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Test / Exam Name: Electric charge Standard: 12TH SCIENCE Subject: PHYSICS

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Questions: 61 Time: 60 Mins Marks: 65

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Q 1. If the sizes of charged bodies are very small as compared to the distance 1 Mark
between them then the charged bodies are called as:
a. Charged objects.
b. Bulk of charges.
c. Point charges.
d. None.
Q 2. The three basic properties possessed by the electric charge are: 1 Mark
a. Quantisation.
b. Additivity.
c. Conservation.
d. All.
Q 3. If two bodies A and B (A bigger in size than B) are rubbed together, then: 1 Mark
a. A and B get equal and opposite charges.
b. A and B get equal and similar charges.
c. A gets more charge than B, but of opposite kind.
d. A gets less charge than B, but of same kind.
Q 4. The materials having high resistance to the passage of electricity are called 1 Mark
a. Conductors.
b. Insulators.
c. Semiconductors.
d. None.
Q 5. What should be the shape of a conductor that can hold a charge for long? 1 Mark
a. Cubical
b. Conical
c. Sharp-edged
d. Spherical
Q 6. When some charge is transferred to ...A... it readily gets distributed over the 1 Mark
entire surface of ... A... If some charge is put on ... B..., it stays at the same place.
Here, A and B refer to.
a. Insulator, conductor.
b. Conductor, insulator.
c. Insulator, insulator.
d. Conductor, conductor.
Q 7. Two equally charged spheres attract each other. Now if they touch each other 1 Mark
then they will _____?
a. Attract each other with the same amount of force.
b. Repel each other.
c. Attract each other with less amount of force.
d. Don’t attract or repel.
Q 8. Electroscope is used: 1 Mark
a. To detect and test small electric charges.

b. To calculate the amount of electric charge flowing through the conductor in the
given interval of time.
c. To find out the presence of antimatter.
d. To test the presence of magnetic field.
Q 9. ......... Charge is produced by friction 1 Mark
a. Stationary.
b. No.
c. Attractive.
d. All.
Q 10. The process of sharing the charges with the earth is called as: 1 Mark
a. Grounding.
b. Earthing.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 11. Lightning is a ________ phenomenon: 1 Mark
a. Electromagnetic
b. Current electricity
c. Electrochemical
d. Electrostatic
Q 12. Gold-leaf electroscope can be used _______? 1 Mark
a. Only to detect the presence of charge.
b. To detect the presence of charge as well as its nature (positive or negative).
c. To measure the surface charge density.
d. To measure current.
Q 13. The total charge of the isolated system is always: 1 Mark
a. Not conserved.
b. Conserved.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 14. When a comb is rubbed with hair, it attracts paper bits. Choose the right 1 Mark
a. Bits of paper gets attracted due to gravitational force.
b. Due to electromagnetic effect, bits of paper are attracted.
c. Comb gets charged by friction and attracts bits of paper.
d. None of these.
Q 15. Which one of the following is a safe place during lightning? 1 Mark
a. Under a tree
b. Under a light post
c. House with lightning arrester
d. High wall
Q 16. The property between two charged ebonite rods is: 1 Mark

a. Attraction
b. Repulsion
c. Both
d. None
Q 17. When a body is charged by induction, then the body. 1 Mark
a. Becomes neutral.
b. Does not lose any charge.
c. Loses whole of the charge on it.
d. Loses part of the charge on it.
Q 18. Electric charge is measured in: 1 Mark
a. Coulombs
b. Amperes
c. Volts
d. Watts
Q 19. What will be the nature of charge on the metal paper clip of electroscope 1 Mark
when a negatively charged body is brought in contact with it?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Partially positive
d. None of the above
Q 20. The branch of physics which deals with the study of forces, Fields and 1 Mark
potential arising from static charges is called as:
a. Electromagnetics.
b. Thermodynamics.
c. Electrostatics.
d. None.
Q 21. Conservation of electric charges means that the total charge of an isolated 1 Mark
system remains ____ with time.
a. Changed.
b. Unchanged.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 22. What is the C.G.S. unit of charge? 1 Mark
a. Stat Coulomb
b. Coulomb
c. EMU
d. Pascal
Q 23. Induction occurs due to ______? 1 Mark
a. Movement of electron.
b. Leakage of charge.
c. Ionization of atoms.
d. Uniform charge distribution.
Q 24. Like charges ____ each other. 1 Mark
a. Attacks.
b. Repels.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 25. In metals ____ are the mobile charges. 1 Mark
a. Electrons.
b. Holes.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 26. Two spheres A and B of exactly same mass are given equal positive and 1 Mark
negative charges respectively. Their masses after charging.
a. Remains unaffected.
b. Mass of A > mass of B.
c. Mass of A < mass of B.
d. Nothing can be said.
Q 27. When a charged body is brought near an electroscope: 1 Mark
a. The strips of foils opens up.
b. The strips of foils close.
c. The strips open and close simultaneously.
d. The strips neither open nor close.
Q 28. The rubber used in the wheels of aero-plane is _________? 1 Mark
a. Perfect insulator.
b. Slightly conducting.
c. Can be an insulator or conducting.
d. Semiconductor.
Q 29. Two uncharged bodies on rubbing, get charged due to: 1 Mark
a. Conduction
b. Friction
c. Induction
d. None of these
Q 30. A point charge q is rotated along a circle in the electric field generated by 1 Mark
another point charge Q. The work done by the electric field on the roatating
charge in one complete revolution is:
a. Zero.
b. Positive.
c. Negative.
d. Zero if the charge Q is at the centre and nonzero otherwise.
Q 31. When an object possess electric charge then the object is said to be: 1 Mark
a. Charged.
b. Electrified.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 32. If a body is charged by rubbing it, its weight 1 Mark
a. Remains precisely constant.
b. Increases slightly.
c. Decreases slightly.
d. May increase slightly or may decrease slightly.
Q 33. Which of the following are insulators. 1 Mark
a. Glass.
b. Plastic.
c. Nylon.
d. All.
Q 34. Which one is not the property of charge? 1 Mark
a. Charge is additive.
b. Charge is conserved.
c. Quantization of charge.
d. A charge is self-destructive.
Q 35. If an object is positively charged, theoretically the mass of the object 1 Mark
a. Increases slightly by a factor of 9.11 × 10-31kg.
b. Decreases slightly by a factor of 9.11 × 10-31kg.
c. Remains the same.
d. May increase or decrease.
Q 36. In electrolytes, the mobile charges are: 1 Mark
a. Positive ions.
b. Negative ions.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 37. What happens when the end of the paper clip of electroscope is touched by 1 Mark
a. Electric current is produced.
b. Foil strips remain as it is.
c. Foil strips collapse.
d. None of the above.
Q 38. A point charge q is placed in a cavity in a metal block. If a charge Q is 1 Mark
brought outside the metal, will the charge q feel an electric force?
Q 39. Charge is: 1 Mark
a. Transferable.
b. Associated with mass.
c. Conserved.
d. All of these.
Q 40. Like coulomb force, ______ also satisfies superposition principle. 1 Mark
a. Electric charge.
b. Electric field.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 41. A rubber balloon is given a charge Q distributed uniformly over its surface. 1 Mark
Is the field inside the balloon zero everywhere if the balloon does not have a
spherical surface?
Q 42. On charging by conduction, mass of a body may: 1 Mark
a. Increase.
b. Decreases.
c. Increase or decrease.
d. None of these.
Q 43. Mark out the correct options. 1 Mark
a. The total charge of the universe is constant.
b. The total positive charge of the universe is constant.
c. The total negative charge of the universe is constant.
d. The total number of charged particles in the universe is constant.
Q 44. Insulation breakdown may occur at _______? 1 Mark
a. High temperature
b. Low temperature
c. At any temperature
d. Depends on pressure
Q 45. If a positively charged sphere is taken close to another uncharged sphere 1 Mark
then which of the following statements is true?
a. Induction and attraction occur simultaneously.
b. Induction occurs before the attraction.
c. Attraction occurs before induction.
d. Attraction or repulsion may occur.
Q 46. The property which differentiates two kinds of charges is called 1 Mark
a. Equality of charge
b. Polarity of charge
c. Fraction of charge
d. None of the option
Q 47. For two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other 1 Mark
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes
(a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false and R is also false.
Assertion (A): Charging is due to transfer of electrons.
Reason (R): Mass of a body decreases slightly when it is negatively charged.
Q 48. Current carrier in conductors is ____? 1 Mark
a. Electron
b. Proton
c. Neutron
d. Positron
Q 49. A body is positively charged, it implies that: 1 Mark
a. There is only positive charge in the body.
b. There is positive as well as negative charge in the body, but the positive
charge is more than negative charge.
c. There is equal positive and negative charge in the body, but the positive
charge lies in the outer regions.
d. Negative charge is displaced from its position.
Q 50. What do you understand by the static or frictional electricity? 1 Mark
a. Discarging of two bodies on rubbing them together is called static or frictional
b. Charging of two bodies on rubbing them together is called static or frictional
c. Electricity which is static is called static or frictional electricity.
d. Electricity on high friction bodies is called static or frictional electricity.
Q 51. Quantisation of charge was experimentally demonstrated by: 1 Mark
a. Einstein’s photoelectric effect.
b. Frank-Hertz experiment.
c. Davisson and Germer experiment.
d. Millikan’s oil drop experiment.
Q 52. An electroscope is used: 1 Mark
a. To detect presence of charge on a body.
b. To determine the nature of charge on a body.
c. To measure the exact amount of charge on a body.
d. For both A and B.
Q 53. The filament of an electric bulb is made of: 1 Mark
a. Carbon
b. Aluminium
c. Tungsten
d. Nickel
Q 54. Unlike charges _____ each other. 1 Mark
a. Attacks.
b. Repels.
c. Both a and b.
d. None.
Q 55. When we wear nylon dresses during winter then there is ______ current 1 Mark
which gets produced due to contact with out body. Fill in the Blank.
a. Magnetic
b. Electrostatic
c. Potential
d. kinetic
Q 56. An electron and a proton are both released from rest 1 meter from a large 1 Mark
stationary negative charge, considering only the force from the large stationary
negative charge on the proton and electron. Which of the following is true?
a. Neither the proton nor the electron will accelerate.
b. The initial acceleration of the proton is greater.
c. Both the electron and proton have the same non-zero initial acceleration.
d. The initial acceleration of the electron is greater.
Q 57. On rubbing, when one body gets positively charged and other negatively 1 Mark
charged, the electrons transferred from positively charged body to negatively
charged body are:
a. Valence electrons only.
b. Electrons of inner shells.
c. Both valence electrons and electrons of inner shell.
d. Yet to be established.
Q 58.a. Explain the meaning of the statement ‘electric charge of a body is 2 Mark
b. Why can one ignore quantisation of electric charge when dealing with
macroscopic i.e., large scale charges?
Q 59. When a glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, charges appear on both. A 2 Mark
similar phenomenon is observed with many other pairs of bodies. Explain how this
observation is consistent with the law of conservation of charge.
Q 60. Consider two particles A and B having equal charges and placed at some 2 Mark
distance. The particle A is slightly displaced towards B. Does the force on B
increase as soon as the particle A is displaced? Does the force on the particle A
increase as soon as it is displaced?
Q 61. Why does a phonograph-record attract dust particles just after it is cleaned? 2 Mark


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