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Business Plan


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1 Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 3

1.1 Enterprise Description ................................................................................... 3
1.2 Mission ........................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Product / Service Description ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Brief Funding Request ................................................................................... 4
2 The Enterprise ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Value Proposition .......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Impact (social, environmental and economic) .................................................. 6
3 Market Analysis ............................................................................................... 7
3.1 Target Market (Customer Analysis) ................................................................. 7
3.2 Competitor Analysis ...................................................................................... 7
4 The Organization ............................................................................................. 8
4.1 Enterprise Structure ...................................................................................... 8
4.2 Resources .................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Partners ...................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Community Engagement ............................................................................... 8
5 Operations ...................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Operations Strategy ...................................................................................... 9
5.2 Scope of Operations ...................................................................................... 9
5.3 Ongoing Operations ...................................................................................... 9
5.4 Location ...................................................................................................... 9
5.5 Personnel .................................................................................................. 10
6 Marketing ...................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Marketing Strategy ..................................................................................... 11
6.2 Distribution Channels .................................................................................. 11
6.3 Promotion and Advertising Strategy .............................................................. 11
6.4 Sales Targets ............................................................................................. 11
7 Risk Management .......................................................................................... 12
7.1 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................... 12
7.2 Risk Analysis and Mitigation Measures ........................................................... 12


1 Executive Summary
1.1 Enterprise Description
(Provide a brief description of your company. This should introduce what you do and

Ours is a story of restoring the dignity of a girl child from an impoverished background

In 2005 the journey of hope begun for the youth across Bushbuckridge after the visionary,
Mrs. Creseldah Ndlovu, heeded the call of the soul to be the help she once needed. Born
from a single parented household, at the age of 16 she assumed the role of parent to her
siblings as her mother’s working schedule allowed her to only come home once every 3
months. The responsibility increased as she had to juggle schoolwork, family and social

Out of compassion, as a woman who is not afraid to show people her heart, in 2005 she
got into community development work with one vision – to contribute to the eradication
of poverty within rural areas by cultivating the culture of education amongst young people.
She heeded this call because she knew that there are lots of teen Creseldahs out there,
and as an epitome of possibility and as someone who understands the pain and struggle
that those other Creseldahs are going through, she wants to create enabling environments
for them to not get drowned in those circumstances – she wants to be the help she wishes
she had.

So, 2005 marked the beginning of Creseldah community development which started
its community service work by opening an orphanage centre in the local area of
Bushbuckridge region [and it is still fully operational, on a daily basis, to date, 15 years

Which lead to the birth of this Social enterprise CefPads. The Business idea is to have a
Huge Sewing Factory to manufacture, textile for various products, The Sewing center will
also have an Accredited Educational Training site to empower unemployed women and
economic development, sewing training sessions and give them accreditation in
completion of the session. This is to create more opportunities for them and economical
benefiting the communities and the country as whole. Meaning after Completing their
sewing training we either employ them in the factory or they start their own business and
create more jobs.

This will be a great tourism opportunities as we will sew different African cultures clothes,
bags, and other items for economic empowerment, we will focus on sustainable
environmental friendly products. We will also target the collaboration with local
Government, Companies, Schools and hospitals to manufacture the uniforms, for the
hospitals, we can manufacture the medical scrubs and other products.

For the B&B's accommodation business, we will design and manufacture the linen and all
the needs for their Game Reserves.

Business Plan 3/19/2021


1.2 Mission
(A mission statement is an explanation of your enterprise’s reason for being or purpose)

Creating job opportunites for women empowerment and economic development.

1.3 Product / Service Description

(This should include a very brief overview and description of your producsts and services, with emphasis
guishing features)

We are the textile industry, manufacturing Uniforms for companies and schools, Medical Scrubs, Linens
and with our waste fabrics we manufacture resuabale sanitary pads for the girls not to miss schools
during their monthly mentruations and other sustainable and enviromental friendly products like
resuable shopping bags This is a huge opportunity for us as we don’t have textile factory that
manufactures similar products for the companies and local game reserves as we are close to the Kruger
National Park, For sustainability, we aim to formalize training centre for transfering skills to the fellow
youth and women.

Brief Funding Request

(Explain your funding request. It should include the amount you need, interest, collateral,
anticipated return, ownership willing to give, etc. Sell the advantage of your proposal to
the investor)

Commitment to cause proven

Investing in this cause means investing in 15 years of consistent efforts. Our work and
measurable impact should put you at ease that our community development work is not
some PR stunt but authentic efforts towards doing good.

This got to show that we are in this because we really want to do good for the less fortunate
– because we understand the struggle and as the Spiritual teacher Dalai Lama puts it “Our
prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them at least do not hurt

We need equipment that includes (Industrial Sewing Machines, straight/ lock-stich, Over-
locker, Industrial Cutter, Embroidery Machine and fabrics

This will cost approximately

4 x Straight Machines @R11500 =R46’000

2 x Industrial Buttonhole Machine @R35000 = R70000

4 x Over locker @R12500 = R50’000

2 x Industrial BlindHem @R15000 = R30’000

1 x Industrial Embroidery Machine @R 149’000.00

1 x Industrial Cover Stitch Machine @R15000

2 x Industrial Cutter @R6500 = R13000

Business Plan 3/19/2021


4 x KAM Industrial Snap @R1200 = R4800

Total Budget = R377’800.00

Salaries 5 Employees @R3500 @12 months = R210 000

Total including Salaries- R587’800

To the investor, Please make commitment to this great initiative, you will never regret.
We have proven record; our work has traction in terms of community development
through the founder Mrs Creseldah Ndlovu.

Our customers includes local schools, Hospitals, Kruger national park surrounding Game
reserves and of course individuals.

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2 The Enterprise
2.1 Value Proposition
(Explain the unique value added characteristics of your products or services and how this
value-added characteristics will in turn give your business a competitive advantage)

Our products are unique, despite the fact that we are operating within deep rural areas of Mpumalanga
Bushbuckridge with limited resources, we create jobs for the youth and women and transfer skills for
empowerment and skills development. Looking at the high rate of unemployment and dropouts within
our communities, we see our company unique to solve these issues and contribute in economy
development. We aim to break the grounds and have huge factory that can manufacture millions of
clothing for the companies, schools and health centres in the next 5 years.

We do in-house training for our Seamstress/Tailors. We also offer after-sales service, where our clients
get free services for size adjustments for the clothes bought, if they return within seven days of
purchasing. We also using waste products to manufacture cloth facemask and reusable sanitary pads
for sustainability.

2.2 Impact (social, environmental and economic)

 Social impact
delivery of occupational education and skills training, employment of 30 women,
special benefits for the employees. You may also add the social benefits of your

Looking at the social issues our communities currently facing, we are solving it by
providing jobs and skills development for empowerment. we have high rate of school
dropouts and teen mothers who are not even qualifying to further their studies, hence we
provide sills training for them and create jobs for them.

 Environmental impact
e.g. changes in community choices and actions. You may also add the environmental
benefits of your products/services.

Manufacturing our own brands in house really make sit easy for us to create impact and
we are going green serving mother earth by manufacturing and environmental friendly
products, Which include Reusable Shopping bags. This will let people stop using plastics
to save the nature.
Positive environmental impact – decrease in the amount of waste dumped in water
bodies [rivers, streams etc] and on land as our products will replace the disposable pads
and plastic shopping bags.

 Economic impact
Marketing networks established and new opportunities investigated
As we are creating a platforms to employ youth and women, and doing skills training
development for basic sewing, we are absolutely creating economic empowerment to our

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communities and the country at large. Our local economy will also benefit from us as we
create jobs and the companies around buy locally too.

3 Market Analysis
(Provide a brief description of the market you will be competing in. Define your market,
how large it is and how much of the market you will capture)

Since we are operating within the communities near Kruger National Park and other Game
reserves around, we saw an opportunity in a tourism industry. This will be our marker and
including the local schools and health sectors for our medical scrubs products, but the
main market we are focusing and seeing the business in the tourism industry.

3.1 Target Market (Customer Analysis)

Our target market is the tourism industry, where we see the demand of uniforms and linens and of
course with the current pandemic, the cloth facemasks and doing branding as well.

3.2 Competitor Analysis

(Identify direct and indirect competitors, with analysis on their pricing and promotional

We do have local retailers selling clothes but our model , we are bringing the products to
our clients, giving them opportunity to choose their fabrics, designs, colors and of course
personalized and company branding, which other shops are not offering.

Our pricing and packaging also accommodates the type of industry and their profesional

Business Plan 3/19/2021


4 The Organization
4.1 Enterprise Structure
(Describe how your enterprise will be structured legally and physically)

We have skilled staff; Dressmaker for 28yrs and the other seam stress are trained in house too.

The founder also had done fashion designing in 2002.

4.2 Resources
(List and explain the various resources including human resources which are important for
the success of your enterprise. Explain the roles of your key human resources)

Our sewing equipment’s are the main resources to get the factory running. Also our team,
without them the factory cannot function at all.

We currently have 4 industrial sewing machines, 6 domestic machines, I cutter and 1

kamnap. These are assets we owning. We also have 8 team, 3 fulltime and 5 part-time.

4.3 Partners
(State the roles of your partners and the nature of your partnerships, whether they are
structured and formal or informal. Also, state if there are new partnerships which are yet
to be developed. How are your partners involved in your enterprise)?

Our partners includes the suppliers of our fabrics in Nelspruit Valencia and also online
shops. Our stakeholders, schools and local communities also do benefits from our company
as we are creating jobs for their people and contribute in the economic development.

4.4 Community Engagement

(How is your relationship with the community/ties and community leaders where your
enterprise operates? How do you plan to involve them in your enterprise as it grows? How
are they benefiting from your enterprise and what role do they play)?

We are based in South Africa, Mpumalanga Bushbuckridge region, south. Lillydale B well known
as Mabarhule and Mkhuhlu. Engaging the community leaders is a process which we have
already embarked on and we believe it benefit the organization and the community at large.

Their involvement is more on granting us permission to campaign and within schools

presenting our products, therefore we have been engaged with the local schools and we are
busy doing marketing to get them buying uniforms from and the pads. With the Game reserves
too, we believe it will be the opportunity to connect to the communities through them too.

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5 Operations
5.1 Operations Strategy
Explain how you will use operations to add value for customers in your target market.
(THIS SHOULD BE THE FOCUS) Specify your plans for using your organisational resources
and focus on the specific organisational core competencies and capabilities which give your
enterprise a competitive advantage

We are focusing of manufacturing quality products, as this will help us market our
company. The cost of our products also are considered fair and affordable while we are
not sacrificing our quality production. Delivering in time and being reliable and flexible as
per our clients’ needs it is the secrete to the operations strategy too.

in terms of restoring the dignity of young girls in impoverished communities, creating

possibilities in young people from poverty stricken homes – possibilities of a better future
from the positive ripple effect resulting from restoring their dignity by affording them an
opportunity to have a comfortable and dignified menstrual period. This is a scalable cause
with real and measurable results.

5.2 Scope of Operations

(Explain what you will do in house and what you will purchase)

Our operations are direct starting from receiving orders, then start purchasing fabrics as
per order. Our production team start manufacturing, while considering the time frame we
agreed with the client. We will then package according to size and specifications given.

Our delivery team will then deliver. We will create the delivery note and send invoice for
payment. We will give the clients at least 7 days to utilize our after-sales service in any
need be.

5.3 Ongoing Operations

(Explain how your enterprise will operate on an ongoing basis)

Our everyday dury is production. We will delegate duties to the team, and after getting
clients , the delegations of duties/roles will be discussed with the team. We will
manufacture our products as we receive orders from the clients.

5.4 Location
(Describe location of production, sales, storage areas etc). Explain lease or ownership

Our manufacturing is done in-house. We are based in Mpumalanga Mabarhule, currently

renting space at Mkhuhlu office. For security reason, this is where we store our assets and

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5.5 Personnel
(Describe your labour force. Indicate the number of employees and the type of labour
quality of existing staff)

We have 8 team members (4 fulltime & 4 part-time)


1 x Managing director

1 x cutter

2 x seamstress

4 x part time assistance

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6 Marketing
6.1 Marketing Strategy
(Describe your current marketing strategy including the prices you set for your
products/services and how you promote them)

All the partners will also gain Mentions and inclusions in media and press releases (print,
radio, television); Name or logo placement on website; Mentions and inclusions on all our
social media platforms.

Online- Mobipad, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) We also do word of mouth
within communities and schools. We aim to appoint a brand ambassador to also push the

6.2 Distribution Channels

(Describe your distribution strategy and explain why it is best for your market)

Our products will be available in the factory, we can post and we will also have direct selling
retail prices for those who wish to buy and resell. Also penetrating in the local retailers hop
will be huge achievement. We are also working on that.

6.3 Promotion and Advertising Strategy

(Explain how you intend to increase awareness of your product or service among potential

Same as marketing. Social media and online sales Mobi App. We will also do promotional campaigns. Also
doing some collaborations.

6.4 Sales Targets

Sales targets per product

Projected sales 2020 Projected sales 2021 Projected sales 2022

Product / Service 1 10000 50000 150000

Product / Service 2 10000 40000 150000

Product / Service 1 10000 40000 100000

There are no product descriptions. What is Product 1/Service 1 etc?


7 Risk Management
7.1 SWOT Analysis
(List) - List all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that influence the
progress of your enterprise
Strengths (internal factors) Weaknesses (internal factors)

 Strength 1 Well trained team  Weakness 1 Market access

 Strength 2 local women assist  Weakness 2

 Strength 3  Weakness 3

Opportunities (external factors) Threats (external factors)

 Opportunity 1 Local schools target  Threat 1 Struggling to sell

 Opportunity 2 Tourist Target  Threat 2 Stock theft

 Opportunity 3 CSI Project  Threat 3 Damages and repairs

7.2 Risk Analysis and Mitigation Measures

(Explain how you have taken into consideration the risk involved in starting or expanding
your venture) ?????

We need financial assistance to expand as a start-ups. We atleast do have 4 industrial sewing

machines. Our risks is financial, since we don’t capital and we can then expand and create
jobs. Also the security measures is our risk as we don’t have insurances and

Business Plan 3/19/2021


List all important risks that may influence the progress of your enterprise, state if they can
be identified early in your venture and rate from highest to lowest risk

State what efforts you will make in order to mitigate the high ranking or rating risks

Business Plan 3/19/2021

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