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• ART- the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,
typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

• HUMANITIES- Since the nineteenth century the humanities have generally been
defined as the disciplines that investigate the expressions of the human mind.
Such expressions include language, music, art, literature, theatre, and poetry.

• LIBERAL ARTS- academic subjects such as literature, philosophy,

mathematics, and social and physical sciences as distinct from professional and
technical subjects.

• SOCIAL DIMENSION OF ART- This is an arts practice that is not focused on an

individual's artistic career or achievement. It is based within a community, and the
arts processes involved have been designed to respond to a particular
community and its needs.

• RHYTHM - refers to the movement within a piece of art that helps the eye travel
through the to a point of focus. Like in music, rhythm in art can vary in its
speed ... some works are more calm and relaxed while others are more energetic
and active. Others may even seem a bit off balance if the rhythm is regular.

• ZIGZAG ART- Zigzag lines are a series of diagonal lines joined at ends. They
can convey action and excitement, as well as restlessness and anxiety. Curved
lines are lines that bend and change direction gradually. They can be simply
wavy or spiral.

• PROPORTIONS- refers to the dimensions of a composition and

relationships between height, width and depth. How proportion is used will
affect how realistic or stylised something seems. Proportion also describes how
the sizes of different parts of a piece of art or design relate to each other.

• BALANCE- Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects,

colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be
balanced to make a design feel stable.

• PITCH- Getting your work seen by the right people is what's called “pitching”.
And “pitching” is simply the art of talking about your work. Whether you're
emailing your portfolio to an Art Director, trying to get an Editor to look at your
book idea, or just talking to peers at networking events, you need to know how to
• TEMPO- The tempo or pace that an audience senses in a film may be
influenced in three ways: by the actual speed and rhythm of movement and cuts
within the film, by the accompanying music, and by the content of the story.


1. Deductive value- The deductive value technique assumes that the value for duty will
be determined by a price per unit obtained from a sale of goods after importation, rather
than a sale that caused the commodities to be transferred internationally.

2. Hue- The hue is the traditional color term given to a specific wavelength of light in the
light spectrum. It is also known as a spectral color. Color encompasses various aspects
in painting color theory, including hue, chroma, and value. The hue is how most people
would characterize the color.

3. Value The value of art refers to the richness or darkness of a hue rather than the
monetary price of fine art on the art market. Every shade can be organized on a
gradient value scale, and every hue has a value between white and black.

4. Religious Value Art, as a visible religion, uses iconography and images of the
human body to transmit religious ideas, rituals, and values.

5. Scientific Value In reality, using art to study science will help students not only grasp
that creativity is at the heart of science, but it will also help them better understand
scientific concepts and rules. Solving scientific challenges frequently requires the ability
to picture and imagine particular processes.

6. Analogous Analogous colors and a tertiary are groups of three colors on the color
wheel that are next to each other. Examples include red, orange, and red-orange. The
adjective analogous means similar to, or equivalent to, something specific. A rich,
monochromatic effect is achieved by using comparable color schemes.

7. Monochromatic Monochrome means one colour, so in relation to art, a

monochrome artwork is one that includes only one colour.
8. Commercial Value The monetary worth of art, like cash, is determined by communal
intent. There is no objective, intrinsic value (no more than that of a hundred-dollar bill).
The business value is created and maintained by human stipulation and proclamation.

9. Historical Value The initial purchase price of an asset, also known as historical cost,
is the historical value of that item or piece of property.

10. Human Endeavour is one in which humans strive to achieve something of

significance, or something of significance which can only be achieved via human
intelligence, ingenuity, and/or willpower.



Hue: primary colors : red, blue, and yellow. Secondary colors : violet, green, and
orange. Complementary colors: those that opposite in the scale. Intermediate colors:
those adjacent in the wheel. Value: lightness or darkness of the color.


Ans: Horizontal lines, Vertical line, Diagonal line, Curved lines, Zigzag lines,


Ans: Melody, Rhythm, Dynamics, Harmony (tempo,texture)


Ans: Program music (Imitative, Descriptive, Narrative) Folk music Art song Jazz music
Classical music.


• PERSONAL FUCTION OF ART- Art may also serve the personal function of
controlling its viewers, much like social art. It can also perform religious service
or acknowledgment. Art has been used to attempt to exert magical control,
change the seasons, and even acquire food. Some art brings order and peace,
some creates chaos.

• SOCIAL FUCTION OF ART- Social functions of art are those that go beyond
personal intrinsic value to art's social benefits. Individuals and their society
are dynamically related. Art communicates. Most often it is constructed with the
intention of sharing responses to and opinions about life with others.

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