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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 E-mail Address:

Yasmien F. Basallote

Discuss the implications of globalizations on:

1. peace and order in a country; (10 points)

- the effects of peace and stability brought about by globalization as defined by

commerce are more significant than those brought about by globalization as defined
by foreign direct investment. We come to the conclusion that foreign direct
investment is not a potent tool for advancing and preserving African knowledge.
We also draw the conclusion that the prospect for the knowledge economy in
African countries may be realistic and attainable, as long as these countries continue
to engage in the kind of globalization that enhances peace and stability. This is
because the effects of globalization on peace and stability can influence governance
in both positive and negative ways.

2. laws implemented; (10 points)

-The nation state has historically been the domain of law, with its courts and police
enforcing the law. International law, in contrast, has historically had minimal
enforcement capabilities. But as the world becomes more interconnected, new
international legal institutions and standards are emerging. Intergovernmental
cooperation is increasingly used to bring some of the most renowned international
criminals to trial, while the International Criminal Court promises to prosecute
heinous public offenders in accordance with a global criminal code. As nations
agree to common legislation, rules, and legal procedures, business law is the one
area of law that is globalizing the fastest. International regulations covering
bankruptcy, intellectual property, banking practices, and many other aspects of
corporate law are being developed by diplomats and jurists.

3. education (5 points)

-The standard of education has increased because of globalization. As a result of

globalization, nations had the chance to observe the finest educational systems in
other countries and duplicate them. Foreign colleges were founded in emerging
nations as a result of globalization. Numerous individuals were assisted by these
universities in obtaining a top-notch education. Additionally, foreign investments
in developing and undeveloped nations' educational systems helped to upgrade the
facilities and infrastructure. Global literacy rates have increased as a result of
people's increased awareness of the value of education. Many people have become
more conscious of human rights and the flaws in domestic government as a result of
globalization. Students are better able to contribute to the growth of their nations
because to this practical education.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600
Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 E-mail Address:

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