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IPU Ranklist

Submitted By:
Roll No. 41215002716
Roll No. 02215002716
Roll No. 01415002716


N​EW ​DE​ LHI-110058
IPU Ranklist

The semester wise result that we get on university website is in form of pdf which shows
result of a branch in entire university. The idea is to create a parser that extracts marks of
each student in the pdf and store them in a database. This will help in aggregating each
student’s marks at an application and thus form a rank-list semester wise/college
wise/university wise.


The university/college results are declared in form of marks subject-wise in pdf format. So,
the data from pdf is to be scraped using any programming language. The raw-strings of data
from the pdf has no meaning. To give a meaning to it, a parser has to be designed which will
kill the painful task of aggregating the data object-wise, stream-wise etc. The parsed data, i.e.,
array of objects(students) is then stored in a database from which API call will be made to
show results on UI. Therefore, there two main components in the project for showing the
result – pdf scraper and parser.

● PDF Scraper​: Pdf scraper is a tool that extracts or imports data/information from pdf
document in a local file. PDF.js library in JavaScript is a scraper library that renders
PDF files using the web standards-compliance HTML5 canvas. PDF.js can work as a
part of a website or of a browser. It is also available as a browser extension.

● Parser​: A parser is a compiler/interpreter component that breaks data into smaller

elements for easy translation. In the project, the parser takes the inconsistent data of
pdf scraper page-by-page from PDF and parses into meaningful array of objects, each
object containing data and marks of a student.
Literature survey

After semester exams, we had to calculate our total marks and then percentage from the list in
large pdf result file. Again, it was cumbersome and almost impossible to find one’s
class/branch/university rank just by looking at the pdf file because it contains hundreds of
pages. This brings us to the idea of generating an automated list of marks and ranks of each
student from the pdf file. The main issue again is to bind all kind of data from pdf file, i.e.,
consistent, inconsistent (some pages have fully filled tables, some don’t or some pages
contain only information about subjects not actual marks).

[1] ​In this paper, we describe our experiences using Twitter Bootstrap and Angular JS
frameworks to address this balance between design and implementation, empowering
developers to create better styled and easily maintainable websites.

[2] In this paper, ​we propose a UML profile for AngularJS for building a model of an
AngularJS web application, and a set of transformations that transform the model into a code
template. The developer can then fill in the template to make a complete workable web

[3] says that node.js is one of the more interesting developments recently gaining popularity
in the server-side JavaScript space is Node.js. It's a framework for developing
high-performance, concurrent programs that don't rely on the mainstream multithreading
approach but use asynchronous I/O with an event-driven programming model.

The goal of paper [4] is to capture the essence of TypeScript by giving a precise definition of
this type system on a core set of constructs of the language. JavaScript remains a poor
language for developing and maintaining large applications. TypeScript is an extension of
JavaScript intended to address this deficiency.

The paper discussed in [5] shows the variation in the performance along with the change in
the modeling style with reference to normalization and embedding and it gives the base to
find the extent of normalization and embedding for reducing query execution time.
In paper [6], the characteristics of the data logic model of NoSQL database MongoDB and
the mode design principles were analyzed, then a method based on anti-normal form model
was proposed.

Objective of IPU Ranklist is to create a minimalist result website where students can see their
subject-wise marks, total marks, class-wise rank and percentage. It would save a lot of time
for students as well as teachers to account their class results.

What is included in the project?

● PDF Scraper(PDF.js)
● Parser

● MongoDB

● Web Application

o Angular​: ​It i​s a ​TypeScript​-based ​open-source​ ​web application framework​ led

by the Angular Team at ​Google​ and by a community of individuals and
corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that
built ​AngularJS​.
1. Two-way data binding
2. Directives
3. Dependency Injection
o NodeJS: ​It ​is an ​open-source​, ​cross-platform​, ​JavaScript​ runtime environment
that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js lets developers use
JavaScript to write command line tools and for ​server-side scripting​—running
scripts server-side to produce ​dynamic web page​ content before the page is
sent to the user's web browser.
1. Easy scalability
2. Higher performance
3. Extended support
Gantt Chart

Objective Objective Time


1. Planning phase (workflow of collection of data from PDF ) 10% 1 week

2. Implementing scraping mechanism on PDF 25% 3 week

3. Creating a parser algorithm and implementing it 25% 5 week

4. Integrating parser and showing results with a basic UI 15% 6 week

5. Designing dynamic web-app as a whole 30% 8 week


[1] ​Sneha Ambulkar, Pushpanjali M.Chaouragade, “Angular JS”, International Journal of

Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2016.

[2] ​Wutthichai Chansuwath, ​Twittie Senivongse​, “​A model-driven development of web

applications using AngularJS framework​”, ​IEEE/ACIS 15th International Conference on
Computer and Information Science (ICIS)​, 2016.

[3] ​Stefan Tilkov ​; ​Steve Vinoski​, “​Node.js: Using JavaScript to Build High-Performance
Network Programs​”, ​ ​IEEE Internet Computing​ , Volume: 14 , ​Issue 6​ , Nov-Dec 2010.

[4] ​Saptarshi Bhattacharyya​, ​Asoke Nath​, “Application of TypeScript Language: A Brief

Overview”, ​International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering​, Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016.

[5] ​Anuradha Kanade ; ​Arpita Gopal ​; Shantanu Kanade, “​A study of normalization and
embedding in MongoDB​”, ​IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, 2014.

[6] ​Yunhua Gu ​; ​Shu Shen ​; ​Jin Wang ​; ​Jeong-Uk Kim​, “​Application of NoSQL database
MongoDB​”, ​ IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, 2015.

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