Otis Robot Intro

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Technology is a branch of knowledge that caters to the creation and use of technical means
in the society and environment. Comparing our society 30 years ago, technologies before are
limited due to a lack of sources, and some are not discovered yet but now, most of the
inventions of technologies are focused on things that are useful, accessible, and can improve
the lives of people and because of the continuing progress of technologies year by year,
robotics and artificial intelligence were born. Robotics is defined as the creation of robots to
perform tasks while artificial intelligence is about how systems emulate the human mind to make
decisions and learn.

The first robot ever made is "Unimate" which is used in manufacturing in the year 1954 and
today, the world's first robot citizen is "Sophia" which was activated in 2016. Likewise, one of the
greatest inventions ever made that are related to robotics and artificial intelligence is "Siri" and
"Alexa" their difference is that Alexa maintains a voice profile for all users and provides
personalized services in media, shopping, and call options. On the other hand, Siri is trained on
the individual voices before the users start using the devices thus providing personalized
services and preventing disclosing personal information to the wrong persons.

In a hospital setting, nurses have a significant role in providing care to patients and clients
from the start of admission until the moment of discharge. They have to fulfill their
responsibilities on time and give their best because they are holding the lives of people.
However, problems are still occurring in the hospital especially staff shortages and high patient
ratios that are causing too much workload to nurses when it comes to arranging patient records.
In addition, twenty-eight percent of a nurse’s time is wasted on low-skilled tasks like fetching
medical tools instead focusing on the complex and compassionate work of treating patients,
especially amid the coronavirus outbreak.

For patients, a companion is important as they needed someone to talk to about what they
feel and someone who will ask them about how's their day. Most importantly, a companion is
best for elders and for persons who do not have any significant others that will take care of
them. Furthermore, knowing someone that is beside you can be helpful for a faster recovery. To
solve the problems encountered in hospitals by nurses and patients, a robot named, "Otis: The
Tireless Companion Bot" could help the hospital staff in their work at the same time it can
provide good quality time with the patients. Otis is not only a robot, but it is a friend that will
always be by your side.

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