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The Lean methodology is all about maximizing customer value whilst minimizing
waste. This technique is all about creating more value for clients by using fewer
resources. The main objective for the Lean methodology is to deliver the best
value for the customer by creating the perfect process that eliminates all waste.
This Value Stream Mapping course focuses on creating value for the customer
and eliminating waste. A value stream is an activity within an organization that
creates value to the customer. Value Stream Mapping is a tool which shows
individuals how to understand, analyze, and improve a value stream. Lean
Thinking has a huge impact on an organization by simplifying processes and
improving performance.

Duration: 8 hours

A value stream mapping (VSM) course typically covers the

following topics:
1. Introduction to Value Stream Mapping: This section provides an overview
of what VSM is, its benefits, and its history.
2. Value Stream Mapping Symbols and Icons: This section covers the symbols
and icons used in VSM and their meanings.
3. Value Stream Mapping Methodology: This section explains the step-by-step
process of creating a value stream map, including data collection, creating a
current state map, identifying wastes, and creating a future state map.
4. Current State Mapping: This section focuses on how to create a current
state map, including mapping the product or service flow, information flow,
and physical flow.
5. Waste Identification: This section teaches how to identify the 8 types of
waste in a value stream, including overproduction, waiting, defects,
unnecessary processing, excess inventory, unnecessary motion,
transportation, and underutilized employees.
6. Future State Mapping: This section shows how to create a future state map,
which is a visual representation of the ideal state of the value stream after
eliminating wastes.
7. Implementation Plan: This section covers how to create an implementation
plan that outlines the steps required to achieve the future state map.
8. Lean Tools: This section provides an overview of the lean tools that can be
used to eliminate waste in the value stream, including Kaizen, Kanban, and
9. Lean Culture: This section discusses the importance of creating a lean
culture and how to foster it within an organization.
10.Case Studies: This section provides real-world examples of organizations
that have successfully implemented VSM and the benefits they achieved.
Overall, a value stream mapping course aims to provide participants with the skills
and knowledge necessary to identify waste in a value stream and develop an
implementation plan to eliminate it, resulting in improved efficiency, cost
reduction, and increased customer satisfaction.

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