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Bill of Rights

1st Amendment: Individual Freedoms

- Speech
- Allows individuals to express themselves without interference or
constraint by the government
- This amendment does not mean a person can falsely shout fire or
bomb in a theater and go un-punished
- The speech shall not cause danger to anyone
- Vocab
- Slander
- When something is falsely spoken about you; causes
- Libel
- When something is falsely written about you
- Censorship
- When you delete or do not allow certain material from
being published or used
- Press
- Allows individuals to express themselves through published works
- Protects freedom of expression
- This does not give media correspondents any special rights or
privileges not given to everyone else
- Religion
- Congress cannot make any faith the official religion of the United
- Congress cannot make laws that favor any religion over another
- Assembly & Petition
- Citizens have the right to use public property for meetings
- Cannot protest violently or urge people to harm others
- Petition is to write to your government to change or suggest laws

2nd Amendment: Right to bear arms

- Congress can’t stop people from having and using weapons
3rd Amendment: No Soldiers in Homes
- You don’t have to let soldiers live in your house, except if there is a war,
and even then, Congress needs to pass a law and set the rules

4th Amendment: Search and Seizure

- Nobody can search, or seize, your body, house, papers, or your things
unless they can prove to a judge that they have probable cause to
suspect something

5th Amendment: Due Process

- You don’t have to testify against yourself
- Can’t be held for a crime against humanity without a grand jury saying
there is enough evidence
- Can’t be tried twice for the same crime
- Right to proper legal steps
- Your property cannot be taken without compensation

6th Amendment: Speedy and Public Trial

- Right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury
- Right to know what you are accused of
- Right to a lawyer

7th Amendment: Right to Jury Trial

- Right to a trial by a jury in cases that are over $20 (1781)

8th Amendment: No Cruel & Unusual Punishment

- Can’t be charged excessive fines or bail or be punished cruelly or

9th Amendment: More Rights for You

- You have other rights not specifically listed in the constitution

10th Amendment: More Power to States

- The federal government may have only the powers given to it by the
- Any other powers belong to the states & people
Causes of the Civil War


To do away with; put an end to; annul; Synonyms:

make void. Cancel


A settlement of differences by mutual Synonyms:

concessions; an agreement reached by Deal
adjustment of conflicting or opposing Pact
claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal Bargain
modification of demands. Accommodation

To withdraw formally from an alliance, States from the south wanted to leave
federation, or association, as from a the United States and start their own
political union, a religious organization, country.

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln’s Position (Republican) Douglas’s Position (Democrat)

- No man can own another man - Slavery was a legal issue

- Slavery must be prohibited in - The issue of slavery was put to
the territories rest
- All new states must be free - He doesn’t see it as wrong, he
states sees it in a way like it is there
- Rights of the colored citizens and it just needs to be used
must be protected - Nation can be half and half
- Nation cannot be half slave and
half free, it must be all one or
the other
- Slavery is a moral issue

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