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osisteven _ SODECA Grup bere QUALITY POLICY SISTEVEN S LU, a speciaistin tho design anc manufacture of ans and ther accessories for industrial and ‘commercial agplicatens, focuses their activity on the production of industral fans, vention eystems and ‘smoke exhaust fans incase of fro, a6 well as on air vention, ftraton and dsinfacton unt. SISTEVEN S L_U’'s main objective is to meet the requirements and expectaions of each client by provicing Ventiation solutions 2s well a air exact fan units and ai eatrert units of the best possiole qualty and (quarariee, ‘Aware ofthe imporiance ofthis commitment towards quality and satisfaction, the compary structures its activity based on the Qualiy Management System of Standard UNE-ENSO 9001:2015, based on the following principles Moot the requirements of the products offered to clients and work hardto satis their expectations, Plan and provide tre necessary resources in terms ofthe means of production, contol and installations as well as human esources, including required personnel qualifications and training, Promote and develop actions fr the continuous improvernent of thir groducts and processes. ‘Consider Qualty asa strategic element ofthe organisation and raise awareness as well as motivate professionals regarding the importance of implementing and developirg a quaity system. Satsly the needs and expectations of clients and users, ensuring the qualty ofthe supplied products and services. ‘Comply with all the specications, standards, legal or other requiremerts set by the organisation. Prom the contiuous improvement ofthe Quallty Management System by establishing performance, ‘monitoring and measuring indicators forthe processes as well as the annul seitng of qualy object- Viork to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of the preducts ae well as the installations Eneure all professionals are aware of this policy since tis a vital part othe value goneration chain, General Management shall ensue all means and resources raquted for irplementing this policy are aval late alas ane Hs ply ISR, uGrSIaUM an peered lal ves fe! organisa ‘na Belén Rodriguez General Manager

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