Solo Rules ENG v2.01

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Solo rules for Mars Terraforming v.2.


The goal of this variant is to create an automatic Opponent available to place tiles, increase
parameters, get awards and claim milestones like you can do in the game.
The general idea of how to choose action for the Opponent is drawing cards and collecting sets. As
soon as opponent gets 3 (or 4) blue (or green) cards he can place ocean (or greenery) tile. If there is a red card,
the Opponent raises up the temperature. The city is placed if green card with city tag is drawn.
You cannot reduce opponent’s resources if your card suggests it. But you can reduce opponent’s TR if
your card prompts to reduce opponent’s production level. For example, if your card states “Reduce
somebody’s power production level by 2” you will reduce opponent’s TR by 2.
You don’t need pay for awards and milestones. All 5 milestones and 5 awards are available. One of you
gets 3 M€ for awards and 5 M€ for milestones.
Your income is 20 + money production (not TR + money production!). You will never have piles of
Try to terraform Mars as quick as possible. You will be fined 10 points for each generation after the
generation 9.


Use setup for 2-5 players extended game (place the oxygen, temperature, generation markers on the start
positions, your and the opponent’s markers on “20” of the TR track, select a corporation and buy cards for 3
M€, corporate era cards are used in project and corporation cards).

The only difference is you start with 1 production of each resource on the player board.

Your opponent does not have a player board and resources.


1. Changing generation phase

2. Research phase
3. Player action phase (not 2 actions but as many as possible)
4. Opponent’s actions phase
5. Production phase


As usual but without shifting the first player marker.


As usual.


As usual with the following features

 Skip any “remove opponent’s resources” text on the cards

 Instead of “reduce any production level by X” reduce the opponent’s TR by X.
 Do not pay for milestones. If you meet the criteria of a milestone, place your player marker on it. All
five milestones are available!
 Do not pay for awards and do not fund them. Awards will be used at the end of game during final
scoring. All five awards will be available!


Draw five cards from the project cards deck. Look at the cards one by one and do the following

 If there is a card of GREEN color with CITY TAG, Opponent places a city tile (see «Placing city tile»).
The card is placed face up in the so named “Opponent’s played card” stack on the table with only the
top row visible.
 If there is a RED CARD, Opponent raises up the temperature (if possible) and increases TR (if the
temperature has been really increased). The card is discarded to the discard pile.
 If there is a BLUE CARD, Opponent places the card in the blue card pile. If now the pile contains THREE
blue cards, Opponent places the ocean tile (see «Placing ocean tile») and increases TR (if the tile has
been placed). These 3 cards are discarded to the discard pile.
 If there is a GREEN CARD without CITY TAG, Opponent places the card in the GREEN card pile. If now
the pile contains FOUR green cards, Opponent places the greenery tile (see «Placing greenery tile»),
increases the oxygen level (if possible) and TR (if the oxygen level has been really increased). These
cards are not discarded and placed face up in the so named “Opponent’s played card” stack on the
table with only the top row visible.

Opponent’s played card stack is used in the following cases

- if some of your cards refer to opponent’s cards in play
- for determining the “Scientist” award when you check who (you or opponent) have the most science tags in
- for determining the “Buillder” award when you check who (you or opponent) have the most building tags in
- for determining the “Planner” award when you check who (you or opponent) first collected 16 cards
Placing tiles

 Placing city tiles

If there are no greenery tiles on the game board, use the card cost number to determine the position
of the city. The city is placed counting from the city start position 1 (see below).

If there are greenery tiles (at least one) on the game board, select the most valuable (giving VP for
cities) position (next to the most greenery tiles)
 Placing ocean tiles
Use the card cost number to determine the position of the ocean. The ocean tile is placed counting
from the ocean start position (see below)

 Placing greenery tiles

If there are no opponent’s greenery tiles on the game board, use the card cost number to determine
the position of the tile as well as for a city tile or place it next to the opponent’s city (if possible).

If there are opponent’s greenery tiles (at least one) on the game board, select the adjacent to
opponent’s greenery tile positions (as in standard rules).
a) select positions providing the opponent with the most points as a result of adjacency to opponent’s
b) if (a) is not possible, select positions providing the opponent with the most resources (plants, steel,
cards, titanium).
c) if there are several equal positions, select the first of them counting clockwise starting from the left
top available position.
Examples for selecting greenery tile places (opponent’s color is red)

The start position is 1. There are no cities. The most

The start position is 1. The most valuable positions are 4
valuable positions are 3 and 4 (2 resources on (2 resources) and 5 (extra VP for a city). Opponent
each). Opponent selects position 3 counting selects position 5 because opponent always prefers VPs
to resources.

The start position is 1. This position gives 2 extra

VPs (for red cities) as well as position 2. Position 3
gives only 1 extra VP for city and position 5 has 1 The start position is 1. The most valuable positions are 3
resource. Opponnet selects position 1. (1 resource), 4 (2 resources), 5 (extra VP for city), 7 (1
resource). Position 4 is not good because it gives point
to you (for your green city). Positions 5 is not good
either because 1 VP goes not only to the opponent (for
red city) but to you as well (for green city). Selecting
between 3 and 7 the opponent chooses position 3
(clockwise count).

Checking Milestones
Check if Opponent reached a milestone. If so (and it’s not marked with your cube), mark the milestone with a
cube. Note all five milestones are available.


You get all resources you have production of according to your board. You money income is your M€
production + 20. It does not depend on your TR.
Game End

When all three global parameters (ocean, temperature, and oxygen) have reached their goals, the game ends
at the end of that generation. Production phase in the last generation skipped.

Final Scoring

1) Terraforming rating. As usual.

2) Awards
a) Landlord. As usual. One of you gets 3 VPs. Other gets nothing.
b) Banker. If your M€ production level is above 10, you gets 3 VPs. Otherwise Opponent gets 3 VPs.
c) Scientist. As usual, compare your amount of science tags in play with the opponent’s science tag
in the Opponent’s played card stack. One of you gets 3 VPs.
d) Thermalist. If your amount of heat resources is above 10 you get 3 VPs. Otherwise Opponent gets
3 VPs.
e) Miner. If your amount of the steel + titanium resources is above 10, you get 3 VPs. Otherwise
Opponent gets 3 VPs.
3) Milestones
a) Terraformer, Mayor. One of you gets 5 VPs.
b) Gardener. Milestones is reached if you or opponent placed 6 greenery tiles (not 3!). One of you
gets 5 VPs.
c) Builder. Milestone is reached if you have 8 played cards with building tags or the Opponent has 8
cards with building tags in the Opponent’s played card stack. One of you gets 5 VPs.
d) Planner. Milestone is reached if you have 16 cards in your hand or the Opponent has 16 cards in
the Opponent’s played card stack. One of you gets 5 VPs. One of you gets 5 VPs.
4) Game board. As usual
5) Cards
You get VPs from the cards but opponent does not.
6) The general rule for all not(!) Beginner Corporations
For each generation above 11 you get 10 penalty points.
(-10 VPs if game ended at generation “12”,
-20 VPs if game ended at generation “13”,
-30 VPs if game ended at generation “14” etc).

Now the Opponent can own a corporation. It will modify rules a bit. Note, that corporations are not
equal. Some of them can be easily defeated but some are almost invincible…

Beginner Corporation
For each generation above 10 you get 5 penalty points.

-5 VPs if game ended at generation “11”,

-10 VPs if game ended at generation “12”,
-15 VPs if game ended at generation “13” etc.

Each time the Opponent places a tile on a hex with plant(s) on it, the Opponent the corresponding
amount of opponent’s color cubes on its corporation card. As soon as 7 plants (cubes) are collected, the
Opponent places a greenery tile and cubes are removed from the corporation card.

During final scoring, count your and opponent’s played cards with Earth tag. The difference multiply
by 3 and add the result as VP to who has the most such cards. For example, you have 5 cards with Earth tag
played and the opponent has 7 cards with Earth tag in the Opponent’s played card stack. The opponent gets 6
extra VPs “(7-5)*3”.

Mining guild
You cannot place tiles on hexes with steel and titanium recourses. There are 10 such hexes on the map
including 2 ocean hexes.

Before the first turn, place the opponent’s tiles on all hexes with titanium (3).

Saturn systems
During final scoring, if the opponent has more played cards with Jovian tag than you do, the opponent
gets 20 extra VPs. If a tie then the opponent gets 10 extra VPs. Otherwise, no one gets VPs. For example, the
opponent has 3 cards with Jovian in the Opponent’s played card stack and you have 1. In this case, the
opponent gets 20 extra VPs. If you and the opponent have 1 Jovian card each the opponent gets 10 VPs. If you
have 2 and the opponents has 1 then neither you nor the opponent gets extra VPs.

During final scoring, each of you gets 3 extra VPs for every played cards with science tag.
Each time if at the beginning of the opponent’s turn your heat production is above than 2 then
opponent increases its TR by 1.

Each time you use standard project power plant or a power card, increase opponent’s TR by 3.

United Nations Mars Initiative

The Opponent starts at 23 (not 20). If the opponents reaches Terraformer, it gets 10 VPs rather than 5.
If you reach Terraformer, you will get only 5 VPs (as usual).

Interplanetary cinematix
The opponent increases its TR by 3 for each your event card played and by 1 for each its event card.

Tharsis republic
Before the first turn, place the opponent’s city tiles on the hex 28 (next to Noctis city) and 33 (next to
3 ocean hexes).

You start the game with extra 30 M€ (you still have all bonuses provided by your corporation). During
final scoring, count your played cards. You must pay this amount. If you cannot, you lost. For example, during
final scoring you see that you played 26 cards. If you don’t have 26 M€, you lose.
Example of game board after 10 generations

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