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Aonns srGrys GHus@ : Lipa, | eel 2019 QupHs/2Hus9/gGudoanps 2 pusH QurGh§uIwe geomser (ue Lui) SgNoPasLUL Geren Comb : 3 venti] [avons wglsAuedisdr : 800 Aamss Gee uPochssopdr &pescin oiflaanqsoer saenors wi_dsay 10. ul. 12. 13. Ysdu aplaynradr Dis Bonn QsneLy Cpicy Opn digagis 15 POWs E5EG codengns AeraniUsrrnaars~s apis Das Bamps Oprgi4 200 cBemdsarad QandaPsreng. Heo wats Opmniecpdr Perches Asner acon cHlamésiapb aifleosuits Qt ib Quipicrarara ceémuengus Goo ue qeukd Gevdnyspncscr o.dreteraun ceengUsD _sHlumiiigis Aarderayd. CEs GHOPLUNO HELI, sme Liss BIBL MB EFEGE ompscrananiLierALid Gpfichégs, sfluine ocror Cannes Hams Asreiuear Qupps Aandver CarcnOd. Gptay Ogm sus Sdn, Hap ALLd Hams Qareiy wrpPs spc wom mgy. dan Hamasereeid Aaorwalléssajd. cron Aarnrésapd siren oPGQuainsci Gane _cne, SislEFEOLU Lslay oTaneen DpsL UEssAlen ang, Cod Eperadd nip Aser olenunpssster BL Able Bras ays Cadn@ib. Cou crengusid clans Goren upp ening Blen_soner Gils) SLL cron, SleoL_Apner Garp 2.s(SS senps soirananficn morgre STUDD. AHO AemgGsreLr4 @Star (Question Booklet Code) cen genaiicn @yainmd usessléd SB IAaar SanopgicIe1 BAH Sob 1d see An owUOLw LsgcpDens Guemamed EBs SILL CassinGid. Copscropap Ber ggeraid frsc @plses ois salen Gpiatnaru Arad G PLAC Gcerauny pLaizses CopAsrerenisGis 96am Bemus (A), (B), (C)iopepto (D) cron pace Blan senenés Assen ergy. Frusc jonasatied Gr gw furor Blan any Grice Qos Ban gprafia Geers 5m_L CaxcinOib. germDEG CinpULi sflusnan cen scr Gc CacreE, Dotugrss sofas Susi Bas sfhunengy cong cos SEBASisCoM 55 coos on psnohe Gigs STL Couain@id. oraiguumigno: Gx Cadre, Cr Gu Ben ousendr Criss Gs Couan@i. 2 ruses Qionég oP LA Lsainacir fuss Seo. spied @lkgs amd sfusren cSlo_scflen creefscnscHus8 OLDE Boor spre gaan Cased crainaaliied fit QB), @,© wp D) crar pneing, ow russe 2 craves. eH Cxcraliés, Son waliés frist aitauien scpgib Snow GEr GH ALLE WLOb fad smog somo fp MOUYHLU Lés Comat CuamBamnd Gee ani Calcd. GaAGane Cacti GO eSlerows CSipASO ES Seo Aprohd GHlés CodrOb go Canes GopAG CopuLL BeoLwaigsrd ip Blo seupnensiss SOSLUGG. epmyamons Sis (B) crdnsons sfluren Hon uirss aeplomd sap DeraxpionDy Gilagys am Caucin Qi. ®@e@Oo0 fusdr Hams AgeUie: abso usssogud fsGon sda APssCan ming). Coie Corso Bis chang ApngiBonesCusn oda Heo ppromGur Cpicys m_ pos ALG Qauohhd oO pis Qediodim ng, Sd fied oegou Ao ssrnaé scvsrafiwneiid QenOss i CadmOv. Daicilams Aen eideoens Caiey pydipai cr frusct 2 Wee co ADs AsdoorDd GPliyscr ees UNIUBHS Hams OpreUGc smLAL UésEHHG per o.drar Uds ses ouCUTApBE Aencraraond. Hergp oA, Hears OpnGider aps OD pd ap Gs SHiysmeyjd Qeiwsm ogy. Qbs aPojor samy. Huns Aeuppiur GaseirGid. apnidio aig cle) Aen Sait Oster PLiyscr prea eDyauransngid Bdramcuparisd Ba woissnod actor Seanasaiicn Qonsg ccnafimaeous Seo spnetles visio 2-6 SpbAser a fu 6 pH awd SrLLEL. D5iAee mO sons Ris) GOL Msdr ypdusLUL. Copsdm sPlajnraaiia cogunag lend Cpicneoamud wydaGsGd pLagrmsserse ocroms GpAOw cron Haynes UQSngy. ‘SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS CEMPM/19 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK CEMPM/19 2 In case of S.H.M. the period of oscillation is given by 2, . a 7-28 Gri w = == © T= ©) T-75 arafl spe pafuder Aemiepanessa T wimengy, @ 7-23 @ 7-2 » z © r-Z © rz The effort required to lift a load w on a screw jack with helix angle « and angle of friction ¢ is equal to VE wtanicry ®) wtan(-9) (C) wens (e+) @) wain (+9) 9G Ape gredier ape Canard ‘a! wyseid, son4 Garam ¢ qsoib PGsebGung, ‘wl gieraysrar creo UGLingmnenp gIEGEOEHES Comauinen séBunonig, ° (A) wtan(e+9) ®) wtan@-9) ©) woos te +9) @) wein +4) The gear train in which the first and last gear are on the same axis, is known as (A) simple gear train ®) compound gear train (©, epicyclic gear train reverted gear train 9G Ud sé.57% Asm tsAUG Enso Ud séagqpb sO AL Ud sésqapib gCr BOSCEM_gd Debs, aiudsiangs Apm ter Quuigrongy, A) catu rdssang pris B) rdaGsq vdséa7p Asm Heh ©) sarCpnéhu syd udséarg Asm isl @) BerAoveaiuiL Udsé5g Agmsss 8 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 4. — The balanéing of rotating and reciprocating parts of an engine is necessary when it turns at (A)_pslow speed (B) medium speed WM high speed (D) constant speed aps foodie gq Gum QuigdGung sBer spd womb Agiyl unsiisoflen arap_wirengy eff owiondeiiL Cerain(ib? A) Gepip Casise Q™uagaGurgy (B) Bswror CasePe Quri@oung ©) aGsuore Cassde QuegoGung (D) wrprs gCr Gass$o Qum@dGung 5. What is the purpose of inscribing the concentric circles on the face of the chuck in lathe (A) To improve the appearance ®B) To facilitate lubrication in the chuck . (©), To minimize the weight of the chuck To facilitate quick céntering of work pieces sash opATSBAdr sphadie std Gung@nU aLisdeer GuMAseGUiser sigan eténen? (A) Garppts Qunclflenen Gobugss B) appsdiaile awapuys serenoeu ghUdSS (CO) sphadichGer coeus Gepes D) , Bonong gisire.crar Aergeurs mowIUOSE 6. Standard tolerance unit () = (where, D = diameter in mm) * (A) 0.55YD+0.01D eo 0.45.YD +0.001D (C) 0.55% +0.001D ©) 0459D+0.01D Qsbsy Qumpd 216 (i) = (D = of ba) (A) 0.559D+0.01D ®) 0.45 ¥D+0.001D (©) 0.55YD+0.001D . ©) 0.45 YD +001 CEMPM/19 4 . ° 7. The frequency of secondary force as compared to primary force for ratio of connecting rod length to crack radius of 4 is (A) Half LB Tice (C) Four times (D) Sixteen times AprOssdIuier Seorepd sig sssgcr soy ALL Ep 4 crémp AASSHd Dose Cungs, Edgy Acrouy_en PSGIL THES Cuungy, Qyeio_n py enavIcr Hleypaioneousmengy (A) unduirs Gqsqd B) QranG v_ mss QAosqd CO sremg w_msns QesGo ©) 16v. tise QGsq 8. For a forced damped vibrating system, the vibration isolation is possible only when the ratio of circular frequency ‘w’ and natural frequency w, is @® = Wy © FHDEG ‘w’ 35 QGsGd Cungud Quooss a0 w, a5 QOsGd Cungud saps seule Aas GeOPLY Amada oAtays sAlowvIUGSBHL Glow BLES Gporongy (Oe © o 5 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 9. . Asphere of mass 50 kg moving at 3 m/s overtakes and collides with another sphere of mass 1.5 m/s in the same direction. Find the velocity of two masses after impact when the coeff. of restitution is 0.6 (A) 2.5 m/s each @) = 2 m/s and 3.1 m/s resp. (Ch 3.1 m/s each 2.2 mis, 3.1 mis resp. 8G Upg 50 ACardigmd adcQungperar Perodd ao Aeanydg 3 BLLi Cass Ge Georgy Hams 1.5 BLT Goggle Gedgud uses gigaguorGuoamdd Oysg Yatemshs QedApg. AHA sera) 0.6 35 HESS, Aogars vpgd Cassone Qeagub upsiacfen Calstisanrauer A) GrenG upgines tn chonngcg2.5 BLLi CoussPid Aacrguid B) aGusg Aarmesg 2 BLL CassPgnd opp usgs Aermgeg 3.1 SLi Gasp Sgud Gaargnd CO Guin usgeies Aes 3.1 BLL Ceuss fier Qsdgud ©) go uss Aemmsg 22 BELA CassPgid upp ugg Aemgse 31 SLLt- Gass hgud Qeagid : 10, ‘Transverse fillet welded joint are designed for tensile strength (B) compressive strength (©) bending strength : (D). torsional strength SDEG Dapsaianp udpoat Qerenciens Ehiigy A yarn (B) sqpéss Soe (©) amantiyg Siocr ©) woses sper 11, Where does principal stress occur in a component? @)_ Along the plane . . (B), Perpendicular to the plane On mutually perpondicular planes (D) Along the direction of load BG GUNGEtlen ars QL HHO Apron Hrsuysh Bees t? A) supagfe QorGS . B) sopepAdi Qeniepgpne pars Ha Dose ©) Bq Gsmigpgnen rogers sien God ese D) chars AsgssUUD Dosa QerGid CEMPM/19 6 © 12. 13. 14. ‘The process of making the joint leak proof is known as (A), Choking @®) Follering Caulking @) Rivetting Gunget Apprp sre Jeremiieou goUOiptoage apdde Guumrengs Ay epee B) senenge CC) wyQmangse OD). gefogssa Section modulus of hollow circle with average diameter ‘d’ and with thickness ‘is equal to Sige Ae BO te @ tee © 4a ©) Su pref Lib 'd’ uxpgd siginds t o.cror © droh_pp an“. pflér Gast Gaps Genet 4 4p (a) gta @) 5H a 4 5 © ue @) qe “condenser miethod is used as'a . direct method to measure surface roughness {B) indirect method to measure surface roughness (C) direct method to measure surface texture (D) Indirect method to measure surface texture “QuigGsr Geplawen cpenp cremigy &pacm upper eps Gung ssid (A) Umider GenpQanpiny séreocow Cpmqusms: sare B). Upider QenyQenqiny serie vegans sere © upnder angasontiyg sérenseow Crouse Stee, @D) LpGer aigarenidinys Sateninaow nemepsLoTEs sem 7 cEMPM/9 [Turn over 15. If 'P'is the pressure, ‘D' is the internal diameter and ‘t’ is the thickness of the walled longitudinal stress induced in a thin walled cylindrical vessel is @) Ppt WB vont (© PD ©) PDrst 0G Addu aLLagat UL_vd 'P' adi BeradG AenssApe QosodCungy syle etuss AdLioneg 'D' goad spc spgdups ssyelldr slywmeng 't’ gzay QosonCung, QULyUIs e.ar_résUGb GaiGprddu AeresSoenrongy (A) Ppt @®) PDMt (©) PDI @) PDIst 16. Incase of pure shear at a point;"the sum of normal stresses on two orthogonal plane is equal to : (A) Maximum shear stress (B) Twice the maximum shear stress (C) Half the maximum shear stress ve Zero BG sfswrAN FL Hd GG YRrohUId QE aPoran PeowiGsg emesg AaseAnen . QsgySBOUGH Gungy, sigen Pypevrengy A) sPsule 5504 AonspApans Qmsed B) APaucs saGAYP AenspA nore. Qrdn@ 01g QOHED C) Bsus s5OSp AassA oA ops uns/ums YG IG OD) yaqunons Qewder CEMPM/19 8 © 17. 18. _ Inventory control in production, planning and control aims at 1A) _ Improving forecasting accuracy (B) Cushioning production against market fluctuations WA Acceptable customer service at low capital investment in inventory (D) Increasing the volume of transactions aGushs AL sSgd saranahiIgd GeBiys a OLunG smduGsgiesiér SIT STOTAUT! A) Qurgsr Grmaeu PreanIousler FoSuses sss) B) eHupPleouind Cpmacmuyo swords cpupAsug CO) ss Gmpsg Aewele amyacmsunarisciicn Cpereseouc igs) Gaireugs @) Ausmny pLenéonssaticr careniénscw Seis In welded joint the throat of weld as compared to size of weld is (A) about same size about 0.7 times ©) about 0.5 times D) about 0.25 times Goiniy (peop cig GaideUCe Gontder aysgCiuesunengs cpugGaiici yes ugSeowel A) 9Cr sere Qesqw (B) Ggnymunone 0.7 wr mans OHsGd (©) Cgngmnons 0.5 wL mans AGsGw ©) Gsnynunons 0.25 vimana @Gsqb 9 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 19. 20. 21. Which of the following parameters is irrelevant in determining cam size? (A) Base circle diameter wD Pitch circle diameter (©) Pressure angle ©) Displacement curve Epaacin aagysafic ori sioguoretGar sioeouds sania a QSgpsQanrdraruQarSedencr? A) Spee uLrsse wud B) pOseoo aL she wyiio ©) Bos © 6514 Canam @) safe afa The intensity of turbulence refers to (A) The turbulent, eddy or Reynolds stresses @)_ The magnitude of turbulent viscosity Root mean square of turbulent velocity fluctuations @) correlation between the fluctuating velocity components Qamipoftndér on tgfonw gANCrig) (A) Gamisafity, cry sdagy Area. co sensey B) Asnpgahcny ungoouder ody ©) wmgnd Qanpgahiny SensGasgPer sna QHuiq D) Gangpeftir Aeneas a. giyeofer Asm iyoLug Ifmass density is p, area is a and velocity of jet is V, then the force exerted by a jet of water on a stationary vertical plate in the direction of jet is given by (A) paV . AB ow’, © pav @) pav? SC OSGsniy 'p' geod, upuate ‘a! ysaph Case pg15d 'V' yoad @GsebGung, OG sératt Castapd Aoss oussiuiiyGegd Getigssrar sand Oayspsay cr Caussaipd Asdgus Sense D) Gora sis ogpid BUGS ADEM GarpUNd Mechanical Efficiency of a gas turbine as compared to internal combustion engine is (A) higher WF lower (©) same @) unpredictable o.ér arf ungpetr engi Gunphildr Qusiflog Posoend uniéedGings, auruys purée Qupdys Apennengy, A) oBsumigsgo B) Gapamigega © gCromans Ques ~ D) sthunsé seas apguimgs ai CEMPM/19 [Turn over 52. 54. Railway rails are normally made of (A) mild steel @) nickel alloy steel Bi high carbon steel (D) tungsten steel Lensoreinguilen geici_eunerivsener 2 SUS SunbapEAHGO LUG GSSUUGI Gumgarrengy, (A) aio genpis «16 B) Bisd sass ag (CO) afiisod sBaqperen ag, D) Liscordr saris org An important property of malleable cast iron in comparision to grey cast iron is having high : (A), Compressive strength Yield strength (C) Hardness @) Surface'finish SSL Iss Smgw EUTrIIGbOUE ITs SGC smdLId HpauminA Gd Aer ApLudaworengy, A) sepsssAnc ofaonongs B) safc Aas spsssms srsdequgs © sfss aguinengy D) 28s ehevoren sonunag, Which of the following alloys possess highest specific strength of all structural materials? (A) Magnesium alloys ae Titanium alloys (©) Chromium alloys (D) Magnetic steel alloys Apéadm soi a Consireciicé ronais(ajeou GUI Hers aupssonarg Go Gore QungLscrrs 2 UuGwinsiuGssCu@i Cungy Pavone BH ew? (A) Qwéefafund @B) wiGreflund © 68rmBus . D) snipes Austen og CEMPM/9 22 o 55. When magnetic field is removed, which type of materials maintain magnetic properties? - . rd ® © @®) Ferromagnetic materials Diamagnetic materials Paramagnetic materials Piezo magnetic materials snpgflom scroriuGbCung, Epésimoasdid aps aia Gunglacr amie sidstiscnaré Aarain casents QejcBlenper? @ ® © ©) Dowdyssrp 66s Qungser QoL er damighs Aung sd eusienigc QumLadr sbgBlone snigti Qungy sar 56. Eutectic reaction results in the formation of, we ® © © mixture of two or more solid phases a mixture of two or more liquid phaseg a mixture of solid and liquid phase liquid phase only ACorsciused, spiompls Cam pene 2cinngid Bensrourerg. a ®) (©) bp) Qréa@ dag sg dG Cloner A Paose sags Qunger eam még Dra 10g SFG Comer PraPmascr sass Ginger acim nding, AL slroujd Praplmonyd saps Quungar o.cim_nélng, Araflen wl Oo 2c chs 23 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 57. Crystal structure of metals is studied by (A) metallographic techniques SS X- Ray techniques (©) ultrasound method @) electron microscopy eCorsissié 2Gorsdud sieniysms yuegpers! udOsstuG sqeSlunengy, . (A) eGortseduss LL qparpadt B) Xgef weopscr (C) sbpsAerord scr Gud cpepec (D) erengay gered Candee apenpacr 58. Materials exhibiting time bound behaviour are known as Visco elastic ®) Anelastic (©) _Isentropic D) Resilient Cpr sgisCahpiy, sibsrismer onppléGencrapih QLngstsernever A) Ber Agdd B) Aqbunsdurgsr © Geutnw@unger . ©) aPiLieo AL Oib ede Sleow pieoLuyid Qunggcadr . 59. Duralumin alloy contains aluminium and copper in the ratio of: %Al %Cu GB 94% 4% (B) 90% 8% © 88% 10% @) 86% 12% S@iilahiugp smAjapb quyrmien crctgyb 2 Consé scale o.crar siorarTeng, (A) 94% signilefiugn 4% smirapib B) 90% sigwlaflugeys 8% smiirapib (C) 68% wsigyiafusapid 10% gmAgapid D) 86% sigllaflusgpid 12% gmAgapib cEMPM/19 4 . o The number of electrons found in the outer most orbit of semi-conductor materials is, “2 : as Os M 8 Udamanca Ganis Herd sispzbmyu AunGseale, sors appsacqudd odrar Berasafles creinenNsenawseuer \ a 2 . @) 4 © 6 @) 8 Quartz is a (A) ferro electric material ®B) _ ferro magnetic material aw piezoelectric material (PD) dimagnetic material Seinamrmy, 2 Goorsionreng), A) QoouyGer Qunger B®) Peoousenips Quigg (©) sbpiblen Qurgyer DO) Qyle@réampgts Qumger 25 CEMPM/19 : [Turn over 62. 63. 64. ‘The main advantages of using COz moulding is that WA much hardened mould is obtained (B) gases can be made to escape more easily (C) gases formed react with COs to form a colloidal solution () carbon % in the molten metal can be increased sildadgren 2 Gases 2 uGundliuges uwerrergy, (A) sCqwren 2 Gand do ésuuGdng B) aumujsacr QeuaiCunag souls ©) amyéscr sider Aoromamuy cn moti Pordu s yeu 2am nseApgs D) shllngflen sscildls sora o Gesu 2 Ganspha sPsMsgGid Process of shaping thin metal sheets by processing them against a form tool is called (A) Upsetting Spinning (©) Beaming @) Deep drawing 2CanaggaLqoan om APIs ANMIACOd oUVsH 2 GorsouMorembsdr OaduciUuGw cpeopiSen Quugrengy, : A) sPawégse ®) sins6 ©) gs@aGspe ©) 24 Guise Consumable electrode is used in the process of MIG welding @®) TIG welding (©) Thermit welding @) Laser welding SWAGCUNGH o.Gésnen UUELIOSS UGH cpapudér Quurgrangy, (A) 2Garssgzesay amy Qenanseb cpern @B) Lticvat gens) amy YoanéGb cpap CO) pqs Qari gio grep OD) eGagall grand Geremégi pony CEMPM/19 26 65. A steel shaft of 25mm diameter is turned at a cutting speed of 50 m/min. Find the 67. RPM of the shaft. 637 ®B) 159 (C) 6280 D) 1570 8G a Hlonnd GeiwOUcL 50 DdAS List goeglLiepder og sdGurong go BL AAG 50 ELLA CassPe sored Geigy Gal ouGi Gung; se go HH shpeomergy, (A) 637 (B). 159 (C) 6280 @) 1570 Dressing is (A)__ the process of changing the shape of the grinding wheel ~M% the process of removing the metal loading and breaking away the glazed surface of the grinding wheel (©) _ the process of disposing the grinding whool as it no longer useful (D) the process of adding excess abrasive grains on the grinding wheel LaTLEMIYs SETS BOL UVSILIGSgioug reg), (A) sper Gages onbpasrei {B) tigen Grogyerer eit giscrsenar Garg TPLUBTED (©) sgmare UGunappgned scm Suc @ ggsiones ug, (DD) sxigendy sGswie saigiscrsenans Catiugngeb “The machining process in which the metal of a workpiece disolved, is (A) Electrodischarge machining(EDM) @f” Electro chemical machining (ECM) (©) Ultrasonic machining (USM) (D)' Abrasive jet machining (AJM) 8G IZ OUIALNGahar 2 Consiorangs Songs DuAreperourarss A) Parscre7d QusSoyenp B) VerCasuiud QusSrapeop © ssavosliay Qusdsypen OD) migisd AeefiinusGid QusAyapenp a7 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 68. 69. 70. ‘The metal powder used in thermit welding of steel is (A) Tungston (B) Copper (©) Lead Aluminium ac dorer Aung sae Anes Qoariider goad Jeeniusharscs wen G59 sscisofids 2 Cansonengy (A) Liiciocr @) smi (© und @) sguafud Following gases are used in tungsten inert gas welding. (A) Cop and He (B) Argon and neon WA Argon and Helium (D) Helium and neon Spades cumujescr Liver gafiflma amy — Glmamigpenpeuts LUSUOSSHUOHGuNG 2 GunsUGssOUGA pg? (A) sfiSedpremamyerd ant jQgud 2 UGuTELLGSsUGAdper. B) pienén wpyrd Pune amydesdr CO) gerd opm salud eumujsecir CD) abound wigs Busnes emda A solid cylinder of diameter 100 mm and height 50 mm is forged between two frictionless flat dies to a height of 25 mm. The percentage change in diameter is “0 By, 2.07 ©) 20.7 St 414 BO CPEgaidran aiLLapdrer wgpover, 100 WedeAl KE Liedr apg eALL opin 50 ered) BiLisé ewan LeLUg. Geiagecrmangs spequp gLenwren 2 Geussos eutundsg: egigid Cong) wiper eum 25 Wad ELLisanss GopssiGAngs. AiGloovden, ars sss vencHled Peroypororden aoaged sd wpe wy? @) 0 ®) 207 (©) 207 @) 414 CEMPM/19 - 28 o m1. 72. «73. How are tooth-paste capsules produced? (A) By boring operation B) By tube turning operation By impact extrusion process (D) By tube drawing process UpueEpseow adie Sst USL GSSGUGib Apewdrsdr erliig 2 GeurdssUGAenner? A) ga@a*AingréGo cpansu's uGUTELUGsgeusler apord B) G@pmiss@o se cpepann 2 UGunsciGsgaxper eps’ ©) 268u s1¢95156 cpenpuder gpovid @D) @pinds BL Od papules cpa ‘The angles of angle gauges in the degrees series are (A) 13,9, 28, 42" ®) 1,8,9,27, 81 1,8, 9, 27, 41" @) 1.87, 10, 257, 45° Canam sorencuscld e cro Gamemnisafic syreyserouet (A) V3, 9, 25, 42° B®) V,3,9, 27, 81 © ¥,8,9,27, 41 @) V5, 10’, 257, 45° Expressing a dimension as 18.3'2% mmis the case of unilateral tolerance ®) Bilateral tolerance (©) limiting tolerance () Trilateral tolerance PG uonomieng 18.3°3% Blood BULA cro GHlssouL_md, ger epenpunengy A) aq Bes saidapanp B) Qo sae sriAgpanp ©) 5Q flow sriidianop ©) Yflaw smidgen 29 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 74. Pick out the wrong statement about Taylor's principle of gauging (A) Go gauges should be full form gauges (B) Go gauges should check all the related dimensions simultaneously RIO) Tein cathe ut to use Ge pupos onthe wit audllongtsier the cen pom ne (D) Not go gauges should check only one dimension at a time ALiiotlér 2 Gass Comune sbupsoren sexpner Can un4oad Sy QenGseule Gant Ln@sohDenbgy scion fles A) 2dr Qsdgud a Gas snes gi meray sdstisranust 2 dram és Cassin Gib B) 26 Qsdgid eam oomsg sremoliyslér sereysmeuy sflunisss saQuismiAree Coun Gud © act Asdgn e@asd gy Gunga Sodosud seososud wlOS sHlumidésdeag warmups Cuingyid QD) ar Qacdar a Gausid gop wiarenar or Gib sMuniss.benig wgMuI Gas CascirGib 75. Which of the following is the most important characteristic of a measuring instrument? (A) Ergonomic aspects (B) Aesthetic aspect as Repeatability (D) Rigidity Spssan udsmisahe, ap oudsronangy go ovaj onafuder ls CpsAus sridsid? (A) crafisrag sidedenqus flea B) GaahsCamppd (©) AGbus GewauGSgud Gungi wnprp serenasam’ Gag D) sersésc1uL1 Bima CEMPM/19 30 o 16. 77. A three independent input OR gate with the fault event occurrence probabilities of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03. The output event probability of occurrence is, 4 0.0589" ®) 001 © 0.02 @) 0.03 9G OR Apiy Pooder gam sagGaw amixnysamaar 0.01, 0.02 wppw 0.03 DoAwLy Plroder Aare eumicurengy, @ © 0.0589 @) 001 0.02 @) 0.03 Dummy strain gauges used for 4 ® © © Comparison of temperature changes Increasing the sensitivity of bridge in which they are included Compensating for differential expansion Calibration of strain gauges AAULpD QwQhy wsowrengs, (a) B) © @) Galupeooninses ppguumias 2 5ay8ng) Unde. 41d 0. A) Bis Qunés Cpifheon 2 payseené Sd gdCUTE UM Aersdr Aen 4g B) Bip Qonss Coiloe 2 payserang Side CUng Aon scr Den_asngy ©) Bap Gwnsp Cpiglorw 2.payscr ponr_qpeopciuingnauscr OD) Bis Qunpp Cpifina e pasar BidgoCUNg Hf apf Aer _aymod Qgm_gd 98. The mean and variance of consumption of an item are 100 and 16. The area under normal curve of z = 2 is 0.95. The Reorder Level (ROL) for 95% service level will be (A) 92 @) 100 (©). 102 WH 108 8G GunG@ct auGuNdéed Cung sige soref opgyd Doatés ouCwnsvrergy cpepCu 100 nog 16 ye, 2 = 2 sngn aenpuLsher 8p Ose Upugtumeng 0.95 6b. Pear 2UCUNE s1oTay 95 acs seTauns BHHGoGungy AIOUTEHST amg flow siereuTengy, (A) 92 @) 100 () 102 @) 108 o 39 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 99. Two non-collinear parallel equal forces acting in opposite direction (A) balance each other (B) constitute a moment EO constitute a couple (D) constitute a moment of couple ’ * QranG Aensacr GpiCamop Qoau «pis Powldgig GepssiuGs Guneggi, QrerO Aensaerb, (A) gchenp Quinny aff Geirgdaninesd B) shpammou edn ns8é Ganéne5d (C) sppseifleou ecm néMé Gendron D) sipamadr xp pemPlenu oom nsAé Qendrepid 100. . The C.G of a solid hemisphere lies on the central radius (A) at distance 3i/2 from the plane ase (B) at distance 8r/4 from the plane base (C) . at distance 3r/5 from the plane base at distance 3x/8 from the plane base OG UNAS ALS GPYuir yeHiininy conw BO AIA Spa. ‘P. cep rapa Amaidegg (A) aqaisé & pila Gg 3r/2 cerp IVS DHE B) aGasé EpPoaddgig 3x/4 ccnp gngsio OGSGL CO) eGasé EpPonaridlesgs 3/5 adem sinsHeo Qused DO) 2Gasé EpPPmartd ges) 31/8 corp sm7551o GSE 101. (A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of (A) energy mass . (C) angular momentum Bb linear momentum 8G Sr@sl GuMPWoe QusgGsaupHGs UUs GspUG ungyesmiry QawSlusrangy, (A) eflans : B) sensGumger 2 ©) Ganearé sener @) GpiCgnaéls sonar CEMPM/19 40, . @ 102. In underdamped vibrating system the amplitude of vibration with reference to time (A) increases linearly - . (B) increases exponentially (CL, decreases linearly WB accroases exponentially GapssLuce sPliay Arosshie, Coy gcse wd stajscfler Senourreng), A) GpiPeooiBe 2waid B) euiwce flood aug ©) SpiGeraude Genpupd @D) ewinte flmoudle Gamipd 103. The wheels of a moving car posses (A) potential energy only (B) kinetic energy of translation only (Q)__ kinetic energy of rotation only BA kinetic energy of translation and rotation both _ 9G Gas Osneing GSS prchy shay aman fen séansHd Qoviug. A) serguédu Bers 0G : B) paGd gO es wi Go {(C) sbpflee @OcSens WL OW. ©) Fsqb bpd appslaa 9G Aerssdr 104, The frictional torque transmitted by a disc (09) plate clutch is same as that of. (A) flat pivot bearing flat collar bearing (C) conical pivot bearing @D) trapezoidal pivot bearing 8G B80 sdag anal Mass gpa AsgssiuGb gserssy~lujdge swurter pe. se,Puysrar sepAuinongy (A) dtodsnit gral B) svésph suid) © aiallatgmad . *D) sminomend seit gn o . 41 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 105. The efficiency of screw jack is tan(a@ +) tana Oana 4 tan(a +9) tan(a-$) tana Oana ©) ana-d 8G sped gH spe Csnemd ‘a’? ywayd, pan.sChremd § sord QpsGoung, Seapagseduier Aersunengy, tan(a+¢) tang ene canted) tan(a-$) tana‘ © tana © tan(a—¢) 106. A bar of 30 mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 kN. The measured extension on gauge length of 200 mm is 0.09 mm and change in diameter is 0.0039 mm. Find its Poisson's ratio. 0.309 (B) 0.299 0.289 @) 0.279 30 mm aACcepsrat Qe seirgdr Bg) 60 KN Qegehers Qemds6uG Gung, 200 mm wr8O ford 0.09 mm FLA soLdpgy. scawud 0.0039 mm ALL ongun® seo Ang. calle oper Umissnen Agi ctevarsrey? (A) 0.309 (B) 0.299 (C) 0.289 : ©) 0.279 107. The resultant unbalanced force is minimum in reciprocating engines, when w 3 of reciprocating masses are balanced 4b i of reciprocating masses are balanced (©) 3 ofreciprocating masses are balanced @) they are-completely balanced 96 Cpanen Gungden FigssaCiinng cBlorsvinerg Gapauns GepeGv Seroousengy A) Hailed Qo UGHer apanIer Blane Siiggés LUG Home (B) unflusnay cpenden Alans FigndssuG flo . (CC) preidled apcrgy UGPudlen gpenSien Mens Sirggée1iGid Slaneo D) pander cBleos eprpaugions SignesLiuGid lane CEMPM/19 42. o 108. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail 109. end and the aeroplane takes a turn to the left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane will be MF Toraive the nose and dip the tail (B). To dip the nose and raise the tail (©) Toraise the nose and tail (D) To dip the nose and tail 1 BG Arorer et Gder Qunpunengy ge amd usAIS pg untae Gung agents (Panda sp8 Higuésons Pgndog. Qilmade, sie sword sfroren sari Suwmrengy (A) 284 CpG LES 2 Wraph aipdr amd UES smpand Qiu B) 2184 SGU UGS smpayd sige and UGS) e wigan Gain CO) sree pdt USSUb amd UEPuyd awed D) wiser PEGI UGHuy aun ugAuyd snag If u, is minimum angular speed, w, is maximum angular speed and w,, is the mean angular speed, then the sensitiveness of a governor is given by, A), Kaye) SS (0 wu, © Wy-w,)/2wy D) 2w, -10)/w, BG Cust SLOLUM GS sqciWler Gmpiguls Corat Casbd u, gead, sPsuLe Garon Gosh w, gant, sorafl Conor Cam uv, aad OQaaebGurg, QaCasés: OLum Gs sGcGer spanengy (A) wy ua), B) (w,-w)/u, © lw, -w,)/2w,, D) 2w,- w/w, 43 “ CEMPM/19 Turn over 110. Which of the following is a statically inderminate structure? (A) Load supported on composite member ‘ (B) Load supported on two members Load supported on three members fos (D) Thermal load supported on two members EpssranumardHe orgy Deravuscdled sein Sw apigur sooty? (A) ald 2 piijscfidr Sg sco crouse GdGumgy B), Boe gi jsafiér Bg) sao mausscuGdCungy ©) peng egiuysaile by sew madscuGwGungy ©) Boe guusoiér Sg) Qari sono masse GwCuings 111. A leaf spring is to be made with seven steel plates 65 mm wide 6.5 mm thick. Calculate the length of spring to carry-a central load of 2.75 KN and the bending stress is limited to 160 MPa (A) 644.2mm @® 6442 mm ©) 74.42 mm OS 14420 65 mm sisayd 6.5 mm syogid Geran. 7 crud saQser endo enw ageresie ainsi Qerangs. Bsén aveoor goss 160 MPa MwseoCurg. sper pOLUGLIS 2.75 KN upelner onsgaCungi Bis aGmaAardlén fond ceveisreuns DEEL? (A) 644.2 mm ® 6442 mm : (© 74.42 mm ©) 744.2 mm CEMPM/19 . 44 o 112. 113. 114. ‘The coefficient of fluctuation of speed in flywheel for punching press is in the range of 0.003 — 0.06 B) 0.03 - 0.05 4 0.06 - 0.2 @) Above 0.2 9G SySEe sQcthier ays shay Sher Cusumfews afer GAvler Goss whmd SPeucs flermureng) (A) 0.003 0.06 (8) 0.03- 0.08 © 006-02 ) 0.286 Goa Critical Path Method (CPM) is (A) _ time oriented technique (B) event oriented technique activity oriented technique (D) target oriented technique sac rex aufiqpenp (Critical Path Method) eenugy A) Gpy onque_umer qpeop B) QpBqpenp -o1ycue_wner qpenp © Gewdgpenp sucuco_unen pep (D) Gam imG ig.tiier_urrer apenp For steel, the ultimate strength in shear as compared in tension is nearly (A) same | half (C) one-third (D) two-third TE QGAG Psursé APSE Hpamengy open hi SA meen unis euoGungy A ewwrs Qqsed (B) ungurs @Gseb C) parila oG UGS urs DEG CD) pane QranG ugAuss Qaysqid 45 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 135. Calculate the total ordering cost incurred per year for the following inventory details connected to purchase of an item. Annual consumption : 5000 units Ordering cost per order : Rs. 100 Number of units ordered per order = 160 units Rs. 5,000 (B)_ Rs. 19,000 (C) Rs. 6,000 @) Rs. 4,000 EPGarGastur AupzAAGsg Gunga amigapparor Guns Asaelenoné saréS_oyb. BO AUGLS Conan + 5000 Qumepsirecr 8G (peng eumdiGaugpanen Qaeey = 100 GUM BEG Cpenp cus GbGLngy auming id areimenflisens = 100 Qunescracir (A) 5000 euimis B) 10,000 eumis (C) 6,000 gums @) 4,000 gumir 116. The fatigue life of a part can be improved by (A) Electroplating (8) Polishing (©) Coating Shot peoning BG Quss7r v@Auler AGiougs Pgious GogssiuQh HesgAo audit ELrsep SLL OSHAISHS eUCHNELIUOS SLUG apenpumengy (A) Deore Conswud B) sees As Calise ©) sso D) Caswones s1dA0uHse CEMPM/19 46 ° 17. 118. Which is true statement about Belleville springs? (A), These are used for dynamic loads og These are composed of coned discs which may be stacked upto obtain variety of load-deflection characteristics (C) These are commonly used in clocks and watches (D) These take up torsional load Epasaim ames sla Daoud sGofleousls Gumpse axanpuder sflumrongy orgs? (A) Gaw@acd s@aflscr 9@ Slmavid exdrat senpstiscnars snaim_ 2 uCWTEKIGSSOUGMnpeH B) va aigééu gsOsared AsiwiurGeangrd MsssQswoar wonphlwewosg udGaig) a Gar fhlresenar saw cpig ADE! © Qaices secrscr sqsmpiischd 2 uCwnsuGsssuGSérpen D) Qssqaiacr sofa sansangs sriiesenpar In spiral bevel gears, the axes (A) are non-parallel and non-intersecting, and the teeth are curved (B)__ are non-parallel and non-intersecting, and the teeth are straight intersect, and the teeth are curved and oblique (D) _ intersect, and the teeth are curved and can be ground spaflens amis udssensSen pOSCanQsarraser A) sxfaolg geranQundy ssAsang Nowe Qeiug wlOovdamod ir Upbsdr amiisgy saan QSerpen B) sPoavign gerapQuncy sPsang Joode QEwUg) wl Oodamod siger Upbsdr Gagne sremiiGHdrner © gerenQunang s69iug) WL Qudoamsd sé Upsdr smiansapd LEUsSungid sremiuGdlenper ©) aeenQurcay shHGUg WiQodemd sige Usd emiwbgud UoTUETOLITE sig wigmuytd 2 crete 47 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 119. Calculate the specific weight of one litre of petrol of specific gravity 0.7. {A) 700 Nim? 6 6867 Nim? (C) 9810 N/m} . a ©). 68Nimat ‘ 8G oAQLNGefiér GIOILL ylsssh 0.7 ys QEssTd spqQeiw GMUILLE send - areueueray? (A) 700 Suyytidr/(6LLi)” B) 6867 Pyycrsn/beLay (©) 9810 Pycre/ (boa) D) 68 Sycias/iBcLAy 120, Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to change of (A) Pressure @) Flow (©), Volume Shape Areuoreng Spascin_cmscid ageren undoing sO4ETg)? A) BessApe . ®_ untige (©) send @) ufone CEMPM/19 48 © 121. The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as (A) Meta centre ®) Centre of pressure (©) Centre of mass ) Centre of buoyancy 8G Aunger AyasP PpsysstuGd Gung, oO ydichd Quwass Aersuyd GegesUOL. apse Ysrofider Quupmansy A) &pfoo B) dlers 50a) flaw (©) Quingysisreno pO Gene D) ~ g1éAcHensiIer BO Plone 122, Flow occuring in a pipe line when a valve is being opened is A) Steady 4 Unsteady ©) Vortex (D) Rotational 9G Spm aPluins sredeous Apspoy cr Praud um Algionangy A) siGQWiGd wnpag ger woMAg aed B) sGBiGH orGw GrwMIGsGd (0) Godgredu madd gird @qaed ©) sifu flow gi iuomgeew ° : 49 CEMPM/19 | [Turnover | 123, If A, and A, refers to areas, g refers to gravitational force and h refers to length , Q refers to discharge then through a venturimeter is given as (a) 0- a B® On te iat = AA ~ Ay ho Jap O) nae ah A, opp A, crenug Qyan® upiusrasenauyd g oarg yoFiys semcdleruups, h cerig auesesid Wind O conug ApaGaclCuinsmsud Sssrd QE yard Spader ayGunss scroninOd Syasogé GPG samcunarg) 242 ‘ @ ermal ® = At Bah © aera ®) on A 124. Bernoulli's theorem deals with the law of conservation of (A) Mass ®)_ Momentum Energy () Weight Quiraaen si geusSe ocrom_ sb cmgyamtn ys Cain A Guncpersgegé snipped Com_un® B® so@sdeows sniuspanené Gant n@- (CO) Almsenué ancipspnends Cos’ .anQ (D) sensengé smiuishsnand Com _un@ CEMPM/19 50. . o 125. 126. If P, and P, refers to the pressure, V,,V, refers to the velocities, p, and p, refers to specific gravity and Z, and Z, refers to elevation of two points 1 and 2 in a pipe, then the Bernoulli’s equation can take the form BW P, vi Bove PVE @ 2,27. az wo 2 .Mi7 hr Mg a Be Pe 2g > pe a ag a BV RB P, © Bis, Bitz, yh Bip Big, ae 2 pe te? pe te" pee BP, a dluca a pgclosouuy 2, p, yuo GAIL yeMScivagsensuid V,,Ve Aum Aves Couspergup wigtd ZZ, cémiowusdr 1 wigs 2 ystafiseflér Rupees om Spmid ured Sra Poous SssTd, Auitemdsco sbgsridan smo Hs Gb comcSusmangy . Bove P, +e 2,-Fo 2, “ © ete eg a Bvt V2 by = 2 © ©) Fag?” pat 2g If D,D, and D, refer to pelton wheel diameter, d refers to jet diameter, B refers to breadth the wheel, V, refers to the velocity of the jet and H refers to net head, discharge through Pelton turbine is given by one of the following equation (A) Q=aDBV, vs @nS a! x fe © e=4{05-Dikv, D,Ds wogis D, came: Gudciés ops séanssler epegALipensud ‘Be aang ssapmpyd d aéug pamafie afliddr ACL pepuyd V, cténugy seine sypluilen Casper H oangy sexett Umpd suupgenpun EPserd. Guatier apg séan GPS Hg Aoafungd seineshNer scree GPVILd sawrsa mesg, (A) Q=aDBV, B) Q=4at x Ret © @=F{pg-aiky, ©) @=Sfb}- D3}v, 51 CEMPM/9 [Turn over 127. Draft tube is used for discharging water from the exit of (A) Impulse turbine (B) Francis turbine Kapian turbine (D) Pelton wheel Dusoymds gsevetor Aachtuipagsisrs ge suesuldr Gaveuren ueAude Gung >SUUGd ps). 2155 GGSAIE Quuigrangs A) Gusssré6 565 B) SaAyrendey sep) ©) acieone s568) D) Gude enen 554) 128. On which laws of thermodynamics is the measurement of temperature based? A Zeroth ®) First (C) Second @) Third aspmeurag Apousgepilés Camumrongy AutupSdr sornas eTd gb <2 VED WiTs oe UGUTELGsSUUGAEI. @) ugue @B) wpeneg, (©) Oram naigs OD) yaprag 129. A System executes a cyclé during which there are four heat transfers: Qu =220kd , Qos =-25KT, Qy =-180kS, Q,,=80kJ. The work during three of the processes is Wy = 15kd, Wz, = -10kd, Wy, = G0kJ. The workdone during the process 4-1 is A) - 230K OKI (C) 230 KI @) 130K 2G inmate Q@ sie Brags Gotu wmpdsd qhGssouGApg. Qid1omprasaflen BoreuTengy, Qe =2204Carr sxrdeho, Qz, =-25 AGaot graded, Qy = ~-180 -ACoor grado, Qi, =50 Mor grrdco QHd pay flnwseld aiuiducr _ Gorsousnangy Wi. =16 AGar grado W,,=~-10 ACT graddv, Wy, =60 AGat grad ys Qo@s@bCungy flare 4-14 Aatusti. Caseneo orcnen? oe (A) , = 230 ACoor graded B) 0 ACen geadacdr (©). 230 &Gar grérscr _ @D) 130 AGar gedadr CEMPM/19 . 52 o 130. 181. 182. According to Dalton's law, the total pressure of the mixture of gases is equal to (A) _ greater of the partial pressure of gases @) _ average of the partial pressure of gases Sum of the partial pressure of all @) Sum of the pressure of all divided by average molecular weight Lider GorLun gang, Uo emsad sORAGEEeCUTG, Gloss ces SKUs s.OTENE! (A) cumujssafler Dgdlene oypsssogs A mPeomIGEGwo B) anyésoller MgGlens spspuscier sprefuins Qpseub ©) amyjésailér Dgdlers cups smusaiicn Gonssions QGHsqwo DO) amyjsscher MgHeos spssiacier Guisse5 sqrefl my. crrufenror SUGURA Ag Den AGI crainames Beps Gd. Which of the following processes are thermodynamically reversible? (A) Throttling (B) Free expansion {C) Constant volume and constant pressure Isothermal and adiabatic Epsscin. seo_qepadia ap sm.cpapumeng GaluGensd ganda AGbue Qagippii song wigs? (A) afidungener sPariuGssa B) seiifiae Qugésid (C) . Gagures sarap Ganuing lens spsscptd @D) gCr GaciiPeeouys pr Bens Ups sCpd RerLW ParqpenD If ‘I’ refers to temperature and S refers to heat, then for a process from state 1 to state 2 heat transfer in a reversible process is given by T, SH nx5-5) ® gBs @ 28 O) $,%,-7) Te T aeérugy GauGlermeuujio ‘S' cag ApGiy Koad GAsqbCung, Agus Gspssingu Apo wep Pepin ye, Hew gerHSAESS Hoo Aremmps LWMHHAUG OHGLY wnbp.wrangy, A Tx, -S) . ® x5 @ 3s. @) $,%,-7) 53 “_ CEMPM/19 [Turn over 133. The lower heating value of a final is (A) The enthalpy of its reaction with air ®) - The enthalpy of combustion (© The heat of combustion ‘The negative of the heat of combustion BO TAALnGAMldr 8ipHere Aeon yssmoreAlumenigy crdrenGarcrpre,. : A) sdGeP Qunger snpyr cr afligy 2.cém nd G Aasussge B) 20a PH Gungser oss UGdCungy o.r_ndgid Aeusudsage (©) 26Ge pf Gunger afiesUGoGungy 2 cim_nd Siw ApGUY DO) HdCof Gurger ofasiUOdCung acrndewd Aggie «sonal 184. If‘h’ refere t heat, T refers to temperature, then in the throttling process, A) poh, 5 Iyahy haha Be D) bah He ‘W cremagy Op@ciGer syormaug “T? cramigy Qascig Bien siornauuys GHSsme, HATES SPshéGw por_cpepudlen Gungy, (A) af=h, ®) hy=h, oy hohe Ge ®) yah ote CEMPM/19 54 © 135. When air is used as oxidizer of a fuel, the nitrogen? @ @®) @) decreases to the inert level of the fuel gets oxidized to NOx increases the inert content of the fuel may react with the fuel elements forming nitride aminrag, gH a@UTGelé Aprox sxkMumat uucUGSsUUGS Gung, .1dGed Qungegystar opt rgpamaugy (A) afidungster séraimocue Geonédings CB) Dynee ené8ici1G551 NOx ays wopépgs (©) afl@unggetier scralenmans PsMedng D) aflaungeen safe eae Geigy apc og_re onpAng 186. For the same maximum pressure and the heat input, the efficiencies of the power - eydles are ®) (©) @) Nedional > Taunt > Tonto . Mauat > Maienet > Motto Motto > Tedievel™ "aust Motto ® aust > Matened Pails Bare sss (pd 2c AsgsSUGd AnqU4d peMMIGEs, Aensé appAeafler Apenangy. A A> Nyc > Peas Bm > ML > Mea, Og Ma? Monn D) yee. gem > Mone 85 cCEMPM/19 [Turn over _ 137. 138. 139. Upto the critical radius of insulation Adding insulation to a wall decreases heat loss. we Adding insulation to a wall increases heat loss (C) Heat flux of the wall decreases (D) Convection heat loss is less than conduction heat loss in the wall OSA QssL_non Seger aeopeqwd (A) sarfld sOsAleouss Cots GoGing ApGry Myc Gwpdlng B) sald sHsMous CeisGoGung IHGUL Qyoy oPaheAngs (CO) serfter Op Gisy aren Genslpgs (D) safle slp Mp ugly Open AL Gonpauns YosGd Thermal, velocity and concentration boundary layers become identical, when (A) Prandtl number = Nusselt number = Schmidt number = 1 (B) Prandtl number = Sherwood number = Schmidt number = 1 (©), Prandtl number = Sherwood number = Lewis number = 1 Prandtl number = Schmidt number = Lewis number = Toots ULMpBler Daitud, Ceusid wp QeHlaj eHOUTEQS GerHrE BGsSw? (A) Goren orci = ppscoc orei = civuDhgt orain = 2 (B) — Agmein_e oreéer = Qevitay. creiet = civeSla. stair = 1 (C) Irene crate = Qoviteyt. creat = Boflety creer = 1 (D) Ggnemch croiet = Gog ore = Baflciy cra = 1 If , and 7 are respectively inner and outer diameters of a pipe and K is the, constant, R-value for pipe insulation is determined from 24h Aph @ Revalue = 2,2 B) Revalue =H (©) Reale = 1,% SS Revalue % ToUg EG Synier vcr sori papyd y Cougs EG GymBdr Gavel SorALi pogo, K adug oifidanud EASsId. po sOsder ‘Rg wACuI SUCUTELUGSEUUD sang & peunengy, 7) RBou = phe ®) Ropu =F © Ranpiiy = BL 7 ©) RoBi =F CEMPM/19 56 o 140. Heat is lost from a 100 mm diameter steam pipe placed horizontally in ambient at 30°C. If the Nusselt number is 25 and thermal conductivity of air is 0.03 W/mK, jon the heat transfer coefficient will be ) © 7.5 Wink . @®). 16.2 Wim’K 25.2 Whn?K (D) 30 Whn?K BG 100 Here BLL cpap ACL gpm Gpmis 30°C CaLughe wasstuiyGsG.d- Gung As@Udeiy TuUoADB. QFd pero. crosramneng, 25 said sniper Gal udu7UYy 0.03 WimK yaad QesGoCunB, Ong CUT) oirauoTargy @ © 7.5 Wink @®) 16.2 Win?K 25.2 Wim?K @) 30 Win?K 141. - Moist air exists at a pressure of 1.01 bar. The partial pressure and saturation prgssure of water vapour are 0.01 bar and 0.02 bar. What is the humidity ratio? {C) 0.00622 ®) 0.0126 0.622 . @) 0.126 mpusé anpprengs 1.01 unt acrgud Has aupssHoauld QqsAngi. sciresfit ycAuddr HYyouwduprs oppd WYsuGupp Haas spsstisenran cponpGu 0.01 uit wpgnd 0.02 Ltt YE. Oohlmawdle MugsHer saws revaratoy? a © 0.00622 ®) 0.0126 6.622 @) 0.126 142, Biot mimber signifies (A) _ the ratio of heat conducted to heat convected (B) the ratio of heat convected to heat conducted (©). the ratio of external convective resistance to internal conductive resistance the ratio of internal conductive resistance to external convective resistance Lu errr A) Gp iy upinGerennco opisis BA Pleounjd PSG sense, B) + Spqius sAPlounys @p@cys upoGeampd GHgih gonsaj CO) GarchapGinug sAPleuupo o ap Ging sSPerunjid Hse ponmaj D) GachGpginjt UiLImejd a.crecry.) uperanyd GPlég soma | o 7 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 143. 144. 145. ‘The thermal efficiency of regenerative cycle is always greater than the efficiency of simple Rankine cycle (B) greater than the efficiency of simple Rankine cycle thermal efficiency only when steam is to led at particular pressure (C) same as efficiency of simple Rankine cycle efficiency (@) always less than the efficiency of simple Rankine cycle AGiygpne apHAuvdler Caurusdnemengy, (A) * craflus prétrensch sppFuSer QarLugs Alpena BL nIGUumeggitd SDs OMUAGEGD B) rr GG SPY Bens syss5Po Asser Gung oC. Ow croflw greneowetr SyPAWer GeuiusAnarencse. sPawmIGse (CO) rhGuunggid sraflus grénenesds spice Qo usApeieen emo Gs gid D) qHAuinggg id crafius grctensds apps Qar_ugApser A GapamAGeei Mass convection is the mass transfer mechanism occurring between a surface and a moving fluid that involves (A) ‘only mass diffusion ®), only bulk fluid motion both mass diffusion and bulk fluid motion @) _ neither mass diffusion nor bulk fluid motion FG FOTEGL psGb ArusgHeebd Mor Gu sc y_udurGer so Sunengy 6 _UGLeGSr Udy Pepou LUuGUTdlsg BL spd Gungy, (A) sly KQuiger Slay ol Ob pg B) GuGL Arq Barta Wl Ow Leg ©) aL ycQunger Mar Gui Ara satay pom. Augid D) sy LQunGEr Majd GUE Aya Sxiapd por Quprgs In turbo charging, the compressor is run by (A) separate motor (B) crank shaft - (©, cam shaft WH a turbine which utilises exhaust gas Gaisronts QugsBenen 2c Gegydgid Gungy, euylunmer GUL s Qeiuyi aqeunengs, A) Brent gdp Bo sg . B) pOsCarG scrofiw spdAs sO (©) appara, onl aippAe sid DM) GaafiCugid umyoa: oe UiGUTA Ss QusswuGid spHAs soph CEMPWi/19 58 o 146. 147. 148. In a Brayton cycle, the air enters the compressor at 1 bar and 25°C. The pressure leaving the compressor is 3 bar and temperature at the turbine inlet is 650°C. Determine per kg of air cycle efficiency A), 33.33% B) 66.66% ~ 26.9% (D) 45.6% ICpLLet mpidow 21 UGsgHbCUng sriprengy KagtLTafld 1 Ui crenp sored eens Sawssigia 25°C sada ader Gar simld pepdng. Qésmpprarg SULA Gg 3 Uni cen saree Hens opdsdsr a GoushGus] 650°C sere CauLipesitir spicunald gpéing. Qa supple go SCarAgnd sete us spe Apenrengy (A) 33.33 ages B) 66.66 sss. ©) 26.9 eshasd O) 45.6 spciAs ‘The efficiency of an otto cycle is 60% and r=1.5, What is the compressiin ratio? (A) 04 BH 6.25 © 06 @) 25 . PO SiC Cir appar Apameng 60 epsdiipe, Qeapisidier suigip mod? arvg) 15. G se aLOQungs Ppatlen sisoraug), : @ 04 (8) 6.25 © 06 . ©) 25 A reversed carnot cycle working as a heat pump has a COP of 7. What is the ratio of minimum to maximum absolute temperatures? ‘«é 8) 6 . 96 AGiUs AsuduGd sna spiurag 9G GOS sfiguts Goud iGAng). ala ola ale ale" @) * Qaeda CamasPp sisoorag 7. Peicimmoider Geopps. sss Gaulwigsler SSW ercitan? “@ B) © @) Slo wl aH ole 59 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 149. 150. 151. Pigments are fine, solid particles used in the preparation of (A) Varnishes @®) Plastics (© Chemicals WH) Paints Apsadn apslOungemag, geiliac crud gidrema mags) cam nésaphel Lunds sp0UG8DE? (A) g@uidesr . B) GDerndvedseacr (©) CasGudued Qungcser D) veinaarcs yore Which alloy is generally used as thermocouple junction metal? (A) Invar Manganin (© Bronze ©) Silver Epascraasche, apgssotny eCorsonng GalugCerG 2 Cansorigagiee LméuGssouGang? A). Qérauni: B) whisnafén (C) FatyeGona (D) Qaictafi Graphite in cast iron reduces the (A) hardness and ductility strength and ductility ® AM hardness and strength (D) hardness and wear resistant siiBlend euniidgunIa GairéscuGid Gung Geapangid sudsiscrrasen, * A) syerapd Agmgsgib B) Barsugsspo Ugigsgid (C) syerapl Slorsurgpssqpib D) syengpid CpinonagsOspand CEMPM/19 60 oO 152, The crystal structure of lead is, (A) Simple cubic (B) Body centred cubie WB Face centred cubic (D) Close packed hexagonal S66 2 Camnapifidr 2. CamacBiusd aiLeointsuitengy, (A) araflw send B) sOPeotnuc. send © wapOPeeduce send OD) -agusdeqpid putule sl ooiy 153, Inconel nickel alloy contains WS 80% Ni, 13% Cr and 7% Fe 8) 80% Ni, 18% Cr and 7% Al (©) 80% Ni, 13% Cr and 7% Mg ) 80% Ni, 13% W and 7% Zn DaCanon) His sais oCarsdsmmenI ocrer oCersiisiend | smausetien Ganéraranaysennasen, (A) 80% Maa; 13% @GrmBund, 7% Oepdy B) 80% fldaed, 13% GEymBund, 7% wignheunid - (C) 80% flése, 13% GGymBU, 7% Awsafafund (D) 80% fla, 13% Lmucior or, 7% giGeuBunesr 154, An engineering material which consisting pure iron and silicate slag is, wrought iron ®) mild steel (©) pig iron ) cementite Sfp .0TEH Qausdratutd DamdGanLen sud sos AunPuBused Gungparrengy, (A) Qoaddu Ody QB). ag © sly @qou D) rpPfloo @qroy o 61 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 155. When thermo setting polymers are heated, (A) Thoy become soft GB They become rigid (©) They are deformed. (D) They become elastic Gout nagh—ib Aenem_ Leangesec, 6 OUGSSUUOCLNG, A) cofgns s1gpgtb cusiramon onHAOSepen B) cofisns spssraucirambd aA GAaper (CC) utioremmscr one GSenpes QD) BérBensreous 2161 Aeaper 156, Grey iron castings are annealed to, oa WF Soften the cast components () Decrease the ductility of cast components (©) Decrease the malleability of cast components @) Get the martensite phase of the cast components ombuaAD @QqwIend GrimiuL amiiys Qurgcsd AudAgnéacuGegpsret aargamosrag) A) amines. Gung sd QodgressuGdenpen B) aminMscur QurgGcad SonordsciGag GnpsaiuGApgsi (©) eum Ouc1. Aung act geo undslUuGd sero GepsacuGangy D) aumitnIssOULr Aung salle NGsAflrw Gane} ap GApgy. 157. Th tensile strength of wrought iron is maximum Along the lines of slag distribution (B) _Porpendicular to lines of slag distribution (©) Uniform in all directions @) Unpredictable asic Gen Bereflenasélperengs, A) gissiscr Ups G2 Cam ger Cod Paine Qeyneid B) gacadr upAVIGE Gd Can gen aie pena Oi discha oPsora PGsG © adar@ shgndswors Qeaer D) sfhusnads sais cpiguings CEMPM/19 62 © 158. Dielectric strength of material is, a) © @) ‘The capacity to take two (or) more stresses ‘The capacity to withstand higher voltage ‘The capacity to withstand electrical and mechanical shocks ‘The capacity to withstand higher current 8G GunGaller Gye ein Mens sSndn cron gsnergy, (A) ®) © @) 2561 QrainQ 10g) pH GCoarer clos Apenars siiisdenmus 6556) pa Hs out Her supsssog pried myu ef) igen Ben opm Qussnehlud suncdacnenrg srg #é6) ips Ws out Derempengg garisioaigus oéx6) 159. The Engineering materials exhibiting i increasing order of hardness are, ®) © @) Talc, quartz, topaz, diamond Tale, quartz, diamond, topaz Tale, diamond, quartz, topaz Tale, dianiond, topaz, quartz Sapss sHapAN Gig oPsssyomonang amy aflosiuGsgid Cung 1Os5sUG Qunghuduse Qungyérseneven, ) @) ©) @) saguel, Dengiall, Groce Goons, encumd Saguall, Berga, mau, QodeSue. Carre sagyall, mau, engiafl, QurdSuse Goored sadgiall, nau, Audie Comat, Wenge 160. Loose piece patterns are a) ®) a @) a sort of split patterns similar to core prints used when the pattern cannot be drawn from the mould as one piece used to ensure the full supply of molten metal into the mould Bevieyts Qugper 2. (pac earner etemLienauscr, (A) ®) ©) @) EGamauman Sha o Garstiacined Bionor GHOSE IU sins 1g, GLirémeneuscir rmageg odmnsAuaér eqassos Gy gms @G55 qpguns Gung 2 LIGWITEC LOS ps anywierarscir 2.gs8u eCarssag Wyagions 2 Gapse Aemsgaispsnat: UWsiGSEIUGb 2. Gasiisen@b 63 CEMPM/19 [Turn over 161. Which of the following method is used to make gun barrels and cast iron pipes (A) Investment casting (B) Continuous casting SF Trve centrifugal casting (@) Die casting Spsscm. aepsald a5 yenurag gUUTEMS Sprung Bory unin SpPleowupd 2er_ndet UWeiGssoui Gang? (A) Quy eiedl cumiiny B) Asm aunty (©) 2emenwuimar emowsilose curity (D) és aunty 162. Chip reduction coefficient (r-) is the ratio of (A) Cutting velocity to chip velocity (B) . Depth of cut to chip thickness Chip thickness to depth of cut (D) Cutting velocity to shear velocity BAy GeonsgGwd seid (xe) cdg), A) Ga. GUCasige Gb My Cassgieetb 2ctor sed B) Aa. Gd qersgieGd DAnssyLYs@w ester ows CO Gaps 54 0YsGb Da Od yorsgaqw ocrar sed D) Gail Od Caussgeg APlagb Camsgisqid 2'cror ss. 163. The ratio of the convective mass transfer to the rate of diffusive mass transport is called (A) Lewis number Nusselt number (©) Schmidt number wa Sherwood number Gauss Poporipd wimbd Byad Hopordp SppAdsren Adsd Maoung Som pss iuGANS! (A) Sete crete B) pQsar cri (©) cdiSlg.c. crear @) Gaviraye crear CEMPM/19 64 o - 164. 165. 166. If 'V’ is the cutting speed and ‘T is: the tool life using the Taylor equation VI" =Ccaleulate the percentage increase in tool life when the cutting speed is reduced by 50% (n=0.5 and C=400) 6 300% ®B) 400% (C) 100% @) 50% V' aanugs Gout Oi Gasionsapd TP adnigs Gar _Quraiuder Qswagnanp SarapomIgées, =C aréagytb QLleofidr saviigé Camlum ga’ ‘n’, cremigy 0.5

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