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Alpha and Omega

Adam and Eve were told they can partake of any tree except the one that has knowledge of good
and knowledge of evil - so we know two things:

1. They had consciousness prior to partaking the forbidden fruit - because they
understood what they were told to avoid.

2. They were allowed to obtain knowledge - because the other trees did not bear
fruit that contained the mixture of lies and truth.

They were (basically) warned to avoid anything that causes delusion - so we know the creator
genuinely cares for His creation. After Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit: they realised
they were naked - which means they became aware they have a defiant attitude toward the creator
(with a sense of vulnerability that took effect) and, thus, felt shame.
This caused consciousness, present in man, to become corrupt which then allowed him to
exploit the opportunity to assert dominion over others he considers inferior. This is why God told
Eve, "Your desire shall be to your husband and he shall 'rule' over you." She was, after all, the
weaker vessel - so she would become subject to the misogynistic attitude of those lacking in

Therefore, it is attitude that has been evolving or devolving through the ages: and consciousness,
being a composite of attitude, has forged institutions that have galvanized class within
hierarchical structure. This situation was exasperated by a class of angels called "the Watchers"
who left their eternal estate to found early civilization and establish religions that exalt their own
interests. These interests include the liberation of lust - where they exist as a demonic possession
in those who embrace the assertion of authority over others.

Their religions depend upon a faith in the mystery, rather than Yahshua, to draw the unsuspecting
into the delusion of thinking hierarchy is a vital component of civilization. For this reason:
secular society cannot function without religion: and, as you should have guessed by now,
religion is not sanctioned by the creator - so we know civilization, past and present, bears no
resemblance to the (prophesied) Kingdom of Heaven.

Yahshua told us not to get angry with another nor lust upon another - because these (attitudes),
being sin in the heart, are the manifestation of one's assertion of authority over others - and sin
(delusion) is when a person seeks to justify wicked behaviour as righteous. Yahshua showed us
the eternal estate is available to those who practice humility - which is to say: the body of flesh,
we have, allows us to develop a faith that facilitates a return to perfection.
The correct attitude will facilitate greater hermeneutic understanding: and this can adjust
conscious awareness - but salvation comes to those who acknowledge the authority of Yahshua
(in faith). He told us to love one another as He loved us - so the Father in Heaven can see He
loves the Father.

Bless The Name

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