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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 1 33-201 5

(Supersed es AN SI /ASH RAE Standard 1 3 3 -2008)

Method of Testing
Direct Evaporative
Air Coolers

Approved by ASH RAE on J anuary 3 0, 201 5 , and by the American N ational Standards I nstitute on February 2, 201 5 .

ASH RAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date foll owing the standard number is the year of
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© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
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ASHRAE Standards Project Committee 1 33
Cognizant TC: TC 5.7, Evaporative Cooling
SPLS Liaison: Waller S. Clements
Patricia T. Graef, Chair* Gursaran D. M athur* H ofu Wu*

Klas C. H aglid * Roy T. Otterbein*

* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Richard L. H all, Chair J ames W. Earley, J r. M ark P. M odera

Douglass T. Reindl, Vice-Chair Steven J . Emmerich Cyrus H. N asseri

J oseph R. Anderson Patricia T. Graef H eather L. Platt

J ames Dale Aswegan Rita M . H arrold Peter Simmonds

Charles S. Barnaby Adam W. H inge Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, J r.

Donald M . Brundage Srinivas Katipamula J ack H. Zarour

J ohn A. Clark Debra H. Kennoy J ulia A. Keen, BOD ExO

Waller S. Clements M alcolm D. Knight Bjarne Wilkens Olesen, CO
David R. Conover Rick A. Larson

J ohn F. Dunlap Arsen K. M elkov

Stephanie C. Reiniche, Senior Manager of Standards

This American N ational Standard (AN S) is a national vol untary consensus Standard devel oped under the auspices of ASH RAE. Consensus is defined
by the American N ational Standards I nstitute (AN SI ), of which ASH RAE is a member and which has approved this Standard as an AN S, as
“substantial agreement reached by directl y and material l y affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simpl e majority,
but not necessaril y unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution. ”
Compliance with this Standard is voluntary until and unl ess a l egal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through l egisl ation.
ASH RAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and publ ic review.
ASH RAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifical l y for the purpose of writing the Standard. The Project
Committee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASH RAE; whil e other committee members may or may not be ASH RAE members, al l
must be technical l y qual ified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees.
The Senior M anager of Standards of ASH RAE shoul d be contacted for
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, or
d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.

ASH RAE uses its best efforts to promul gate Standards and Guidel ines for the benefit of the publ ic in l ight of avail abl e information and accepted
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ASH RAE Standards and Guidel ines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, by
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Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 1 33-201 5,
Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Symbols and Subscripts.................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Requirements.................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Instruments and Methods of Measurement....................................................................................................... 4
7 Equipment and Setup........................................................................................................................................ 6
8 Data to Be Recorded......................................................................................................................................... 7
9 Calculations....................................................................................................................................................... 7
1 0 Performance Corrections to Nominal or Standard Airflow Rate and Speed...................................................... 9
1 1 Report and Results of Test................................................................................................................................ 9
1 2 References ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 0
Informative Annex A: Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 1 1
Informative Annex B: Additional Figures ............................................................................................................... 1 2

Approved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAE
Web site at

© 201 5 ASHRAE
1 791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 · · All rights reserved.
ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely the evaporative cooling unit (ECU) and the appurtenances
informative and does not contain requirements necessary that are necessary for, contribute to, or enhance the cooling
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro- capacity of the ECU. Appurtenance device power includes,
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard but is not limited to, water metering devices, conductivity
and may contain material that has not been subj ect to controllers, timers, dump cycle pumps, and solenoids.
public review or a consensus process. Unresolved obj ec- Devices such as thermostats, transformers providing low volt-
tors on informative material are not offered the right to age to control mechanisms, and freeze protection devices
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) shall not be included.

FOREWORD boundaries: evaporative cooling unit inlet and outlet bound-

aries are defined as the interface between the cooling unit
First published in 2001, Standard 133 provides procedures and the remainder of the system, and these boundaries are at
for testing direct evaporative cooling devices under labora- a plane perpendicular to the airstream where it enters or
tory conditions to obtain rating information. As an ASHRAE leaves the ECU. Various appurtenances, such as filter media
method-of-test standard, it is intended to offer recommended assemblies, inlet boxes, inlet vanes, inlet cones, silencers,
practices and accurate measurement procedures. In addition, screens, rain hoods, dampers, discharge cones, and eaves,
the committee incorporates the effects ofambient conditions, that are supplied as standard components to the unit shall be
testing error, instrument accuracy, and the need to make cer- included as a part of the cooling unit between the inlet and
tain that no other sources of heat transfer are taking place outlet boundaries.
during the testing.
This revision makes a key change to Standard 133- 2008. component direct evaporative cooler: a self-contained cabi-
The density correction to saturation effectiveness has been net without a fan whose primary functions are (a) the conver-
simplified by clarifying that it shall be reported only as a sion of the sensible heat of unsaturated air passing through
function ofactual test standard airflow. the cabinet to latent heat by the process of evaporating recir-
Various other improvements were made as well. Refer- culating or nonrecirculating water directly exposed to this air
ences were updated to the latest editions, and mandatory lan- and (b) the movement of this air through the cabinet that
guage was clarified. allows a portion of this water to evaporate. An example of a
component direct evaporative cooler is shown in Informative
1 . PURPOSE Appendix B, Figure B-7.
This standard establishes a uniform method of laboratory test- determination: a complete set of measurements for a particu-
ing for rating packaged and component direct evaporative air lar point of operation of an ECU. The measurements shall be
coolers. sufficient to determine all ECU performance variables as
defined in this standard.
ECU: a term created for use in this document that stands for
The scope of this standard covers a method of testing for
“evaporative cooling unit.” The term cooling unit is also used
rating the saturation effectiveness, airflow rate, and total power
interchangeably throughout this document for evaporative
of packaged and component direct evaporative air coolers.
cooling unit, evaporative air cooler, and evaporative cooler.
2.2 Covered tests also include the methods for measuring the
static pressure differential of the direct evaporative air cooler, ECU airflow rate: the volumetric airflow rate based on enter-
density of the air, and speed of rotation of the fan. ing air density.

2.3 This standard requires that packaged and component ECU outlet area: the gross inside area measured in the
direct evaporative air coolers be simultaneously tested for air- plane(s) of the outlet opening(s).
flow, total power, and saturation effectiveness. ECU static pressure differential: the static pressure differen-
2.4 The ratings resulting from application of this standard are tial measured across the ECU and its appurtenances at each
intended for use by manufacturers, specifiers, installers, and point of operation.
users of evaporative air cooling apparatus for residential,
ECU total power: the sum of the power in watts supplied to
commercial, agricultural, and industrial ventilation; for air-
the electrical components of the evaporative cooler tested.
cooling applications; and for commercial, industrial, and agri-
This includes fan motors, pump motors, and other devices
cultural processing applications.
needed to produce the cooling effect. The power to control
3. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS devices such as thermostats, transformers providing low volt-
age to control mechanisms, and freeze protection devices
adiabatic saturation: evaporating water into air without shall not be included in total power.
external gain or loss of heat. Sensible heat in both air and
water becomes latent heat in evaporated vapor. The air is ECU water flow rate: the water supplied to the ECU header.
cooled and humidified. evaporative air cooling: two methods using evaporating
appurtenance device power: the electric power to drive water to cool air: direct, which is adiabatic and humidifies the
accessories—not including fans, pumps, or rotary devices— air, and indirect, which is not adiabatic and cools the air being
supplied as a standard component of the production model of treated without adding moisture.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
fan power: the power required to drive the fan and any ele- Pn static pressure at nominal air density, Pa (in. wg)
ments in the drive train that are considered a part of the fan. Psx static pressure at plane x, Pa (in. wg)
fan speed: the rotational speed of the impeller. If a fan has Pstd static pressure at standard air density, Pa (in. wg)
more than one impeller, fan speeds are the rotational speeds
pb ambient barometric pressure, Pa (in. Hg)
of each impeller.
pe saturated vapor pressure at twx, Pa (in. Hg)
free delivery: the point of operation where the external static
pressure is zero. pp partial vapor pressure, Pa (in. Hg)
QECU ECU airflow rate, m3 /s (cfm)
gas constant: the gas constant (R ) for air is 287.1 J/kg·K
(53.35 ft·lbf/lbm·°R). Qn nominal airflow rate, m3 /s (cfm)
packaged direct evaporative cooler: a self-contained unit, Qw ECU water flow rate, L/s (gpm)
including a fan and fan motor, whose primary functions are R gas constant, J/kg·K (ft·lbf/lbm·°R)
(a) the conversion of the sensible heat of unsaturated air pass- Re Reynolds number, dimensionless
ing through the cabinet to latent heat by the process of evapo-
rating recirculating or nonrecirculating water directly exposed tdx dry-bulb temperature at plane x, °C (°F)
to this air and (b) the movement of this air through the unit. twx wet-bulb temperature at plane x, °C (°F)
An example of a direct evaporative air cooler is shown in Vx velocity at plane x, m/s (fpm)
Informative Appendix B, Figure B-6.
W total power, W
point of operation: the relative position on the cooling unit
Wf power input to ECU fan, W
characteristic curve corresponding to a particular airflow rate.
It is controlled during a test by adjusting the position of the Wfn nominal power input to ECU fan, W
throttling device, by changing flow nozzles or auxiliary fan Wp power input to pump or rotary device, W
characteristics, or by any combination of these. Wa power input to appurtenances, W
pressure, barometric: the absolute pressure exerted by the Wstd total ECU power at standard air density, W
Wfstd ECU fan power at standard air density, W
pump or rotary device power: the electric power to drive the Y nozzle expansion factor, dimensionless
pump or rotary device used to distribute water in the ECU.
 static pressure ratio for nozzles, dimensionless
saturation effectiveness: the dry-bulb temperature reduction
achieved by the ECU divided by the entering wet-bulb
 diameter ratio for nozzles, dimensionless
depression.  saturation effectiveness, dimensionless
shutoff: the point of operation where the airflow rate is zero.  ratio of specific heats of air, dimensionless

standard air: dry air with a density of 1 .204 kg/m3 (0.075 P pressure differential, Pa (in. wg)
lbm/ft3 ), a specific heat of 1 .006 kJ/kg·K (0.24 Btu/lbm·°F), PECU pressure differential across ECU, Pa (in. wg)
and a viscosity of 1 .82×1 0 –5 N·s/m2 (1 .22×1 0 –5 lbm/ft·s). Air Pelbow pressure differential of elbow, Pa (in. wg)
at 20°C (68°F), 0% relative humidity, and 1 01 .325 kPa (29.92
in. Hg) has these properties, approximately.
Pnozzle pressure differential of nozzle, Pa (in. wg)
Pstd pressure differential corrected to standard air,
test: a series of determinations for various points of operation. Pa (in. wg)
wet-bulb depression: the difference between the dry-bulb and µ air viscosity, Pa·s (lbm/ft·s)
wet-bulb temperatures of an airstream.
 air density, kg/m3 (lbm/ft3 )
4. SYMBOLS AND SUBSCRIPTS x air density at plane x, kg/m3 (lbm/ft3 )
4.1 Symbols std density of air at standard air condition, kg/m3 (lbm/ft3 )
A area of cross section, m2 (ft2 )  summation sign
C nozzle discharge coefficient, dimensionless 4.2 Subscripts

D diameter and equivalent diameter, m (ft) x plane or station x, where x = 0, 1 , 2, etc., as appropriate
D pressure tap diameter, mm (in.) 0 plane 0 (ECU inlet)
E energy factor, dimensionless 1 plane 1 (pressure tap station)
L nozzle throat dimension, m (ft) 2 plane 2 (temperature measurement station)
M chamber diameter or equivalent diameter, m (ft) 3 plane 3 (nozzle inlet station)
Nn nominal or corrected fan speed, rpm 4 plane 4 (nozzle discharge station)
N ECU fan speed as measured, rpm n nominal
n number of readings, dimensionless std standard

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

FIGURE 1 Air-sampling device: aspirated psychrometer with sample tree.

5. REQUIREMENTS 5.6 Entrainment Verification. Precautions shall be taken to

ensure water entrainment is not occurring in equipment being
5.1 Determinations. The number of determinations required
tested for rating. Water entrainment will obviously affect tem-
to establish the performance of an evaporative cooling unit
perature measurements; therefore, any water entrainment
over the range from shutoff to free delivery shall be estab-
shall invalidate test results. A means to check the plenum air-
lished depending on the shapes of the various characteristic
flow measuring station for wetness shall be incorporated in
curves. Plans shall be made to vary the opening of the throt-
the test apparatus, such as a sensitive paper that changes color
tling device in to evenly space the test points. For smooth
when water touches it.
characteristics, at least eight determinations shall be required
to define curves that are not smooth. When performance at
only one point of operation is required, at least three determi-
nations shall be made to define a short curve that includes that
point. 6.1 Temperature-Measurement. Temperature measurement
and temperature-measuring instruments, unless noted below,
5.2 Equilibrium. Equilibrium conditions shall be estab-
shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-
lished before each determination. To test for equilibrium, trial
dard 41 .1 . 1 The apparatus shall be the aspirated psychrometer
observations shall be made until steady readings are obtained.
with a sample tree shown in Figure 1 . The sample tree shall
Ranges of air delivery over which equilibrium cannot be
sample at least nine equal areas of the chamber. Both dry- and
established shall be recorded.
wet-bulb temperatures shall be measured in this air-sampling
5.3 Stability. Any bi-stable performance points (airflow device. Care shall be taken to ensure that there is no loss of
rates at which two different ECU static pressure differentials heat or moisture from this device. To prevent erroneous air-
are to be measured) shall be so reported. When they are a flow readings, the discharge of the psychrometer shall be
result of hysteresis, the points shall be identified as that for reconnected to the duct or chamber.
increasing and decreasing airflow rate. 6.1.1 Type. Temperature measurement shall be made with
5.4 Acceptable Temperature and Humidity Test Condi- instruments that demonstrate the accuracy required by Sec-
tions. Inlet plenum air dry-bulb temperature (t 0) shall be d
tion 6.1 .2.
46°C (1 1 5°F) maximum, the wet-bulb temperature (twb) shall 6.1.2 Accuracy. The accuracy shall be within the following
be 5°C (41 °F) minimum, and the wet-bulb depression shall be limits:
1 1 °C (20°F) minimum during the testing period. The
upstream wet-bulb temperature (tw0 ) shall differ from the a. Air wet-and dry-bulb temperatures: ±0.2°C (0.40°F)
downstream wet-bulb temperature (tw2 ) by no more than 1 °C b. Other dry-bulb temperatures: ±0.30°C (0.50°F)
(2°F) during the test for the test results to be considered valid.
6.1.3 Scale. In no case shall the smallest scale division of
5.5 Acceptable Water Quality. Conductivity of the water the temperature-measuring instrument exceed twice the speci-
shall be measured using a conductivity meter. The conductiv- fied accuracy. For example, for the specified accuracy of
ity of the water supplied to the distribution header shall be ±0.20°C (0.40°F), the smallest scale division shall not exceed
between 350 and 3500 microsiemens (µS). 0.40°C (0.80°F).

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

FIGURE 2 Static pressure tap. Note: A 2 mm (0.07 in.) hole is the maximum size that will allow space for a smooth surface 20 D from
the hole when installed 38 mm (1 .5 in.) from a partition, as in Figures 3 and B-1 .

6.1.4 Calibration. Where an accuracy closer than ±0.30°C 6.3.1 Nozzle Apparatus. This airflow-measuring appara-
(0.50°F) is specified, the instruments shall be calibrated by tus is shown schematically in Figures 3 and B-1 . Each nozzle
comparison with a thermometer that has a National Institute station consists of a receiving chamber and a discharge cham-
of Standards and Technology (NIST) certification in the range ber separated by a partition in which one or more nozzles of
of use, or a thermometer with a NIST certification shall be equal or unequal size are located. A detailed description of
used. the nozzle apparatus is given in ASHRAE Standard 41 .2. 3
6.1.5 Practice 6.3.2 Calibration. The standard nozzle is considered a pri-
mary instrument and need not be calibrated if maintained in Wet-Bulb Temperature. Wet-bulb temperatures
the specified condition. Reliable coefficients have been estab-
shall be read only under conditions that ensure an air velocity
lished for throat dimension L = 0.6 D. Throat dimension L =
of 3.5 to 1 0 m/s (700 to 2000 ft/min) over the wet-bulb, and
0.6 D is recommended for testing airflow of direct evaporative
only after sufficient time has been allowed for evaporative
cooling equipment.
equilibrium to be attained.
6.3.3 Practice. The throat velocity of any nozzle in use shall Measurement Stations. The same measuring not be less than 1 5 m/s (3000 ft/min) nor greater than 35 m/s
methods and equipment shall be used at all measurement sta- (7000 ft/min). For detailed instructions on nozzle construction
tions. and use with the airflow-measuring apparatus, see ASHRAE
6.2 Pressure Measurement. Other than barometric pressure, 41 .2. 3
static pressure in ducts or chambers shall be measured with 6.4 Power. Power shall be measured using a wattmeter con-
special taps designed to eliminate velocity effects. Each loca- nected to the ECU. Wattmeters shall have an accuracy of
tion requiring a static pressure measurement shall use a mini- ±1 .0% of observed reading.
mum of four taps equidistant around the perimeter of the duct
or chamber. These taps shall be joined in a piezometer ring
6.5 Water Flow. Water flow shall be measured using a total-
izing water meter connected to the ECU and a timing device
and the ring used for measurement. Static pressure taps (Fig-
to determine the rate of water flow. Water meters shall have
ure 2) are required on both sides of the flow nozzles and
an accuracy of ±5.0% of observed reading.
downstream of the ECU.
6.2.1 Type. Pressure measurement shall be made in accor- 6.6 Speed. Speed shall be measured with a revolution coun-
ter and chronometer, a stroboscope counter and chronometer,
dance with ASHRAE Standard 41 .3. 2
a precision instantaneous tachometer, an electronic counter-
6.2.2 Accuracy. The accuracy of pressure-measuring timer, or any other device that has a demonstrated accuracy of
instruments shall permit measurements with ±1 % of the ±0.5% of the value being measured.
reading. Barometric pressure shall have accuracy of ±34 Pa
6.6.1 Strobe. A stroboscopic device triggered by the line
(0.01 in. Hg).
frequency of a public utility is considered a primary instru-
6.2.3 Scale. In no case shall the smallest scale division of ment and need not be calibrated if it is maintained in good
the pressure-measuring instrument exceed two times the spec- condition.
ified accuracy. 6.6.2 Chronometer. The chronometer used for all time
6.3 Airflow Measurement. The airflow rate shall be deter- measurements shall have a display in seconds and keep time
mined by measuring the pressure differential across elliptical accurately to within ±2 minutes per day.
flow nozzles in chambers as shown in Figure 3. Determina- 6.6.3 Other Devices. The combination of a line frequency
tions shall be in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 41 .2. 3 strobe and chronometer shall be used to calibrate all other

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

FIGURE 3 Airflow measuring apparatus from setup in Figure B-1 (shown without throat taps or air-sampling device).
Note: Dimension J shall be at least 1 .0 times the fan equivalent discharge diameter for ECUs having fans with axis of rotation perpendic-
ular to the discharge airflow and at least 2.0 times the fan equivalent discharge diameter for ECUs having fans with axis of rotation paral-
lel to the discharge airflow.
Note: The distance from the exit face of the largest nozzle to the downstream settling means shall be a minimum of 2.5 × D4, the throat
diameter of the largest nozzle.

speed-measuring devices. Friction-driven counters shall not 7.1.3 Component Direct Evaporative Cooler Testing.
be used when they influence the speed due to drag. Component ECU testing shall be performed using the same
6.7 Water Conductivity. Water conductivity shall be mea- techniques as packaged ECU testing.
sured using a conductivity meter having an accuracy ±1 0% of 7.1.4 Mixers. Mixing or other types of devices shall be
observed reading. The meter shall have a means for tempera- used to ensure uniform temperature profiles to the ECU and
ture compensation. measurement devices in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE
6.7.1 Calibration. Conductivity meters shall be calibrated Standard 41 .1 . 1
using a certified calibration solution according to the manu- 7.2 Ducts. Short ducts that are used to simulate outlet duct
facturer’s instructions. work shall be between 2 and 3 equivalent diameters in length
and have an area ±0.5% of the outlet area and a uniform shape
7. EQUIPMENT AND SETUP to fit the outlet. If the ECU is tested without outlet ductwork,
7.1 Setup. The suggested setup is shown in Figure B-1 . it shall be mounted on the end of the chamber.
7.1.1 Down Discharge Coolers. Down discharge coolers 7.2.1 Leakage. The ducts, chambers, and other equipment
shall be tested with a uniform elbow of an area with ±0.5% of utilized shall be designed to withstand the pressure and other
the ECU outlet area and a shape to fit the ECU outlet. The forces to be encountered. All joints between the ECU and the
elbow shall connect the discharge of the ECU to the chamber. measuring station shall be sufficiently tight so that measure-
See Figure 4. ments are not affected by more than one-half the allowable
7.1.2 The elbow system effect factor (SEF) shall be consid- instrument error.
ered. To minimize SEF for downdraft ECUs having centrifu- 7.3 Chambers. A chamber shall be incorporated in a labora-
gal blowers, the blower shall be oriented such that the turn of tory setup to provide a measuring station, to simulate the con-
the elbow follows the rotation of the shaft (see Figure 4). ditions the ECU is expected to encounter in service, or both.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

FIGURE 4 Details of orientation of elbows for downdraft ECUs from Figure B-1 .

Such a chamber shall have a circular or rectangular cross-sec- shall be checked against a drawing and a copy of the drawing
tional shape. The dimension M in the test setup diagram (Fig- attached to the data.
ure 3) is the inside diameter of a circular chamber or the
8.2 Test Setup. The description of the test setup, including
equivalent diameter of a rectangular chamber with inside
specific dimensions, shall be recorded. The instruments and
transverse dimensions a and b where
apparatus used in the test shall be listed. Names, model num-
bers, serial numbers, scale ranges, and calibration information
M= (4 ab ⁄ ) 1 ⁄2 (1 )
shall be recorded.
7.3.1 Airflow Settling Means. Airflow settling means 8.3 Test Data. Test data for each determination shall be
shall be installed in the chamber(s) where indicated on the
recorded. Readings shall be made simultaneously whenever
test setup as shown in Figures 3 and B-1 . Settling means pro-
vide a proper airflow pattern. Where a measuring plane is
For all tests, three readings of the following shall be
located downstream of the settling means, the settling means
recorded and averaged for each determination:
is provided to ensure a substantially uniform airflow ahead of
the measuring plane. In this case, the maximum velocity at a a. ECU inlet dry-bulb temperature (td0 )
distance 0.1 M downstream of the screen shall not exceed the b. ECU inlet wet-bulb temperature (tw0 )
average velocity by more than 25% unless the maximum c. ambient barometric pressure (pb)
velocity is less than 2 m/s (400 fpm). Where measuring d. ECU downstream dry-bulb temperature (td2 )
planes are located on both sides of the settling means within
e. ECU downstream wet-bulb temperature (tw2 )
the chamber, the requirements for each side as outlined above
f. Fan speed (N)
shall be met. A performance check shall be performed to ver-
g. Power input to fan (Wf)
ify that the airflow settling means are providing proper air-
flow patterns. h. Power input to pump or rotary device (Wp)
i. Power input to appurtenances (Wa)
7.3.2 Multiple Nozzles. Multiple nozzles shall be located
j. ECU static pressure differential (P ECU)
as symmetrically as possible. The centerline of each nozzle
shall be at least 1 .5 nozzle throat diameters from the chamber k. Nozzle pressure differential (Pnozzle)
wall. The minimum distance between centers of any two noz- l. Water conductivity
zles in simultaneous use shall be three times the throat diame- When the ECU is not supplied with a pump or rotary
ter of the larger nozzle. device, water flow to the ECU (QW) shall be recorded.
7.4 Point of Operation. A means of varying the point of 8.4 Personnel. The names of test personnel shall be listed
operation shall be provided in the laboratory setup. If auxil- with the data for which they are responsible.
iary fans are used to control the point of operation of the
ECU, they shall be designed to produce sufficient pressure at 9. CALCULATIONS
the desired airflow rate to overcome losses through the test
setup, including any necessary transitional ductwork or 9.1 Calibration Correction. Calibration corrections, when
elbows located between the ECU and test chamber. Auxiliary required, shall be applied to individual readings before aver-
fans shall not surge or pulsate during tests. aging or other calculations. Calibration corrections need not
be made if the correction is smaller than one-half the maxi-
8. DATA TO BE RECORDED mum allowable error as specified in Section 6.

8.1 Test ECU. The description of the test ECU shall be 9.2 Density and Viscosity ofAir
recorded. The nameplate data shall be copied. Dimensions 9.2.1 Air Density

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission. Atmospheric Air Density. The atmospheric air Beta Ratio. Beta ratio is the ratio ( ) of nozzle
density ( 0 ) shall be determined from measurements of dry- exit diameter (D4 ) to approach duct diameter (D3 ):
bulb temperature (td0 ), wet-bulb temperature (tw0 ), and baro-
metric pressure at plane 0 (pb) using the following equations:
 = D4⁄D3 (8)

For the chamber approach, it is sufficiently accurate for

pe = 3.25 E-03 t w2 0 + 1 .86 E-02 t w 0 + 0.692 (2 SI) to be taken as zero. Expansion Factor. The expansion factor (Y) shall
pe = 2.96 E-04 t w 0 – 1 .59 E-02 t w 0 + 0.41
(2 I-P) be calculated as follows:
1 2
pp = p e – p b  td 0 – tw 0   1 500 (3 SI)   2  1 –   – 1   1 2
1 –
Y = (9)
–1 1 – 1 –
2 
pp = p e – p b  td 0 – tw 0   2700 (3 I-P)
The ratio of specific heats () shall be taken as 1 .4 for air
0 =  p b – 0.378 p p   R  t d 0 + 273.1 5  (4 SI) or, alternatively, the expansion factor for air shall be calcu-
lated under this standard using the following equation:
0 = 70.73  p b – 0.378 p p   R  td 0 + 459.67  (4 I-P)
Y = 1 –  0.548 + 0.71 
1 –  (1 0)
Equation 2 is approximately correct for saturated vapor
pressure (pe) for a range of tw0 between 4°C (39°F) and 32°C Reynolds Number. The Reynolds number (Re),
(90°F). More precise values of pe are available from ASHRAE based on air properties measured at plane 2 and nozzle exit
Handbook—Fundamentals. 4 The gas constant (R) for air is diameter (D4) in m (ft), shall be calculated from the following:
287.055.1 J/kg·K (53.352 ft·lbf/lbm·°R). Chamber Air Density. It is acceptable to calcu-
Re = D4 V4  2   2 (1 1 SI)

late the density of air in a duct or chamber at plane x ( x) by

Re = D 4 V4  2  60  2 (1 1 I-P)
correcting the density of atmospheric air ( 0 ) for pressure
(Psx) and temperature (tdx) at plane x using the following: using properties of air as determined in Section 9.2 and the
appropriate velocity (V4 ) in m/s (fpm). Since the velocity
 td 0 + 273.1 5   P sx + p b  determination depends on Reynolds number, an approxima-
x =  0 (5 SI)
 tdx + 273.1 5  pb tion shall be employed:

 t d 0 + 459.67   P sx + 1 3.63 p b 
x =  0 (5 I-P) Re =
CD 4 Y   P Nozzle  2   1 – E 4  
1 2
 tdx + 459.67   1 3.63 p b  2
(1 2 SI)

If Psx is numerically less than 1 kPa (4 in. wg), it is

acceptable to consider  x equal to  0 . 1 097 1 2
Re = CD 4 Y  P Nozzle  2   1 – E 4   (1 2 I-P)
9.2.2 Air Viscosity. The viscosity (µ) shall be calculated 60  2
from the following:
A simplified approximation suitable for the range of tem-
2 =  1 .723 + 0.0048 td 2   1 0 –5 (6 SI) peratures from 4°C (40°F) to 38°C (1 00°F) is:

Re = 7.09  1 0 4 D 4   P Nozzle  2  (1 3 SI)

=  1 .1 00 + 0.001 8 t d 2 
2  10 (6 I-P)

The viscosity value for air at 20°C (68°F), which is

Re = 1 .36  1 0 6 D 4   P Nozzle  2  (1 3 I-P)
1 .81 9×1 0 –5 Pa·s (1 .222×1 0 –5 lbm /ft·s), is sufficiently accu-
This is based on the chamber approach where C = 0.95, Y
rate for temperatures ranging between 4°C (39°F) and 32°C
= 0.96, E = 1 .0, (1 – E 4 ) 1 /2 = 1 , and µ2 = 1 .81 9×1 0 –5 Pa·s
(1 .222×1 0 –5 lbm /ft·s).
9.3 ECU Airflow Rate at Test Conditions Discharge Coefficient. For Re of 1 2,000 and
9.3.1 Nozzle. It is acceptable to calculate the airflow rate above, the nozzle discharge coefficient (C) shall be deter-
from the pressure differential (PNozzle) measured across a mined from the following:
single nozzle or a bank of multiple nozzles.
C = 0.9986 –  7.006  Re  +  1 34.6  Re  for L  D = 0.6 Alpha Ratio. The ratio () of absolute nozzle exit
(1 4)
pressure to absolute approach pressure shall be calculated
from the following:
C = 0.9986 –  6.688  Re  +  1 31 .5  Re  for L  D = 0.5
 = 1 –   P Nozzle   P S 3 + pb  (7 SI) (1 5) Airflow Rate for Chamber Nozzles. The volu-

 = 1 –  5.1 87  P Nozzle    2 R  t d 2 + 459.67    (7 I-P) metric airflow rate (Q3 ) at the entrance to a nozzle or multiple

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
nozzles with the chamber approach shall be calculated from 1 0. PERFORMANCE CORRECTIONS TO NOMINAL
air density determined at plane 2. For (Q3 = Q2 ), OR STANDARD AIRFLOW RATE AND SPEED
10.1 Standard Airflow Rate. The airflow rate shall be cal-
Q2 = Y4  2  P Nozzle   2  1  2    CA 4  (1 6 SI)
culated from the test data as follows:

Q2 = 1 097 Y 4  2  P Nozzle   2 
1 2
 CA 4  (1 6 I-P) Qstd = QECU( 0⁄std) (22)

The coefficient (C) and area (A 4 ) shall be determined for

10.2 ECU Standard Static Pressure Differential. The stan-
dard static pressure differential of the ECU shall be calculated
each nozzle and their products summed as indicated. The area
as follows:
(A 4 ) shall be measured at the plane of the throat taps or the
nozzle exit for nozzles without throat taps.  Pstd = PECU(std⁄ 0) (23) ECU Airflow Rate. The ECU airflow rate
10.3 Fan Standard Power
(QECU) at test conditions shall be obtained from the equation
of continuity: Wfstd = Wf(std ⁄0) (24)

Q ECU = Q2   2   0  (1 7) 10.4 ECU Standard Power Input

9.4 ECU Power Input at Test Conditions. The total power Wstd = Wfstd + Wp + Wa (25)
input to the test unit is the sum of fan and pump or rotary 10.5 Correction to Nominal Fan Speed at Standard Den-
device power and appurtenance device power: sity. If, during a laboratory test, the speed of rotation varies
W = W f + W p + Wa (1 8) from one determination to another, Equations 26, 27, and 28
shall be used to convert the results calculated for test condi-
9.4.1 Fan Power. The electric power input to the fan tions to those that would prevail at nominal constant speed,
(expressed in watts) shall be included in the total power input. using the following:
9.4.2 Pump or Rotary Device Power. The electric power Qn = Qstd(Nn ⁄N) (26)
input to the pump or rotary device (expressed in watts) shall
be included in the total power input.  Pn = Pstd (Nn ⁄N)2 (27)
9.4.3 Appurtenance Power. The electric power input to
appurtenances supplied with the ECU (expressed in watts) Wfn = Wfstd (Nn ⁄N)3 (28)
shall be included in the total power input when 10.6 Saturation Effectiveness. The saturation effectiveness
a. the appurtenance is a standard component of the produc- is a function of mass flow only. It shall be reported as a func-
tion unit, and tion airflow rate corrected to standard air. It shall not be cor-
b. the appurtenance is necessary for, contributes to, or rected for fan speed.
enhances the cooling capacity of the ECU.
9.5 Saturation Effectiveness. The saturation effectiveness 11.1 Report. The report of a laboratory evaporative cooler
shall be calculated as follows: test shall include object, results, test data, and descriptions of
the evaporative cooler, including appurtenances, test setup,
 = 1 00  d 0 t – td 2    td0 – tw 0  (1 9)
and test instruments as outlined in Section 8. The test baro-
9.6 ECU Static Pressure Differential. The ECU static pres- metric pressure shall be clearly identified. The laboratory
sure differential (PECU) shall be the static pressure differen- shall be identified by name and location. Performance data
tial between plane 0 and plane 1 : for a packaged ECU shall be summarized in a table similar to
Figure B-4. Performance data for a component ECU shall be
 ECU = Ps 1 – Ps 0 (20) summarized in a table similar to Figure B-5. If the ECU is not
supplied with a pump or rotary device, a description of the
For a downdraft ECU utilizing an elbow as shown in Fig- method of supplying the water as well as the flow rate of
ure B-1 , the elbow static pressure (Pelbow) shall be deter- water delivered to the ECU shall be included.
mined in accordance with system effect factor (SEF) 11.1.1 Identification. Performance sheets shall list the test
calculations such as those found in ASHRAE Handbook— evaporative cooling unit and test setup. Sufficient details shall
Fundamentals. 4 Static pressure differential (PECU) of a be listed to identify clearly the cooling unit and setup.
downdraft ECU utilizing an elbow shall be as follows:
11.1.2 Appurtenances. Various appurtenances, such as fil-
 ECU = P s 1 – P s 0 +   Pelbow + SEF    std   0  (21 ) ter media assemblies, inlet boxes, inlet vanes, inlet cones,
silencers, screens, rain hoods, dampers, discharge cones, and
The Pelbow and system effect factor shall be based on eaves, shall be included as a part of the cooling unit between
standard air. The density correction then corrects Pelbow + the inlet and outlet boundaries. The test reports shall clearly
SEF to test conditions, such that PECU represents the ECU state the inlet and outlet boundaries of the cooling unit and
static pressure differential at test density. list included appurtenances.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
11.2 Performance Curves. The results of an ECU test shall converted to a nominal speed, such speed shall be listed; oth-
be presented as performance curves. All information, except erwise, a curve with fan speed as ordinate shall be drawn.
airflow and water flow, shall be published at standard air den- Typical packaged ECU performance curve format is shown in
sity and be clearly identified as such. Figures B-2a and B-2b.
11.2.1 Test Points. The results for each determination shall 11.2.5 Coordinates for Component ECU Performance
be shown on the performance curve as a series of circled Curves. Performance curves shall be drawn with airflow rate
points, one for each variable plotted as ordinate. as abscissa. ECU standard static pressure differential, ECU
11.2.2 Curve-Fitting. Curves for each variable shall be standard power input, and ECU standard saturation effective-
obtained by drawing a curve or curves using the test points for ness shall be plotted as ordinates. Typical component ECU
reference. The curves shall not depart from the test points by performance curve format is shown in Figure B-3.
more than 0.5% of any test value, and the sum of the devia-
tions shall approximate zero. 1 2. REFERENCES
11.2.3 Discontinuities. When discontinuities exist, they 1 . ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41 .1 -1 986 (RA 2006), Standard
shall be identified with a broken line. If equilibrium cannot be Method for Temperature Measurement. Atlanta:
established for any determination, the curves joining the ASHRAE.
points for that determination with adjacent points shall be 2. ASHRAE Standard 41 .3-1 989, Standard Method for Pres-
drawn as broken lines. sure Measurement. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
11.2.4 Coordinates for Package ECU Performance 3. ASHRAE Standard 41 .2-1 987 (RA 92), Standard Meth-
Curves. Performance curves shall be drawn with ECU flow ods for Laboratory Air-Flow Measurement. Atlanta:
rate as abscissa. ECU standard static pressure differential, ASHRAE.
ECU standard power input, and ECU standard saturation 4. 2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. Atlanta:
effectiveness shall be plotted as ordinates. If all results were ASHRAE.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
(This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely ASHRAE. 1 989. ASHRAE Standard 41 .3, Standard Method
informative and does not contain requirements necessary for Pressure Measurement. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
for conformance to the standard. It has not been pro- ASHRAE. 2006. ASHRAE Standard 41 .6-1 994 (RA 2006),
cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard Standard Method for Measurement ofMoist Air Proper-
and may contain material that has not been subj ect to ties. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
public review or a consensus process. Unresolved obj ec- ASME. 1 967. ASME Steam and Water Properties. New York:
tors on informative material are not offered the right to American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) SAA. 2000. Australian Standard AS 291 3-2000, Evaporative
Air-Conditioning Equipment. North Sydney, NSW: Stan-
INFORMATIVE ANNEX A dards Association of Australia.
BIBLIOGRAPHY ISO. 1 991 . ISO 51 67-1 :1 991 E, Measurement of Fluid Flow
ASHRAE. 2009. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals , Chap-
by Means ofPressure Differential Devices—Part 1: Ori-
ter 1 . Atlanta: ASHRAE.
fice Plates, Nozzles and Venturi Tubes in Circular Cross-
ASHRAE. 201 2 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and
section Conduits Running Full. Geneva: International
Organization for Standardization.
Equipment, Chapter 41 . Atlanta: ASHRAE. Koca, R.W., W.C. Hughes, and L.L Christianson. 1 991 . Evap-
ASHRAE. 2006. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41 .1 -1 986 (RA orative cooling pads: Test procedure and evaluation.
2006), Standard Method for Temperature Measurement. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 7(4):485–90.
Atlanta: ASHRAE. MacLaine-Cross, I.L., and P.J. Banks. 1 991 . A general theory
ASHRAE. 2007. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 51 -2007 (AMCA of wet surface exchanger and its application to regenera-
Standard 21 0-2007), Laboratory Methods ofTesting Fans tive evaporative cooling. Journal ofHeat Transfer 1 03.
for Aerodynamic Performance Rating. Atlanta: ASHRAE. Otterbein, R. 1 989. Direct evaporative cooling, theory and
ASHRAE. 2005. ASHRAE Guideline 2, Engineering Analy- practice. Proceedings of Arizona Energy Engineers
sis ofExperimental Data. Atlanta: ASHRAE. Spring Conference, Tempe Arizona.
ASHRAE. 1 992. ASHRAE Standard 41 .2-1 987 (RA 1 992), Zaleski, R.H., and J.M. Murr. 1 982. A Study of Evaporative
Standard Methods for Laboratory Airflow Measurement. Cooling Pad Media. Muskogee, OK: ACME Engineering
Atlanta: ASHRAE. & Manufacturing Corp.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
(This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for con-
formance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain
material that has not been subj ect to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved obj ectors on informative material
are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)


FIGURE B-1 Suggested setup for testing direct evaporative coolers.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Date of Test: _____________ Test #: _____________________ Project #: ___________________________________

Manufacturer: ________________________________________ Model #: ________________ Fan Speed: __________
Appurtenances: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Testing Laboratory: ____________________________ Curve By: ___________________________________
Address of Testing Laboratory: __________________________ Signature: ___________________________________
___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

FIGURE B-2a Typical performance curve format for packaged ECU reported at constant speed.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Date of Test: _____________ Test #: _____________________ Project #: ___________________________________

Manufacturer: ________________________________________ Model #: ___________________________________
Appurtenances: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Testing Laboratory: ____________________________ Curve By: __________________________________
Address of Testing Laboratory: __________________________ Signature: __________________________________
Date: ______________________________________

FIGURE B-2b Typical performance curve format for packaged ECU reported with varying speed.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

Date of Test: _____________ Test #: _____________________ Project #: ___________________________________

Manufacturer: ________________________________________ Model #: ____________________________________
ECU Inlet area of Media or Wet Section: ___________________ m2 (ft2 ) Media or Wet Section Type: ____________
Appurtenances: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Testing Laboratory: ____________________________ Curve By: ___________________________________
Address of Testing Laboratory: __________________________ Signature: ___________________________________
___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

FIGURE B-3 Typical performance curve format for component ECU.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Date of Test: ______________ Test #: ______________ Project #: __________________________________________
Test Unit Description (photo or drawing attached): __________________________H: _______ W: _______ L: _______
ECU Manufacturer: ________________________________Model ___________________________________________
Nameplate Power: _________ Volts: ___________ Hz: _________ Amperes: ___________ Phase: __________
Fan Mfr.: _______________________ Model # _______________ OD: __________Width: ________ Pitch: _________
Motor: Mfr.: _____________________________________ Model #: ___________________________________
Nameplate Power: _______Volts: _______ Hz: _________Amperes: ______ RPM:_________ Phase: ________
Drive: _________________ Sheave Mfr.: ______________ Pulley Size: __________ Belt Length: ____________
Description of Pump, Rotary Device or Other Method to Circulate ECU Water: _________________________________
Manufacturer: _____________________________Model #: _________________________________________
Nameplate Power: ___________ Volts: ________ Hz: ______ Amperes: ______ RPM: _______ Phase: ______
Test Duct Description, (Photo or sketch attached): __________________________ H: _______ W: _______ L: _______
Appurtenances: ____________________________________________________________________________________

INPUT DATA ___________ 1 ________ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 ______ 7________8 _______
1. ECU Outlet Area: ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Nozzles Used (_a, _b, _c): ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Nozzle P: __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Static Pressure Differential of ECU: ______________________________________________________________________
PECU = Ps + ( Pelbow + SEF)(  std 0 ) _______________________________________________________________
a) Ps = Ps1 – Ps0 __________________________________________________________________________________
b) Pelbow: _______________________________________________________________________________________
c) SEF ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Dry-Bulb Temp. in, td0: ________________________________________________________________________________
6. Dry-Bulb Temp. out, td2: _______________________________________________________________________________
7. Wet-Bulb Temp. in, tw0: ________________________________________________________________________________
8. Wet-Bulb Temp. out, tw2: _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Saturation Effectiveness: _______________________________________________________________________________
 = (td0 – td2 ) (td0 – tw0 ): _____________________________________________________________________________
1 0. Barometric Pressure, Pb: _______________________________________________________________________________
1 1 . Air Density: _________________________________________________________________________________________
a)  0 : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
b)  2 : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
1 2. ECU W = Wf+Wp + Wa: ________________________________________________________________________________
a) Fan Power, Wf: __________________________________________________________________________________
b) Pump Power, Wp: ________________________________________________________________________________
c) Appurtenance Power, Wa: __________________________________________________________________________
1 3. Fan Rotation, N: ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 4. Sheave Setting: ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 5. Nozzle Coefficients, C: ________________________________________________________________________________
a) C, Nozzle ‘ a’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
b) C, Nozzle ‘ b’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
c) C, Nozzle ‘ c’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
1 6. Nozzle Area, A a + A b + A c ______________________________________________________________________________
a) Nozzle Area, A a: _________________________________________________________________________________
b) Nozzle Area, A b: _________________________________________________________________________________
c) Nozzle Area, A c: _________________________________________________________________________________
1 7. QECU = (Qa + Qb + Qc)( 2 0) __________________________________________________________________________
a) Airflow, Nozzle ‘ a’, Qa: ___________________________________________________________________________
b) Airflow, Nozzle ‘b’ , Qb ___________________________________________________________________________
c) Airflow, Nozzle ‘ c’, Qc ____________________________________________________________________________
FIGURE B-4 Typical report format for packaged ECU.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
1 8. Entrainment? (Y, N): __________________________________________________________________________________
1 9. ECU Water Flow Rate, Qw _____________________________________________________________________________
20. Water Conductivity ___________________________________________________________________________________
STANDARD DENSITY CORRECTIONS __1 ______2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______6 ______7 _____ 8 _____
21 . std = 1 – (1 – ) (0std): ________________________________________________________________________________
22. Pstd = PECU (std 0): _______________________________________________________________________________
23. Wfstd = Wf (std 0): ___________________________________________________________________________________
24. Wstd = Wfstd + Wp + Wa: ________________________________________________________________________________
SPEED CORRECTIONS ______________ 1_______2 ______ 3 ______ 4 _____ 5_______6 _____ 7______ 8 _____
25. Corrected to Constant Fan Speed, Nn:
26. Qstd = Q3 (NnN): _____________________________________________________________________________________
27. Pn = Pstd(NnN)2 ___________________________________________________________________________________
28. Wfn = Wfstd(NnN) 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________
29. Wn = Wfn + Wp + Wa ___________________________________________________________________________________
LIST OF INSTRUMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________
Name __________ Make ______ Model # ______ Serial# ______ Scale Range _____ Accuracy ______ Date Calibrated _
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Testing Laboratory: _____________________________________ Tested By: _________________________
Address of Testing Laboratory: ____________________________________ Signature: _________________________
_________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
FIGURE B-4 Typical report format for packaged ECU (continued).

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Date of Test: ______________ Test #: ______________ Project #: __________________________________________
Test Unit Description (photo or drawing attached): __________________________H: _______ W: _______ L: _______
Manufacturer: __________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Model #:
Nameplate Power: _________ Volts: ___________ Hz: _________ Amperes: ___________ Phase: __________
Description of Pump, Rotary Device or Other Method to Circulate ECU Water: _________________________________
Manufacturer: _____________________________Model #: _________________________________________
Nameplate Power: ___________ Volts: ________ Hz: ______ Amperes: ______ RPM: _______ Phase: ______
Test Duct Description, (Photo or sketch attached): __________________________ H: _______ W: _______ L: _______
Appurtenances: ____________________________________________________________________________________

INPUT DATA ___________ 1 ________ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 ______ 7________8 _______
1. ECU Outlet Area: ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Nozzles Used (_a, _b, _c): ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Nozzle PNozzle: _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. Static Pressure Differential of ECU: ______________________________________________________________________
PECU = Ps + ( Pelbow + SEF)(  std 0 ) _______________________________________________________________
a) Ps = Ps1 – Ps0 __________________________________________________________________________________
b) Pelbow: _______________________________________________________________________________________
c) SEF ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Dry-Bulb Temp. in, td0: ________________________________________________________________________________
6. Dry-Bulb Temp. out, td2: _______________________________________________________________________________
7. Wet-Bulb Temp. in, tw0: ________________________________________________________________________________
8. Wet-Bulb Temp. out, tw2: _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Saturation Effectiveness: _______________________________________________________________________________
 = (td0 – td2 ) (td0 – tw0 ): _____________________________________________________________________________
1 0. Barometric Pressure, Pb: _______________________________________________________________________________
1 1 . Air Density,  : _______________________________________________________________________________________
a)  0 : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
b)  2 : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
1 2. ECU W = Wf+ Wp + Wa: _______________________________________________________________________________
a) Pump Power, Wp: ________________________________________________________________________________
b) Appurtenance Power, Wa: __________________________________________________________________________
1 3. Nozzle Coefficients, C: ________________________________________________________________________________
a) C, Nozzle ‘ a’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
b) C, Nozzle ‘ b’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
c) C, Nozzle ‘ c’ ___________________________________________________________________________________
1 4. Nozzle Area, A a + A b + A c ______________________________________________________________________________
a) Nozzle Area, A a: _________________________________________________________________________________
b) Nozzle Area, A b: _________________________________________________________________________________
c) Nozzle Area, A c: _________________________________________________________________________________
1 5. Entrainment? (Y, N): __________________________________________________________________________________
1 6. ECU Water Flow Rate, Qw _____________________________________________________________________________
1 7. Water Conductivity ___________________________________________________________________________________
DENSITY CORRECTIONS______________1 ______2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______6 ______7 _____ 8 _____
1 8. QECU = (Qa + Qb + Qc) ( 2 0)__________________________________________________________________________
a) Airflow, Nozzle ‘ a’, Qa: ___________________________________________________________________________
b) Airflow, Nozzle ‘b’ , Qb ___________________________________________________________________________
c) Airflow, Nozzle ‘ c’, Qc
1 9. std = 1 – (1 – ) (0std): _______________________________________________________________________________
20. Pstd = PECU (std 0): _______________________________________________________________________________
21 . Wstd = Wp + Wa: ______________________________________________________________________________________
FIGURE B-5 Typical report format for component ECU.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
LIST OF INSTRUMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________
Name ________Make ______ Model # ______ Serial# _____ Scale Range _____ Accuracy _____ Date Calibrated ______
1. _________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Testing Laboratory: _____________________________________ Tested By: _________________________
Address of Testing Laboratory: ____________________________________ Signature: _________________________
FIGURE B-5 Typical report format for component ECU (continued).

FIGURE B-6 Illustration of a packaged direct evaporative air cooler (ECU).

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

FIGURE B-7 Illustration of a component direct evaporative air cooler (ECU).

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

© ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution,
or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment.
ASHRAE’s members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of
the systems and components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide,
consistent with accepted Standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the
indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the Standards and Guidelines as established by
itself and other responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive Technical Committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date Standards and Guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote
those new and revised Standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date Standards and design considerations as the
material is systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and
will seek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating
Standards and Guidelines.
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the
system’s intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and
energy transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection
should be made by its members.

Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

ASHRAE · 1 791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 ·

ASHRAE, founded in 1 894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the
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Copyright American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engine

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