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Jolly 1

Camden Jolly

March 9th, 2023

When I arrived at my internship on Monday, I was told it would be a slow week since we

did not have much stuff scheduled for the week. However, there were not any interviews

scheduled for Monday. We started by cleaning the office and getting it ready for the week. Since

there was not much to do, I was able to get started on my project PowerPoint and make a graphic

for international women’s day on Wednesday to post on social media. After I finished working

on my project PowerPoint and making my graphic, I was able to catch up with the other interns

and see how they were doing.

Tuesday was a little slow because I did not know of anything that was scheduled for the

afternoon. We did however have a counseling appointment that was with an elementary-aged

girl, her mom, and her older sister. While their mom was back there the little girl asked for one

of us interns to play with her. Both I and Charlotte went to play with her, and it was fun hanging

out with her and seeing her personality. This made my day go by so much faster and I was able

to make someone's day. She even told us she did not want to leave and that if she had to we were

coming home with her. After they left, we cleaned the toys to make sure there were no germs

anywhere and then it was time to leave for the day.

On Wednesday we also did not have any appointments that were scheduled. We were

able to vacuum the floors and stock things that were getting low around the office. We stocked

the snacks, drinks, and bathrooms. I was also able to email a place to get more information

about a potential job opportunity and see if it is something I am interested in. After my lunch

break, I brought my miniature dachshund back with me to meet my coworkers and other interns.
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A lot of my coworkers mentioned how it made their day. After I dropped her back off at home I

set outside and read a book to get some fresh air until it was time to close the office down.

Thursday, we had a call that I answered that was right after we opened the office, and it

was one where they had just talked to someone on our crisis line. I transferred the call to

someone in our office and after they finished talking to them, they came and told me what the

call was for. A 20-something-year-old was coming in for a sexual assault kit but did not want

any law enforcement here with her. She arrived about 20 min later and we let her in until our

nurse was ready for her. After she left, I worked on replying to people on my discussion post and

started working on my journal. When everyone went on their lunch break some of us interns

went around and took the trash out that was full so we could take the bin to the road. Around 3

pm we had a little girl come in who was the one who was here for a long time the other week

because her grandma was sent to jail. She was here for a medical follow-up to make sure her

bruising was healing. When she left out nurse let me and some of the other interns see her

pictures of the bruises on her inner thigh. The pictures were not what I was expecting, and it was

sad to know someone who is only 9 had this happen to her. After we looked at the pictures it was

time to close the office.

Friday was also not very productive as it usually isn’t since I only am there a half day.

Since there was not much to do, I was able to finish up my journal and I also worked on more of

the binder with information we have in the office to see what else needs to be updated. Overall, I

did not do that much this week since it was a slow week. I would say that I was not able to learn

any new skills that I did not learn in previous weeks, but it was still informative. In later weeks I

hope we have more interviews or counseling appointments to give me more to do and more
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awareness, that way I get more out of my internship. I also hope next week we can get the

computer fixed so I can watch some more interviews.

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Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours


Monday, 9am 5pm 8

March 6th

Tuesday, 1 5pm 4

March 7th

Wednesday, 9am 12:30-1 5pm 7.5

March 8th

Thursday, 9am 1-1:30 5 7.5

March 9th

Friday, March 12:30pm 5pm 4.5


Total Weekly 31.5


Total Hours 272.6

to Date

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