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Teacher: MC. Gilberto Lorenzana Crdenas Student:_______________________________________________________ _______________________ Group & Esp.

I. INSTRUCTIONS: While you listen, complete the sentences with the best choice.

1. Google came into existence A. twenty years ago B. in 1998 C. because of a suggestion in a magazine D. when new technology made it possible 2. Its new headquarters in Zurich have A. aquariums for cold water fish B. a revolving restaurant C. specially designed meeting rooms D. 5star hotel rooms 3. Kate says that what she likes best about the building is that A. there are places where you can sit quietly B. you can have a massage there C. you can take the slide down to the restaurant D. meetings are held in igloos 4. People criticize Google for A. spending so much money on its buildings B. giving its employees tough deadlines C. giving its employees too much time off D. not being a serious company 5. Kate likes waking up in the morning because A. she can lie in before going to work B. she chats with people on her way to work. C. she has a lot of respect for the people she works with D. the company pays her so well 6. Google Suggest A. was designed by a competitor to Google B. translates text from one language to another C. was a project that Kate worked on in Google D. makes suggestions about the topic you are searching for

II. INSTRUCTIONS. Choose from the list below and match with the right answer, selecting the right sequence:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

You can carry the box, Your father is quite young, The chair is blue, He has lost his pen, His father doesn't smoke,

A) hasn't he? B) do they? C) were you? D) mustn't we? E) isn't it? F) isn't he? G) didn't she H) can't you? I) was it? J) does he? C. 1F; 2J; 3E; 4A; 5H D. 1E; 2F; 3H; 4A; 5J E. 1H; 2F;

7. Answer A. 1H; 2F; 3A; 4J; 5E 3E; 4A; 5J B. 1J; 2A; 3E; 4F; 5H

III. INSTRUCTIONS. From the following list: Which are correct statements? (1) This is my friend whose father owns that house (2) Is that the snake whom killed the rat? (3) That is the man who told us the bad news. (4) I know the boy which father is a doctor in this hospital 8. Answer A. 1 y 2 B. 1 y 3 C. 1 y 4 D. 2 y 3 E. 2y4

IV. INSTRUCTIONS. Read what Silvio and Janey write about their parents. Are the sentences true (T=A) or false (F=B)? My parents were too careful they worried about me and my two brothers all the time. Our parents both had terrible childhoods so they wanted ours to be perfect. Every minute of our lives was spent doing expensive things we never got time to be kids just playing on our bikes in the street. What they dont understand is that we didnt want our childhood to be perfect we wanted it to be normal. We were spoilt and I dont think they taught us the value of working for things. I learned that when I left home and started to spend my own money! Silvio 21 My parents are great. They are very fair and they always discuss things with us. Dad worries about his little girls but Mum likes to give us enough freedom to learn from our mistakes. The only rule is that I must tell them where Im going and who I am with. I think my parents have got it right: they are interested in us but they dont want to control us. Janey 16 Answers 1. Silvios parents gave him enough freedom. ____ 3. His parents had happy childhoods. 17. ____ 9. ____ Answers 2. Hes got brothers. 16.

10. ____

4. His childhood was always busy.

5. His parents spent a lot of money on their children. 18. ____ 7. His parents didnt teach him the value of things. 19. ____ 9. Shes got a brother. ____ 13. ____

11. ____

6. His childhood was perfect.

12. ____

8. Janey likes her parents.

10. Her parents listen to her ideas.


11. Her mother worries a lot about her daughters. 21. ____ 13. Her parents give her enough freedom.

14. ____

12. Her parents have lots of rules.

15. ____

V. INSTRUCTIONS. Complete the short answers. 22. Have you been up the Eiffel Tower? No, I _________ D. I do 23. Do you like reading novels? Yes, I ____________ . I do 24. Are you a good cook? No, I _____________________ dont 25. Can she ski? No, ___________________________ . 26. Is it sunny outside? No, ________________________ It don`t 27. Is the dog in the garden? Yes, _______________

Answers A. I Havent B. Im not C. It isnt

A. It isnt

B. Im not

C. I Havent


A. I do

B. It isnt

C. Im not

D. I

A. She can A. It Havent

B. She does B. It not

C. She dont C. It isnt

D. She cant D.

A. He Has

B. It has

C. It is

D. It does

VI. INSTRUCTIONS. Read the text and circle the correct letter.

Aron Ralston, 27, went out for a one-day walk in a US national park and was trapped when heavy rocks fell on him. An 800 lb (365kg) rock, or boulder, moved and fell on his right arm. He couldnt move his arm because it was trapped between the rock and the mountain. He stayed in this position for five days. He had very little food with him and only a few litres of water. After five days, he knew that to escape he had to cut off his arm. He thought about it carefully and then managed to amputate it with a small pocket knife. The operation took about an hour. Mr. Ralston then climbed down the mountain and walked 10 kilometers looking for help. Finally, he found some other walkers about three kilometers from a town. When he was rescued, he was very thirsty but calm. After his ordeal, Mr. Ralston said, I did what I had to do. He also said that while he was trapped on the mountain, he sometimes felt at peace and at other times he felt depressed and very frightened. Surprisingly, he wants to return to the wild when he has recovered. 28. Aron Ralston went for a walk A. on his own B. with friends C. to have an accident D. for a while 29. A heavy rock fell A. B. on the path. on his arm. 30. He move because his arm was trapped. A. B. wouldnt couldnt

C. on a boulder. D. on his foot

C. didnt use to D. shouldnt

31. He didnt move A. because he was lost. B. because he had very little food. C. for several days. D. since a year 34. He was when he was rescued. A. angry B. very unhappy C. quiet D. hungry

32. He to cut off his arm. A. B. decided asked someone

33. He found help A. B. three kilometers away. ten kilometers away.

C. wanted D. wished 35. A boulder (paragraph 1) is A. B. a heavy tree. a large rock.

C. on a cliff. D. At home 36. To amputate (paragraph 1) means to cut off A. B. a piece of food. your clothes.

C. a mountain path. D. a nice car

C. part of your body. D. your hair

VII. INSTRUCTIONS. Complete the paragraph with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. Jeans (1 make) ________ from a material called denim. D. are make The material (2 make) _______ rst _______ in Europe, were made D. is make. and it (3 take) ________ to the USA in the 18th century. taken D. is took The strong material (4 use) ________ to make working D. is used mens clothes, and in the 1870s Levi Strauss (5 make) D. are make ________ the first pair of blue Levi jeans. After the Second World War, the customers for jeans 37. A. is made B. are made C. made


A. was made

B. is made



A. Takes

B. is taked

C. was


A. were used

B. was used

C. is use


A. is made

B. are made

C. made

(6 change) ________ from working men to teenagers changing D. changed who (7 want) ________ to wear them as leisure clothes. was wanted D. wants Since then, they (8 become) ________ the symbol of a become D. is become more relaxed society, and jeans (9 wear) ________ by worn D. are wearing people of all ages and in all situations.


A. was changed

B. have changed

C. are


A. Are wanted

B. wanted



A. have become

B. are become



A. were worn

B. are worn

C. have

VIII. INSTRUCTIONS. Complete the sentence with the correct form (infinitive or gerund) of the verb. Read and tick ()A, B, C or D. 46. I need _________ tonight. (study) DONT KNOW 47. I enjoy _______ fancy meals. (cook) D NONE 48. Ellen started __________ about her problems. (talk) TAKEN D NONE 49. But I and Sally have decided _________ married (get) GOT D GOTTEN 50. We finished ________ around seven. (eat) D NONE 51. I like _________ new people. (meet) MEETED 52. I am considering ________ to a new apartment. (move) MOVES D NONE 53. But I hate _______ in lines. (wait) D NONE 54. I enjoy _________ a teacher. (be) D AM 55. I really want ________ the country, so I did it. (see) D SAW A STUDYING A COOKING A TALKING A GETTING A EATING A MEETING B TO STUDY B TO COOK C NONE C COOKED C C C EATEN C MET C WAITED D DI






IX. INSTRUCTIONS. Put the conversations in order and tick: A, B, C or D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hi, is Davina there? In about half an hour. Hello. No, Im sorry but shes out. Do you want to leave a message? Thanks. Goodbye. No, its OK thanks. Ill try again later. Do you know when shell be back? 56. A B C D E Answer 123456 321456 314625 341625 3146 52

X. INSTRUCTIONS. Fill in the blanks and tick: A, B, C or D. 57 If Ken __________________ enough money, He _________________________ the car hes wanted for years. A will save / could buy B could save / bought C can save / will buy D saves / has bought 58 When I was a child, my parents ____________________ me presents when I was sick. It was wonderful. A have bought B used to buy C have been buying D must buy 59 If somebody ___________________ on the telephone, I _______________________________ it. A calls / wont answer B has called / dont answer C will call / wouldnt answer D called / havent answered 60 Michael used to be able to speak French quite well, but he doesnt _________________________. A yet B no longer C any more D more 61 Did you help that old man _______________________ you met on the street yesterday? A what B which C who D ---62 By the time the manager __________________ back, Frank _______________________________ the work already. A had come / would finish B has come / has finished C comes / finished D came / had finished 63 You will visit to my university next week, my father told me. My father told me that ___________________ visit ____________ university __________.

A he will / his / next week B you would / my / next week week D I will / my / the following week

I would / his / the following

HITS _______________________

SCORE ________________

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