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Ordo Diptera

 2-Winged

Family Culicidae (Mosquito)

 All blood-sucking, except Toxorhynchites
Sub-Family Anophelinae
Genus Anopheles
 Vector of malaria [Cyclo-propagative]
 Vector of filariasis [Cyclo-developmental]:
Brugia Timori, Wuchereria bancrofti nocturna, Brugia malayi
 Breeding habitat:
o Fresh water: Paddy, swamp, pond, well, ditch, pond
o Brackish water: Lagoon, mangrove forest that’s not dense,
river estuary, abandoned shrimp and fish pond
 Egg: laid individually, has floats
 Larva: No siphon, has spiracles
 Bionomic:
o Night-biter
o Rainy season -> Increases rapidly
o Humidity decrease -> dehydration -> Short life
 Control:
o Insecticide-impregnated bed nets
o Screen insect
o Oiling or Pollystyrene balls
o Larvae-eating fishes
o Zooprohylaxic: Animal barrier [they get bitten instead of
us], use non-reservoir animals
o Bacillus thuringiensis
o Fogging
o Indoor residual spraying
Sub-Family Culicinae
Genus Mansonia
 Vector of filariasis [Cyclo-developmental]:
Wuchereria bancrofti [Irian Jaya], Brugia malayi [Sumatra]
 Breeding habitat:
o Peat swamp forest (Hutan paya gambut)
o Swamp, pond, lake
 Egg: laid in groups under aquatic plant
 Larvae: Has piercing valve to pierce tissue of aquatic plants
 Wide distribution because of long flight range
 Control:
o Removal of aquatic plants
o Clearance of weeds like Pristia stratiotes and Eichhornia
Genus Culex
 Vector of Japanese Encephalitis (JE)
 Vector of west nile virus
 Vector of filariasis [Cyclo-developmental]:
Wuchereria bancrofti nocturna, urban type
 Breeding habitat:
o Rice fields
o Ditches, puddles, coastal areas, swamp
o Fresh and brackish water containing moss or algae
 Egg: laid on water’s surface like a raft of eggs
 Larvae: Has long and slim siphon; Has ≥2 rows of comb teeth;
Has >1 pair of hairtuft; Called “wiggler”
 Night-biter

Culex tritaeniorhynchus
o Vector of Japanese Encephalitis (JE)
o Anthropozoophylic

o Mostly in North (Bangladesh, India) and Southeast Asia
Culex quinquefasciatus
o Vector of Wuchereria bancrofti, west nile virus
o Breeding habitat: Dirty, polluted water and ditches

Genus Aedes
 Vector of filariasis [Cyclo-developmental]:
Wuchereria bancrofti diurnal
 Vector of dengue infection
 Vector of chikunguya fever
 Vector of zika virus
 Viral infection result in decreased ability of mosquitos in sucking
blood, they repeatedly inject proboscis but fail -> Virus has
spread but no blood was sucked
 Breeding habitat:
o Clean water in bathtub, well, flower vase, behind fridge,
under water dispenser
o Car tire, used cans, bottles, and drum filled with rainwater
o Daun pisang, tempurung kelapa
o Ae. Albopictus: tempat teduh
 Egg: laid individually, biasa di dinding bak mandi
 Larva: Siphon gemuk
 Day-biter
 Ae. Aegypti biasa ditemukan di daerah perumahan
 Ae. Albopictus tend to be in sylan areas
 Control:
o Removal of aquatic plants
o Clearance of weeds like Pristia stratiotes and Eichhornia
Genus Armigeres
 Vector of filariasis: Wuchereria bancrofti

 [try searching for notes]

Sub-Family Toxorhynchitinae
Genus Toxorhynchites
 Non blood-sucking mosquito
 Not vector of any pathogen
 Breeding habitat:
o Trees and bamboo holes
o Leaf petals
o Artificial containers
 Larva: Bigger than other mosquitos’, cannibal, and predator to
other mosquito’s larvae -> block life cycle of other mosquitos

Blood-Sucking Flies
Family Tabanidae
Genus Chrysops (deer fly)
 Biological vector of Loa loa (Loiasis) and Fancisella tularensis
Genus Tabanus (horse fly)
 Mechanical vector of Anthrax, and trypanosomes
Family Glossinidae
Genus Glossina (tse-tse fly)
 Vector of Trypanosoma brucei

NON Blood-Sucking Flies

Musca domestica (house fly)
 Has habit of regurgitating meal to their esophageal diverticulum
(vomit drop) -> mechanical transfer of pathogens to human food
 Likes to lay eggs in dung, stool, and clean food (transmission)

Family Calliphoridae
 Mechanical vector
 Myiasis: Females deposit eggs in open wounds or discharging orifices
Family Sarcophagidae
 Mechanical vector
 Wound Myiasis

Mechanical vectors of:

 Virus: Poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, enteric-virus
 Rickettsia
 Bacteria: Chlamydia trichomatis, Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia
coli, Vibrio cholerae
 Spirocheta
 Protozoa: Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli, Giardia lamblia,
Toxoplasma gondii
 Helminth eggs: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, enterobius
vermicularis, Taenia solium
Obligatory Myiasis
 [tbc]

Ordo Hemiptera

 “Half-wing”
 Forewing: hardened near the base, membranous at the end
 Hindwing: membranous

Family Reduviidae
Genus: Triatoma, Rodnius, Panstrongylus
 Vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi
 Hemimetabolous development or incomplete metamorphosis
 Bite and suck blood of human -> Defecates near site of the bite ->
T. cruzi in feces quickly penetrate into bloodstream -> Chagas
o Local reaction: chagoma
o Unilateral bipalpebral swelling (one of eye swells) ->
Romana’s sign
o May also cause anaphylaxis occasionally
 Prevention & Control: Insecticide, sealing cracks, routine screening
for blood donor in case of chagas disease prevention
 Treatment:
o Wash bite
o If bite itches, apply calamine lotion
o Epinephrine -> reduce allergic response
o Intravenous antihistamines and cortisone -> reduce
inflammation and improve breathing

o Albuterol -> relieve breathing symptoms

Family Cimicidae (Bed bugs)

Genus: Cimex
 Obligate blood-sucking arthropode
 Saliva contains:
o Anticoagulant
o Anaesthetic substance
 Not a vector for a pathogen
 Sensitivity reaction occur due to anti-coagulant from saliva
 Reactions vary from swelling and itching to anaphylaxis
 Repeated bites: Erythema and bleeding under skin
 Prevention & Control: Organophosphate spray on mattress, beds, and
other household appliances

Ordo Anoplura/Phthiraptera

 No wings
 Host-specific (Lives entire life on one host)
Family Pediculidae
Pediculus humanus:
P. humanus corporis (body louse) -> susceptible to frequent bathing
P. humanus capitis (head louse) -> resistant to bathing
 Egg: attached to hair
 Nymph: feed on blood
 Adult: Sucks blood
 Direct transmission: person-to-person contact
 Indirect transmission: from personal items
 When feeding, inject anticoagulant and local anesthetic
 P. corporis -> Pediculosis corporis
 Allergy for anti-coagulant -> several years: Vagabond’s disease
 Severe infestation -> Plica palonica
 Vector of
o Louse-Borne typhus: Rickettsia prowazekii (in louse feces)
o Louse-Borne Relapsing fever: Borrelia recurrentis (spirochaetae)
[when louse is crushed and rubbed into the skin, then gets to
o Trench fever: Rickettsia quintana (in louse feces)
 Active infestation: nits on 6 mm from scalp

 Old infestation: nits on >6-12 mm from scalp
Phthirus pubis (crab lice)
 Live in pubic region -> phthiriasis/pediculosis pubis
 Also found in eyebrow, armpit, beard
 Biting sight -> Blue Macule
 Transmission: Sexual contact, sharing personal items
 Treatments: Malathion 0.5%, Permethrin 1%, Phenothrin 0.2%,
Carbaryl 0.5% & 1%, Ophthalmic ointment

Ordo Siphonaptera (Fleas) | Pinjal

 Complete metamorphosis
 Ectoparasites
 Both male and female are blood sucking (usually only female)

Medical Aspects
 Vector of Pasteurella pestis (plague): Xenopsylla cheopis
 Vector of Yersinia pestis (black plague): X. cheopis, Pulex irritans
 Vector of Murine typhus fever/Endemic fever: X. cheopis, Nosopsyllus
fasciatus, Ctenocephalides canis, Ctenocephalides felis
 Myxomatosis virus
 Bartollenosis, tularemia
 Dog tapeworm infection (Dipyllidium caninum): C. canis, C. felis,
P. irritans
 Rat tapeworm infection (Hymenolepis diminuta): C. canis, C. felis,
X. cheopis, N. fasciatus, P. irritans
 Flea allergy dermatitis: Red spots, ada lubang (prickling point) di
Itches: Calamine lotion, antihistamines, hydrocortisone
For pets -> Iufenuron to kill adult, Methoprene to stop life cycle

Ordo Orthoptera (Blattaria)

 Live in places that are hot and humid, near water sources
 Incomplete metamorphosis
 Can cause allergy [Cockroach extract allergen: Cr-I, Cr-II, Cr-III]
 Can cause protein contact dermatitis or contact urtikaria [eyelid edema]

Periplaneta americana
 Eggs are stored in a capsuled called ootheca
 Wasps from Hymenoptera prevents cockroach’s eggs from hatching

Blatta orientalis

Blattela germanica
 Cannibalistic
 Intermediate host for Acanthocephala and Monoliformis kalahariensis
 Has ionotropic chemoreceptor [can tell poison]
 Thicmotatic (like small spaces)

Cockroaches are vectors of:

 Protozoa:
o Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli
o Balantidium coli
o Giardia lamblia
o Toxoplasma gondii (oocyst)
 Helminth eggs:
o Ascaris lumbricoides

o Trichuris trichiura
o Enterobius vermicularis
 Bacterial diseases:
o Anthrax
o Diphteria
o Tetanus
o Tuberculosis
o Typhoid fever
o Leprosy
 Prevention & Control: Organophosphore combined with sugar as bait

Ordo Acarina (Class: Arachnida)

 Obligate blood sucking

Famili Ixodidae (Hard ticks) / Kutu

Dermacentor, Rhipicephalus
Pathogenesis: kutu penetrate skin -> secrete zat seperti semen untuk
melekat -> sekresi air liur dengan sifat anestesi; jika mengandung pathogen
maka dapat mengtransmisikan ke inang -> menghisap darah untuk beberapa
hari -> bertelur
Tick’s Paralysis: Holocyclotoxin -> flaccid paralysis
Pathogen transmission: transstadial (masing-masing stadium dapat
menularkan penyakit), transovarial (dari tick ke anaknya)
– American spotted fever: Rickettsia rikettsii.
Vektor: Dermacentor variabilis, penularannya secara trans-ovarial.
– Boutonneuse fever: Rickettsia conorii.
Vektor: Amblioma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus sanguineus
– African ticks fever
– Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever yang disebabkan oleh virus (tick-
borne arbovirus), penyebarannya Adia Tengah, Aropa dan Afrika. Penularan
secara transtadial dan tarns-ovarial oleh thow host ticks yakni Hyaloma
marginatum rufipes.
– Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever (OHF) disebabkan oleh flavivirus, dari famili
Togaviridae. Vektornya adalah Ixodes dan Dermacentor reticulatus.
– Ticks borne Encephalitis.

– Kyasanur forest diseases.
-Lyme diseases: Borrelia burgdorferi, spirocheta
Trans-stadial, transovarial
-Erytema Chronicum Migrans: Borrelia burgdorferi
Removal: Use tweezers

Famili Sarcoptidae (Mites)

Sarcoptes scabiei
Hidup pada terowongan yang dibuat dalam lapisan kulit epidermis, lokasi
utama: sela-sela jari tangan atau kaki, axilla, lutut, siku, umbilikus, genitalia
dan mamae
Infeksi langsung: kulit ke kulit
Infeksi tak langsung: baju atau handuk penderita
4 tanda: Pruritus nokturna, menyerang sekelompok manusia, ditemukan
terowongan dan tungau
Gejala: eritema, papul, nodul
Diagnosis: kerokan kulit
Terapi: Scabicidal lotion (Permethrin/Lindane 5%)
Salep sulfur untuk infant
Ivermectin for crusted scabies

Ordo Hymenoptera

 Females have sting as protection and ovipositor
 Males don’t have sting
 Complete metamorphosis
 Males = haploid, from unfertilized egg. Develop into adult and die
after mating
 Females = diploid, from fertilized egg, queen.
 Reaction to sting:
o Local: pain
o Large local: Swelling
o Systemic: Hypersensitivity reaction, anaphylactic shock, death
o Toxic reaction: if stung by honey bee
 Solitary bees don’t sting, social bees do.
 Honey bee venom = mellitin, phospholipase, hyaluronidase, protein
o Mellitin merusak membran sel, meningkatkan penyebaran racun
o Efek dr melittin, phospholipase, mast cell = alergi
o Efek phospholipase dan hyaluronidase -> anaphylactic shock

Injects venom through fangs, spines, and stingers to kill you

Class Arachnida

 4-legs
 Cephalothorax and Abdomen
 Dorsal carapace and ventral sternum

Ordo Araneae (Spider)

 Abdomen and cephalothorax connected by pedicle
 Has spinnerets or silk gland in anal
 Has chelicerae to inject poison into prey
Black Widow (Lactrodectus)
Venom: latrotoxin, a neurotoxic venom -> lactrodectism (severe muscle
pain, abdominal cramps, spasms)
Treatment: antilatrodectic serum, benzodiazepine (muscle relaxant)

Ordo Scorpionida (Scorpion)

 Nocturnal
 Viviparous
 Predator for other arthropods
 Venom gland in Telson (Sting)
 Venom disrupts autonomic nervous system, cause intense local pain,
cardiac arrhythmias, priapism, miosis, hypothermia, etc.
 Death caused by pulmonary edema and cardiovascular shock may
occur in children
 Treat with anti-scorpionic serum (4 vials for mild cases, 8 vials for
 Treat mild cases with nerve block anaesthesia (2% lidocaine)

Ordo Pedipaldipa (Whip scorpion)
 Di bagian belakang ada kelenjar untuk sekresi asam cuka dan asam
oktanoat untuk mempertahankan diri. Hanya menimbulkan iritasi
pada kulit sensitif

Class Diplopoda: Millipedes

 “Kaki seribu”
 Silindris
 Sistem pertahanan pertama: Melingkarkan tubuhnya
 Sistem pertahanan kedua: Mengeluarkan HCN dari stink gland melalui
pori-pori untuk melindungi diri -> Iritasi ringan
 Kena mata -> conjunctivitis, keratitis

Class Chilopoda: Centipedes

 “Lipan”
 Pipih dorsoventral, tiap ruas terdapat 1 kaki
 Pada ruas badan pertama terdapat antenna dan sepasang poison claw

Genus Scolopendra -> most dangerous

Big centipedes -> anaphylactic shock (hypotension, tachycardia ->
bradycardia, difficulty to breathe)
Urine test -> mencari tahu adanya kerusakan jaringan otot
EKG -> mengetahui ada tidaknya gejala pada pembuluh darah dan jantung
Other ordo’s venom -> non-peptidic



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