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----- AND THE -----

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Copyright © by Abigrael Halo-Hymn 2013

This work was first published in Great Britain by white Flag publishing in 2013.

The right of Abigrael Halo-Hymn to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted
by white Flag limited in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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Cover design by: Abigrael Halo-Hymn

Typesetting by: white Flag publishing

Published by white Flag publishing:

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----- AND THE -----


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The three principles of spiritual growth and development are:

1) The Tree of Knowledge Causes Delusion

2) The Scripture Has Duality
3) The Name of God Facilitates Discernment

1) Delusion = S piritual Death

Scripture is designed to be personified - but few are aware it has a duality in the way
it can be perceived to placate the ego to humility or exalt the ego to haughtiness. This
means scripture has the potential to establish a living soul in truth or delusion - if we
do not take care to discern it correctly.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil, for example, is the mixture of (true and
false) doctrines that creates the delusion one is righteous in their own eyes. The
scripture has been used throughout history, by those who sought to exalt themselves,
and this is why sceptic are reluctant to even consider it a viable resource to resolve
our problems. The M ost High warned us to not partake of the tree of knowledge of
good (truth) and evil (lies) so it would be wise to take care when we study anything
that seeks to enlighten us - because we are (all) vulnerable to delusion.

2) Duality In S cripture

The scripture has blocks that cause the haughty to stumble before the M ost High. For
example ... the scripture tells us: '...and she was found to be with child before they
came together,' which can mean: before they (Joseph and M ary) had sex or before
they were married. Only the truly humble will understand which one is correct -
because they will seek to apply the Name of the M ost High in the forehead to glorify
the Father in Heaven. This is how we do the Will of God.

3) The Name Is Apocalyptic

Righteous Judgement is the process by which a person comes to the full knowledge of
the M ost High. Indeed ... the word 'apocalypse' means unveiling or 'revealing of that
which is hidden.' What is going to be revealed? The Name of the M ost High that is
made manifest when we abound in the love of Christ (as demonstrated by Yahusha).
We are all susceptible to worshiping something or other - whether we like it or not
- so, if we are to avoid spiritual death (delusion), it is crucial we acknowledge this
(condition) and learn to worship that which is good for everyone. Worship does not
involve attending a meeting and bowing, or singing, to some perceived deity - but,
rather, it is the attitude one has toward those they live with. This attitude (spirit) is the
personification of truth in which we are free to love one another in perfect humility.

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Repentance to embrace perfect humility , then, is the start of the journey as we learn to
walk upright before the Father in Heaven - and this is why faith is required to
exemplify the Name of the M ost High as we practice to placate the ego: just as
Yahusha (Jesus) did before us.

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This book was complied because of the quiet love that dwells within the author for
One and All – in whom there is the hope of eternal life.

The author has walked difficult paths; as a living-sacrifice, to learn how the Son of the
living God, Yahusha (Jesus) revealed – manifested – the Hallowed Name of God.

Following a profound spiritual experience, the author decided to:

1) Discover why the spiritual experience happened.

2) Give thanks to the Father in heaven for the experience.

This book is the result of these decisions.

The great Day of the Lord draws near and it is hoped the world takes time to reflect
on the Words of the M ost High – with clarity – before judgement comes: so everyone
has a fair opportunity to make an informed decision as to their position.

Due care has been taken to avoid causing offence; but the truth is never going to be an
easy pill to swallow no matter how you dress it up. Yahusha told us: Who among us
can hear the truth and not be troubled.

The author is the first to say: “I am a sinner struggling to attain perfection before the
M ost High,” so please keep in mind: everything preached here is something he strives
to practice ardently because we are all personally responsible for our own behaviour.

The Prayer For Glorification

A prayer was made by Yahusha when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane as He

waited for the conspirators to come and take Him for trial and eventual murder. He
made this prayer having full and complete knowledge of the truth – to ensure the
M ost High would allow Him to continue His work even after His death.

Jesus said to those who believed in him, "If you obey my teaching, you are really my
disciples, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32 GNB

This means Yahusha (Jesus) has requested those who seek the Kingdom of God take
heed of His Words and He made this prayer to ensure He could continue His work
(after death) to usher in the Kingdom of God which is the everlasting presence of the
Glory of God. This is when the new heaven and earth - called paradise - can arrive.

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John 17:1-26 - English Standard Version

Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said:

Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since
you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you
have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and
Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.
And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with
you before the world existed.

I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world.
Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now
they know that everything that you have given me is from you.

For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them
and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that
you sent me. I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those
whom you have given me, for they are yours. All mine are yours, and yours are
mine, and I am glorified in them.

And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to
you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they
may be one, even as we are one.

While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I
have guarde d them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of
destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that th ey may
have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world
has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I
do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the
evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I
have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they
also may be sanctified in truth.

I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their
word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that
they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

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T he glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even
as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so
that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I
am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the
foundation of the world.

O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and
these know that you have sent me. I made known to them your name, and I will
continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in
them, and I in me.

After His death, and resurrection to eternal glory , Yahusha would begin the work of
establishing the Kingdom of God – seeking those who He could nurture to grow in
spirit to assist Him when He returns. Through the last two millennia – as the church
experienced apostasy – He looked for those who would:

1) Take care to not be misled by false doctrines – or misinterpretations.

2) Hearken to His word – and engage the Holy Spirit for guidance.
3) Overcome in the Name of the God.

The prayer speaks of how the Name of God was manifested: yet there was no one at
the time He completed His ministry, while in the flesh, that could (save Yahusha)
have known the Name of the M ost High. People used the descriptive words such as 'I
Am That I Am' or Elohim to assign a name to the M ost High.

Indeed, because these various descriptive Names were already known, we can be sure
Yahusha was referring to something that was much more profound – and we can see
from careful study of scripture: He manifested the Name of God by the way He
walked in the ways of the Lord and commanded His followers to emulate His life.

M ore on the Name of God and how it was (and should be) manifested later.

This is what the M ost High has taken measures to protect, since the beginning of time,
and it is what Yahusha is working (even as you read this book) to ensure comes to full
realization. This book, at times, will challenge the established doctrines of the church ;
as the truth is gradually revealed in the way it glorifies the Hallowed Name of God, so
it would be wise to enter into prayer regularly after you read each chapter.

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Unfortunately, many, in the world, have been indoctrinated by the established ways of
the mainstream church. This means the book will not be easily palatable to all but the
author makes no apology for speaking / publishing the truth.

...even if it does bring shame upon the established rule of satan.

Kingdom of Truth – First & Second Publication

This book contains the information prepared in the first publication Kingdom of Truth
(booklet) and second publication Kingdom of Truth (website).

Kingdom of Truth was published as a free booklet along with a supporting website to
ensure the Word of God is freely given as it was freely received.

...and these are still available at

Further revelation regarding the Kingdom of God and the way the saints will use
righteous judgement to complete the creation was received later and as a result this
book to reveal the benefits of repentance.

The established rule of satan has sought to discredit the author by instigating a witch
hunt – history will show the truth was attained and published in this book.

Revelations have been pouring out – and are still pouring out – if only people would
engage the Holy Spirit and receive them.

It is high time the world began to let the M ost High into their hearts.

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The history of mankind has one single attribute that has repeated itself relentlessly.
Every nation, country , creed, tribe and civilisation has had power structures where
there are ruling elite and the few control the many .

However, there was one nation that, for several decades, did not have any power
structure; and if it was not for this nation we would not have had the opportunity to
observe an alternative way of living. This nation is still with us today and, though
they have adopted a power structure against the wishes of their patron, we owe them
an immense sense of gratitude because they allow us to see the realistic possibility of
having a utopian society.

The nation to which I am referring to is Israel and the patron of this nation is the
creator of the universe. This is not to say that Israel is a utopian island amid the sea of
troubled nations – for they now have a power structure and a government which elects
one man to rule over other men; just like all the other nations. However, there was a
time they had the perfect way of life which was with us from the moment they
received the law until they elected a king; and this was done against the wishes of
their patron - God.

Fortunately for them, God did not forsake them for doing this, and he told them he
will spare them for his own names sake. He used this terminology because he plans to
establish his own kingdom and this book will outline the exact nature of the coming
Kingdom Of God.


Any nation (government) would argue they have the correct blue-print for a
sophisticated civilisation; and with their belief, they would insist their setup would
bring about utopia if every nation / country would copy their ideals. Indeed, we need
only look to the modern era of globalisation to see how there is a consensus of men
(the ruling elite of today) who are attempting to bring these nations / countries to
emulate the same principles by which they want us to live by.

The world is rapidly becoming ordered in what they call the new way of living.
However, the truth is: this new world order is exactly the same as every nat ion /
civilisation that is, or has ever been, on the face of the Earth.

The only difference is: the people who are in control are different – even if they do
claim to have divine birth right to rule the world – as they have done throughout
history. The Old World Order was Pax Romana - during the time Rome had peace in
their province - and it is their hope to re-establish this system of government.

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There are many people, around the world, who have been made aware of the growing
reality the modern world is quickly moving toward a one world government – where
people will be treated like cattle.

While it may appear to be a noble pursuit to have a system where we have one
government with one language and one religion that uses one system of legal tender
there are serious flaws to the system that this book will address.


The world is increasingly growing in opposition against the nation of Israel because
the media is constantly bombarding us with images of conflict (and propaganda) that
are placing the nation at the centre of all the issues in the world.

As the ruling elite begin to reveal their true intentions, the nation of Israel will
become increasingly important to what happens in the world; because every person on
this planet will be affected by what will transpire. Given the fact Israel is the only
nation that has ever had a true utopian way of life – they have something to teach us.

The question is: what?

Whatever your sentiments regarding Israel, it is important t o keep an open mind to

understand exactly why the nation exists and what it means for you. You may be
pleasantly surprised and filled with a bewildering sense of hope and joy after you
have read what is in store for mankind.

In the Kingdom of God, there will be no flags that distinguish one nation from another
for the whole world will belong to the creator and every person will live in eternal joy
– like the angels in heaven – without temptation, illness or death.


The first thing we need to do here – is establish the origin of Israel.

Some several thousand years ago there was a man named Abram who was asked by
his father to tend his shop , of idols, while he ran some errands. Upon his return, he
found all, save the largest, of the idols smashed and when his father inquired as to
what happened Abram told him the largest idol smashed all the small ones.

Naturally his father was angered and he said : this was absurd because the idols were
lifeless. Abram replied: it was absurd to worship something that was lifeless.

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The point here is: Abram was willing to stand up for an unpopular truth in a society
that believed there were many gods which could be characterized as idols made by the
hands of men. I try to imagine the pressure he must have felt to capitulate with the
cultural belief of many gods; and it seems obvious he was an enlightened man with a
malleable attitude that caught the attention of the great creator at this moment.

So God (who is the almighty creator of the universe), approached Abram and started a
friendship with him by making several promises which have been honoured.

One such promise included: I will curse all those who curse your descendants and
bless all those who bless your descendants.

This is the reason why your sentiments toward Abram‟s descendants are important. If
you curse the nation of Israel and you will be cursed – if you bless them and you will
be blessed. I don‟t know about you, but I know plenty of people who have
experienced these vicissitudes – both for the better and for the worse and their
sentiments on Abram‟s descendants were prevalent each time.

If you think these words sound like vows from a wedding: you‟d be right on the
money – so you should be wondering about your invitation because the coming
kingdom is described as a wedding where everyone is invited.

Yes, that means you and everyone you love including those you have a grievance with
are invited – and this book will reveal the path that will lead to the gate by which you
enter. It‟s up to you if you want to make your way to the gate because walking the
path requires a friendship with the creator which you will know is real when life
appears to be filled with wonder – even when things go wrong.


A good point to make here is the fact Abram was the father of two sons that both
became great nations – and God told Abram to name his sons accordingly. Ishmael
(which means God listens) and Isaac (which means laughter).

After Ishmael was born God changed Abram‟s (great one) name to Abraham (father
of nations) and Sarai‟s (princess) name to Sarah (queen). Ishmael is the Arab
(M uslim) people and Isaac is the Israeli (Jewish) people.

Isaac (the second born of Abraham but first born of Sarah) gave birth to a son named
Jacob and it is here the account of Israel begins when God makes a covenant with him
and instructs him to change his name to Israel. God named him Israel because he had
prevailed after striving with God and men.

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Between (the days of) Abram and Israel there are many interesting facets of
friendship shared between God and Abraham that tell us so much about God and his
nature. For example: God asked Abraham „Do you believe?‟ when he told him, at
the age of ninety -nine, his descendents would number more than the stars. Abraham
was counted righteous because he believed. So the idea of living-by-faith was also
born at this moment in time.

Don‟t get me wrong – this would have been a universal truth from the very beginning.
The point I‟m making here is: this is when scripture first mentions we live by faith –
and the importance of (appropriate) sacrifice was fully established. I use the word
appropriate because sacrifice has a specific purpose that has become more personal
through the ages.

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Before God established a covenant with Abraham – God expected sacrifice (as we
saw with Cain and Abel) but He never gave much explanation as to what sacrifice
was all about. During the formative years of mankind‟s existence t he general idea
behind sacrifice was the offer of sacrifice (the blood of innocenc e usually) to please
the gods in the hope they would favour the person (people) making the sacrifice.

Although God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son – it was never his intention to
actually let him do this – so when God tells his prophets (later) the idea of sacrificing
children never crossed his mind He meant the sacrifice of children never entered His
mind as a means to prove faithfulness or cleansing of sin.

When God said to Adam: „ Your son will save mankind.‟ He was not saying the
sacrifice of a son was what He wanted people to make for He knew a man would offer
himself as the ultimate sacrifice to prove that self-sacrifice is rewarded by God in
abundance. I‟m not saying: we should endeavour to live a suicidal way of life. The
scripture is clear enough about this issue. It tells us we should treat others as we
would wish to be treated and use the wisdom God gives us to ensure our own survival
is not compromised.

The purpose of sacrifice is to show faith by destroying something of value ; and this
requirement has remained with us right up to this day. However, the means and
method of sacrifice have been refined.

To make sure the necessity of sacrifice is fully appreciated – I will explain why it is
required of us.

The story of God is thwarted with unfathomable sadness – because man is so intent on
living wickedly and a person can only grasp how He feels when they lose something
of value. For example: If someone loses a loved one (say their child was killed in an
accident) they will know how it felt for God to have lost his original creation.

This happened when the first man (and woman – who was created with the express
intention of providing Adam with a helper that was equal to man) fell from grace after
disobeying Him and b ecame subject to death. This caused God deep sadness and this
is why we are required to make sacrifice.

God wants us to have empathy for His loss to forges a friendship with Him.

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If you think ill of God for letting innocent people (children) die, you should remember
he doesn‟t want anyone to die. If he didn‟t care – he wouldn‟t have bothered to tell us
to not eat the forbidden fruit. He did say it would lead to death if we ate it and now
that we have it in our midst we shouldn‟t blame him for it being here. Notice: I am
referring to (it) as a thing. This is because death can be destroyed and God has a plan
to remove it from our midst forever.

The other aspect of death is: it forces us to consider God and His words. I call this an
awesome tool of judgement and it amazes me when I consider how powerful this is
when you realise death is just an illusion at the end of the day . Death (as explained in
scripture) is: being without the knowledge of God – thus it is plain to see why
spiritual death is an eternal death.

Physical death is when the spirit is separated from the physical and the soul (which is
the combination of the two) ceases to exist – this is because the soul is the ability to
reason and a spirit without the physical body cannot reason.

The physical and the spirit elements of the soul return to source when a person dies.
The physical returns to the earth and the spirit returns to the Father and both II Esdras
and Enoch tell us the spirits of the dead are placed in a chamber ready for resurrection
or left to wander the desolation in torment after they die.

Enoch took a journey through the heaven and recorded all he saw so we (in the end of
days) would come to understand the secrets of judgement and the destiny of faith.

One of the things he saw were four deep hollows cut out of a mountain that were
smooth and dark. When he enquired of them the angel with him told him:

These are the chambers where the spirits of the dead are kept until the Day of Lord
when judgement will come upon the world.

The hollows (or chambers) were said to contain:

1) The righteous elect in whom there is a bright spring of water.

2) The sinners who have not had judgement during their lifetime.
3) The martyrs who petition the Lord day and night for vengeance.
4) The sinners who are complete in their transgressions.

This presents us with valuable insight into the secrets of judgement.

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Contrary to popular belief – judgement is not punishing the wicked. Judgement is:
bringing someone to the knowledge of God.

Judgement has already begun. It started the moment Yahusha proclaimed the Day of
the Lord when He closed the scroll and embarked on the first half of His ministry
while in the flesh – before He rose to everlasting glory .

The good shepherd does not use scare tactics (a dog) to round up the sheep. A good
shepherd uses love (the bonding at birth technique) to lead his sheep safely. Have you
ever seen a shepherd in the M iddle East use a dog? This means that anyone who tries
to scare you with talk of hell or the devil is not a good shepherd.

How do we obtain full knowledge of God?

Keep the Commandments and meditate on His precepts. That means reading the
scriptures for yourself and pondering on their meaning. The Hebrew Bible, New
Testament, Nag Hammadi and The Books of Enoch will elevate your knowledge –
wisdom and understanding. What‟s important is you study these texts for yourself
and let them speak to you personally (as it were) without allowing any individual the
opportunity to obscure the truth that reveals the glory of the Name of God.

This is allowing the Holy Spirit to work with you to bring you to understand the
scripture as God intended it to be understood – through humility.

Remember: God chose Abram (who became Abraham) to speak to us and we should
honour this by reading the scripture He has endeavoured to bring us through him and
his descendants. When you overcome temptation, the angels minister unto you and all
you have read and studied, with an open heart, will begin to reveal deep insights into
the eternal Love of God.


Does the devil exist?

Scripture refers to angels that rebelled against the M ost High, so we are told (directly)
there are dark principalities work to usurp the sovereignty of the creator and we are
the targets. However, it is more important to take responsibility for your own actions
and ignore any temptations that come your way , than it is to worry about the demons
that work tirelessly to destroy mankind.

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Yahusha told us: “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that
your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:19-20.

Therefore, if you ask Yahusha (the Christ) for his assistance, he will help you fight
against temptation and grow strong enough to fight it yourself.

Ignoring temptation renders the devil non-existent so you have the power to make him
non-existent. Sounds too difficult to get your head around – try this: you cannot
commit sin (even in a dream) when you have full knowledge of God: so I recommend
learning as much as you can about God and this book is a good starting point.

The criteria I use (or what I ask myself) when I‟m reading or discussing religion or
meditating on the subject is: does what I‟m hearing, reading or thinking; glorify God?
If it does: it is true – if it does not: it is a lie. This may sound rather simple – but don‟t
be fooled into thinking this might be flawed in some way.

For example: the world thinks the Sons of God who left their estate in heaven are the
angels who defiled the daughters of men and this is a compelling argument because it
says the words „left their estate in heaven.‟

However, if you read on you will soon discover the text hints strongly toward the
Sons of God being of the flesh somehow – so there is much confusion with this part
of scripture which has been debated for centuries. If we read Enoch who spoke about
the Watcher it still does not clarify the situation unless you know how to judge angels.

In 3 Enoch (Hebrew Book of Enoch) we are told the angels demanded the M ost High
to explain why He would give all His glory and honour to a man: in whom there is the
white drop that putrefies.

This is telling us these angels were angry the M ost High would give His glory and
honour to the Son of M an when he had the white drop (sperm) which putrefies.
Thus... they (by their own words) have admitted they look down on those who have
the ability to procreate having the seed within – which is sperm.

They look down on man (who has the white drop – sperm – that putrefies) because
they have the seed that putrefies. This tells us they did not have the white drop in
them – so they were incapable of procreating with the daughters of men.

Here we can see the Sons of God are the righteous elect who have fallen from grace
by allowing spirits of lust – the Watchers – to enter into their minds (which the M ost
High warned Cain against) to partake of the lust for the daughters of men.

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...and they were said to have engendered the Nephilim and Eluit giants that the Father
in heaven had to destroy with the flood.

Yahusha told us: as it was in the days of Noah – so shall it be in the end. This tells us
we will see the return of the giants but we cannot be sure if they will be literal giants
of men of power (which is suggested by the verse: men of renown).

These then would be the M asonic Order (Illuminati) who are striving to usurp the
sovereignty of the M ost High and anyone who lusts for authority are their allies –
even if they prepare a résumé that presents ones skills as being better than others.

You may think this is an innocent act but preparing a résumé that presents your skills
as being better than others is deliberately trying to assert authority over others – even
if the position of employment is the lowest in society because you will naturally try to
set yourself up as the best person for the position.

Given the situation is – you either present a résumé or go hungry – I think the Father
in heaven would overlook this particular issue: but you need to be aware what satan is
doing to cause you to sin against the M ost High. M odern civilization from top to
bottom is rank with iniquitous ways and it is difficult to fully appreciate how truly
subtle satan is.

The adversary (satan) is deliberately taking advantage of our innocence to seize the
opportunity to usurp the throne of the Most High – and the situation with preparing a
résumé, that presents yourself as being better than others, is an obvious example how
people are unaware of what is going on.


Death is an illusion.

The people you know who have died are asleep awaiting (in Sheol or the grave) the
day of the Lord when they will be risen and given a new body to learn how to live in
obedience to God being filled with unending joy – everlasting. This time (now) is
given to Christ to find a sufficient number of saints that will assist him during the
millennial rule to usher in the Kingdom of God.

There is a second death mentioned in scripture which is only administered to those

who refuse to accept the sovereignty of God during what‟s referred to as the
millennial rule of Christ or the Day of the Lord – but they are not subject to the fires
of an eternal hell. The idea here is: having suffered the sting of the first death people

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will be deterred from going through that (brief torment) again, and make the effort to
walk the path to the Kingdom of God.

The second death is final: but God wants everyone to love him eternally as he intends
to (and will) love them eternally. Those who die the second time will not suffer
eternally in a tormenting hell – they will leave existence and even their memory will
be erased forever. However... the people who are complete in their transgression will
not be resurrected – so they will spend their time waiting for the final moment when
the abyss is cut off from beneath the Throne of God.

There are enough references in scripture to see there is a place reserved for the wicked
in a kind of hell – however: the unclean spirits of the dead (the wicked and iniquitous
people) will not share the same place as the reprobate angels. Some verses refer to
specific places for the spirits of the dead while there is a prison for the reprobate
angels which mean each are in different places – during the Day of the Lord.

These references are not meant to be used to frighten people to have a faith in God but
rather they are written to give comfort to those who are continually oppressed by
those who are wicked. Enoch, however, gives clear warning to his descendants,
having seen the way their sin increases, to walk in the ways of righteousness – even as
they are oppressed by evil.

This is a bit like telling a sheep to remain within the boundaries of the encampment to
avoid danger – rather than threatening the sheep with punishment if they stray. It‟s as
if the sheep are being told: if you stray – you will require the help of God to deliver
you when you run into danger. God would prefer His children do not stray of their
own accord to avoid danger than punish them.

The good shepherd can maintain harmony easier when the sheep hearken to His voice
and His commands. Then... we see other references that tell us – both the iniquitous
spirits of the dead will share the same ultimate fate as the reprobate angels. This is the
lake of fire which is the great conflagration when the Throne of God rises back up to
Paradise and all those who hearkened to the Word of God will enter into eternal
Paradise – and the wicked will pass away with this heaven and earth forever.

This means the words „forever‟ that are used to describe burning in hell refer to their
impending doom: having earned their place in the desolate places of torment as they
await the passing away of this heaven and earth.

There is more information on where the spirits of the dead go later.

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What happened immediately after God made his covenant with Israel (Jacob)?

Scripture tells us He closed the womb of Rachel because (we are told) Jacob loved her
so much. This would imply He was punishing Jacob for loving her faithfully because
they did think He was punishing them for a time.

However, if we look closely at what transpired, we discover Jacob (Israel) had several
sons from several wives before Rachel conceived him sons. This would strongly
suggest that God (in his wisdom) knew Israel needed to have several genetic markers
if he was to father a nation and closing the womb ensured this would happened. This
also proves that God was (is) mindful of the necessity for extra genetic markers if the
world was to be populated in the beginning; and it is likely He would have catered for
this when Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden.

This also brings to our attention the true nature of the story of creation.

The story of creation is not about creating the world, the heavens and man etc. but the
introduction of God and his laws to man. This also strengthens the idea that a person
becomes a man / woman when he / she have knowledge of God and only through faith
can they hope to live. So we know that the beginning was a time when God attempted
to introduce his laws but they were met with lack of interest save a small number of
people – i.e. Enoch, Noah, Abraham (which we can see now is the genealogical
righteous seed of Adam and Eve).

Abel understood the requirements of sacrifice and though Cain killed Abel God knew
it was because he wanted His favour. This meant even the wicked could find a way to
righteousness – after all, he wanted His favour. So even with the worst of people (like
Cain), God could see there was hope to bring all his creation to love Him as He loves
them. With this, God saw He had to create a means by which everyone could come to
Him through faith and learn of His personality (character) – without compromising
His own holiness.

I stand in awe when I observe His efforts through the ages.

When He saw Abram defy the traditional legacy of his forefathers (and refused to
worship idols) He realised He had an opportunity to deliver His message of love and
hope to the world through his descendents. This is why you hear of Israel being
referred to as God‟s witnesses. They (in many ways) prove God exists if you take the
time to study their history and culture.

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By now, you should be getting a real picture of the amount of work God has done to
keep His creation in one piece without causing Himself unnecessary suffering. Yes –
I did say „suffering‟.

If you think God has never suffered – you haven‟t been paying attention. When I look
at history – I see God taking refuge from the sin and iniquity He sees everywhere. In
fact, my heart sinks at the thought of how much He has endured.

Anyway, with the birth of the twelve sons (tribes) of Israel they grew in multitude and
began to live prosperously in the land God had given them. And for a while they (the
people) became a sanctuary for God until they began to ignore His commandments.

Note: the people are described as a sanctuary at this time. This means the reference to
„many mansions in the house of God‟ is referring to the multitude of attitudes that
God can visit and the forging of correct attitudes is what scripture is designed to
achieve. God is somewhat sensitive to our behaviour and He finds it difficult to
tolerate wickedness and iniquity – as if you didn‟t know this already.

Imagine seeing flashes of rape scenes on daytime television and you might get an idea
how difficult it is for God to deal with sin in the world. Getting drunk, or saying
white lies to keep the peace, or (legal) sexual conquest, may seem harmless to you but
this sort of behaviour disgusts God and sickens Him the way you might feel about
child abuse.

How would you stop them broadcasting these images to your television?

Would you turn the television off and hope they never comes back, or would you
contact the broadcasters and complain of their offensive nature to ensure they are
never displayed again? Wherever God has looked at the world, He has seen all kinds
of iniquity and He has tried to deal with this in much the same way.

God has asked – even pleaded with – his creation (using prophets) to stop behaving
wickedly and keep the commandments.

What would you do if the broadcasters ignored you and the law was unable to stop
them? Would you destroy the television studio? This is exactly what God has done
throughout history. When people ignore His prophets, He exacts a wrathful,
destructive and decisive end to their iniquity. Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind
immediately but there are many others cities and whole nations where He shows us
He refuses to tolerate wicked behaviour. If you think sexual conquest is something to
be admired: be warned. Sexual immorality is repulsive to God. In fact, any sexual
activity – that does not lead to the creation of life – is an abomination.

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God does not discriminate against any particular type of sexuality because all forms
of sexual immorality are a violation of the Royal Law.

Every form of violation of the Royal Law (in any guise) is rooted in one desire and
that is the lust for power. Scripture tells us: the root of all evil is the love of money
and the love of money is – the lust for power. The lust for power is the impetus for the
creation of all evil in the world and Israel is the only means we have to identify this
truth. This is the real reason why the world is slowly being drawn against Israel. The
world is seeking to destroy this nation because if they are removed – the truth about
the possibility for true utopia (where everyone is considered equal) can be erased
from history forever and man will continue to have ruling elite where oppression will
remain unchecked.

There‟s a lot riding on this – so it‟s important to pay close attention to what you see
going on around you so you can see the signs Yahusha spoke about.


The nation of Israel had conquered many kingdoms and secured a land where they
could honour God accordingly – with the help of their God.

During the early years of Israel‟s existence, scripture describes how the nation was
required to cleanse them of sin on a yearly basis. They were to achieve this by
undertaking specific sacrifices that the priests were to administer according to the
rituals described by God (through the prophets). They kept these rituals religiously ,
for centuries, until 70 AD when the temple was destroyed. The nation moved quickly
to emphasis on the scholarly way to enlightenment and cleansing because their means
of administrating the sacrifices was compromised.

This is not to say sacrifice became unnecessary because God wants people to know
what the loss of something valued feels like in order to establish empathy between the
creator and His creation (at a profound level). This is the basis of the friendship God
wants to establish with everyone, and I will be discussing this at greater length later.
The most important aspect of the nation of Israel (that seems to have been
overlooked) is the time they dwelled in the land without a king.

God instructed the people (each tribe) to set up their camps facing north, south, east
and west with a tabernacle in the centre for the arc of the covenant where He would
reside Himself. One of the tribes, Levi, were instructed not to possess any land as they
would administer the priestly duties of God. There is no mention of any power
structure here and this is (probably) when God had the most joyful and peaceful time
throughout the history of the world while the gentiles had a ruling class.

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Although God exists beyond time and He can move to and fro between periods of
time, He still needs to exist within a time frame when He deals with His creation.

For example: although He can tell Adam about Christ He is limited to the amount of
information He can divulge about him and as such He is limited to the type of
conversation He can have with him. Indeed, scripture does inform us God told Adam
of a son he would have that would save all of mankind but He does not tell him
anything about how and when. The reason why God was (is) limited to the amount of
information He could (can), divulge was (is) because there were (are) dark
principalities that are (is) working to destroy all of mankind.

When I read scripture I see a perfectly crafted message that is designed to bring
everyone to the knowledge of God. Anyone who reads scripture with the attitude they
know better will encounter a myriad of confusing contradictions that will (if they have
a genuine heart) challenge their haughty forwardness. This is to say… if you do
encounter any contradictions in scripture, you should remember it is your own
perception that is flawed and not scripture. God has worked tirelessly (and
flawlessly) to help His creation draw the conclusion we need Him and His love to live
eternally with Him.

Would you help a rapist or a murderer change his / her ways?

God would, for He doesn‟t want to forsake anyone. Even after death, He wants
everyone to come to the full knowledge of His ways during what‟s called the
millennial rule of Christ (returned). Surely this proves He cares if He is willing to
endure such dirty work to bring you and everyone else the means to attain eternal life.
I mean – why else would He bother to do all He has done through Israel.

This time (with the nation of Israel – before they had a king) was important for God
because it gave Him a place to rest while He continued to work on bringing the word
(truth) to mankind. M ost of his work was done through prophets but there were (are)
occasions when He takes a more direct approach – as with the destruction of wicked
nations for example; or meeting faithful servants who have documented His-story.


King Nebuchadnezzar awoke one morning and remembered a vivid dream he had. He
demanded his sages told him what the dream was and what it meant. Naturally, none
of them could and they faced execution for their failure. Fortunately , for them, there
was a servant of God in the king‟s services (as a chief eunuch) that heard of the
request and he offered to oblige him. His name was Daniel and he explained the
dream represented the stages of mankind‟s history.

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Daniel explained the dream was a statue of a man with a head of gold, breastplate of
silver, thighs of bronze, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay . A rock, not forged of
hand, smashed the feet and caused the content of the whole image to blow in the wind
like chaff. Daniel then explained the meaning of the dream: the gold represented his
own kingdom, which would be conquered by the next super-power that used silver as
weapons. This super-power would then be conquered by a kingdom that uses bronze
and they in turn would be conquered by a super-power that uses iron as weapons.

The final stage (the feet of iron and clay) represented a time when a super-power
would be fragmented and unable to find accord (such as we see with the European
Union now). The stone was used by God to destroy the rule of man and set up the
Kingdom of God. The important thing here is to understand the symbolism behind
the image and who the conquering powers are.

The stages are the following:

1) Gold – Babylon (soft component).

2) Silver – Persia (medium component).
3) Bronze – Greece (tough component).
4) Iron – Rome (hard component).
5) Clay & Iron – Europe (malleable and hard components).
6) Giant Rock – Return of Christ and His Saints.

The point here is the components get harder as the conquering super-powers advance
on the next until the Lord returns to establish the Kingdom of God.

This may seem rather obvious but what isn‟t so obvious is the mention of clay and
what it actually means.

If we look to the word clay in scripture we see it is used to describe how God created
Adam and strongly suggests He works as a potter to develop individuals. However,
this kingdom will be destroyed when a large rock (described in the dream) destroys
mans rule and Yahusha will set-up the Kingdom of God.

This means the word clay has something to do with iniquity: and it turns out the word
„clay‟ can also be translated to mean „mire‟. This brings other interesting thoughts to
mind when we consider the way scripture uses water to describe the spirit.

In this case „mire‟ would mean unclean water (unclean spirit) thus: the brittle feet of
the image are composed by those who are heard hearted (iron) with unclean spirits
(mire) – having their thoughts continually on evil. This is how scripture describes the
end of days: being much like the way it was when Noah was before the great flood.

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I was intrigued by the phrase: „There will be others that will come after myself who
will be greater than I.‟ The world (including the spiritualists), have totally fallen into
the trap of thinking he is telling them there is a power structure in heaven which has
been characterized by the phrase „There are many mansions in my house’.

I have already explained the „mansions‟ phrase is referring to attitudes, and I can
confirm to you now Yahusha was telling us there will be servants who will reach
greater numbers of people with the technology we have available now.

Temptation – what is it? Remember: the root of all evil is the love of money and the
love of money is the lust for power.

This can exist very subtly within – for example you may want to be a manager within
a company without realising the responsibilities this position carries. You may like
the idea of telling others what to do or ordering peop le around may seem perfectly
normal to you. Truth is: this attitude (which the tyrants of the past have also shared) is
the reason why mankind has fallen into such dark times through its history and why
people are yearning for something different now.

Remember Ishmael means: „God is listening‟ and God advised Abraham that every
man‟s hand would be against him – this means whenever we see conflict and we feel
dismayed by the violence we see in the world today we can be reassured God can hear
us groaning and He cares.

Where does lust for power exist? Put simply: it exists in the heart.

You may enjoy playing the game of sexual conquest but this is the lust for power over
another individual. You may enjoy getting drunk but this too is about seizing the
power you have to remain conscious and this has provided the wicked an opportunity
to be iniquitous claiming they did not know what they were doing at the time. How
many times has a drinker said: „It wasn‟t me?‟ The truth is – they knew, before they
started drinking, what their intentions were (tendencies are).

Alcoholics often develop an addiction to drinking because they want to escape the
reality they find themselves in. They would not have any turmoil in their lives if they
kept the commandments from the start. This does not mean they are bad or can not
succeed. The point is… this life of addiction highlights how difficult it will be, to
adjust to the changes we will encounter when Yahusha returns.

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This is what the dark principalities are working to do. They are trying to fill you with
so much nonsense and ideas about correct ways to live your life you will find it hard
(like the recovering alcoholic) during the millennial rule.

If everyone kept the commandments we would all live in harmony – and there would
never be a need to teach our children not to talk to strangers.

There‟s little point is thinking: „Why should I bother – everyone else is out to get
what they can,‟ because Yahusha will return and then you will be faced with the
option of dying again (for the last time) or living in the kingdom where everyone will
keep the commandments. If you decide you want to live in the kin gdom then it would
be wise to go „cold turkey‟ while you still have the chance in this life. Yahusha did
say if we keep the commandments to the end we would not taste the sting of death.

The dark principalities are demonic in nature and they need somewhere to reside –
within the mind. One way this is created (by willing participants of evil such as the
creators of power structures – the illuminate and freemasons) is to cause trauma to
children. When a child of about five is subjected to trauma they go into shock and
their mind creates an amnesic barrier around the memory to forget the whole incident.
The only problem is: this part of the mind thinks it is the whole and the child then
grows up with schizophrenic tendencies.

This is a scientifically recognised phenomenon, but there is little we understand

regarding what enters the small pocket in the mind when they are created. The people
involved with helping these children have noted they become demonic and use foul
language (they can‟t have heard before) when they access this area of the mind. This
is quite compelling evidence for the existence of demons.

It would be wiser for you to concentrate on walking upright before God and keep His
commandments. Walking upright before God just means – treating everyone equally
and keeping the commandments as meaningful principles you circumcise the heart
with – to become a friend of God.


First of all: I should mention here, the first time God said (in terms of divine
legislation) anything about the Law was when He said: „Do not partake of the
forbidden fruit or you shall surely die.‟ This doesn‟t explain what He expects from
His creation because the law seems to get more and more complicate (or drawn out)
as the centuries unfold. The next time He mentions divine legislation was when He
stated what‟s called the Royal Law.

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The Royal Law:

1) Love God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength.
2) Love your neighbour as yourself.

Then we received the Ten Commandments:

1) You shall have no other Gods before the M ost High.

2) Do not make any graven idols or bow down to them.
3) Do not take the Lords name in vain (pretend to love God and sin).
4) Work six days, rest on the seventh and keep the Sabbath day holy.
5) Honour your mother and father.
6) Do not murder anyone.
7) Do not commit adultery.
8) Do not steal.
9) Do not lie.
10) Do not covet the things that belong to others,

After that, there was the Torah and it keeps getting more and more complicated
(drawn out) right up to the time we received the New Testament and the Gospel of
Yahusha. This may seem rather daunting – with the Kingdom Of God looming – it
would be easy to believe the law is going to be impossible to know and keep because
it seems to go on and on.

Here‟s the good news.

The only thing we need to do is keep the first utterance of law (not partaking of the
fruit) to keep the Royal Law. Once we are able to honour this law (which is simple
enough to keep in the heart) all the rest seem to fall away. For example: if I am upset
by a neighbour for whatever reason I should remain calm and discuss my grievance in
a civilised manner and not get angry. By doing this, I am honouring the Royal Law to
love my neighbour as myself and I am also honouring all the other laws that have
followed regarding anger. Yahusha stated if you are angry with your neighbour you
have broken the sixth commandment in the heart. God wants us to take these laws to

This means that whenever you read the scriptural laws they should always support the
simplified version spoken at the beginning (and glorify God – obviously). The more
(longer) we – strive to – keep the Royal Law the easier it is to keep, just like an
alcoholic will find it easier to stop drinking and not drink after they stop and
endeavour to remain sober for a while. Science has confirmed it takes 38 days (of
repeating something) to break a habit or create a habit. Sounds awfully similar to forty
days and forty nights: I wonder if there is a connection.

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Scripture tells us an agreement was made between Sarai and her maidservant to let
Abram father a child out of wedlock. This agreement was made because Sarai lacked
the faith she would conceive a child of her own.

Both Sarai and Abram believed he would be the father of many nations, as God said,
but God (at this time) had not revealed that Sarai would bare him a son. This lack of
faith, lead to the birth of Ishmael the first born son of Abram and God said he would
bless Ishmael and multiply him greatly, though his hand would be turned against
every man and every man‟s hand would be turned against him.

Here we have a situation where God has openly admitted to creating unrest in the
world and I think it‟s only fitting to address the reason why. I would like to make it
clear I offer my blessings to these people without any prejudice toward their existence
and I hope this book is well received by the entire world including all the descendants
of Abraham.

I‟ve often wondered how God might have felt about their lack of faith, regarding this
issue, and I think it would be fair to say He would have been sympathetic because
Sarai was, after all, old and she had been barren all her life.

I am aware that Abraham is known for his faith and he did indeed believe he would be
the father of many nations (as God told him) but he did not believe Sarai, his wife,
would be the mother of these nations. We know this because he lay with the Egyptian
maidservant to conceive a child. I imagine if God had said you and Sarai will parent
many nations, he would not have lay with the maidservant – and waited for Sarai‟s
womb to be opened.

Anyway… their faith is not in question here because God did not make it clear what
was going on, and I believe God wanted the situation that has arisen – in the world as
a result of this agreement, today – for a reason. This highlights what happens when
we take matters into our own hands and stray from the law. If Abram had kept the
Royal Law (which Noah would have taught him in his formative years) he would
have asked God continually until He told him what to do. This is the 64,000 dollar
question. Would God have allowed a son to be born out of wedlock to make this
powerful point – I am about to reveal?

I believe God would have told him to wait until Sarai‟s womb is opened and the
opportunity to make the point, I am trying to highlight here, would have been lost –
because God will not compromise his own law – ever.

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M an (and woman): break the Royal Law – not God! So what does it all mean, and
what is this powerful point God wants us to know? In the beginning God tried to
explain, he is the one and only God and, how we should live – but it seemed his words
fell on deaf ears.

Through the centuries God watched us (albeit with a deep sense of sadness because of
our iniquitous behaviour) and found people who were willing to stand up for the truth.
Just take a look at the people mentioned in scripture and it will become obvious they
all have the same admirable traits God was (is) looking for in his creation. They all
defied the established traditions; laid down by men who lust for power.

Abraham defied the tradition of worshiping many gods. Yahusha defied the tradition
of observing the law literally in favour of keeping them in the heart and living by
faith. These people were pleasing to God for they glorified him – and they did not lust
for power. Abraham brought us two separate types of people that have secured the
worshiping one god as an acceptable tradition which now out-numbers the nations
that worship false gods.

Remember: God declared to Abram he would multiply his descendants until they out -
numbered the stars in the sky . I believe this was (is) an outstanding success.

So why did God allow (nigh create) a nation that is contentious by its nature? The
answer here is simply: He wants us to realise – it is not enough to worship one God.
We must also have a covenant with him too. Worshiping „the‟ one God who has a
covenant with his creation is what we need to establish everlasting peace.

After reading this book – I would like to think you have a clearer picture of what is
expected of you, if you are to excel and become (as) one of the people God considers
most pleasing. The kind of person who always stands up for what is right with a clear
conscience and determination that glorifies the one God by not lusting for power at
any level – be it temporal or spiritual.

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The way to know a truth, of any kind, is to know what a lie is. Once you ascertain
something is a falsehood: the truth is revealed as an obvious corollary – usually with
dire consequence if a belief system is hinged upon the foundation of a lie.

The irony of this (revelation) is – there is no such thing as a lie. This is because no lie
can exist unless it is the twisted silhouette of the truth it seeks to undermine. This is
why the saying goes: there‟s an element of truth in the lie. This does not mean a lie
has any truth – because lies are a perversion of the truth. When the truth is twisted to
create what is called a lie; it berates its own source to conceal the essence of the
wisdom it originated from.

The whole of existence itself is based on the twisting motion of Pi and it can be found
in everything from DNA helixes to seashells; from weather vortices to galaxies. It‟s
as if twisting motion is what perpetuates reality. This means that twisting is innate and
intrinsic to our existence but is it absolutely necessary to hide the truth.


1) The observation of twisting motion (fractals) reveals the physical world.

2) The understanding of twisting motion (lies) reveals the spiritual world.

Interesting (and beautiful) as fractals can be: we are primarily concerned with how the
twisting of truth induces cause and effect on the spiritual and – all too often – the
physical world.

How do we know the difference between the truth and a lie?

Once you recognize a falsehood is a twisted form of some truth, you have the means
to know the difference between „the truth‟ and „the lie‟. The only problem is „the
truth‟ is the hardest thing to accept because the saying also goes „the truth hurts‟.
However, this is inaccurate because a person that believes (knows) the truth in the
first place can never be hurt. People can only be hurt, by the truth, if they originally
believed a lie (twisted truth) to be true in some way. It takes courage to see truth – or
indeed observe it.

So the lie does not exist and all we have is truth(s) or twisted forms of truth(s). This,
flawless fact, is a difficult thing to take on-board but – unfortunately – you may be
able to run (cast this book aside) but you cannot hide (escape the tribulations that will
soon beset the world).

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The „Truth‟ was established thousands of years before you were here and it will
endure forever after you have gone. Take heed because it does have the power – as
scripture declares – to separate the marrow from the bone. By the time you finish this
book you will understand the full power (implications) of the Truth and the dire need
to seek it wherever and whenever you can. The good news is: this book will not only
reveal the means to discern the Truth but it will assist you in finding the courage to
accept it without fear of the hurt normally associated with discovering truth.

An example of this can be seen with the colour of snow. Snow is white – correct?
This is only true if snow really is white. When we look at snow under a microscope
we see it is a crystal which forms under specific conditions to be clear as glass. The
reason why snow appears to be white is because the light is reflected off the edges of
each crystal thus we don‟t actually see the colour of white but the extreme diffusion
of light.

If you were debating the colour of snow and you convinced everyone it was white you
would, without realising, be perpetuating a lie or – non-truth to be more precise. With
time you would have a large following of people who believe what you said and thus
you and your believers are all in danger of being hurt when the truth is revealed.

This is because the ego can only accept slight adjustments as it becomes more, and
more, informed of the truth and less inclined to believe assumption.


Some might say: „The Truth is an anchor‟ and to some extent this is accurate. But we
are embarking on a quest to discover the Truth so we need to find something that will
not change under any kind of stress (whether spiritual or physical) to recover the
Truth that has been twisted through the centuries.


A philosophical viewpoint might be a good starting-point – to begin our pursuit of

Truth. A secure idea devised by man that has been able to withstand the rigour and
pace of change in the modern world might provide a good launching pad. A
philosopher (with a subjective viewpoint) can claim to have „the Truth‟ and the way
they give account of the world, they observe, is the only means by which we can
gauge the accuracy of their claim. If we refer to the objective observation based on
the fact Truth is something that exists without any form of twisting, we can place any
philosophical idea under due-stress to test the veracity of its source.

M any philosophical ideas have surfaced throughout the centuries but none have
remained in a position of dominance for long. This is because a new idea comes along

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and the next philosophical era takes shape. For this reason, it is unlikely that any
single individual can be in possession of the whole (perfect) Truth.


Einstein used light as a constant to base his theories on; and recent discoveries have
shown that light is able to slow down or speed up. One would have thought the red-
shift phenomena would have given this basic fact away, many years ago. So the
speed of light along with gravity can be ruled out as a constant because we know they
are subject to change.

Science today is observing atoms that disappear then reappear before their very eyes.
They have sought to create a basis for understanding this strange phenomena with
something they have called quantum mechanics. This area of science basically does
little more than acknowledge the fact that „some things are beyond explanation‟ as
they attempt to equate probability. Or to put it in simple terms – they are guessing it,
because they don‟t know what is going on. Since quantum mechanics was
introduced; the scientific community has gone on a free-for-all with their imagination
and they have devised ever greater theories that cannot be disproved.

Science deserves less credibility than religion because it professes to be the

conclusion of observable facts when it has actually entered the realm of faith with
theories that are beyond reproach. Theories are subject to change and are therefore a
formless foundation (of sand) for securing the understanding of truth.

At least the religions are honest, and decent, enough to admit faith is a prerequisite for
seeking wisdom. Some of the theories scientists have postulated sound fascinating,
but they have no practical use – even if they are accurate – unless you plan to use a
black-hole to percolate time or something.

Those who choose to stand by science should take heed the discipline has a strange
habit of stabbing its patrons in the back. The single cell, for example, is anything but
simple. In fact – the single cell amoeba has a means of propulsion called the
Flagellum M otor that puts anything that man has made to shame. If evolution is t o be
believed then the amoeba is more advanced than Star-Trek and man; at worst is going
in reverse in terms of improving himself to survive and; at best still trying to catch up
with the amoeba.

For this „good‟ reason: science is to be ruled out before we even start our pursuit of
the Truth because science has set itself up for a fall right from the beginning when it
embraced the concept of logic which is basically – the one plus one is three that gives
answers it cannot see. For example: sweat is water (1) skin is solid (plus 1) water
cannot pass through solid surfaces unless it has holes (equals 3).

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Some might claim proudly that science has brought us so far we can land a man on
the moon within a fraction of a second accuracy. To which I say: „And yet they
cannot cure the common cold.‟ I do not wish to berate science because it has actually
achieved so much, but it has entered the realm of faith and there are other disciplines
that are more expertise (even an authority) on this subject.

Science itself is also subject to change. The Theory of Relativity has been proven
correct – yet it has not been granted the status of law because it violates the Law of
Gravity. The fact the scientific community does not know how to legitimize a theory
that has been proven correct proves science has „lost the plot‟ and we are forced to
seek truth elsewhere.


There are a multitude of religions that claim to possess the Truth – some that have
been founded by a single person who have professed to have the whole (perfect) Truth
while others have been the culmination of many people‟s work (science) and
sometimes centuries of tradition. We will examine all these with reference to the
means we have to discern „the Truth‟ without reservation for the pursuit of
ascertaining the whole (perfect) Truth.

There are only two things we can use as an anchor, other than the Truth itself, to
discover the whole perfect Truth – and that is:

1) The accurate fulfilment of prophecy (prophecies).

2) The clean – pure – fruits of those who profess to have the Truth.

It is unlikely the tele-evangelists have clean – pure – fruits because they receive large
quantities of money and high esteem for their efforts – so they can be ruled out. You
(the reader) are encouraged to discover the Truth for yourself through the Holy Spirit.

This means we are left with „accurate fulfilment of prophecy‟ as a starting point.

If the fulfilment of prophecy – found in scripture – is observable and accurate: the

other accounts given in scripture are given legitimate credibility with which we can
begin our pursuit of the Truth.

This then means that discerning the Truth will facilitate happiness and prosperity as
you protect yourself from the temptations of the evil that surrounds us today. The
question remains: Which religion? This in itself has been one of the most difficult
questions to answer in modern times.

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If we read scripture and know how to interpret the prophecies contained within them,
we immediately see that the events which are unfolding before our very eyes are
echoes in the words written thousands of years ago. What is strange is: the people
who wrote the prophecies had no idea what they meant. They were required to write
them (regardless of their unawareness of their meaning) for the later generations to
understand and act upon.

The reason why this was charged is the very same reason why you (the reader) are
reading this book. It‟s as if God knew people would need something, like an anchor,
to seek the truth in the later days – so He (God) revealed the future to a small group of
people, he trusted, to let us have something to cross-reference and check to verify the
authenticity of the scripture He prepared for us.

So the prophecies written in scripture have been written with the express intention of
establishing the other parts of scripture are a credible source of information pertaining
to the Truth. It is ironic that we seem to have met each other half-way in this manner.
We (reader and author) are seekin g an anchor and He (God) having deliberately
prepared that very thing for us; in anticipation of our needs.

The prophecies also serve to assist people in understanding the sequence of events for
(His) people to take heart He has our best interests in mind; as the tribulations get
worse and worse toward the end.

The scripture has a wonderful way of revealing many shadows and types through
history which reveal the source of light in the spiritual heaven too.

Later we will examine how these can be observed.


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The main religions that have survived to this day include:


There are remnants of these still around but none of them provide any credible
prophetic writings that we may examine to scrutinise with due-diligence against our
own prescribed test-facility – to ascertain truth.


They are still waiting for their idols, that show no signs of life, to animate after
several centuries – and it doesn‟t look like they are about to start making any
interesting moves any time soon. It‟s not quite clear if these people have anything
prophetic to say because their idols are (well) for the lack of a better word – idle on
the subject. Perhaps we should say their false idols give false ideas because they are
(by definition) idle and without life.

If you believe in many gods and something goes wrong in life you will naturally think
the god(s) of whatever or whoever was angry with the god(s) you worship …and you
will be more inclined to not accept responsibility when things do go wrong.


These are in their basic elements so similar they can be addressed together as ways of
life (not wholly religions) that have no prophetic writings at all. Thus they have no
means to verify their claim to legitimacy in any way other than the pursuit of illusions
of signs from the perspective of paranormal incitements.

For example they claim we return by way of reincarnation then attempt to formulate
pseudo-scientific evidence for this by sending people into deep regression – when the
truth is no one has ever returned from the dead other than one person – and he does
not advocate Buddhism or Spirituality. If you believe in no god(s) and something goes
wrong in your life you will naturally think life is not meant to be enjoyed because
nature is unforgiving or people are unenlightened.

Thinking nature is unforgiving is a somewhat depressing and negative approach to life

and thinking people that are unenlightened are at fault places them beneath
enlightened people. In this kind of environment where one person is above another
there is no-room for love to flourish.

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M onotheism – or the worship of a single God – was established by a man named

Abraham and while the idea of monotheism was a litt le known idea in ancient times.
Abraham was the first to make a stand against the worship of idols: and this act of
defying the tradition of worshiping many gods was endorsed by God when He
introduced Himself to Abraham to establish a covenant with him and his descendants.
The God that spoke to Abraham told him He would make his descendants number
more than the stars in the sky.

Thus, he became the patriarch of three major religious faiths: Judaism – Islam –
Christianity (who consist of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and many of the Gentiles):
and it can be seen the promise God made has come true because a great multitude of
people in many nations have come from Abraham.

Furthermore – we can see the religions of these faiths have prophecies that we can use
to verify their authenticity to make an informed decision. Belief in one God also
means that is something goes wrong in your life y ou will naturally look inward:
because it means you know you have done something wrong.

Here is an account of multiple deity based religions – cultures – traditions – nations

etc. and how they have failed to prosper.

Egypt – Fallen – Never To Know Supremacy Again.

Babylon – First Fallen Empire – Gold
Maya – Fallen.
Pe rsia – Se cond Fallen Empire – Silver
Aztec – Fallen.
Greece – Third Fallen Empire – Bronze
Rome – Fourth Fallen Empire – Iron
China – Gentiles T ime To Come To Fulfilment
Russia – King of the Gogs (North) To Attack the Apple of His Eye (Israel).
Europe – Fifth (and Final) Empire about to fall – Iron and Clay

The gods of all the cultures – nations – empires listed above have failed to make their
ways prosper. Europe – China and Russia are prophecies yet (soon) to be fulfilled.
The prophecies surrounding these countries and empires will be examined later to
verify credibility.


The final book in scripture The Revelation of Jesus Christ gives us a chronological
sequence of events that culminate toward the full realisation of the Kingdom of God.
The prophetic writings found in this book run parallel to all the prophetic writing of

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the prophets in the Old Testament and thus we can depict its meaning from the way it
self-interprets it own symbols. The vision seen by John describes a scroll that was
retrieved by the Lamb of God Jesus (Yahusha) and he describes what happens in the
world as each of the seven seals on the scroll are broken.

Seal 1 – False prophets will deceive the multitude.

Seal 2 – There will be wars (and Yahusha spoke of rumours of wars)
Seal 3 – Famine will grip many nations.
Seal 4 – Pestilence (death) will become widespread.
Seal 5 – Tribulation (earthquakes and tsunamis) and M artyrdom shake the world.
Seal 6 – Heavenly signs. It will appear like the stars are falling from the sky.
------------- a period of silence in heaven while the saints are being sealed.
Seal 7 – Plagues will fall upon the world.

It would be easy to see how we have already had the first five seals because we have
had false prophets, wars, famine, pestilence and tribulations including martyrdom;
and while non-believers may argue these are all natural phenomena – or the things
that constitute famine and pestilence, for example, cannot be counted as scriptural
prophecy coming to pass – they are intensifying.

We could infer the meteor that fell near Tunguska that destroyed miles of forestry
could be seen as a heavenly sign, but it may be more accurate to remain true to the
scriptural reference of a third of the stars falling from heaven which is generally
accepted (among theologians) to mean angels being cast out of heaven.

Therefore we can expect to see a pronounced level of falling stars (meteors) that are
unusually more intense than the normal showers we experience each year. The
chances are this will occur in September when we expect to see showers but the
scientists will reason the higher intensity of meteors to some arbitrary force of nature
rather than acknowledge the prophetic writings of scripture.

There is then a period of silence in heaven while the saints are being se aled and this
will begin in earnest when people will have been reported to have simply vanished
into thin air. The churches had called this the rapture and tried to twist its meaning to
give the impression; those who are not taken are left to suffer eternal damnation.
However, the truth is this gathering of the saints and it is simply a powerful sign the
days are now numbered from this moment. This is the moment the little flock will be
taken to a safe place to be instructed on how to assist the Lord (Yahusha HaM ashiach)
when he returns to establish the Kingdom of God.

This will take place during the Day of the Lord while the Saints are „being sealed‟ and
the world experiences ever greater tribulations including: a third of the vegetation will
burn up; a third of the seas will turn to blood; a third of the waters will turn bitter; a

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third of the sun, moon and stars will not shine and a great military force will rise to
power and gather. Then the seven plagues will begin when the two witnesses will
appear in Jerusalem to proclaim The Kingdom of God.

These seven plagues are designed to bring people to humility in the same way M oses
was trying to bring Pharaoh to release the nation of Israel. This will be because the
people who are disobedient and haughty will still refuse to believe the Kingdom of
God is drawing near even though all the signs have been and gone. The duration of
the seven plagues is: three and a third years leading up to the slaying of the two
witnesses in the streets of the old city that is symbolically called Sodom and Egypt
where the Lord was crucified (outside Jerusalem).

The witnesses will lay in the streets for thee and a third days – then they will rise up
and join the Lord (Yahusha the Christ) who will be arriving with all the angels of
heaven and His Saints to establish the Kingdom of God.

The question is: if you are a non-believer – at which point will you decide there is
more than mere quackery going on here. Will you decide the wars and famine and
pestilence is proof enough; or will the heavenly signs be enough; or will the strange
disappearance of people is enough; or the devastation that befalls the world with
burning vegetation or seas of blood is enough; or the seven plagues are enough.

You may be a believer (in which case Jesus has instructed you to not be dismayed by
all the troubles you see about you) or you may become a believer later – but what is
incredible is the fact people will still defy God even when Christ is descending from
heaven with all His angels and Saints.

One final point here that may be important is to bear in mind the fact scripture states
the only reason why God sent His Son back was to save the world from total


Let us clarify the law so there is no confusion as to what its purpose is.

As I read through Genesis I get this overwhelming feeling the book is about the
introduction of law. I have this feeling because the text does not focus on the intricate
way God created everything. In fact – I get the impression this whole process of
creation has been gleaned over to give an overview with particular detail given to the
way people behave. As I read through scripture this seems to be a theme that
continually has importance so it is with deliberation I will give an account of what is
going on here and why.

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People have asked me what the most important temptation Yahusha the Christ refused
when he was in the wilderness. The obvious answer they expect is the final one when
He refused to bow down to the Devil but I explain it is the first : because refusing to
turn stone to bread He was refusing to bow to the Devil and He also showed He didn‟t
need to prove He was the M essiah at the same time.

The fact Yahusha was able to resist the temptation to turn stone to bread after being
without food for 40 days and 40 nights was an awesome achievement; and this alone
proves he is worthy to be King of Kings as prophesised in the scriptures. He led a lif e
that was pleasing to God and He never defiled his body – so He became the perfect
sacrifice at Passover to complete His ministry. So if He had the ability to resist the
temptation to turn stone to bread when He was extremely hungry - why did He turn
the water to wine when He said He was not ready to do so? When he said: „My time
has not yet come.‟ He wasn‟t saying: „I don‟t have the power‟.

We know this because He used the power and it happened. He was saying that
turning water to wine was hardly the right way to use the power He had. This may be
because He was still waxing in the spirit or perhaps there was another reason; but we
cannot ignore the fact He said his time had not yet come. He made this confession
Himself and it served Him well - I might add – because we can look at the situation
and ask ourselves why did He do this when He was strong enough to resist extreme
hunger? You‟d think He could easily have said: „No I won‟t do it – because I‟m not
ready.‟ But He didn‟t say that – instead He performed his first miracle and as such it
would appear He abused the power He had.

So: why did He do it?

Theologians say the turning of water to wine was symbolic of the new covenant He
would establish later on but I wonder why He would use symbolism when H e was
here to clarify things. Using such symbolism would make it more difficult for us to
understand scripture – not easier. Perhaps it was symbolic but I believe there was a
more practical reason...

The answer is simple: Yahusha understood the profound meaning of the Royal Law
and this act would give us (his people) the insight we need to follow his example.


1) Love God with all your heart and all your strength and all your soul and...
2) Love your neighbour as yourself.

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The second part is so easy to understand - a child could get it. The first part (however)
is rather tricky; and as such we have seen countless wars between nations that profess
to know the answer. Even unto this present day people strike out with what they think
is the correct way to worship God and they are all – too often – ready to kill for what
they believe.

The, turning of water into wine, incident provides an answer for the entire world to
see how we should keep the Royal Law. Resisting temptation to acquire something
you want (for yourself) more than anything else is how you keep the Royal Law. This
also confirms the requirement to offer ourselves up as a sacrifice because it is
sacrifice that allows us to empathise with God who lost his perfect creation to the
disobedience of mankind in the beginning.

This may give us a hint but it certainly does not answer why Yahusha turned the water
to wine. He turned the water to wine because He was using his power for someone
else and not himself (and although He was not ready) this simple act proved that
looking after people is more important than pious rituals or prayer – while we are
here, on earth, at least.

This, then, means – as Yahusha obviously knew – that by loving your neighbour as
yourself you are also (at the same time) demonstrating your love for God. So anyone
who says: "I put God before anyone and everything" is twisting the Royal Law to
their own end and they are hiding behind the words they find in scripture to try and
support their own obscured belief. All too often these people continually seek to exalt
themselves and they should beware the Truth will reveal their shame if they do not
change their ways and humble themselves accordingly.

When Yahusha said: „Unless a man forsakes everyone even his mother and father is
not worthy of me,‟ he was not saying: „It‟s ok to disregard the Royal Law.‟ To follow
Christ is to love everyone equally and it is possible to forsake family to love others
equally without making your family suffer. If anyone suffers by the action of your
hand, family or otherwise, you have failed to keep the Royal Law.

This is the law that Yahusha HaM ashiach said he had come to fulfil and everyone
should strive to emulate that wonderful task.


The common perception of grace is one where the law is subject to generalization –
that a person who lives in grace need not concern themselves with the finer detail of
the commandments of God because the blood of Christ washes away all sin and thus
the follower of Christ is no longer under the law.

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The follower of Christ repents daily and takes measure to do all they can to emulate
the Lamb of God (Yahusha the Christ). They then engage in learning the ways of
Christ to ensure they follow him in reflective harmony to the character they perceive.

However, grace has greater meaning which can only be clarified when we observe the
way devil worshipers view their leader satan. They perceive Lucifer as a liberator who
gave mankind freedom where as Yahusha is perceived as an oppressor who gave
mankind laws. This situation is a reflection of the Garden of Eden incident: where
man was told not to partake of the forbidden fruit by God or else he would surely die
but he was informed by the serpent he would surely not die if he did partake of the
forbidden fruit.

The sense of irony that things have not changed since the beginning of mans time on
earth is enough to conclude there has to be a truth lurking somewhere in this situation.
Eat the forbidden fruit and become free to think for ourselves (without God) or do not
eat the forbidden fruit and retain obedience to the law (with God providing guidance).

This then indicates the option is – freedom or slavery – and it is easy to see (at first
hand) how this is the case when we consider the doctrines of the church that speak of
eternal hell and damnation for those who do not capitulat e to the decrees of the
priesthood. These church beliefs are all false doctrine that have been deliberately put
in place to instil the kind of fear that ensures the masses are enslaved while the
worship of satan has emphasised the rights of individuals to have the freedom to
engage in any immoral actions so long as they can stay out of trouble with the laws
man has established.

In short – the Ten Commandments are abhorred by anyone who does not want to live
a life of virtue before the Lord and they find ways to reason away their decision to
continue their life of revelry by pointing the finger and blaming God for anything they
see is wrong.

They blame God for death – they blame God for violence – they blame God for the
religions that enslave people – they blame God for everything and this is all
prophesied in scripture that says: there will be a multitude of false accusers in the end
days. The word satan means false accuser so the people who point their fingers and
lay blame are so like the Devil they do not know the severity of their failure to
understand the reason for creation.

They lack the alacrity required for soul searching and thus they have no soul.

Grace was established in order to provide the same situation in the Garden of Eden
when God left Adam and Eve alone in the garden to see if they would or would not
obey His commandment. Believing the blood of Christ washes our sins daily is fine:

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but that does not mean we are not expected to keep the commandments. That is „the‟
truth – we are still free to choose which path we walk. A life of obedience to God
where He guides us to eternal joy: or a life of disobedience to God where we are free
to do as we please. Either way – the law that was first uttered regarding the fruit still
stands. If we choose disobedience we choose death (which is easy to believe is going
to happen regardless of behaviour) or if we choose obedience we choose life eternal
because God knows He can trust us to enter His Kingdom. John wrote in the
Revelation of Jesus Christ he heard the angels say the words: „Who is worthy?‟

I say: „Indeed...! Who is worthy?‟

Until man finds a cure for disease and death, this truth regarding the forbidden fruit
(sin) will prevail forever and given the fact we could die tomorrow, this surely means
the Kingdom of God is truly at hand.


The word glory is described in the Oxford dictionary as:

glo·ry (glôr , gl r )

n. pl. glo·ries

1. Great honour, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent; renown.

2. Something conferring honour or renown.
3. A highly praiseworthy asset: Your wit is your crowning glory.
4. Adoration, praise, and thanksgiving offered in worship.
5. M ajestic beauty and splendour; resplendence: The sun set in a blaze of glory.
6. The splendour and bliss of heaven; perfect happiness.
7. A height of achievement, enjoyment, or prosperity: ancient Rome in its glory.
8. A halo, nimbus, or aureole. Also called gloriole.

intr.v. glo·ried, glo·ry·ing, glo·ries

To rejoice triumphantly; exult: a sports team that gloried in its hard-won victory

The means by which men obtain glory is generally perceived as winning in battle –
thus if we are to assume this is the same for God we have to ask ourselves what or
where is the battle. In the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) M oses asks
the Lord God to show him his glory and God introduced him to the Lamb of God –
Yahusha HaM ashiach. This means the way a person lives their life in humility and
complete selflessness to love others with equal measure is the way God is glorified.

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In other words the battle is within and not in the world – to cleanse the soul and wax
strong enough in the spirit to enter the Kingdom of God. The blood of Christ cleanses
the soul but it is up to us individually to grow in faith to wax strong in the spirit.

The way a person lives (according to the commandments) glorifies God and thus the
name of God is revealed in the way they love others to fulfil the Royal Law. The
Hallowed Name of God cannot be uttered – because it can only be perceived in the
Son as He glorifies God.

This, then, means the fullness of God‟s Glory will only be fully realised when the
creation is complete and Yahusha (the King of Kings) hands over the key to the
Kingdom to His Father. The physical creation (known universe) will then be
conflagrated in a flash with all the iniquitous children who refused to accept the
Father as their true sovereign Lord (spiritual parent). This means that whenever
someone humbles themselves of their own free-will to display love for others they
glorify God because God is within them in that moment.

The plan from the beginning of the creation is to bring: everyone to become as one
with the One who is in all. Thus: „I Am That I Am‟ may become, „All That Is One
(In) All: As One.‟

This is the Hallowed Name (Glory) of God – which can only be observed.

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The question of faith is often asked by : those who feel trumped by the notion they are
unable to discuss the concept of something that , by its definition, means: a belief of
something that does not need proof or evidence to exist.

The question is normally asked by : those who do not believe there is a God (atheists)
because those who believe there is a God (theists) stipulate – they need no proof there
is a God – because everything they see is proof enough.

Understandably – this can be frustrating if not infuriating because it leaves the non-
believer unable to combat the whole concept of the existence of a God and they
frequently resort to levity saying evidence (logic) is paramount – even though they do
not fully appreciate they have their own faith – while the believer maintains their
assertion there is no need for evidence.

Here is a „Home Truth‟ on that issue:

A theist professes to believe in the exist ence of a God and they have faith in the
promises made by their God to deliver the Kingdom of God. That‟s the same as
saying – the Lord will establish: a world where everyone is free, happy and equal –
not to mention immortal. An atheist professes to believe there is no God and they
have faith in the in the science of mankind to sort out all the current problems in the
world – including the quest for immortality.

This then means both the atheist and the theist have a belief and both have a faith in
something – the difference being the theist believes in God whereas the atheist
believes in M an. Thus to find a faith we need only look at the way things are in the
world to make an informed decision as to which of the two has the best chance of
success. This is where things get interesting because a lot will depend on the
individual‟s ability to assess the things they see (not to mention the way they see
things) and their ability to take a calculated risk based on the information they have
available to them.

Given the possibility many (deliberate) lies have been thrown into the intelligence of
the information available to cause confusion – we must also find a way to determine
what is true and what is untrue.

So – because both (atheists and theists) have faith the choice is simple:

Faith – God – Promise – Kingdom

Faith – Man – S cience – Utopia

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Now that we have, dispensed with the vanity of attacking faith and, found the
determining factor for belief is faith in either man or God. We can now turn our
attention to the means by which we develop our faith in either of these directions and
it is good to know we can focus on either until we decide which we want to stick to.

At this time – the individual will no longer need to question someone else‟s faith
because they have taken the time and effort with courage and determination to make
their decision.

Furthermore – there is the issue of standing your ground.

If you believe man has the ability to succeed and you place your faith in mankind, you
are violating every single principle of scripture if you use scripture to support your
stance because true equality is the means by which we glorify God.

An example of this may include making remarks such as „The meek will inherit the
earth.‟ It is true – the meek will inherit the earth – but how can anyone be meek in a
world where hierarchy and power structures are present. The basic truth here is – are
you willing to be meek and not assume or attain any power over others or do you
want to have the opportunity to hanker for power?

If you are not willing to be humble, unassuming, meek, or at least learn how to attain
these qualities you are placing your faith in man to use science to establish utopia and
you are advocating all the problems that are in the world today.

Even if you think religion is to blame you have been misled to believe in the „us and
them‟ scenario to develop a prejudice against what you think is a false belief. Any
religion that has a power structure is not of God – it is of man and thus it is easy to get
lost in all the confusion which seems to beset the whole world today.

You – are a part of this world and the choice is simple – do you want hierarchy or
equality. These are the polarized differences: and mankind stands on one side and
God stands on the other.


Even the M asonic Order (who is setting up this utopian world of hierarchy – pyramid
of power under the guise of two brotherhoods The Illuminati and The Luminari)
believe there were two Sons of Light: satan and Yahusha.

Of course, the truth is Yahusha is „of the light‟ whereas satan is the light-bearer.

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As previously mentioned, satan is seen (by Satanists) as the one who gave mankind
freedom and liberty and Yahusha the Christ (Jesus) is seen as the one who enslaved us
with laws. However… you have to ask yourself to be realistic – if we are all free to do
as we please there would be chaos (as we see in the world today) because there would
be no one and nothing to stop anyone from doing whatever they want.

If you are thinking: „Ah... but we have the police to stop people doing whatever they
want.‟ I would have to reply: „They enforce law that facilitates hierarchy and power.‟

Hierarchy facilitates lust for power. Power that is usurped can only be att ained if you
step on other people. If people are stepping on other people – where is the love?

The Kingdom of God is like the road and you are the vehicle. You have the freedom
to go wherever you want but you have to drive carefully and safely (which is what the
laws ensure) to reach your destination in one piece and without hurting yourself or
others. Yahusha may be the one with the laws but they are (specifically) designed to
ensure we do not have any accidents.

You won‟t get caught up in the laws once you learn how to live within them (just like
you don‟t worry too much about them when you learn how to drive). This is when
you experience the immense feeling of „true‟ freedom and liberty – because we are all
as one with God as His sons (and daughters).

...and laws that allow us to live eternally are something we should appreciate and not
scorn with derision. If you doo not like the laws for some reason – it is because you
don‟t understand them.

What do you want: chaos or harmony – hierarchy or equality – love or fear?



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Pilate said to him. "What is truth?" and when he had said this, he went outside again
to the Jews and said to them, "I find no fault in Him at all". John 18:38

It was more likely Pilate didn‟t even want an answer. However let us consider the way
such a conversation might ensue between a theist (who knows the truth); and an
atheist (who knows science).

Atheist: In the immortal words of Pilate: ‟What is truth?‟

Theist: Truth is a concrete noun - not an abstract noun.

Atheist: The common-sense notion that truth is a kind of ‟correspondence with

the facts‟ has never been worked out to anyone‟s satisfaction. Therefore, we have
‟Minimal Theory‟ to discern truth using ‟pure‟ logic.

Theist: If ‟pure‟ logic had any intrinsic value we would know the observations of
science are facts and thus they would not be presented as theories.

Atheist: Logic is the process by which we reveal that which cannot be seen
because it provides us with facts which are observable using repeatable
experiments that verify the validity of such findings.

Theist: What has science determined exactly?

Atheist: ‟Theoretically‟ we know the nature of this reality is co-dependent on

another reality that operates outside our own laws of nature and vice versa.

Theist: If science is aware there is another reality, that cannot be observed using
repeatable experiments that verify the validity of findings, how can science be
sure of anything (ever)?

Atheist: Theories are proof of the findings science makes.

Theist: If this is true why are they debated?

Atheist: OK... What is truth?

The ist: T ruth is a concrete noun - not an abstract noun. Science shows that
all of reality bows to the illusion of life and death, thus nothing is real but
the way one person treats another person. Therefore truth is personified
within a person who is in a state of ‟knowing‟ the way to eternal life.

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This is to say: truth is a concrete noun, such as Jesus Christ or anyone who is in Christ
and keeps the commandments, not an abstract noun, such as a philosophical idea that
can be explained in logical terms - pure or otherwise.

These seven points are scientific observation of reality.

1. Quanta particles operate outside our realm of natural laws.

2. Time ceases to exist at the smallest (quantum) of levels.

3. Everything at its smallest level seems to recede into nothingness -

yet nothingness makes up all that exists.

4. Light or electro-magnetic energy, is what holds all quanta particles

together - thus all matter is held together by (and is made of) light.

5. Our world and all matter is made up of "invisible" particles.

6. There appear to be parallel realities - the Quanta World and The

Natural World - both operating with their own set of laws yet one
depends entirely upon the other for its existence.

7. There appears to be an „eternal‟ inter-connectedness between all

elements. The „Entanglement Theory‟.

Now that we have established truth is a concrete noun and not an abstract noun; we
can move on to understanding the state of ‟knowing‟ that leads to eternal life. Recent
surveys have shown that crime levels and health levels, including mortality rates and
even levels of happiness are directly proportionate to the equality a society has.

This is a red flag that proves all of scripture is true. Immediately after Adam and Eve
partook of the forbidden fruit God said in Genesis 3:16: To the woman he said, "I will
surely multiply your pain in childbirth; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your
desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."Let us be clear about
what happened here.

God was telling the woman He would punish her w ith childbirth pain but the last part
He tells her the consequences of having partaken of the forbidden fruit.

God was not saying He would make her subject to the man, He was saying this is the
result of sin entering the world. This means satan had used the innocence of the

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woman to introduce his ways which counter God‟s ways - thus the power structure
that God said was set in place was also the introduction of the image of the Beast.

All of scripture testifies to the equality of one and all: that this is what God wants for
all mankind and Yahusha showed us how we should live in this fashion. The life He
lived showed how a person should take care to never raise their head above another -
and we should reject the image of the Beast (power structure) by not lusting for
authority. In other words... followers should recognize what causes a person to lust for
authority, is the breaking of the commandments, so they can take measures to avoid
defiling themselves.

Every word in scripture testifies to this because even when God says, "I shall appoint
a king" we can see, if we read this in context, God has been forced by the people of
Israel to do this against His wishes - which is why He goes on to tell them the
problems that will ensue because they have introduced a king. Furthermore, there are
the laws that state how the king is to act as a subject to the people which seems to
have been mysteriously removed from canonized scripture.

It is not possible to quote all of scripture here, so I shall draw on one that is a potent
example of the simplicity of this truth I have outlined: But Jesus called them to Him
and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great
ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would
be great among you must be y our servant." M atthew 20:25-26

We are now edging ever closer to understanding the state of ‟knowing‟ the way to
eternal life and the truth can thus (so far) be shown as:

Hierarchy is the image of the Beast and to lust for authority is accepting The M ark of
the Beast – whereas equality is the image of God and to avoid lusting for authority is
to receive The M ark of God.

Yahusha then shows us how we are all as one in God through Him with:

"I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me that they may
all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so
that the world may believe that you sent me." John 17:20-21

This concludes the understanding of: What is truth... because we can now see - a
person (who is a concrete noun named Jesus the Saviour - Yahusha HaMashiach) has
requested God and all who read His gospels to recognize: Those who keep the laws -
and treat each other with equality - and accept the living Christ is the Truth the Way
and the Light can find a way to eternal life. Faith in God through Christ is the state of
‟knowing‟ which brings peace of mind.

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As a believer strives to overcome the temptations of the adversary (satan) the Glory of
God becomes apparent because equality is the image of God and those (who are in
Christ) become the embodiment of Truth.

…just as Yahusha did.


The God of the monotheistic religions has been given various names throughout the
centuries. All of which have been words that describe God in some way. For example:
Hashem is the Hebrew word that means „the Name‟; Allah is the Arabic word that
means „The God‟. The list goes on and on, needless to say anyone can look into these
descriptive names and find a fascinating subject that will invariably offer an insight
into the minds of those who have developed a love for their creator.

For centuries, Israel considered it sacrilege to utter the Name of God; and even now,
there are many who consider it wrong to pronounce the name without proper
reverence. In these modern times, people are becoming more and more at ease with
using the Name YHWH (pronounced - Youd Hey vWah Hey or Yahweh for short)
which translates to - Hand Behold Nail Behold because the Name Yahweh is
considered a reflection of the Name Yahushah, (or Yea‟shuah) which is the Name of
Jesus Christ.

This is because scripture tells us the M essiah will reveal the Hallowed Name of God
but the name YHWH is pronounceable and not ineffable, so there may be more to the
picture than meets the eye.

This section will show exactly how Yahusha has revealed the ineffable Name of God.

During a murder trial, the prosecution makes a point of using the name of the victim
as often as possible. The reason why is because they know, the more times they utter a
name of the victim, the more the jury will perceive them as a real person; and they can
then use the natural compassion people have toward a real person to support their

From this, we can understand the reason why scripture tells us to avoid uttering the
names of false gods is because the uttering of their names makes them more real. This
also explains why the various faiths consider it inappropriate to use the Name of God
without propriety of heart, mind and soul.

Scripture tells us God sent the Word to reveal His Hallowed ineffable Name, even
though we already have the descriptive name known to be (YHWH) Yahweh Elohim.

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This may seem puzzling especially as we are told Yahusha will utter then Name of
God when He returns; and the wicked will be destroyed at the hearing of this Name.
It‟s as if we are told: on the one hand, you can know the Name of God but, on the
other hand, only Christ will be able to utter it when He returns.

Given the fact scripture tells us God is not the author of confusion it would be fair to
ask ourselves:

1) Why did God send the Word to reveal His Hallowed Name when we already
know the descriptive Name is Yahweh Elohim, and only Yahusha will be able to
utter the actual Hallowed Name?

2) What is the Hallowed Ineffable Name of God?

3) Does the fact God sent the Word mean we can use the Name with more
regularity now, to make God become more real in our hearts and minds, even
though the uttering of His Name has been banned for centuries?

The answers to these questions can be found in scripture.

Let us start at the beginning where Genesis 1:26 says: "Let us make man in our
image". The first thing we need to do is verify each of these words to be sure of what
is being said. It turns out that the word „make‟ more predominantly means „advance‟,
thus we can accurately re-phrase the verse to say: "Let us advance man in our image‟.
This has a profound effect on the whole understanding of scripture now, because we
can suddenly see everything written, in scripture, is designed to advance us in some

When we look to the verse that says God will send His Word to reveal His Hallowed
Name it doesn‟t take much to realise there is a profound link at an intrinsic level
between the advancement of man and the revealing of the ineffable Hallowed Name
of God.

This gives us an idea why God sent His Word; that we may be advanced in some way.
Having this in mind, we can begin to understand the Hallowed Name of God can be
revealed in that which we are advanced to.

Revelation 22:4 - And they will see His face and His name on their foreheads.
M icah 6:9 - The Lord's voice cries to the city wisdom shall see Your Name hear the
rod who has appointed it.

These verses tell us the Name of God is something that is visible as well as something

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that is pronounceable. If we look at Genesis 3:16 we see that immediately after Adam
and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit God, says to the woman:

"I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth
children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you."

This is the first time when a person was set above another person in what God is
telling us - authority has now been manifested in the flesh and began to rule one over
another. The thing is: God is saying this is a curse that has come upon us and not a
blessing. God also mentions multiplying sorrow in child birth to teach us the value of
His loving sovereignty is not something to be taken lightly.

This means that right from the beginning, the stage has been set to see which way is
the best way:

1. Obedience to the Word of God which is manifested in humility to live in

truth: the selfless ways of Christ.

2. Obedience to the Reprobate satan which is manifested in haughtiness to live

in lies: the selfish ways of ego.

There is much confusion in the world today; and it is easy to see the reason why is
because the „selfish ways of ego‟ is continually striving to make the „haughtiness to
live in lies‟, which is personified as the noble search for truth in the name of science,
is somehow acceptable.

While theories (of science) are pending verification, the prophecies (of scripture) are
confirming the veracity of God‟s Word, and this goes a long way to prove things have
not changed since the beginning. Study after study has shown that societies that lack
equality are proportionately ill and unhappy with the level of inequality that pervades
that given society.

So… we can keep our thoughts turned on what Christ did and said to discover the
ineffable Hallowed Name of God.

Yahusha tells us in M atthew 20:25-26 and John 15:15 (plus other areas in the
Gospels) we are all to love one another equally and none are to raise their heads above

This sounds profoundly simple enough, and one would think it is easy to make this a
reality. However, when we look at the back of a one dollar bill we see the 'image' of a
hierarchy (power structure depicted as a pyramid) with the „image‟ of an eye that
seems to emanate rays of light.

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This is the complete opposite of what Jesus describes - thus we can naturally
conclude: hierarchy is the Image of the Beast and equality is the Image of God. When
we look at things like this we can easily see how these compare when we observe the
effect they have on people in any given society or situation:

In an environment where there are power structures: people can lust for
authority and step on others to get on in life.

In an environment where there is equality and people do not lust for

authority - love will flourish.

From this then we can see the Image of the Beast and the Image of God, and how they
contrast. This also helps to understand why God said do not 'eat' of the forbidden fruit.

Scripture tells us in Ezekiel 3:1 – M oreover He said to me, "Son of man, eat what you
find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel". Ezekiel was asked to digest
the scroll which was filled with understanding and wisdom that establishes the
Kingdom of God.

This means that the request by God, in the beginning to Adam and Eve to not partake
of the forbidden fruit, is we must not digest the unholy knowledge that facilitates the
building of the hierarchy (power structure). Thus we can see God wants us to take all
necessary measures to not partake (eat to nourish the spirit) of this way of life to
remain undefiled in His Hallowed Name.

God wants us to remain humble - no matter how tempting the life of power may
appear to the eye – or seductive to the spirit.

Partaking (or eating) of the forbidden fruit, then, seems to mean accepting the
hierarchy as good and pleasing that one can use to lust for and attain authority over
others. In short, accepting the hierarchy is accepting the M ark of the Beast and if we
do not accept the hierarchy we will receive the M ark of God.

There is talk of bringing in chips that the government want to insert under the skin,
which people are saying is the M ark of the Beast - but we need to understand: this is
the dragon trying to divert us from learning the Name of God.

Revelation doesn‟t only speak of wicked people receiving the M ark of the Beast on
the forearm or forehead, but it also talks of virtuous people receiving the Image of
God on the forearm or forehead too.

This means: the mark people receive will not be placed on the forearm or forehead by

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man. It is something that will be divinely placed and these will only be visible to the
avenging angels. This then means we can turn our attention to how t he Name of God
is made visible.

Given the fact we are to advance in some way (through the Word sent by God) this
means Christ was telling us He and the Father had the exact same Will, or to be more
accurate He was telling us He had aligned His Will with the Father‟s Will as a perfect
match. Yahusha then goes on to say we are to emulate this same task by following His
example because this will then fulfil God‟s plan to advance us in His image (as
spoken of in the beginning).

This then means the divine plan is we are all to become One with the Father (through
Christ) and given the Image of God is visible in each and every one of us who walks
in the ways of God – the Glory of God can then fill the earth as prophesied.

This, then, is the visible Name of God because His Glory and His Name is One and
the same thing – and Yahusha was the first person to make this manifest on earth for
all to 'see'.

To summarize what we have covered:

The Image of God = True Equality

True Equality = Glory of God (will soon cover the face of the earth)
Glory of God = His Eternal Ineffable (Observable) Name.

The Hallowed Name of God is an observable phenomenon and not something we can
yet pronounce. This is what Yahusha HaM ashiach (Jesus the Saviour) has revealed
because the last commandment He gave was: 'Love one another as I also have loved

He gave this commandment last - knowing only too well - it is the realization of this
commandment that makes the Hallowed Name of God visible upon the face of the
whole earth. This means we must look to one another to realize the visible presence of
the Lord is His Glory that is manifested in the way we love each other. Thus we are:
(In) the Name of God when we love one another as our beloved Christ also loved us.

For the time being we can use the Name YHWH (Yahweh) - knowing God has
allowed it to be used because Jesus said ask the Father in my Name and you shall
receive - and a time will come when Christ will utter the unpronounceable Name –
and that is when we will see God with our very eyes.

M atthew 23:9 – Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He
who is in heaven.

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Here is a picture of an Indian Chief ...or is it an Eskimo with a torch in the dark?


If you look at the picture you can see both depending on how you allow your mind to
concentrate on what you see with your eyes.

This is what scripture is like - it has the power to be seen two ways. One way leads to
the truth - the other way leads to error - so a person reading scripture will either see
what 'The Flesh' wants to see or what the „Holy Spirit‟ wants see.

We only need to look at the church to see how scripture has been used to establish
'power structure' among the flock.

Christ told us in M atthew 20:26-28 not to do this.

What has happened with scripture through the centuries is: the people interpreting -
translating or just reading it have failed to notice there is this dual aspect to
understanding scripture and as such they ended up seeing only the one way.

…and this is the reason why (a) the church has apostatized and (b) scripture has
survived through the centuries.

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The first thing they (theologians) see is what they have assumed to be true and this is
why things are as they are right now - with denomination after denomination trying to
claim they are the true church of God.

How can any church claim to be in truth; if it cannot show how verses can be used to
glorify God or glorify satan? Surely... the ability to discern the positive and the
negative aspects in each verse is what distinguishes those who are in truth from those
who are in error. This, then, is what qualifies a person to „know‟ the truth when they
can then show how such observation leads to the glorification of God.

The inability to see scriptural verses in this dual way is the stumbling block God said
He would set in place before the haughty - and boy is it a powerful one too. I am in
awe of this but I do believe the time has come to reveal this to the world: because
every minister – every individual – can secure the means by which they can see the
path that is set before them.

With this knowledge, of how scripture is presented, you can develop the ability to see
the path – which is about six inches wide with an abyss of demons clutching at your
ankles as you make your way to paradise.

Take a look at the picture of the Indian / Eskimo (above) and notice how you can see
both images at the same time - simultaneously.

Reading scripture, with the ability to see how the verses can be seen both ways
(simultaneously) is - what I believe - to be the correct way to read scripture.

It takes practice to do this but when you fully develop the means to read in this way
you will be working consciously with the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, you are at the mercy
of your own flesh (worldly understanding) to make any sense of the text you are
reading and you run the risk of denying the Holy Spirit.

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This book has outlined the means by which a person can ascertain how to glorify God
or satan depending on the belief system that leads them to either break or keep the
commandments as they walk in the faith they have.

It is clear every living human being on the planet has the opportunity to do either and
the options are black and white. A person can either choose to:

1) Glorify God by loving their neighbour as themselves. This is best

achieved by avoiding hierarchy or setting up any kind of hierarchy.

2) Glorify satan by worshiping anything that is not Yahweh. This is achieved

by establishing or using an existing hierarchy.

This means, it doesn‟t matter if a person believes in science, leprechauns or false gods
of the Pagan religions – including the false doctrines of the Christian denominations
that profess to have the truth – each and every individual is responsible for the way
they behave and their belief-system is what gives their behaviour impetus toward
glorifying either God or satan.

Even if a person does not believe in satan they are still worshiping satan if they do not
take care to reject the hierarchies that defile the Hallowed Name of God as and when

There is one (classic) subject that highlights the way this can be seen, in its subversive
manner, as we strive to learn how to discern the truth to walk the narrow path that
leads to the Kingdom of God.

Let us consider the Trinity that has been used in Christianity for centuries to define
the faith as we see it today in the modern churches.

Not many are aware that the Trinity is viewed in two ways. It can either be perceived
as meaning Jesus the Christ is the Father in heaven who became flesh or it can be
perceived as meaning Jesus the Christ is the Son sent by the Father who became the
Word made flesh.

There is a reason why there are two ways to perceive this doctrine, that has been
polarized in this way, which will be covered later. However, for now it is important to
clarify: on the one hand there is the belief Jesus is (literally) the Father (made flesh)
and on the other hand there is the belief Jesus is the Word (made flesh).

Let us, first of all, consider the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity.

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The concept of the Trinity has its origin in Babylon where the Pagans believed the
Trinity was made of god the father, god the son and the mother of god who brought
the god-son into the world.

This is the Pagan myth surrounding the birth of M ithra and it involves the son being
born after the father who is also the son who impregnated the mother in what they
believe was an immaculate conception of the virgin mother of god.

It seems totally unbelievable that people actually fell for this, but this is what they
believed and this is where the concept of the Trinity originated. To cut a long story
short, we need to leap forward to the time when this was used as a doctrine in the
church we see today.

History records that Constantine saw a cross in the sky in a dazzling light and he
instructed his troops to adopt the sign before they went into battle. This then is said to
be the reason why Constantine became a Christian.

The truth is very different indeed.

We have no way of knowing if Constantine actually had the vision he claimed to have
had, but we do know that the cross is a Pagan symbol that goes back to the
Babylonian era. Scripture (when accurately translated) records Christ was crucified on
a pole or stake (or tree) because the Romans were running so low on wood by the
time Jesus was with us – they had little choice but to use a stake or pole. This, then,
means it is highly likely this „pre-battle-vision‟ idea Constantine had was the excuse
he needed to secure the Pagan symbol of the cross as a symbol of reverence for the
Christian faith.

The cross was used before this time: but the fact remains it was introduced as a
substitute for the pole or stake. Thus, it is highly likely the symbol of the cross was
(deliberately) introduced to obscure and pervert the teaching of Yahusha into the
paganism style Christianity we see in the world today.

Matthew 10:38 – New King James Version (NKJV)

And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

The word „cross‟ here is: G4716 – στασρός – stauros – pronounced stow-ros'

From the base of G2476; a stake or post (as set upright), that is, (specifically) a pole
(as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively exposure to death, that is, self
denial; by implication the atonement of Christ.

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From this we can see the Christian faith has deliberately had key elements changed to
falsify the doctrine that Christ taught to introduce Pagan symbols and doctrines.

This can be seen by the way things transpired: Constantine passed a law that made
Christianity the main religion of Rome but there are few who realised the New
Emperor was a Pagan who had a political agenda behind the passing of this new law.

The truth is... Rome has remained Pagan as it sought to use Christianity as a front for
their Pagan beliefs. The concept of the Trinity is one such doctrine that has been
brought into the picture because it facilitates having a power structure.

So why has the word „Trinity‟ been brought into the Christian churches?

Scripture never uses the word Trinity at all. All arguments that theologians use to try
and verify the veracity of the Trinity are all inference and when they are faced with
something that is inexplicable they resort to saying: “It‟s a mystery,” or “If you do not
believe in the Trinity, you will be damned.”

God is not the author of confusion and John 15:15 states: No longer do I call you
servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you
friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.

This means there is no mystery that cannot be uncovered so it is not appropriate to

state something is a mystery even if it is said to try and bring a discussion to an
amicable close – inferring the intention to agree to disagree.

Scripture refers to a God-Head which means the Father (M ost High) the Holy Spirit
(Virgin Spirit) and the Son of M an (the generation of the Son of Humanity) are one
just as Yahusha told us we are in Him as He is in the Father.

So what is going on? Well… the answer is here for the entire world to see:

When Rome split in two we saw the emergence of the Eastern Orthodox Church in
Constantinople and the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Rome begin the debate over
the concept of the Trinity and neither have come to a satisfactory conclusion.

The debate would lift verses from scripture that would show one way to be true and
the opposition would show how the same words were not saying what the first said.

For example: John 1:1 – New King James Version states:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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The side that believe Jesus (Yahusha) is the Father, made flesh, would say this clearly
shows how John is saying Jesus (Yahusha) is the Father made flesh, because the verse
states The Word (which is Yahusha) was with God and the Word was God.

Then the opposition, who believe Jesus (Yahusha) is the Word made flesh, would say
the word God is the family surname; so it does not mean the Word is the Father and
they would also add this particular verse mentions two personages so it cannot have
any bearing on the Trinity argument.

This kind of thing went on and on for centuries and they still have not found a
conclusive answer because people will usually choose on the balance of probabilities
that are weighed up by the both sides or they would simply run with their gut instinct.

The thing is… where is the Holy Spirit during this debate?

Let us examine what happens when you place consider the belief in the two main
viewpoints held over the Trinity and remaining focused on what glorifies God and
which one glorifies satan in order to ascertain the truth.

The two options (for the foundation of the Christian faith) are:

1) Yahusha is God the Son – who is the Father made flesh (Oneness Doctrine).
2) Yahusha is the Son of God – who is the Word made flesh (God-Head Doctrine).

The obvious 'cause and effect' of the two types of beliefs can be outlined as follows
because a Christian strives to be Christ-like:

Jesus Christ as God the Son – The Father Incarnate

If we are to be Christ-like, in the belief Yahusha is the all powerful God the Son, we
are buying into the idea that one person can be set above another. This is because we
will be consciously striving to attain the power of God if we are to be Christ-like.

Jesus Christ as the Son of God – The Word Incarnate

If we are to be Christ-like, in the belief Yahusha is the all humble Son of God, we are
following all the commandments as laid down by God from the beginning. This is
because we will be striving to attain the humility of Christ.

This then means we can look to the two beliefs and see which one glorifies God
(allows people to be equal) and which one glorifies satan (allows people to set
themselves one above another).

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Given the „fact‟ scripture can be interpreted to declare either belief to be correct we
must look to these options in this fashion and accept the way they affect our behaviour
because the only thing that is important is: the glorification of God.

Everything else is superfluous – because only the glorification of God matters.

John 16:7 – New King James Version (NKJV)

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not
go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

This one single verse proves the three that make up the God-Head are one in purp ose
but they are separate in substance because Yahusha had to go to heaven before the
Helper (Holy-Spirit) could come.

The most likely reason for this is because heaven must have at least two to bear
witness at all times – as the law states there must be two to bear witness. Yahusha
clearly shows us how He must be with His Father (I must go away) so the Paraclete
(Holy Spirit) may come to be with us.

The scripture is full of these ambiguous: this means that and that means this verses
without giving clear indication which way is the correct way – because God
specifically wanted to cause the haughty to stumble.

For example - Christ said: „I and the Father are One‟.

Oneness Doctrine believers will say this means Christ Himself is claiming He is the
actual Father but it can also mean they are merely as one in purpose.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are (as) one in purpose – not substance.
Yahusha – did live his life in complete obedience to God and showed us how God
(the Father) would have lived if He had come in the flesh – indeed He was in

Here is the harsh truth:

The haughty lust for authority over others – so they will want to believe Christ is the
all-powerful Father (made flesh) thus: that is what they will see in scripture.

The humble shun attaining authority over others – so they will want to believe Christ
is the all-humble Word (made flesh) thus: that is what they will see in scripture.

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One way glorifies God – the other glorifies satan.

You now know which is which so you have t he means to know how to discern truth
from lie and expose all the work of satan so you may become right with God.


If you are wondering what to do now: Yahusha told us to continue going about or
daily lives. This is (in part) because the power structures we see in our lives right
now are with us whether we like it or not and the good Lord has found it to His
advantage to make use of this as and when He has deemed necessary to do His will.

This book is not saying you should not try to better yourself – within a company but
you should avoid hankering for power and if you are offered a position of greater
responsibility which affords you more power. As long as you have not lusted for this
position then you can accept it - because it may have been blessed by God.

On such occasions it would be wise to enter into prayer.

If you ever feel you are under spiritual attack – remember the words:

In the Name of Yahusha HaMashiach, I command all evil to depart from me.

James 2:8-10 – Revised Version (RV)

Howbeit if ye fulfil the royal law, according to the scripture, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: but if ye have respect of
persons, ye commit sin, being convicted by the law as transgressors. For
whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is
become guilty of all.
The reference here to „respect of persons‟ means – if you partake of
the hierarchy that glorifies satan in any way.

Thus, it is forbidden to take on the Image of the Beast.

Isaiah 62:2 – New King James Version (NKJV)

The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory. You shall be
called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD will name.

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There are many false prophets and anti-Christ vying for your allegiance these days
just as there were many people trying to pass themselves off as the Christ during the
time of Yahusha – only now: they are reaching far more people than ever before via
internet and television.

This is not to say all of the people who claim to work for the Lord are false – because
they will (themselves) have convinced themselves they are doing the right thing in
teaching the Word of God as they understand it.

However, there are many who blatantly ignore the Word of God and try to offer an
alternative explanation for everything by trying to give credence to the ancient texts
of pagan (false) religions that speak of gods – they say are aliens.

...albeit benevolent ones: that have a message regarding the destiny of mankind.

These New Age Spiritualists have taken everything they find in the ancient writings
of the prophets and the pagan (false) religions and tried to weave a thread that makes
sense so people can put stock in their assumptions.

This religion has only one aim.

...and that is to lead people into thinking they are gods.

However, this is the original lie that satan beguiled Eve with – in the beginning when
he told her she would know (be intimate with) good and evil and be like God. God is
not double-minded in that He is: „one‟ with good and evil nor can His children ever –
be „like‟ Him. The Children of God are a reflection of the Father having His light
within and that light can only shine in those who only „know‟ (be intimate with) good.

One of the most dangerous of these false teachers speaks exclusively about the film
„The M atrix‟ because the movie has many analogies to the way he perceives the
images and visions, he claims, his guides have given him.

The M atrix may offer many hidden(elements of) truths but the false teacher that uses
the movie to direct people toward an understanding of his vision has failed to note he
is wholly confined to the abyss beneath the throne of the M ost High.

For example:

He states: mankind needs to free the mind from pure logical thinking to embrace the
pure intuitive thinking – so we can progress to the next level of evolution or growth.

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Essentially... he is trying to show people how to exit this physical reality to enter the
heavenly reality where, he believes, there is so much more freedom and (in his own
words) infinite possibilities. This is what the „Remote Viewers‟ do.

Remote Viewers use scientifically developed ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) to view
/ observe the universe in any time or any place – which basically allows them to visit
places of interest (in spirit) while their physical presence remains in a secure location.

The false teacher that is leading his followers to understand this reality is a kind of
holographic projection expects people to engage in a delusion so they will lose their
perspective on the physical existence.

Essentially... he is coaxing people to wilfully neglect the fact they have been created
as a physical being with a spirit – in need of the clothing of glory – to dismiss their
own existence in this reality (or non-reality as the case may be).

What he is neglecting to explain to his followers is the M atrix movie depicts a

character called Cypher as being unhappy in the heavenly realm because there is only
desolation – and he arranges with Agent Smith to be plugged back into the M atrix the
physical realm. In other words – the movie may depict the separate nature of heaven
and earth: but it fails to show how each are dependent upon one another – while the
M ost High sets out to bring His plans to full completion.

Scripture tells us there is a desolate place in the heavenly realm where all the spirits of
those who mocked the Word of God are doomed to roam in torment – so the false
teacher is actually trying to pass off the idea of going to this place of torment as a
desirable destination.

What he does not realize is: the guide (that has been guiding him toward demonic
understanding) has been skilfully leading him to teach this – under the assumption the
release from this physical reality is highly desirable.

Even the movie (in the later releases) shows there to be a place they call Zion.

This is what the Remote Viewers call „The M agical Kingdom‟ and they have been
trying to get in since the early fifties, when they initiated their program: but they have
consistently failed, and they will continue to fail, because the only way in is to repent
and accept the Word of God.

Thus, the Remote Viewers are the Centinals trying to break in.

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The movie depicts Zion as a place where everyone is having a sex orgy – which just
goes to highlight how ignorant they all are: when all of scripture tells us Zion is where
the feet of the righteous tread.

The truth is – demons crave being as we are in the flesh. This is because they know
we have the ability to become glorified in the Name of God: which means we will be
able to travel the furthest reaches of the universe in the blink of an eye and reproduce
children that will attain the clothing of glory from the M ost High: in Paradise.

Demons can only travel the universe and the earth (the way angels do) but they do not
have the power of pro-creation (in the physical) and they know this heaven and earth,
where they are bound to remain, will pass away at some time in the future.

The point I am making here is simple...

The ideas and theories that these false prophets and anti-Christs are proposing, on the
stages they perform upon, are powerful and highly seductive because they have the
promise of awesome godlike power.

Power: that seems to be without limit.

This book has explained how the lust for authority and power is the cause of all the
problems in the world. From hunger and greed to disease and death – the problem
becomes exasperated when people are led to believe man (or the right man in power)
has the ability to resolve all the problems modern civilization, with all its false
demonic doctrines, has caused.

Everyone wants to decide for themselves that is right and what is wrong so they can
determine what the truth is for themselves. They want the power to assert their own
understanding of this truth so they can attain security in a world that is full of
confusion and, dare I say, insanity. No one owns the truth – save the M ost High –
because we are to be the personification of the truth when we are in Christ eternal.

The idea there are aliens (which are the reprobate fallen angels) are benevolent is the
latest trick to deceive the world into thinking they are our saviours. In some cases we
are led to believe: they are responsible for advancing us as a natural progression of
evolution but the New Age spiritualists cannot see the „aliens‟ (or Ascended M asters
– as they call them) are doing the same thing since the dawn of mankind.

They are leading people into thinking they have the personal authority to decide what
is right and what is wrong where there is a consensus that determines the law for one
and all, which means the truth is forever (just) beyond our grasp. Do not be deceived

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by the lies that lead people into thinking they can judge what is right and what is
wrong. Only God has the authority to make such decisions: and this authority will be
given to the Son of M an who will appoint Saints when He returns to usher in the
eternal Kingdom of God.

The Laws of God have been made known and the Truth has been revealed. The time
is coming for the Son of M an to return and establish these things once and for all:
even as the world is groaning for this phase to begin.

The adulteress that faced the prospect of being stoned to death was grateful when she
was told: her accusers were no longer vying for her death – so when Yahusha told her
to repent: she was glad to do this.

If Yahusha had called by her home, when there was no threat of death upon her, and
told her to repent – would she have been glad to do it?

This is why the world is about to experience some serious tribulation.

The M ost High knows the world will only turn their hearts to Him when the threat of
death (or eternal death) is upon them. Does this make the Father appear as though He
is a vengeful and wrathful God without care for His creation? Certainly… not.

Scripture gives us example after example of how the M ost High decides it is time for
a nation or city to repent – He spares those who heed His warning and destroys those
who ignore His warning.

This is called „fair play‟ as if the iniquity that exists is not enough to determine utter
destruction – He actually has the presence of mind to ask people to repent before He
acts. This is because the Father takes no pleasure in death.

Is this book a call to repentance?

Well... let‟s put it like this: the world is now aware of the truth and as such – every
day that passes brings the M ost High to wrath because the world continues to sin and
seek ways to multiply iniquity – in the false doctrines the demons are providing.

If you saw your children continue to play with fire after you told them to stop – would
you allow them to carry on without scorning them? What sort of parent allows their
child to continue an activity that causes them harm?

Yes... this book is a call to repentance and the world is receiving what the Father calls
its „M oment of Clarity‟ – so righteous judgement can begin.

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One of the hardest things to do when studying scripture is to differentiate between that
which is literal and that which is symbolic. Indeed, there are times when scripture is
speaking both symbolically and literally at the same time.

This is something that occurs frequently. In fact - this occurs so frequently we have to
ask ourselves if the Father in heaven was speaking in a spiritual language that appears
to be symbolic and / or literal to highlight something important. For example -
Yahusha said He did not come to bring peace but a sword: yet He said those who live
by the sword shall die by the sword.

While an atheist would seek to assert this as a contradiction - and claim scripture is
not worthy of credence – the theist will ask themselves: What is going on here? And
it becomes evident Yahusha was using a spiritual language that confirms His Words
are like a sword – having the power to separate the sheep (children of light) from the
goats (children of darkness).

Thus, we can see immediately, Yahusha has condemned the atheist who seeks to
assert scripture is not worthy of credence and praised the theist who asked themselves,
„What is going on?‟ The act of ignoring the fact there appears to be a contradiction:
and asking, „What is going on?‟ is the same as allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal truth.

Those who study the scripture (having gleaned the translational errors) grow in the
spirit - and become better equipped to understand the spiritual language of the M ost
High. For example - the words 'children of light' to describe sheep and 'children of
darkness' to describe goats has been added (above) to ensure those who are unfamiliar
with the meaning of the words „sheep‟ and „goats‟ can follow the meaning.

M ost people, who are seeking the Kingdom of God, are already aware of these things.
However, many are aware Yahusha said, 'Do not think that I came to bring peace on
earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword,' (M atthew 10:34) because they have
read scripture and these kinds of verses tend to stick in the mind.

However, few are aware that when He said this, He was also confirming the moment
God said, „And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from
the darkness,' (Genesis 1:4). From this, we can see the language is speaking in terms
of „beginning‟ and „end‟ being the same (the end being a reflection of the beginning)
thus we can see scripture is deeply involved with allegorical references that support
symbolic meaning and literal meaning in the same context.

Here is where it becomes interesting.

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After the M ost High had completed the creation, He declared it was good. That was
until Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit. From this moment - it appears all
the problems, we have seen in the world, have been the result of sin entering the
world, and we should pay particular attention as to how the M ost High has decided to
deal with this situation.

He condemned the serpent (charmer) to become dependent on food for sustenance

saying: 'On your belly you shall go eating the dust of the earth all the days of your
life.' Dust is the food that grows from the earth.

Thus, we can see, in spiritual terms, the M ost High is referring to the flesh that has
entered the creation - because a great transformation took place and thus - the physical
body became a kind of chrysalis for the spirit when the garment of glory was lost.

Adam and Eve realized they were naked, when the garment of glory was lost, and it
was then they felt shame.

The M ost High then cursed Eve by declaring He would increasing the pain of child
birth and told her the result of sin entering the world meant she would become a
servant to another human (who was physically stronger).

The M ost High also cursed the ground, so Adam would become dependent upon it for
sustenance, thus the M ost High is confirming Adam had become of the serpent at this
point. Then, (later) the M ost High reveals the way back to His good graces is the way
Abel was making honourable sacrifice of the things that one holds dear to their heart –
and Yahusha showed us this is done by making oneself a living sacrifice.

Yahusha proved this by laying down His life for His brethren – even though He had
the power to seize the throne of the world – He showed us humility of heart and
obedience to the Word of God is the prerequisite to enter Paradise.

Self-sacrifice is the only way back to paradise and the ability to discern with the heart,
the way children discern, with the heart rather than the eye, is what allows a person to
recognise how to self-sacrifice appropriately. This is why Yahusha said, „Unless you
become as one of these little ones, you will not enter into the Kingdom of God‟.

We must become teachable and let the Holy Spirit guide us in all things.

The question beckons: what is the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil
and how has it lead to death securing power over everyone who came after Adam?

The way to understand this is to look at the life of Yahusha and pay particular
attention to the true definition of 'life'.

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From the physical perspective, Yahusha lived and died then there were witnesses that
claim He rose from the grave. People, who lack faith, often deny the resurrection
because they are seeking answers in the physical and not the spiritual. Here, we are
seeking answers in the spiritual, having identified there is a spiritual language, and it
becomes apparent the definition of 'life', is greatly misunderstood by the world.

Yahusha said, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows M e shall not walk in
darkness, but have the light of life.' (John 8:12). Here we see He is referring to
something called 'the light of life', which hints that 'life' is not of the physical realm. It
is, rather, telling us 'life' is of the spiritual realm.

Yahusha also said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through M e,' (John 14:6), and in another verse He said, „I and the Father are
one and you are in me as I am in the Father‟.

From this, we can see the only way to 'life' eternal, as defined by scripture, is to
become One with the Father through Yahusha, and that requires walking the same
walk as Yahusha from the moment you accept Him to the moment you die in the flesh
or translated (carried away).

Thus, we need to ask ourselves, „How did Yahusha understand the purpose of creation
in order to establish the process of creation for others to enter into paradise?‟

Isaiah 7:15 says, „Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil
and choose the good.‟ Here, we see a reference to 'good and evil', which brings us
back to the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

This means Yahusha would have eaten curds and honey to know to refuse evil and
choose the good but where or what is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The ability to ascertain good and evil may have been something the M ost High asked
us not to have – because we are innocent if we are without knowledge of good and
evil, and the word 'knowledge' is a reference to intimate understanding of something
that determines the make-up of a person rather than being aware of something.

This confirms that, although Yahusha had the ability to ascertain good and evil, He
only chose to have 'knowledge' of good so He would develop the pure characteristics
of good. After He closed the scroll and declared the Kingdom of the Lord had arrived,
He had effectively sealed His character having full knowledge of the M ost High and
His own destiny.

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This means the tree of 'knowledge' of good and evil is the religions that bear the fruit
of either good or evil doctrines that come from scripture – and, as such, the way a
person approaches scripture will determine if they see the good or the evil.

For example, those who seek self-glory are only able to recognise the evil and this
'knowledge' of evil leads to the establishment of false doctrines. This in turn causes
them and their followers to break of the Commandments of God, which is what we
see with the apostate church, having graven images of the crucifixion or M ary and all
the saints (which are false gods of Rome renamed).

The way to combat this is to study the scripture while eating curds and honey so we
too know to refuse the evil and choose the good – just as Yahusha did.

What seems incredible is, the fact we are required to study scripture if we are to
personify the Word of God - yet there is the ever-present danger of defiling the soul if
we fail to approach the scripture with humility. Yahusha did tell us to be careful how
we hear the Word of God.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is religion that allow men to establish
themselves in authority over others whereas the Tree of Eternal Life is the worship of
the Father in spirit and truth – and the doctrines are personified in those who are either
„children of light‟ or „children of darkness‟.

The problem is, as we learn from an early age – we have already developed the ability
to ascertain good and evil – so by the time we look to the Lord (who personified the
truth in scripture) we have already partaken of the Forbidden Fruit and thus in need of
studying the scripture the way Yahusha did. ensure we do not partake of the 'knowledge' of evil.

An explosive example of this 'becoming' good or evil is the doctrine of the trinity that
has a duality in the way it offers, those who are seeking the Kingdom of God, the
opportunity to believe they are striving to be Christ -like (believing Yahusha is the all-
powerful M ost High made flesh or the all-humble Word of God made flesh).

The scripture can be interpreted to let a person choose which one they wish to believe
thus they are able to develop either the characteristics of 'good' (being humble) or
'evil' (being prideful). Thus, the Forbidden Fruit is the result of engaging in studying
scripture and 'becoming' the personification of the 'Word of God' (good) or the
personification of the 'lie of satan' (evil).

M atthew 25:35 - tells us both heaven and earth will pass away and only the Words of
Yahusha will remain.

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The Words of Yahusha, described here, are those who studied the scripture choosing
only the good and not the evil – and there are many who will have the opportunity to
learn the truth under the guidance of the Holy Ones (saints) of Yahusha during the
M illennial Rule of Christ.
The way to combat this is to understand how the Law of God glorifies the Name
of God – when it is fulfilled the way Yahusha fulfilled the Law of God.

Here is another example how the scripture can be observed in one of two ways that
bare the fruit of good or evil:

M atthew 1:18 - Analytical-Literal Translation

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was in this manner: For His mother Mary, having been
promised in marriage to Joseph, before they came together, was found in [the] womb
to have become pregnant of the Holy Spirit.

If we remove the assumption of the figurative meaning that the church asserts this can
either mean:

1) Immaculate conception between a spirit entity and physical person – which is

called incubus (and is also what the modern church asserts).

Or it can mean:

2) Pure conception between man and woman, which was a holy union in spiritual
matrimony before physical matrimony took place.

One way, leads to worshiping the mother as the 'Queen of Heaven' and the child as
'The Father made Flesh' while the other leads to enlightenment of the purpose of
creation, which reveals a path to Paradise.

Only one way leads us back to paradise because it offers insight into the origin of One
and All – thus, the process of creation becomes apparent when we recognise the
difference between the two observations.

Scripture tells us: "I knew you before you were in the womb," thus, we all have a pre-
existing origin that we were with the Father before we were born of water (into the
physical). This, then, shows there is a spiritual birth required to enter the Kingdom of
Heaven (after death) – just as Yahusha spoke of in John 3:8:

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it
comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. (NKJV)

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This verse, in scripture, tells us those who are born of Spirit know where they have
come from and where they are going. This does not deny the divinity of the Christ
Yahusha. It affirms we are in Yahusha as He is in the Father – just as Yahusha said.
Thus, we are required to live as though we are already in the Kingdom of God –
awaiting the return of Yahusha: to usher in the Kingdom of God and we receive our
garments of glory.


The religion of God is one of simplicity where we are to love the Father with all our
hearts, all our minds and all our strength – and this is demonstrated by the way we
love one another in the humility of a Christ-like lifestyle.

I sometimes gasp for air at the desperate ineptit ude people have to grasp this simple
concept when they (priests) claim to be doing the Will of God in servile authority.

There is no such thing as „servile authority‟.

You are either, in authority over others having power, or you are humble with your
brothers and sisters in equality. The words „servile authority‟ is the clothing of the
sheep, worn by the ravenous wolves, which Yahusha warned us against.

You may be able to convince yourself and others you are doing the Will of God when
you set yourself up in authority over others – but the Father will not see it as you see
it: no matter how much scripture you try to twist to justify your claim.

Yahusha told us, not to be as the gentiles who lord it over one another and that is all
there is to it. If you are a priest or bishop or vicar: you need to take stock of your
whole understanding of scripture: because if you think scripture is telling you it is
right to have any person in authority over another – you have either twisted the truth
and / or ignored the obvious.

The truth is (and you know it) you can understand scripture one of two ways. One
way allows us to give glory to the Father the other causes us to give glory to satan
which is usually manifested in the exaltation of the self.

When a person is in authority over another person – satan dwells within them quietly
enjoying the glory they have given him – and judgement is coming to those who
refuse to acknowledge God is the only sovereign Lord. The M ost High gave all
authority to His only begotten Son (Yahusha) – and He walked in humility even unto

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This book can only preach the gospel of repentance while it imparts enlightenment on
the wonders to come – but it is up to you to repent of any lust for authority.

Enoch has revealed many marvels and wonders in heaven but even his books are a
call to repentance of the sinful nature we, all too often, get caught up in.

3 Enoch (The Hebrew Book of Enoch) tells us the names engraved upon the throne of
God will fly off like the seraphim, and other flaming angels, adorned in great majesty
and glory which means the Saints will come from the throne of God ready prepared to
establish the eternal Kingdom of God.

They will come with troops of burning fire – angels – that will remove all the wicked
from the face of the earth. At this time, the angels will come under great pressure to
follow their instruction to the letter – because they too will burn up, if they make any
mistakes, and be replaced by other angels.

3 Enoch confirms this in the following chapter (41) saying letters will go out from the
throne of God to complete the creation.

This means the anointed Saints will have been prepared by Yahusha to ensure nothing
goes wrong – because the wicked will have been removed from the earth and the great
resurrections can begin:

1) The righteous elect in whom there is a bright spring of water.

2) The martyrs who continually petition for vengeance day and night.
3) The sinners who have not had judgement during their lifetime.

The first two are the first resurrection and the third is the resurrection that will come
after the M illennial Rule of Christ – when satan is released from His prison: for the
final hour of all creation – when the Children of Light rise up to Paradise.

Being a man of the cloth does not give you the guarantee you are righteous before the
Father in heaven no more than it gives me (the author) the guarantee I am righteous
before the M ost High. The M ost High only cares to know who loves Him and the only
way a person can demonstrate this love is to remain humble – no matter how much
you are oppressed: because this is the incarnation of Christ in the world.

We are to walk this way of life being in Christ as He is in the Father: because this is
the manifestation of the Hallowed Name of God – and that is the only way to enter the
Kingdom of God.

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Having „servile authority‟ will negate your place in Paradise because the M ost High
will see you as a person who enjoyed having power over others – and that is the
opposite to being humble. It is also the defilement of the Hallowed Name of God.

Worshiping on Sunday (the day of the sun god), which is the first day of the week and
not the seventh day Sabbath. M aking prayers in church – when Yahusha told us not to
pray in public like a hypocrite – along with all the other false doctrines and pagan
festivals the church observe is spiritual fornication: because these activities detach a
person from the creator.

Scripture tells us the Whore of Babylon is the M other of Harlots and is described as
having purple and gold which are the colours of the Roman Catholic Church. We are
told her children will return to her bosom toward the end – which we can see in the
ecumenical movement of all the Christian faith in an attempt to unify the faith.

These kinds of words do not sound flattering – and it is easy to see how people, who
are deeply indoctrinated by the creed of this church, would rather ignore these things
than face up to the fact they have been made clear – the Father in Heaven considers
the worshiping of idols and following pagan practices an abomination.

The truth is – the Christian faith does not know Yahusha as well as it should, but a
time will come when the sheep will receive His Word.

The resurrections listed above are the three chambers where the spirits of the dead are
kept as seen (and described) by Enoch on his travels in heaven.

The fourth chamber contains the spirits of those who will never be resurrected.

4) The sinners who are complete in their transgressions.

These are the people who knew the Laws of God but refused to acknowledge them or
repent when judgement came upon them during their lifetime. Judgement, which
comes upon a person during their lifetime, may include losing a loved one that is
difficult to accept because this causes a person to look introspectively.

M any of us experience this in some way or other.

This is why the scripture refers to the M other of Harlots claims she will never become
a widow. The apostate church is trying to say she will never face judgement.
However, she will be burned up (in one day) as prophesised.

The pressure is on to focus on living a humble life and denying all the doctrines that
cause a person to be unclean before the Lord. You could say this is „the call to get out

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of her‟ now that the world has been made aware how the false doctrines defile the
Hallowed Name of God – the M ost High will not see those who take His Name in
vain (pretend to love God) guiltless.

The names engraved upon the throne of God number 70 which are the seventy nations
upon the face of the earth – but it is unlikely the M ost High would ever have gentiles
engraved upon His throne. Thus, the seventy names will be the lost ten tribes of Israel
(including the Jewish people who are of the house of Judah and Benjamin) who have
been scattered to the four corners of the world.

Thus, the names engraved on the throne of God, as described by Enoch, are the tenth
of the 144,000 that will be taken to the place of safety when the two witnesses appear
in the world. The remainder of the 144,000 will rise up to be with Yahusha as He
returns with all the hosts of heaven and His Saints.

These are the names that are engraved upon the throne of God and they are the
righteous elect in whom there is a bright spring of water. A bright spring of water is
the ability to learn, and teach, wisdom to facilitate the glory of the M ost High, to a
state of manifestation upon the face of the earth.

[Being from Wales: I recognize the name, Barad – one of the Names of the throne of
God – as a Welsh word that means bread, which is the derivative of Bara.]

The religion of God is one of submission to the sovereignty of the M ost High and
hearkening to the Word of God – to be a sheep among wolves: come what may.


There is a lot of speculation regarding the New World Order that seems to be taking
shape these days – but few are aware of the true scale of what is going on here.

The adversary (satan) is aware the universe is written down for destruction and he is
doing everything he can to stop this from happening: while also trying to usurp the
authority of the sovereign Lord.

Obviously, he could never hope to be greater than the M ost High who is beyond this
universe because even satan, having the ability to move between the spiritual and the
physical, cannot go beyond this universe (spiritual / physical realm).

This is why he has declared he will ascend above the stars and set his throne with the
M ost High – because he knows the throne of the M ost High exists in this universe
(spiritual realm).

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However... what satan does not realize is: the great significance of the throne of God
descending into the abyss (physical realm) to complete the creation. This will occur
prior to the abyss being cut off (burned up) after it ascends, back up, to rest in the
centre of Paradise forever.

Before the throne can descend into the abyss though – satan will be placed in chains
for a thousand years, during which time Yahusha and His saints will work toward
ushering in the eternal Kingdom of God while the Father rests.

This, then, means the power structure (Illuminati) set up by men to glorify lucifer will
be turned upside down, and the truth will pierce the all-seeing eye.

It is worth noting where it is the M asonic Order obtained the idea for the truncated
pyramid symbol with the all-seeing eye set floating above the py ramid. They call this
the frustum because (apparently) the sight of it causes those who lust for authority to
become frustrated.

This is most likely because those who lust for authority want absolute power and the
visual representation of the truncated pyramid is telling them this is impossible.
However… if we look to where they obtained the idea – we can begin to understand
why it is they have created this symbol.

The Nag Hammadi Scripture includes a book called Three Forms of First Thought,
which speaks about the foundation of the Aeons and the relationship between the
M other and her offspring: M an. The verses then describe the Word as the hidden light
that becomes the speech – and quotes: It is the eye of the three abiding entities, which
exists as voice from thought and it is the source of everything.

This is quite profound and it is easy to see where the M asonic Order got the idea for
the all-seeing eye – as a symbol for the Illuminati – because the verse goes on to say:
It was sent to illumine those in darkness.

The problem here is the M asonic Order have devised this from a worldly perception
of what the Nag Hammadi is trying to say and as such they are ignorant of the truth.

Given the fact the Nag Hammadi also tells us: the powers were shocked because they
discover, their „entire ascent has been destroyed, and the path upon which they go,
which takes them up to the chief creator of their birth, is no longer steady for them,‟
we can see: they have made critical errors in their understanding of scripture.

The Illunimati have set the eye above the truncated pyramid because they believe the
pyramid is divinely appointed and the eye is all-seeing because God sees everything.

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This is why they are seeking ways to devise ever more elaborate ways to set cameras
in our homes: so they can create the delusion of being God who is all-seeing – having
read the passages in the Nag Hammadi which refers to the three deities (God Head) as
an eye which looks down upon all mankind.

However… this is not what the Nag Hammadi is describing.

They have set this symbol in place because they believe the illuminated man has the
divine right to rule over those who are in darkness. How often have kings declared
they have the divine right to rule?

This is vanity of vanity speaking in arrogance and ignorance of the truth because they
(the M asonic Order) want us to believe we ar e not of the light and we are separate:
thus they – who claim to be in the light – take upon themselves the authority to
subject all of mankind to their will.

All of scripture testifies to the way the ineffable light, which is the eye of the three
abiding deities (God Head), is within man. This then means there is no pyramid –
truncated or otherwise – because we all have the light within us.

…and the only way to nurture the light (to grow within the soul) is to repent of sin
and overcome in the Name of God as Yahusha did in the wilderness which is to walk
in humility of heart and not haughtiness of heart.

This particular verse in the Nag Hammadi is telling us to hear the still quiet voice
within which is thought that reveals truth – Word of God: so we may become of the
Word of God as Yahusha was the Word of God – because only the Words of Yahusha
will remain when this heaven and earth passes away .

This is the Holy Spirit (or the Paraklete), which Yahusha said He would send after He
arose to be with the Father in heaven.


In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.

This simple opening line tells us God isn‟t just beyond the physical realm of earth,
residing in the spiritual realm of heaven. He is also beyond the spiritual realm of the
spiritual heaven too.

When we look at M atthew 24:35: we see that the heaven and the earth, God created in
the beginning will pass away. This means the seven days of creation will come to a
full conclusion and we, being (of) the Word of God – which are the words of

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Yahusha, will enter into the eighth day which we are told no one knows anything
about – only the Father in heaven. However, Enoch told us the days would be without
end in righteousness after that – so we do have some insight into what will come.

M atthew 24:35 has been previously seen as the moment when Yahusha returns but
this is an error on the part of theologians because He is clearly saying both heaven and
earth will pass away and then He says in M atthew 24:36 „concerning‟ that day and
hour (which is the eighth day after the seven days of creation) no one knows – not the
angels or the Son of M an but only the Father in heaven.

I am not concerned with explaining when Yahusha will return here because He has
stated those who are spiritually asleep will be surprised by His return – so it is your
personal responsibility to study this in order to know the moment for yourself.

There are plenty of indicators for you to develop a sense of confidence regarding this;
starting with the festivals of the Lord but I am not allowed to divulge this information.
What I am attempting to do here (now) is highlight the situation so people can be
aware of the war that is going on between satan and the M ost High.

This war is not just spiritual in nature. The adversary, satan, is trying t o thwart the
great plan of the M ost High to cultivate children for His coming kingdom – and the
scope of this great war is almost as unfathomable as the depths of the whole universe.

Scripture tells us lucifer (the serpent – which means charmer) was filled with pride
and declared he would ascend above the stars of heaven to be like the M ost High.

A fair question would be to ask: Why? By the way… I deliberately use lower case
with satan or lucifer etc because he (the devil) is not worthy of any honor – besides it
grates him.

OK… so why did satan make such a foolish declaration?

Scripture tells us – two things may have caused this to happen:

1) God declared man would, someday, be greater than the angels.

2) The Sons of God (angels) lusted after the daughters of men.

If satan was filled with pride – this would account for him being unable to accept the
plan that God wants man to be greater than the angels someday – and it would be easy
to see how he took advantage of the angels lust for the daughters of men to rally a
rebellion against God.

The devil knows he is doomed because he has declared his intention to ascend above

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the stars (angels) of heaven to be like the M ost High and he has but a short time to
achieve this because he has been kicked out of heaven.

He is still free to move to and fro upon the face of the earth (in this abyss – which is
this heaven and earth) looking for people who are willing to do his bidding to destroy
God‟s great plan – and he is subtle: just as God told us. He has set in place many false
religions that appeal to the weak of faith and even to the strong of faith – depending
on their level of haughtiness.

We can see this when we look at how religions in the world facilitate faith:

Paganism is based on nature (seen) and will appeal to those who have a weak faith.

S atanism is based on elitism (dominion over the flesh) which is what the senses
perceive and will appeal to those who have a medium to strong faith in the unseen.

Buddhism (which has evolved to New Age S piritualism) is based on the physical
universe having consciousness – the consciousness being spirit – which will appeal to
those who have either a strong or weak faith but they are unable to accept the creator
and His Commandments.

Modern Christianity is based on the ancient religion of M ithra which focuses on the
virgin birth of a divine savior and thus allows the strong of faith and weak of faith to
worship a graven image of the crucifix and / or the virgin mother along with m any
other false doctrines that defile the spirit.

Islam and Judaism are both based on laws which allow priests, rabbis and clerics to
establish hierarchies among those who are strong of faith and weak of faith.

The rabbis (of Israel) have used the Law of God to their own advantage in order to
establish themselves in authority. This was the issue Yahusha had with them.

This is something atheists have picked up on to try and claim the moral high ground
because they can see the hierarchies are wrong. However: they (being weak of faith)
are denying the creator and do not realize the Father in heaven does not endorse
hierarchies among His children.

Atheism is based on weakness of faith because the people who claim they are atheist
place their belief in science demanding evidence.

Hinduism is similar to Modern Christianity in the way it allows both the strong and
weak of faith to worship graven images of their revered trinity gods.

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Yahusha never endorsed any of these religions (other than the covenant the M ost
High had with Israel which allows a person to circumcise the heart) because they all
defile the Hallowed Name of God. Yahusha kept the Laws of God and observed the
divinely appointed feasts of the Lord and walked in the faith of being sealed in the
glory of the Father after death.

Our savor was an eternal blood sacrifice whereas we are the eternal living sacrifice as
endorsed by the savior and the way He walked in righteousness before the M ost High.

He recognized the purity of the Law of God and how it was given that we may glorify
the Hallowed Name of the Father in heaven and took pains to expose the evil of those
who use the laws of God to establish hierarchies among the flock. He fulfilled His
destiny and this is what a Child of God should seek to emulate – so they may return to
the original estate of Adam and Eve (before the fall).

This is explained above as: The Process of Creation.

These false religions show how satan has worked to undermine the great plan and we
will examine further how he achieves this which will explain why he is striving to
destroy God‟s plan. He knows if people are following false religions they will not be
allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God – so it stands to reason why there is so
much confusion regarding this very issue.

Here we must recognize the depth of what satan is facing to understand what he is
doing and why he is doing what he is doing. This chapter starts by showing the dual
aspect of reality and the fact the Father in heaven actually dwells beyond the realms
of both heaven and earth.

This means satan is trapped within the seven day creation because we know that both
heaven and earth will pass away and only Yahusha‟s Words (those who keep the faith
of the risen Lord and the Commandments of God) will enter into the eighth day.

This means satan is doomed and, given the fact God has refused his petition for a
pardon, as revealed by Enoch, he has no choice but to scupper the great plan so God
has little or no one to enter into the eighth day after the seven day creation has ended.

His only hope is that the Father In heaven will have to start all over again – so he can
stop heaven and earth from passing away . This is the real war objective of satan.

Here is the problem he is faced with:

satan and his fallen angels (demons) have no genitalia thus they have no power of
pro-creation or personal ability to experience lusts of the flesh – other than to enter

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into an individual and feast on their sensual carnal desires through the medium of
spiritual possession.

Scripture tells us they took the daughters of men to be their wives – thus we can see
they have genetically modified people through the centuries to improve their ability
and opportunity to dwell within their minds in order to maximize their ability to feast
on the sensual desires of the flesh.

The people that are created from this are called Nephilim and the spirit that dwells
within them are described by Yahusha as unclean. They are unclean and subject to the
demons that enter within to experience the sensual desires of the flesh.

The demons do this successfully with the ones they have genetically modified to their
requirements – which they achieved by maintaining a blood line of kings to pervert
the genetic coding of the DNA as it was replicated through the millennia.

However, they also try to enter into the minds of those not genetically modified and
establish what scripture calls a garrison. This is called demonic possession and
requires exorcism to remove the unclean spirit.

One of the ways they achieve establishing a garrison is to subject a person to intense
trauma especially when they are a young child because they are most susceptible to
this process when they are young. Science has recognized the young mind creates an
amnesic barrier within the mind to cordon off the experience / memory when it is
placed under intense trauma – such as sexual abuse.

This, then, creates a garrison where demons can dwell for years before they decide to
use the person as a vessel to continue their evil intentions. The only way we can
defend ourselves from this – is to (have Yahusha as our Lord and Savior and) enter
into prayer whenever we feel temptation rear its ugly head. Study of scripture will
also assist in keeping satan at bay – and the words:

“In the Name of Yahusha, I command all evil to depart from me.”

Temptation is the most common method satan will use to assess a person for possible
possession for his demons – so you need to keep your guard up at all times. Scripture
describes sin as crouching at the door and its desire is to have you. This means it‟s up
to you to master your own ways (with the help of Yahusha and the Holy Spirit).

When entering into meditation and prayer take care to ensure you ask Yahusha to
protect you from demons entering into your mind – because meditation is an
invitation to the spirits to enter and reveal the deeper wisdom of the creator.

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M editation is the process by which you empty your mind to allow spirits to enter into
you so it is wise to make sure only the angels (Holy Spirit) enter. The Holy Spirit
(angels) will depart after they have done what they need to do. Demons will seek
ways to garrison themselves inside so they can stay (uninvited) within you.

The demons are in their abyss (in the heavenly realm) and their only means of escape
is to garrison themselves within the mind of those who invite them in.

Remember – Yahusha has told us we can only know about heaven and earth (which is
the dual reality of the spiritual and physical) at this moment in time because the eighth
day remains unknown to all except the Father in heaven. Thus it is important to know
the limit of what one can learn – in order to make sure we cannot be deceived by the
self and / or others – be they spiritual or physical.

You have a physical presence in reality so you can develop the spirit within – not to
be wholly spirit but perfectly balanced between physical and spirit in truth. This is
when you are ready to be sealed in the Hallowed Name of God the way Yahusha was.

The objective is to purify yourself in both the spiritual and physical – which requires
living a life that is devoid of sexual immorality – be it spiritual (sexual immorality) or
physical (sexual immorality).

Lusting after others and fornication is sexual immorality (in the physical) and the
practicing of false doctrines, which Yahusha refers to as eating food sacrificed to
idols, is sexual immorality (in the spiritual).

…and satan is working flat-out to cause the whole world to be defiled and unclean
before the M ost High.

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Here is the message of the scripture for all to see. I have written them in first person -
but the glory belongs to God for only the Father in heaven is good.
Behold, I am that I am have created you to be as I am in eternity but you have failed
to respect the responsibility that comes with being as I am. It was for this reason I
took the memory of you from you and made you to be as parents so you may come to
respect the responsibility that comes with being as I am.
Whenever you feel joy or sadness as a result of your children being obedient or
disobedient you share the same joy and sadness I feel when you are obedient or
disobedient - even unto death. I am your father - call no one - but me - father that you
may know how to respect the responsibility (keep the commandments) th at comes
with being as I am.
Then we shall walk together as equals in eternity - and to prove my sincerity - I shall
send my son so you may come to remember who you are and know all I say is true.
Behold, I have sent my Son to teach you how to respect the responsibility that comes
with being as I am. My Son has shown you how to walk with me as an equal and his
words are clear for you to know:
1) If you do things 'to' others you are subject to the law.
2) If you do things 'for' others you are not subject to the law.
The flesh is not where you dwell and thus you are as I am when you love others as
you love yourself. The blood of my Son gives you the opportunity to learn this truth
and as you raise yourself to walk in my ways - you will become a living being born of
spirit who Glorifies my Hallowed Name.
A day will come when I am that I am shall walk among you as an equal because my
Son has worked through the recent centuries to find overcomers to be as saints who
have already come to know these things and lived their lives according to my ways.
The time is drawing near - and you are all my beloved children in whom I look
forward to being with soon.

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Revelation 13:18 - King James Version

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it
is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.

What is the Number of the Beast?

What is certain here is – there is a mark that identifies those who have accepted the
ways of satan called: the M ark of the Beast.

The physical mark allows people to survive like a kind of license.

The spiritual mark separates the goats from the sheep.

...and it is important to clarify these.

Revelation implies (quite strongly in verse 13:17) the number, the mark and the name
are the same - yet different.

This can be categorized under: attitude.

For example – a person who accepts a physical mark is a person who will have the
attitude they need the system (set up by men) to survive whereas a person who has the
attitude they do not need the system (set up by men) will not accept the mark.

Kingdom of Truth has spent several years trying to help people see the unutterable
Hallowed Name of God is visible in the way we love one another in Christ (which
was defined by the way Yahusha loved us) and that is only revealed when there is no
presence of any kind of hierarchy or power structure in society. If the name of the
M ost High is observed in this way – it is only natural to assume the name of the beast
is the exact opposite.

The pyramidal equations show how the number six is the common denominator of the
base calculation. The pyramid is the visible name of satan in society – thus we see
they have appeared throughout history from Ancient Egypt to the modern dollar note.

Thus, the mark, the name and the number are all associated with the same thing - the
acceptance (or establishment) of power structure in one's life as a means to survive
without a faith in the M ost High – which is to be dependent upon physical sustenance
/ nourishment such as food and possessions – worldly wealth.

Just as the Father requires us to be baptized we can see there is a time when one is

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learning and preparing themselves to accept the Father and walk in the righteous ways
of the M ost High.

The correct wording of baptism is: 'I baptize you into the Name of the Father the Son
and the Holy Spirit' - and not 'I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the
Holy Spirit'.

The difference is: 'into' and 'in' which means 'into' is accepting a person into a way of
life without the assertion of authority over the person whereas the other 'in' is when a
church leader is asserting their authority over the person to accept them into their way
of life (doctrines). It is important to identify the difference between the ways of the
Father (which is without hierarchy) and the ways of satan (which is the acceptance of

Notice the phrase 'acceptance of hierarchy'.

This is because the M ost High and His Word (Yahusha) has made it clear there is to
be no hierarchy in the Kingdom of God'. When scripture speaks of God appointing
kings – it is because Israel demanded a king and the M ost High only agreed to this to
let people see that even when He appoints one – things will go wrong.

Thus, He is not saying hierarchy is acceptable. Where am I going with this?

Hierarchy and power structure in the visible name of satan in the world and accepting
it by means of marks or numbers is the same. The only thing is, Revelation says
people will be deceived into accepting these. Well… the whole world has (already)
been duped into thinking we cannot function without hierarchy – and most people will
argue we must have it to avoid chaos: oblivious of the fact: Israel functioned quite
well without it before they had a king for decades.

This is the reason why satan is desperate to destroy Israel.

Remove Israel and we lose the ability to see a people: who stood as a testimony (a
witness to the truth) we can function as a society without hierarchy and that would
mean satan has won the war to assert his authority over all of mankind and the angels.

What will the physical mark be like?

Previously… we discussed how the mark is prepared by the angels – but it is probable
the beast will also issue an identifying mark (given the fact governments have a thirst
for tagging people).

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This will, most likely, be a tattoo that has ink which is technologically able to do the
same as the chip. The people will, no doubt, not be told the ink has this ability – thus
they will be fooled into thinking the mark (which may be a cross) is the mark of God
when it is, in fact, a pagan symbol of an ancient Babylonian (false) god.

How many people think Yahusha was crucified on a cross (even though scripture
clearly states he was crucified on a 'stauros' which means stake or pole). The whole
world is (already) deceived more than it realizes.

The spiritual mark will be given to those who accept the physical mark because the
physical mark is like a baptism into the ways of satan.

...and many would be quite willing to accept a tattoo of a cross to be able to buy and
sell goods – in this world. Christians would be thinking the cross is a symbol of their
saviour totally oblivious of its true meaning. The spiritual mark may be simply the
way a person lacks illumination in the heavenly realm or the way they glow a
particular colour in heaven.

The spiritual mark will be placed on a person who accepts the physical mark of the
beast – just as the Lord accepts those He calls His own through baptism.

Baptism is the outward declaration of one's loyalty to the M ost High. Accepting the
mark of the beast (in the form of a tattoo or chip) is the outward declaration of one's
loyalty to the rule of satan – even if it is unintended. Accepting hierarchy and power
structure that sets one man above another is accepting the name of satan and his ways.

Here is a simplified explanation:

The Hallowed Name of God is observed in the way we love one another in Christ –
which is in equality with no danger of anyone raising themselves above another.
Therefore, it stands to reason that any hierarchy or power structure is the visible
presence of the unholy name of satan. If you look at the equations for a pyramid – the
number below the denominator is 6.

That is one six and not the 666 as mentioned in Revelation.

Therefore, the number 666 means three hierarchies have been set in place:

1) The government (False Prophet)

2) The religions (anti-Christ)
3) The military (Beast)

Below is a breakdown of these three hierarchical structures:

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One – The Government (False Prophet)

The government (which include businesses) make predictions and forecasts, like a
prophet, and make the promise of brighter futures during campaigns and sales pitches,
which, often lead to disappointments.

Two – The Religions (anti-Christ)

The anti-Christ is the false religion because religion is a way of life which is supposed
to be teaching humility but the false religions (from Christianity to Islam) teach the
exact opposite – lust for power: because their doctrines encourage the establishment
of hierarchy. Proof of this is the way we see many denominations who all seek to
assert their understanding of truth as correct: when they are nothing more than
adaptations of the same doctrines – with slight variations.

Those who proclaim M ary is not the Queen of Heaven may continue to assert the Son
is the Father and so on. The fact remains : those who have set up a church to assert
their understanding of scripture have exalted themselves: confident the M ost High has
sanctioned it – even though Yahusha told us directly not to be as the gentiles who lord
it over one another.

M uslims think M uhammad is a righteous leader even though he murdered hundreds of

thousands of people and abused children claiming – the divine reward for killing
infidels – in the Name of God – is sex with virgins.

No M uslim can show how M uhammad glorified the M ost High; indeed, they have no
way to understand how the M ost High is glorified. Islam practices Ramadan once a
year while true Christians constantly practice self-sacrifice every day.

The problem between the two – given their relationship is deeply entrenched in blood
– is: they both fall short of the M ost High in having men set in authority over other
men: and when the visible signs of sin shows – they point the finger at one another
claiming they are righteous.

Neither is righteous as long as they have hierarchies and power structures that esteem
one man above another – and their doctrines facilitate spiritual fornication:

1. M uslims are angered when they see all the idols (graven images) of M ary
and the crucifix in the Christian churches.

2. Christians are (often) appalled by the laws in Islam – because they exalt one
man above another and exert Islamic rule.

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It is perfectly understandable they feel this way because they are right. God does not
want idols (graven images) or laws that exalt men – so neither has the right to judge
the other when they should get their own houses in order. I should mention I have met
wonderful Islamic people just as I have met wonderful Christian people – so these
issues are often the domain of extremists – who are expressing the core of their faith.

God said in Genesis 12:2, „I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors
you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.‟

God said this to Abram (Abraham) before he had any children: thus we are to bless
one another and stop arguing (and killing) one another – even if it is in the Name of
God – because the descendants of Abraham are M uslim, Jewish and Christian (the
Lost Ten Tribes of Israel).

The Commandments of God are common sense laws that do not allow anyone to exalt
themselves: one above another. In fact, they are specifically written to avoid such
things – so we should keep them as He intended them to be kept (in the heart).

Israel will have to acknowledge Yahusha did glorify the M ost High soon because they
need a righteous leader to assure their eternal glory is secure in Paradise.

As for the many false religions in the world (who worship satan or multi-deities): they
preach spiritual fornication which allows people to assert themselves or their leaders
as gods on earth who dwell among men.

This may sound harsh – but the truth is: all world has been deceived by satan – so my
heart is hurting for the world who confound the truth: whether intentionally or
unintentionally. Even as I write these things, my heart is breaking because I hope
everyone comes to eternal life in the truth – that was revealed: in the life, death and
resurrection of Yahusha.

Three – The M ilitary (The Beast)

Revelation often uses the beast to describe all three because the one (anti-Christ) who
is set above all three hierarchies will be a dark warrior: who lusts for bloodshed and
constantly covets war upon the face of the whole earth.

I see no need to expand on this because everyone can see for themselves war is wrong
– even though many seem to think it is justifiable to assert the rule of one nation over
another – as we see in the news these days.

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We are, often, lead to believe military action is due to rooting out some perceived evil
– but the truth is: the evil is only a manifestation of those who want to be in authority
over others: just like the people who claim to be going to war want to assert their own
authority – culture - etc.

The only difference is... perception.

One man‟s freedom fighter is another man‟s terrorist – regardless of who is fighting
who, we only have our own perception to judge if a nation (leader) and their laws are
right or wrong and the media (on both sides) will propaganda the truth to justify war.

The problem is not „which nation (or leader) is evil or good‟ but the fact there are
people who want to assert their rule over others. Everything comes down to lust for
authority because all the problems in this world are attributed to this single point.

The lust for authority is (potentially) in everyone and this book is written to tell the
whole world to repent – and turn to the M ost High with a loving heart.


If we look at the world we live in, it is easy to see how even the third world countries
(with under-developed economies) are encouraged to follow the pattern established by
the more „advanced‟ countries which scripture refers to as the King of the North.

If we stand back from the whole situation (of current affairs) we can see the countries
that offer most resistance to the culture of the King of the North are the M uslim
nations in the M iddle East which the scripture refers to as the King of the South.

The nations that are not from the seed of Abraham such as Russia, China, India etc,
are referred to as the Gentiles.

The lost ten tribes of Israel have moved across the world to populate the four corners
of the world – which include Northern Europe, Britain, Canada and America even
including Australia. Genesis chapters 48 and 49 give us a definitive description of the
geographic location of all the sons of Jacob (Israel) and scripture also tells us the lost
tribes moved North West from their captivity.

Thus, we can be quite sure where the lost tribes are. When we look at the prophecies
in scripture we see verification of this in the text that describes political and world
affairs through history.

The Book of Daniel speaks about the King of the North and the King of the South,
who never find amenity even until the Day of the Lord, are constantly goading each

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other and if we look at the world we see this is being played out on all the news
channels whenever they speak of the war on terror.

From the west countries – King of the North – point of view the M uslims (they call
radicals for political correctness) are organizing and executing attacks on people from
the west and they do not discriminate if they hurt other M uslims in the process.

From the M iddle East‟s – King of the South – point of view: the Christians (they call
infidels who defile their sacred religious laws) are threatening their power base when
they wage war to establish their cultural ways.

The King of the South also gives scathing attacks on Israel from time to time knowing
the land (and its people) is (are) the jewel of the King of the North.

What is important to understand here is there is a culmination of the enmity between

the seeds of righteousness and the seed of satan being played out even as the M ost
High proclaimed in Genesis this war would continue through the ages until the end.

This does not mean radical M uslims or Christian infidels are classified as righteous or
unrighteous – but, rather, there is a spirit of enmity between the two kings and we
need to take note of what is going on because neither side are righteous until they both
accept the M ost High has brought this conflict to bear as a witness to His greatness –
and they submit themselves to the „truth‟ revealed in Yahusha.

Yahusha is the only one worthy to be King of kings and while the world continues to
wage war to decide who has the right to rule one over another – the prophecies will all
pass without flaw.

…and scripture is full of examples that are verifiable.

What‟s interesting here is the way this enmity, between the two seeds has, simmered
through the ages: right up to this modern day which is now a conflict (war) that we
see being played out on our television screens.

After satan beguiled Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit and Adam joined her – the
M ost High declared the enmity that would come between the two seeds:

1) Seed of the woman (the righteous or children of light).

2) Seed of satan (the unrighteous or children of darkness).

The first incident was the murder of Abel which was followed by the birth of Seth
after the M ost High sent Cain (the murderer) to the Land of Nod. The Land of Nod is
a reference to the sleep in death which tells us Cain was removed from the presence of

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Adam and Eve, when he was doomed to roam the earth with a mark upon him to
ensure he would not be murdered himself.

This is telling us the M ost High promised the spirit of Cain would continue, after Cain
had died, to dwell in those who came after him – so the Father could keep check of
this evil spirit and (use its presence, in the world, as He saw fit to effect a change in
those He wanted to call unto himself). Indeed, we see that true martyrdom (of those
who are murdered for the sake of Christ) do bring people to the Father and seek
answers; as we saw during the times the Christians were being fed to the lions.

The more the Romans killed Christians in the arena, the more people would convert to
Christianity. This is why Constantine decided to revamp Christianity to ensure the
religion of Paganism would continue under the guise of a Christian faith. This allowed
the Christian faith (having been apostatized with Pagan doctrines) to be legalized as a
formal religion in Rome.

After Seth was born (and Cain was sent away to ensure he was not murdered) we see
the two seeds begin to flourish and even though the righteous seed had many children
– we see the world becomes filled with wickedness and the M ost High only found
grace in one person called Noah.

This tells us the righteous seed is easily perverted by false doctrines and evil ways.

At this point we are told that the M ost High is grieved sorely and He decided to
destroy everything on the face of the earth – but wanted Noah and his family to
survive with seven clean and two unclean (pairs of) animal species to continue life
upon the face of the earth.

This means the seed of satan (spirit of evil) is a powerful force when it has nothing to
keep it in check – because it can cause the whole world to become iniquitous and full
of wickedness: even when there is a person who is pleading with people to repent.

This person was Noah – because he was a preacher in his day. Anyway…

The seed of satan (spirit of evil) survived in one of his sons called Ham because soon
after him Nimrod was born and this is the person who is responsible for all the false
religions we have in the world – even unto this day – because he travelled far and
wide to teach all the demonic doctrines we see in all the false religions today.

Egypt called him Isis II and developed their religion and culture upon this.

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China has a legend about a man (priest) who travelled the world with a very hairy
man claiming mankind was descended from monkeys and he would showcase t he
hairy man, who was with him, to highlight his point.

Nimrod is the first king who built the tower of Babel high into the heavens to assert
his authority as king of the world – and this is why the M asonic Order (Illuminati)
worships him to this day.

However, Nimrod was killed by Esau (Jacob‟s twin brother) who took the apron he
wore as a trophy of the garment God made for Adam in the Garden of Eden. This tells
us the Illuminati (who are the type and shadow of the tower of Babel along with the
apron regalia they wear) will be overthrown by the descendants of Esau – filtered with
M uslims – at some time in the future. This may well be the reference in the Book of
Daniel when the King of the North was hurled down, and no one will help him when
he is destitute.

Nimrod is also depicted as having „permanent erectile syndrome‟ with a large club –
in a chalk outline within the fields of Folkstone (England).

Thus, it is easy to see how one single person has travelled the world to establish the
various pagan religions which seem to share the same theme of sexual immorality and
(often) child sacrifice.

By the time of Abraham, who was Noah‟s great grandson, God decided to establish a
righteous plant in the world so He approached Abram, who showed the guts to st and
against idol worship, and told him he would become the father of many nations and
changed his name to Abraham.

This is when we see the birth of the two kings mentioned in the Book of Daniel
because, ultimately, one would become the King of the South (Ishmael – the first born
of Hagar the Egyptian maidservant of Abraham) and the other would become the
King of the North (Isaac – the first born of Sarah the lawful wife of Abraham).

Isaac begat twins Esau and Jacob with Rebecca and Jacob, being the second born who
was clutching Esau by the heel, acquired both the first -born birthrights and the
blessings of his father before he became Israel and fathered the twelve tribes of Israel.

The M ost High established an everlasting covenant with the descendants of Israel and,
after a relationship – that can only be described as thwart with bewildering arguments
and disappointment, with kings such as David and Solomon, the prophesy of a
messiah came to pass when Yahusha reclaimed the throne of David as High Priest.

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I say reclaimed the throne because God declared the descendants of Jehoiakim (the
descendant of King David) would never sit on the throne – Re. Jeremiah 36:29 – but
Yahusha, having lived a humble life and offered himself up as a blood-sacrifice, all
curses were effectively lifted: so the throne became His after He rose from the grave.

Thus… while Israel are the chosen people of God the Jewish people should pay close
attention to the fact all twelve tribes will be sealed as saints on the great Day of the
Lord and not just the House of Judah because Yahusha is their eternal sovereign king
anointed by God.

The location of the King of the North has moved away from the Israel because the
tribes of Ephraim (Britain) and M anasseh (America) are the ones who have the power
as promised by the M ost High to Joseph.

However… their future is not assured because they have allowed strangers to weaken
their glory (immigration issues) and they have caused their beauty to fade before the
eyes of the Lord so: the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim (Britain) will be
trodden underfoot. Isaiah 28:3.

…and this is because the blessings they have received through the centuries have been
squandered when they allowed the Laws of God to be overthrown by the traditions of
false doctrines and laws of man.

In the modern day – the war is being waged on many fronts:

When a child is born in the provinces of the King of the North – he / she is subjected
to an overwhelming storm of lies designed to indoctrinate the child with the idea they
own the truth and they have the right to decide what is right or wrong for themselves.

This is where all the problems in society (of the King of the North) spring from and
they are a deliberate attempt – by satan – to continue the war between the seeds.

For example:

The moment a child is born he / she is showered with many gifts. Then… every year:
they receive more gifts for birthdays and something called Christmas. Now, I‟m not
saying we should deprive children of toys but we need to understand what is going on
with this whole thing and the effect this tradition is having on children.

By showering a child with gifts and telling them a fairytale about some fat, white
bearded, man in a red suit who flies around in a sledge pulled by reindeers – which is
a blatant lie – people are igniting the lust for possessions within their children and this
is then re-enforced with continued gifts each birthday (and Christmas for as long as

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the lie can be sustained) until they are indoctrinated with the notion they must attain
good grades in school to get a good job to get the things they want – blah, blah, blah.

Society then makes this such a high priority – setting the pressure to max – that many
students have actually committed suicide when they got low grades.

I was shocked when I heard some of my own school friends had committed suicide
purely because they had insufficient grades. My own grades were laughable so I was
bewildered they would actually kill themselves. Anyway…

This lust for possessions becomes the love of money by the time they leave school
and this “love of money” is the root of all evil. It allows satan (the devil) to establish
the hierarchies of power through the concerted effort of directing those he can dwell
within toward a one world government where he is as the top.

…and to make matters worse – satan is also constantly training recruits by utilizing a
method of establishing a foothold within the minds of people as and when they are
sexually abused as children.

The M asonic Order (Illuminati) have made it known to the world they fully intend
establishing a one world government called the New World Order and they show this
as a truncated pyramid with an all-seeing eye elevated above it as their logo (symbol).

What people do not know is the eye represents the anal of a child and the M asonic
Order are under the sickened delusion they attain the power to enter other dimensions
as gods when they sodomize a child. They call this the „Royal Secret‟ – so this
information is desperately dangerous to go public for these people – oops.

Of course, they don‟t care about the spiritual or physical health of the children they
abuse to achieve self-gratification.

They only care to achieve a heightened state of orgasm and in doing so – they are
causing the child to experience a mental trauma (amnestic shock) which causes their
mind to create an amnesic barrier where the unclean spirits of demons can establish a
foothold and garrison themselves in the physical reality.

This does not mean every child that is sexually abused is evil – far from it – but there
will be a place where demons can dwell within them if they do not address the bad
memories (the abuser created) and destroy the garrison within their mind.

I use the word „garrison‟ because this is the kind of terminology scripture uses to
describe what satan (the devil) does to establish a presence in the physical world.

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This isn‟t something that is exclusive to the M asonic Order (Illuminati) because the
sickening phenomena is spreading like wild-fire due to the fact the age of puberty has
slowly been lowered through the centuries to ensure children become sexualized at an
ever younger age. The adversary (satan) is striving to destroy the opportunity for
purity to flourish in the world by reducing the age a person becomes aware of sex.

If a child is defiled sexually (by an abuser or their own lust) the purity of their whole
being has been destroyed – and they are denied the opportunity to everlasting life in
Paradise. This is why the M ost High sent His Son to afford grace by the shedding of
His blood – we have the opportunity to be purified.

What exasperates the problem further is modern society has legalized things like adult
pornography, which causes people to degrade into ever more perverse iniquity before
the M ost High and the law (of man) is unable to keep up with the pace because the
law itself is contributing to the problem.

In modern society: the police are pursuing child abusers under the illusion they are the
sole cause of child abuse when the truth is: society „as a whole‟ is responsible because
the law on sexual immorality has been relaxed to the point we see television programs
dedicated toward the subject on the increase, movies glamorize sex and the internet is
a vast database of pornography. This is eroding all of society into a lulled sense of
acceptance sexual immorality is moral.

…and children are noticing these things.

To add salt to the wound, there are the television advertisements of naked children in
a bath (selling shampoo) or children in swimming bathers (selling yogurt) that often
seem cleverly positioned during sexually motivated programs and movies. It‟s as if
the world is subliminally feeding the subconscious with a constant image of children
while viewers are being sexually stimulated under the pretence of socially acceptable
attitudes toward sexual immorality.

The Law of God is clear on the subject and Yahusha told us if we lust after another
we have already committed sin in the heart. There is no way to attain meaningful
answers when you engage a sinful nature. The whole thing is a trap designed to
ensnare a person who will constantly seek answers when there are no answers.

This is why it is called: „The Mystery of Iniquity‟.

Few people are able to see this before they are ensnared and as such: they were able to
recognize what satan is doing to defile the Name of God, by slowly eroding the
attitude toward sexual morality: with the clever use of subliminal provocation on
television which has a captive audience eager to have programs that dull the senses.

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M ost people do not notice these things – but they are happening – and now that you
have read it here you will begin to notice this more and more: but you cannot allow
yourself to become angry with this because society , as a whole, has made the mistake
of relaxing the law on adultery to the point where it seems not only right to pursue
sexual conquest but a cultural right-of-passage for young people.

These are the visible signs of reality starting to unravel at the seams because society is
totally convinced it is doing what is right within the only law they recognize. They
know their situation is getting worse by the minute as they work in vain to catch those
who have been ensnared but they (the police) are failing to recognize the real problem
is attitude toward sex as a whole.

God wants man and woman to be made one in the purity of truth so the creation can
continue to exist in eternal love. This can only be achieved if purity is sanctified in the
world but it appears this purity is systematically being destroyed because children are
being sexualized by an immoral society – which has illegitimate laws.

The act of pro-creation (as divinely decreed) is something that must remain a mystery.

The subject of „husband and wife‟ and the way they express their love should remain
within the bedchamber – or else the sanctity of marriage will be prostituted. Thus…
we must return to the Father and accept His laws (all His laws) if we are to stop this
problem – of sexual immorality – escalating the way it is.

A judge in Africa recently passed a law that legalized child sex, bringing the age of
consent down to twelve and there are only two reasons why this happened:

1) The M asonic Order (Illuminati) want to establish the means by which they
can legally sustain a child sex industry in the world

Please note: one year later, we see charities being set up to support children
who are victims of a child sex industry in Africa.

2) The judge believed the increasing problem of children demanding sex could
only be addressed by legalizing it.

The residents of Africa were naturally appalled by this decision and quite
rightly so – because there is no excuse for allowing child sex to prevail.

This book has highlighted the reason why children are becoming advanced in their
awareness of sex is because the laws of man are inadequate in dealing with the issue –

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thus: the lawmakers have no authority to discuss an age for sexual consent, even when
they consider raising the age of sexual consent – to appear legitimate.

The age of sexual consent is an affront to the Law of God because society has a legal
age of marital consent and thus: the law regarding sexual consent is specifically aimed
at those who practice all manner of sexual immorality. There should be no legislation
stipulating a specific age of sexual consent because sexual consent outside of
marriage is a transgression of the Law of God.

The age of marital consent is sufficient to determine this issue because the sanctity of
marriage should not be prostituted. Therefore, sexual immorality (including all forms
of sexual provocation) should be made illegal because God says it is a transgression
of His Laws – and the Laws of God are not subject to debate or change.

Revelation tells us the angels declare the iniquity has reached up to heaven and this is
the very thing it is speaking of – so society needs to address the perverse attitude it
has toward sexual morality.

…and stop sexualizing children.

The countries that represent the King of the North are deeply entrenched in iniquitous
ways – with all the sexual conquests in all the night clubs around the country – and
are unaware they are about to cause the foundations of heaven to shake.

It doesn‟t matter how you rationalize the right to break any of the Commandments of
God – the fact remains: it is wrong to break His Laws. Unfortunately, His laws have
been broken through the centuries and it is only when the power of the holy ones have
been completely shattered: God will respond as we are told in Daniel 12:7 – thus
society has the opportunity to repent: lest the authorities declare those who strive to
call society to repentance mad or criminal.

Society needs to (repent) make a full return to the Lord, in sorrowful regret, to avoid
these things getting out of hand – as if they aren‟t already out of control. This means
accepting the Laws of God are the only legitimate law and keeping them (all).

How is this war going to end?

Well… scripture tells us it‟s not going to end well for the wicked.

There is a lot of dreaded anticipation of an impending war called Armageddon people

say is going to be the end of the world – which they call the Apocalypse. However…
this is completely false for three reasons:

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1) The word Armageddon comes from a reference in scripture where the nations
will gather the armies of the world in a place called M egiddo.

This, technically, is not where the final war will take place. M egiddo is where
the armies will gather to march upon the nation of Israel. Thus, it will be „from‟
the plains of M egiddo this war will take place and not „in‟ M egiddo.

2) The word Apocalypse means unveiling or revealing and not: end of the world.

3) The end of the world, as we know it, will begin sometime before this final battle
when the two witnesses appear in the old city that is symbolically called Sodom
and Egypt – outside Jerusalem.

This is because the two witnesses will bring plagues upon the nations that refuse
to repent – thus: the end will begin when they appear outside (the old city of)
Jerusalem because this is when the M ost High will have gathered His little flock
and the second half of Yahusha‟s ministry will begin.

This final ministry of Yahusha will herald the end of the war – because satan
(the adversary) will have been put down: and all that remains to do is clean up
the mess in this world.

The Closing Chapters of Revelation Explained

After the two witnesses are murdered we are told about a woman clothed in the sun,
with the moon under her feet and a garland of twelve stars who cries out in labor pain
and gives birth to a male Child who gets taken up to heaven.

This woman is then relentlessly pursued by satan (who has been cast out of heaven)
and persecuted but she finds safety in the wilderness where God has prepared a „place
of safety‟ for her.

Theologians throughout history have determined this to be Israel bringing Yahusha

(the light) into the world – because He rose up to the throne of God and Israel has
been dispersed and persecuted ever since: having recently been brought back to their

These, in fact, were shadows of a future event: because the woman arrayed in the sun
comes after the two witnesses are killed.

The question of who the male Child is – immediately springs to mind.

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Well… Yahusha told us we are in Him as He is in the Father and the Father is in Him
as He is in us. This means the Child is the „Son of M an‟ or to be more descriptive: the
generation of the Son of Humanity as the Nag Hammadi reveals.

This means it is important to identify these people correctly.

They are people who have been purified and perfected in the Name of God – which is
to say they have renounced:

1) The causes of impurity: sexual immorality (both physically and spiritually).

2) The causes of imperfection: haughtiness (both physically and spiritually).

Sexual immorality is: lusting after another which leads to fornication and adultery.
Haughtiness is: lusting after authority which leads to indoctrination and idolatry.

These two areas of contention are personified after the Child is taken up to the throne
of God and the woman is given the wings of an eagle so that she may fly to her place
of safety in the wilderness where she is nourished.

Revelation then tells us about a beast rising up out of the sea – which is the spiritual
hierarchy of satan taking shape on earth and then we are told of the second beast that
rises up out of the earth which is the physical hierarchy of satan being established on
earth – with all the men of renown (who are called giants and Nephilim in Genesis)
establishing their authority of absolute power on earth.

The Book of Daniel describes the „men of renown‟ as hard hearted (iron) people who
have unclean spirits (clay) that establish absolute power over all t he inhabitants of the
earth – and this is further characterized by the verses in Revelation that describe the
M ark of the Beast and how it is administered.

Now the beast is described at this point as having the number 666 which means it is
the grouping together of the three pyramid structures of:

1) Governments and Business – which is the false prophet.

2) Religious Unity (ecumenical movement) – which is the anti-Christ.
3) M ilitary and Force of Law – which is the beast.

Here is where it gets interesting because we are told about the Lamb and the 144,000
who were seen standing upon M ount Zion who were playing harps and singing praise
to the M ost High before the throne. This is a spiritual observation which means the
144,000 (who are pure and perfect people described as male virgins) have received
their garments of glory and are ready to initiate the final phase of creation.

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First thing that happens is three angels proclaim to the world to fear and worship God
and not accept the M ark of the Beast or worship the beast because Babylon has fallen.

At this moment Babylon has not yet fallen – but because it is declared by God: it is
spoken in past tense because her destruction is assured: and as such – the inhabitants
of the world are warned if they do not repent, they will experience the Wrath of God.

Then the Son of M an and the angels gather in the harvest – which are those who have
repented and turned to the M ost High in their sorrow for salvation. This is the great
tribulation which Revelation describes as being put through the great winepress –
because the word tribulation means great pressure.

Then there are seven bowls of wrath which (basically) do a lot of damage and
Yahusha says: „Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who keeps his garments
lest he walk naked and they see his shame,‟ just before the last bowl of wrath.

This is when the Book of Revelation describes the scarlet woman (adultery – lust for
another) riding the scarlet beast (idolatry – lust for authority ) as: Mystery Babylon the
Great, the M other of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.

…and it is here we begin to understand how Babylon the Great falls.

Revelation tells us the ten kings, prophesied in the Book of Daniel, emerge and turn
on the woman that is riding the beast and we can see this takes place because God put
it in their minds to burn her.

How interesting we read in Revelation in a previous verse: Yahusha called His people
to administer to her the same measure of indignation she lived in luxury with.

Though it is most likely – the ten kings turn on the woman because they (being
arrogant and foolish and possibly desperate) know they need to secure their absolute
power within the world if they are to try and stand against the Lamb of God.


Anyway… we are then told how the whole world (people not written in the book of
life), all the merchants and kings of the world, mourn and lament at her being
destroyed while all the hosts of heaven rejoice.

This is because she is the unified false religions that give sexual immorality (which is
characterized by the sex industry) the impetus to transgress the Laws of God.

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Immediately after the fall of Babylon the Great – we see the marriage of the Lamb of
God: which means the faithful chosen elect are anointed and receive their crowns
having been sealed in preparation of the return.

Then Yahusha returns to defeat the beast (military force in the world that have
gathered at M egiddo) with all the hosts of heaven. This is when every eye – even
those who pierced Him – will see Him returning in the clouds: and then satan will be
bound for 1000 years while the saints begin to teach the world how to walk in the
ways of the Lord – so all (in the first resurrection) have the opportunity to become
pure and perfect in order to obtain their garments of glory.

…and satanic rebellion (which is willful trans gression of the Laws of God) is crushed
forever – as the hosts of heaven minister the truth unto the whole world and cover the
face of the earth with the glory of God.

Revelation then describes a time when the New Jerusalem will descend out of heaven
and come to rest upon the earth and this is when the inhabitants of the world begin to
learn how they can enter by means of repentance – lest no one enters if they are
impure and / or imperfect before the Father.

Revelation does not stipulate the moment heaven and earth will pass away as
prophesied by Yahusha in M atthew 25:35 – though it does tell us satan will be
released from bondage along with the sinners in the second resurrection: so it is
possible these people will have the opportunity to learn how to overcome in the Name
of the Lord – for they will die a second and final death if they do not repent.

…and because the scarlet woman no longer exists – they will not be able to create
children unless they become pure and perfect before the M ost High and receive their
garments of glory – where the Virgin Spirit can rest upon them to co-procreate life.

This means the people outside the New Jerusalem will slowly die off – as they refuse
to repent and when the last one has died: the New Jerusalem will rise back up to the
last of rest in Paradise and the abyss (this heaven and earth) will pass away with all
who are within safely delivered to eternal Paradise.

This is, pretty much, how the war will be brought to an end – and as you should see: it
is geared toward allowing people the opportunity to repent rather than punishing
people for their sins – because in the end: no one can say they didn‟t have a fair
chance to enter into the Kingdom of God.

What‟s important to keep in mind here is:

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What are the signature marks for this physical war between light and darkness that has
been fought for millennia?

Well… the war is waged by the way people decide what is right and what is wrong –
and the law of man, that is being made cohesive throughout the world by the M asonic
Order (Illuminati), is the visible presence of this war with the assertion of hierarchy.

The children of light will know the Law of God is what defines: good and evil in the
world whereas the children of darkness believe the laws established by man are what
define good and evil. Therefore, the war is: the assertion of which law is the one that
should prevail. Thus… by the time this final battle „from‟ M egiddo takes place – we
will see two polarized sets of people:

 The children of darkness, who believe the law of man is right, will include
all the armies at M egiddo and a large proportion of people all over the
world who are supporting the war against Israel.

 The children of light, who know the Law of God is right, will be supporting
Israel at this time because they know – as long as Israel exists: God is real
and will keep all His promises to deliver mankind.

Technically…the physical war between light and darkness is the means by which the
creator is cleansing the soul of mankind to ensure the everlasting Kingdom of God
can be brought about. This is to say… everything is as it should be.

In other words, the physical war between light and darkness is a deeply profound war
between the Law of God and the law of man – because the people who support them
are the personification of: Truth or Lie.

This is why the angels proclaim the world now belongs to the Lord. When the two
witnesses appear outside Jerusalem – the war is over and it is time for people to
decide which side they stand on. The Law of God which facilitates the glory of the
Hallowed Name of God or the laws of man which gives rise to all the false doctrines
and evil power structures that give glory to satan?

When the two witnesses appear outside Jerusalem – time is up. You either accept God
and His commandments and the fact Yahusha (the Christ) personified the Law of God
– or you stand your ground when the avenging angels come to remove all the wicked
from off the face of the earth.

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Prophecy features heavily in the narrative of scripture. Even Genesis states 'in the end
of days' which means the beginning can be seen taking shape in the end like a mirror
reflecting the aeons that reveal the ways of the Father in heaven.

The Power of Prophecy

The reason why prophecy is given to mankind is to show the truth behind all of God's
motives are honorable, just, and righteous. When a prophecy is seen to come true it
proves God is a deity who keeps His promises – thus we can trust in His Word
The discernment of prophecy, therefore, is for those who seek to elevate the Hallowed
Name of God. Prophecy often has a language unlike that of the world, thus it requires
prayer and meditation through the discipline of study to learn.

The Keys To Prophecy

The prophecies decode themselves and interpret their own symbols. However, the
most important key is the attitude you approach scripture with – must be that of a
humble one for the Holy Spirit to minister revelation to you. Here is an example from
the Book of Daniel and the time sequence in chapters eleven and twelve as an outline:
Daniel 11:1-5 is Greece taking Medo-Persia when Alexander the Great sweeps across Asia.
Daniel 11:6-7 is Egypt joining forces with Rome - but the daughter (Cleopatra) is given up
to the King of the North (Rome at this time).
Daniel 11:8-9 is the Muslims going against Rome to reclaim the south.
Daniel 11:10-19 is the Crusades.
Daniel 11:20-26 is the system of government is taken over by the ruling elite (Illuminati).
Daniel 11:-27-30 is referring to the summit meetings we see today.
Daniel: 11:31-33 is the abomination of desolation – when the anti-Christ appears.
We are given a time reference between the taking away of the daily sacrifice and the
setting up of the abomination of desolation – in Daniel 12:11 – and this extends from
pre-Crusades to post-Crusades .
Daniel 11:33-34 is the time when the wise will do much to teach people of God's ways.
Daniel 11:35-40 is the time when the two kings continue to goad each other (no w).
Daniel 11:40-45 the Illuminati reveal their true colours and are destroyed forever.
Daniel: 12 is when Angel Michael (Yahusha ben Yosef) will sort everything out.

Daniel 11:40 is when the two witnesses appear in Jerusalem as told in Revelation to
bring plagues upon those who refuse to repent.

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This is a simplified step by step outline of what God gave Daniel – so the generations
in the end of days can see the Father in heaven has declared the beginning from the
end – to assert His integrity


We are given the account of the journey John takes to heaven and while he grieves
over the fact no one was worthy to take the scroll from the throne of God - the angel,
with him, tells him to take note the Lion of Judah (who is Yahusha) was found
worthy. Then he observes what happens as each seal, of which there are seven, is

1) Seal One

A white horse appeared with a rider who was wearing a crown and carrying a bow
came forth conquering.

This is describing the people who have conquered lands to establish their own
kingdoms. People like: Pharaoh; Xerxes; Alexander the Great; Caesar; Alfred the
Great, etc. This has continued from the beginning right up to modern times when we
saw people like: Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler etc.

The bow is symbolic of the use of weapons throughout history to secure kingship that
is depicted by the crown.

2) Seal Two

A bright red horse with a rider came forth and he was permitted to take peace – so
people would kill one another.

This shows us the people that conquered to establish kingdoms were not able to
secure real, lasting, peace. This is because a new conqueror was always on the
horizon or those who established themselves as rulers were unable to maintain order
and true justice under their rule.

If we look to history we can see that both of these have been the case – even when
Rome declared 'Pax Romana' (which means world order) would have had problems
within and without their borders.

3) Seal Three

A black horse, carrying a set of scales, came forth and a voice using merchant
terminology with the desire to protect oil and wine.

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This is when history has observed the establishment of economic activity which has
been used to empower those who have established kingdoms.

Wine was used in the ancient times to ensure slaves would maintain the status quo as
the empowered built their kingdoms. Oil is used in the modern times to ensure the
lower class maintains the economic balance as the empowered build their kingdoms.

4) Seal Four

A pale horse with a rider named Death rides out and Hades followed it.

This is the one that shows how sin, that has matured, in the world - when lawlessness
abounds denies people the opportunity to eternal life.

This is because the first four horsemen have established the presence of evil in the
world and power structure is the essence of evil so people become conditioned to
accept it as normal and even necessary.

When people think in these terms – death and hell comes swiftly because they are
unable to appreciate truth – love and light.

This is primarily because they, having been indoctrinated in the ways of the world, are
convinced the world can only function if there are hierarchies that allow men to rule
one over another. They place their trust in the 'hierarchy' that (are supposed to) allow
men of honour to lead them to improved lifestyles – not realizing the hierarchy is the
cause of all the problems.

5) Seal Five

The martyred, stand at the throne in white robes, washed in the blood of the lamb, cry
out for vengeance but they are told to wait a little while longer.

Although this may appear to be a simple statement: it does offer some insight into the
fact the martyrs were denied the opportunity to life in the world as we see it now. This
suggests: having a soul (which is when the flesh and spirit are together in the body) is
preferable to being in the spirit, alone, by the throne of God.

M any are under the impression the goal is to be in heaven with God – but here we see
people – who have exactly that – are not happy they were denied their opportunity to
life in this world for some reason.

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God's greatest achievement is the way the spiritual body and the physical body are
brought together to create the soul. In our current state we have fallen into sin and in
need of glorification, as Yahusha was glorified, if we are to return to our perfect state
as the Father intended us to be.

The martyred are in the spiritual bodies without their physical bodies awaiting the day
God will give them new physical bodies – so they may be glorified as Yahusha was –
after they have their souls restored.

This is to say: though it may be preferable to retain your soul, as it is now (so it can be
glorified in death at the appointed time). It will require an extraordinary amount of
trust in the Father to give you a new physical body if your current soul is destroyed
and your spiritual body is consigned to be with the other martyrs.

...and (unfortunately) many more will join these martyrs who were the ones thrown to
the lions during the early years of Christianity before it apostatized fully.

6) Seal Six

This is when the world has: earthquakes, blackening sun, blood moon, falling stars
and falling figs in a gale.

It is interesting to note how this seal has suddenly moves from the spiritual to the
physical, considering the previous seal was about the martyrs that are in the spiritual
crying out for the restoration of their physical presence.

The first physical manifestation is a great earthquake.

The world has been experiencing earthquakes since the beginning. However, Yahusha
told us there would be earthquakes in divers places. In other words... we will see
earthquakes in places we wouldn't normally expect to see earthquakes.

This speaks of a great earthquake – which may affect the whole earth. Perhaps... a
massive shudder – as the foundations of heaven are shaken which causes the earth to
become drunken as it wobbles in space.

The next physical manifestations are: the sun turning black and the full moon
becoming blood red and stars falling from the sky. This will most likely follow the
great earthquake to make sure the inhabitants of the whole earth are under no illusion
judgement is upon them.

The next thing we are told is the figs fall from the tree in the gale.

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This is a rather subtle reference to the elect that are fearful of these events and many
begin to fall for satan's lies – unaware they are being deceived. Upon seeing these
terrible things: they may be drawn to the false doctrines of t he apostate church which
is able to offer reassurance of these events.

What is interesting here is: the way this seal takes us to physical events, in the
beginning, then returns to the spiritual allegory: of figs (elect) and gale (satan's fury)
toward the end – then returns to the physical. Then describs how every person king
and servant alike were filled with dread – and plead for the mountains to cover them:
so they might hide from the Day of the Lord that has come.

The scripture then has a kind or interlude before it continues on to the seventh seal to
give an overview of the first six seals.

The first thing that happens is:

The four angels that stood at the four corners of the world were holding back the four
winds – and an angel rising from the sun told them not to harm the vegetation as they
held back the four winds.

This tells us the task of holding back the four winds required the kind of effort that
may cause damage if they are not careful. This is the first indication of the M ost High
beginning to exert His direct influence - over His creation. This means all the
previous things that happened – such as earthquakes etc were the result of sin's
influence upon the world. The command to not harm the vegetation clearly indicates
the Father is beginning to focus His attention upon those who have caused sin to grow
in the world.

...and the holding back the four winds is more about denying the wicked the chance to
learn wisdom – from the spirit of truth as the Son of M an prepares to return.

The first four seals confirm this where it stipulates the four horsemen were permitted
to kill with the sword and famine and pestilence and even wild beasts. It's as if the
Father has decided to let the world see the effect of letting sin grow to maturity. The
word 'permitted' does not mean it is His Will that sin should become so prevalent in
the world. He has the wisdom and patience to let us see how bad it is.

The Father has a gracious nature of letting His children see what happens when they
do not obey His commands. He has consistently done this through history: and often
declared what would happen if disobedience continues.

The first six seals are clearly representative of the first six days of creation – that leads
up to the last day which is the period of sanctification (the Sabbath Day). The angels

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are required to ensure the sea and the land (with its vegetation) is not harmed until the
servants of God have been sealed.

The number of the sealed is 144,000 who are from the nation of Israel - including
12,000 from each tribe (not just the Jews who are of the tribe of Judah). We are then
told about the great multitude from all nations who believed in Yahusha were
standing before the throne of God. The angels and the elders (Son's of Abraham)
began to praise the M ost High – which suggests He made an appearance.

Now this is where it gets interesting.

The M ost High (creator of all things) appears and the first thing that happens – after
all worship and praise the Father, is: one of the elders asked John: Who are the people
dressed in white robes?

John tells the elder - "Sir, you know."

Then the elder tells John: they are the ones that have come out of the tribulation and
been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb of God.

In other words Christians that held onto their faith unto death.

What is so interesting here (other than the fact a humble question was asked when the
M ost High appeared) is: the children of light were identified – and that was the
moment they received their eternal reward for their faith in Yahusha and their trust in
the Father.

The elder goes on to say these are the ones who will hunger no more or thirst no more
as they partake of the living waters of life. They receive the glorified body of light as
they are prepared for the arrival of paradise.

Up until now... satan has had his run - and now it is God's turn to respond - to deal
with the sin (once and for all) and restore all things. What we must keep in mind here
is – the Father wants everyone to come to repentance to maximize the number of
children that will enter into paradise.

The 144,000 are righteous ones but the multitude (in robes) will need instruction on
the truth – thus the 144,000 (saints) will work with the great multitude while the final
chapter unfolds on earth.

...the aim of which will be to bring the haughty and proud to repentance – be they
believers and non-believers. The moment the two witnesses appear – time is up.

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7) Seal Seven

When the seventh seal is opened there is, initially, a silence in heaven for one hour.
There is nothing to explain what this signifies. However, this may be a reference to
the Beast being granted a short time when he can declare peace in the world.

Scripture makes it clear this is a false peace, thus we can determine the Father is
allowing those who have chosen the ways of the world to experience relative peace
(where they can have the clarity of mind to contemplate what is going on).

The moment a person is at the threshold – between falling into the abyss or
overcoming in the Name of God – they experience a moment of profound clarity. The
Father has put this in place to ensure everyone has a fair chance to repent and turn
back to Him before they become complete in their transgression.

Thus, the world will have this moment (opportunity to overcome).

It would be fitting for the M ost High to make provision to collect those who realize
their error and repent because the shepherd will gather in those that are lost (if they
call to Him). What follows is hell on earth: which precedes the establishment of the
Kingdom of God.

First of all... the seven angels that stand before the throne of God are given a trumpet
each and another angel came and stood before the altar with a censer. The censer
contained the prayers of the saints – and this was cast upon the earth like thunder and
lightning. What is happening here is... all the saints that have been wronged by the
wicked will see their oppressors receive their reward.

It's as if each prayer reveals who is who that is deserving of the wrath to come as the
seven angels prepare to blow their trumpets – even though the prayers have been
requests these people repent that they may share in the life to come.

1) Trumpet One

Hail and fire, mixed with blood, is thrown upon the earth and a third of vegetation is
burned up.

Here we see the return to the duality of the spiritual and the physical being spoken in
the same allegorical description – in definitive terms. For example: an angel blowing
a trumpet (spiritual) and the effect it has on earth (physical).

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This time though, unlike the four horsemen, the effect of the spiritual activity upon
the physical is the direct result of the Will of God.

2) Trumpet Two

Something like a mountain is thrown into the sea – a third of which became blood and
this killed a third of the creatures in the sea and a third of the ships were destroyed.

'Something like a mountain' seems to suggest the failed attempt of man to establish
righteous government in the world. This is symbolic in nature because the sea
represents the inhabitants of the whole earth. Thus, a third of the wicked will be killed
along with the vessels that empowered them.

The verse uses the word 'creatures of the sea' to describe the wicked: because only the
righteous are described as people. God sees those who are of sin, and darkness, as
beasts and creatures – not worth of the description of man or woman or child etc.

This may not sound nice but: we are describing the Wrath of God here.

3) Trumpet Three

A falling star called Wormwood (which means poison) falls from the sky and pollutes
one third of the sea.

This appears to be the false prophet (or spirit of the false prophet) that leads many
astray. The verse describes the star falling upon the rivers and the living waters like a
blazing flame.

This is when the Father in heaven sends a great delusion (as He promised He would
unto the rebellious) to cause them to stumble – by unleashing the rebellious angels
(that have become demons) to spread their false doct rine causing the righteous church
to become apostatized.

This then is how the living waters have been poisoned.

Although many of the doctrines of the church have their origins in pagan beliefs – the
focus has always been on the one who offered Himself up as a sacrifice: thus... there
may be error present in the church – but the hearts of many true Christians is that of
pursuing humility.

...and that glorifies the Hallowed Name of God.

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However, we read in Isaiah where the stork (which is an unclean animal) gathering
her young and returning them to her home.

This is a reference to the apostate church establishing itself in Babylon under the
guise of Christianity – but everything about the religion becomes wholly pagan. This
is the living waters bein g poisoned because the moment the truth is perverted, the life-
giving properties are polluted.

It is interesting to note the word Chernobyl (in Russian) means Wormwood - and may
signify the exact date this trumpet was blown. However... it would be more p rudent to
note how this trumpet is the process by which the Word of God has been polluted –
from the early establishment of the Roman Catholic Church: which introduced the
false doctrines of pagan faiths and the abandonment of the Feasts of the Lord – we see
in Christianity today.

4) Trumpet Four

The sun, moon and stars are darkened; then the calls of woe are made.

...and rightly so too.

This trumpet tells all of mankind Judgement Day has arrived.

Few (if any) people have understood the significance of this scroll – simply expecting
the sun, moon, stars suddenly losing a third of their light at some point in the future.

What comes to mind here is the parable of the 't hief in the night' that Yahusha spoke
of when the Judgement Day arrives. A thief is someone who will take that which is
valuable – and the only thing that has any true value in the world is that which
emanates the light of the M ost High.

Thus, this trumpet is declaring those who walk in the ways of the Father will be
gathered up – and taken to a place of safety where they will be nourished for a time,
times and half a time.

The words time, times and half a time is three and a half years.

The prophecies tell us Yahusha will minister for seven years – but He was cut off half
way through when He had only completed three and a half years. This trumpet, then,
tells us: He intends completing the seven year prophecy in the place of safety when
the little flock is brought to Him.

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The little flock are the one third of the light that is currently shining in the world.
These are the people who are in truth and are the only hope mankind has while we are
allowed to try and govern ourselves. When they are removed the woe is deeply
relevant because the last hope of mankind has gone – until Yahusha returns.

This is because the remaining two thirds of the world are unable to recognize how
satan is deceiving the whole world.

Even though, those who are in truth have told them. The leaven has caused them to
stumble and fall into snares (believing false doctrines). The woes are directed toward
these people because it is clear they genuinely wish to love the Father with all their
hearts as commanded by God – but they partook of the leaven.

These people will witness the result of evil – which is the failure to seek the Father in
heaven with due diligence – so they will not be so quick to declare their own wisdom
(the teachings of the apostate church) as truth.

These are the martyred that will be in the third resurrection because they petition night
and day for vengeance and need special attention to cure their anger.

Those who have been prepared (by receiving judgement during their lifetimes) are the
little flock. These are the one tenth of the 144,000 and those they work with, who are
– the remaining 144,000 – the elect that rise up to meet Yahusha when they return
with the Alpha and Omega to usher in the Kingdom of God.

These figures can be found in scripture where it says one tenth of the M anna (Law of
God) was placed into the Ark of the Covenant (Place of Safety). This was a shadow
and type of the place of safety (Ark of the Covenant) and the little flock who are the
one tenth of the (Law of God) 144,000 (M anna – the Ten Commandments of God).

These are the elect who are engraved upon the throne of God and they are the third of
light that is in the world today..

In the meantime - before they return...

5) Trumpet Five

A star falls from heaven and is given the key to the bottomless pit.

This one is the mind-bender of all the ages.

The star, here, is an angel that is permitted to make the lives of those who do not have
the seal of God suffer for their transgressions. Some have tried to say this is Yahusha

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doing the Will of God because it seems to suggest this angel is trying to teach those
who are not of God a lesson or two. Implying this is the Will of God.

However, if we look to the Book of Job - we see how the M ost High uses satan to
achieve a similar goal. In the Book of Job, the Father allows satan to torment Job with
many afflictions - but commands satan not to kill him.

With this trumpet - an angel falls from heaven: to torment those who do not have the
seal of God upon their foreheads – but the angel is commanded not to kill these
people so we can see this is about trying to make the leavened repent.

If the Book of Job is a shadow of this trumpet – we need to understand exactly what
the story of Job was about. As it turns out, the answer to the Book of Job is stipulated
by Job himself in the beginning. After the first affliction strikes he says: "That which I
feared most has come upon me."

Here, he is admitting his relationship with God is flawed because if it was right – he
would have no fears. Of course, the story goes on to say that Job (who genuinely
wishes to love the Lord with all his heart) had issues of pride which gave rise to
leaven (within his soul).

This can be seen as those who were not given the seal of God. The Father in heaven is
obviously of a mind to teach these people: pride is not acceptable. The good news is
– those who have a genuine wish to love the Father with all their hearts will emerge
from this torment to receive their reward in heaven.

Just as the Book of Job describes satan as a real being; the reference to the star falling
from heaven is telling us satan has been trapped in the lower realm of physical form.

The words 'falling from heaven' tell us things have changed for him – for example the
seal given to the loyal servants means satan and his demons can no longer tempt these
people. These are the people who have overcome in the Name of God and are sat on
the throne with Yahusha.

A seal is something that stops something from entering or leaving a container.

Scripture has described the body as a kind of container thus where it stipulates 'let the
wicked remain wicked and the holy remain holy' we are being informed the ability the
angels have to enter a person [like possession] is no longer functional.

A demonic spirit will seek to obtain a foothold and establish a place of permanent
residence within a person – whereas the Holy Spirit will only enter a soul to assist in
the understanding of scripture then depart until the person requires further guidance.

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This, then, shows the doors are open or closed and it is each person's responsibility to
ensure the only spirit that enters is the Holy Spirit when they are in need of guidance.
We have the ability, while we are in the flesh, to let the spirits in or keep them out -
but satan will be in possession of the keys to those who are in utter darkness (the
bottomless pit) when he is cast out of heaven.

He will only be able to enter or leave (as he so desires) the souls of those who are of
the darkness – and these people will torment those who do not have the seal of God.
The demonic spirits, being able to move from person to person who accept them, will
no longer possess the power to roam to and fro as described in scripture.

However... satan (and his demons) will be able to move among those in darkness
because he has the key to the bottomless pit. Effectively, this means these people will
experience a complete lack of control and be totally helpless to stop the puppeteer.

The reason why I am describing this is – people need to know: the Four Horsemen
were spirits who gained access (to cause all the problems they have been causing) by
entering the souls of those who were unaware they were puppets at every level
including the Song of God – righteous elect.

Toward the end, people will become more and more aware of these things as the veil
is lifted. Thus, there will be more of an emphasis on judgement upon those who
wilfully walk in darkness because the seal means God has decided who has a heart for
His love and who does not.

This then means the angels will be aware who is who: as decided by the M ost High
and the process of judgement can begin. This is why Revelation is more inclined to
speak of these spirits by reference in the beginning then character toward the end.

Although the woes are directed toward those who are leavened, those who are in
darkness are in such a bad situation the Father doesn't even reference their torment.

They are described as: „black smoke rising‟.

The M ost High does not even care about how these people might be suffering under
the control of demons. It's as if the M ost High wants to let everyone see... he is
serious about the business of bringing children to the Kingdom of God – and only
those who walk in His ways will be accepted.

Thus, the entire world is continually called to repentance.

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6) Trumpet Six

The four angels are released to kill one third of mankind.

The bible scholars have tried to say this is when the Four Horsemen are sent out. Thus
they have been called: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – which has given rise
to the word 'apocalypse' being seen as a kind of end times annihilation which they call

While it is true this trumpet describes an end of the world scenario - the word
'apocalypse' actually means 'lifting of the veil' and the word 'Armageddon' comes
from the word 'M egiddo' where, the scholars believed, the final showdown would take
place. As it turns out, this is incorrect because scripture says M egiddo is where the
armies of the whole world will gather as the whole world prepares to march on the
Holy City of Jerusalem.

...and this trumpet does not reference Zion: so this verse is nothing to do with the Four
Horsemen – however: it does herald the end.

During the fifth trumpet: the terror experienced by the leavened is so horrific – even
Death flees from them. However, they are now able to die by the hand of the four
angels that were bound ready for the hour, the day, the month and the year.

This phase speaks of people refusing to repent – thus the four angels have instructions
to target the worst of people (who would never repent in a million years) in order to
let other people who might repent and turn to the Lord. This tells us the M ost High is
(even at this time) still gracious enough to offer people the opportunity to repent to
come to eternal life.

John describes the troops, that are the four angels, in great detail - but the people
refuse to give up idolatry (and their idols of the heart). If anyone saw what John
described – people would most surely stop worshiping idols (for a short time at least –
given the fact fear cannot perfect a person).

Thus, we have some confirmation the things Johns sees are deeply spiritual in nature
and not actual horsemen or chariots etc. When the sixth trumpet is blown - a third of
mankind will die by:

1) Fire
2) Smoke

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3) Sulphur

These are what destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

If we look to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah – we are told of the sexual immorality
that leads to their destruction. While there may be sexual immorality present in the
world today, this particular trumpet sp eaks about people refusing to repent of their
idolatrous wicked ways – including sexual immorality.

The M ost High stipulated He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah: for His Name's
sake and we have the account of Abraham pleading with the M ost High to try and
save his nephew Lot from destruction.

Thus, we can see the four angels are sent out to kill one third of mankind because He
feels His Hallowed Name is under threat from idol worship – and there will be
someone pleading for the Lord to spare the world because they know they have family
members that might be killed by these plagues (as they are called).

Is this you? Are you concerned for family members?

If so, do not worry... for the M ost High will visit those you are concerned for, and
show them how to avoid the plagues to come. This is the 'call to get out of her' lest
they share in the plague to come – which is prepared for the apostate church who
value iniquity above everything else.

Indeed, this trumpet stipulates – the idolaters refused to stop worshipping gold and
silver – and the plagues will come upon the merchants of which the apostate church
(Whore of Babylon) is associated with.

Perhaps this book is: „the call to get out of her‟ – who can tell. It does bring to the
attention of the entire world the dire need to repent.

The word that comes to mind is: Illuminati or Freemasons who are businessmen that
have any faith (even Christianity with its false doctrines) as a required means of entry.
However, a woman in scripture is usually symbolic of that which gives birth to
religion – be it righteous or unrighteous.

In this case we see the woman, who is called the Whore of Babylon, being destroyed
and the whole world laments the loss of all the merchants. This means the church and
corporation are seen as one and the same because they have merged in their ways.

The four angels lay this woman and her children (who are all the denominations) to
waste and the call to get out of her is the call to repent of all the false doctrines. A

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false doctrine is anything that facilitates a man to a position of authority over others –
which is the defilement of the Hallowed Name of God.


The Angel and the Little Scroll

John heard the sound of seven thunders and was told not to write what he heard. It is
entirely possible the number of people who come to understand these things may be
the very thing that rumbles like thunder as the 'mighty angel' speaks with a loud voice.

The verse that states the right foot is on the sea and the left foot is on t he land is a
reference to the way those who walk in the Ways of the Lord are righteous in the
spiritual (right foot on the sea) and righteous in the physical (left foot on the land).

M any have said this is Yahusha – and quite rightly so.

Yahusha told his followers they are in Him as He in the Father. Thus, the sound of the
seven thunders are the seven churches (the people who are considered alive by the
M ost High) having great power in Yahusha.

These are the people (Body of Christ) who have had the veil lifted to understand
prophecy: which is depicted as the angel holding the scroll, and John is then asked to
seal up the seven thunders. This means those in Christ, who walk in the ways of the
Father, come under the protection of the M ost High.

The mighty angel then declares there should be no more delay – that the mystery of
God should be fulfilled during the time of the seventh trumpet.

This is the confirmation of the lifting of the veil.

John is then told to consume the little scroll and is advised it will be sweet to the
mouth but bitter to the stomach. This is followed by an outline of the moments that
lead up to the seventh trumpet.

The Two Witnesses

John was then given the task of measuring the temple of God but was asked to leave
the court outside the temple.

Earlier we saw that those robed in white before the throne of God were confirmed
when John said who they were. From this we can see that John has an important role

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in the confirmation of those who walk in the ways of the Father and the lifting of the
veil which will allow Yahusha to fulfil the mystery of God.

By measuring the temple of God, John was initiating the permanent establishment of
the Kingdom of God: with the acknowledgement and confirmation of those who have
kept the Commandments of God and the faith of the risen Christ.

We can see this when we look to the verses that tell us John was told to leave out the
court outside the temple. He was told to leave this out because this is for the many
gentile nations that are yet to accept the ways of the Father.

The establishment of the temple of God is the time, times and half a time: when the
woman is taken to the place of safety. The angels were given charge to protect the
multitude dressed in white robes and the little flock are gathered to the place prepared
by God (the holy of holies – bridal chamber) which will be for three and a half years.

We are then told about the two witnesses that are sent out to call the remaining
nations to repent of their ways. This is because the court outside the temple cannot
take up permanency until after the nations accept the ways of the Father.

When the two witnesses are sent out: they will prophesy and call for repentance for
three and a half years so the outer court may take shape by the time Yahusha returns
with all the hosts of heaven. This is to say: the dead in Christ are to be fulfilled so the
first resurrection can be initiated at the time Yahusha returns.

The world has been under the impression the Father in heaven is a God of punishment
with emphasis on all the bad things that will happen toward the end. This has fuelled
fear in the hearts of people – who live in dread at the thought of seeing all the terrible
things that have been prophesized.

The truth is quite different.

The dreadful things that occur during the first six seals are not God's doing but rather
the result of sin being prevalent in the world.

The creation (heaven and the earth) was not designed to have sin present. Thus it is
the presence of sin that has caused such terrible things to take place in the world.
Scripture tells us the foundations of heaven (earth) were shaken when sin reached up
to the gates of heaven.

Children are becoming sexually active long before they are ready to deal with all the
complexities of having a sex-life because of the sexual provocation and nudity on our
screens – internet – movies – television – and the way women dress (without regard

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for modesty) in society: because they are savvy to the means by which they can obtain
access to pornography.

Children are wiz-kids on the computers these days – and any parent who thinks the
parental controls are sufficient to stop their children accessing inappropriate content
are extremely naïve.

When a young boy has been exposed to pornography (adult or otherwise) he has had
the purity of his soul defiled – and two things occur:

1) Initially… it inspires him to seek a partner and his only options are usually
young girls his own age – which means: she (when touched sexually) will
then have her soul defiled: and this further deepens the problem.

2) It also causes him to develop an addiction toward pornography later in life

and this causes various perversions to become apparent: because this is a
snare – which denies the opportunity to find a partner.

When a young girl is defiled (in this manner) she, herself, will begin seeking a sexual
partner to satisfy sexual urges – if the child-couple break up – and this is when child
abuse becomes apparent in society . This is because the only willing participants she
will find are boys her own age or adults who were exposed to pornography as a child
or abused as a child.

This does not mean that young girls are at fault nor does it excuse child abusers in any
way. This illustrates how the (seemingly legal) sexual provocation that is all around
children has the effect of causing inappropriate behaviour – and it calls into question:
the responsibility we need to take to ensure this kind of problem does not persist .

Effectively, this means – if you think there is nothing wrong with sexual provocation
or if you think pornography is necessary (for whatever reason) you are indirectly
causing child abuse – and when you begin to realize this is true: imagine the shame
you will feel if you do not take appropriate measures to renounce sexual immorality.

Given the fact society has abandoned the Laws of God in this way : the opportunity for
love (in purity) to grow between a man and a woman is being robbed of the Kingdom
of God when children are being sexualized in a society that is sexually immoral.

This is how the iniquity has reached up to heaven and all the earthquakes (and other
signs, as Yahusha called them) are the direct result of sin, in its maturity, in the world
– thus it bodes well to recognise God allowed these things to pass so we can see with
our own eyes the effect sin has in the world.

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The seventh seal spoken of in Revelation is when God responds to all the sin: lending
His grace to those who repent. The M ost High takes no pleasure in seeing people
suffer. He takes pleasure in seeing people repent and turn to Him.

Who are the two witnesses?

Scripture tells us they are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before
the Lord of the earth. They will prophesy in the streets of the old city, that is
symbolically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified (The word
'symbolic' here implies this may be the Vatican or – indeed – anywhere in the world).

The language here seems to suggest they are the people who stand in defiance of
satan's deceptions.

The olive trees and lampstands = those in truth.

The Lord of the earth (during this time) = those in darkness.

This is confirmed by the way the verse goes on to say: and those who seek to harm
them are doomed to die by a fire that pours out of their mouths. Whether this is prayer
that invokes the protection of the angels or the literal spewing of flames from their
mouths is something we cannot be sure of.

The reason why it is important to clarify this is we need to understand the level of
obviousness there are supernatural powers at work here. The Father in heaven has a
great emphasis on the necessity for faith in the unseen because this demonstrates trust
beyond the self toward the Father in heaven – so the two witnesses may not be noticed
in the way the world is expecting them to be presented.

They are going to be two people who are not dressed in opulent attire (as denoted by
the sack cloth) and they are going to tell the world to repent lest they send plagues
upon those who refuse to listen.

In the beginning... the two witnesses will be seen like any other person calling for
repentance – but with time they will become more and more obvious as a hindrance to
world affairs because the world will seek to kill them.

They are given the authority to bring the plagues of Egypt (that M oses used to free
Israel) upon any nation they can see are refusing to repent and turn to the M ost High.

M oses and Aaron are the shadow for this event . They were the two witnesses that
stood in defiance of Pharaoh in Exodus. While there is the desire to have those who

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are imprisoned by the dark principalities released: we can see the separation of the
sheep from the goats is also taking place.

During this time – the function of the prophet is laid bare as they seek to call as many
as they can to repentance; and even though they are able to bring the plagues of
M oses upon nations the stiff-necked will continue to try and rationalize the events as
natural phenomenon – probably claiming the prophecies are mere coincidence.

Revelation later tells us, those who dwell on the earth rejoiced when they were killed,
because they saw the two prophets as tormentors. This would indicate – those who
were able to repent will have done so by this time and may well have been killed or in
hiding. What is clear is – those that are left are the people who don't care if the
witnesses are true representatives of God or not.

At this point the scripture also confirms: the spirit of defiance of worldly ways (that
are the two witnesses) are personified in two living people as they seek to release the
captives who are trapped in their sinful ways.

The word „rejoicing‟ tells us many attempts were made on their lives, but it was only
after the two witnesses finished their testimony they were killed by the beast that was
released from the bottomless pit.

This is where it gets interesting, because scripture tells us the two witnesses were left
(unburied) in the streets of the great city, where they lay for three and a half days.
Then the breath of life enters into them – this is the first resurrection when all the
dead in Christ rise from their graves and go up to meet Yahusha as He returns.

This causes a great fear to grip those who dwell upon the earth and the beast is
released from the bottomless pit, when the Son of God returns.

The bottomless pit is where the reprobate angels are trapped in the bodies of those
they possessed – and smoke rising is symbolic of their resolve to defeat Yahusha.

This is a reference to the great tribulation.

Satan (trapped within the body of the man he possessed) and all his demons (trapped
within the bodies of those they possessed) will be released to see Yahusha and all the
hosts of heaven kill the people that allowed the reprobates to establish a presence in
the physical realm (by demonic possession).

This is the great showdown between Yahusha and satan – with the Children of Light
against the Children of Darkness that have been separated forever.

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A great earthquake destroys a tenth of the city, killing seven thousand people leaving
the rest giving glory to God in their terror. This means the seven thousand people that
are killed in the great earthquake are those who were a dwelling place for demons.

Revelation then tells us there is one more woe to come.

7) Trumpet Seven

There were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the
kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ forever. The twenty-four elders who sit on
their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God. They praise the Lord
and stipulate He sent His wrath to subdue the rage of the nations.

The final woe is – the time has come to judge the dead and reward the servants, the
prophets and the saints, and those who fear His Name, both great and small:

...and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.

Few are aware that the word 'judge' in the biblical sense is not the same as 'judge' in
the language of the world.

The word 'judge' in the biblical sense is: the process by which a person is brought to
the full knowledge of God. The final phrase //destroy the destroyers of the earth// is
the final woe and that will include all those that cannot be brought to life.

The phrase //judge the dead// is a reference to the resurrection when some will come
to eternal life and others will go to eternal shame.
Because the word 'judge' means: the process by which a person is brought to the full
knowledge of God – which is the same as assisting those in darkness to the light –
they (the repentant) will obtain eternal life. Those that refuse to listen will be cast into
the outer darkness where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Yahusha told us: there will be those who are the sons of the kingdom who will be cast
into the outer darkness. Yahusha was speaking of this time when the process of
sanctification will begin. This is why He told us to beware the leaven. He knew the
time will come when the ego of self-understanding will not be tolerated when it is
time to establish the eternal Kingdom of God.

This means that after all the wrath, and Yahusha has returned with all the hosts of
heaven, there will be much work to do – to undo all the work of satan who has
indoctrinated billions with false doctrines. Those clothed in white robes, who stood
before the throne of God, will require education regarding the qualification of truth –
and many will struggle to accept what is being taught.

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These are the sons of the kingdom: and some will think they know better when an
anointed saint is trying to bring them to eternal life. Thus, the final woe is the struggle
to accept the truth as taught by the saints and not – as believed – the passing of
judgement at the examination of one's past to decide if people are to be cast into the
Lake of Fire or go to Paradise.

The books will be opened: but this will be after the saints have completed their work –
just before the moment heaven and earth will pass away: leaving only t he Words of
Yahusha (which are those who have been born again into the Kingdom of God).

Being born again is more than merely accepting Yahusha into the heart and taking on
the mind of Christ. Accepting Yahusha into the heart is when the eternal soul is
conceived. The eternal soul is in danger of eternal death – while it is in the womb (the
flesh) and only when it is born into the Kingdom of God it is glorified the way
Yahusha was after death.

These are some of the things that the saints will be teaching during the millennial rule
of Christ which is the sanctification period also known as the Sabbath Day mentioned
in Genesis at the time of creation.

Judgement (as understood by the world) cannot be passed upon those who were not
aware of the truth – thus: the millennial rule of Christ, which will take place in several
phases denoted by successive resurrections, is the process by which the creation will
be sanctified. One hour (which is a short period of time) before the heaven and earth
pass away - satan will be released again and those who accept him will fall into sin at
this time.

Having been taught the truth by the saints they will then be subject to destruction – in
order to allow the heaven and earth to pass away and the new heaven and earth to
arrive. The new heaven and earth is the way the creation was originally intended to be
when Adam and Eve were created – only this time: sin will no longer exist.

Even the memory of sin and all those who were partakers of sin will be forgotten as
the Kingdom of God grows forever and ever.

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God created man with the innate ability to love something with all his heart, mind and
strength so he could love God as God loves man: like Father and Son.
God saw the sin that was within Adam's bosom (before the fall) so He created woman
to ensure he had something to focus his affection on while the angels guided him
toward unity with the Lord. The fall (with Eve) was when the sin was exposed – and
they were cast out of the garden – with the promise of being returned after the sin was
purged from the bosom.
Thus, we find there are three things we can devote our love to:
1) The Father in Heaven (spiritual).
2) A comparable partner / spouse (spiritual / physical / family).
3) Lust of the flesh (physical).
When a man and woman (who are destined to be together) first meet, they know there
is a connection at a deep level they cannot explain – and with time they learn the
deeper meaning of loving the spiritual (being) they see in their partner as the years
make their lust for the physical (being) of their partner wane.
This is how most come to know and appreciate the deeper joy of being as One (in
peace) with the Father in Heaven. The means by which a person learns: the love of the
spiritual (invisible) essence of the Father in Heaven.
Thus, time is our friend – not enemy.
A single person, on the other hand, has all three options open – to secure their innate
ability to love something with all their heart, mind and strength. They may choose to
pursue placing their love in the Father in Heaven or a spouse or sinful ways.
M any feel the missing part (rib) that constantly reminds them something is not right.
Such feelings of desperate loneliness are often intense – but they are the children God
has chosen for Himself – and the feelings of despair they suffer are a subtle call to live
their lives for the love of God.
Others will focus their attention on the p hysical as they pursue that which is right (in
their own understanding). They too may sometimes feel there is something missing –
but they seek to fill that void by trying to quench the lust of the flesh (as they pursue a
life of sin). Naturally, this achieves nothing but exasperates the feeling of emptiness.
The 'mystery of iniquity' lures many into thinking they can find happiness by seeking

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answers in the physical as they try to secure the joy they crave in a partner or even the
Father in Heaven. King Solomon became a victim to this.
This is the snare that most get caught up in: even though they often have the best of
intentions to secure an honorable lifestyle with a spouse and family, only to learn in
their senior years how vain the whole thing was – because they rarely learn of God
and His ways, even if they think they have walked in His ways.
Some are fortunate enough to recognize the Lord has blessed them when they do find
a partner and so they begin the journey to finding peace and joy in the love of the
Father in Heaven which is the spiritual essence of the one they love.
Then, there are those who have acknowledged the way angels love the Father in
Heaven and they are aware that the only means of securing true peace and everlasting
joy is to devote their love to the Father in Heaven.
Yahusha – defined the means to do this properly.
When God created man (man being non-gender specific) – He intended him to be as
the angels who love Him with all their hearts, minds and strength. M an is dest ined to
be the two genders of male and female made as one in divinely appointed marriage.

All of creation is set-up to facilitate this simple task – to be a family with the Father in
heaven and we are required to demonstrate this love for Him by loving one another as
Yahusha loved us.

By living a life of humility in Yahusha – we are glorifying God – and no excuse can
wash away the sin of asserting oneself in authority over another, no matter what the
When this is fully understood, we are in a position to protect ourselves from all kinds
of deceit that the dark principalities may try to use.

 All false doctrines become transparent when you seek to glorify God this way.

 Every lie is rendered ineffective when you seek to glorify God in this manner.

 Nothing can hinder your progress to spiritual growth – and be 'Born A gain' -
when you seek to glorify God in this manner

The presence of the Lord is felt with every waking moment when you seek to glorify
God, in this manner, and maintain the Holy Spirit as your divinely appointed guide to
eternal life in Paradise with Yahusha and the Father in heaven.

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Yahusha told us in John 3:3 (ESV): Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again
he cannot see the kingdom of God.

There is a general misunderstanding regarding being 'Born A gain' because the church
has failed to recognize Yahusha was speaking in literal terms. When He was asked to
clarify His meaning He said we are born of the flesh then we must be born of the
spirit to enter into the Kingdom of God. He then tells us not to marvel on His words

This means being 'Born Again' is a marvellous thing and those who think they are
'Born Again' by taking on the mind of Christ – who then fall back into sin – are in
error because this does not constitute a marvellous thing. Therefore, He was speaking
in literal terms.

Yahusha tells us in Revelation 3:21: To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with
M e on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
This means if we are to enter into the Kingdom of God we must strive to overcome
any sinful behaviour that causes us to fall short of the mark (in the Name of God) –
and this is usually confirmed when angels manifest themselves to the overcomer. We
know this because the angels ministered unto Yahusha after He told satan to depart
from Him – when He was at His most vulnerable in the wilderness.


Here is the process of creation in seven, easy to comprehend stages:

1) You are born of flesh (into the physical world).

2) Your spirit waxes strong as you study the scripture and keep the Laws of God.
3) You become baptized (by taking on the mind of Christ) to walk in the faith.
4) You strive to 'overcome' in the Name of God when you are vulnerable to satan.
5) The angels then confirm you have overcome - and minister unto you.
6) You then walk in truth - seeking to glorify the Father with all your deeds.
7) Then, at the end, you are born of spirit (into the heavenly world).

This is the journey Yahusha took – thus it is the 'narrow path' back to Paradise.
The most powerful testimonies are the ones that reflect this sequence of going into a
kind of spiritual wilderness feeling vulnerable to the schemes of satan then at the
crucial moment denying satan the honour of worship. This is why the 'narrow path' is
difficult to walk.

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The mention of the words 't hrone' and 'crown' in Revelation suggests authority and
power are available for the taking – but the only way to righteously attain Spiritual
Authority is to not submit to the lust for authority over others.
This is because the faithful will always give Glory to God.
Yahusha gave us authority over the dark principalities but we should not rejoice over
this. Rather we should rejoice that our names are written in the Book of Life. This
means that even when we are granted authority over the dark principalities we must
not let it cause spiritual perversion (which is the misuse of spiritual power) to attain
power and authority over another person.

In other words – sorcery is a form of spiritual fornication.

Let the Father in heaven see how you take responsibility to use the authority you have
over the dark principalities wisely to grow in the spirit so you can be 'Born Again' into
the Kingdom of God.


A common question asked of baptism is: If a person was killed in a car crash on the
way to their baptism, would they be saved?

Consider the following question as an example of how to answer this question: If you
cleaned dog thesis with your bare hands off the floor – would you eat a sandwich
without washing your hands?

The answer (from a sane person) would be: no. Therefore, you will not be saved.
However, you will not automatically be condemned to hell either. You would go
hungry as you refuse to eat the sandwich. In other words... if you die before you are
baptized, you will have to wait until you are resurrected to receive your salvation.

Salvation is not granted to those who are baptized as a given measure of grace.
Baptism is like a cloak of light that allows a person to become of the light as they
study the Word of God. Scripture tells us (before Christ) people would have to bathe
themselves, being completely cleaned from head to toe, so they would be clean by the
evening. This is because the Holy Spirit will not rest upon a person who is unclean.

Now here's the interesting part:

First of all – it is not the end of the world if you are not baptized. This is because you
can receive instruction of the truth after you are resurrected. However, it would be
beneficial to receive this instruction (by the Holy Spirit) before you are resurrected,

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after death, because Yahusha - quite rightly - said blessed are those who are in the
first resurrection.

They are blessed because they have learned how to receive instruction of the truth
which is the Word of God and they will to some extent become 'of' the Word of God.
Those that have been baptized will (through diligent study and humble walk in the
ways of the Lord) have already received some measure of revelation of truth and be
better equipped to deal with the truth when they hear it.

This is because the savior will baptize them with fire (of the Holy Spirit), which is the
cleansing of the spirit unto purification.

If you have read through this book you will already be aware how shocking the truth
(that glorifies the Hallowed Name of God) can be – assuming you have not been
judgemental of the way the truth has been presented here.

The problem with baptism, in these closing chapters of satan's rule is, there isn't a
religious institution that performs the baptism correctly. Normally, a church leader
(who is usually a wolf in sheep's clothing) will say the words: "I baptiz e you in the
name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost".

These are not the right words. The correct words are: "I baptize you into the Name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost."

The church leader, having no idea they have defiled the Hallowed Name of God by
usurping the authority of the M ost High, will have used the words "I baptize you in
the name of...," which is the assertion of authority over another person – when they
should have used the words: I baptize you into...," which is the welcome of a fellow
brother or sister into the equality of the Kingdom of God.

Thus, if you want to be baptized, with some measure of effectiveness, it would be

better to ask a friend to perform the baptism using the words: "I baptize you into the
Hallowed Name of the M ost High – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," rather
than go to a person who is a church leader.

Then, you need to abstain from sin – so the Holy Spirit can rest upon you.

The idea we live in a perpetual state of repentance is like saying you have the license
to continue in sin. The grace of the Father is given, freely by the blood of Yahusha, to
let us shed our sinful ways as we grow in spirit unto the glory of the M ost High.

Thus, repentance is abstinence from committing sin.

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The Father will work with you to overcome each habit of death so you can learn to
walk in the ways of the Lord. Thus, an initial baptism to wash away the unclean spirit
will allow the Holy Spirit to rest upon you.

Then, whenever you commit any sin – say become angry with your Brother or lust
after another – you should bathe yourself before evening to ensure the Holy Spirit can
return. A cup of salt in the water may not absolutely necessary whenever you take a
bath – but it will help to deter satan from over-burdening you with temptation.

However, you should take note the Holy Spirit will only work to give you the
treasures laid up in heaven (which is knowledge of the M ost High) if you overcome a
sin. If you persist in committing sin – you will not obtain treasure (knowledge).

What normally happens is satan will go for your weakest link and if you deny him
that – he will try the next weakest link and so on until you yield to sin: so you must be
strong and deal with each link in turn.

This book will begin to make sense if you follow this path and you will inevitably
begin to see and hear the Word of God as you never thought possible. Your heart will
begin to glow and all fears will fade away. You will even begin to understand how
death has no power over you. The only thing you need to do is be committed to
overcome in the Name of God and you will receive all the help you need to grow.

God loves those who are in Christ – and He is holding His hand out to those who are
not yet in Christ so that they may repent and receive eternal life through the blood of
Yahusha who brought light into the world.

John the Baptist said: He (Yahusha) must increase as I decrease, which is to say the
importance of cleansing by baptism was to shift from water to fire.

This is the baptism that will cleanse you of unclean spirits and only those who
overcome and learn how to not commit sin will receive the Kingdom of God (eternal
life). Those who take of their garments (worldly ways) and trample upon them will
receive the garments of glory prepared by God.


Technically... judgement began when Yahusha returned from the wilderness after
being baptized and closed the scroll and proclaimed the scriptures had been fulfilled
in the hearing, of the ears, His Words.

At the time this was proclaimed He was branded a blasphemer and heretic and driven
out of the synagogue, where He grew up and studied the word with the elders of the

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priesthood, even though they were aware He had a deep understanding of scripture
that often caused them to marvel. Shameful: but a predictable scenario – because, just
as Yahusha said, a prophet is never accepted in His own home town.

The elders of the priesthood, where He frequented, would have known the prophecies
regarding the arrival of a M essiah that would redeem Israel, and indeed be the saviour
of the whole world, were imminent – but they chose to ignore the signs.

What makes this particularly interesting is they would have, most likely, heard about
John the Baptist who had been preaching repentance and baptizing just beyond the
Jordan river because he, by this time, had a large following of people who were eager
to hear the good news that people where hoping for in those days.

In those days, the whole nation of Israel was longing for a prophesised M essiah in
great expectation to overthrow the Roman tyranny that they were s ubject too. There
were many who proclaimed themselves Christ hoping to capture the glory of ending
the Roman occupation and many of these were called Zealots – who had a heart for
violent revolt to establish a throne with a king in Israel.

None understood the true revelation of the Torah – except Yahusha.

The priesthood were blinded by their own understanding of scripture and lust for
authority to see, they had indeed heard in their ears the scripture had been (truly)
fulfilled. They were too preoccupied to take note of the gravity of the situation
because they were concerned with political issues of maintaining peace where they
shared power with the Roman governor.

The scripture being fulfilled at this time, is when the Day of the Lord began.

Even now... people think the great Day of the Lord is yet to come: but Yahusha has
already proclaimed it has arrived some two thousand years ago – because judgement
is the process by which people are brought to the full knowledge of God.

...and the (first half) ministry of Yahusha started the ball rolling.

The priesthood chose to ignore the signs and, to their own destruction, decided to
deny Yahusha. Later they would watch Him closely before making any decisions as to
how – they would deal with Him – to retain their authority in the priesthood.

I say „to their own destruction‟ because the temple was destroyed seventy years later
which Yahusha had previously shed tears over when He was in lamentation for Zion –
and this was understandable: because thousands of years of cleansing was about to be
nullified by the destruction of the temple.

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The priesthood would have noted how Yahusha was gathering a large following and –
because His message was one of love – they would have been intrigued by the subtle
and increasingly complex problems they were facing.

That being... they could not accuse Him of any crime that would remove Him from
the streets until they were sure – but as time drew closer to the Passover they would
have been under increasing pressure to act hastily – especially as Yahusha had turned
over the tables in the temple – because Jerusalem would have been highly populated
at this time.

Before this turning of tables, which was the shadow and type of removing the leaven
from the House of God, they would have been concerned He had a large following,
which could turn quickly into a revolt against the Romans. There were hundreds of
thousands of people in Jerusalem at this time so they would have been extremely
anxious to ensure nothing went wrong.

The priesthood cared nothing for the symbolic nature of the turning tables because, by
this time, they would have been only concerned with trying to maintain the peace and
the established rule of Roman governance – by avoiding any potential revolt.

They saw the turning of the tables as an act of aggression.

When Yahusha turned the tables this would have forced the priesthood to act and
remove Him from the street even though the Passover was upon them. Under normal
circumstances – they would have waited for the Passover to come and go before
taking any action: but Yahusha had proven to be a problem for the priesthood, who
had repeatedly tried to discredit Him publicly by asking Him loaded questions
regarding the Law of God.

One such question was about the marrying of the brother rule which would lead to a
problem in heaven because there would be many brothers when the woman arrived.
Yahusha became somewhat upset with this line of questioning because He knew their
intentions were to try to catch Him out. He called the priesthood hypocrites and told
them we would be like the angels in heaven.

This answer totally threw the priesthood off guard, fortunately, because they could
have explored the whole subject – of angels – which would have forced Yahusha to
speak of things the world was not ready to hear about.

The point is: the priesthood were blinded by their own worldly understanding of
scripture to recognise the Day of the Lord had arrived – and as such they behaved in a
way that caused some difficulty for the M essiah – but it was nothing He couldn‟t

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handle: because their predictive nature allowed Him to manifest the Eternal Hallowed
Name of God.

…the way the M ost High had willed

This nature (of man) is what we are going to approach – so you can understand why
Yahusha said: You look for splinters in your brother‟s eye but do not see the log that
is in your own eye. The secret of judgement is somewhere within the ability to know
the nature of man in order to manifest the Eternal Hallowed Name of God.

It is called: „overcoming‟ in the Name of God.

This book has shown how the Most High speaks in terms of overlapping scenarios –
especially with the seven days of creation in Genesis and the prophecies in Revelation
– but this does not mean the prophecies pertaining to the two witnesses and the return
of the M essiah for example will not come to pass.

The great Day of the Lord is when judgement begins and this has already been taking
place in our lives even as Enoch spoke of the four deep hollows in a mountain.

When a person dies the spirit and the physical separate and they return to source. The
physical returns to the ground and the spirit returns to the Father and is placed within
one of the four chambers – as seen by Enoch:

These four hollows (chambers) are for:

1) The righteous elect in whom there is a bright spring of water.

2) The sinners who have not had judgement during their lifetime.
3) The martyrs who petition the Lord day and night for vengeance.
4) The sinners who are complete in their transgressions.

This means the sp irits of the dead are categorized into four types and are placed into
four different hollows (chambers) where they will await to be resurrected.

The fourth hollow, we are told, will never rise again – so the resurrections are for the
first three hollows thus we can immediately see why Yahusha said: “Blessed is the
one who comes to the first resurrection.”

This illustrates how people are being prepared during their lifetimes to go into one of
the four hollows and the fact that those who are complete in their transgression will
never rise again – from their place of torment: tells us people can be judged to eternal
death before they are resurrected after the first death.

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This is because judgement will have come upon them during their lifetimes (to inspire
a repentant heart) but they have ignored the call to repentance. This could happen to
anyone – even from the beginning of time when the Laws of God were preached by
Enoch and Noah. Yahusha proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord because He
was the first to overcome in the Name of God and receive the ministry of the angels.

Torment is “knowing the „soul‟ requires both the physical and spirit to exist and being
in a state where they are no longer together”. The realization the person has lost the
opportunity to repent is the source of torment because they are no longer privy to the
presence of the M ost High who rendered them every opportunity to repent.

This is what (physical) death is.

For this reason, it is easy to see why we have a dread for it. Given we intrinsically
have a deep desire to remain alive – and the measures we go to try and prolong it and
it seems difficult to grasp why Yahusha told us in M atthew 16:25: “For whoever
would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

This is probably the most profound statement He ever made – right up there with: “He
who believes in M e will have everlasting life,” because this kind of statement seems
to tell us we are to live a life that is lacking any concerted drive t o survive. However,
Yahusha was referring to living a life of humility before others. live a life that is dependent upon the M ost High: to provide for all our needs
rather than depend on a system of hierarchy that provide for all our needs.

The spiritual death is a lot more serious and is usually referred to as the second death
because there is no resurrection, or any kind of existence, after this death.

Thus, the four hollows contain those who are either righteous or sinful.

These have been further categorized as: having seen judgement in their lives or
become complete in their transgressions or they were denied the opportunity to learn
the ways of the Lord – being made martyrs before their time on earth was complete.

This means judgement has been with us, throughout the eons, since the day Adam and
Eve partook of the forbidden fruit.

M any people, throughout history, were not aware of the Laws of God – so they cannot
be categorized as complete in their transgressions save those who were aware it is
wrong to sin without care for the well being of others regardless of any law – be it
M an‟s or God‟s – that were in place.

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Cain was the first of these people.

A person who was aware it is wrong to sin in some way, may not have heard of the
Word of God, but they are considered complete in their transgression against the Lord
when they were wholly aware their actions would cause harm to others in some way.

This might include a non-repentant attitude after murder or rape etc.

This is because God sees the heart and it is why He has often been quick to bring His
wrath upon the children of Israel – when they should have known better. The
holocaust was a terrible (terrible) affliction upon the nation of Israel – but I was
disappointed when I visited their museum in Israel: they had neglected to tell the
world why (exactly) the holocaust befell them.

Prophecy told of a time they would suffer terrible affliction such as the holocaust
because of their trans gressions against the Lord – so it is important they (and the
whole world) acknowledge: the M ost High takes the keeping of His commandments
quite seriously: if we are to enter into Paradise at the appointed time.

The four chambers also explain why it is the scripture alleviates to a pre-destiny of
spirits that are kept separately before they enter the world – being born of the flesh –
given they all have an opportunity to repent: and secure a place in the resurrection.

How many people today think it is not wrong to lie?

Before Yahusha proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord – the gentiles (non-Jewish
nations) could say they did not know it was wrong to lie. People (today) genuinely
think it is not wrong to say a white lie – even though Yahusha has told all the world,
Jewish and Gentile people alike, to keep the Commandments of God.

The chamber that contains „the sinners who have not seen judgement during their
lifetimes‟ proves the Most High has prepared places for people before they die in the
flesh which shows judgement has been with us from the beginning. Or… to be more
accurate: it has been with us since Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit.

The question is: What is going on? Well… the world has two kinds of people:

1) Those who can, and will, repent.

2) Those who cannot, and refuse to, repent.

This means the world has been populated with souls that have come from a righteous
source or an unrighteous source of spirit chambers – who are (now) in the flesh: trying
to understand the purpose of creation / existence.

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Even non-believers will contemplate their existence from time to time – and having a
weak faith will turn to atheism thinking it is a non-belief: when, in fact, it is a faith in
the science – which is the empirical study of facts and experiments that are observable
and repeatable: as if this is proof of anything real.

Having a world populated with two distinct types of people will inevitably allow sin
to mature in the world and this, in turn, will create a situation where the righteous
spirits can be tried and purified in the fire (like gold) as they are oppressed by the
unrighteous who have no place in the eternal Kingdom of God.

This shows the M ost High is more concerned for the way spirits are refined than the
kind of things people normally attribute to worship. This is because the process of
purification allows the Father to prepare spirits to receive the glory that is to come.

Thus, while the world is pre-occupied with trying to assert power and authority over
others to lay claim to this property or that property – the Lord is watching with a keen
eye toward those who have the potential to inherit the eternal Kingdom of God.

...and the four hollows (as seen by Enoch and explained by the angel Gabriel) give us
clear indication we are being prepared for something greater.

The angels Gabriel said the spirits in the forth hollow will never rise – which means
the resurrections will come from the other three deep hollows (chambers) and this
confirms the M ost High has not only been sifting the good from the bad but also He
has been placing them in successive chambers ready for them to be resurrected.

Well... the first three anyway. Here is what will happen:

The first and third hollow will be resurrected at the time Yahusha returns with all the
hosts of heaven and the second hollow will be resurrected after the millennial rule of
Christ. This is explained in Revelation 20:5 – The rest of the dead did not come to life
until the thousand years were ended.

The first hollow containing the righteous elect, in whom there is a bright spring of
water, are the people the M ost High saw had a fervent love for Him and thus He
selected them to work with Yahusha to usher in the Kingdom of God when He returns
with all His the hosts of heaven.

The hosts of heaven are all the angels because „host‟ means army or troops.

Yahusha said, „the scripture is fulfilled,‟ because He was the first to personify the
Truth and thus He became the first Son of the Living God. The closing of the book

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(scroll) was the single greatest moment in all of man‟s history because the light (as
spoken by God when He said, „Let there be light‟) had come into the world at that

The next greatest thing was when Yahusha laid His life down so sinners would have
the opportunity to learn the ways of the Lord by the patience of the Father and the
guidance of the Holy Spirit and the quiet love of the angels as directed by Yahusha.

The third greatest thing is what Yahusha said during His ministry and the way people
heard the Word of God that resonated in their hearts through eternity .

This is the judgement that has been with us from the beginning of time – because the
creation began when the light entered into the world and as such, Yahusha has been
working toward preparing the base (platform) for the eternal Kingdom of God over
the last century or so – by shaping people toward a life of eternal glory.

Change is on the way.

Change: that will be sudden and irreversible. Change: that has been prophesised in the
scripture for millennia. Change: that will require people to make a posit ive and eternal
contribution toward the everlasting glory of the M ost High.

Change: that is inevitable.


Genesis 3:15 says, „I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your
seed and her seed.

This was a profound statement because God had to take measures to ensure the effort
He had made in creating the heaven and the earth was not in vain. This is because the
actions of satan threatened to destroy everything: before there was the opportunity for
the M ost High to establish eternal joy in the Kingdom of God.

Essentially… satan had declared war on the M ost High so God (the Father) took
appropriate measures to ensure He would not be left empty handed in the end.

The Nag Hammadi speaks exclusively about the pattern for creation but for all the
text that was written through the centuries; the scripture struggled to portray a simple
outline of the pattern – especially as the Nag Hammadi scripture dares to speak
against the writings of M oses: claiming such things as Noah‟s Ark was not built.

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This kind of assertion leaves the reader sceptical of the teachings contained within the
Nag Hammadi or else a „Gnostic‟ will defer to the shortcoming of the verses (within)
having felt dismissive of the Torah. This is a recipe for disaster which will lead many
to misunderstand what the Nag Hammadi is actually trying to say.

The Nag Hammadi speaks exclusively about the way the Ineffable One (Father)
brought the Holy Spirit (Mother) into being and they brought forth the Son.

The Virgin Spirit (M other and Father) then brought into being spirits such as wisdom
and truth etc and they were called Aeons. These were personified as angels or deities
– that then (at some later stage) began to create of their own accord – without the
permission of the Father, which is when problems arose.

Their offspring (unclean spirits) are called Archons (demons), and they are ashamed
of them – because they are not beautiful like the spirits the Virgin Spirit created.

To make matters worse… an arch-Achron (spirit) named Yalbabaoth is then described

as the creator of this world and he is the one who encouraged Adam and Eve to eat of
the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This adds up to a
somewhat sceptical view of the Nag Hammadi – especially as this account of
primordial (before physical realm) birth of the spirit realms are lacking in direction or
closing account of creation.

Indeed… a Gnostic may argue this is the whole point – to let go of the physical to
appreciate the way we all came into being – because the Nag Hammadi goes on to
describe how the Aeons and Archons enter the struggle to bring children of light out
of darkness from the abyss that Yalbadaoth created.

Yalbadaoth did not create anything. He (being satan) destroyed what God created so
in a sense he did create the abyss – but he is no creator. The Nag Hammadi does go on
to say Yalbadaoth is limited by his arrogance and ignorance, which are personified as
spirits that do his bidding.

It just seems to get more and more complicated as you seek answers there – and any
Gnostic who claims to have full knowledge of God (from the Nag Hammadi – as
wonderful as some of the text is in some places) has missed the whole point of what is
going on. Here you will discover exactly what is going on – or, at least, what the Nag
Hammadi is trying to say :

The Ineffable One (Father in heaven) set out to create a paradise where He would
have Children of Light who would live in eternal joy and abound in love forever: with
Him as co-creators – in pure procreation.

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It gets complicated but it is simple – as you will see:

Genesis tells us Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit and suddenly realized
they were naked. This is because they suddenly lost their clothing of glory and the
estate of light they lived in had been ruined.

The serpent knew about the tree of life in the Garden of Eden so when he told Eve she
would surely not die – he was hedging his bets they could attain eternal life after
eating of the forbidden fruit: but their clothing of glory had gone when they did eat it.

…and God saw they had disobeyed His commandments.

Now… it could be said they lost their garments of glory not because they knew good
and evil but because they disobeyed the Father who wanted them to remain innocent
without the knowledge of good and evil.

However, the scripture (Torah) does seem to encourage the reader to acquire wisdom
of righteousness, which seems to go against the grain – but as you will have
discovered earlier: the tree of knowledge is scripture and the tree of life comes from
the ability to shun the evil fruit the tree of knowledge contains.

Thus… having partaken of the forbidden fruit – man is now required to learn how to
eat only the good fruit (given the fact we have already been defiled) to return to the
Garden of Eden complete with our garments of glory.

Scripture tells us our garments of glory have been prepared for us as we grow in the
truth and they will be given to us when we learn of overcome and rise up to Paradise
on the last day. This means: it was the Father who removed the clothing of glory from
Adam and Eve (in the first instance) so they would have to learn how to earn them
back again.

…and this is where Yahusha enters the scene – God Bless Him: for He was the one
who first earned the right to attain the garments of glory the Father wants to give us.

So… what is going on?

Well… the Nag Hammadi (which has made a pigs ear of the revelation we need) has
some valuable insight as to what is going on: especially if we take into consideration
the Torah as being truth (without flaw) revealed in Yahusha.

The Nag Hammadi scripture is trying to tell us what the Father intended from day one
to be an eternal blessing upon all mankind in paradise – but we can only attain these
eternal blessings if we are pure and perfect as He is pure and perfect.

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If we look to the conception and birth of Yahusha we can see hints toward the eternal
blessings of Paradise in the way M ary and Joseph (physical) and the Father and
M other (Spirit Virgin) has revealed an eternal pattern for the eternal glory of the M ost
High in the Kingdom of God.

The Father had taken measures to prepare the ground to be a place of Zion (where the
feet of righteous tread) over the previous thousand or so years with many sacrifices
and ordinances that brought Jerusalem to the status of Zion. This purified the physical
area sufficiently enough for the Father and M other to rest upon two people when they
conceived the light of the world (Yahusha).

Essentially… what we have here is the procreation of life between to purified people
in the physical and the creation of a pure spirit by the Father and the M other (Virgin
Spirit) working together to bring a pure child of light into the world.

This child grew up and laid His life down so the followers of Yahusha might have the
opportunity to become pure (repent of their sins) and be cleansed by the blood of the
Lamb of God – which is no easy task: considering satan has deceived the whole world
into following false doctrines and practice sexual immorality.

Here we can see how the enmity between the woman and the serpent has been going
on through the millennia with all the false religions that practice sexual immorality or
child sacrifice in all the nations and civ ilizations that have arisen in the world.

Even in modern society, we can see how sexual immorality is leading directly to the
defiling of the purity found in children when they become sexualized by all the
pornography or provocation that surrounds us in everyday life.

This is the visible sign of the war between the seeds that has been going on through
the millennia and it is to our shame we have allowed this to happen – considering this
attitude toward sexual immorality is deepening the nail (stirring God to wrath).

The Ten Week prophecy of Enoch spells out how the M ost High intends restoring the
pattern and regaining the pure conception He designed from the beginning – and we
are already in the end of the seventh week when the righteous elect will receive: seven
fold instructions on His creation.

The first six weeks tells us the work He undertook to bring the light into the world, so
purity can be achieved within the abyss, and this was Yahusha. The M ost High is
about to shake the foundations of heaven to try to wake the world up – even though it
is a corpse – dead to the world. It would be wise to start turning our attention to the
Commandments of the Lord and start to walk in the faith of the Risen Lord Yahusha.

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In the early days – God gave Adam commandments to observe in order to let the seed
of the woman flourish – but this led only to a small handful of people (namely Seth,
Enoch, Noah, Abraham,) but the M ost High decided to send His Son into the world so
the shedding of His blood would help the world achieve greater purity.

Sadly… the truth of His message was obscured and as such only a small number
(little flock) of servants were able to be taken out of the world ready to prepare the
way for the Kingdom of God.

144,000 were sealed and they will be anointed to teach the rest of those who want to
be purified in the Name of God – toward everlasting life – but were deceived into
following false doctrines of satan. These are the ones who will be washed in the blood
of the Lamb of God and given white garments as and when they come to the full
knowledge of God.

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Genesis starts with:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

This tells us God exists beyond the confines of this reality and scripture confirms this
by telling us the throne of God is north beyond the stars in Heaven which means He
resides in a place that is not in this reality - and the heaven and the earth has been
created (in past tense).

This reality, as stated in scripture is the combination of the heaven (the spiritual
realm) and the earth (the physical realm) and modern science has confirmed these do
co-exist in an interdependent state. Science has also ascertained this reality is an
illusion that is holographic in nature – and scripture does, in fact, tell us this is true:
where God tells M oses, "Tell my children, I Am That I Am sent you."

While biblical scholars take this to mean His literal Name is 'I Am That I Am' (which
they often abbreviate to 'I Am') the truth is: God was instructing M oses to inform us:
God is the only thing that is real.

When Yahusha said: ...before Abraham was, I Am - He was confirming He is in His

Father which means He is real. After all, Yahusha did say: “I am in my Father,” and
He also said I am the truth. These are all subtle references to the fact this reality is
nothing but an illusion.

He also told us: heaven and earth will pass away and only His words will remain.

This, then, means the heaven and earth that was created by God, in the beginning, is
written down for destruction and the only thing that will survive this passing away is
the Words of Yahusha (which are those who become the personification of the Law of
God that is the light eternal).

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This means God created this heaven and earth (which is an illusion) for some specific
purpose - and scripture confirms this where Yahusha said: I go to prepare a place for
you. The following verses in Genesis not only tell us the way things would unfold
from this point; but also what will be prepared for us.

This is because the scripture shows the shadows and types that also reveal the source
of light which is the presence of Yahusha.

Let us have a look at what the Father in Heaven has revealed:

The next verse in Genesis says:

And the earth was without form. And void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

First Day: One

Scripture refers to waters as inhabitants – thus we can see this verse is telling us He
was looking for a way to reveal Himself to mankind: and, later, you will see how the
declaration to make man in His image (in a later verse) was actually about introducing
the Law of God so the inhabitants had the opportunity to come to eternal life.

He, being the only thing that is real at this point, saw the creation (in the beginning) as
lacking light. The light He is referring to here is the full knowledge of God. Earth is
the physical presence and water is the spiritual presence – and darkness (upon the face
of men) was void of light.

...or Law of God – as the light is often called.

Even though... God sought a way to introduce Himself which is revealed in the way
scripture says: the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Torah experts will tell us this verse is more accurately stated as: The peaceful essence
of the M ost High fluttered gently upon the surface of the waters. This tells us the
Father was seeking a way to introduce Himself in a loving and gracious manner.

This is where it gets interesting, because we learn here that this is the reference to the
creation of Zion where the light could be introduced.

Given that Zion is where the feet of righteousness tread – this means the verse which
describes the essence of the M ost High was fluttering gently upon the surface of the
waters is the account of Abraham and the covenant which lead to the sanctification of
the ground in Israel.

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When Zion was sufficiently pure – the M ost High found a worthy vessel to reveal His
light which is the fulfillment of the Law of God: in a young maiden named M ary.

Through her would come the light which will sanctify the whole earth so Zion can
produce many children unto the Lord – but satan has worked diligently to pervert the
truth in order to prevent this.

However, the time has come to fulfill the mystery of God – so the Lord can gather the
saints He needs to sanctify the creation. That time is upon us now. Through M ary –
the M ost High would speak the Words: let there be light.

...and the next verse in Genesis does state this:

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

From this we see all the shadows and types within scripture and if we look to the
account of Yahusha, who is the light, we can see that everything that has happened in
history and since is either a shadow or type of this light.

For example:

Before Yahusha: The world had many pagan religions that worship false idols
because satan tried desperately to make it normal practice to worship idols of stone
and metal – in an attempt to pervert the nation of Israel to stop them sanctifying the
ground enough to receive the light.

After Yahusha: While the majority of the polytheistic pagan religions have gone –
such as the Greek gods and the Roman gods etc – the world has developed many
Christian denominations that all profess of be in truth: but they are all perversions of
the truth.

Even Israel has remained focused on the priesthood traditions that Yahusha said were
sufficient to establish a Zion for His arrival but they have failed to note the a new
covenant was established to make the whole world Zion (where everyone walks in

Israel has clung to the notion they are the only ones worthy not realizing they are a
witness to the whole world so all may come to the truth. God chose Abraham to foster
children unto Himself because His wish is that everyone would come to the truth and
share in the equality of eternal life which means Israel are a witness and not above
others as they often claim to be.

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Indeed, they come under His protection for sure because He will ensure His great
Name is known throughout the whole world before the end.

...and Islam is still behaving like the jilted brother, as it strives to assert the right of
progenitor inheritance which they believe God has granted them – even as they claim
to do the Will of God – they are fulfilling the prophecy of Yahusha that says: M any
will kill you claiming they are in the service of God.

The obvious question is: What is going on?

Well... the adversary (that serpent of old called satan) has always given those who
seek self-glory the means to assert their authority over others – thus many pagan, and
even satanic, cults remain from the ancient times – and they have been honed to call
upon demons to do their bidding.

They are lead blindly into a trap thinking white magic is safe because black magic is
evil whereas the truth is – there is no such thing as safe magic: because any prayer
that lay demands will always require some payback to the spirit that was called.

This is why the prayers of the saints make no demands of the M ost High. The saints
know all the glory belongs to the Father and they are therefore His servants and not
the other way around.

The adversary (that serpent of old called satan) has also perverted the gospel and
people of good Christian cheer are under the delusion they are in truth when in fact –
demons have indoctrinated them to think the Father is the Son and the M other is the
Queen of Heaven and being born again is merely a symbolic act of taking on the mind
of Christ and accepting Jesus into the heart.

The Father has called many out of this (apostate) church and many have responded by
leaving – but few have realized all the doctrines within these churches are either
completely false and downright demonic or twisted versions of the truth.

M any people cling to these false doctrines thinking they are true and enter the forums
seeking to assert their small measure of understanding, as the whole truth, when they
have not diligently removed the leaven – to abound in the love of Christ. The result is
mass confusion, especially when those who are privy to a small portion of truth argue
with those who know other small portions of truths. It's like everyone is on a free-for-
all trying to assert their understanding – where the love of Christ is not abound.

I am sure you have felt the groaning of the spirit (which is the calling of His Name)

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when you find people refuse to hear the truth - as you see it - and good this is for you:
to know how the Father has contended with One and All: even yourself and myself.

The good news is: there is a little flock who has heard the Word of God and they will
be anointed in due time to teach the entire world (with Yahusha) the truth that leads
people to Paradise. Anyway...

The Words: 'Let there be light' was made manifest in a young maiden named M ary
who (with Joseph) brought Yahusha - who is of the Holy Spirit - into the world. The
fact God had to prepare the right kind of conditions to receive His Word (who is the
light that fulfilled the Law of God) tells us how preciously delicate His love is.

It boggles the mind when we consider all the prophecies and deaths and wars included
in the struggle of the nation of Israel to sanctify the ground so the Word could enter
into the world was described as: 'The essence of God was gently fluttering upon the
surface of the waters.'

Even more mind-boggling is the phrase: "I go to prepare a place for you," which is the
sanctification of the whole earth so the creation can produce the children of light the
Father so earnestly wants to inhabit Paradise.

...and You are invited.

From this point: we see that God describes the way Yahusha will prepare a place for
us – because the account given (in Genesis) is the way the eternal Kingdom of
Heaven will come about and not a description of the way the world came into being.

...and, oh boy, is it an interesting read because the next verse in Genesis says:

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

This verse is telling us God saw Yahusha grow as a child and develop into the perfect
image of His glory – a true reflection of the Father which in Hebrew means He is a
Son. Then, when Yahusha was baptized, the inhabitants (who still had darkness upon
their faces) heard a booming voice from heaven declare: This is my Son in whom I
am well pleased.

This is when He saw the light, that it was good (and declared it was good) In many
ways, this was the literal moment He said: let there be light because it was after this
Yahusha would begin His ministry which is when the light would be revealed to the
world – after being tempted of satan in the wilderness.

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Subsequently... Yahusha (being without sin) was not subject to death and was quite
capable of rising up to be with the Father in Heaven. The reason why He did not rise
up at this point is because he wanted to avoid being alone: which He spoke of – when
He told us about the seed that had to die in order to let the Kingdom of God take root
and grow.

In other words... He was telling us He had to go into Sheol (which is the grave or hell)
to obtain the keys so those who came after Him could also rise to heaven having being
filled with the full knowledge of God, which comes after circumcision of the heart
(which is death in Christ).

The modern church has lead people to believe they must die in the physical before
they can be risen to glory – but even this is a lie because scripture tells us we must be
born again to enter into the Kingdom of God – and this is something of a marvelous
thing: because Yahusha told us not to marvel upon this.

Simply taking on the mind of Christ is not a marvelous thing because a person can fall
back into sin. However, rising to be with the Father in heaven is a marvelous thing.
Thus, we are required to shed our clothing (ways of the world) which is death in
Christ thus it is not actually necessary to experience physical death.

There is no such thing as death: as we understand it - when someone passes away.

What happens when a person dies is: the spirit and the physical have been separated
which means the soul no longer exists because the spirit returns to the Father and the
physical returns to the earth. When we are resurrected... the spirit will be restored to
the physical - so the soul can exist again - and the process of learning to walk in the
ways of the Lord returns in earnest.

There is no automatic rising to everlasting glory or descent into everlasting shame

because the judgement (which is the process of sanctification when a person is
brought to the full knowledge of God) is a gradual learning curve which requires the
patient assistance of angels to guide in quietness.

Enoch received the clothing of glory because he was righteous before the Lord.

At the resurrection – there will be saints appointed (by Yahusha) to educate the world
how to walk in the ways of the Lord: and those who come to the first resurrection are
blessed because they are the ones who will accept the teachings of the saints easily.

They are the ones who will have no leaven in them.

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After the first resurrection we will see those who were leavened and continually
argued they were in truth when they were only deluded by satan and his lies into
believing demonic doctrines being risen from the grave.

These are the ones who will be in danger of being cast into the outer darkness where
there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. The phrase 'wailing and gnashing of teeth'
tells us they should have known better – which is why Yahusha referred to them as
Sons of the Kingdom who recline with Abraham.

M any will make the mistake of arguing when they are supposed to be at rest with the
Lord learning the truth from Him – rather than trying to assert the false doctrines of
the apostate church which they will still think are truths.

The three main false doctrines that will cause them to stumble are:

1) The Trinity Doctrine (that says the Father is the Son of God).
2) The Born Again Doctrine (that denies the path to Paradise).
3) The Virgin Birth Doctrine (that says the M other is the Queen of Heaven).

These are the three doctrines that cause people to stray from the truth and Yahusha
will not tolerate them being asserted in the Kingdom because the process of
sanctification will require people to learn how to rise up to Paradise when this heaven
and earth passes away and time will be of the essence.

Essentially,... we are required to rise from an illusion into reality.

This means we need to learn how to walk upright before the M ost High so we can
enter into Paradise: and because Yahusha has obtained the keys we do not have to die
in the physical but of the flesh where we shed our clothing (ways if the world) so we
may be clothed with the glory of the Father (ways of the Lord).

...and those who learn to walk in the ways of the M ost High are children of light while
those who deny the truth are children of darkness - and Genesis tells us: God divided
the light from the darkness.

This, then, is verified by the words of Yahusha who told us: "Do not think I have
come to bring peace for I have come with a sword." Yahusha is making it clear: His
Words have the power to separate light from darkness so we should learn to hear them
and listen with reverence to the truth.

When we look at the world, we see confusion and all manner of wicked things with
wars and even rumors of wars but the Father sees so much more. God sees the hearts
of men and where we perceive chaos – He sees the child within crying. In this world

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the iniquity reveals the hearts of people as either children of darkness or children of
light - and He knows how to resolve all the problems we see by letting sin mature.

The moment sin matures – He can deal with it once and for all.

The period of sanctification (normally called the millennial rule of Christ) will begin
and Yahusha and His saints will show everyone how to become the light which is the
fulfillment of the Law of God and these are His Words. Effectively... everyone will
strive to become a personification of the truth - which means we will have a (literal)
Kingdom of Truth: ready to rise up.

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and
the morning were the first day.

Second Day: Two

This is when God calls people to Himself.

Which means the witness of the light and darkness (as observed by God) is concluded
in the final judgement. Thus, the word 'Day' means the 'Day of the Lord' (which is the
light shining within the children of light) and the word 'Night' means the time of
satan: which is to be brought to an end (because those who are children of darkness
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God).

The verse concludes by declaring the first phase is complete and this was achieved by
the first half of Yahusha's ministry. The phrase 'evening and morning' is telling us
God is speaking in terms of phases. This is because time does not exist in Heaven the
way we understand it here on earth.

Scripture tells us - a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.

M ost biblical scholars have taken this to mean a day is literally a thousand years
whereas the truth is the verse is actually telling us God deals in phases rather than
exact dates because the word 'is as' is used to verify times 'might be exact' or 'could be
more or less'.

This becomes apparent when you realize the moment God said: "Let there be light,"
was when Yahusha entered into the world and this was only about two thousand y ears
ago. Then the verse that says: 'T he essence of God was fluttering upon the surface of

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the deep,' covered over three thousand years while God sought to purify a small patch
of ground He called Zion (Jerusalem).

It is only when we realize the M ost High speaks in terms of phases can we see the
deeper meaning that reveals the source of light - when we look at all the shadows and
types in scripture (as we are doing here with this exegesis). This does not mean God is
not aware of exact times – but rather He wants us to think in terms of phases so we
can be more malleable in His hands.

He has set forth signs and seasons (convocations and feasts) which mean set
appointments - but like any wedding: there is always a rehearsal before the actual day.

...and that is what all these traditional enactments are.

Yahusha has asked us to be awake which means we need to be watchful for the day
He will come for us – because Israel (having kept all the Feasts of the Lord) was not
able to recognize Him when He was fulfilling many of the prophecies before their
very eyes – we need to be extra vigilant.

M any of the signs are observed as indicating we are in the final days – but few are
aware that even as the tetrads (four blood-moons of 2014 and 2015) declare the
beginning of Jacob's troubles. There are many other signs that preclude the closing of
this age – not least as we see the nations gather against Israel.

This is revealed in the next verse in Genesis:

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and divide the
waters from the waters.

The word 'firmament' in this verse refers to the gulf between heaven and hell that we
read about in the New Testament when Lazarus pleaded to have his tongue quenched.

The verse also tells us the waters, which are the inhabitants of the earth, are to be
separated which verifies the sword Yahusha said He had brought would separate the
light from the darkness. Scripture also refers to the separating of the sheep from the
goats and the wheat from the chaff to illustrate the point: the great Day of the Lord
will come swiftly upon those who are asleep (dead in their ways) - and there will be a
gulf they will never be able to traverse set in place.

The next verse in Genesis confirms this with:

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the
firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

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Initially, biblical scholars would think this verse meant the sky was set in place with
the water under the sky (the seas, rivers and lakes) and the water above the sky (the
clouds in their various forms).

Of course, no one can blame them for thinking in such worldly terms because they
were under the impression scripture is the spiritual trying to describe the physical -
whereas, in fact, it is the physical trying to describe the spiritual.

...and while the world continued to look at scripture in such terms: there would be a
veil that would someday be lifted. That day has come in the writ ing of this book - thus
the time has come for all to wake unto the expectation of the Day of the Lord.

This verse, then, confirms the children of light will be separated from the children of
darkness and a great gulf will be set in place to ensure none can cross – as Yahusha
sets about preparing a place for us.

...and this is confirmed by the following verse in Genesis that says:

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the
second day.

Third Day: Three

God gives the firmament a name which He calls: Heaven. This opens a door to deep
understanding if we consider the fact God is beyond the heaven and the earth (we are
currently within) and we are to be with Him in Paradise.

Essentially... Here he is telling us the spiritual realm is the gulf that separates Him
from those who are of the world (having clothing that ornate their self-deluded pride).
This begins to illustrate how easily this heaven and earth will pass away when we rise
up to be with the Father (at the eternal throne of God) as Yahusha's Words in

It would be as simple as pulling the plug to render the whole illusion terminated.

In these verses we see the Father is emphasizing the process of separation - having
given Yahusha the authority to task the angels to divide the waters above (people of
the light) from the waters below (people of the darkness): He now moves to describe
the way Paradise will take shape.

The next verse in Genesis says:

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And God said, Let the waters under the firmament be gathered together unto one
place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

This is the reference to the judgement of the iniquitous inhabitants of the world: who
will be cast into the lake of fire - so the physical attributes of the eternal Paradise can
take shape. Given this account of creation (when observed from the perspective of the
Father) is given to us in phases: this particular phase is rendering the formulation of
Paradise ready: as the inhabitants of the world are judged on a daily basis - during
their lifetimes.

Indeed... Enoch tells us many will be judged during their lifetime - and it would
appear this is necessary for the creation of Paradise to take place. Thus, the creation is
currently in process: even as we go about our daily lives.

This, then, reveals the necessity for the creation to come about in phases: because the
way His hand works is so great – it requires our limited ability to understand: to think
in terms of phases. During the ancient times: the creation account was thought of in
two dimensions of time progression from beginning to end because they thought in
physical terms. Thinking in terms of phases allows us to understand in spiritual terms
because it is more fluidic.

This also means it is possible for Yahusha to appoint saints to the position of
judgement because they will have already been judged during their lifetimes and
found worthy to judge (assist in ushering in the Kingdom of God).

This phase will continue through to the end when this heaven and earth will pass
away and this is confirmed by the next verse in Genesis that says:

And God called the land Earth; and the gathering of the waters he called Seas: and
God saw that it was good.

The first time God declares something to be good is when He saw the light (which is
Yahusha and those who are in Him) then he declares the way the light is separated
from the darkness (which is the process of judgement) and the fact they have been
established to be good...

Then we see: this is an important moment in the creation: because the Father declares
the work of the angels and the saints under the direction of Yahusha to be worthy of
His praise – because the eternal Paradise is taking shape.

In this verse, the Father describes the physical and spiritual attributes of the creation
which tells us the iniquitous are the Seas and the Earth (which is the land that has

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appeared after the wicked have been judged) and is where the righteous (waters
above) will dwell forever.

This is because the iniquitous will be dead (in Sheol which is the grave or hell) and
death is when the spirit and the physical have been separated - just as it says here.
Thus, this verse is telling us about the second death which scripture tells us is eternal.

What is interesting here is the way it says: Let the waters be gathered... which leads to
the land appearing. This is a form of separation - but the word separation has not been
used here. This tells us even at this stage: the Father is only acknowledging the work
of the angels and the saints under the direction of the Word of God (Yahusha) because
He is telling us: there is only the letting of the waters gather to let the dry land appear.

...and this confirms: the wicked are self-destructive.

This is something the reprobate angels have tried to use to t heir advantage – even as
they present themselves as benevolent aliens claiming to be here to assist mankind to
avoid self destruction. This has been disclosed by the government recently – so the
end is closer than people might imagine.

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass and herb yielding seed, and the fruit
tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

This is the great revelation that Paradise has the power to propagate.

The word 'his' appears to describe the tree yielding fruit, in terms of a person, means
this verse is referencing the ability of the children of light to reproduce children of
light unto the Father forever.

Thus, we can see Paradise (reality) will resemble this heaven and earth (illusion) but
there will no longer be a veil that creates a spiritual blindness. This spiritual blindness
was brought on by the fall from grace which was the result of the partaking of the
forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil - which is: the realization one can use
words or violence to attain self-glory.

Thus... the world is deeply entrenched in iniquity (which is the fruit of this forbidden
knowledge) when we see the education system is designed to capitalize on the lust for
material gain which children will have instilled into them from an early age in
expectation of presents during Christmas and birthdays.

The world has honed its ability to lead people toward iniquity and sin is maturing

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because even the religious institutions are using scripture to advance the agenda of
satan - to destroy everything - by deceiving the world to believe the false doctrines
that lead to destruction.

Thus, just as it is on Earth, the Will of God ensures the righteousness of the saints in
Heaven (the Paradise being created) is also maturing in readiness to lead the world
toward the eternal life when the saints begin the work of ushering in the Kingdom of
God with Yahusha and His angels.

This, then, means the creation account has many shadows and types that reveal the
source of light: because the Father has declared the beginning from the end - in such
terms that we can perceive the truth through the observation of the shadows and types
revealed in scripture.

The Father called Yahusha His only begotten Son which means that we, who are in
Yahusha, are also His only begotten because this heaven and earth is just an illusion
and Paradise is what is real – as described to take shape in the way the creation
account describes.

This verse, then, allows us to recognize how the Father has perfectly prepared the
means by which we can embrace Him into eternal life: because in Paradise – we will
have the seed that yields after its own kind to reproduce eternally.

The next verse in Genesis confirms this with:

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree
yielding fruit whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

In this world we, all too often, see the dominating people attain loving relationships
leaving those who are meek and gentle die in loneliness with nothing and no one.

...or end up with people they are not happy with.

This is because satan has the predilection to cause his seed to dominate the seed of the
righteous – in the hope he can terminate the seed of the righteous forever from the
earth – but as we see from the scripture: God declares there will be enmity between
the seed of righteousness and the seed of iniquity through the ages.

However, the righteous seed will inherit the Kingdom of God in Paradise – and this
seed will prosper forever as a means to reproduce children of light unto the Father.

The nation of Israel had specific rules that require their young men to wait upon the
Lord to deliver a wife so they would mature into perfection before the M ost High.

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While this relationship has been tested: they have succeeded in maintaining the
tradition of careful selection toward happy marriage: under the guidance of the Father
– who has a vested interest in preparing them as a witness to His greatness toward the
end of days.

The nation of Israel (by this token) has also demonstrated the veracity of the Law of
God – which will be the eternal light in Paradise that maintains the abundant joy of
His children forever.

The next verse in Genesis concludes the first three days – which is the temple that
Yahusha said He would build in three days – and thus: the preparation of the
Kingdom of God that He has been tasked to produce is beginning to take shape:

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Fourth Day: Four

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God said let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the
night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and days and for years.

Here we see the direct reference to the moment Yahusha ascended into heaven to
assign the angels the task of separating the sheep from the goats. The verse goes on to
say these will be signs and seasons (appointments) which are characterized by the
way we see so many denominations that all claim to be in the truth and so many false
religions in the world.

...and there will only be: a small remnant that remain in the truth who will keep the
Laws of God and the faith of the risen Lord. These will ultimat ely receive the
authority to judge the world – which is the process by which people will be brought to
the full knowledge of God.

Be sure to abound in the love of Christ while these persistent debates continue
because the angels are in the process of separating the children of light from the
children of darkness – and the Sabbath (which is the sanctification period) is when the
appointed saints will reckon the deeds of one and all: increase the number of people: into a state of repentance.

The last thing you want is to be categorized as a child of darkness: so it would be best
to remain humble and let others hone their relationship with the Holy Spirit as you

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work to do the same – which is one of the most difficult things to do when you are so
passionate for the truth.

Some of the most basic principles taught by Yahusha will always ensure the best
results when taken to heart and embraced with a quiet passion. A full understanding
of how satan has used false doctrines to defile the Hallowed Name of God: is required
to qualify a person to the position of appointed teacher of the truth.

The best way to approach this is to appreciate: the Holy Spirit knows best how to
bring people to the truth as each individual struggles to deal with the aspect of
circumcision of the heart (which draws them ever closer to the Father) - thus: the
teacher knows how to work with the Holy Spirit and not (as the case may be) for or
against the Holy Spirit. Let the sword (of truth) circumcise your heart.

The signs and seasons serve to establish appointments in the heaven and earth
(illusion) just as they serve to establish observable beacons which show how close to
the completion of all things we are in the making of paradise. The lights in the
firmament are the angels that prepare the way for the saints to bring the Day of the
Lord to the world with Yahusha.

The verse is then repeated to ensure the phase is made Law when Genesis says:

And let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth:
and it was so.

This, then, shows how the angels (lights), who are in heaven (the firmament), work to
minister the truth (give light) unto the humble of heart (upon the earth) – and how the
Law of God is ministered.

Here we can see the dual direction of 'back and forth' when we consider how the
angels ministered unto Yahusha (before He rose to heaven) and then unto the true
church of God (after He rose to heaven) - which illustrates the focus on those who are
humble and circumcised of heart.

This is also a shadow and type of the seven year ministry of Christ (which was
severed at three and a half years) running forward and backward in time when we see
this occurs within the fourth day of creation – which means the following three and a
half days elaborate the function of the phases that bring children of light unto the truth
in preparation for the completion of the creation.

The second half of the ministry will take place in the 'place of safety' that has been
prepared by the M ost High when the 'little flock' has been gathered: but the following
three and a half days of creation also reveal the shadows and types of these years have

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their significance in the way the Father acknowledged the work of the angels to
minister the truth.

And this is confirmed by the next verse in Genesis which says:

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to
rule the night: he made the stars also.

This is where the Father declares the hierarchy He will introduce: which is His
authority (the greater light) is over the children of light (the day) and the children of
light (the lesser light) will have authority over the children of darkness (the night).

...and Yahusha indicates this when He told us: Behold, I have given you authority to
tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing
shall hurt you.

However, after saying this, He immediately tells us not to rejoice in this: because he is
aware the children of light will never have any kind of hierarchy among themselves -
thus it was prudent to quickly place this into perspective.

This is because the children of darkness that constitute the land which they walk upon
and the sea which they sail upon or swim within - will not enter their minds as they go
about their everyday lives: thus the notion of anyone having any authority over
another will never take hold in Paradise.

...and then the 'surprise' step down from the throne that the Father will do later too.

The verse tells us about the greater light and the lesser light having some sense of rule
– but the stars (that are the angels) are never given any kind of rule: thus we can see
that when Yahusha said we would be like the angels He was telling us: there will be
no hierarchy in the Kingdom of God.

This is confirmed with what Yahusha said in M atthew 20:25-26 – that we are not to
be as the gentiles who lord it over one another. What this all amounts to is: the Father
has it in mind to teach us all now to walk in the ways of the M ost High which was
demonstrated by the humility of Yahusha (even unto death) that we never seek to
assert authority over another individual.

Ultimately... the Father is holding on to His authority while this is taking place and
only when He is adequately satisfied every individual has learned there is no gain
from seeking self-glory: will the heaven and earth pass away and those who are full
(without want) will rise to Paradise.

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The reason why there is no mention of anything about eighth day is because there is
nothing to say. Everyone will be happy – forever. The creation will be complete.

In the meantime: even the people who have died will need to be restored, at the
resurrection, to learn how to walk in the ways of the Lord before this can take place,
and the best anyone can hope for now is to assist Yahusha in the ushering in of the
Kingdom of God.

He alone is aware of who is to be appointed – but only the Father will decide who.
We know this because the disciples asked to be placed at His right hand side – which
is a highly esteemed position – but Yahusha rebuked them and said only the Father
can appoint these positions.

They will be the people who have joyfully proven themselves more than willing to
cast their crown to the throne of God when the time comes for the Father to step
down. By now – if you have been paying attention – you should begin to see that all
this is leading to the ultimate glorification of the Hallowed Eternal Name of God.

When Yahusha returns – the world will be in such a dire need for the truth: everyone
will joyfully receive Him and His saints - thus there will be a natural inclination in the
former years of people taking heed of the Word of God.

As time progresses – some will begin to imagine they might know better: and these
are the ones that will be cast into the outer darkness where they can consider their
mistake for causing contention when the saints have t he awesome task of ushering in
the Kingdom of God.

This implies a sense of hierarchy and perhaps there will be in the beginning: but this
will gradually be resolved to equality to reveal the Hallowed Name of God - and those
who seek to defile this process will not be tolerated.

Some may consider this the actions of a tyrant - but the fact of the matter is: the M ost
High created all things thus He has the authority to do as He pleases: and it gives rise
to unfathomable wisdom when a person sees the beauty of all His actions – are in

This is confirmed by the next verse in Genesis which says:

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

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This is the direct reference to the saints being sealed in the place of safety where they
receive the authority to bring the truth to the world. The word 'set' tells us - this is
established before the M ost High and the next verse confirms this by saying:

And to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness:
and God saw that it was good.

Here we see how God gives the saints the authority to sanctify the creation and the
words: God saw that it was good tells us He gives them His blessing to perform this
awesome duty.

The next verse concludes this with:

And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Fifth Day: Five

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath
life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Having separated the spirit from the physical the saints have the task of reassembling
everything: starting with the spiritual – which is referenced by the word 'waters' so the
inhabitants can begin to understand what is going on at a very basic level (which is
referenced by the word 'creature').

From the perspective of the inhabitants they will learn what has happened but from
the perspective of the saints: the inhabitants will begin to understand.

Some will learn quickly (as referenced by the word 'fowl') while others will learn
slowly which is referenced by the word 'fish' because the ability to grasp the concept
of the way the phases: that have been covered in this exegesis, overlap: requires time
and effort – love and patience.

Especially to see how these things apply to their daily lives.

The diverse nature of the way Paradise will come into full realization is confirmed
with the next verse in Genesis which says:

And God created the great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the
waters brought forth abundantly, after their own kind and every winged fowl after his
kind: and God saw that it was good.

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This verse reminds us the glory belongs to the Father – because it affirms He is the
creator and again He blesses the creation by acknowledging it is good - which means
this verse is not speaking of the physical creatures that swim in the sea or the birds
that fly in the sky: but the spiritual aspect of the way the inhabitants (people) are
brought to the knowledge of God.

This is confirmed by the word 'his' which tells us the creatures are people and not
animals – though the lack of understanding of the people does justify the attribution of
the name creature: because they are not yet fully aware of the t ruth.

The next verse in Genesis goes on to say:

And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply in the earth.

The words „in the earth‟ again confirm He is not speaking of the fish in the sea, or the
birds in the sky, but the spiritual abundance of the inhabitants upon the face of the
whole earth (in the physical). Thus, He sees the people who are in the world now as
creatures poised to be taught the truth so they can be brought unto eternal life.

This phase concludes with the next verse from Genesis which says:

And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Sixth Day: Six

This is where things begin to start to fall into place - because the next verse says:

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creatures after his kind, cattle, and
creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

Here we see the word 'his' mentioned again which tells us the reference is toward
people and not animals. This is overshadowed by the rest of scripture that often refers
to beasts as kingdoms of men which show fierce military attitude of men who lust for
power (just as beasts are mindless in their lust for blood).

This verse, then, is the pronunciation of the way the world would see kingdoms arise;
with men who lust for authority over others: just as the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse have also prophesied.

Only at this time... the saints have the authority to subdue them as we shall discover in
the following verses. This is because they now have the task of nurturing the p hysical
aspect of the creation: which means the creation can enter the final stages of

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This is because the previous work of nurturing the spiritual and the current work of
nurturing of the physical aspect of the soul will ultimately lead to the birth of children
of light: into the Kingdom of God – as Yahusha spoke of being 'born again' – which is
the shedding of the worldly ways (clothing of pride) to receive the clothing of glory
(ways of the Lord).

The next verse in Genesis brings this into sharp focus because it says:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and
over all the earth, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

This is the kind of conversation the saints can expect to hear Yahusha tell them in the
place of safety prior to their return.

The word 'make' in this verse can also be translated to mean 'advance' which confirms
the intention of the Father is to give the saints the authority to teach the inhabitants
how to walk in the ways of the Lord. This is because the word 'dominion' is also
referenced in Revelation when the angels declare the kingdoms of the world have
become the Kingdom of the Lord.

The next verse in Genesis confirms this with:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them.

This verse tells us God considers a man to be whole when he is one with his woman
because they are one flesh having one and the same spirit in the humility of Christ.
Thus we can see this verse is a reference to the way man is glorified in the clothing of
the M ost High because the woman (having the light of Christ within) clothes the man
and the man (having the light of Christ within) clothes the woman in His glory.

The saints will have achieved this prior to returning with the Lord: and they will be
assigned the task of delivering this truth to the world – so the creatures in the world
can be brought into the full knowledge of the M ost High and become men.

Biblical scholars have postulated the word 'us' in this verse refers to the angels - but as
we can see: this is more directed toward the saints (as well as the angels) because they
will work to advance man to the image of God during the period of sanctification.

The next verse in Genesis confirms the power of propagation in Paradise with:

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And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and replenish the earth, and
subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The words 'replenish the earth' confirms this will be spoken after the wicked have
been removed from the earth so the saints have the way cleared to usher in the
Kingdom of God. The blessing of the M ost High comes to complete the creation
ready for His return after the Sabbath rest has been fulfilled in the moments leading
up to rising up to Paradise.

At this time (just prior to the Sabbath rest) the Father will have entrusted the final
stages of the creation to His children which effectively means the rest is akin to the
full realization of Paradise.

This is because He can let the whole process of sanctification follow a natural
conclusion – because the saints will know exactly how to fulfill their destiny – having
spent their lives (while in the flesh contending with satan) learning the ways of the
Lord and how to overcome in His Hallowed Name.

They will know how to see the hearts of men as God did and they will know how to
assist them in the practice if circumcision of the heart – which leads to the shedding of
the clothing of this world.

The words 'subdue the earth' also confirms the saints are to bring the men who
previously lusted for authority and power (when they were in the flesh) to recognize
the ways of the M ost High is the only way that will sustain an eternal life in Paradise.

These are the people who are called the courtyard in Revelation who are prepared for
the Kingdom of God toward the end of the sanctification period: and John was asked
not to measure this because there is no guarantee any of them will even care to hear
the Word of God. However, after they are brought back from the place of torment in
the second resurrection – it is most likely they will take to heed the words of the M ost
High: having seen all the wicked destroyed previously.

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the
face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed, to
you it shall be for meat.

God then draws our attention to the fact He is giving the Kingdom of God to the
children and the herb and fruit thereof is sufficient for nourishment – that there is no

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need for bloodshed (sacrifice) ever again. He then confirms this is also true for the
gentiles (people who are learning the ways of the Lord) with the next verse that says:

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that
creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat:
and it was so.

The gentiles, then, who learn the ways of the Lord, are to receive an equal share so
there is no inequality among those in the Kingdom of God. The words 'Behold, I have
given...' means the children are required to remember all He has done for us.

It is then the M ost High takes a look at everything and declares in the next verse:

And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the
evening and the morning were the sixth day.

After the Father takes a brief look at His work – He declares it to be 'very good' which
means He is pleased with the progress that has been made because He is about to take
His leave and place the process of sanctification into the hands of the saints.

While the world may contain trace elements of sin at this time: He has referenced
these things as creatures that are in need of nurturing – thus He is declaring the fact
there are saints who heed the Word of God (Yahusha) who are competent in
completing the creation to remove all trace of sin forever.

The next verse in Genesis says:

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the
seventh day God ended his work which he had made.

This confirms the Father has prepared everything for the process of sanctification -
which the saints will undertake with Yahusha in earnest.

Seventh Day: Seven

The next verse in Genesis says:

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested
from all his work which God created and made.

This tells us the creation is sanctified during this phase: and that is the direct reference
to the judgement that advances the creatures of the earth toward the image of God as
men. M an is to be the reflection of the father which affords him the title of Son in the

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Kingdom of God – and a man is when two (man and woman) are one in the flesh and
spirit: because they clothe each other in the righteousness of the M ost High who lives
forever – so they are One in (the) truth forever.

This account of creation is then concluded with the next verse in Genesis which says:

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in
the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

Here we immediately see the words 'in the day' which along with the word
'generations' confirms the whole account is to be considered in terms of phases.

The moment the thief comes to take the precious ones (who are the saints that require
sealing) the world will know the time of the end is at hand: even knocking upon the
door – because the two witnesses will stand in sackcloth bringing plagues upon the
earth for people to repent. Repent… so they can receive the Lord when He returns
with His saints and all His angels.

In this exegesis: you have had a glimpse into the kind of things that will be discussed
in the place of safety – as the saints are prepared for their triumphant return.

If you are not gathered to the place of safety: be sure to repent and give thanks to the
Lord you had the opportunity to have a sneak preview of the things that are to come:
and hold on to your faith. Just because you have not been gathered – it does not mean
you are not loved.

It means you will need to prepare yourself for His return.

...and may God Bless One and All toward this end.

The way the Father has revealed His glory we see it was manifest in the way we each
learn how to express His loving nature in the proper manner: which is the fulfillment
of the Law of God.
This account shows how we have the luxury of time to grow within the patient care of
the angels and saints who have the authority to reveal the glory of the M ost High:
with each footstep along the path from this heaven and earth (illusion) toward eternal
paradise (reality) as directed by Yahusha.


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After the Father speaks of sanctifying the creation which is the process of judgement
that brings the inhabitants of the whole world to the full knowledge of the Father - the
M ost High tells us He set the man in the garden.

The following verses in genesis begin (after the conclusion of the full account of
creation) with describing the earth prior to the time before there was grass upon the
face of the earth. At this point... the M ost High is shifting the emphasis toward the
illusion which is the heaven and earth we are within with the words:

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field
before it grew: for the Lord had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was
not a man to till the ground.

The word 'in' the earth is the reference to being within the illusion - thus we can see
the Father is bringing our attention to the place He will later call the garden and He
specifically states there is no man to till the ground. This further confirms He is
drawing our attention to a time prior to the end (even though - this is a continuation
from the full account of the creation after the Sabbath). M ost biblical scholars
consider this to mean a look back to provide a detailed account of creation - but as
you will discover later: the Father is making use of the illusion to create the reality.

It is worth noting the creation (both the illusion and the reality) are in a state of
perfection and are blessed of the Lord to bring children unto His glory because He is
of the mind to give His blessings to His children.

Further confirmation is given with the next verse that says:

But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the earth.

The rain (mentioned in the previous verse before this one) is the blessings that the
Father intends giving His children. We can see this is the case because the verse says:
'but there was no man to till tye ground'. These words tell us He is concerned there is
no man (in the earth) to till the ground.

While biblical scholars have focused on the ground that needs to be tilled - they have
overlooked the next verse that says there was a mist going up from the earth to water
tye ground: which means the earth was receiving (water) rain already.

This, then, means the reference to the word 'rain' in blessings of the Lord and not
physical water and the words 'grass' and 'herb' in the verse before that is a reference to
children within the Kingdom of God.

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...and the words 'till the ground' is a reference to the work of the saints that are
assigned the task of inaugurating the Kingdom of God during the Sabbath Day of the
Lord which is commonly referred to as the M illennial Rule of Christ.

Thus we can see the following words that declare:

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed life into the
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This breath of life that brings man to life is the Gospel of Yahusha. Thus, this single
verse covers the whole account of creation after the M ost High said: Let there be
light... because the saints who work with Yahusha give all glory to the Father having
set the stage ready for the M ost High to establish His eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

What is important to remember here is: this verse tells us the man is made of the two
elements - the ground (physical) and the breath of life (spiritual) which means the
Father is describing a time before Adam was clothed in the glory of the Father but He
was whole because later we know the M ost High brings woman out of Him.

This is where everything begins to fall into place - because the next verse states:

And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man
whom he had created.

This is the first time the scripture says anything about a garden which means:
although the Father has been describing how the illusion has facilitated His work in
creating the reality - He is now showing how the illusion reflects the reality - so man
can see the work of His hands.

...and this is literally confirmed by the next verse that says:

And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the
sight; and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden; and the tree
of knowledge of good and evil.

Here the Father is telling us He has made provision for the creation to run its course to
full completion using the 'tree' to describe authority and how they are to be used to
assist the advancement of man to His image.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the scripture that allows man to either
glorify the Most High (the way Yahusha did) or glorify the self (the way the modern
church has done in the world today).

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These are the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God told the man
not to partake of its forbidden fruit because there was a tree of life - which is the
Word of God that bestows wisdom.

What is also interesting is the way the tree of life is given root in the scripture also
because the M essiah would know how to choose the right when studying the scripture
to ensure He would not partake of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. This,
then, confirms the only way back to paradise: is to hear and obey the Word of God
even as we study the scripture with a heart that is circumcised unto the truth in all
humility toward the Holy Spirit - that nurtures the soul to the image of the M ost High.

The reason for this is because we have sin within the bosom and we are required to
purge it with the assistance if the Savior Yahusha - to fulfill the Law of God even as
Yahusha also fulfilled the Law of God. In doin g this... we become the light that
reveals the everlasting glory of the M ost High and receive the clothing as we rise up
with the Father to be in Paradise.

Here's the thing...

The verse that says the Lord God put the man in the garden is the revelation our
Father was fully aware He had to use an illusion to create the reality because we will
return to paradise when we go westward of Eden.

...because Eden is the illusion and Paradise is the reality.

By now, the M ost High is beginning to focus His description of the creation from the
viewpoint of the illusion (but as the spiritual describing the physical - and not the
physical describing the spiritual). The M ost High continues to show the reflection by
describing the way the authority of the saints will flow into the hearts of men with the

And a river went out to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became
into four heads.

These four rivers are describing the way the saints will be assigned the various
regions that cover the whole face of the earth and the scripture references the names
of the rivers and their regions thus:

The name of the first is Pi'-son: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Hav'-i-
lah, where is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx
stone. And the name of the second river is Gi'-hon: the same is it that compasseth the
whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hid'-de-kel: that is it which
goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Eu-phra'-tes.

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We are not told where the fourth river goes because first three allow us to work this
out for ourselves. However, what is more interesting is the way the Father has told us
where the greatest of these will flow - because the word 'gold' is directly speaking of
the people that will be easiest to work with.

This, then, means the four rivers (that lead from - to - the one) is also a reference to
the number of resurrections we will have in the Kingdom of God - during the
M illennial Rule.

We know this because the M ost High described the man as whole but not clothed in
His glory - so these verses are describing the M illennial Rule of Christ which is also
the Sabbath period of the M ost High.

This is confirmed with the following verses:

And the Lord God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and
keep it.

The Father then confirms the Law of God (which is eternal) with the following verse:

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat:
for in that day that thou eastest thereof thou shalt surely die.

This is a reference to the second - death that is eternal - because this time (during the
M illennial Rule of Christ) man has been made in the image of the M ost High but as
we saw earlier the man is without the clothing of His eternal glory.

...and this was the case for both Adam and the inhabitants that have been advanced to
the image of God during the period of sanctification. Thus, the word 'man' is used to
describe Adam who was in the beginning and the multitude who are in the end.

Having previously stated the 'tree of knowledge' is the scripture and the 'tree of life' is
the Gospel of Yahusha it would be prudent to clarify this for your consideration. The
tree of knowledge is described to bare both the fruit of good and the fruit of evil and
the Father has asked man not to eat of this fruit for two reasons:

1) The tree allows the soul to see good and bad (which is a truth satan used to
create a lie - and that is - was - we won't die if we eat of the fruit from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil).

2) The M ost High knew that this would facilitate the soul to seek self-glory.

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The reality is: we could ask the Father, "Why place the tree there in the first place?"
along with the question, "Why create satan in the first place?"

To which the Father would lovingly respond with:

"My child... how could you possibly know how to choose the good fruit and ignore the
evil fruit? The tree was placed there so you would learn to hearken to my voice
having seen the cause of eating the fruit thereof.

The serpent, that you now know is satan (the adversary) are the words of those who
have already eaten of the tree and know they can draw your soul to seek self-glory if
you eat the fruit.

I did not create satan.

He is a product of the tree of knowledge that allowed me to reveal my glory. How else
could I reveal my glory?"

If we consider the way the Father is deeply against idolatry and sorcery we begin to
understand these things are all products of the tree of knowledge that facilitate the
soul to seek self-glory.

A perfect example of this is the modern church that has used the scripture to set itself
up in the entire splendor and glory 'she' believes is righteous before the M ost High. I
use the word 'she' because this word is used to describe the church.

The true church, that hears and hearkens to the Word of God in the Gospel of
Yahusha, is the bride - whereas the church, that has used the scripture (and even
twisted the Gospel of Yahusha) to set up hierarchical power structure - that reveals the
unholy name of satan, is the whore.

Any religion, that professes to be in truth, is in error if their ways do not reveal the
Hallowed Name of the M ost High. It is for this reason the Father has set a time for the
saints to undo all the work of satan and teach the self-righteous how to walk in the
ways of the Lord - forever.

...and the following verses verify this with:

And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
an help meet for him.

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Here, we see the Father is gently drawing closer and closer toward the description of
the physical aspect while keeping the spiritual aspect alive. This, then, means He is
using the scripture to reveal how the Word of God is identifiable to the flesh while
offering the opportunity for the discerning to associate the Word of God with the
spirit of truth.

For example: the logical thinking behind this verse would tell us the man was a single
person (Adam who was alone because only he had the Law of God given to him) at
the beginning - which is described in physical terms: from the void up to the Sabbath
because this is - was - sufficient to ensure we recognize the M ost High is the creator.

...but there is a spiritual aspect that is still alive in the text.

The man (being the multitude) is seen as one because he is (being the multitude are
all) in Christ - which means the reference to the word 'alone' is telling us the Father is
aware the oneness in Christ requires confirmation of His glory for it to be revealed.

This means the moment the multitude are all one in Christ - during the M illennial
Rule - although His Hallowed Name is present: it is not yet visible. This, then, tells us
there must be a minimum of two to reveal His glory and scripture does tell us there
must be two witnesses for the Law of God to be established.

Here is where it gets interesting because Genesis confirms how this will be done by
showing how there is nothing that compares to man - before the Father creates a
partner (who becomes the second witness) with the following verses:

And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of
the air; and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them: and whatever
Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

This is when the Father has given authority to the saints to go about ushering in the
Kingdom of God with full autonomy to achieve this end themselves (under the
direction of Yahusha). The saints will embark on establishing a system that
recognizes growth unto the ways of the Father but they will require the hand of God
to ensure this process is finalized with precision.

We see this in the following verse that says:

And Adam gave names to all the cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast
of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

This is where the saints are reminded of the fact "only the Father can lift up stones to
heaven" and the Father responds by placing the resurrection in place.

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This is when the dead are brought to life because all the beasts of the field (who are
the dead) are without knowledge of the M ost High and are in need of passage through
Sheol (hell) to incline their hearing toward the Word of God.

This is confirmed with the next verse that says:

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took
one of His ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.

Here the Father is using the body of man (those who have died in Christ) to prepare a
way to establish the Law of God through the creation of a second witness.

The next verse in Genesis confirms this with:

And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought
her unto the man.

This is the bride.

The scripture tells us the bride is the true church of God and the bridegroom is the
Word of God who was speared in the ribs, when he was dead (in a deep sleep), and
water gushed out of His side which confirmed He was physically dead.

This was the moment when the living waters came forth into the world and allowed
the woman (bride) to be created.

This is where it gets mind-boggling, because the bride is what makes the man whole:
being a second living witness to the glory of God (which is revealed in the equality of
the two that are in each other as one) thus: the man - Son of God - is when the woman
(the saints) and the man are married and they are 'man' in the image of God.

This, then, means the deep sleep is the moment prior to the Day of the Lord when the
dead in Christ (saints) awaken to eternal glory and they begin the process of
sanctifying the creation. The time between Yahusha dying (and rising) and the saints
being gathered to the place of safety is what the next verse in Genesis covers with:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and fl esh of my flesh: and shall be
called Woman because she was taken out of Man.

This is the true church being called to perfection through the recent centuries. These
are the people who kept the Law of God and the faith of the risen Lord - being
declared before the M ost High to be worthy of the Kingdom of God - and the next

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verse in Genesis goes on to say how the M an and the Woman will be married to
ensure the bond is eternal with the words:

Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and
they shall be one flesh.

This is telling us Yahusha will leave His Father (who is beyond this heaven and earth)
to be with His bride (who is in this heaven and earth) - thus we have confirmation the
bridegroom (having prepared a place for the bride beyond this heaven and earth) will
be married to His beloved bride in the place of safety.

...and the honeymoon will be the M illennial Rule of Christ.

The next verse in Genesis confirms this with:

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

This means they saints are righteous without any clothing (ways of the world) draped
upon them: as they assist Yahusha to usher in the Kingdom of God.

It should be noted the saints (wife) will be clothed in the glory of the man (Son of
God) and the man will be clothed in the glory of the wife (saints) but the glory of the
M ost High will only clothe those who rise up with the Father in the end to Paradise.

Thus, the word 'naked' in this verse simply means: not of the world.

This concludes the first two chapters of Genesis which then describes the Lord God
entering into His Sabbath when He allows the man to enjoy the creation.

An brief outline of the scripture can follow this with:

1) The Serpent Enters the S cene

The serpent is the sin that has manifested itself in the world - which seeks to seduce
the innocent with false doctrines in the religions around the world.

This serpent is the adversary - ha-Satan - who is cursed to crawl upon its belly
(become dependent on physical food for sustenance) eat the dust of the earth.

The Lord God explains to the man and woman what they have done and this is time
when the M illennial Rule is given to explain the complexities of having partaken of
the fruit from the tree of knowledge - that they are now subject to death.

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In the beginning - this would mean they are to leave the garden after being cursed.


In the end - because events are running in reverse - this would mean they are to return
to the garden having learned the lesson to never transgress the Law of God again.

2) The S tory of Cain and Abel

Through to the account of Cain and Abel, which is a 'shadow' of the way the
tribulation in the end of days, we learn that the Word of God (as taught by Yahusha)
was either accepted fully or rejected fully by the inhabitants on the earth.

This is verified by the next phase which comes in scripture:

3) The Account of Enoch and Noah's Ark

This is a 'shadow' of the place of safety: while the angels remove the wicked from the
face of the earth.

Enoch, being translated (taken), is the shadow of the Elect (saints) being gathered and
the Ark is the place of safety that is also called the bridal chamber.

While this takes place - the two witnesses will appear to call the world to repentance:
and this is where the world will either learn to accept the Word of God or reject it.

4) The S tory of Abraham and Israel

The story of Abraham and his descendants is about the way the struggle the M ost
High has endured to bring the inhabitants of the earth to accept His love. Through
Abraham we learn the importance of keeping the Laws of God - even within the heart.

This struggle can be outlined as follows:

a) A covenant (a marriage contract) made between God and M an.

b) The falling away - which incurs measures taken to maintain the agreement.
c) Taken into captivity - which affirm the integrity of God.
d) Being delivered from captivity - which establishes shadows and types.
e) Time spent in the wilderness - to illustrate patience is a virtue.
f) Building a nation - which is the Kingdom of God as revealed in heaven.

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g) The destruction of the Kingdom of God - with the call for a king.
h) The revelation of how hierarchy defiles the Hallowed Name of God
i) The falling away to iniquity - which leads to captivity and diaspora.
j) The arrival of the M essiah to re-affirm the covenant (marriage contract).
The story (of the struggle between the flesh and the spirit) concludes with the
destruction of the temple which places the emphasis from the outward sacrifice to the
inward sacrifice - and those who take this truth to heart are the ones who will be
sealed as saints within the bridal chamber.

...ready to return to teach the whole world how to ignore the tree of knowledge and
eat only from the tree of life - that they may share in the Kingdom of God.

The story of Abraham and Israel has many prophecies that are currently unfolding
before our very eyes in the modern world today - thus this story is by no means
concluded: and we should be grateful the Father has taken measures to ensure the
contract is honored by both sides.

Eternally grateful - and God Bless Israel - too - for being His witness to the world:
because through their patience in preserving the scripture and honest look at their
short-comings; we have many living examples to understand how we are to walk
upright before the M ost High.

...with many shadows and types that reveal the source of light.

5) The Arrival and Departure of the Messiah

The Word of God calls for the perfection of the saints (which is the preparation of the
bride) while the bridegroom undertakes the responsibility of preparing a place for the
unity of the marriage to blossom in eternity.

6) The Gathering of the Elect to the Place of S afety

This is the 'type' of the moment Enoch was translated (sealed) and taken out of the
world - and the Ark that protected Noah (a tenth of the M anna) from the great flood.

The M anna is the precious light that the thief will take from the world - and they
represent the tenth of the Law of God that were placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

...a great famine of the Word of God will suddenly fall upon the world - and all the
inhabitants will witness the terror of living without the eternal light that gives t he
world life.

7) The Great Tribulation

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This is the 'type' of the time when Cain and Abel made offering to the M ost High
which lead to the murder of Abel because Cain was jealous the M ost High only
acknowledge Abel's offering.

This horror will conclude with the murder of the two witnesses in the streets of the old
city that is symbolically called Sodom where the Savior was crucified. By this time -
the M essiah (bridegroom) will have competed His seven year ministry with the saints
in the place of safety - and they will return to usher in the Kingdom of God.

8) The S abbath - Period of S anctification

The M illennial Rule of Christ will ensure everyone will learn how sin has matured in
the world is causing all the devastation they can see around t hem: and the saints will
be required to repair the damage done and assist Yahusha to restore all things.

As we near the end (of the end) satan will be released from his prison to tempt man
once again - only this time man will be aware of the consequences of hearkening to
his voice. Some may fall away again: but the others who are true to the M ost High
will rise with the Father to live in Paradise forever as this heaven and earth passes

This is because scripture warns us the second death is eternal.

Conclusion of Conclusions

This is to say the scripture reveals more about the ways of the Lord than meets the eye
- because it is that which is beyond what the eye can see: is where the truth (of what is
real and what is illusion) can be made manifest.

We can place these points in bullet form to highlight the shadows and types - with
each point referencing an event in history and the shadow and type placed in brackets:

1) Put M an In Garden (Raise To Paradise)

2) Serpent Deceives (Satan is Released)
3) Sabbath (The Millennial Rule of Christ)
4) M an Falls & Serpent Cursed (Satan Cast Out and Savior Delivers Man)
5) Cain and Abel (The Great Tribulation)
6) Enoch and Noah (The Gathering to The Place of Safety)

7) Abraham to Yahusha (Circumcision: From Flesh to Spirit)

8) Gathering to The Place of Safety (Enoch and Noah)

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9) The Great Tribulation (Cain and Abel)

10) Satan Cast Out and Savior Delivers M an (Man Falls & Serpent Cursed)
11) The M illennial Rule of Christ (Sabbath)
12) Satan is Released (The Serpent Deceives)
13) Rise to Paradise (Put Man in The Garden)

Here we can see at a glance the way the Father has declared the beginning from the
end - even as He showed the prophet Jeremiah how the end would be void with
darkness upon the face of the earth (ready to receive the saints and the Savior to usher
in the Kingdom of God) just as it was declared in the beginning - when the M ost High
said: "Let there be light"

Essentially... the Father has set in motion the parameters that facilitate the creation of
the eternal Paradise and having the fore-wisdom to recognize the creation can self-
destruct: He has taken measures to ensure the creation will never experience such a
situation. This is being achieved by allowing the children to see for themselves the
result of seeking self-glory and how destructive sin (which is loving something other
than the M ost High) can be.

The Kingdom of God will never know lust for authority among the inhabitants
because everyone who enters into the Kingdom of God will have learned how to walk
in the ways of the Lord.

...and the way of the Lord is love.

There is no assertion of domination over one another when it comes to love. Love, in
its purest form, is the Law of God fulfilled - and it is then the glory of the M ost High
is made manifest – forever: and that is the presence of His Hallowed Name (which is
the magnificent countenance of the M ost High).

The only time the Father has been vengeful is when He has had to take measures to
protect His Hallowed Name. This, then, should serve as a warning to those who
willfully defile His Hallowed Name - to reckon the Day of Judgement is upon them.


The Gospel of M ary talks about the ascent of the soul which is probably the single
most important teaching Yahusha ever imparted, because it brings all the elements of
the gospels together and all the scripture that preceded the gospels.

M ary asks Yahusha how we perceive vision – and Yahusha clarifies it is not
perceived by the physical aspect of the soul or the spiritual aspect of the soul but the
mind which is between the two. As He goes on to show how a vision is perceived –

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He personifies the mind (as the Soul) and what He calls „The Seven Powers of Wrath‟
after He cuts off the portion of wisdom that causes us to sin.

The initial lines are missing from the Gospel of M ary but we can see the firs t thing
that happens is the soul descends into what He calls the First Power „Darkness‟ and it
is immediately overcome because the descending Soul is light

This is when the portion of Wisdom (Arrogance) is being circumcised but the Seven
Powers of Wrath are unaware of what is going on. To put this in layman terms… this
is when a person realizes the way of humility demonstrated by the walk of Yahusha is
the only way to salvation – which is the same as finding Yahusha.

This is where it becomes interesting… because we are then informed how we can all
ascend the way Yahusha did if we strive to deal with the preceding Powers of Wrath
the way He dealt with them.

Please note: the technical wording used to describe the portion of Wisdom (which is
Arrogance) may not appear in the Gospel of M ary – but it does appear enough times
in the Nag Hammadi to warrant the terminology in the context used.

The Nag Hammadi talks about how Sophia (Wisdom) took the initiative to produce
her own offspring but was appalled that she produced Achrons (Children of Darkness
– even Demons). The Nag Hammadi goes on to say Sophia repented and returned to
the M ost High when the arrogant one (Yaldabaoth or satan) appeared leaving behind a
portion – which the Arrogant One used to create the world we see today – and she
was forgiven her transgression against the M ost High.

This tells us wisdom has a portion which causes us to be arrogant and it is up to us to

circumcise it from our hearts if we are to return to the Father. This is why the ascent
of the soul is about the cleaving off the portion.

The text begins with the Second Power „Desire‟ asking: “I did not see you go down,
yet now I see you go up. So why do you lie since you belong to me.”

Here we can see the soul has (somehow) declared it does not belong to Desire and it
came from above because Desire responds by making accusations of lying.

The soul replies: “I saw you. You did not see me nor did you know me. You mistook
the garment I wore for my true self, and you did not recognize me.”

This is where it gets potentially explosive…

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I use the words „potentially explosive,‟ because this verse suggests Yahusha may have
transgressed the Laws of God prior to the Holy Spirit resting upon Him at baptism.

Normally, the word „garment‟ is a reference to the physical body or the „ways of the
world‟ – or even both. However, this verse is referring to being tempted rather than
transgression because there is a difference. This means being tempted is enough to
mask true identity from Desire because it makes one appear just like everyone else.

Yahusha never committed any sin or transgression – even if these verses suggest He
overcame (transgression) in the Name of God – because He overcame (temptation) in
the Name of God and this is the difference between living by the letter of the Law of
God (which is overcoming trans gression) and living by the spirit of the Law of God
(which is overcoming temptation).

This is why the second Power of Wrath is called „Desire‟.

The point is... we need to be able to say the same kind of words to Desire from our
own perspective and that would require us to recognize our garments – which are the
ways of the world (temptation) – are not what we really are.

This is where we can begin to appreciate the need to be pure and perfect in order to
receive our garments of glory as we rise up to the Father in heaven. The Gospels
indicate Yahusha was purified and perfected (within this abyss) in order to receive
His garments of glory (within Paradise).

This amounts to a simple message:

We need to be purified and perfected if we are to follow our Lord and Savior and
become: the Holy Generation spoken of in prophecy. This means we must nullify:

1) Darkness (which Yahusha did for us – because He is the light)

2) Desire (which means becoming pure)
3) Ignorance (which means becoming perfect)

…the way Yahusha did.

We must, therefore, reach a point in our growth where we can overcome temptation to
the point where temptation (itself) stops trying to tempt us.

If this sounds over simplistic – try to keep in mind the efforts satan has taken to cause
all the confusion and stop us from understanding this simple formulae.

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The Gospel of M ary tells us the soul (Yahusha) departed from Desire rejoicing greatly
– which means we are to recognize the power we have over the dark principalities
allow us to rejoice in the fact our names are written in the Book of Life.

Yahusha told us not to rejoice that we have power over the dark principalities (which
are the Seven Powers of Wrath) but rather – we are to rejoice our names are written in
the Book of Life. This is made apparent because Yahusha expresses a small measure
of sadness the Seven Powers of Wrath (Arrogant One – satan) is going into eternal
oblivion toward the end of the ascension.

This is when we recognize we are truly on our way to ascending up to the Father –
thus it is fitting to rejoice we are leaving the ways of the world behind us.


The soul continues up to „Ignorance‟ and it is here we begin to see how inexplicably
crafty the Arrogant One (satan) truly is.

Overcoming Desire requires you to „go into the wilderness‟ (which means become
vulnerable to satan) and then deny temptation – it is then the angels will minister unto
you: and it is then you overcome „Ignorance‟.

Thus, the first three Powers of Wrath which are:

1) Darkness
2) Desire
3) Ignorance

…are overcome by the process of purification but perfection is when we overcome

the next four Powers of Wrath:

4) Zeal for Death

5) Kingdom of Flesh
6) Foolish Wisdom (of Flesh)
7) Wrathful Wisdom (of the Wrathful Person)

This is because purification involves breaking the bonds of wickedness and learning
how to never place anything into the bondage of wickedness – and perfection is
attained by abiding in the love of Yahusha.

This means we must never pass judgement upon anything or anyone in order to
abound in the love of Christ.

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When the soul came up to Ignorance we are told it (Ignorance) examined the soul
closely, saying, “Where are you going? You are bound by wickedness. Indeed, you
are bound! Do not judge.”

The soul said: “Why do you judge me, since I have not passed judgement? I have
been bound, but I have not bound anything. They did not recognize me, but I have
recognized that the universe is to be dissolved, both the things of the earth and those
of heaven.”

Yahusha puts Ignorance in its place by saying: „Why do you judge me, since I have
not passed judgement?‟ This is because Ignorance will (at least) be aware it is not
allowed to judge someone who has not judged because it says: „Do not judge!‟

By saying „Do not judge!‟ Ignorance has given away its weakness – and Yahusha
took the moment to settle up the dispute by turning the tables on Ignorance and saying
He has not passed judgement then making His final crushing blow by explaining He
has never bound anything – even though He is bound.

Ignorance would have been unable to deal with this response alone because it knew it
had passed judgement when it tried to assert the fact Yahusha was bound. This means
– those who are bound have a predilection to bind others (without realizing they are).

A classic example of this is Christmas:

When people ask me: “Did you enjoy Christmas?” I reply: “Why would I celebrate a
pagan festival that is specifically designed to place children into the bondage of

The usual response to that is: “Huh?” to which I say: “Christmas spoils children who
are then conditioned (within the education system) to continue pursuing their honed
lust for worldly possessions.”

If the reply is: “Huh?” after that I explain:

Each year, children are encouraged to hanker for material possessions and they are
told a lie about Santa Clause (a play on the name satan) to make them think presents
are free to those who are good and well behaved. This, basically, means listen to M om
and Dad – which isn‟t such a bad thing: but for the fact good and well behaved are
defined in scripture and not M om and Dad.

Good and well behaved becomes the decision of the M other and Father and if they are
not observing scripture they are defining their own ideas of good and well behaved –
which can (also) lead children astray: into bondage.

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Then… as the child grows up – they discover Santa Clause is a lie: so they are faced
with a situation that they were lied to by their parents (who they are supposed to be
able to trust to never lie to them). What happens at this point (besides the possible
psychological damage) is the child will consider blowing the whistle and declaring it
wrong to lie – but the idea of losing the presents they have become accustomed to
getting will make them hesitate.

Then… they will realize everyone has lied about Christmas and it is then they think:
„Well… if everyone lies… it‟s OK to lie.‟ Thus, the innocence of the child has been
perverted into thinking it is OK to lie… even though t hey are continually told by
parents and teachers they should never lie.

This means the child is entering a world where they see hypocrisy but they will not
know how to deal with this – so they decide to play along to keep the presents (they
have become accustomed to receiving): which means they accept the hypocrisy as a
normal part of life.

Later, the child is encouraged to get good grades in school to ensure they continue
receiving the material possessions (presents – wealth) they have grown accustomed to
receiving – and it is here we begin to see the results of this process, which places the
child into the bondage of wickedness, become apparent.

Scripture tells us „the love of money is the root of all evil,‟ and here we have a system
designed by default of tradition (with the dark principalities) or deliberate malcontent
of pagans to develop the mindset of children from innocence toward „love of money‟
which will feed their app etite for material possessions: that Christmas has instilled
within them.

This is why I say: “Christmas is a pagan festival that is specifically designed to place
children into the bondage of wickedness.”

Some people try to defend Christmas by saying: “Children have a natural inclination
to want presents,” to which I reply: “I guess that would explain why it is the younger
children prefer the box to the present.”

When sarcasm creeps in – it‟s time to walk away.

The point here is: we are required to not place others into the bondage of wickedness
if we are to ascend up to Paradise and it‟s easy to be blind to the way false doctrines
cause these things.

The worst form of bondage is direct child abuse.

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I call it „direct child abuse‟ because I consider lying to children (about Santa Clause),
a form of child abuse. Direct child abuse is when a child is sexualized before they are
prepared for life within the sanctity of marriage.

Ever since government brought in the age of sexual consent – under the guise of being
righteously deciding when a person is ready for sexual activity – we have seen the
sanctity of marriage become prostituted with an explosion of pornography available to
everyone (including children who are computer savvy) on the internet.

This means children, as well as adults, have access to pornography and this is causing
innocent children to be placed into the bondage of wickedness – because they (even as
children) get caught up in the maelstrom of provocation and as young boys become
enslaved by the sight of pornography – they then enslave young girls when they touch
them sexually.

The psychological effects of these have been documented to show they grow up with
abnormal sexual inclinations which cause further problems – including sex abuse with
children and prostitution of all kinds.

Pornography – affects young boys and causes sexual addictions.

Touching sexually – affects young girls and causes sexual addictions.

These are the ways we can see how children are being placed into the bondage of
wickedness – and the picture is not pretty : because it means we are all responsible for
ensuring the Laws of God – which prohibit sex outside marriage – are upheld.

Society needs to renounce the sexual immorality that is causing all the problems.

If we are to ascend and approach the third Power of Wrath „Ignorance‟ – we need to
be sure we can say: “Why do you judge me, since I have not passed judgement? I
have been bound, but I have not bound anything. They did not recognize me, but I
have recognized that the universe is to be dissolved, both the things of earth and those
of heaven.”

The words: “They did not recognize me,” is a reference to the way those who are of
the spirit are like the wind blowing upon the face for those who are in darkness.

Indeed… they can feel the wind blowing upon their faces but they do not know where
it comes from nor do they know where it is going.

Then, the words: “…but I have recognized that the universe is to be dissolved, both
the things of earth and those of heaven,” is telling us: those who are of the spirit have

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no need to pass judgement upon anything – because everything will pass away , in the
end, and they will be the ones going up to Paradise.

The soul (Yahusha) then went up to the fourth Power of Wrath (Zeal for Death) and
this is when things get a little hastened with a simple outline of the Seven Forms of
Wrath – that are the Seven Powers of Wrath (as shown above).

There is no further discourse after this with the individual Powers of Wrath until the
soul is about to leave the Seven Powers of Wrath with a farewell.

This means the first three are synonymous with the early life of Yahusha leading up to
the moment He was in the wilderness (Darkness) when He overcame temptation
(Desire) and was then ministered unto by the angels (overcame Ignorance).

After this, Yahusha began His ministry which is shadowed by the preceding Powers
of Wrath that lead up to His death. The ascent of the soul, as told by Yahusha to
M ary, in the Gospel of M ary is the true testimony of Yahusha and the scripture (being
the spirit of prophecy) shows how we are in Him as He is in the Father when we
follow the same pattern.

This is because the „Spirit of Prophecy‟ is: the testimony of Yahusha. Thus… we
must become the living embodiment of prophecy – and following this pattern is the
only way we have to enter into the Kingdom of God.

I am sure a psychiatrist would look upon this as a field-day trip – because they (being
in darkness) would be unable to comprehend the way the light (soul) has dealt with
these Seven Powers of Wrath – because they would view this as a classic case of split
personality: not realizing the soul is circumcising the part of wisdom that causes a
person to be arrogant.

Perhaps, someday, they will realize they need to pay attention and learn something.

…and remember Yahusha is describing how a vision is perceived in the mind and not
in the spiritual aspect of the soul or the physical aspect of the soul – but the place
between these two: that is the mind (which is the lamp of the body).


Toward the end of the ascent, the Seven Powers of Wrath ask:

1) Where are you coming from, human-killer?

2) Where are you going, destroyer of realms?

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Here we see the Seven Powers of Wrath lay accusation against the soul for being a
human killer and a destroyer of realms – while asking where it has come from and
where it is going.

Scripture tells us: Do not judge lest ye be judged by the same measure – which makes
this accusation quite a serious one indeed and true to the Word of God – we can see
how the Seven Powers of Wrath have condemned themselves because:

1) The serpent, satan, (the Seven Powers of Wrath – the Arrogant One) is the
one who caused all mankind to suffer death when he (it) deceived Adam
and Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit – of knowledge of good and evil.

2) The serpent, satan, (the Seven Powers of Wrath – the Arrogant One) is the
one who destroyed the original creation when he (it) deceived Adam and
Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit – of knowledge of good and evil.

The Seven Powers of Wrath (the Arrogant One) is clearly referring to the abyss which
is now under condemnation since Yahusha is the light that came into the world.

This means the accusation is a false accusation: because the destruction of the original
creation and the fallen state of M an is restored to full glory – and the Seven Powers of
Wrath have technically acknowledge this.

The soul replied saying:

1) What binds me has been slain

2) What surrounds me has been destroyed
3) My desire has been brought to an end
4) Ignorance has died.

The soul then continues to say (re. Nag Hammadi):

“In a world, I was set loose from a world and in a type, from a type that is above, and
from the chain of forgetfulness, which exists in time. From this hour on, for the time
of the due season of the age, I will receive rest in silence.”

In the Lost Scriptures the soul says:

“In a world I was released from a world, and in a type from a heavenly type, and from
the fetter of oblivion which is transient. From this time on I will attain to the rest of
time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.”

Here we can see the different mindset of the people who have translated these verses.

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1) The Nag Hammadi (used by Gnostics) has tried to highlight the way the
soul departs from a state of forgetfulness; because they believe knowledge
is what affords salvation.

2) The Lost Scripture (used by Spiritualists) has tried to highlight the way the
soul has a dual origin; because they believe being a spirit – separated from
the physical – in heaven: is the goal.

It would be fair to say both a quite close to the truth. However…

Neither are correct because we can only attain knowledge if we overcome temptation:
and we are to be as Yahusha was when He received His garments of glory, which
means our souls need to be restored to the original state – where the physical and
spiritual are together in purity and perfection.

This perfect state of glory is when the abiding three deities of the Father (M ost High),
the M other (Holy Spirit) and Son (Aeon in Fullness) – which is called the Virgin
Spirit – can rest upon us in Paradise: forever.

What Yahusha (the soul) is trying to say here is: He came from above into the flesh
and was of the flesh until He was baptized and overcame temptation which lead to his
being enlightened to the eternal truth – that is within.

This is when He became the truth – which is the light within.

…and we have the awesome opportunity to follow in His footsteps – all the way back
to Paradise to receive our garments of eternal glory. The work is complete when M an
has been restored to the One which is the four made up of two „male and female‟ that
becomes One flesh --- M an.

1) M an --- is when the „one flesh‟ of male and female is sanctified by the M ost
High within the unity of holy matrimony: and the Father does not give
anyone away at this time because both are His own – Children of Light.

2) Woman --- is when the „one flesh‟ of male and female is perverted by the
Watchers who prostitute the sanctity of marriage: and the men are the ones
who give their daughters away in marriage.

When the M ost High sanctifies the unity of two into „one flesh‟ the four elements
have three abiding deities rest upon them and teach element is a section of glory that
binds the whole as „One‟ – called the Fullness of the Aeons.

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…and this can only be made possible for those who have been purified and perfected
in the Eternal Name of God: who are called – the Holy Generation.

The marriage of the Lamb of God is when this eternal binding of perfect unity begins.


The most common question people ask is: “How can I overcome temptation?”

The answer is to be aware of the Laws of God and how satan seeks to lead you to
break them – often by letting you convince yourself you‟re not breaking any law. He
is called the subtle beast because he knows your weakest link and he will always
attack that weakness to cause you to falter.

Thus, the weakest link is the final one you need to address.

Here is an example how satan works his evil on an individual:

Yahusha tells us: if you lust after another you have already committed sin in the heart.

This means we are to recognize the way our own hearts need to be purified in some
way – lest we convince ourselves: if I am not married then it is not a sin because I
have no one – etc, etc.

These are excuses which the one who wants to engage in sexual immorality w ill use
to explore the sensual sin of adultery.

Thus, the first thing we need to do is stop fooling ourselves and accept when Yahusha
says: if you lust after another you have already committed sin in the heart… it means
we are not to lust after another person regardless of being married or not.

Then we need to recognize how the root of sin comes up from the heart to tempt the
mind to indulge in fantasy which in time – leads to the urge, to commit sin, becoming
too strong to resist.

We all have memories of environments where the opportunity to commit sin can
manifest itself in some way. For example: if you go to a night club – you may
consider the attractive people around you a target for sexual immorality: but initially
you may be a little unsure of what to do.

Then, when you spend time alone… you may consider the various ways you can
indulge your sexual urges by fantasizing about how you will approach a prospective
target to satisfy your lust. This is when the sin, which has risen up from the heart, is

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engaged in the mind to imagine various scenarios that allow you to indulge your
sexual appetite.

Thus, the way to overcome is to recognize when the impulse comes up from the heart,
and it draws your attention to a given environment, you need to refuse lett ing the
mind imagine any scenario that allow you to indulge your own fantasy.

In other words… when you are tempted to consider a course of action that will lead
you to commit sin – you need to tell yourself: that won‟t happen or that didn‟t happen
to avoid indulging in fantasy.

Fantasy is where the real danger of iniquity resides because it pollutes the mind to
such an extent – it can lead the person with only thoughts of sex on their mind – and
the urges can become so powerful: nothing will stop the person – no matter how much
they call out to God for help.

The responsibility is with you to avoid indulging in fantasy by refusing to think of

anything that is sexual in nature and sending the impulse back to the heart where the
Father can work to purify your soul.

Here, you have one example which is based on sexual immorality – but the same
applies to all sin – including murder – lies – stealing etc.

This is why the Ten Commandments include coveting.

Coveting is the fantasy that draws a person toward sexual immorality or murder etc –
thus we need to learn how to adopt a clean mind by cleansing the heart of all
deceitfulness and asking the M ost High to give us the strength to overcome and the
wisdom to apply the strength when appropriate.

…then look to Yahusha as an example of how to be perfect as the Father in heaven is

perfect – with a pure heart that is ready to receive the garments of glory.


What does satan fear most?

In order of severity – satan fears most:

1) The Name of God (revealed by Yahusha and those in Christ).

2) The Bride of God (revealed in scripture).
3) The Laws of God (that establish the eternal Kingdom of Heaven).
4) The Truth of God (that expose the lies of satan).

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If you enter a debate on (any) church doctrine, you will see how people are constantly
striving to assert the truth as they have understood it: either by what the apostate
church has taught them or by the humble study of scripture under the gentle guidance
of the Holy Spirit.

What is interesting is: those who follow the doctrines of the apostate church often
accuse those who studied scripture in private to understand the scripture with the heart
of men – as though 'they' are of the world.

These pointless debates are the entertainments of satan as he watches those who have
learned his demonic doctrines (and think they are truth) argue black and blue they are
in truth - when they have been utterly fooled into believing the lies of satan.

Even those who are in truth have been fooled into thinking they are duty bound to
reveal the truth they have come to understand.

This is because they do not know the Name of God.

The adversary (satan) revels in these debates because as long as people are arguing
they are not abiding in the love of Christ and he knows the subtlety of his lies give
people the impetus to defile the Hallowed Name of God as they fool themselves into
thinking they are doing His Will. The Name of God is revealed in the way we love
one another in Christ when all are equal with no one raising their head above another.
Any doctrine that facilitates a person to raise their head above another is the
defilement of the Hallowed Name of God.

Thus, any doctrine that breathes life into a hierarchy is the allowing the adversary to
establ7sh a presence in the Kingdom of Heaven - and there is no need to debate the
doctrines to know the truth because:

1) Everyone is personally responsible for learning the truth under the loving
guidance of the Holy Spirit: and Yahusha's Words will define the truth
which clothed Him in glory.

2) God has repeatedly shown in scripture He will act to protect His Hallowed
Name, as and when He deems it necessary - so we are not required to
defend His honour.

We are required to abound in the love of Christ.

Then there is the Law of God which satan is striving to lead people into thinking it
has been done away with. While the ordinances and sacrifices have been done away

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with - we are required to circumcise the heart so the Law of God (while eternally in
place) will not feel a burden.

For example:

In the Kingdom of Heaven - everyone will share everything they own: thus: no one
will ever feel the urge to covet anything or steal or lie etc, etc. This then means the
people will live beyond the Law of God - but it is the Law of God that is the
foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven - so it will prevail forever.

The adversary (satan) knows it is easy to pervert this truth to make people believe the
blood of Christ gives them the grace to live in a perpetual state of repentance -
because the Law of God has been done away with.

It has not been done away with.

By perverting this truth - believers are being lead to walk a life of sin under the
impression it will all be easy (when satan, the tempter, is cast into the bottomless pit)
to walk a life of righteousness.

What they are unaware of - is they are feeding personal habits that will remain with
them after satan has been cast into the bottomless pit: and they will be shocked to
discover the Laws of God will be re-established when Yahusha and His Saints return
to usher in the Kingdom of God. These are the main things that satan focuses his
attention upon to lead people to destruction - and many will blindly follow him into
the lake of fire if they do not take repentance seriously.

This time is for the Children of God to learn how to walk upright before the Lord so
they can stand before Him and give thanks for the patience and grace that allowed
them to perfect their ways.

The adversary (satan) fears the identity of the Bride of God being revealed because
they are the righteous elect who will judge all the world and undo all of his work.

He tends not to bite when this one appears unless it reveals the living glory of the
Father in Heaven - because he knows if he causes a fuss over this: it will open a can
of worms he will not be able to deal with.

For example:

He does not want the world to know the word judgement means: „the process by
which the creation will be sanctified and the truth will be taught by the Holy Ones of
God as appointed by Yahusha to be Saints that complete the creation.‟

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This denies him the power to turn people away from the truth using fear - just like the
bad shepherd uses a dog to herd sheep.

Yahusha is the good shepherd who uses love to inspire the sheep to follow Him
wherever He goes.

The greatest fear the adversary has is the revealin g of the Name of God.

This is one truth - he has never even attempted to debate of discuss because he knows
this is the truth that exposes every false doctrine he has ever devised.

This is the one that renders him defeated. The only thing he can do with this one is:
remain silent and try to inspire his demonically possessed lay false accusations to try
and discredit them. However, the angels are given charge to watch over and protect
those who are in Christ whether they know it or not.

Now that these things have been made known to the world: people need to pay
particular attention to the righteous receiving the authority to judge in due time. If you
are reading this and wondering what to do: you only need to do one thing: circumcise
your heart.

Render your love to the M ost High with a genuine desire to walk upright before Him
and He will know how to guide you to overcome in His Name - so your place in
paradise may be secured. Everything is as it should be in the world - so do not give
yourself to alarm or fear: because the Father loves you with a fervent love that satan
cannot even look upon.

The Death of Sin

Death is the most profound issue facing every person who has entered the physical
(flesh) - even from ancient times. Indeed, it forces all to consider their mortality -
albeit some will inevitably attempt to ignore it: until a loved one dies. This is when
the subject is brought to their attention and many will feel anger toward the M ost
High - saying He is the reason why people die: because He created death or allowed it
to come into existence.

...and church leaders have not helped the situation when they have tried to explain
such a difficult situation by saying the words: 'God moves in mysterious ways.'

Well... this is where you will discov er exactly what is going one regarding, the loss of
a loved one and, how you can prepare for the worst case scenario (your own death).

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The way to understand what is going on is to appreciate the creation was not designed
to accommodate iniquity (which is the love of something other than the Father in
heaven). The M ost High created the heaven and the earth to offer a place of habitation
where His Spirit can dwell eternally. This reality (the spiritual and the physical) which
scripture describes as heaven and earth is not the way the creator intended it to be.

He decided to do this by creating man to reflect His image (His loving nature) so He
would have children that love Him the way He loves them. He wanted His creation to
live eternally but this was only possible if man reflected His loving nature. In 'The
Father took measures to ensure the ability to love was directed toward Him - so the
creation can live eternally - but man (having sin in his bosom - which is the love of
something other than the Father) turned his heart away from the creator. I refer to
'man' as the singular of man and woman that are as one in the presence of the Father.

The Father, having warned man of the consequences of loving something other than
Him would result in death, knew man would inevitably fall away: and thus death
would enter the creation. This means the Father does not want death to exist - and
scripture does tell us the Father takes no pleasure in death. Scripture also tells us the
wages of sin is death.

However, this does not help those who see children dying before they have had the
chance to live.

The problem is: people are wholly unaware of what 'life' actually is. When the
creation was complete - the Father declared it to be good. That was until Adam and
Eve partook of the forbidden fruit. This is when death entered into creation and ruined
the perfection of His creation.

The Father made it clear He was displeased with this.

From His point of view - every child would die: even those who have not had the
chance to live. This is because death has taken root in creation and the adversary
(satan) is using the power of death to try and usurp the authority of God.

Everyone is subject to death and satan is using it to deprive those who would love the
Father the opportunity to eternal life by trying to pervert their faith toward self-love.
Thus, if you feel a sense of loss when a loved one dies - can you even begin to
imagine how grieved He was when everyone had become subject to death?

The loss of a loved one means you no longer have their love. This can even include a
broken relationship - and as obvious as this may seem - this is what the Father
endured the moment sin entered into His creation. The thing He had designed to love
Him had turned away from Him - and this loss broke His heart.

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...and because the creation is designed to be a habitation where His spirit can dwell
eternally with (His reflection) in man - Son of God - this is not going to change.

However, what has changed is the nature of creation.

This heaven and earth has been spoiled by the introduction of sin and as such it is
subject to destruction. This reality, that is tainted with sin, has given power to death
and because death has become a part of our lives - the Father has made provision to
maximize the number of children return to paradise. This is to say: He is making the
most out of a bad situation.

The good news is - there are many who have understood how Yahusha revealed His
Name and they will assist the Lord when the process of sanctification begins: to bring
as many as they can to paradise.

The bad news is - there are many who have denied the truth Yahusha revealed and
they will experience great difficulty when they are given instruction during the
M illennial Rule of Christ. During the M illennial Rule of Christ - the process of
sanctification will begin and there will be waves of resurrections. Those who come to
the first resurrection are said to be blessed because they will find it easy to accept the
instruction of the Lord and His Saints.

The point I'm making here is: the first death is a temporary thing.

Those who experience death (have the physical essence consigned to the earth and the
spiritual essence consigned to the heaven) will be resurrected as and when they are
called. Thus, there is a period of time after death where people will be in:

1) The desolate places of torment - for those who are haughty.

2) The chambers place of habitation - for those who are humble.

This is explained in scripture - and gives clear indication there is a kind of heaven
(happy place) and hell (place of torment). However, scripture goes on to describe
those in the chambers press on in confidence toward paradise.

This means the Father will have determined who can learn (accept) the truth and who
refuse to learn (accept) the truth - and those who are humble will be at the first
resurrection while those who are haughty will be at the final resurrection. This is why
Yahusha said: 'Beware the leaven.'

He warned those who seek Him to appreciate the truth will be alien to millions
because satan will deceive the whole world. M illions will be convinced in the

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doctrines that defile the Hallowed Name of God are true - unaware they are demonic
doctrines. Thus, we are required always to pract ice humility toward the Holy Spirit as
we love our brethren - because we must be prepared to accept the truth when we hear
it. The truth will have been made known to many in a flash - before the M illennial
Rule of Christ begins - and the Father will note all who respond to it - both positively
and negatively.

The Father in heaven knows how difficult it is for people to fully to 'know' the truth -
given the level of confusion and deceit satan has caused in this world. Thus, if you are
unsure... you will receive good instruction during the period of sanctification. This
reality does not qualify for 'life' as the Father in heaven intended it to be. This reality
is a place where people can have an opportunity to recognize - the reality to come is
'life' eternal.

This is the Kingdom of God that scripture tells us is being prepared for the children of
God and sin will never enter it - thus: death will no longer have any power.

You see... death only has power over those who are in sin - and sin is when a person
loves something other than the creator. The only way the Father can ensure sin will
never enter the Kingdom of God (when it arrives) is if those who are teachable (like
children) will learn how to glorify the Hallowed Name of God - within this reality.
This means the Lord and His Saints will endeavor to instruct everyone how to never
raise one‟s head above another: so we love each other as Yahusha loved us - with a
self-sacrificial attitude.

Death (in the first instance) is about sacrifice.

Self-sacrifice is the key to life eternal and those who learn to let go of the things that
are of this world (for the love of God) - are growing in the spirit toward 'life' as the
creator intended.

This means - when a loved one dies we are required to let them go and accept the
Father will bring them back during the resurrections where they will learn how to
conquer death (in the last instance). Learning to live without the presence of a loved
one is the only way the creator can help people appreciate how He has grieved the
loss of His original creation.

This is why scripture instructs us not to chase after the dead.

They may be in heaven (in the desolate places or the chambers of the Lord) but they
still require instruction how to walk in the ways of the Father and that is the role of
the Holy Spirit. This means the dead are unable to provide instruction to 'life' eternal
or hope of salvation. They need instruction when they are resurrected.

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Some to eternal life - will be able to accept the truth and walk in the light - others to
eternal shame will be too haughty to receive instruction from the Lord and His saints.
This is why Yahusha said there will be sons of the kingdom who will recline with
Abraham will be cast into the outer darkness.

Enoch tells us the written word increased the power of death. This is because
bureaucracy allows hierarchies to be established and a world that has power structures
denies the presence of love.

Where there is no love - death is present.

...and those who are haughty in their ways are defiling the Hallowed Name of God -
even if they profess (and genuinely believe) they are in truth - they are in danger of
being cast into the outer darkness.

What happens when you die?

The soul is the two elements (spiritual and physical) combined and death is when
these two are separated. The angels can make this separation painlessly: moments
before the bitter sting of death - so there is nothing to fear. Here is the double edged
sword: death is something that germinates the seed unto eternal life - so it is
necessary. However, that can only be made if the person (seed) has walked in the light
giving all glory to the M ost High – and even then: they have to ask in humility (as
Yahusha did in the Garden of Gethsemane) to be glorified as a Son of God – ready to
enter the Kingdom of God when it arrives.

II Esdras tells us both the faithful and scoffers go through five phases after a person
dies (see footnotes below). Both start by marveling at the glory of the M ost High - but
the scoffers go through the process of realizing they should not have scoffed at the
truth - and end up in the desolate place; while the faithful go through the process of
realizing it was worth accepting the truth - and end up in the chambers with the M ost

Then, we read of the faithful pressing on toward the Kingdom of God in confidence.
This is a reference to the wave of resurrections.

The creation as it was in its original state (without sin) was the perfect alignment of
the spiritual (heaven) and the physical (earth) where man existed in his original estate
of light. M an was the crowning achievement of the M ost High because he is where
the physical and the spiritual co-exist in harmony with the Father in heaven. The M ost
High, having promised Adam and Eve, would bring him and his righteous seed back
to paradise after they were cast out of the Garden of Eden.

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Please note: I refer to both Adam and Eve as 'man' or 'he' or 'him' because together -
they are one.

The point I'm making here is: the first death is a sharp atonement for a sinful life - that
passed away - and the resurrection is a last opportunity to accept the truth and walk in
the ways of the Lord - by the loving instruction of those who have previously
overcome in the Name of the Lord. Thus, death also forces people to develop a faith -
in the hope of seeing their loved ones again - as well as offers people the opportunity
to identify with how the Father felt when His precious creation (thus all His children)
would experience death.

The second death is the one that is final.

Those who experience the second death are the ones who failed to accept the truth and
walk in the ways of the Lord. They will be burned up in what's called the Lake of Fire
when this heaven and earth passes away. However, they will have had their
opportunity to learn how Yahusha revealed the unutterable Hallowed Name of God -
and how to walk in light to glorify His Name.

Denial of the truth will be the reason why they are burned up.

Only those who accepted the truth and walked in the ways of the Lord (that are called
His Words) will survive the great conflagration of the whole universe to see the new
heaven and new earth arrive. This is to confirm - that even after a person dies
(experiences the first death): there is still so much to do to get ready for the Kingdom
of God. If you are unsure what to believe - rest assured: the saints will teach you
during the M illennial Rule of Christ.

The only thing we all need to do is be teachable.

The Holy Spirit is your most competent guide right now - and not the church leaders
who think they know the truth. The Saints will be appointed by Yahusha - thus it
would be prudent to let them teach us at that time. practice walking in humility.

Repent of having anything in your life that causes you to love something other than
the creator. You express your love for the Father in spirit and truth when you love
your neighbor as yourself.

This means - never seeking to exert authority over another person.

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A loving relationship between a man and woman (in quiet betrothal) where both are
equal: is considered holy before the Father because He sees the union of a man and
woman as a marriage that creates a single (whole) person. The t radition of marriage -
practiced by Israel - served the purpose of ensuring the promised land (the place
where people dwell) would remain proportionally correct for later generations as well
as receiving a blessing for the union. The love between a man and woman
complements the love they, as a single person - of one flesh, have toward the creator.

...and the love parents have for their children is the same as the love the creator has
for everyone. Why am I talking about love?

To love the Father as He loves you is to conquer death.

You and your loved ones will have the opportunity to learn how to do this in the Day
of the Lord that is the M illennial Rule of Christ. If you have recently lost a loved one
- please note scripture says: Jesus wept. This tells us He felt the grief of those He was
with - even though He knew He could bring the dead person back.

The Father loves you and you have the assurance they (and yourself) will yet have the
opportunity to live eternally when they (and you) are resurrected.


The most exciting thing about the creation is what it will look like.

In this chapter we will explore what Paradise will look like and to achieve this I (the
author) will need to provide you (the reader) with my own testimony.

The early years:

I was born with blue hands and blue feet. This made my family feel concern for my
constantly feeling cold: but I never did feel cold. I remember my grandmother asking
me if I was cold and I told her I was fine.

I‟m not sure if that has any bearing but what did become clear from an early age was:
my family couldn‟t work out if I was a genius or a complete idiot. Upon overhearing
this I decided to learn how to communicate so people could, at least, see I was not a
complete idiot – and so I began to learn how to communicate with others.

…with perhaps an inferiority complex which often caused me to try an prove I was
intelligent. This was difficult for me because for most of my young life I was always
misunderstood and it was difficult for me to make friends – but I persevered and
managed to become competent enough to write novels and publish them myself.

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I remember when I first discovered Yahusha, at the age of seven, when I watched the
movie „Jesus of Nazareth‟ and thought to myself: I know exactly where He is coming
from. I understood Him so completely I thought this is the way I would live my life
even if it meant my death.

This is to say something was awoken within me even as I was a child.

I knew from this moment the world would be a harsh place but I hoped to live a happy
life in a world that rarely shows any real commitment to living like Yahusha did.

By the age of nine I took the stage in Sunday -school church and delivered a chapter
from Job (without having notes) word for word and spoke clear enough for the elderly
at the back to hear every word.

I thought the church was a boring place because they would continually recite the
same thing – so I lost interest in the church but I never let go of what I learned from
Yahusha having watched the movie: Jesus of Nazareth. As I pursued learning to
communicate – I started losing all hope because I could see the world is a corpse and
nothing I did would make any difference.

…so I became: depressed and felt there was no hope – but I rejected any notion of
suicide because I knew (somehow) death was not the end.

In the mid years:

Then… one day, in April 1997, I had a visitation from angels who poured light into
my eyes. The light looked like crepuscular rays descending, gently into my eyes, with
twinkling stars as they flowed into my mind like gently flowing water.

From that moment – I was quite able to handle all the horror I could see in the world
and went about my life like I was walking on air where everything radiated warmth –
even though I was living in a dilapidated hotel that was a hazard.

Having spent many years studying business – I had learned, by producing several
formal business plans, how to communicate effectively. I chose the medium of
business plans because they required a specific format which allowed me to present
an understanding of a given market (industry economy etc) and chose to study the
most complex industries the world has – the property development industry – to
ensure a development in prowess in communication.

This meant I had been studying the world and how it operates – even the laws that
surround land – and how the common laws and statute laws worked together and even

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against each other when it came to possession of land: including the history behind
the development of all the laws from feudal times. What I am saying is: I am the type
of person who leaves no stone unturned when I research a given subject – and this is
where things get interesting:

Several years after my visitation – I decided to find out about Yahusha (who I thought
was called Jesus at the time. Jesus is the Greek translation of Yahusha). I remember
the feeling of knowing the Father at this time so well – I felt as if I had neglected
Yahusha: so I decided to get to know Him.

This was some time in 2000 or 2001 and I remember wanting to know:

1) Why I had the visitation?

2) How I could say thank you for the visitation?

I was baptized in a local church – but I drifted away from this church because I felt
something was not right with the church. A few years later a dove (literally) came to
land upon my head when I was working at an archery centre and there were several
people who witnessed this.

It took me eight years and a walk through hell (dangerous situations) to discover why
is because – I am the kind of person who is willing to lay his life down for others –
and this book is the only way I know how to say thank you: other than keeping the
Commandments of God and the faith of the risen Lord: come what may.

In the later years:

By the year 2005 I had published my first book and received a very peculiar visit from
a man who claimed to be working, on a government led project, to survey the eating
habits of the population. Initially I was not interested: but changed my mind when he
said there was ten sterling pounds in it and it was easy to do.

A week or two went by and he called to collect the information. This was when I
discovered, he was not what he claimed to be. While he took notes, I suggested what
he was doing could be viewed as M arxism.

He looked at me and I thought to explain – M arxism is when the government collect

information to ascertain what the population need are whereas Capitalism is when an
entrepreneur produces something and puts it in the market to see if the population
want it or not.

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With this he immediately started talking about blueprints for civilizations and subjects
such as Adam Smith‟s „Wealth of Nations‟ and even Nazism were discuss and this is
when I first became aware of something called Remote Viewing.

This is when he was flowing with information: saying there is a place they know of
that is called „The M agical Kingdom‟ but they do not know how to get in. It was as if
he wanted me to join up in the quest to find a way in but I brought him to a complete
standstill when I said, “You keep saying: „We‟?”

This is when he shrugged off the realization he had not been convincing me the quest
was worthwhile and started talking immediately about Yahusha (who he called Jesus)
with a deep revulsion. I was shocked as he tried desperately to convince me the quest
was worthwhile.

I remember he asked things like, “Do you believe we are born in sin?” but I was not
ready to answer such questions because I had only just started to find out who
Yahusha was. I remember he asked me, “Can‟t you see that Jesus is responsible for
stopping us discovering Remote Viewing which means we were held back for

I replied, “Perhaps He had good cause to do this.”

The man became angered and started telling me, “These four walls are your prison,
even after you have written your third book.”

I enquired about this: third book and he explained I would become a pioneer in human
progress and people would seek my audience all over the world – but I never thought
for one second it would be in a book like the one you are reading now.

I thought it would be a work of fiction, which hinted toward theories that science had
not considered, or something of that nature. I continued writing science fiction with
the intention of using the theme of science to show the world why this heaven and
earth is nothing more than an illusion – and the Kingdom of God (to come) is what is
real. Later, I wrote Kingdom of Truth after realizing how Yahusha manifested the
Name of God – so people can see how the Name of God will be glorified in due time.

Anyway... after meeting this man, I continued to find out all I could about Yahusha
and the more I learned the more I could see the world has been deceived into thinking
He brought us doctrines that allow the world to facilitate hierarchies.

With this, I saw the true scale of horror of satan‟s work and decided to do something
about it – even though I was alone in this quest.

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In the closing years:

I started discussing issues in forums, to hone my skills of communication, and it was

there I discovered no one had the ability to challenge me. Even when many atheists
who were power-drunk with their vain understanding of scripture and often feigned
understanding of science tried to assert their own truths, but I learned to temper this
ability – to be humble before those who are in need of Yahusha to return: so they can
let their hearts open to the truth.

During these times: I learned a valuable lesson that people need to have time to
consider the deeper complexities of the mysteries of God by the gentle guidance of
the Holy Spirit. So I never rose to the challenge of an argument thereafter and simply
offered my blessings instead – and continued to plug the Kingdom of Truth I had
prepared for people.

For the years leading up to the production of this book: I focused my attention on
giving people the courage to hold on to their faith in the risen Lord while I brought
my research into the evil – that exists in this world – to a close.

By now, I was studying the psychological effect on innocence abused to discover the
common denominator between the pagan religions that all share the same theme of
sexual immorality and (often) child sacrifice.

This was a difficult task because it required a st rong character to avoid getting caught
up in the issues surrounding child abuse – that easily incites one to anger. The things I
encountered often upset me but I persevered and was finally able to see how the war
between the seeds is being waged.

Having completed this, satan actively pursued me to try and discredit me: but my
position was secure in Paradise: so there was little for me to be concerned about. The
many visions I received, on Paradise, helped me to remain focused on the task.

This is where you can discover: the process of bringing a person to the full knowledge
of God (judgement) is – by repentance – the way Paradise is created: or… to be more
accurate: the way your home in Paradise will be created. Clearly... satan does not
want the world to know these things: so he sought to discredit me hoping to bring my
credibility and sanity into question.

After the dove landed upon my head – sometime in 2005 – I went into the wilderness
to be tempted of satan: which basically means become vulnerable to satan – and with
each temptation I denied satan – the scripture I had been studying became ever clear.

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This book is the result of my walk with God – and it has been prepared for those who
are interested in seeing scripture from a spiritual point of view. This book concludes
my work and I now seek only to enter into eternal rest with the Father.

The Point (of my testimony) Being:

My testimony shows how I have done my level best to walk in the footsteps of
Yahusha and as such: the Father in heaven has revealed many things to me because I
sought to repent of anything that offends the M ost High.

The important point to keep in mind here is – as you repent (truly let go of your
earthly ways) your home in Paradise takes shape the way a building is made on earth.
Repentance is an arduous process; and requires due diligence and effort to recognise
the things you need to repent of as you learn to walk upright before God.

As you repent and learn the ways of the Lord – which allows the light within to grow
to the point a person becomes whole and ready for the eternal clothing of glory – this
is what happens (in Paradise):

First come the foundations, and your very own private garden paradise – countryside
playa that is like the unspoiled earth – after repenting of breaking any of the minor
Laws of God. Then come the walls, roof, ceiling, windows, doors, stairs, etc. (after
repenting of breaking any of the Ten Commandments of God); then comes the
furnishings (after repenting of breaking the Royal Law) and so on.

Not only is your own home in Paradise created by this means but your own eternal
presence is also made perfect, before the Lord, by this means and this allows the M ost
High to clothe you in glory to eternal life when the time comes.

Then, you only need to continue the process of coming to the full knowledge of God:
to complete your own home (mansion) in Paradise.

...which means you should look introspectively to recognise your own nature and take
measure to ensure you keep the Commandments of God. The M ost High calls this –
taking an axe to the root of evil that is within each one of us from physical birth.

The angels make all these things possible by ministering unto you – the way they
ministered unto Yahusha after He told satan to depart from Him.

As a young adult, I was misunderstood, but I learned how to let people know where I
have come from: and where they can all go if they adopt a faith in the Word of God
and keep His Commandments.

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Even after Yahusha returns... people will still be required to demonstrate a faith which
is how the M ost High comes to know who loves Him. This means the angels will not
be visible during the M illennial Rule of Christ while the anointed Saints minister unto
the world – and this book will help people prepare themselves for this.

The angels (after removing the wicked from the face of the earth) will return to their
place of ministering unto the Children of God and their quiet resolve will be a marvel.

What will Paradise look like?

The mansions in Paradise are surprisingly spartan and of simple design.

There is so much scripture on the many levels of heaven, that lead up to the throne of
God, but; there is a verse in the Hebrew Book of Enoch that tells us Paradise is above
all these levels. 3 Enoch tells us the Heaven and Earth, beneath the throne of God, is
an abyss.

This means the levels are not about hierarchy but protective barriers that ensure the
rebellious angels and unclean spirits cannot pollute the purity of the M ost High.
Paradise is, described in Enoch as being, due west of the throne of God: with many
trees and all manner of plants that have wonderful fragrances.

The trees and plants may or not be symbolic in some way but my visions have shown
there are, indeed, a kind of idyllic paradise, which features unspoiled countryside
lands that offer a place of peace and harmony.

A home has a private paradise of differing design and beauty to other homes (with no
neighbours seen within the paradise lands) which starts at the porch of the home. The
home has a simple two room layout which goes from the porch to a large open area
and then to a large seating area which has a door to the staircase and front door.

The front door leads to a street, which has rows of other homes in terrace and a railing
on the other side of the street – that offers protection from the abyss, which is beyond
this point.

The street appears to be straight but actually runs so far it encompasses the abyss as
though you stood upon the event horizon of a super massive black hole. As you look
across the railing, you see the throne of God is hovering directly above the abyss and
it is as wonderful to look at as all the scripture describes – with sharp crepuscular rays
emanating from a source of light that is amazingly beautiful to watch.

When you look up to see a firmament you realize the light shining from the throne of
God is like the corona of the sun stopping the sky from appearing – even though you

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know, it is there. It a bit like standing at the Niagara Falls resort, on a bright sunny
day. The railing stopping you from falling over the edge and the cascading water
falling over the edge is the event horizon of the great abyss.

M ost who enter into Paradise will never see this cascading event horizon which is
continually sinking into a dark hole (like a torrent) because the great abyss is written
down for destruction. This means the bottomless pit (hole) will be plugged when the
throne of God rises back up from the abyss.

When I say abyss – and describe a sinking hole – I am not referring to a black hole
because a black hole is a phenomena (gravity well) that exists within the great abyss. I
am referring to the whole universe when I say abyss.


In one vision: I saw the throne (which is New Jerusalem) descend into the abyss as the
angels flew out from the throne. I watched, from the street, how it illuminated the
funnel as it descended and came to rest within the abyss with the 144,000 righteous
elect. This was a vision of the day Yahusha returns to earth with all the hosts of
heaven and His saints to usher in the Kingdom of God.

The day this earth and heaven passes away is when the throne of God rises; back up,
to complete the creation and the abyss is severed from beneath the throne. This is
when the meeting place between the street (and homes), and the throne, is created.

Essentially, the Children of God will meet regularly and stand in the place, which was
above the abyss, and marvel at the wonderful glory of God emanating from the throne
and the way the twinkling lights, of all the Children of God, swirl and drift serenely
throughout the throne and meeting area of Paradise.

The home you have in P aradise has a stairs leading to a master bedroom and a visitor
bedroom and a short landing that leads to a corridor that would be over the st reet,
which has room after room for children to grow up and create their own homes.

This corridor is not seen from outside. Each home is in a different dimension to the
place where the throne of God is.

The street only shows the front of the home where there is a door to a separate
dimension – complete with a private Paradise – and if we were to look down upon the
whole street from a great height (a plan view): it would look like the edge of the pupil
of an eye.

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Back in the house, the corridor (leading to the children‟s bedrooms) would be in the
same adjacent place as the street below and there are doors set where the small gates
(in the throne dimension) are to enter the meeting area – outside the throne – in this
(particular) home‟s own dimension.

In this dimension, the children will see the throne of God – but the Children of God
(in other dimensions) would appear as bright twinkles of light – in their own realm.

Essentially, Paradise has many dimensions that overlap each other and each person is
a bright twinkle of light when seen from another dimension. In the same dimension
they see each other as we see each other now – only a whole lot brighter – having the
glory of God as our everlasting countenance.

The three great wonders in Paradise:

The first great wonder is everyone has their own personal Paradise.

The second great wonder is the power of creating children of light.

They learn the ways of the Lord and attain their own everlasting glory (and their own
home in Paradise) – which is then characterized by the way they create and occupy
their own dimensions.

The third great wonder is the way the twinkling of each life can gather in the presence
of the M ost High – and create a marvel of marvels, beyond description.

The homes created by the female children, are given to the Levi tribe, after they marry
and create a whole person (M an). The Levi have their own home in New Jerusalem
but they need the female homes so they can have their own private Paradise – like
everyone else – where their own children can grow unto the glory of the M ost High
and thus creating their own homes in the new dimension of the throne.

This means each child born; will obtain their own home with their own Paradise and
another single level with a corridor which remains within the same area as the street –
but occupies a different dimension: with their own meeting area to see the throne of
God whenever the Children of God are required to meet.

...and residence is for M an (male and female ordained as one by the M ost High).

Thus, every person in Paradise (which is a man and woman as one) will be able to
visit anyone and see the throne of God from any dimension – though I imagine the
M ost High will ask His Children to come to the throne meeting area within their own
level – so each generation are at their own level. The meeting times for the gathering

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of these lights will, most likely, be the same as the festivals established by the M ost
High during the time of M oses.

Will I be alright?

While I was concluding this book – people began asking me: Will I be alright?

The truth is I cannot be sure myself if I will be alright and Yahusha didn‟t know for
certain He would be clothed in the glory of the M ost High: after He was put to death
because He humbly asked the Father to glorify Him when He was in the Garden of

The only thing we can do is:

1) Be grateful Yahusha died so we have the grace to learn the ways of the
2) Learn the ways of the Lord – diligently.
3) Keeping the Commandments of God and the faith of Christ (without fail).

This means we can only become ever confident our love for the Father is in truth and
remain gloriously faithful to His Word – even unto death – with study and repentance.
We manifest the Name of God when we do not lust for power and walk in humility.

This book (and scripture) gives us enough information on death to help us understand
it is more a tool – in the hands of the Lord – than a final element to our existence in
the first instance. The second death is for the people who are complete in their
transgression against the M ost High: so they are the people who wilfully broke the
Laws of God – without a care for the blood of the Lamb of God which was intended
to give grace for the purpose of repentance.

Repentance is the key – because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Learn what God says in scripture (for yourself allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you
to understand how Yahusha manifested the Name of God) and heed His righteous
judgement on what is right and what is wrong so you can be cleansed: by the blood of
Yahusha: and be purified as you overcome in the Name of God.

This process brings you toward a feeling of assurance the Father loves you – and that
love is all you need to live forever – and the relationship you develop with the Holy
Spirit to guide you, in your ways, will also strengthen you in your faith. Yahusha

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marvelled whenever He saw a strong faith in someone (even a centurion) so this is the
thing that gives us, quiet resolve to create our homes in Paradise.

Repent of your faith in the ways of man (pagan beliefs and / or science) and set your
heart toward the M ost High by placing your faith in the Word of God.

How Do I Get Into Paradise?

Essentially… we must accept Yahusha is the Lord because no one comes to the Father
but through Him – which is understandable when you consider the supernatural aspect
of the wonders that are promised mankind.

M en can fight all they want over this property or that possession – but when it comes
down to it – everything depends on having the right attitude: because this heaven and
earth is, written down for destruction and only the words of Yahusha will remain.

His words are those who have overcome in the Name of God: and that means a person
who has been „purified and perfected‟ before the Lord.

Yahusha said we must be pure and perfect if we are to enter into the Kingdom of God
– and this means:

1) Purity of Heart Mind and S oul

To be pure – we must cleanse ourselves from all sexual immorality both

physically and spiritually: which means we must never lust upon another or
hold on to false doctrines that cause us to defile the Name of God.

2) Perfect as the Father in Heaven is Perfect

To be perfect – we must never judge others and even pray for those who
oppress us even unto death: which means we must never lust for authority
or engage in idolatry that causes us to defile the Name of God.

These two (simple) prerequisite characteristics were „personified‟ by the way

Yahusha lived His life – which fulfilled the law (Torah) and was an expression of the

This means we (as Children of Light who are the generation of the Son of Humanity)
are to fulfil the law so that we may receive our garments of glory – just as Yahusha
received His garments of glory: after He fulfilled the law by allowing the spirit of
truth within the Law of God be written upon His heart.

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This (then) brings the Law of God to life and lets the light within shine forever.

II Es dras - Lost Books of the Bible

As the spirit leaves the body to return to him who gave it, first of all it adores the
glory of the Most High.

If it is one of those who have shown scorn and not kept the way of the Most
High, who have despised his laws an d hated those who fear God - such spirits
shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments,
always grieving and sad, in seven way s.

T he First Way: because they have scorned the law of the Most High.

T he Second Way: because they cannot now make good repentance so that they
may live.

T he Third Way: they shall see the reward laid up for those who have entrusted
the covenants of the Most High.

T he Fourth Way: they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last

T he Fifth Way: they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by
angels in profound quiet.

T he Sixth Way: they shall see how some of them will cross over in torments.

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T he Seventh Way: which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned,
because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame,
and wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High in whose presence they
sinned while they were alive, and in whose presence they are to be judged in the
last times.


Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when
they shall be separated from the mortal body.

During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and
withstood danger every hour so that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver
perfectly. T herefore this is the teaching con cerning them: First of all, they shall
see with great joy the glory of him who receives then, for they shall have rest in
seven orders.

T he First Order: because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil
thought that was formed with them, so that it might not lead them astray from life
into death.

T he Second Order: because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the
ungodly wan der and the punishment that awaits them.

T he Third Order: they see the witness that he who formed them bears concerning
them, that throughout their life they kept the law with which they were entrusted.

T he Fourth Order: they understand the rest that they now enjoy, being gathered
into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory
awaiting for them in the last days.

T he Fifth Order: they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible and
shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which
they have been delivered, an d spacio us liberty that they are to receive and enjoy

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in immortality.

T he Sixth Order: when it is shown them how their face is to shine like the sun,
and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from
then on.

T he Seventh Order: which is greater than all t hat have been mentioned, because
they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and
shall be gla d without fear, for they press forward to see the face of him whom
they served in life and from whom they are to receive their rewa rd when

T his is the order of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the previously
mentioned are the ways of torment that those who would not give heed shall
suffer hereafter.

Peace be with you: always. Seláh

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