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(1)Arithmetic 4 is a universal science. All of

the mathematics is universal. Everywhere in the
world people add, subtract, multiply, and divide. To
buy or sell anything, you 5 to add and
subtract. You just add the prices and subtract the
total from money given, the difference is the
Most money system – the dollar, the peso, the
peseta, etc. – use the decimal system. It is easy
to add, subtract, multiply, and divide 6 based on the decimal system. The dollar equals ten
dimes; the dime equals ten cents; one hundred cents equal the dollar. The dollar also equals two
half-dollars (worth fifty cents each), four quarters (worth twenty five cents each), or twenty nickels
(worth five cents each). Arithmetic is the same everywhere, but the way people add, subtract,
multiply, and divide may be different. Some use their fingers to add. Some use written numbers and
symbols such as + (plus). – (minus) X (times), divided by) and = (equals), many use adding
machines and computers,

1. Why is arithmetic universal?

A. It is universal because it is a science.
B. It is universal because everywhere in the world people add, subtract, multiply and divide.
C. It is universal because you can add in the world.
D. Arithmetic doesn’t universal.

2. How do some people solve add problems?

A. They use numbers.
B. They use theirs fingers to add.
C. Some don’t make add.
D. Some people use the plus symbol.

3. The text is about

A. Add and prices.
B. Arithmetic as universal science.
C. Decimal system.
D. Money system.

En el texto hay espacios, señale la respuesta que corresponda a cada número.

4. A- Are B- Is C- his D- Her

5. A- has B- have C- is D- do

6. A- Food B- Money C- Paper D- Water

Complete el siguiente diálogo con las opciones que se le dan en cada numeral.
Edith: What foods do you like (7) eat?
Mary: I like meat and I (8) fish too.
Edith: And what (9) do you and bill like?
Frank: We like hamburgers, but we (10) like dogs.
I don’t like fish, and bill doesn’t either

A. for B. to
C. in D. with

A. don’t like B. like
C. fish D. want

A. meat B. foods
C. dish D. plates

A. do B. don’t
C. isn’t D. the street

Escoge adecuadamente el sitio donde podrían aparecer los siguientes avisos.

11. Don’t eat here

A. The table B. The class room
C. The park D. The street

12. Don’t smoke

A. The park B. The hospital
C. The garden D. The party

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