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Before Beowulf

By: Christina Ayon, Grace Maxwell, Nicole Milliman,

Xochitl Moreno, Lauren Pearce
Everyday Life
Women’s VS. Men’s Jobs
Men’s Jobs Women’s Jobs

● Farming ● Churning butter

○ Caring for animals, growing ● Grinding flour
crops, pulling ploughs ● Weaving
● Carpenter ○ Clothes made on looms
● Craftwork
● Feller of trees
○ Dyeing clothes and making
● Blacksmith
● Metalworker ● Creating jewellery
○ Forming tools, swords and
Daily Activities
● Looking after animals
● Collecting wool and spinning
● Chopping wood
● Building the hearth fire
● Preparing food
● Hunting and fighting training
● Circle Dancing & Chess for leisure
Food and Drink
Food Drink
● Bread was a staple ● Wine, ale, mead, cider
● Dairy Sources: cows, sheep, and goats ● Goblets and drinking horns
● No desserts ● Water was not common
Upper VS. Lower
Upper Class Lower Class

● Wine was a luxury ● Very poorest ground up and ate

● Raised cattle for food anything edible
● Specialty flour ● Peasants kept a cow for milk
● Imported delicacies: pepper, olive oil, ● Evening meal: broth and chopped
dates, figs, raisins, almonds, rice, sugar meat
Women’s Clothing

● Long ankle-length underdress

● Outer dress is Peplos
● Belt was worn over peplos
● Leather shoes with secured straps
● Other accessories: stockings, cloaks,
beads, tools, weapons
Men’s Clothing

● Inner tunic and outer tunic worn over

● Two belts were worn
● Leather shoes with secured straps
● Additional accessories: caps, warrior
jackets, gloves, tools, weapons
Gender/Family Roles
Women Men Children
● The roles of Anglo Saxon ● Dominant role in society ● Adults at ten
women: ● Held the image of the Roles of Children
○ mother, wife,
● Represented the strength ● Girls: weaving cloth,
caregiver, and cooking meals, making
and wisdom of their
teacher. cheese and brewing ale.
● Boys:ploughed fields,
● Idea of a cup bearer
● Protected and provided fished, and hunted
for the family
Roles in Marriage
Women’s Role in Marriage Men’s Role in Marriage

● Possibility of marrying ● The husband would go to the father

anyone they chose. with his offers, before he could
● All belongings were marry his daughter.
equally shared ● Would give his wife his land, estate
● Law of Cnut and everything that came with the
○ Permitted divorce manor.
● Idea of a Peace Weaver
Social Hierarchy
Upper Class Middle Class- Ceorls Lower Class- Thralls

● Consisted of: ● Were Bondsmen who were

○ Kings, Ealdorman,
● Largest group of people
in effect slaves.
and Thanes ● Farmers and craftsmen
● Prisoners in debt
● Kings: ● Some were successful
○ Overall rulers ● Did not have many rights
landowners, others
● Ealdorman under the law
agricultural laborers
○ Controlled the districts ● Harshly punished without
on behalf of the ruler. any thought of justice.
● Thanes
○ professional military
Upper Class Middle Class Lower Class

● Attend local courts and discuss ● Slaves worked in the fields

● Informed the king on
grievances looking after crops and animals.
what was occurring
within the kingdom ● Males obligated to serve in the
● Depending upon the needs of their
army if needed
master, a slave could work inside
● Completed errands and
● Worked on the land as free the home as a servant
passed on important
messages for the king.
● Slaves workload, food intake, and
● Provided service trades whom they should marry was
○ metal working, dictated by their master
carpentry, and weaving
Religion and Rituals
Pagan Worship

● Worshipping of many deities, known as ése ● Demonstrations of devotion

○ Sacrifice
Woden (head god)
○ Festivals
Thunor (god of sky and thunder) ● Worship sites would be out in
Tiw (god of war) the open
Frigg (goddess of love and festivity) ○ Modest shrines
○ Temples
● Similar to Norse gods
● Place-names dedicated to
● Believed in supernatural beings deities
○ Elves and household deities (Cofgodas)
Monandæg- day of the Moon, Máni Frigedæg- Frigg’s day
Tiwesdæg- Tiw Sæternesdæg- Saturn
Wodnesdæg- Woden Sunnandæg- Sun
Ðunresdæg- Thunor

● Modranect- start of the Anglo-Saxon year

● Killing of oxen
● Men buried with weapon
○ Amulets (a good luck charm)

Ship and tumulus (tomb) burials were described in the Beowulf epic
Customs & Traditions
Rites of Passage
● Birth, Marriage, Death

● Blot

● Symbel

● Húsel
Birth Freya
● Frigg and Freya

● Vatni Ausa = baby naming rite

○ Eyrbyggja Saga, Njal's Saga

1. The Opening

2. The Naming

a. Ic weorpe wæter on bearne, ond giefe hí naman

3. The Closing

● Marriage by capture ● Invoke Freya and

○ Honeymoon Frigga
● Marriage by purchase ● Exchange of
○ “Wedd” = to wager “bride-price” and dowry
● Arranged marriage ● Exchange of swords
● Exchange of rings
Death Sutton Hoo

● Buried
● Size of burial mound indicates status
● Buried with Treasures
○ To show status
○ Memorialize objects person liked while alive
○ For use in afterlife
Political Trade
● “New” Scandinavian nobles ● Coin circulation
● Swapping of sons ○ Sceattas helpful with forgein
● Dynastic marriages.
● Angles, Saxons, and Jutes joined
military power of Vortigern (Briton) ● Expansion of overseas trade
● Treaty between East Anglia and
West Saxons
● Axe and sword: duels
● Seax: fighting by groups
● Helmet
● Mail shirt
● Shield
● Spear
● Angon

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