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How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Preschool marks a significant turning point in your child's educational and development journey.
This is the stage where your child will make new friends, pick up new skills, and develop the
self-assurance and independence that will put them on the right track for later school success. For
some kids, this transitional milestone could be challenging. But with the correct techniques,
getting your kid ready for preschool can be enjoyable and memorable. At Rothewood Academy,
we understand that parents and children have conflicting feelings as they reach this milestone.
We provide a warm, safe, and nurturing environment to cultivate your child's social, emotional,
physical, and intellectual skills.

Tips to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Here are some tips you can use to help your child be ready for preschool and how to calm
separation anxiety:

Engage in pretend play to explore the idea of a preschool

Play the roles of parent, student, and teacher alternately. Act out typical daily activities,
including waving goodbye to parents, removing outerwear, hanging up a backpack, singing
songs, reading stories, making art, participating in circle time, playing outside, and taking naps.
You can also switch roles and let your child be the teacher. This helps children feel more in
control which reduces their anxiety and assures your youngster that a preschool is a good place
where she will have fun and learn.

Visit the preschool together

At Rothewood Academy, we allow parents to bring their children to tour the facility before the
school year begins. This is an excellent chance for your child to get used to the new surroundings
while you assess the school's facilities. These visits will help you get to know the principal and
the child's instructor better and make your youngster feel more at ease and confident.

Practice self-help skills

Children who can take care of some of their requirements in preschool perform better than kids
completely dependent on adults. Encourage your kid to handle her bathroom requirements, brush
her teeth, get dressed or don their shoes and socks. Try talking her through it rather than doing
everything for her if she asks for assistance wiping or with her trousers. Teach her how to flush
the toilet and wash her own hands. By assisting your child in developing self-help abilities, you
can reduce some of your worries and help them become more independent. Our teachers
encourage students to develop their confidence, adaptability, tenacity, and resilience muscles. A
growth mindset forms the cornerstone of our education.

Spend time away from your child

If you gradually get your child used to being left with various caretakers, such as grandparents,
relatives, and friends, they will adjust to preschool more easily. Start by only leaving them for
brief periods, like an hour while you go shopping, and then gradually increase it until your child
is content to be left alone for an entire morning or afternoon. Most kids won't initially enjoy
being left with preschool teachers they don't know, but it shouldn't take long for him to start
talking about what "Mrs X said" and "Mr Y did" when he gets home.

Create a routine

Setting up a schedule can give your child a sense of security and stability, especially as they
prepare for important life transitions like starting preschool. You may establish a morning
routine where your child wakes up, gets dressed and washed, has breakfast with you, and then
prepares to go to preschool.

Are You Looking for a Preschool for Your Child?

Our passion and belief at Rothewood Academy are to foster a culture of unending curiosity in
our students. Our teachers nurture students' ideas into amazing learning opportunities and forge
lasting connections that bind the Rothewood community together. Our learning experience will
inspire our students to have high expectations and a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime.

If you'd like to learn more about our school, message us or fill out our contact form to book a
preschool tour.

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