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A School of design established in Germany called "Bauhaus" founded by: Walter Gropius
Art Nouveau is known as International Style, in Germany it is also known as Jugendstil
Whose famous dictum or axiom is "Less is More"? Mies Van der Rohe
It refers to the quality of surface treatment, associated with materials Texture

The Architect who is known to be the "Father of Fantastic Architecture" Antonio Gaudi

One of the Principles of Composition which is also known as "Formal Architecture" Balance

What do you call this concept in Architecture which is the result of intellectual, Social, Religious &
Political conditions developed at a given place by a given people? Architectural Character

Symmetry resulting from the arrangement of similar radiating parts about a center point or central axis Radial Symmetry

An architectural term which is known to be the free from any historical style Art Noveau

Architecture that combine new ideas with traditional forms Post-modernism

Different historical styles combined and termed as Eclecticism

Who wrote “Treatise de Architectura”? Vitruvius

He termed the "International Style" as "flat chested," because of lack of depth in their facades Frank Lloyd Wright

Form that is generated using two or more geometric systems Canonic design

Who said “Beauty grows from necessity, not from repetition of formulas” Eliel Saarinen

Concept for the form, structure and features of building or other construction, represented
graphically by diagrams plans or other drawings Design Concept

What is the psychological significance of colour red? Stimulation

The building which was known as "The Falling Water" designed by FL Wright Kaufman House

Architect of "Notre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp” Le Corbusier

The Architect who said that "Modern Architecture need not be Western" Kenzo Tange

The Architect who designed the World Trade Center, New York Minoru Yamasaki

The culmination of all the elements of design which suggests harmony Unity

What is referred to as the origin of architecture? Practical usefulness of space

Which of the following indicates the brightness or dullness of a colour? Intensity

What is the purpose of the disks found on the tree trunks where the Ifugao house stands Protection against rats

The merging of juxtaposed dots or strokes of pure colours when seen from a distance to produc
e a hue often more luminous than that available from premixed pigment Optical Colour Mixing

In perception of space, which sense affects placement of rooms which could limit unpleasant odors. Olfactory

A royal house used for political & social ceremonies of the Datu Maranao House

Colour harmony that is equidistant to each other on the colour wheel Triad

What type of architectural elements provide protection for users from inclement of seasons or enemies? Protective

Whose famous dictum/philosophy is this: A house is a machine for living. Le Corbusier

The state or quality of being a whole composed of complicated, intricate or interconnected parts Complexity

With regards to relationships of structure to architecture, which of the

following describes adequate structure Exaggerated elements

What type of distance is that which is psychological and is indicated by a hidden band that
contains two or more individuals in a group Social Distance

What do you call the doctrine that has two extremes: One is that a building cannot be beautiful
unless it answers its function in the best simple and direct way -and that, if a building answers its
function in the most simple and direct way, it will automatically be beautiful Functionalism

What type of art outlines the crude realities of life, like filthy dustbins, mud, dirty works
and vulgar situations? Pop

The state or quality of being combined into one as the ordering of elements in a composition
that constitutes a harmonious whole or promotes a singleness of effect Unity

What is referred to as a Chinese geomancy originally called "under the canopy of heaven"? Feng Shui

Which sensual type enables one to identify materials at a distance? Visual

A relatively dark value of colour, produced by adding black to it Shade

Which of the following explains the mechanism by which the concept of territoriality
operates, particularly in animals? Provides a frame in which things are
done -places to learn, play or hide

The measurement and study of the size and proportion of the human body Anthropometry

It is a comparison showing differences, the opposite of similarity. Contrast

The most important kind of character in architecture is that which result from the
purpose of the building or reason of erection. Functional Character

Most elementary means of organizing forms and spaces in architecture. Character

Characterized by an arrangement where all the part radiate from a center like the spikes in a wheel. Radial

It means equality. Balance

It gives a feeling of grandeur, dignity and monumentality. Scale

When lines, planes, and surface treatments are repeated in a regular sequence. Rhythm

A kind of character that came from the influence of ideas and impressions related to or
growing out of past experience. Associated character

It is evident by a comparison which the eye makes between the size, shape and tone of
a various object or part of a competition. Proportion

Deals with the relationship between the different parts of the whole to the various parts. Absolute proportion

It bears a certain relation to the same attribute to the life of an individual. Personal character

These systems are based on the dimension and proportion of the human body. Anthropomorphic proportion

The size and proportion of an element appear to have relative to other elements of
known or assumed size. Visual scale

Kind of rhythm where equally spaced windows are introduced on the broken wall,
then regular repetition is presented. Accented rhythm

The size of a building element or space relative to the dimensions and proportion of
human body. Human scale

The art and science of building design and construction Architecture

Who said that “The magnificent display of volume put together in the light.” Le Corbusier

That which the eye identifies, the mind perceives and interprets Form

A series of form arranged in sequence in a row. Linear form

A set of modular forms related and regulated by 3D grid Grid form

Subtracting a portion of a forms volume to create another. Subtractive Transformation

This refer to the manner in which the surface of a form come together to define its Articulation of form

Composition of linear forms extending outward from a central form in a radial manner. Radial Form

Architecture is generally conceived, designed and realized. Design Process

A number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, central-perceive form. Centralized

One or more dimension are altered but will retain its identity. Dimensional Transformation

A collection of forms grouped together by proximity or the sharing of a common visual trait. Clustered form

Can be regular or irregular, primary characteristic that identifies. Shape

Is the most famous for the eye catching tower he constructed in Paris for the
exposition universally of 1889 work of Eiffel tower. Alexandre Gustav Eiffel

Arch of the famous Twin Tower World Trade Center Yamasaki and Roth
In 1989 he received the Pritzker Prize commonly referred to as “The Noble of Architecture”
the loftiest recognition. It is a lifetime achievement award granted to living architect whose
body of work represents a superlative contribution to the field. Frank Gehry

Much of his works has been described as post-modern, since he rejected the excessive
abstractionism of architects such as Le Corbusier and strove instead to incorporate the
valid elements of older style. Kahn, Louis

In his practice he explores the use of indigenous materials infused with current
technological trends to bring a new dimension in designs Francisco Manosa

He has actively promoted the use of native architectural forms and indigenous nationals
such as bamboo and thatch, in the creation of a distinctively Filipino architecture. Francisco Manosa

This famous axiom “Each one sees whatever he wishes to see” belongs to, Lucio Costa

This philosophy “When change needs, asks a stranger” belongs to, Peter Behrens

An important Scottish architect who was particularly known for his interiors based on
classical decoration. Robert Adam

Architect who leads the development of the ‘Quezon Memorial Circle” in Quezon City Francisco Manosa

Eiffel tower I Paris stands 984 ft.

A house is a machine to live in” philosophy belongs to Le Corbusier

One of his stylish choice which are circles and squares were used in his design solutions. Richard Meier

Architect of the “Rockwell center” Felino Palafox

Whose famous dictum/ philosophy is this “A house is a machine for living” Le Corbusier

Whose famous dictum is this, “Unity disguised as chaos, complexity & contradiction are
often what make works of art both exciting and profound.” Kenzo Tange

Architect of the ‘Centre Pompidou” in Paris. Renzo Piano

Architect of the “PHIVOLCS” building in C.P. Garcia Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Froilan Hong

“Almost is nothing” philosophy of architect? Peter Behrens

“Architecture is decorated construction not constructed decoration” is an architect

philosophy named? Mackintosh Charles

Architect of “ De la Salle University building” on Taft Avenue. Tomas Mapua

Architect of “ Salt Institute for Biological Studies, in La Jolla, California” Louis Kahn

“Design Science” is a philosophy of architect? Buckminster Fuller

Architect of “Our Lady” at EDSA shrine of the 1986 Filipino Revolution. Francisco Manosa

“Everything started with the Nipa Hut” belongs to Francisco Manosa

Architect of the UNESCO building in Paris which the striking feature of this complex is the
enormous “Y” shaped office and conference room block. Marcel Breuer

Architect and painter, one of the personalities of Italian renaissance architecture.

Already in his early works he changed conventional architecture space by inserting
illusionist features more typical of painting and storage settings. Bramante Donato

Nicknamed “The Shell builder” because of his extensive exploration of the structural
possibilities of lightweight concrete roof construction, often using complex curve forms to
exploit the tensile strengths within this versatile material. Felix Candela

A rectangle whose sides are proportioned according to the golden section is known as? Golden Rectangle

A prismatic solid bounded by "six" equal square sides, the angle between
any two adjacent faces being at right angle? Cube

Indicate a position in a space? Point

A line extended in a direction other than its intrinsic direction? Plane

Defines the limit of a boundaries or volume in a creative composition? Plane

It is the primary identifying characteristic of a volume? Established by the shapes and

interrelationships of the planes that describes the boundaries of the volume? Form

What architectural line is prominent in Prarie house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright? Horizontal

The characteristic outline or surface configuration of a particular form and the principal
aspect by which we identify form? Shape

The physical dimension of length, width and depth of a form.

It's scale is relative to its other form in its context? Size

A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual'
s perception of hue, saturation and tone value. It distinguish a form from its environment? Colour

An inclined line that rotates 360 degree having one end tip as a base of rotation? Cone

A polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular faces meeting at a common point or vertex? Pyramid

All other forms can be understood to be a transformation of the primary solids, variations which are generated by the manipulation of one or more dimension or by
the addition or subtraction of elements What type of form transformation in the figure shown below?

Dimensional transformation

What type of form transformation in the figure shown below?

Subtractive transformation

What type of form transformation in the figure shown below?

Additive transformation

The figure below was design by Adrea Palladio, identify which transformation of form it belongs?

Additive transformation

The figure above was design by Le Corbusier, identify which transformation of form it belongs?

Dimensional transformation
Identify which transformation of form is applied to the photo below?

Subtractive transformation

Which of the following is NOT the Le Corbusier's 5 points of Architecture?

Open garden

It is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by Le Corbusier. It was developed

as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the
Metric system. It is based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. Modulor

Which is NOT a "fibonacci series number" from 1-114? 15

The "Golden Section" is equal to? 0.618

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