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Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of your answer in a separate answer

For items 1-3, refer to the situation below.

ABC computer shop charges 20 pesos for the first hour and an additional of 15 pesos
per hour for each succeeding hour, so the charge of the shop (y) is related to the number
of hours (x) using the function.

1. Which of the following equations represent the function from the given problem?

A. X= 15Y +20
B. Y= 15X+ 20
20 ,if 0< d ≤1
C. {x=¿20+15 y ,if d >1 ¿
D. { y =¿20 ,if 0 <d ≤1
20+15 x, if d> 1 ¿

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. If the number of hours increases, the computer charges increase.

B. If the number of hours increases, the computer charges decrease.
C. If the number of hours decreases, the computer charges increase.
D. The total number of hours does not affect the computer charges.

3. Mr. Gomez used one of their computers for 240 minutes, how much would he pay?

A. 20 pesos
B. 45 pesos
C. 60 pesos
D. 65 pesos
4. Given h(x) = x2 -5 and p(x) = 2x + 4. Find (h + p) (x)

A. x2 – 2x – 9
B. x2 + 2x -1
C. 2x2 – 6
D. x2 + 2x -9

5. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. The exponential form of is 8-1
B. The Expression (3∙5) is equal to 37∙57

C. There is an integer x that will make x3 equal to 3x

D. Any real number raise to the power of 0 is always equal to 1.

For Items 6-7, refer to the illustration below.
A function relates an input to an output. It is like a machine that has an input and an
output. Function machine can be applied to numbers or be used for algebraic
manipulation. They can be used to solve number problems, solve equation, and
rearrange formulae.

Input +9 X6 Output

5 +9 X6 84

y x9 +6 9y +6

6. Find the missing input for the function machine shown below.

Input x10 +6 36

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

7. Which of the following is a correct function machine for the equation 5y + 4 =-2?

A. y +5 +4 -2

y x5 +4 -2

y +y +4 -2

D. -
2 y
+5 +4

For Items 8-9. Given f ( x )= and a table of values
3 x+ 4

X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
F(x) -1 5 1.25 0.714 0.5

8. Which of the following values would be the value of f(x), if x=-2?

A. -2.5
B. 0.5
C. 1.25
D. 2.5

9. Which of the following graphs would be the graph of f(x)= ?




10. Suppose there are 10 family members in a household, there are more boys than girls. Determine
which of following statement is incorrect. Let g number of girls and let b number of boys.

A. When b =8, then g = 2 and b > g

B. When b = 7, then g=3 and b> g
C. When b=6, then g=4 and b> g
D. When b=5, then g=5 and b > g

For items 11-13, refer to the situations below.

In a farm, five cows were set loose, and their population growth can be approximated
25 ( t+ 1 )
by the function c(t)=[ ] where c represents the cow population in year t since
t+ 4
they were set loose.

11. How many cows will be there after 3 years?

A. 7
B. 14
C. 21
D. 28

12. What is the maximum cow population that the farm can support?

A. 25
B. 50
C. 75
D. 100

13. How long will it take to have 18 cows in the farm?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
For Items 14-15, refer to the situation below

Maria and Mariz start to open their piggy bank. Maria has 3 times as much money as
Mariz. Maria gives 2500 pesos to Mariz, and then Mariz has more money than Maria.
14. If Mariz starts with P(x), then which of the following is a correct inequality for p?

A. 3P + 2500<h-2500
B. 3P + 2500>h -2500
C. P + 2500 > 3P – 2500
D. P + 2500< 3P-2500

15. How much money does Maria have from the start if Mariz has Php 4,500 after Maria gave her
Php 2,500.00?

A. Php 6000.00
B. Php 7,000.00
C. Php 7,500.00
D. Php 13,500.00

16. Which of the following does NOT describe the given graph of a function?

A. The domain of f equals the range of f-1 and the range of f equals the domain of f-1
B. No horizontal line intersects the graph of the function f in more than one point.
C. No two elements in the domain of f correspond to the same element in the range of f.
D. The graph of a function and the graph of its inverse a parallel with respect to the line y=x.

For items 17-20, refer to the situation below.

Exponential Functions are used to model populations, determine time of death, compute
investments, as well as many other applications like the spreads of corona virus.

The tree diagram shows a potential coronavirus chain and transmission. One infected person
spread the virus to two other people. These two people each of them spreads the virus to
two other people and so on.

Stage of Number of (x,y)

Coronavirus New infections

0 1 (0,1)

1 2 (1,2)

2 4 (2,4)

17. How many people will be infected if it will reach up to 10 stages?

A. 20 people
B. 100 people
C. 1,024 people
D. 2, 048 people

18. What stage of coronavirus if the number of infected persons is 128?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

19. Which of the following equations represent the growth of the corona virus infection?

A. X= Y2
B. X= 2y
C. Y= X2
D. y= 2x
20. A culture starts at 2,000 bacteria and doubles every 80 minutes. How long will it take the
number of bacteria to reach 10,000?

A. 176 minutes
B. 186 minutes
C. 190 minutes
D. 160 minutes

21. Which of the following graphs shows how the corona virus spread in a community?





For items 22-23. Refer to the situation below.

Sound Intensity

In acoustics, the decibel (dB) level of a sound is 𝑫 = 10 log −12 where I is the sound intensity
in watts/𝑚2 (the quantity 10 watts/𝑚2 is the least audible sound a human can hear. Suppose

you have attended the presidential rally, the decibel level of the sound on the crowd is 10 -3
22. What is the approximate sound intensity in decibels?
A. 80 dB
B. 90 dB
C. 100 dB
D. 110 dB

23. Which of the following sound in decides can greatly affect the audible sound of human ear?
A. 10 000
B. 100 000
C. 100 000 000
D. 1 000 000 000

For items 24-27, refer to the situation below.

Carlos plans to start a business and he needs one million pesos. Fortunately, his rich best friend
offers to lend him Ᵽ 500,000.00 for three years as start-up capital and charges simple interest at 5%
annually. He also borrows an additional Ᵽ 500,000.00 for three years from the bank that requires
him to pay an interest rate of 5% per year compounded annually, with the full loan amount and
interest payable after three years.

24. Based on the information in the given problem situation, how much would Carlos have to pay
in interest charges after one year?

A. Php25 000.00
B. Php 50 000.00
C. Php 75 000.00
D. Php 100 000.00

25. Assume that the principal amount remains the same throughout the three years, what would his
total interest charges be after three years?

A. Php 75 000.00
B. Php 78 812.50
C. Php 150 000.00
D. Php 153 812.50

26. What would be the total amount paid by Carlos to the bank after 3 years?

A. Php 575 000.00

B. Php 578 812.50
C. Php 1 550 000.00
D. Php 1 578 812.50

27. How much is the total amount of compounded interest greater than the total amount of simple
interest after 3 years?

A. Php 812.50
B. Php 2 812.50
C. Php 3 812.50
D. Php 8 812.50
For items 28-29, refer to the situation below:
Cindy and Queenie are twins who graduated from college and each successfully landed a well-paid
job. They plan to save money for their future retirement as follows:
 Starting at age 28, Cindy deposits Ᵽ 10,000.00 at the end of each year for 32 years and earns
12% per year compounded annually.
 Starting at age 44, Queenie deposits Ᵽ 20,000.00 at the end of each year for 16 years and earns
12% per year compounded semi-annually.

28. Based on the information in the given problem situation, find the size of the retirement fund for
Cindy during her 60th birthday.

A. Php 3 048 477.19

B. Php 3 084 477.19
C. Php 3 408 477.19
D. Php 3 840 477.19

29. How much is the amount of retirement fund of Queenie?

A. Php 855 065.61

B. Php 855 605.61
C. Php 882 425.03
D. Php 882 524.03

30. The Pulangui IV National Power Corporation of Bukidnon is required to pay 10 annual
installments of Php 2 000 000.00 each for a loan to pay for expansion at 8% compounded
annually. How much is the loan?

A. Php 13 420 162.80

B. Php 13 420 216.80
C. Php 13 420 261.80
D. Php 13 420 612.80

31. Find the period of deferment of a deferred annuity if its present value is Php 13, 333.13 of 10
semi-annual payments of Php 2 000.00 each. The first payment is due at the end of 3 years and
money is worth 8% compounded semi-annually.

A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

32. Mr. Reyes bought 1, 000 shares of M & M common stock, par value Php 500.00. At the end of
the year, the corporation declared a 7.5% dividend. How much is the total dividend that Mr.
Reyes should get?

A. Php 3 750.00
B. Php 30 750.00
C. Php 35 700.00
D. Php 37 500.00

33. A local developer is selling homes for Php 525, 000.00 with a required down payment of 20
%. Find the amount of the required down payment and the mortgage, respectively.

A. Php 103 612.50 and Php 418 687.50

B. Php 105 312.50 and Php 481 687.50
C. Php 106 312.50 and Php 418 687.50
D. Php 108 312.50 and Php 418 687.50

34. Let p represent the proposition “Angela can dance.” and q represents the proposition “Albert
plays the piano.” What is the symbolic statement for “It is not the case that Angela can dance
and Albert can play the piano”?

A. p ∨ ~q
B. p ∧ ~q
C. ~(p ∨ q)
D. ~(p ∧ q)
For items 35-36, refer to the given propositions:
Let P, Q, and R be the following propositions:
P: 2 is less than 5.
Q: 8 is an even integer
R: 11 is a prime number
35. Which of the following logical operations represents “If 2 is less than 5 then either 8 is an even
integer or 11 is not a prime number.”

A. (P∧Q) →R
B. P→Q∨(-R)
C. P→[(-Q)∨(-R)]
D. Q→(-P∧ R)

36. Express the logical operations (P∧Q) →R in words and determine whether the statement is True
or False.

A. True, if 2 is less than 5 and 8 is an even integer then 11 is a prime number.

B. False, if 2 is less than 5 and 8 is an even integer then 11 is a prime number.
C. False, if 2 is less than 5 then either 8 is an odd integer or 11 is not a prime number.
D. True, if 2 is less than 5 and 8 is not an even integer then 11 is not a prime number.

37. Which of the following arguments is valid?

A. If you buy the book and read it daily, then you will pass the examination.
B. If it is cold and rainy, I stay home. It is not cold or it is not rainy.
Therefore, I don’t stay home.
C. If I am relaxed, I am productive. If I am productive, I am happy.
Therefore, If I am not happy, I am relaxed.
D. If one loves Algebra then he loves Mathematics. Mike loves Algebra.
Therefore, Mike loves Mathematics.

38. Which of the following arguments is a fallacy?

A. All mammals are warm-blooded.

All black dogs are mammals.
Therefore, all black dogs are warm-blooded.
B. No mental decisions are free decisions.
All uncaused events are free decisions.
Therefore, no uncaused events are mental decisions
C. No physical actions are chance occurrences.
All chance occurrences are random events.
Therefore, no random events are physical actions.
D. If everyone tells the truth, then there is no miscommunication.
There is some miscommunication.
Therefore, not everyone tells the truth.

39. A coin is flipped four times. How many outcomes are possible to determine the number of
tails in the distribution?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

40. What is the highest probability for a number of tails to occur when a coin is tossed four

A. 4/16
B. 6/16
C. 8/16
D. 16/16

For items 41-43. Refer to the situation below.

There are three marbles in a box numbered 2, 3, and 4. One marble is selected at a random, its number is
recorded, and then returned in the box. If this experiment will be done many times

41. Which is the correct probability distribution for the above problem situation?
Number of Marbles 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/5 1/5 1/5
Number of Marbles 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/4 1/4 1/4
Number of Marbles 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/3 1/3 1/3
Number of Marbles 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/2 1/2 1/2

42. Which is the mean of the numbers on the marble? Note: µ=Σ[ x ∙ P(x)]

A. The mean of the numbers on the marble is 1.

B. The mean of the numbers on the marble is 2.
C. The mean of the numbers on the marble is 3.
D. The mean of the numbers on the marble is 4.

43. Which of the following is the variance of the numbers on the marble? Note:
δ =Σ [ x ∙ P ( X ) ]−µ
2 2 2

A. The variance of the numbers on the marble is 29/5.

B. The variance of the numbers on the marble is 29/4.
C. The variance of the numbers on the marble is 29/3.
D. The variance of the numbers on the marble is 29/2.

For items: 44-45. Refer to the situation below.
The Senior High department wants to estimate the average age of their ALS students for school
year 2021-2022. They selected a sample of 50 students and a mean age is 20.4 years. In the past,
the population standard deviation was found to be 2 years.

44. Given the confidence interval statement

( )
< µ<+1.96
( )
What is the interval estimate for the average age of the students in the Senior High

A. 19.85 < µ < 20.95

B. 20.4 < µ < 22.95
C. 21.7 < µ < 22.8
D. 22.6 < µ < 23.8

45. Which is the best interpretation for 95% confidence interval about the mean age of the
student population?

A. The Senior High Department can say that 95% confidence, the average age of the
students is between 19.85 < µ < 20.95.
B. The Senior High Department can say that 95% confidence, the average age of the
students is between 20.4 < µ < 22.95.
C. The Senior High Department can say that 95% confidence, the average age of the
students is between 21.7 < µ < 22.8.
D. The Senior High Department can say that 95% confidence, the average age of the
students is between 22.6 < µ < 23.8.

46. Which of the following statements are TRUE about Students’ t-distribution?

I. It assumes that the population is normally distributed.

II. As the sample size increases, it approaches to the normal distribution.
III. It has more area in each tail and less in the center as compared to the normal curve.
IV. It used to construct the confidence interval when the standard deviation is known.

A. I, II and III
B. I, II and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. II, II and III

47. Forty-five students took the statistics and probability test and their scores are normally
distributed with the mean score of 96. How many students obtained a score of 70 and 120
if the standard deviation of their scores is 20? Note: Area z1=0.3849, z2= 0.4032

A. 30
B. 32
C. 33
D. 35

48. A political campaign manager wishes to survey a number of voters to estimate the
proportion of those who are in favor of his candidate. If a previous survey shows that 55%
of registered voters plans to vote for his candidate, what is the minimum sample size
required to make his surveys accurate with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error
of 2.5%? Note: z=1.96

A. 1500
B. 2,001
C. 1,521
D. 650

49. A researcher wants to estimate the average number of liters of juice sold per day. The
sales for twenty-five days were recorded and has an average of 35 liters was sold per day.
The sample standard deviation was 15 liters. What is the standard error in estimating the
average number of liters sold per day?

A. 3 liters
B. 5 liters
C. 35/15 liters
D. 35/25 liters

50. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the sampling distribution of the
sample proportions?

I. The expected value for the sample proportion is the population proportion.
II. The Ṕ is the estimate of the sample proportion with x successes in n trials.
III. The shape of the distribution is normal, provided that the sample size is small enough,
where np and np(1-p) are less than 5.
IV. The standard error of the proportion is
A. I and II
√ pq

B. II and III
C. I, II and IV
D. III only


51. Which of the following is the best point estimate of the population mean?

A. Sample Mean
B. Sample Mode
C. Sample Median
D. Sample Midrange

52. Which of the following is not a probability function of a probability distribution?

A. P(X=x) : 0.1, 0.25, 0.15, 0.30, 0.20

B. P(X=x): 10%, 60%, 15%, 15%
C. P(X=x): 2/3, 1/3, 1/3,1/3
D. P(X=x): 2/7, 2/7, 4/14, 3/14

53. What is the probability that an amount between P85,000 to P110,000 will be randomly
chosen if the mean is P100,000 with standard deviation of P15,000? Note: Area
z1=0.3413, z2= 0.2486

A. 58.99%
B. 34.13%
C. 24.86%
D. 11.12%

For items 54-55, refer to the situation below.

Mr. Rodel gave a seven-point quiz to his 4 students. The results were: 1, 2, 6 and 7. All
samples of 2 size are taken with replacement.

54. What is the computed mean of the population?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

55. Which of the following is the variance of the population?

A. 7.6
B. 8.6
C. 8.9
D. 9.2

56. A random sample of 240 students at a college finds that these students take a mean of 14.3
credit hours per grading period with a standard deviation of 1.6 credit hours. The 98%
confidence interval for the mean is 13.3 ± 0.211. Which of the following statements is

A. 95% of the students take between 13.089 to 13.511 credit hours per grading period.
B. 95% confident that the average number of credit hours per grading period of students
at the university falls in the interval 13.089 to 13.511 hours.
C. 95% confident that the average number of credit hours per grading period of the
sampled students falls in the interval 14.089 to 14.511 hours.
D. 95% probability that a student takes 14.089 to 14.511 credit hours in a per grading

57. There are 60 students who will take a test in a Pre-Calculus subject. Is it reasonable to
assume that the average scores of the students is approximately Normal even though the
population distribution is highly skewed?

A. A. Yes, the population distribution is already highly skewed.

B. No, it is not a guarantee that when the population is greater than 30, the data is
C. No, the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) states that a small sample attained normal.
D. Yes, the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) guarantees the sample mean is normally
distributed when the sample size is large enough.

58. Fifteen E-cars were randomly selected and the distance travel is recorded. The analysis
resulted a mean of 47 miles per liter consumed with a standard deviation of 5 miles per
liter. Which of the following would represent a 90% confidence interval for the average
distance covered of all E-cars?
df .10
11 1.796
12 1.782
13 1.771
14 1.761
15 1.753
A. 47 ± 1.782 ( 5
√ 15
B. 47 ± 1.771 ( 5
√ 15
C. 47 ± 1.761 ( 5
√ 15
D. 47 ± 1.753 ( 5
√ 15

59. A researcher performs an experiment to find if there is a correlation between amount of
time spent a day on a computer and the need for corrective lenses. There is a correlation
coefficient of 0.73 found. Which of the following is true?

A. 73.00% of the variance in the need for corrective lenses is explained by the
relationship between the need for corrective lenses.
B. 53.29% of the variance in the need for corrective lenses is explained by the
relationship between the need for corrective lenses and the amount of time a day
spent of a computer.
C. The strength of the linear relationship between the need for corrective lenses and
the amount of time a day spent on a computer is 0.5329.
D. The strength of the linear relationship between the need for corrective lenses and
the amount of time a day spent on a computer is 0.8544.

60. This scatterplot shows the relationship between which two variables?

A. Speed of an airplane (x) vs. distance traveled in one hour (y)

B. Outside air temperature (x) vs. air conditioning costs (y)
C. Age of an adult (x) vs. height of an adult (y)
D. Distance traveled (x) vs. gas remaining in the tank (y)

61. Which of the following can affect the value of the correlation?

I. A change in measurement units.

II. Adding a constant to all values of the y-variable.
III. Interchanging x and y
IV. Adding another data point

A. III only
B. IV only
C. III and IV
D. II, III and IV

62. In terms of strength of association, how do you compare scatterplot I with II?

Scatterplot I Scatterplot II

A. The strength of association in Scatterplot I is greater.

B. The strength of association in Scatterplot II is greater.
C. The strength of association in both scatterplots II is the same.
D. The strength of association in the scatterplots cannot be compared.

63. Which of the following scenarios could give you a meaningful regression analysis?

A. There is no linear relationship between the variables.

B. The value of r is not significant.
C. There is a strong negative linear relationship between the variables.
D. Correlation will be done after the regression analysis.

64. If the equation of the regression line is y ' =5+.123 x , how can it be interpreted?

A. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at 5 units on
B. Every unit of change in the value of y , the value of x also changes at 5 units on
C. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at .123 unit on
D. The slope of the line is .123.

65. If the equation of the regression line is y ' =6+ .234 x , how can it be interpreted?

A. The slope of the line is .234.

B. Every unit of change in the value of y , the value of x also changes at 6 units on
C. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at .234 unit on
D. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at 6 units on

66. Ginebra Corporation gives a monthly benefit to their employees during the COVID19
pandemic. They claimed that the average monthly benefit of their employees is at least
Php 7, 000.00. A random sample of 45 employees were taken as samples to verify the said
claim and found that their average monthly benefit is Php 8, 000.00 with a standard
deviation of Php 700.00. Is the company’s claim correct at 0.05 level of significance?
Compute the Test statistics and assume that the population is approximately normally

A. Yes, z=9.58
B. Yes, z=95.8
C. No, z=9.58
D. No, z=95.8

67. Compute the test statistic of the given situation using the central limit theorem.
A certain group of welfare recipients receives relief goods with a mean amount of Php
500.00 per week. A random sample of 75 recipients is surveyed and found that the mean
amount of relief goods they received in a week is Php 600 and a standard deviation of Php
50.00. Test the claim at 1% level of significance is not Php 500.00 per week and assume
that the population is approximately normally distributed.

A. z=¿ 150.08
B. z=150.0
C. z=−150.0 3
D. z=−150.09

68. How would you select the appropriate conclusion in the problem below?
An association of City Mayors conducted a study to determine the average number of
times a family went to buy necessities in a week. They found that the mean is 4 times in a
week. A random sample of 20 families were asked and found a mean of 5 times in a week
and a standard deviation of 2. Use 5% significance level to test that the population mean is
not equal to 5. Assume that the population is normally distributed.

A. Conclusion: There is no enough evidence to conclude that the average number of

times a family went out to buy necessities in a week is 4 times
B. Conclusion: There is enough evidence to conclude that the average number of
times a family went out to buy necessities in a week is 4 times.
C. Conclusion: There is no evidence to conduct a study to determine the average
number of times a family went to buy necessities in a week.
D. Conclusion: There is evidence to conduct a study to determine the average number
of times a family went to buy necessities in a week.

69. Mr. Sy asserts that fewer than 5% of the bulbs that he sells are defective. Suppose 300
bulbs are randomly selected and tested and 10 defective bulbs are found. Does this
provide sufficient evidence for Mr. Sy to conclude that the fraction of defective bulbs is
less than 0.05? useα =0.01 . What would be the value of the test statistic.

A. z=1.35
B. z=−1.35
C. z=13.5
D. z=−13.5

70. When the null hypothesis is rejected which of the following is true?

A. The conclusion is guaranteed.

B. The conclusion is not guaranteed.
C. There is sufficient evidence to back up the decision.
D. There is no sufficient evidence to back up the decision.

For items 71-72. Refer to the given problem.

The mean household income in a region served by a chain of clothing stores is 48,750 .
In a sample of 40 customers taken at various stores the mean income of the customers was
51,505 with standard deviation of6,852.

71. Test at the 10 % level of significance the null hypothesis that the mean household income
of customers of the chain is 48,750 against that alternative that it is different from 48,750.

A. Z=2.54 , z 0.05=1.645 , reject H 0

B. Z=2.54 , z 0.05=1.645 , accept H 0
C. Z=25.4 , z 0.05=1.645 , reject H 0
D. Z=2.54 , z 0.05=16.45 , acept H 0

72. The sample mean is greater than 48,750, suggesting that the actual mean of people who
patronize this store is greater than 48,750. Perform this test, also at the 10% significance
level. (the computation of the test statistic done in item 13 still applies here)

A. Z=2.54 , z 0.10=12.8 , reject H 0

B. Z=2.54 , z 0.10=12.8 , accept H 0
C. Z=2.54 , z 0.10=1.28 , reject H 0
D. Z=2.54 , z 0.10=1.28 , accept H 0

73. If the equation of the regression line is y ' =6+ .234 x , how can it be interpreted?

A. Every unit of change in the value of y , the value of x also changes at 6 units on
B. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at .234 unit on
C. Every unit of change in the value of x , the value of y also changes at 6 units on
D. The slope of the line is .234


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