. 12 edges. 8 faces.
12 vertices. 24 edges. 14 faces.

1.4142 : 1 : 0.8165
2: 1.7321 : (1.6330) : 1.4142

Cube Rhombicuboctahedron
8 vertices. 12 edges. 6 faces.
24 vertices. 48 edges. 26 faces.

1.7321 : 1.4142 : 1 2.7979 : 2.6131 : (2.5485) : 2.4142

Icosahedron Truncated Octahedron

12 vertices. 30 edges. 20 faces.
24 vertices. 36 edges. 14 faces.

1.9021 : 1.6180 : 1.5115 3.1623 : 3 : (2.8284) : 2.4495

Dodecahedron Truncated Cube

20 vertices. 30 edges. 12 faces.
24 vertices. 36 edges. 14 faces.

2.8025 : 2.6180 : 2.2270 3.5576 : 3.4142 : (3.3650) : 2.4142

Truncated Cuboctahedron Truncated Icosidodecahedron
48 vertices. 72 edges. 26 faces.
120 vertices. 180 edges. 62 faces.

4.6351 : 4.5259 : (4.4142) : (4.1814) : 3.8282 7.6047 : 7.5386 : (7.4720) : (7.3370) : 6.8818

Truncated Icosahedron Snub Dodecahedron

60 vertices. 90 edges. 32 faces.
60 vertices. 150 edges. 92 faces.

4.9563 : 4.8544 : (4.6552) : 4.5349 4.3133 : 4.1938 : (4.1538) : 3.9615

Icosidodecahedron Stellated Dodecahedron

30 vertices. 60 edges. 21 faces.
12 vertices. 30 edges. 60 faces.

3.2361 : 3.0777 : (3.0230) : 2.7528 4.9797 : 2.2270

Snub Cube Stellated Icosahedron

24 vertices. 60 edges. 38 faces.
20 vertices. 30 edges. 60 faces.

2.6874 : 2.4944 : (2.4267) : 2.2852 8.0578 : 1.5115

Truncated Dodecahedron Great Dodecahedron

60 vertices. 90 edges. 32 faces.
12 vertices. 90 edges. 60 faces.

5.9396 : 5.8548 : (5.8263) : 4.9806 4.9801 : 2.2270

Rhombicosidodecahedron Great Icosahedron

60 vertices. 120 edges. 62 faces.
12 vertices. 90 edges. 180 faces.

4.4660 : 4.3526 : (4.3141) : (4.2361) : 4.1292 8.0578 : 1.5115

2.4 Spherepoint Solids and Coin Circles
With figures given for spheres and coins of radius 1.


insphere 0.224745
insphere 0.414214
insphere 0.732051

midsphere 1.224745
midsphere 1.414214
midsphereCUBE 1.732051

insphere 2.224745
insphere 2.414214
insphere 2.732051

midsphere 1.224745
midsphere 1.414214
midsphere 1.732051

circumsphere 2.224745 circumsphere 2.414214 circumsphere 2.732051


insphere 0.902113
insphere 1.80252
insphere 1

midsphere 1.902113
midsphere 2.80252

insphere 2.902113
insphere 3.80252
insphere 3

midsphere 1.902113
midsphere 2.80252
midsphere 2

circumsphere 2.902113 circumsphere 3.80252 circumsphere 3


incircle 0.154701
incircle 0.414214
incircle 0.701302

midcircle 0.154701

midcircle 0.414214

midcircle 0.701302


circumcircle 1.154701

2.154701 midcircle
circumcircle 1.414214

2.414214 midcircle
circumcircle 1.701302

circumcircle 2.154701 circumcircle 2.414214 circumcircle 2.701302


incircle 1
incircle 1.304765


incircle 1.613126

midcircle 1

midcircle 1.304765

midcircle 1.613126


circumcircle 32
circumcircle 2.304765

3.304765 midcircle
circumcircle 2.613126

circumcircle 3 circumcircle 3.304765 circumcircle 3.613126

2.5 Relative Radii From 0 - 0.267949
In each small diagram there are two concentric circles of heavier line. The outer heavy circle in each case has a
radius of 1; the decimal proportion to the right of each graphic is the radius of the smaller heavy circle. Most
of the diagrams are self-explanatory if studied but in tricky cases explanations are given. The solutions are
arranged in columns with repeated proportions shown as ditto marks.

0.071797 0.142857 0.173648 0.234633

0.080701 0.145897 0.175571 0.235702

0.083333 0.154701 0.176777 0.240192

0.095492 "" 0.183013 0.25

0.101020 0.160357 0.183503 ""

0.111111 0.166667 0.187582 0.258819

0.125 "" 0.190983 0.259616

0.132233 0.171573 0.192450 0.261204

0.132909 "" 0.2 0.267949

0.133975 "" 0.222521 0.267949

From 0.267949 to 0.422650
In each small diagram there are two concentric circles of heavier line. The larger circle has radius 1; the
decimal proportion to the right of each graphic refers to the radius of the smaller circle.

"" 0.310847 0.347296 0.386730

0.268150 0.316228 0.353553 0.390867

0.270091 "" 0.356896 0.394813

0.285714 0.327327 0.366025 0.4

0.288675 0.333333 "" 0.405827

0.292893 "" 0.370192 0.412215

"" "" 0.375 0.414214

"" "" 0.381966 ""

0.302593 0.343724 0.382683 0.417681

0.309017 0.346568 "" 0.422650

From 0.422650 to 0.566454
The solids at 0.447214 are first the small stellated dodecahedron and then the great dodecahedron. They are
each others’ duals.

"" "" ""


0.428381 0.448288 0.52224 0.541196

0.428571 0.459650 0.524191

0.433013 0.474269 0.525731 0.547318

0.433884 0.527864 0.546918

0.442790 0.483138 0.529508 0.550510

0.446463 0.490291 0.533402 0.552786

0.447214 0.5 0.5625

"" ""
0.535399 0.566116

0.517638 0.535898 0.566454

From 0.566915 to 0.702914
0.618033 refers to the golden section. The first diagram is simply a golden section rectangle and is not a
method of construction in itself.

0.566915 .6 0.632456 0.655423

0.571429 0.612372 0.633975 0.666666

0.577350 0.617317 "" ""

"" 0.618033 0.638276 ""

"" "" 0.643178 ""

0.585786 "" 0.649519 0.678598

"" 0.623489 0.652704 0.679285

0.587785 0.625 0.653281 0.692022

"" 0.629808 0.654508 0.697407

0.588791 0.631476 0.654654 0.702914

From 0.707107 to 1
0.720759 is the type-B flattened stone circle; 0.785398 and 0.900317 show a circle squared by perimeter;
0.797885 and 0.886227 show a circle squared by area; 0.822876 shows the type-A flattened stone circle.

0.707107 0.745145 0.797885 0.857143

"" 0.75 0.8 0.866026

0.714286 "" 0.809017 0.867767

0.720759 "" 0.816497 0.875

0.723231 0.765367 0.822876 0.886227

0.723607 0.766045 0.828427 0.888889

0.726542 0.785398 0.833333 0.896576

0.732051 0.794396 0.839642 0.900317

"" 0.794654 0.850651 0.900969

"" ""
0.737016 0.923880

3.1 A Small Data Table of the Solar System

Note: The eccentricity, e, of an elliptical orbits is given as (o-i)/(o+i) where o is the outermost orbital radius
and i is the innermost orbital radius.
Note: In the column for the angle a planet moves in one day the central figure for each planet is for the angle
moved when the planet is at its "Circular Orbit Radius" m(1-e2)1/4, where m is the mean orbit and e is the

3.2 Three Formulae Compared

Note: For the Titius-Bode Law, the formula above for n=1 is simply a=0.4
Note: Weizsacker’s formula: rn=r0(1.9)n
Note: Schmidt’s Law: sqr(rn)=a+bn
Note: It was Bode who first suggested "Uranus" as the name for the eighth planet.

3.3 Geddes’ Wonderful Symmetry

Note: This unpublished work by Alex. B. Geddes appears in Kepler’s Heavenly Harmony
by D. G. King-Hele. In Kepler - Four Hundred Years (ed. Beer).

3.4 Platonic and Archimedian Solids

Note: The column marked Insph+/Circum is for the largest insphere to the circumsphere ratio whereas the
column beside it, marked Insph-/Circum is for the smallest insphere to the circumsphere ratio.

3.5 Kepler’s inscribed Platonic Solids

Note: See illustration on page 8.

Note: In the case of the octahedron the circle inscribed in the square "base" was used by Kepler.
Note: Kepler must have been very happy about his Venus:Earth solution and his Mars:Jupiter solution, both
were 99.9% accurate according to the data he had in his posession.

3.6 Pythagorean Monochord Intervals

Note: There are many variants on the semitone: 24:25 (0.96) is one, 245:256 (0.957) is another.
Note: To increase the higher note by an octave double the dividend. Thus a minor sixth and an octave is 5:(8 x
2) or 5:16. To decrease the lower note by an octave halve the divisor.

3.7 Kepler’s Extreme Angular Velocities

Note: Kepler’s idea was that the angular velocities of the planets when they are at aphelion and
perihelion are musically related to each other. He became convinced that this solution was the Harmony
of the Spheres he had been searching for.

3.8 Extreme Angular Velocity Harmonics

3.9 Astrological aspects

Note: The orb is calculated for 97.2% accuracy (conjuct orb set at 10o) for a complete geometry cycle of
the given division of a circle. For instance any heptile must create seven bounces to return to the point of
origination, and any error in the heptile will therefore be compounded seven times.

4.1 Master Diagrams

The Inner Master The Middle Master

Mercury to Jupiter, pentagonal geometry

The Outer Master Outer Triangles

Mercury to Saturn, octagonal geometry

5.1 The Harmony of the Spheres
Nine diagrams are shown below. Each shows the mean heliocentric orbits of two adjacent planets. The
solutions shown are the pick of the bunch presented in this work. Starting top left with Mercury and Venus
and working down in columns we eventually arrive at Pluto. Only some of these ratios lend themselves to a
compass and straight edge but all are extremely easily remembered.

Mercury and Venus

Mars and Ceres
Saturn and Uranus

0.5351 99.9% 0.5729 99.9% 0.4973 99.5%

Venus and Earth

Ceres and Jupiter
Uranus and Neptune

0.7233 99.9% 0.5324 99.8% 0.6382 99.9%

Earth and Mars

Jupiter and Saturn
Neptune and Pluto

0.6562 99.9% 0.5454 99.7% 0.7622 99.9%

Below each diagram the names of the neighbours are shown, with the inner planet of the two named first.
The numbers below this show the actual numerical ratios between their mean heliocentric orbits and then
follows a reminder of the accuracy of the proposed solution. This list is by no means comprehensive, final
or part of any particular theory; it is merely highly accurate and may be used by any architect, designer,
meditator or artist who wishes to infuse their various creations with a certain degree of proportional
agreement with the extended home in which we all live.

5.2 Selected solutions
A further twelve diagrams have been selected for their usefulness to accompany the nine on the facing page.
Using these two pages alone it is possible to construct, with no more than your imagination, or a compass,
straight edge and decent book on geometry, a scale drawing of the solar system.

Mercury and Earth

Earth and Mars
Mars and Chiron

0.3870 99.9% 0.5729 99.8% 0.1112 99.9%

Venus and Earth

Earth and Jupiter
Jupiter, Chiron

0.7233 99.8% 0.1922 99.9% and Uranus (pg 70)

Venus and Mars

Mars and Jupiter
Saturn and Neptune

0.4746 99.9% 0.5351 99.9% 0.3173 99.9%

Venus and Ceres

Mars and Saturn
Neptune and Pluto

0.2611 99.9% 0.1598 99.6% 0.7622 99.8%

Mars and Saturn: The radius of Saturn’s orbit is almost the same as the circumference of Mars’ orbit. This is a small
geometric peculiarity and is not to be taken too seriously. It is interesting, though, that the circumference of Saturn’s
orbit is 99.7% similar to the diameter of Neptune’s mean orbit.

6.1 Bibliography
Bartholemew, A. (Ed.) Crop Circles - Harbingers of World Change. Gateway. 1991.
Beer, A. and Beer, P. (Eds). Kepler, Four Hundred Years. Pergamon Press. 1975.
Burckhardt, T. Mystical Astrology according to Ibn ‘Arabi. Beshara. 1977.
Burl, A. The Stone Circles of the British Isles. Yale. 1976.
Caspar, M. Johannes Kepler. Stuttgart 1948. Dover 1990.
Chaucer, G. A Treatise on The Astrolabe. W. Skeat (Ed). Early English Text Society. 1872.
Coxeter, H. Kepler and Mathematics. In Beer, A. & P., above.
Critchlow, K. Islamic Patterns. Thames and Hudson. 1974.
Critchlow, K. Order in Space. Thames and Hudson. 1967.*
Critchlow, K. Time Stands Still. Gordon Fraser. 1979.*
Crowe, M. Theories of the World from Antiquity to the Copernican Revolution. Dover. 1990.*
Cundy & Rollet, Mathematical Models. Oxford.
Davidson, N. Astronomy and the Imagination. Routledge. 1985.
Dept. of Navigation & Astronomy. The Planispheric Astrolabe. National Maritime Museum. 1976.
Devereux, P. & Pennick, N. Lines on the Landscape. Hale. 1987.
Eco, U. Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages. Yale. 1986.
Fauvel, Flood & Wilson, Mobius and his Band. Oxford. 1993.
Ghyka, M. The Geometry of Art and Life. Dover. 1977.
Gleick, J. Chaos. William Heineman. 1988.
Godwin, J. Harmonies of Heaven and Earth. Thames and Hudson. 1987.*
Greene, L. The Astrology of Fate.
Hawkins, G. Stonehenge Decoded. Doubleday. 1965.
Heath, T. Greek Astronomy. Dover. 1991.
Huntley, H. The Divine Proportion. Dover. 1990.
Iamblichus. The Theology of Arithmetic. trans. Robin Waterfield. Phanes Press. 1988.
Kenton, W. Astrology. Thames and Hudson. 1974.
King-Hele, D. From Kepler’s Heavenly Harmony to Modern Earthly Harmonics. In Beer, A. & P., above.
Kitson, A. History and Astrology. Unwin. 1989
Koestler, A. The Sleepwalkers. Arkana. 1959.*
Lawlor, R. Sacred Geometry. Thames and Hudson. 1985.
Lofthus, M. A Spiritual Approach to Astrology. (1935). CRCS Publications. 1983.
Martineau, J. Agriglyph Geometry. Wooden Books. 1992.
Menninger, K. Number Words & Number Symbols. Dover. 1992.
Michell, J. A Little History of Astroarchaeology. Thames and Hudson. 1977,
Michell, J. Ancient Metrology. Pentacle Books. 1981.
Michell, J. The Dimensions of Paradise. 1988.
Michell, J. The New View over Atlantis. Thames and Hudson. 1969.*
Moore, P. The Planets. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1962.
Moore, P. The Guinness Book of Astronomy. 1992.
Murchie, G. Music of the Spheres. Dover. 1967.
Nasr, S. H. Islamic Science, An Illustrated Study. World of Islam Festival Pub. 1976.
Nichomachus. The Manual of Harmonics. Trans. F. Levin. Phanes Press. 1994.
Ovenden, M. Bode’s Law - Truth or Consequences? In Beer, A. & P., above.
Plato. Timaeus & Critias. Penguin. 1965.
Playfair, G. and Hill, S. The Cycles of Heaven. Souvenir. 1978.
Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos. Trans. F. Robbins. Harvard. 1940.
Raleigh, A. Occult Geometry (1932) & Hermetic Science of Motion and Number (1924). DeVorss. 1991.
Schindler, W. Silhouettes of Crop Formations. Hamburg. 1993.
Schultz, J. Movement and Rhythms of the Stars. Floris Books. 1986.*
Stirling, W. The Canon (1897). R.I.L.K.O. 1981.
Thom, A. Megalithic Sites in Britain. Oxford. 1967.
Thompson, D. W. On Growth and Form. Cambridge. 1961.
Watkins. A, The Old Straight Track. Methuin. 1925.
* Recommended


Adornment, of adorned vii Earth and Her Moon 31

Angular velocity harmonics, Kepler’s 121 Earth and Mercury 32
recalculated 122 Earth and Saturn 33
Aphelia 6 Earth Bubbles 37
Archimedian solids, data for 120 Earth Cubed 38
Astrolabe, projection used in 34 Easing of Restrictions 79
Astrology, in contrast to Astronomy vii Eccentricities, of inner planets’ orbits 6
in outline 108 of middle planets’ orbits 5
aspects 123 of outer planets’ orbits 4
Astronomy, in contrast to Astrology vii data for planets 118
Aura, of Mercury 11 Eclipses, as coincidence vi
Babel, Tower of vi Ecliptic, defined 34
A Beautiful Harvest 26 Eight touching circles 21
Beltane 74 Elements, four, defined 108
Big and Strange 70 Ellipses, motion in 2
Bode, gap between Mars and Jupiter 5 orbits as 6
naming of Uranus 64 Empires Rise and Fall 57
Bode’s law, investigated 119 The farming Year 46
Candlemass 106, 108 Fever and Healing 55
Castle Rigg stone circle 106 Five tiny Fives 87
Ceres, symbol for 1 Four touching circles 26, 52, 53, 52
described 62 Geddes, wonderful symmetry of 119
The Chastity Belt 54 Geocentric orbits 7
Chiron: symbol for 1 A giant Squaredance 67
eccentricity of orbit 4 Golden section, in pentagram 32
description of 55 in outer planets 89
Circular orbit radius, defined 118, 119 in general 109
Circumcircle, defined 12 Goddesses, Venus and Ceres related 47
Circumsphere, defined 110 The Grim Reaper 63
Coincidence, nature of vi, vii Harmony of spheres vii, 2
example of 14 Heaven on Earth 48
between equ. radii and orbits 32, 33 Heliocentric 6
A coincidence 28 Hermes, role in Fate vi
The Communist’s Dream 91 An Hermetic Cross 13
Cosmos, as adornment vii The Hermetic Tradition 42
Crop Circles, silhouettes 101-3 Hexagram:
edge alignments 104 three nested, Earth and Jupiter 38
radius spacing 104 Hills, motorways through vii
The Crusade 5 Home of two planets, defined 23
Cube: Icosahedron, spherepoint
three nested, Earth and Jupiter 38 Earth and Mars 37
data for 110 data for 112
Deep Change 93 The Inner Realms 6
Diagrams, explanation of v Insphere, defined 110
Distances of planets from Earth 7 Intersphere, defined 110
A Dodecahedral Aura 15 Jupiter, symbol for 1
Dodecahedron, spherepoint: Jupiter and Pluto breathe 72
Mercury and Earth 15 Jupiter and Saturn reel 68
Venus and Mars 36 Kepler, Johannes vii
data for 112 orbital radius:period theory of 2
Dualism 75 theory of orbital spacing (illus.) of 8
Duals, of Platonic solids 37,38 angular velocity harmonics 121
Earth: The Kiss of Venus 41
size of vi Lammas 61
as centre vii The Large and Dreamy Nine 71
symbol for 1 A Lesson in Proportion 27
etheric body of 36 Ley lines 104

Like a Football 36 30: Ceres and Jupiter 62, 73
The Limit of the Will 58 37: Saturn and Pluto 83, 96
Long Meg druids circle 43, 106 44: Mars and Saturn 56
Love on Earth 22 57: Earth and Saturn 39
Marital Bliss 23 oo, as unit of measure vii
Mars, symbol for 1 value of 32
Mars’ fiery Aura 51 The Ocean 76
Mars’ Iron Grip 52 Octagon:
Master diagrams 124-5 Venus and Ceres 25
Maximum distances of planets from Earth 7 Ceres and Jupiter 61
May Day 61 Octagram:
Mean orbit, defined 2 Earth and Venus (c) 40
The Medieval World View 45 Earth and Ceres (c) 47
A Mercurial Fluke 14 Mars and Jupiter 53
Mercury sees Seven Sisters 17 Mars and Saturn 55
Mercury’s Three Halos 12 Jupiter and Saturn 68
Mercury’s Two Bodies 11 Stonehenge 69
Mercury, symbol for 1 Octahedron:
aura of 11 Three nested, Earth and Jupiter 38
Messages of War 18 related to tetrahedron 109
The Middle Realms 5 data for 110
Mile, how set vi An Octave from Ceres 64
Minimum distances of planets from Earth 7 Opinion, defeat of vii
Monochord intervals 121 The Orbits 2
Moon: Orbits, change in v
size of vi of planets, mean 2
symbol for 1 of planets, all 118
coincidence involving 28 The Outer Realms 4
size of relative to Earth 31 Pentagon:
Neptune, symbol for 1 2 nested: Mercury’s ellipse 11
Nonagram, Jupiter and Neptune 71 Mercury and Venus 11
Number of retrograde loops: Earth and Mars 35
1: Uranus and Neptune 90, 94 Mars and Ceres 54
Neptune and Pluto 94, 96 3 nested: Venus and Mars 24
2: Venus and Mars 26, 56 Venus and Mars (Ea) 44
Chiron and Uranus 88 Earth and Ceres (Ea) 46
Uranus and Pluto 90, 96 4 nested: Mercury and Venus 11
3: Mercury and Venus 16, 26 Mercury and Mars (c) 18
Mercury and Earth 16, 39 Tilt of Earth’s axis 34
Jupiter and Saturn 73, 83 Venus and Mars 24
4: Chiron and Pluto 88 5 nested: Mercury and Ceres (Ea) 45
5: Venus and Earth 26, 39 Chiron and Pluto 87
6: Jupiter and Uranus 73, 90 related to octagon 109
7: Mercury and Mars 16, 56 Pentagram:
Earth and Mars 39, 56 single: Mercury and Earth 32
9: Chiron and Neptune 88 Earth and Ceres (c) 47
10: Ceres and Chiron 88 Jupiter and Chiron 70
11: Earth and Jupiter 39, 73 nested: Venus and Earth (c) 40
13: Venus and Ceres 26, 62 Mercury and Jupiter (Ea) 44
Mars and Ceres 56, 62 complex: Venus and Earth 22
Jupiter and Neptune 73, 94 Mars and Saturn (Ma) 58
Saturn and Uranus 83, 90 related to octagram 109
16: Mars and Jupiter 56, 73
18: Mercury and Ceres 16, 62 A perfect Octave 80
Earth and Ceres 62 Perihelia 6
Saturn and Chiron 88 Periods of planets 118
20: Jupiter and Pluto 73, 96 Phi in the outer planets 89
23: Saturn and Neptune 83, 94 Phoenix, defined 74
26: Mars and Chiron 88 Planets, orbits of 2
27: Ceres and Saturn 62, 83 physical sizes of 3

data for 118 82, 84
Plato, pleased 36 The Twelve plus One 1
Platonic solids 110, 120 To Be or Not to Be 35
Pluto, symbol for 1 Touching circles:
eccentricity of orbit 4 3: Mercury and Venus 12
Points of View 41 Mercury and Saturn (Ea) 45
Ptolomeic solution 41 Saturn and Neptune 82
Realm, defined 11 Mars and Pluto (Sa) 84
The Realm of Pluto 95 Uranus and Pluto (Ne) 91
Saturn, symbol for 1 4: Venus and Ceres (Ve) 26
Saturn’s stony Embrace 43 Mars and Jupiter 53
Seven planets, realms of 5 Earth and Mars (Ma) 52
Seven touching circles 17, 79 7: Mercury and Venus (Me) 17
Shells, orbits as v Saturn and Chiron 79
Signs for planets 1 8: Mercury and Earth 21
The Sizes 3 10: Uranus and Pluto (Ur) 92
Solstice 61 Neptune and Pluto 93
Sowing and Reaping 47 data for 112
The Space between Three 44 Triangle
The Space between Five 44 Saturn and Uranus 80
The Space between Six 44 Uranus and Neptune (Ce) 64
The Space between Seven 45 related to square and pentagon 109
Square: Tropical Wonders 34
Ceres and Jupiter ( Ju) 74 Type-B flattened stone circle:
Chiron and Uranus 70 Mercury and Earth 42
Earth and Venus 23 Earth and Saturn 43
Jupiter and Neptune ( Ju) 76 The UFO 82
Jupiter and Saturn ( Ju) 75 Upton Scudamore crop formation:
Venus and Ceres 25 Geometry of (near Warminster) 105
related to triangle and pentagon 109 Jupiter and Saturn 67
Squaring the Circle by perimeter 31 Mars’ eccentricity 57
Mars and Jupiter (Ma) 57
Standardisation, fixation upon 1 Mercury and Earth 13
Stanton Drew stone circles 107 Urania 64
Stone Circles, geometry & alignments 106-7 Uranus, symbol for 1
Stonehenge, thirty-fold geometry of 33 Venus, symbol for 1
superimposition of planets onto 48 as finest expression of circle 6
octagonal geometry of 69 Venus and Mars as Moon and Earth 28
seasonal alignments from 107 Venus near and far 40
Sun, as centre vi Venus’ Eight Halos 21
symbol for 1 The View from Here 7
Symbols for planets 1 Views from Ceres 62
Technological Revolution 92 Views from Chiron 88
The Terrestrial Mirror 44 Views from Earth 39
Tetrahedral Space 81 Views from Jupiter 74
Tetrahedron, spherepoint Views from Mars 56
Ceres and Saturn (Ce) 63 Views from Mercury 16
Chiron and Uranus 81 Views from Neptune 94
Mars and Ceres 51 Views from Pluto 96
data for 112 Views from Saturn 83
Tetrahedron, wireframe Views from Uranus 90
2 nested: Mars and Chiron 55 Views from Venus 25
Jupiter and Pluto 72 Visibility of planets 68
related to octahedron and cube 109 War and Peace 24
data for 110 Worldview, change in vi
Tetrahedron, truncated
Uranus and Neptune 91
The, use of vi
The Three heavies 84
Three touching circles 12, 45

“This book contains astonishments. In contemplating these beautiful pages we do not
have to be astronomers or geometers to understand that John Martineau is looking at
the heavens in a startlingly original way.
He demonstrates the precise and elegant geometry in the relationships within the
Solar System. The scale of his research is so comprehensive and the results so consistent
that we must pause to consider the implications. Can it - all of it - be coincidence?
Could it be, perhaps, that the implicit proportions and geometries known to the
ancients are far more fundamental than we thought? Or do these diagrams suggest the
existence of a Supreme Intelligence?
John Martineau draws no conclusions, indeed he has been, as the work has
developed, implacably resistant to explanations. In this respect he has kept to the
same position as was maintained during his crop circle studies. Simply, an intense and
scholarly gaze has been brought to bear on the subject.
His crop circle investigations remain unequalled as an illumination of this
loveliest of mysteries, even though he offered no "solutions". I believe this volume to be
of even greater significance as a charmer and opener of eyes, as a shaker of certainties
and as a changer of minds.” Michael Glickman

“The standards of accuracy adopted for this study are nothing short of remarkable - I
hope it gets the open-minded response that it deserves.” Keith Critchlow

“This book is a kind of portent.” John Michell

ISBN 0 9525862 0 7
© Wooden Books 1995 Printed in Great Britain


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