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American History II - Journal Writing Activity - How the Other Half



1. Choose one of the eight Jacob Riis pictures below which depict city life and
urban problems for the working class during the late 1800’s and early 1900s.
2. You are to pretend that you are one of the people in the picture.
3. You are to copy and paste the picture that you selected and then write at least
one paragraph (at least 5 - 7 complete sentences) which tells about your
experiences of living in the city during the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Picture #1 Picture #2

Picture #3 Picture #4
Picture #5 Picture #6

Picture #7 Picture #8

Me and my brothers stayed home all day while

our parents when out to work. We didn’t know how to take care of ourselves at first, but
when we got older we learned how to make food for ourselves. We would be really
malnurished all day. We usauly would walk around town and play with our friends.
When we would get hungry we would look through trash cans and scavenge for food.

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