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What Is UNEP?

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is a leading international advisory institution on energy, climate
and sustainable development. Its work focuses on assisting developing countries and emerging
economies transition towards:

 more low carbon development paths,

 supports integration of climate-resilience in national development

The Article 6 of the Paris Agreement:

The Article 6 of the Paris Agreement establishes a framework for the cooperation among
countries to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The overall objective of this programme is to support 4 developing countries in building their
capacity to use Article 6 cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC
implementation and ambition raising. This will enable cost-efficient, flexible, high integrity
carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts.

The 4 countries selected for the implementation of the programme are:

 Colombia,
 Pakistan,
 Thailand
 Zambia.

According to UNEP selected countries currently lack the skills and know-how to engage in Article 6
projects and draw carbon finance to achieve their NDCs or increase their ambition. In the short
term, The Article 6 of the Paris Agreement covers following belongings

 stimulate climate mitigation activities,

 Engage governments and private sector in NDC implementation and ambition raising
through the use of A6 cooperative approaches.
 In the medium and long term, the programme expects to contribute to the establishment of
the structures, procedures and regulatory framework in the partner’s countries which is
needed to identify, structure and implement climate programmes independently and with
their own resources.

What is ZTBL Performance in reducing carbon emission?

Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) erstwhile Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP)
is the premier financial institution geared towards the development of agriculture sector through
provision of financial services and technical know-how: ZTBL is playing an important role in
reducing Green House Gas emissions in following ways

 By introducing Green Products (09 products) for farmers such as Happy Seeder, Solar
Dryer, Direct Seeding of rice etc.
 Using own impact reduction strategy ZTBL is going to install renewable energy resource on
his major buildings including Head office, ZTBL Farm, etc.
 Under Planning Research and Training Division, Green Banking Unit is consistently provide
awareness session, training programs, and publishes relevant material for staff, farmers.
 Under Tree plantation campaign 142325, trees has been planted through ZTBL
Zones/Branches to cut down negative impact of climate change
 E-office has been implemented in information System Division ZTBL Head Office in order to
enforce paperless environment.
 Bank is in process of acquiring Video Conferencing solution to promote Virtual
communication ultimately reducing travelling cost and carbon footprints.

Way Forward:

 Avoid travelling By promoting internet base meetings, webinar

 By replacing all old appliance with energy savor lights, AC, Computers etc.
 Promote work from home according to department management
 Farmers can be provided latest tools to calculate carbon emission
 Identification of trees, implements or others useful machinery with pre-defined carbon

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