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In Houston, Texas it is suspected that a serial killer is on the loose as five young men ( Andrew Tate,
Michael Jackson, Justin Thompson, Jordan Jones, Jason Rogers) who have been dating that girl, start
disappearing and later their dead bodies are found along with missing body parts. All men are found to
share the similar trait of being wealthy. A cctv footage and a screw driver as a murder weapon has been
found by the police after which Vanessa, the killer, has been brought to custody. It is revealed there that
she might not have done the murders and is only a clear suspect of severe mental illness. However the
trial continues suspecting Vanessa as the serial killer when a number of witnesses against her are brought


1. Prosecution Lawyer (P.L)

2. Defense Lawyer (D.L)
3. Judge
4. Defendant - Vanessa Lodge
5. Witness 1 - Building Guard - Akuji Brown
6. Witness 2 - Victims Friend - Chris Evans
7. Witness 3 - Defendants Sister - Hannah Lodge
8. Witness 4 - Defendants Psychiatrist - Shawn Walker

* P.L and D.L sitting*

*Judge enters*

*P.L and D.L stand*

*Judge sits*

*P.L and D.L sit*

Judge: This trial court is held today for the case of “people versus Vanessa”. The prosecution
commences to plead their case now

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